West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Aug 1898, p. 9

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Fowler, Elect: . “ifm to the N“ n for all ha" “a“ Iome time ‘ h PI 3 flu‘terin?‘ * my been, fol] in by er ha more toot thin nod thing. m finds it hat-darn | to stay sober. my be a jewelbut it is alum flavor. did be {all on his m o forgive hi. _7 “m e- unhealthy. but every arse]! an immune. swamps in speculation :0 comes to tbomha. lor declares that even graduate will ferment up. made from tho_ ribfl‘ nongnsnou. .oss RANGE. PARAGRAPHS. to Wrasse old joke- tor than it isto all some married got Its r09“ by keepilm tation ‘0 its-0“ q'uarreling is by n- v., Toroiflo. Ont mzltmn of tin Canada. V0 rbliged t0 } United State: get quality, have a, far MACHINE of our neighh "“1 Ho; We hm We ha Vi and that immense also have of Drv P; are flu mte‘ Paints! hiéh w {113 We Jus? ngwnedl Another plflizsmflllf (It. .‘IiXCd Paints {Ur Haw-e3 and Bumry use. 1'" l") agar“; gig i .“ 2'13 have been 111V from the :111» in order to and now 1 I 898‘ 3'13 as the r I 'V M) HAND TOP 1} iii {E 1 bors. V a? 1300‘! as New. 1“ ri '11! man L1) V \ELI“°.ORD ints. Chatham - a bottle. regular 15 and 25c. _. _ 21 only, Crystal Table Sets @ 25¢. set. 8 in. Im. Cut glass Fruit Bowls, 20¢. ea. Nappies to match, 60¢. a dozen. Whips at all prices. Good Rawhides 50c SALADA CEYLON TEA @ 25, 3) and 400 ' .............. 35, and 506.. y.d Dmlble fold Cashmere (black only)a l2§c Challies, in dark colors only, ........ be. OUR PRINTS ARE ALL GUARAN- TEED FAST COLORS. MiscellaneOUS. Dress Goods. Lace Curtains. Large white Coumterpanes, worth 31.50 for $1.00. Large white all liueu Table Covers, worth $1.75 for 31.40. Table OIL CLOTHS in white and col- ors, 45 ins. wide, 25c. yd. Men’s TOP SHIRTS from 25c. up, E OUR LADIES’ OXFORD SHOES before buying. They cant be beat. Best Ladiea’ Shoe Dressing 10 and mo. BEAN 82: CO.» 3; “ x50 .. $100 ~ OUR CURTAINS ALL HAVE TAPED EDGES. 40 in. Bl’lr and Col’d wool Serges (r 250, Fancy Figured Lusfifes (a. 3931p) @ 39. 2} yds x 28 ins. 3 “ x38 “ 3 H X42 U CL l‘ 1‘ 6‘ l‘ 3‘ (6 $6 (5 6‘ I Mr. Geo. C’ummix . . engineer on he Gr: Miss Hattie Cole, of Flesherton, is, '~ 'er and dealer in all kinds expected down to V. tween Toronto and A lSit old acquaint. .' CPHSMQt duty with m especially the famous ances this week. ‘ “vapvlmbmml'bacl ‘1‘ Boating, which eclipses eft on Saturday mended by‘ my {meg herlo 111 th . to resume his school duties near agé'g'hgiétéggselg‘g: Promom A.sa isn’t} afraid tOdufi into todaiv a betterpm‘an‘ eapest, the easiest, harvest during hOlldays. . mend them to all my: Rev. J. Ferguson held a very snc- “ ‘ cessfnl sacrum ental service in Zion ENTINCK W D on Sundav . a I CONNOR, ° . ' I . a. i . - ‘ “ . d l _ '3, asking g d our better half 1 Bond, laid over to next spent Sunday with Mr. " . . ,5 « --‘ SETS Mark Wilson at Fles‘: .1 rm _ . (t H 40c. pair. 750. 6t {’00 UPPER TOWN. written assurance each and all a pie able time and a Q and weddings are t ..... VJ “U605 in his pos: over $150 a month to run thresher up there. We w .-afe return. This year is a memorabl 'many of Zion’s maide ns. aking tht to shine in other homes. ( day, Miss Poily Edge, J’ 700. . a sweet. amiable disposition and will Pl‘lCGSI create a happy home, while the groom IS a handsome big fellow of U. E L e 700 for 600. stock with plenty of Vim and ener farmer, and as their 200 u 200. Deseronto. he is a sworn: I. O F. ad- mirer. \Ve trust th at the Irishman ’8 $1 for 750. , Wish' “ Mav lm. h] ll‘lfll! nvvn‘. 