: Cures â€" DOT} 6‘8??- the J humanity. a apecidt f. anteâ€"tava'nd doses-1pm! In! '0. Whether an inventmn b I. Communications atticâ€! â€" -A...‘ â€"â€"I.Imvt I doses always we:- fails to cure. ' valuable medic m . old.†"II. alter-c: 3V0 _ a DROPPING D018. ice and Incubation mnteeé. REAL and FEED modern Stand. Family Medi. '0 MEEREBAN. OLES A N D LAT†on hard. MCKECPX. h 80 YEA‘S’ IXPIRIIIO‘: peci man ( not. free. ared to (in all kinds m work. CT TEA NT ’0 _ Tm: Tu cur :1.†Him: a c r11ml): mm. 953mâ€, COPVRICHTS ac: East. Sew} i'Otk. an invemwu '- minus W†Turin! F939!" câ€3i: â€~â€" UI’I’I'III TOWN ---- iMMMENI WAREHUDMS O ;‘ 3.2; .I .. l: . : 5i ' ‘3 4.2":3': ;;“‘ 6,;th . â€9135:: Sun: An Extra Large Ship- ment of Cream Cans and Watering- Pots just to hand. (all and I Inspect Our Stuck. W [MK I i I “Aï¬ï¬ckiï¬ï¬adï¬â€˜s Dul'531930f all kinds of Tools has flu exceeded U,“ expectation this season .ULCHIM II 11 \0813 Tools, M “e hm 0 been obliged pbni Im'gvh again. + We hme just Opened mm: Assonmem of.) a ;.;\"1‘HES. CLOTHES HORSES, gNATHS, CLOTHES WRING’RS, CmDLI-ZS. CARPET Swat-mans, 1 HAY FORKS, LEATHER 851mm, HOES. PACKING, 593038. SI’RIXG WIRE, ' SHOVELS. FENCE Wt“, Hmm Mm‘s, EGG CARRIERS, mum's Gums, WmPs, Em, 6 Trial Wm convince you â€have openel Up a Laundry in ham, I he; to announce that I ‘:reparo.1 to do all kinds of Gent’s, Ees'. MN “01150th Laundryinx :3 very Lowest lattes. DBERING BINDERS and Mow- erle‘he best in the world- MAXWELL Binders, Mom!"I and Horse Rakes. PLOUï¬HS of various kinds. Turnip SOWQI‘S, Scuï¬lers and ! ‘ ad farm Implements. 87031194 large smck of Me- §;1“".‘"S famous Model Cook. "38 Stoves. Fancy Parlor E‘Oves, BOX Stoves. Coal Wink of a law WAH LEE, ew Chinese All Clo t L hes Washed by Hand. 't., Durham. 01111 James Carson’s. Laundry. 'illiams Sewing Machine! IANOS and Organs. 9“. -~ UPPER WW†Gods! prices that we will clear out the bal- ance of our Ladies’ Sailor Hats and Men’s Fine Straw at the fol- lowing Low Prices: Ladies’ Sailors that were 750 for 609. LOWER TOWN 'Phg'chegpgst _way to remit Men’s Straw Hats, were $1 for Also maker and dealer in all kinds of pumps, especially 'the famous I. X. L. Honor Dealing, which eclipses anything hitherw in the market. BLOUSE SETS; The Place to get them is NEXT THE BANK, Lower Town. We have them in all Styles ....,.........-35, and. we. a'yd. Double fold Cashmere (black only) 1261:" Challiss, in dark colors only, ........ . ALL GUARAN- OUR PRINTS ARE .nn‘an n t u'l‘ Pliljikh Lace Curtains- Miscellaneous _____ Large white Connterpanes, worth 31.50 for 31.“). Large wlnte all linen Table Covers, worth 81.75 for 81.40. Table 0". CLOTHS in white and col- ors. 45 ins. wide, 250. yd. Men’s ‘10? SHIRTS from 25.3. up. ‘ OXFORD SHOES before buying They (cant be beat Best Ladim’ Shoe Dressing 10 and we a bottle, regular 15 and 259. lTuble Sets (q: 350. set. . ‘rnit Bowls, 20c. ea. Nappies to match, 600. a dozen. \Vllips at all price . ' SALADA CEYLON TEA @ 9.5. 210 and 400 DURHAM. OUR CURTAINS ALL EDGES. And a Lot We Are Jobbing off at Present. (l It l‘ â€"â€"â€"- Money 33 by Dominic!) Expresâ€"e Order. For sale here. and Prices from 25c Call and see them. 3-} 0‘ l8 H 6‘ 5t W. A. MacFAHLANL (C .ï¬ â€˜6 H H 6‘ 6‘ H H ‘6 H 250 “ 50c. 40c. pair- 750. 400 . to $4.00. DURHAM. H H ‘6 400. 