West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1898, p. 12

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3:331:13"; 15.7" .;,- maxgggg; uyly to GEO. l!1.\U, Durham uuc 6. m tf GOOD ROUGH CAST HOUSE Fre roam, on Garafraxa St. Hal an acre of ground. {tr-ad stable. oppmite tlu old Cattle-yxd Ilutd. Al-‘o a gov-d com Mable wince un Counteea Street West Ive rooms. stune cellar, first class water stable. half an acre of land. small orchard etc. Willreut or sellon my terms. F01 lather particulars applv to 630. MIGHTOX. April 13th. Durham. P O ARM FOR SALE. BEING LOTS 8 COX 21 EGREMOXT, AND 3 O) Toma-ion 4. S. D. R. Glenelg. Lot i consist:- of 100 acres. £0 acres cleared, wel uttered mall fenced. free from same, 3 ..-ru 6: to run machinery over. Gr-od lug! {nut house, bank barn, mall orchard. con veal-mt to school. 7 miles from Durham Lot 3 Blanch; coming a! 54 um. 30 cleared hum hudwoul bush. Clear title. Wil. 3e an on my terms. For further panic". If! ODDIY on the Dremiras to Juzlx “'ulr IITGGIES.-I carry {u}! lines of the; uses nodniug but :he most. modern 'l‘uduope and .‘IrLaugMiu Buggies. ‘ “I! ‘l. ° . . 9. ° Democrats. (grow 5“:- ghost- are bought: d letdmg 35 stems Iu 01”.}an ,5 3a hrs! mantles. trexght saved. and can he a cheap. ll? you are in need ufa Plow. Harrow. Gang “0'0, numbing etc 3., this 13m. bei style, and on the shortest notice email 6“. ’ muruoxosmlec sacrum? ‘ . always hum-k and. the best makes of f hfndi and pedups 3 on ml! be MASS nu. .mvu I IV “\Id.‘ Rt 3) and 05:3 in. an»: on your own terms of refuynent. “SURANCE promptiy attended to. “3m of Harriage Limeses. ' OFFICE l WAREROOMS, HONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 5% 3': i ll' 4 ARM FOR SALE. BEING LOTS - 8 COX 21 EGREMUNT, AND 3 OX Concessim 4. S. U. R. Gleuelg. Lot 8 «cu-i519 of 10) acxes. £0 acres dented. well watered well fenced. free from stone. 8) -cres fit to run machinery over. (had large 'sncx house, bank barn, small orchard. con “mien: to school. 7 miles from Durham Lot 3 Ukuelg consists. 0f 54 acres: ii) Clea rPd ”knee hudwmd bibh. Ciear tide. Will he mm on (say terms. For further panic-u- hrs .pply on the pgemires to Juiix er- unna’ Drama. P SPRING 81 SU MB NY Waretooms are fully stocked with all kinds of IASSEY . HARRIS IMPLEMENTS -m--- â€"- -- o'.V"VIt‘ ubi‘l’. fies. Sp‘é‘??$¢ Harnfim, kc. Thee are the bed machines you 8:" buy uzd me made by a reliable Firm. "AGOXS.-â€".-{ car loan] of Adauu': an acre of ground. gnod stable. opp-Jake flu old Cattle-y..rd Ilutd. Aim 3 gar-d com tunable cottage on Countea Street West Ive rooms. «st-me cellar, first class water Nauguhglf an acre of land. small orchard “3hr aid eééryc mmeniencx (3 carter (1 an acre of land. good murdez. bearing fruit trees. etc. Rem reaso: able 02‘ “ii! so“ at: brain on easy terms offavmem. Posse:- siuu gixeu July] 1st. rdner particulars appl) to _ _ GEO. “151}? Durham. BOI‘sE. {rune stalgle and good 10:. at Alla}: Park. Must mm (In: away If I can I sell or trade it 08'. Boas CHOICE “A xovsn PROPERTIES for Sale or to exchange for 1'er property. 2.1032? AT :3 PEI: cur. FIRE. Marine. Life and Accident Insurance. Soles an] At‘t‘uunts‘ (.'«.»llec:al. Ocean R.. Beutinck, will be sold for little more than Llr. Teasdale paid for it. and since then 1 91000 brick dweiling has been built and other improvements made. lumen FAR): at Lamladu. Tp p. of Pen- thick “named less fir-1b.“) 3 acres mld 0d: dose to LamlaJi \i. use: well improved: will sell at a gym: btrgain or trade. Aim ACRE FAR)! in zmd settlement in bentiuck fur, :ay $600. fihuald bring TEA SBA LE FARM : L tow is the Time to Buy ! i Merit Wins Success. is WITH YgHEAT “£33. For Sale or To Rent. Importer ofanzl Dealerin [jmn mu SALE.‘”1-;EING’L6T- Swedish. Scotch Canadian Apr. 9th. ".8 “'an anivethk \tae3:. Po? an easy running, “3““ finished Wanna msthing can excel we» wagms. GGIBS.