NOTEâ€"A Member of the Firm will be in annudanoe at the Durham Ofï¬ce (Calder’s Block, entrance Ngxt to Holt’s) “ -â€"_ BARRISTERS, SOLICITOBS. Nlldnlw COWANCERS. Etc», Etc. Honey to Lou: u Invest Rates on Ensy Toma. CIVIC“! Owns Souxn. MARKDALE DURHAM.« Owns Sous», -The Plebiscite vote is now over and though unsatisfactory in its re- :sult, the peOple had the opportunity -of pronouncing their opinion on the abolition or continuance of the liquor trafï¬c. The vote polled gave the prohibitionists a majority, according to latest returns as shown elsewhere of 11,636. Every province except Quebec grave favorable majorities, amounting in the aggregate to nearly 6,000. '1‘hi9,Quebec reduces by an adverse majority of over 51,000. Though the majority of voters fa-' "s'Ol‘ prohibition there is doubt as to whether prohibitory legislation will follow. In fact it is generally believ- ed that no action will be taken. The majority is not a majority of the to- tal vote, but why give the unpolled ‘vote to the anti-prohibitionists ? Que- hec, we are told, shouldn’t be coerc- ed, but what about all the other provinces? Must they be coerced. simply because Quebec says they don’t want to do without whiskey? This is just about the position as we seeit. Majoritiesshould rule. Every one had the Opportunity of voting, and those who didn’t, simply refused -or neglected to exercise their fran- chise. How would it be it' we had prohibition and a vote was taken on its repeal? Would the non-voters be classed with the prohibitionists? 'We doubt it. How was this principle 5 applied in repeals of the Dunkin and. Scott Act? The indifferent electors: didn’t count then, and why should they count this tune? But Quebec mustn’t be coerced. 'l‘he Temperance people don’t Want to be too soft, and give up the conflict simply be- cause Quebec and the politicians say 80. ‘ >'l‘.ho Grit gflicialsvwould like month- ly plebiscites now while the pap goes .10 the faithful. There is one gratifying result inas- much as all the provinces that once enjoyed any measure of prohibitory legislation have gone for it again. notwithstanding the direct taxation bugaboo, and all the political capital made out of the cry by the anti-pro- hibition party. Ontario .......... 17.582 Quebec. ......... . ------ Nova Sozotia ...... 17. 840 New Brunswick .. 13. 715 Prince Edward Is’d 6.160 Manitoba ........ 5.099 N. W. Territories. 1.992 British Columbia. 538 The latpst returns from all the Provinces of the Dominion Show the following majorities :- FOR AGAINST Ontario .. . . .. . 17.582 ...... __--- A ï¬"! 'l‘he \\ or’ld 3 Fair at Holstein was )H‘l'l on Tuesday and we learn f1om those who have attenled for years that ti-o exhibits have exce lled in 111 111V resiwcts athhing formele ‘ shown in the township of Egremont ( ‘altle. sheep, pigs. gzain, roots. vegetables. and dairy and domestic manufactnr rs may be generallv class- el (13 excellent. though in some cases 1hc exhibits were inferior but not lnul. Some ï¬ne samples of grain were shown. Mr. J. L. Browne our popular professor of photography had a ï¬ne collection of pictures and’ frames anti got the red ticket. We noticed Mr. Chapman, of Mt. Forest. had a collection on exhibition, on which was also fastened a red ticket,but a closer examination re- vealed that the prizes taken by him were from shows where Prof. Browne didnz’t compete. Browne is I. terror to hilarior utiï¬l. . Prize List next week. THE CHRONICLE. MONDAYS 8: COURT DAYS. 63,926 54.290 Total maj. for Prohibition 11,636 SOUTH GREY. FOR AGAIGST TOTAL Artemesia. 338 95 433 Armmesia, Benuinck, Egrc mont, (;!“n€lq'o Normanby, Durham, Markdule, 4 '20 ‘240 ENG 139 -1! 1835 1188 3023 Total majority in 8. Grey 647. The Plebiscite Vote. 1, October 6th 1898. I. U. “CUB". SOLICITORS. NOTARIES 464 420 240 95 308 111V "J a. ‘0 um“. 51,290 309 182 111 ‘Y .‘ Me‘t‘LZdER-"bvbvéghc were held here Sunday and Monday. Proceeds about Grant Whittaker and Archie Ken- nedy, young fellows under 19 years of age, who live near Flesherton Station. were summoned before Mag- istrate VanDusen a~few days ago for disorderly conduct here on Show day. Two charges were laid against Whit- taker, the first for using profane language and drunkenness, and the second for assault, to both of which he pleaded guilty and was ï¬ned $4.00 and costs, $8.25. The charge against Kennedy was also for bad language and drunkenness to which he pleaded guilty and was ï¬ned $5.00 and $2.30 costs. The parties who furnished the drink violated the law in sflpplying liquor to minors and merited equal punishment with the lads who were foolish enough to imbibe it. ‘.Uu mv---_.