60c 3:20. Misses Alice, Jessie and Ruth John- ston, of Durham, and Miss Mary Watt, late of the 800, were visiting for a few days with Mr. Peter Reid. Sta, lately. Master Milford Amos, of Mt. For- est, is spending a fortnight with his grand parents. Miss Sarah Deane: who for some weeks has been spending her vaca- tion with her uncle Henry, returned to Toronto last week. Mrs. Lindsay, of Glenelg, was via iting fora. few days at Mr. John Allanfls Mrs. Peter Brown, of Holstein was visiting for a few days at Mr. Wm. Hunter’s. The handsome young blacksmith of Orchard, Mr. Walter Loathian, was out on a very: pleasantzhunting trip lately. By the pleasant smile he were we expect him back in a week or two. Mrs. John Whitmore and her daughter, Miss Mary Ann. left on Monday week for Manitoba where they will meet with many friends and relatives. We hope the young lady’s healthnvhioh has been poor, may be improved by the change. If our conduct at the clinch-school did not suit the Corner scribe we can’t help it now. \Ve will know better than try to follow his example again. A hog thatChas. Grey, of the Cor- ners. purchased from Jas. Geddes dropped dead on the way home with the heat. ' Misses Mary and Maggie Coleridge. of Walters Fall, were the guests of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Coleridge for a week recently. Misses Elizabeth and Alice Law- rence are home on a. visit from To- ronto. The young maic’s can look out now. Joe. Lawrence has got his wedding suit. Mr John \Vilson, sr., while work- ing the stable fell and hurt his leg which will lay him 03 work for some time. The kind hearted neighbors made a bee to hoe his turnips and had a dance at night. James Boak has purchased a new shot gun. Cuba soon. We expect he’ll be 03 to Mr. Leggette, of Buffalo, visited friends around the Camera lately. Come again. Mrs. D. Campbell is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John McKinnon, at present. Miss Annie Cushnie. of Flesherton Station. is visiting her brother, Mr. G. Cushnie, of Dromore, and many other friends in these parts. a... ueu. wuson- warmed up his steam thresher the other night. A pioenic party from Kncx church, Normmby, spent an enjoyal 1e time at the Lake on Friday. On Wednesday. 27th inst.. Mr. J. G. Johnston was married to Miss Ella Reid of the 16th con. _ We wish them much happiness. Mr. Fred. Hargrave has been very poorly of late. We hope he will be all right. soon. Mr. Grant. McComb, of Bunessan is spending a few dms “ich his cousin Mr. D. \JcKinnon. Harvest has started around here. therefore all are busy. No time for play now. WILII I‘lu 'v-‘, main in Egremont in future. Rain is very mucn neeueu. “u, pasture is short and the cows are failing in milk. The farmers are busy cutting the fall wheat and report good craps gen- erally. Other crops are needing rain which appears to have passed to the north and south of us. Fruit. which promised-W6“ is also suï¬ering for rain. II" n ‘ ' _ _ 1‘ â€"--n \Ve are glad toistateï¬hat Miss M McLeod is on the sure road to re- covery from her recent illness. Mrs Dr. Hutton. of P1iceviile, and Mrs. W1ight. of Hamilton, visited friends heie last week Miss Mary Calvert is away visiting her friends in the west. She praises the scenery on the way and is well pleesed with that country. Mr. \Vm. Brown. of our town. has returned from a three months’ trip to the Canadian N. “7., well pleased with his trip, but‘rnor'e pleased to re. Mt. “OI ‘llflll , VLu‘v--_ -__ inery tot hi5 shop ~and some now much . ht and day. Mr. Gem Wilson warmed u steam thresher the other night Messrs .