always an stock and. the beat makes of ORGANS and PIANOS. â€ONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 5(7) in wrest on your own harm: of rapayment. “SURANCE promptly attended to. “HER of Marriage Linceses. OFBICB WAREBOOMS, Lona 'rowx. QUGGIES.â€"I carry full lines of the 'l‘mlnope and Molangblin Buggies, l’Bilh-‘CratS, Carts Gut. Theose are bought in Iarge uau'ities, freight saved, and can be 313d cheap. If you are in need «fa Plow. Harrow. Gang Plowor numbing else in this line be ante and call. The BAYfgIONDSl-ZWING MACHINE W.x(;();\'s.â€"A MY Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of xmsnxxagpms IMPLEMENTS 1" Fve roams, 0n Garaï¬'axa St. Half an atom of ground. good stable, opposite the 41d (Junkyard Hutcl. Also a. good cum furtable cottage on Countess Street West. ï¬ve rooms. stone cellar, ï¬rst class water. stable. halfan acre of land. small orchard. :13. Will rent or sellon easy terms. Fur farther particulars apply to GEO. MIGHTON, April 13th. Dur ham. PO ham and frame ‘ mmbrauce. l‘t j‘ halfof Lut 2,51 con. 7. Bentinck. 35 acres clemvd: rgst hardxyml bush. Good wnuu hush; good sprin, creek ; well watered. mud}: frame barn. An A 1 grain and stuck (mm. in good state of cultivatizm. Grew and crops during the recent dry years. Ii“ sell 011 reasunable terms. with 01' with- wt crop. For further particulars 3 pply to ROBERT 5311+“. July 5:12, 1898. tf DC {HALL has the following places \rhich for speci- al reasons must be sold at once at any reasonable price that may be offered : TEASDALE FARM: Lot 3’}, can. 2, W. G. it, Bentinck, will be sold for little more than Mr. Teasdale paid for it. and since then a 31(1)) brick dwelling has been built and ether improvements made. Hasnaen FARM at Lamlash. Tp. of Ben- tinck, 1(1) acres, less probably 3 acres†.solcl otl’; close to Lamlash village; well! improved; will sell at a great bargain at trade. A 100 ACRE FARM in good settlement in llentinck tor, say 3850. Should bring far more. HOUSE, frame stable and good lot. at Allan Park. Must give this away if I can't sell or trade it all. Bone CHOICE HANOVER PROPERTIES for Dale or to exchange for farm property. Boxer AT .3 PER mer. Fuzz. Marine, Life and Accident Insurance. l norm and Accounts Collected. Ocean '1 u-keta tonsale. ALWAYS PROMPT. .‘iever negligent. H- H. MILLER, \liUNS.-â€"A car load of Adam’s Wagons arrive this week. For an easy running, wall ï¬nished Wagon nuthiug can excel these waguus. - â€- Including Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Spring Tuoth Barrows. c. These are the be“ machines ynu can bay and are made by a reliable Finn. _A-_ [ow is the Time to Buy ! TAR l1 FOR SALE. BEING WEST P A I? )1 FOR Aberdeen P. O. WITH WHEAT A32, gausnszzsmwgmxw ; Fail Term Opens Sept. lst. OW/ ,_. W; CALDER 'or Sale or To Rent ., 7.3 _acle.~: cleared, bahuu-e (5901) ROUGH CAST HOUSE If you want tu bu y either a farm or vil- lage prrupcrty call on H, H, MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer. He And other grains and produce following Laud M L'S'I‘ Increase in price, so that se W. J. Elliott, Prin. The Hanover Conveyancer ,‘ lunme. Free fwd; 811F811 or furthar‘ particulars apply 1). McQL ARRâ€). CARDS. SALE. BEING LOT MACHINE PriEe, l Gre , ixnclll..ix:£am\:: Emu, brisk d \yeliing and n uildiur: ï¬ns null besold in lots. Also lot.- No. EL Igmhjp o; Bqufinok; 1mg; Who has had considerable practical JAS. ALLAN LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C J. Collections promptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without de- lay. Companyand Private Funds to Loan at 5, 5% and 6 per cent.‘ in sums and upon ‘nnm ‘ ‘. --“ “‘IVII terms to suit borrowéis. A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE 1 door North of 8. Scott’ s Store. MCIXTYRE BLOC Mon uments_ Repaired and N the Toxyn .of';Du1"}mm l‘__-r ‘___ _-_ ._ â€" v w-u~\' A A LtUs'l, comprxsmg Scotch, American and Canadlan Gramte and Marble. 20 stcount on Mar- ble. )0 Agents comnussmn. All work warranted. Iailway fare allowed purchas~ ers who call at the Shop. Importer of and Dealer in Swedish. Scotch Canadian Granite and Marble War. OF ALL KIIID. Wfl. MCCALMON MARBLE and GRANITE DEAl’fR, OF MOUNT FOREST, Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pi'uspelp tired kidneys to do what they must do If you are to be a healthy man or woman. Curtes Brewster, a book-keeper of Orillia, committed suicide on Monday morning last by taking strychnine. 