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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Aug 1898, p. 6

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perimental Farm. has left Ottawa for Winnipeg. He goes to inspect the Experimental farms in the West. and will meet Mr. Fletcher. the Dominion entomologist, at Agassiz, B. C., in two weeks. A contract between Quebec and the Great Northern Railway has been sign- ed by His \Vorship Mayor Parent and THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. .the Hon. P. Garneau. president of the â€" Icompany. By this agreement Quebec Interesting Items About Our Own Country éinvests gang“) in the stock of the Great Brim". the United Stitch deGreat Northern and the latter is to 5" PW 0‘ the Globe. Condensed in? 1 give Quebec railway connections with Assorted for Easy Reading. 3 Parry Sound. -â€" I Dr. Coulter. deputy postmaster-gen- CANAUA. ;eral, warns parties using the special , . . _ . ’ I quick-delivery stamps not to forget to Nriiford will build 7i new ('ll} hall. I add the ordinary postage, Which the lHilllli llllll ll. M The rebellion in Kwangsi province. and the packing. will tend to hold the moisture in the soil. With weevmwm were.» :- 1 ’ :; ’ a thorough rollingddirecgy “to; . the l . =3 3 low. and continue sur ce war ings l AgrlCUEtural i: I firith the various kinds of barrows. an ‘ I § 2 ideal seed bed may be had. The last I WW!» I working before drilling the wheat. wei as we . be with the roller. think. should KEEP THEM COMFORTABLE then have a smooth surface to drive! '11 tracks plain- I have learned in ; over. and can see the dri t of I I drill. . ! should. in no case. be worked while too wet. and more satisfactorvresults can . I be obtained by working while very dry. I l i A good many farmers l l ithe school of experienceâ€"the has I ll schoolsâ€"that a certain proportion i of the benefit to be derived from a good , dairy COW is dependent upon the com- . fort with which she is surrounded. “ e Continued workings. while in proper . condition. makes plant food more avail- . do "Ot think 0‘ suCh “comfort5" “I able. and increases the amoullt the ' lounges. rocking chairs and dime n0V- I plants may draw on. Reasoning In t els. but of actual care to prov1de for this line. the amount of work cannot d collection . as not only the wheat, be excessive. . received an . will tend possible on the land. it appears to be i under-d BanhDu h 1‘ it Lord and Lady Alerdeen are at ‘ letter should have. This defeats the he an' itions as - ~ . O ”.2": Vancouver. Iobject of the delivery stamp. The lel‘ It; émal SHCh cond ,- and trouble- b.“t‘ the succeeding crops m” be bene- I ._, g a .. riff“: The 30th Bqttjlli.)n Ban-l at Guelph : ter should have its regular postage as 0 ma so her feeladverse , I fited. l I; urges; has d' g. d d as well as the delivery stamp before some things as little as p033lble' n . . for... “' Wig} ' ismn e ' the st'im becomes eff t' - osed to a THINVIVG FRUIT I ‘ a - .. l' gee; ~ 'l'h» Bell 'l'elephone Company has i'e- " ‘ D J ’ ec Ive. summer the CO“S are exp . ‘ ‘ ' . .. 3 .. 