1'_ll ‘6 (a l. Dawson’s Golden Cllafl‘ 59V 7." l‘ ' 2. Earlychnesce Giant 59. g 4?; l .3. Egyptian - - (30. 6 4w. ‘ ~_l. Inmerial Amber 531 8 4:; l 0. Early Red Clawson 58 6 4;; l- 6. Reliable - - - 61, 2 45 '~ 7. Golden Drop - - 6!, 2 4;: l 8. Russian Amber - - 60. 9 4,12)"; Ofthese eight varieties. the fol ' gave the largest yields in 1898 £033.53??? (iolden Chafl'. 49.2 hush. ; Imperial Amber“ :1) 417 bus.: Reliable, 43. 3 bus. and earl: Genesee Giant, 43. 2 bus. ’ '\ Among forty-four new varieties .. ' 1898. the largest Yields of grain 5232;131- duced bx: the Golden Coin. White «Golden 0, Gross, Silver Dollar, Pedigree Geneqée 0. Giant. and Dream). and the heaviest d. “eight? per measured bushel hv the biaih lc 0nd Grit (65.8 lbs.) : Arnold’s thrid ((35 " '3. lbs.); Andrew’s No. 4 (65 lbs.) and Red \la: (fidlhs). ‘ 5 I- A: DIsTRIBUTon or SEED FOR msrrxe PURPOSES. ' The following three sets of winter wheat varieties will be sent free, by mail in mie- half pound lots of each varietv to farmers applvmg for them who will careful] test the three kinds in the set which they 0 oo'se ; and will report the result after harvest neitt ' ‘ year. The, seed will he sent out in the order in which the applications are received as long as the supply lasts. Set lâ€"Dawson’s Golden Chaff. ~ . Early Genesee Giant. Early Red Clawson. ( Set 2-Dawson’s Golden Chafi. _ Im rial Amber. Go den Drop. - 'Set 3â€"Dawson’s Golden Chafl'. Bearded Winter Fife. Stewart’s Champion. _ Each person wishing one of these sets should apply as early as possible, mention-‘ ion the set he desires: and the ’n. with instrncfionsformA Jud the k-form 'on which tempo“. V 59 {Wired {no of There’s a. somet} struck our neighbo ‘ NEXT Nearly a. car load 0 'n. for the North Wes ' l y and agony time wit ANE such is to be had. I have his eye on a prarie and show u renfit Ontario muscle can [ One hundred and thirty-eight varieties of ‘winter wheat have been grown in the Ex- perimental Departmeht 0f the Ontario Agriz cultural College. within phe past five years. The eight varieties wine] 1 . 1 lave given the highest yields of gnunper acre in the aver- age of five vears’expenment are as follows ; Wright per Yield per VARIETIES. bu.â€"u y: s. ac.-â€"-5 yrs AT THE ONTARIO AGRICULT’RAI. 1898. EXPERIMENTS WITH VARIE'I‘IES OF WINTER WHEAT. ‘ -mvl‘ but new r catch up to in their case, and that earth’s blessings may dwelling place. Sam Edwards and our Spent- Sunday with M! Mark Wilson at Fles'1crs There’s a. something " -. James Wilkinson was paid 91.00 for am rods of: wire fence, S. 11.10., Con. fence-Viewer Laullauv $1. for ms and all a pleasant trip, a profit- 931110- time and a safe return. PThe reqnest of Mesgrs. Smith, Clark and . . ‘ . A. l xrierson tor payment Ur use ot scraper on ‘3 year. 13, a memorablerone to ;road.~< not entertamed. V or .Z’OH S maulens. W (”ml-5'3; The fire-protection hy-law was: read a first weddings are taking them away .and second tune and the name of II. ll. line in other “Clues. OD (PUBS- lMxller. ESQ” 8‘11“;le on It as a member Of - committee Wit: Me reeves of Boatinck and Muss Polly Edge, the youngest ll ‘ hter of M rs. Hannah Edge, was t Brant. 