111 health and deepondency, caused by sunstroke. is the cause assigned. Some of the cattle are suï¬ering from a new disease which eï¬ects the eyes and, if severe, causes total blind- ness. Most of the farmers are through haying and have started the harvest. Grain will be light on account of the frost and dry weather. The weather is still dry and the wells are beginning to fail. For Sale by McFarlane Co. u- “vow-arr w vwâ€"uâ€"m _____ is powerful. ainless, harmless andqlrick-ecttng. and will cure such troublesâ€"relieves in 10 minutes. “I can but roclaim Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der 1 wonde ul medicine, articularly for singers and public speakers. M 3e f and wife were both abjects ofTonsiiitis an Catarrh, and never found :11 ything to equal this great remedy for quick action and curative qualitiesâ€"it is a wonder worker. I heartily recommend it to my brother professionals.†Al. Emmett Fostell, Actor. New York Clty.-â€"3x Thousands of actors, llc entertainers, singers, tur- ers. preachers and readers are tormented with throat come susceptible to h e a d colds. influenza, hoarseness, tickling in the throat, sneez- ing, dropping in the throat, pain over the eyes, dry throat, etc.; all these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma. Tonsilitis. and are but stepping stones to more serious complications if neglected. DB. AGNE‘V’S CATARRHA _POWDEB f l 5 weakness. These delicate - organs being overused he. a Actors, Singers, Spcakcrs Inscriptions Cut on Shortest No- tice. The AS THE LARGEST STOCK IN .(._).\"l‘}.-§RI() 'IU $ELECT FROM. SACKE I'T’S CORNERS. . I... MaCKENZIE N10 . W. GARDINER, Those Tired Kidneys. Artistic Tailor Artistic £11701: DURHAM. uuuamg to hewmtened ‘â€" m ‘ tintad, planted, varnish: ! ed, ï¬lled : grained or ' to roof, James and ï¬pï¬ï¬mnï¬ï¬ï¬i ' A runaway accident occurred on Thursday night near St. Thomas in which a seven-year-old son of Mr. Jas. Marlatt was killed. â€"â€"‘ 4 IGHT AND A QUARTER ACRES . J Of Land nn #3.- h--..l__ .‘ - ,-_---a â€vsâ€".Ibv “LIV“; the matter more than the date on the letter. It is reported that the person from whom the letter was sent has been dead for over twelve years, but this too may be a mere piece of ï¬ction Mr. McKechnie doesn’t remember anything of the debt and hasn’t tried to hunt up the account. asif they might. be of recent date l About two weeks ago Mr. Neil Mc- Kechnie of the ï¬rm of N. G. J. Mclx’echnie received a letter dated Paris, June 9, 1869. and containing 60c. in three cent Canadian stamps recent issue, in payment of adebt, and asking: fora receipt. for same. The date of pOSting on the front of the letter was not sufï¬ciently legible to make out easily where it was mail- ed, but on the other side plain entmgh the Tilsonhurg and Durham stamp marks could be easily seen. Sensational reports were circul- ated, a stamp collector thinking: a sixty cent ï¬nd of the “ Beaver †issue was quite a bonanza, made his‘ way to Mr. McKechnie’s to negotiatei a deal, but felt somewhat disappoint- ed when the common three centl stamp was produced. The writing] A“ ‘\.\“g â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BANKER Kelly’s grounds are ex- ceedingly pretty at the present time, and show the care the flowers have received during the year. It is only during the past two or three years, we understand, that Mr. Kelly has taken an interest in floriculture. Now he is quite an enthusiast in the business, and his spare moments are Spent in beautifying his premises. One magniï¬cent palm about ten or twelve feet high appears in the front. On this there are leaves about ï¬ve feet long and two feet broad. On Sunday evening last the funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Townsend was preached in the Baptist Church by Rev. Mr. McGt-egor. The text was taken from lThes. 4: 17,18 In speakingof the Christian qualities of the deceased lady he referred to her perfect trust in God for salvation, her ï¬rm conviction that all things were working for her and others good. and the commandinginfluence such a life has in impressing itself upon the people. The service was largely attended. THE Toronto Industrial Exhibition will be held next month, at least so we have learned from gratuitous notices we have been asked to pub- lish. The Western in London will be held from Sept. 8th to 17th. - An advertisement announcing which may be seen elsewhere. Though the latter does not go in for lavish ex- penditure in local newspaper adver- tising, they have at least got out of the begging business practised by the Industrial. A Durham paper, in referring to a nightoblooming cereus which one of the citizens of that town recently placed on View, says: “The proprie- tor of alike plant in Owen Sound some years ago charged lOcts. to see it!