1:: (iui't‘li its rites in London. GREAT BRITAIN. great many more disagreeable things . The principal cause of so much small, ' » c ' 1‘1: The C. l’. R. land sales for July 10- . Emile Zola is traveling incognito in than at Other times of the F9313 \Ve all I scabby and ill-shaped fruit being sent . .: tullwl 39.3‘7'l zu'l‘t‘s. Frilllllng 5123.000. lEngland. know the difference to man and beast ' to market is that the fruit grows too I l ‘ . A couple of skeletons were dug up on Prof. John Caird. D.D.. L.L.D.. Glas- ‘ between resting in the hot. dry sun- thick on the trees. If a crop of corn, ' a: l 3 St. Joseph Streflt' quetlec' on ruesday. guw‘ 15 dead at the age Of ‘78 V93” shine and in the shade During the h0l3' turnips or any of our annual crops is u ' ,- - . . e. . . .- - .. . ‘ ' . . . 9 "on- . _ I '_ Henry 'Idnly “has been .ippmntedI The p0stmaster of Scarva. County test part of th mmer day the cows planted too thick the d'image is only! "turn” «5.. i ‘ - manager of the lungs-ton Locomotive ,Down. Ireland, Robert Taylor. isdead e su . ‘ , ‘ one..." .1; ‘ . . Works. ia; the reported age of 1193.633. . are usually keeping themselves quiet. for the present; but if a tree be allow- : ' l 0 _ : The C. l’. R. telegraph rates to the 3 Right Hon. James Bryce. M.P., has Cherng their cud; they do their eat- ed to bear too full, it may injure the L .1. Kaltenil)" hsi'e lseen reduced to $1 for glieen selected as President of the re- . ing early in the morning, late in the next and perhaps the next two or three ”t. tail [words , K t lTh'ma “8:!th Iforrlilield Alrigloâ€"American League. evening. and during a portion of the crops in the future. If a peach tree. 5 , . . a iorer in ings on namei o .s‘ .e ris oca government bill )a;'s- ni h . '~ ~ .. ' ' ' - . ' ' ' .______ 1 “'alsh died on Friday morning from ed its third reading in the Houée 5of 8' i: It h almOD-t a: lmDOI'tant ' to for: instance. 15 quite full, 1t -may be the effects ofasunstroke. Lords. prOVide the COW Wlth 3 Shady resting thlflned to one-half at any tlme be- ‘ 3 Superintendent Frank Pedley 0fI The Irish Local Government bill h ~ place as it is to feed her judiciously fore the seed hardens and Will be able ° : if Immigration has started on a tour of ,pziss'ed its third reading in the Hon: and regularly. About this time of to produce as many pounds of fruit as U- United States agencies. inf Lords. " the year the milk flow is rapidly de- ll “'0111‘1 ll 110‘ thinned and Of course all Tl . . .RJLBROWN- t Ten thousand acres of the Manitoba, The northwegt if U' . .- .- . :creasin . ~ ' r 'rie 0f better quality. It l3 the maturing "' 1(3 l‘i‘iOtlL‘Yi‘i st.“ 3.: - 'al C il we i ; University land grant will be placed on I been swept liv‘a 210191;!“9.13:2,“ Till-1‘}; distrimaand the 10:: m l thehp 81} Offithe seed. that exhausts lhfi vitality. "l ,. w an Wptl‘t’e gditiilfuiaghl. Saudis.) . i the market this year. Idid much damage to the fishinir Ellfl‘ c s is gieater t on e sew ere. )e- some varieties of fruit are recognized Ll-l {it‘ll 1'3; lli‘.’ wilcrilaésidence. opposite Temp-r ’ The crop outlook in Nova Scotia is “and m the crops. . a re s cause the cows there are exposed to as alternate bearers. and the reason is a: , ‘ ‘_‘ “Holstein. very satisfactory. There is a notable The fa H . the sun all day. Nobody watching a obnous. lhey are so busy maturing: (me. . o ' - . p , . mous Ope collection of paint- ' . their enormou‘ " th" ' that i (I) -- - increase in the acreage of wheat. ings has been purchas l l cow ”1 a sunny, ll” and unshaded cor- '5‘ (.iop lb year ' ' LU ' i .. _ - , . W rth ‘ i *e‘ ’5' Asher ~ ~ they have. no time to prepare fruit L mqlT l } A horse belonging to (.ontractor Cor- Lneworfiitheir. a London, Eng” dealer nor of the pasture can doubt that lack buds for the next; besides, their vital- . > u. i. i ll DENTIST. . ' letéflzfi Million. bidedd thlere from b 0 art. for-$607,000. of shade coupled with the attacks from ity is so exhausted that they require "" ills of 1p» 0:}th : eppef onfa ndl - ted . ' highepiflzilirslh 3f Wlincthilsea’s counsel flies and other winged pests does con- '6; year or more of good care to prepare 0 l” ““ '- *‘ , e peg- egs so ar arres Ln - e 3. et er de .' g. _ - or another ‘I‘O . ; . r . 