'I‘he treasurer was instructed to neepa separate account re Hanover tire- d to the man of her chorce, Mr. tette '1‘. Spencer of Hay Bay. protection business. By-laws No. 5. and 6, to levv towns" eremony was performed in the ,‘3? Misc parsonage at N' .np, unty and school rates', were July passed. Iotal rates east. S. L. .30 and 4.3, 8 «HO mills, . apanee. west 7 9-10 mills, Hanover 118-10 mills- whxch the Joyous pair left for ' ‘ Sflllnnl vnfna In.\6 :. . 9.) Q .- 9, and pecting the AGRICULTURAL COLL UUELPH. AUG. 8 18‘. .tct: up to ye,” be verified , and that the choicest of '9 a PI'OSperons y as their home is Dung, near! _‘-V-.vu0 11U\\7 .‘N :scle can handle sheaves 4. 5 taking his first. outing and wiil have his imagin- W' ght more under stern 3" ”14 m Townsend and Tom g ml to make asnug pile, tm Bartley goes with the “1 rance in his possession of an] month to run asteam r02; there. We wish them fen a pleasant trip, a profit- am: In safe return. '1 A4 lberta. Miss SafZah Jack I the pleasure of the trip. I Mr. Geo Cummiugq. for over!) years yengineer on he brand '1‘ unk runmn be Cole, of Flesherton, is tween Toronto an Allandale. says :-â€" ‘ Th | to “mt old acquamt- constargt dutyuitln my Wurk gave me exces k. . ., rackilgg my kidneys. [ I tried several remedies u‘ ' vson left on Sat . my foreman. Mr. Dave Conlev, . ‘ 9 ’° 8 school duties near agég'hgiétéggsfig ludne Isn’t afraid to dufi into . » c ' °. 1 recom- holldays. . mend them to all my friends. uson held a verv gnml ‘ -. rest on their .3 COLLEGE LCOLLEGE, Highest Cash Price wini be paid for Good Wheat,’ Barley and Rye. Our Gristing and Chopping : pannithna nun .._-- - Ye. Has been thoroughly ren- ovated and New Machin- ery added, including an Eritirely New System of Belting. quantity of FLOUR, BEAN and SHORTS, and Guarantee Our Flour Superior to any ever before manufactured in this mill. For Sale by McFarIane Co. Facilities rife solicit a trial. R- MCGOWAN. others, akmg wxre fence on Cnn. 3. Communications frqm Reev ‘ , 7 re Rucky Sangeen prulge, was referred to her the Cmmtv Canned . . The Commissioners rack of road division N9. 5 were heard in refer- ,- ' ence to necessary Improvements m gully on “'9' Durham Rand Hanover. *ofir. ...- Through exposure I contracted that dread d1:- easeâ€"Catarrh. My case became chronicâ€"in 10 minutes after first application I had relief, and In short while I was completely cured. W. VELLE, G.T.R. Brakeman, Annondale. Ont. 31 mouse, L‘lmwood, on Monday the Octuber next at 9 o’clock in Hm f‘.= .......... W "m. we move»; of Bontiuck amidâ€" ("me in “If: vlcmx: lllrant. 'I‘llo treasurer was Instructed to Raf, tron.) ed for koopa .sopzu'afio account ro Hanover hre- C “Pg plles.' At protectmn busmoss. gtlllgulld ha“? to! . )co By-laws No. 5. and 6, to low towns'np, rubginz thzlllfhfigrl *couutyaml school rates', werotlulypassea. w Id bl) d H ‘ . 7 and 4.3, 8 «HO mlllx mg: 1.211. ian: wost 7 9-10 mills, Hanover 118-10 nulls, t1] ty pv‘. thT '15! school rates notmcluded. :1 ga e m " . . . fered in a like man same securmos and salary as last year. by Dr Chase's 0].] Council adjourned to mâ€"tet at Lorn '1 otnl rates east S. L. .30 L.’ - 3 er the cure of a D- MCHOW-mil was re‘appmnted collector, p p ~ 9 a. box. After tho House. EllDWOOd, on Monday Hm my] 3..