â€"I an: full line: of Hm Lucjnding Biudgs. _ Mgwers. Usilh 64. Can. 3. W. G. R., Bentiuck. one and :1! mile; from Durham. containiu 1CD ex. 75 acted dean-d, balance amend find. 10 Mariner--41 spring creek :weil watered. ali frame barn. An A 1 grain and stuck m. in fluid state of cultivatim. Grew d crops during the recent dry years. Agnes an! Arw Ticket-s turfale. )ez'er negligent HAT SPLENDID 8 RC’OMED BRICK RB‘IDEXLE om Br !c« «we: turms high. Na d and wf’. .':\ ’er g; u} STRAT FORD, 031', i This School does first clue: work in every department and enjoys a large patronage. A Caamercial School of the high- grade-none better in Can- mh. Students can enter at any time. Catalogues free It 5794 want tu bay either a farm or vil- lage ptrupertyull on H, H. MILLER, The Hanover Canveyancer. He has the following places which for speci- ul reasons must be sold at once at any Immutable mice that may be ofl'ered : And other grains and produce following Land )1 CST mum in price. so that GOOD ROUGH CAST HOUSE W. CALDER, H - H - M I L- L E R , The Hanover Conveyance: GOODS. CARDS. ms, on Garafraxa St. Half IPIANOS. igwd mudeu. begging fruifl w um xuuukz‘r Axo leMBERS 0 It reasongble or u ill $911 at 1} THE D1 33A” FIRE BRIGADE: If 'iz'dzi't'iir'fiix i’fi'i.’ “’ DURHA! ALWA rs PROMPT. y be ofl'ered : ' 7!, can. 2. \V. G. with ur {’osseso; mmmxm â€"I SIXCERELY anzcnlarei ”MN“ m Thank}ou fir 30m bra e and un- Price, naite the l with 15' to I OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. ; coxverxcnn. fcomussroxmin H. C J. Collections - promptly artended to. ? LOANS and Insurance effected without de- ’ lay. Company and Frigate Funds to Loan ’ n 5, 54; and 6 Der ceqt. m sums and upon terms to suzt borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE] door North of S. Scott's Store. July 5th L‘ Merchants in Durham and elsewhere. that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any person or persons, uulas on my verbal order. HENRY KENNEDY. JAS. #ALLAN, Mop uments Repaired and Momma}: BLOCK, flint-hung cunduct in striving to rescue my roperty tram destruction by fire 0215 Tues- Say hst. July 12m. You earned and de- served all the praise that was accorded you. but nune feels that touch of human sym- p..thy mo-e than myself. Yours sit‘tcerely, CORBETT.â€"In Oakrille on Wednesday July 6th, to Mnand Mrs. Alfred Corbett. ason. Who has had considerable practical experience in large ci'y shops and uses nodniug but the mostâ€" modern and letdiug systems in cutting, ' cum prising Scotch. American and Canadian Granite and Marble. 2’0 5 di-count on Mar- ble. No Agents commission. All work warranted. Raiivsay fare ailmved purchas- ers who call at the Shop. To CAP. TORREY AND MEMBERS OF S. S. No. 3. Sr. 111 to IV.â€"Jenny Derby. Jr. 111. to Sr. [ILâ€"George Leggette. Mary Coutts. Sr. 11. to Jr. m.â€"Laura Hill, Willie Derby, Lizzie Courts; Willie Edmunds. Hat- tie Lawrence. Josephine Lindsay. JULIA WEIR. Teacher. \V1’1.MCCALMON, MARINE and GRAHETE DEMEH, OF MOUNT FUREST. writes: Sand II. 12 doien mom of Ag- now’s Ointment. I prescribe large quan- tines of It. It is a wonder worker in skin discus” and a great care {or piles. -:3. For Sale bv )IcFarlane C0. PH... whether Itching. blind 0v weeping. m relieved by on. applmtion of KUTIEE TU MEREHANTS. Durham, July 13th, PROMOTION E XAHIFAIICHS. Gianna and Marble Work OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO Inscriptions Cut 01â€"1 Shortest No- tice. AS THE LARGEST STOCK I.\' 4031\qu TO SELECT FROM. A Card of Thanks. R. “T. GARDIXER, . X... MaCKENZXE, OF ALL KI 12D. Artistic BORN. L 1138111: SMITH. .