1 ; ‘ " . l. > l connection with the murder of the Lon- HOOle-y's Statement that heniiiailsg [£11m slderable damage. Lnderbrush and judicious thiiiniiig. [ihegepsciiliiig ti‘ieliets l'l-l DR' 1 l ' “U141, L l ' doIn punt-email: 'lotphey. numbfrtzllS.Q :sggglln;or acting as Chairman of a scrubby “'lllOWS ale-ha {great help to {nay-be onught to a habit of annual lZ irst dam”??? Elia?" t is said t tt e session 0 t e ue- - cows iii removing t e lies. It would Baring 0 good and profitable crops C a _ . ,‘ l-ec Legislature will not be held beforell Th: Prince of Wales has started fur . be Well to provide for something simi- that “'lll handle quickly. sell readily, “0‘” “e" l . the second week in January. Iihe 50.1mm. He Was carried from his 181‘ in a pl'iirie pasture Shade in the and for double ()l‘di‘iple the price Of l ., Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been obliged “mm” ”1 Mill'll’OI‘Ollg House On an am- astur .‘ . - l - - ‘ small, knotty fru't' ,l°‘ill‘lll€}FS COUld -.--............_... Will be at the Culhmvr- . il ll ; l to decline an invitation to lecture lie-31mm“) couch. WhiCh “'33 placed llOdilV . p 8 may be pr0v1ded In different well afford to take a little “I'D? from *m â€" D U r H W l . first \Vednlfim“ . fore the Y. )I. C. A. at Detroit. 'llfllalQO-S‘pital ambulance. The Princes"g Ways. such as planting trees of easy Elle. regular farm Work and thin their R H A M i . l’orinal notice is given that the. Re_!(‘lqchta188}went with him. and thelroyzll and rapid growth. As this will take l‘lllt trees, . . , liance Marine insurance Company has ‘. :11‘ d f soorne has been specially pre- some time. there may be erected some ‘" ceased to. carry on business in Canada. IP‘ e 01 the, use Of lb" royal party. . Cheap sheds that would give the needed RYE FOR PASTL'BE' ' Legal DITCCIOTy and applies for a release of securities. l SITED STATES Sshade and form a (t ‘t' i 'd R ' , I _. .. . -- , Th . . , _ ‘ . i , q pr) er. 10n. )CSI BS. ye may be sown for pasture either , .Belleiille citizens will vote on the ,9 shipments of California green‘ heavy rains. borne one may remark in th f. ll - , . . ' - - â€"â€" _-_. . question of reducing the number of al- ' fruits so far this season, have exceed- , that here is a fresh example of advice e ‘1 or in the early spring. Its GRISTIN ,, . ‘ dermsn from 21 to ii, on Aug. 19. ied those of last, ‘ ' Qinvolving loss of time as well as some function as a forage plant is to re- G AND CHUPPINU [Ill J. P. TELFORD : New regulations and rules to govern Joshua Guest, a Canadian i _ I expense. Yet. the expense is not great place or supplement the dry fall pas- on 3m,” >t UL. , I- . I.“ . . - .... i the Canadian patent, office have been : phrted to have been killed liy Siiglr]: , iind the farmer. is just the man wh0 ture grass, and to afford succulent for- t 3;. (1,:MSNB W "fillggfipiigci‘fd’i-‘uiHim:i l adllpted and printed in the Canada I mm; at (ascer Creek, \Vyoming. ' earns to heed little things. Every cow age in the earl , fl _. l f . h *4 we t“ . “yamoum of mom}. to IO,“ _, Gazette. Ferdinand W, Peck of Chicano u.” 3 should work to her full capacity and be . d 5 spiing ie oie t egrass FLOUR OATME . . term property. A returned Klondiker at Montreal. he L'nitezl States Commissioner {3, “I . brought to yleld as much as possible. 