-- A r‘-'7 r'. mus of mm fence, b. L.1 fence-viewer Laidlzuv $1. for $31110. -~\r|v IIIOL No 5, and 93100 each to div total grants: in any case! The sum 3f $15 was given an extra grant. Commissioners for divisions No. 2 and 4 were instructed to expend the balance of then' grants of last meeting an] the follow- ing new grants were made: 350;) to div. No 5, and SIQO each to dnv. No. 1, 2. 3 and 4, total grants 1n any case not to , he exceded. The sum at $13) was given to Ehnwuod as‘ [In extra grant unequalled an}! __-_ "v u uunua. (“'0 00"! the Ian. r bein ‘3' 11‘0er pecessary ’. Chase's Kidney-Liver P" Q to say that the {athe ' . wlrUILUll Having expended in s to bridgm unce last meet- 1m reporltcd hm 1m: =L.m No. “Mr. ”1'va: £78.00 2, Mr. I evhu814’00 in div. ,V_â€"â€"v [day the 3rd day of m the foreman. on BIONday, Aug. COUNCIL. As I have Opened , I Durham, I beg to Garafraxa Sn, 1 door North am prepared to do all kindsoprnt’ Ladies’, and Household Laundrying at the very Lowest Rates. El Trial will [com/it) \v "1 "Ja‘ I 1 V pursuant to R. S. 0.. 1997. mp 129, ’ Sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Francis Wait. who died on or abuut the 4th day anmm. A. D..1898, are required to send b ' IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0“ THE COUN TY 0F GREY. 0...... i In the Estate of Francis Wait, late of I the Village of Priceville in the County of Grey, Deceased. TO'PICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l nlll.S‘l:lnt fn p Q {I 1(lrnn hers, m: 3 11.. um” . " ms 8L 101g, d to He St a-lmOSt 4 POCOmm fig? ment ] Mind first 3D] 309 Was sat “V used in \‘0. compleu ‘ ° Every 14 cos" yea ( f with an ‘.’ the ailm‘ “V; DP. Chg ill. has bner as. bad aftel ' is based ‘30 sicians 1): nd I "6 Mr. MT. 1d Cured . ”I Phyliciarg it {hMI f; M. T. v a CD9 in th was ”on! .. usual-u Ll uuuuortable night's sleep he (my. years. The one Do cure, and h) says out it for $50 a ho ' plaoed. Mr. W well known in the. co ' - ‘atod aml would bleed. He had been treated by many physicians, but found nuthim: that gave him relief. Reading in the paper the cure of a. tric- nd who had sufi fered in a like manner b Cl . and being cure-d y Dr. 1389's ()Iihfrx-sn...‘ I- "w uuuUlt’Cl [or over 23 ye itching piles. At times he w: he would have to quit work. NOTICE TO CHEWUR" k u. Every remedy given cost years of study an With an eye single to it! the ailments for which Dr. Chase (Infnci’nr‘ ~- ---- -â€" gut 51‘.‘I1N“ I [LE3 Q URKU. He says :â€"I was troubled with “0» mg piles {or five 5’ ears, and was badly [ulcerated They w ere very nainntL am much so that. I could not sleep. I tried emedy heard of. and was to use Dr. Chase‘s Oint- ment. I purch ‘ He says :â€"I was troul ‘ mg piles for five years, : ulcerated. They were ' pplication gut suck was satisfied a. cum woul “86d _in all two bn‘rnc (mac's ulnlmenfi BIS BUFFER-11V}; FRO“ U1 I’//”ll,"1,r“;’l/.i-‘.f\ U“ ‘\ 3““ Q . 1;)7// MB. MOSTAGUE. DENMZLLE. 0H. Chase 'dé‘tosted b‘v‘f‘n Droven t9 _A‘_ uxiu ll. CU [‘0- n th Dittihnm. J amea' Carson's. 9:19, better known to Vicinity as “Unoln ' MAI/'4‘; /t 'Hl/l HHHT 'f “tidy an”! “x; 51”819 to its my nmont Gave lmmodz- are Relief. m. Bowman ny presenting l 1: little Bownunns. two born Is, one of the Ian. r bein f r. -- ‘ 1897. van 1:39, having claims I Francis Wait. d_a y annne. A. “ pncle ‘M'iic‘eig t1 Ivu alumna ‘A boat Dr. Cf Kingsto.\ every

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