‘00 will be P on a trip. a your order DURHAM. is Rev Mr. Burns c. pithy. brief, oxten into which 1m on words. a vast amm pathos and loyalty. Rev.Mr. Ferguson was the next speaker and for about half an hour the vaSt audience was held Spell bound by the loyal utterances of the Rev. gentleman, who though not an orangeman himself, thought he was fully saturated with the principlts of Orangeism, in being a true protes- tant. Reference was made to the greatness of England. the universal character of the English Language, as the general language of com- merce, the civilizing and chriStian- izing influence exerted by the British nation, and the fidelity of all when brought under the power of British influence. The Independence and annexation cries of al'ew years ago are now list in a greater desire for a unity of the Empire. The address was tho oughly patriotic, logical. in~ teresting and enthusiastic. Rev. Mr. Ryan was the next speak- er and though he did not say so, his remarks would lead one to conclude that he was one of the brethren. He l8 3. firm believer in the principles of Orangeism, its creed being in accord- ance wzth the settlement of the Reâ€" formation, and its politics a devoted loyalty to the Empire. He saw no reason why the parades and flags shouldbeat alloffe ' ° a portrait of the. Queen and a portrait of Wm III.‘ thing ofiensive in that, he thought. Nor to him did t hese seem any reason why the parts tunes should give ofience. l “0‘1 ‘0 ”"3 ”maples OI “mum“: 3on the way to decay. The attendance Q . ° ' 00. mm. and show his colors in the o imay not have been as large as that of ward march Of freedom. . 3 last year. but for that there are a few VP ‘0 “we 0’ Clock “Ugh”? “83 causes for which the picnic was not quiet. then the sound 0f the distantgin anyway responsibile, notably in drum announced the approach of, the vicinitv of Top Clifle and Balsam some 0f the‘out‘lylug lodges, “id theN'alley whhse jolly crowds of men "Home image" marshalled the”. for- i and maidens were much missed. The C95 {0 give them a loyal welcome to : raising of MeCuaig's huge barn kept ‘he freedom °f the town. 3 them away and Mr. McCuaig and his A number Of IOdRGS having arrived ‘ men now wish they had taken in the all paraded ‘0 the station W meet a : picnic, for they would be just as far special train of seven coaches. packed § ahead. The music for the platform with brethren from Mt. Forest. Holfl was given by the McDonald 31-03,, Stein and 11130.? other Willis south.fand heavy indeed must be the heel when all again, feleOICed by the i that that music would not have made southern contingent. marched thro’. lighter. It might be said of it that, some of me principal Streets. and to!i “It made b0mg dance who never the {0121‘ LOIGIS, where the cravings; danced before, and those who always of the inner man were fully satished. ; danced to dance the more.” The ()wing to an unexpected part of 3 strains of the bagpipes stirred those the pro-gram, caused by the burning: who can proudly boast of having of Mr. Charter Smith’s Foundry, the T Highland blood in their veins Many afternoon arrangements were some-igrey heads drew near and as they what delayed, and it was not tillilistened to those familiar airs. They after 2 p, m. that the {c.rces were ! thought of their boyhood and girl- formed up for the afternoon parade? hood days among the hens and glens through the Streets, and to the Speak- 3 of Scotland. The dancing of Eugene ing platform on the “ Crescent.” i McKechnie plainly showed that About 2:30 the chair was taken bv 3 neither the weight Of years nor of County Master, Mr. 'lhos.McFaddehi1°°g boots can hold ‘ highlander a ho after a few preliminary remarks l down when the pipes are playing. called upon HayorCalder, who sur-iThe program platform was “so a passed himself in his eloquent address success. 0“ account 0‘ “Ck 0‘ time of welcome, expressive of his high not more than half the 9’03"“) was esteem for crangemen. and hopesirendered. l‘he chair was occupied thy Mr. John Mofiat who knows just return to Durham.