†We think this is a mis-state- ment, We can recall several occasions when florists in Owen Sound had night-blooming cerei on View, but we cannot. recall any one having made a chargeâ€"O. S. Sun. DURING the absence of Dr. Jamie. son at the Ontario Legislature, Dr. Mahan will extend his practice here. The Dr. will be home himself during Saturday and Sunday of each week when he may be consulted profes- sionally. Additional Locals. FOR SALE Jo .‘ WALL COATING. Alabaatine makes a. coat- Alabaatihe should be uaqd on every part Of 8 budding, to be whitaqu. ,‘n.n‘ _-2..L_ j ___ on the Durham Road, Boulden Property.†,For rs apply at THE POST OFFICE. I Sections 5 and 6 . ‘ . t, the co vies ° '. b_y saxd sectlons.t0 be so t'a‘lsiilittevieï¬glheg‘ Legnslauve Assembly n.1d ‘atbel‘s of thé electinnn and «I».-. __-A, markec, _ ~-v-v.u.y,111UlC-Hl. Reports were presented showing that the Townships of Proton, Egre- mont, and Bentinck had made pro- gress in organization, and Glenelg it was expected would soon follow. A committee was appointed to con- fer, and if necessary, co-operate with township organizations in the pre- liminary stages. | Discussion took place as to the ad- A meeting of temperance workers was held in the Presbyterian church on Monday night last. Mr. Jno. H. Brown was chairman, and in the absence Mr. '1‘. Allan, the Rev. Mr. Kitching acted as secretary, pro tem. Reports were presented showing v .3; .~ ‘0“. I"! ‘ m "6 {5. gotten Hose. Blouse Silks. “ Klondyke †Prints Prints A Few lgains ! Misses size of the cele! rated “Leader †hose sizes 7, 7%, 8, 85. reg. 12% to 15 pairâ€" 10 Cheap at the regular price 30c. yard. Only a few left for-â€" Fancy gold stripes and Spots reg., 20c. yardâ€"â€" Best quality English Prints reg. 12; per yardâ€" 100. Fast colors, good patterns, good value at 10c. yard forâ€" 8 Twilled American Prints, fancy patterns, nice soft. goods, reg. 10c. yardâ€" 7 Cotton Cashmeres, Plain col- ors, 36 in. wide, all shades, reg. 150-â€" 10 Just at this time of year there 31. 0 801 lines of goods we want to so “10m 0:: It pays better than keepmo an}- of then; for another season. We sax‘ e for you at the same time. - flaw nts [ Ladies’ Sim w COUNTY OF GREY. Plebiscite Meeting. More Particulars N ext Weds; 12 20 LOW 10th Don’t let this opportunity 9333. Put that Hive picture You have on your dresser in 3 Pretty frame mid note the result. All-that- you may have 0‘ dear friend is thus pream- ed. from the little pests who bother us during the sum- mer months and your room .. iabeautiï¬ed, h’FARLANE 00 Photo Frames. DRUGQISTS BOOKSELLEB‘ A Dead: V d Hav %« Misses Boots. Men’s Stra W Hats Corsets. Ch l We have only a limited number, but if low Prices will sell them, a few d3.†will sufï¬ce. FIRST COME, FIRST CHOICE! TO Clear out balance 0? Fancy Goods on hand and will commence this week with .. 12 pairs girls’ PulMeL toned Boots, ï¬rst 111s; reg. 31. 25m $1.1Jâ€" ~1 About 5 602. pairs of in good makes: B. Coraline, Dress 1111;" all dollar lines-492' 1 3 doz. Sailors Hats were 25c. to 50c. any of For convenience divid just two 10m. Thus were 250. and 30c.- Sailors that were; 40¢ and 750. forâ€"â€" ï¬ail()rs mx. “u...“- {117:1 £506., 4: 75c. hats divided Into Those th“ )rovers 3 But- igoods 1‘ pairj pair 50 1.00 "to: Otfo Knapp, son of Neusmdt Lm '0! i! the thresvï¬véi, and th; ll] he cleaned out two b' eight hundred bushels 0ft; than". TODAY wu Fair Day, and moon, we are told. perpetuz nmoryof theinstitutiou. } ltiion now though. Boar-Gm? Show, Sept. 2711. 1 thin Durham. If you hawn': ind t Prize List, and Want 0 its It. A. McKenzie. Secretary Hall leekers excursion by C mg. 80th and Sept. 13th. P. 'ululo, Jr., Agent, Durham. Damn the nbsence of Dr ,,. ant the Ontario Legislatm. dun will attend his practice h Idhund. A bargain to t lust. Apply at this ofï¬ce. BICYCLE FOR SALE.â€"â€"Stoam’s mto the plebiscite vote I [for Sept. 29th, the ." lb. has been changed from Emunoxs are being made { 19' store to be erected by )1 r. nun“. CW†HOLIDAY. “Wednesday ,nguot 24th. Firemen’s lixcu :03“. only 81.10 return. Ron. Ferguson and Kitchin‘ “huge pulpits on Sunday “(3 he'l‘oronto Souvenir Co. m- III! of town views this m my upset shortly to havn ism: picture man with .. \‘n VOLUME 2 [out “tend to it. at once. N†tint ie really too bad. Did I pay my sub. yet ? Let me think! LOCAL NEWS. H the 9!“! on f‘VOI‘abl \‘ â€ed! for â€N night in pay- sub OH 'nere t} I 891‘- “ at