{ohn McMZeken and Lennox vmtedNarkdule friend FAIRWELL CORNERS. turday M". H. Caldwell was r the arrival of a. young LAKE VIEW ORCHARD. much needed. The and the cows are purchased “r: Durham. Mr. Robert Gardiner, daughter of Mr. Malcolm McGillivray has taken a month to visit her friends and rel- atives before returning to her home in Toronto. Dr. Black, of Paisley. has been in New York taking a special course in the best hospitals of that city. On his way home he spent a day or two among hisold neighbors near Bunes- san school. They were glad to see him and to ï¬nd him the same genial, good hearted fellow he was in young- er days. Miss Jennie Black, of Inglewood, is having a pleasant time among the McArthur families on the Durham Road. Miss Mary McInnes,_ daughter of Mr. John McInnes of Cheboygan, is spending a few weeks at. the McIn- nes homestead,â€"the Bunessan of old. Master Thos. Gray Wilson, of To- ronto is enjoying country sights and sounds at the home of his uncle, the ._ - Not only from city and town are visitors to bonnie Bunessan, but also from country places. Among the latter may be mentioned Mrs. Don- ald Clark and her son, Alex., who came from Manitoulin Ialand to visit friends in Bentinck and Glenelgo While here they spent the most of their time at the home of their cous- in, Mr. John McDonald She considers that our roads in Glen- elg are much better than is generally supposed for the bicycle; though scarcely as gqod as they are around Chesley. Master Thos. Gray Wilson, of ronto is enjoying country sights sounds at the home of his uncle, worthv postmaster of Bunessan. - Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Alex. McDonald and Mr. James McDonald, of Balsam Valley sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. William Fallaise. Now that the Entrance reports are out, Misses Maggie and Annie Beaton and Master Thomas Binnie are pleased to see their names among ’4 v d' \ \; V I] “1““? l g ,3 a? ’1 9%. V, Mrs. Angus McInnes, of N. Glen- eig is now visiting her danehter, Mrs. Neil, and Mrs. James McGill-ivray. J. A». Mrs. E‘. McGowan, of Detroit, and her little grandson, Johnnie Griï¬ths‘, are spending a plenum time with the McLellan family. . - 'Doronto to spend a month’s holiday 8 at. home. Her many frieuds Mad ac- quaintances ue pleased to have her amongst them once more. 31in Mary Region hu come from Reger’s Best Machine Oil 350. a gallon. Spring Wire, Hemp Packing, Rubber Packing, Pelleys, Rope, Binder Twine, Etc. See Our Front Window, and the Pretty Dinner Sets and Faney Dishes. w WE PAY CASE FOR PRODUCE. HardWarc. These Prints have just arrived and are all worth 12%0 a yard. Buy a. 10 yard end. It is worth while seeing-them. We sold the last case (over 2,000 yards) in eight days. Our Fall Dress Goods are arriving every day, They are the swellest desings on the Market. Fancy Wrapper Cloths, at 200. a yard. Fancy Flannelettes at 100. a yard. Seven cent Flannelettes at. 10c. a yard. Double fold Flannelette Sheeting in White and Grey. This is a seller at 300. a yard. AlTvays Advances during Berry Season. Reapaths Granulated in 100 lb. lots at 50. path’s Yellow at 40. 3 1!). Bring your bag ï¬lled. BUNESSAN. TO BE SOLD AT 80. a Yard! Bring your bag along and get it the towel. ’Iisau Hand anl Bella HcGillirray and Jewel Mellon-ii who wrote for Pntlic School Leaving were awarded Entrance Standing. {Think a very good work and we congratulate our young friends and their teacher, Mr. Alex. Firth for such a creditable showing for Bnneq. Ban Schools Bntiessan is proud of its school. The best teachers in 8. Grey have always been engaged. nor have thepeople been niggardly mean in rewarding them. Mr. Firth. the present teacher. is making a goal name for himself, and his metto is “ Excelsior." The Annual Picnic in connection with Glenelg Centre Sunday School will be held at the usual place “ Kilr- Kinnon’s Grove †between Dunessatt deviation and Glenelg Centre Chm-vii on the afternoon of Friday. July 2â€. The programme Will consist of Sougs‘, speeches. and all the Various amuse- ments. The Zion Choir will Le in at- tendance. The charge. collection in aid of School. All are welcome, the more the merrier. July 29th. .3 I). H“ ‘ Aâ€; 7. 3‘ mt: 51V$