“ i what order to take to make every- Owing to an unexpected part of the pxot, ram, caused by the burning of Air. Charter Smith’s Fouudrv the afternoon arrangements were some- what delayed, and it was not till after 2p. m. that the forces were formed up for the afternoon parade through the streets, and to the Speak- ing platform on the " Crescent.” A number of lodges having arrived all paraded to the station to meet a special train of seven coaches, packed with brethren from Mt. Forest. Hol- stein and many other points south, when all again, reinforced by the southern contingent, marched thro’ some of me principal Streets. and to the {our hotels, where the cravings of the inner man were fully satisfied. l'p to nine o’ clock everythitg wag quiet, then the sound of the distant} drum announced the approach of; some of the outlying lodges, and the "Home Lo ége” marshalled their for-3' ces to give them a loyal welcome tof the freedom of the town. ‘ . -Dv‘v'â€"â€"-___â€"â€"- The day broke beautifully, clear, bright, cool and invitingâ€"a fittinfl prelude to the «lay on which true Orangeman feels it a duty to demon- strate religiously his sincere devo- tion to the principles oi Protestant- ism: and show his colors in the one ward march of freedom. Orangeism still lives and on the 1- of July can show suficient activity to prove conclusively that the death rattle of the society is not yet in hearing distance. Men of every na- tionalitv, every rank and station in life. and every division of Pratest- autistu are found amongst its mem- bers. The Institution, today, though almost wholly divested of prejudice and bitotry stands firmly on the solid rock of Eternal Truth and band. ed together to uphold the principles of Protestantism. Not since 1892 has there been an Orgnge celebrotion in Durham, tn- til Tnesdey last the town was again invaded and the loyal struns of file and drum, Band music galore, hun- dreds of Orsngemen and Orange Young Britons and thousands of spectators, demonstrated the life. energy and push of an organization. whose tradncers would long since wish to see relegated to the shades of oblivion. and not among the Opponents of the Protestant faith D.-e nn' Arthur’s Corners Conn Cedan‘ille Y°m‘8 Britons (Conn) n“ lifllfl Irns cf Corinth gtve a oxtemperanoous speech [:0 crowded, in a few amnuut of wit, humor, "1““- 13a portrait of the >rtrait of Wm III. nothing oflensive in t. Nor to him did reason why the party Land wan in attend day and rendered 119?. 8'51 936 - In the afternoon of Wednesday of l last week Edge Hill held its usual though 4 annual gala day and pic-nic. The 'ejudice L weather was all that could be desired 3n the , and the woods which had borne many d band~ evidences of the ravages of the tent angplesfcaterpillars a week or two ago. had 3 again come out in leaf and so afforded clear, f shade to the many hundred picnick- fitting 3 ers who came to Edge Hill to have a r}, true 3 day’s fun as has been their custom demon- for many years. Like good wine , devo- : this famed picnic improves with age, numb: nor are their any evidences that it is f To all who find them‘olves with health gradually slipping away, Kidneys and liver sodisorganinad that thew are inap- able of keeping the sys-tem free from pfiison- ous waste material. stomach Disordered. Borgia Caistipatal, Head Aguilar. [fuck own. For eatables there was plenty and to spare of the very best that town and country can produce. The ladies deserve Special praise for the manner in which they prepared for so huge a picnic as this, and the orderly way in which everything was done. The tea was good, so very good that Messrs. Thos Greenwood and Ro'-t. Edge have made a name for themselves as tea-makers. The tables were neatly arranged and sur- rounded by a handsome piece of wire fencing put up by Hugh Firth, who is an expert at the business. Mr. Dan. McDonald kindly gave an ex~ hihition of his skill and strength in putting the stone. Besides being n good musician Dan. holds more than putting the stone and tossing the gems and sports and dancing kept going briskly until the shades of evening drew on and then the crowds began facing for home, having spent another happv day in down when the pipes are playing. The program platform was also a success. On account of lack of time not more than half the program was rendered. The chair was occupied by Mr. John Mofiat who knows just what order to take to make every- thing go 05 nicely. Among the speakers may be mentioned the names of Messrs. C. Rainage of the Review, W. Irwin of the Cnnoxm, Chris. Williams, James Staples, Jos. Firth, jr.. and Pythagoras Thihadeau. Among the singers Mr. Sam. Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Falkingham, Dan. Dunsmoor. Sandy Clark and others. The tent did a booming trade and I. Firth. C. H. Mofl’at and Guy Williams did their work well. Joe. Firth, jr.. had a fatherly oversight over them for a little while. but only foralittle while as he soon saw the right boys were in the right place. The child- ren enjoyed themselves immensely and had games and sports of their Mr. Reddich. a gentleman 84yurs of age and an Orangeman for 66 years was present on the 12th and took part in the demonstration. ville. but as both came by Mt. Forest the $10 prize was awarded Cedarville. 2. Best regdi. MchrIen's lodge m7 3. Coming greatest distance Cedu'villo 1258 4. Best Lodge 0. Y. B. Conn M). 4’ EDGE Glouclg 1192 '10: We have Three Months ofStraw flat Weather ahead of us yet. These are 311 new 1.: and are cheap at 1:. prices. Any of om LIL! ies . :mw Sailor Hats, or an‘ ;»I our Cilildren's Sailor Hats. :11 the Cost Price. As we find rather an overstrk 0:1 11 13d. We take this means of clear- ng them out. ladies’ Sailor Hats This is to certify that I in bed the most of the 12:26 mm with kidney disease several boxes of pillsâ€"Cup.- â€"and a. great. man: ("r-a: patent medicines. besides v. under treatment by fc-. .iii tor: during the time an; r. work. I began to t2}:;1 Kidney-Liver Pins. ani .9.“- have been “orking em. 3 La 0, man neat-15.0 was 5’ Chase's Kidney-Liter Pi: it the Kidneys are :(t in a pert: clean and healthy 001103.. the ‘2} becomes impregnated mt: minty. ad a decay of the K32. i;s 5 takes place. Bright's L >‘-..S~r 1 betes, Gravel, Stcne 2n the - ’ Inflnmmatlon of the 813':‘-‘?T. '? long list of Kidney disiases seated, and sooner or 131.2: er Tr. nuances end [31311) Dr. CE; Kidney-Liver Pills cure all Kr? troubles. RIC! by all dealers, I OI. b. a. on»: 5. Adam» on Gun»... mnzmcfi 90070“ FA". WHEN "I! PHYNCLAN CUR“. THREE YEARS I}; BE Prom Kidney Diseaseâ€"Although [an of Three-Sacra and Ten. Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liv r Pills Gave Em Back Perfect Health. YOU CAN BUY B" a barrel 3. A. Hunter’s. do so. In white and Black that were 23C»? Ltdies' Sail: rs that were 40c. Indies‘ Sailors than. were 720. Remember per O-Qt%-c JAMES Lc1:-1P:.” Newcomb -lilis .- disease. I took zineâ€"different km my other kinds of beefides that I was r {our diterem doc- ne and not able to > take Dr. Chase's and since that time every day although years of age. Dr. ver Pins have euro [ES SIMPSON. e K‘d £635 an a Disease. Dia- :2: the E‘sadder. Bladder. and I diseases become later in so many Dr. Chase: are all Kidney {TOUd-go writ ,lizll‘ :1 ice aldwxwiegmt that Mr, (£90. Eng-E..- .0 has been laid Hh CI The British Hotel Licen came up {or hearing on M< ”on the Judge in OWN Decision reserved for ten 1" RED Cross Dysentery C. {0.113 to_cur¢ diarrhoea or In. Robt Cook. of Pies tion, purchued a car L cutle on Stturday last In 5. Hunter hero. It you haven't paid ya slip in and give us a do! We need money NOW. 2,000 yards 12fic. Print 8c. a ynrd. all in 10 yard A. Hunter’s. â€"Bicycies repaired, a of Bicycle Sundries at L Printer Wanted-«One experience. This Office. To Rentâ€"Dwelling to W. L. MacKenzie. The examinaticn wa for Dominic Mills. “fl. Miller of PURE Spices and \‘s F‘rlnno’e Drug Store. The binders have b Crops are reported g0 VOLUM your CASH for Butter at J Delightful weather Wu Tuesday Fair Erlukie LOCAL N Aberdee.

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