18 rea ”l. to be pastured. 1'. or thls pur- . l ' Al- ana FE â€"â€"â€"â€"’ .. - - f ,1 - . . -' eneral Now. a cow Will live and ' .ld ose it is b . i ' ' says the recent reports of thirty mil- or the lefllls Esposnion of 1900. ’milk even d th y“ some p e“ 3“”1 m the fall. If sown ._..â€" UL ; lion dollar washings are very much; (,l'v'er 21H) labourers of the Cleveland I merit hilt ltgiridke filigolsliozgagbheli‘reatd ' about September 1 it “in afford gOOd ' 'l' G. LEFROY MCCA ‘ . ' i exaggerated, Iohipbuilding Co. at Lorain. Ohio are bring her to give the largest possilile ' pasture in the late fall when most of ' HE SA VV MI lARRIE'IliR. Scljlcit r. \3. 5,; ,. . . . .( ‘ f . a - .‘ ,. . . . in ,. ‘ l . .‘\ ll‘lllff“ u'l‘lwmkmgfllm. 15 bl”). I filogtréllgiwfil 'lllr lnCI‘ease of wages , amount 0f 800d milk from when she the other forage plants have. succumb- \\'c .u. r W H. , .. , i...» 3 '. glilminpi’iiiimnirdni m i ' . \f‘l:ll ll Kl lllllrll '1';le :hfl:'[ illltt‘tfl/E }l’:‘lle;liii::::’£(; 3 [“()ur q-uif)tero 8:..3111)e.r dava. zgféwcggigg to 81x or eight ‘fielekks I36- ed to frCEt. ‘ To oljtain the best re- A itk‘; 3L:.‘I :A\;‘ z‘l"F\-‘ “Hr. .. the “Cgiylf3 ()fligc. i 5. . ‘. h I in. . ? l . ‘3 , g S S 0 Ell‘lt ' O t l ' means’ as ‘Ve a DOW, '. . .‘ . it .i. H n. . , , Limit-cl. Sherwood. chief or die iio- l l‘“. “9 “Bl "1 the WOO-:18 near Maywood. ‘ working. order- Darkenins the barn S 0“ d be supplemented “”1 0th“ . . ' l l . lllllllilll l.'o.lr'e_-..\\ill. it is l’lillllil‘lflc.Igl).;i0 L -IlCh. , Eorhofilnlklng place. If , “lithln a hOIlSB. feed' In the Spring it affords more I 31W”) ”1 A” ucasl “g a S , . Hugh”. ,0 ”mg .l'il‘ik (“it‘llt' impluul.‘ I A San Francisco paper says a con- . tlh i erthe cows are being milked during luxuriant forage and may be. pastur- I ‘ ; l . the :iMsi-onding militia oificer. :tract has been awarded for a cable to. e fWarm seasonotvill also give some ed. as soon as the land is fit to turn ” BARRISTERS 81 il l( ‘l l" 'HI I 3 .’ 'l'he Champlain s‘aiiie. which ilone I connect the United States with Ha- Elma-rt to the animals. It drives away the cattle on It - 't ,- . ' ‘ ~. ll». ~ » ‘- i weighs illllid pounds. and which wis re- I “a” the Ladrones, the Philippines and h e 168 and may be done by‘ a Simple, _ ' LS. ea en “ uh relish N0TARIL§1 Ll l.\ \ l'-\ -\ \ ‘ ., ‘ Wm a} ““11ng ”u, U“ ”w steamship 9 Hong Kong. : mgfizfadfieflshefiter. If cowsare being by stock up to the time of blossoming. l Flls‘ ETC l I Californian will lw shortly placed in l ”The car barn 0f the Consolid-ited‘heads an‘d ligin 12:33}; (folsSllélg' the” After that time the Stalks are tOOI ., . ; I [N’slllull iii Quebec. i lraction Cllmllanv, of l’itllsliurg (Pa Only does the agilker if )y 188. n0t “ Cody 1:0 be relished by stock. I .|.y W 1.0! n Lowest Ra. ' l 'l‘liei‘e was :1 heavy hailstorm at I Was completely giitted bv fire on, Sun: his. but the cows theiiu ler some trou- If it IS (16811.13le use n for pasture I EMY Terms : ‘: lilll‘llslili‘. Blah” (ill lllt‘b‘tlilV night. 33)" hlllalllllg 31038 of about 3.175-. 1858 milk and less 8005613281; ‘zfilgnylslld iigerpthan LIES. It should be 80““ in l I B LL'C Kg ‘1 i]{ l\' ll \l I . . .7_ P ..' ‘ .U , . . .‘ - . .-1' 0; Well (‘OVeI‘ell .- ‘ ‘ i . ' - 5 ring. . y sowing rye it is pos-. ' ' ‘ ”-9 . - - .. ' 3 four 1 the, st iies wen sewn iiithes .( )3 insurance. -der Circumstances where they can re- sible t 1 W H \\' ‘ " ‘ ‘ ' ' i in cii‘ciiiii‘iiiiiw. l'he storm extctidetl Susie F Qy'f‘ - . - Im ' ° .0 use and for early pasture, ° ‘ RK’HLO“ l‘~\ N 'l l . . . .. l- ‘1 t. of he“ lork who am quiet. The COW makes a lar e low t. . ~ . . - . l east :is lur :is Portage la Prairie. la ve'ir .i -- . ’ ° - - . . .g p L up and “’58 for a summer C'l‘Op. C A BA]5(l\ DL P“ \I l . ' ' .~ ‘ ‘ “(l ll hdlf ztgo caused a sensa- portion Of her mllk While it is bein or for ~ . - -' . ' " ‘ 'CHTS ‘ ' ‘ ’ " ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ A“ ’ g l .llltn‘ ltllt‘ lit‘ul'gt‘ UHWSJII. (ii.Llill(iUIl, I E1011 ll)’ deserting the Salvation Army dlzal‘cn from the udder. NO sensitivg forage Eggfnegeggsirlfhe ‘;::tl; 2330:1183. I Anvnne pending: P ~li’qolpl‘f.‘ '- RESIDENCEâ€"Bliddaugh “0‘“ l 13',“ 51'0”“ l“ llll’ 3894 People 8 Home, I .3)? the, Roman Catholic. church, is . milking COW can be contented, and to 22 bushels to the acre eith "Til qulcmlw‘wml‘ 7' I H .. on!“ h°“l"‘9l‘-m- tOlin-m. T . 45-300 In Ilse [line for Incurzibles. and l 'l )out to become a Dominican nun. : thlpk 9f hitting her milk flow freely a press drill or broadcast. Affr “31 . ildiiiildlliiiiliimili'iiil:l::."~ H “duly” the Cpmlllel‘l‘l'll “0'“? l" l 3‘00 1” llw lnlams“ Home there. The Beach Hotel, of Galveston Tex- - while fighting the winged vermin that plants are up. keep the surfaceeiif the; l l“.“m""ca: “W"’l:"~g,_.~?§;,;;.yd... it “new” "10““ "mm“- . l . It is reported at Victoria. B. C., ‘ “9. located on the gulf front, an’d One ' SEI‘I‘Olllnd her' The mllkPF'S movements SOll 10088 With the barrow. DO not ' epic:”iiillniiltl’iitiiliilni‘itilililclImyJ _“ ,____ ’â€" l that the steamer llzimlin was wrecked I 0f the leading summer and winter re_,slimu ate the working 9f the milk pasture in the fall until the plantsl SOIENTICI" Fur.ls:lsl â€"â€"- n F , in a collision with the steamer Mc- i Sorts in the south was burned on‘ Qat- l g ands, but the result Will be p00??? have become well B‘t'ibl' h d M l U m‘“ rlltsrr’llanerm.~ . i 80 H,“ H ll .; 'k' I .- . . \. ~ , lurda - - ’ , L '5 than one can readil im-a ' 'f - , ‘ _‘ "3 “ IS 9 ' any beautifully illustr'iiml. l""‘7 ' i ””‘1‘ i ll I e “H ”u liter. ‘ U 1” BS; 8000 gl’lOenttallslzgf) a 18 estimated at . perate kick againstyihe {Elna l zitdefq" (1311311100 Ol-lJPCt (0 rye pasture on the any scientlflcjuiirii:.. n l" “K-” 3 “'t‘l‘t.’ U5 . I. _ , ; O «- 000 ’ . , ' es resu S In grounds that it - , fl , :1...” Six mlllltllfi. x”. -, I. m"). . l ’ ' . the milk ’~ - ’ . . 31‘9” an unpleasant is .' ). ;_- x MM" w . e ‘ Mormon settlers of (ardsion. Man, 'Of late the Madison Li hi and Rail- . some smzflrlb biushing aw ziy the trou- taste to the milk and butter. It seems "0K 0‘ 1 ”l“ 00.. {MES BR0\\ 3, Issuer h, “HUI l . h “h . f , _ “a . g , invaders with his milk 05 ll t . . . MUNN . Lice". D I I ( en) .t e i arge o Rex. Dr. Robert» 5 Company of Madison Ind as alstooll Give our 'lk' p siie 0 remove this obJection by 361 urourimu..\i-w\i§§- 'o nrhlm,0ut. . z ' l sun. In a recent address at Regina, measure of economy have, beeii em-Imuch comforts: 0 ml mg COW as taking the cattle off the rye two or - 4â€" *â€" """' l . lllll lht’)" 31‘? "IUlilllng lhe marriage I’loylng young women as conductors, ' and she will repag: ilfiiiiigniiirlitelg can, three hours ”if?” .milking and by W l s lll‘l“ ”l {llnil‘lll- ' 4:3 lief Citizens are resenting the move.I ' rizdmg something in additon to the ‘ [lag MchA‘i', Durham. Lani \‘ l ' it View of the criticisms that have . ‘ , use to ride on the cars. I ~ ' i ”ll Licensed Auctioneer furl I been made with respect to exhibiting l Charles \Varren S ‘ lGETTING ’ .- - l t 0‘ G", S l ' ' ‘ . . . . . . . . - aldin , the con- SOIL READ} FOR \ ’ I 5' ll 9' Prompll) “W ; amalgam: .W‘ “gap ! kg 2. a: .1... 5..-: e... W. IRE” C°°““G“TS 1" SPAIN- ; ““‘°“""“° l ‘ a . s. -e z enway .s, an , hicago and Sarah LouiseI 8Xpec maxi- . decided not. to Show his stock again at l Erwin, his for ' ‘ mum returns Without t J I 1 any Manitoba fair. married on S tfiner stenographer, were I amount f he . maaimum An Manuel-tent That IIlvltli-s Alumna-I 1) . V. . a urday. Spalding is ser- 0 labor on the sod. and this withihe null m I “hall" 1’“ "ll 5 A rum0r *3 current 011 the Pac‘flc Jiirlligtan Indeteljminate sentence in the I must be well managed and at th I ' ’ ' ' M. ‘Tu ' 0mm“ m i coast that the. Imperial Government is lGlol? penitentiary for wrecking the l time “th11 wheat f ll - e )93t Bllll'llglltlllg ls l‘elieved to be the Qrmur Tu . Bailiii of the '2nd lli\l ? “bin“. to {acquire the whole site of Es- I mone fault. An hour after the cere- Oats the v. 0 Gus wheat or naticnil diversim of Spain, but cock- ;|N TH: Wonto . other matters prim; : quimalt ‘lllage for the purpose 0‘ .fOl" call yi 8 ex-banker was back in his ’ preparation of the 8011 should fighting dLides interest with it In I 73°" "‘5 TEA 'L‘l" highe" references hm” . l ' t1 “”3“” “m“ and d0“ ”tensm‘ awa n 3a“ and the bride had gone wmmence as soon as possible after the Madrid Dec 19 ‘ulis‘ -'l ° 9 " f l = DeTh. Yukon party from the Interior 3’ With her father. wheat or oats crop is off the land The a. up m5 ”it.” a""““”” to: W on?“ " ' 3 partment, which left with the mili- . GENERAL usual custo . . e coc 18‘ s. ese chaste af-t . .. . . QU . . . . .. .. m is to lay - . . . . ; ‘Monsoo T 8 ”WP l’? u IEEN UR ; . . Ear! expedition and reached Telegraph [The new Ch'l' . . a question ma .p l, the land. but fairs take place in Madrid every; ours “a gmpfiagfsm Mtqu ‘ n. his oi LHARIM lLLla, l t gee; sogne weeks ago, is returning to O'Higgins has :1 lap eizlruisse‘ir' 1Almirante I this is th sir: arise as to whether Vt ednesday and Saturday afternoon I tl’aséioThgrgoreTthe)~ 3...; “£5.53“ â€" '. o -, 6 aCiiccoastt " mm' ‘ p MW at a arai . ‘ emos avi . . .’ lice? "O e 683“ ‘3. . . Chilvie at \Vrangel) gpifiygg issmne Italy's naval budget is tpO besoin Ia” Conditions S‘ri,m::li):e:l::' under almOst all the year round. With due iautét up titlhemsglvca and scilll 091i ' . , _ . .. . ' , , . . . ac . ' n7. . 1.: ‘ Prof. J. A. Ruddick Superintendent creased because of the prop089d ad- I may be to d , e land advertisement and entire publicity. ' u! Sgaflglelfcgdglb- ‘ ~ ,- ¢ -. , ' fl - . . . 0 ry and hard to plow, but A mixed crowd patroni - th _ ' ' - ' {3 fured the Dairy Commissionership of Japan is reinforcing its squadron at D in or er iy the use of disc - n grandees. youths and staid. . v” 'l N 53° . . . or cutawa h . men of business. The Circo (1 G 11 l e. " ‘ ew Zealand. lsehq’.t°.mak° ready . 1t ls thought, o y arrows. But we leave or cockpit club is 't 1 e a es, "Hour grocer does not licePl , 9;? l g B. Battery will. return to Quebec for Phlllpplne Operations. this plan as a suggestion. and will con- Mediodia statio'n ¢'ll‘uliee c (:88 to the l . YTE 13:2; 2’ from Halifax on August 21, when the A’ fresh inquiry into the 1033 of La fine our comments to the usual cus- is one peseta. eqiial in iti:n $3206.; (flee l STEEL, HA 5 ' "’31 9 Royal Artillery detachment will go Boursogne .has been ordered by the tom. that of plowing and after . k preciation t0 10 cents. The Iimild'i 9% "and“, From Smi- 0“" “‘l’ll" it bulk to their 01d quarters. French Minister of Marine. The greatest error common t “(gr . octagonal and about sixteen Yartlllsgilgl I URF mum“ Ad . Dr. D. E..Dawson and Lieut..Col. An- The Chinese Ambassador at Berlin mers. is in plowin the la d 0 hr- diameter. It looks like a miniatureI FURN . r, etc. i derson. chief engineer of the Marine has left for China by way of the Unit- in 't, .8 . n and 8N- circus arena inside. In the middlel _ '1 invested for part 2: ' Department. have been appointed mem- ?d Statpsâ€"re-called. it is thought, for g 1 no work tlll tune to sow the Stands the circular platform where the l ‘ n: tand sold. ” bers of the Geographic Board of umnpacity. wheat. Instead 0‘ dOing all the work buds fight It is raised about threel U N DERTAKI “moist o. I feet from the main floor, is six feetl ' "Minor mm “-3me China. is practically ended Kun . . gun City has been captured by the Govern- ment and 1.000 rebels slain. The Mediterranean a quadron has re- turned to Malta from an interesting visit to Joppa. during which the offi- cers and men. numbering several thou- sand, visited J erusal and other sacred earn. Bethlehem, An intimate friend of ex-Queen Liluo- kalani of Hawaii states that wh , , en she teaches Honolulu she will issue apro- est against the annexation. lands to the United States. Hamilton ratepayers have voted against the Operation of the street rail- way by the City and in favour of ex- tending the present com an ’ f - chisefor 15 years. p ys ran Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finâ€" ance. and Mr. D. Pottinger, general manager of the Government Railways. were in Halifax on Saturday in con- nection With a new elevator. which it ‘3 Proposed to erect there. Prof. Saunders, director of Experi- mental Farms telegraphs from Bran- dim tint the crops in the eastern and central parts of Manitoba are very good. . . . , central and western part. it is said the crops have suffered and will from lack of early rain and will . . be . uneven and below the average. 13%?“ I“! i“. it “'mthere “1:0“. in ’ 3 m, m- - .11. Genders. director for then:- . '3?" .I ..,>- . ,l‘ ' l a r" iwm‘f‘ " v '| 2.. of an lfi' sure to get harder present a claim for the Crown lands them is as in die ‘ 3 some?”iiiiiifiiilimfl seminariasiigfmiii r“Iii? muggtgigg“£i%"two small: c opposite each other. A triple r0303: seats sunrounds th - Usually about200 9 theatre of action, The birds are a study as to how little can be done. In the effort to curtail labor a ' the amount is often increased 11:82sz ing time. The observing. practical farmer knows that wheat does best sown on a fine. compact seed had yet in most cases. the plowing is rushed till done. before any other work is done-on the soil. It the weather is dry. the land turns up clcddy and the clods are softer right after the plow than at any other time without rain The rain is uncertain and the clods arti in A FlRST CLASS HEA ”â€"5 Embalming 2- film" hence, the best and ill the soil as tight] m.“- IOI “thorw not w d m ch Cakl u d“ u plowed. tutti? ~ 3:!“ if“ m "ht begets art-ml" t" d" bettertbnevu- “th mmlflilfi- booth;

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