â€"" _ years. His remains were interred in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Orange Valley, on Tuesday. Mr. Samuel Cunningham, a bach- elor who lived on the Toronto line about two miles west of this village, and who was one of Artemesia’s pio neers. has been in failing health for some time and paved away .at the home of Roderick McKenzie on Sab- bath morning last, aged about 75 Neil McLean and Fred White were driving a few days ago from Proton Station to Flesherton and when turn- ing Breen’s corner, a mile and a quarter east of the village, the buggy capsized and made the occupants lick the dust. There is a strcng suSpicion that the horse was not to blame for the accident. The men were not much the worse for their tumble but the buggy fared badly and will COSt considerable to repair it. Miss Jennie Stewart. Librarian in the Public Library, Galt, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. D. McTavish. Miss Mitchell, of Arthur, is the guest of Mrs. Watt at. the Presby- terian Manse. Mr. '1‘. F. McArthur, of St. Thomas was the guest. of Mrs. Jos, Radley last week. Miss Radley, who was also visiting her mower, returned to Toronto Saturday. - Mr. J. L. Moore, of Owen Sound, is visiting Mr. W. Strain and other friends here. Mrs. W. H. Thurston attended as a delegate a meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society at Orangeville on Tuesday. Mr. M. Richardson and Mrs. J. Blackburn were judges at the Proton Fall Fair on 'l‘uasday. Mrs. W. J. Douglas, who has been visiting her parents for three weeks, has returned to her home in Coiling- wood. Dr. Christoe preached in the Bap- tist church on Sabbath morning, and Rev. Mr. Thom preached anniversary sermon for Rev. Fallis at Bethel in Proton. Mr R. N. Henderson Spent the past week at Wiarton discharging the duties of Inspector for the North of Scotland Moxtgage Company, He is this week at. Shelburne and Owen Sound. His Honor Judge Morrison had a‘ busy day and the lawyers as well at the Division Court held here on Thursday last. A session was held after tea and the court adjourned at 9:250 leaving half a dozen important cases over till next court. Rennie Best vs. Artemesia and Proton '1"ps was an interesting case in which a large amount of evidence was taken occupying three hours time of the court. The plaintiffs sued the Muni- cipalities for $225 damages for injury to a liOt'Se caused by a hole in plank- covering over a ditch opposite Proton Station Post Olï¬ce on the town line between Artetuesia and Proton. The plaintilf claimed that the planking was on the regularly travelled road and that tho’ he knew of a hole being there he had exercised reasonable care to prevent an accident. The de- fendants claimed no responsibility and that the plaintiff was contribu- tory to the accident by driving over the planking in the dark knowing a hole to be there. and gave evidence l to prove that alongs de this planking ' which ran parallel with the road and was used as an entrance to the post otiice there was a roaalbed or travelled roadway of 26 feet to drive on. The J udge, however. ruled that the plain- tiff had taken reasonable care; that the planking was part of the travell- ed roadway and the municipalities were reSponsible. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for 820 and costs, each t’p. to pay half. Lucas Wright for plaintiï¬. A. G. McKay for defendants. Hooker vs, Proton fp. Claim was made by plaintiï¬ for maintinance and care of an indigent. The Council had not authorized his keep and claimed no responsibility, but had given the plaintifl a grant 9f 85. The Judge orderod t non-suit. DIVISION COU R'I‘. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-----‘-"‘""""e , _. Marshall, of Prioeville'. vs. U. 8. _S. No. 10. (the noted haunted school)- Claim was made by plaintiï¬ for lower- ing a well which had gone dry. The trustees repudiated the claim on the ground that they did not believe that the well had been lowered any. From the evidence given His Honor thought otherwise and gave judg- ment for $7 and costs. J. W. Frost [01' Pm; McKay for def’t. "An Montgomery and Fawcett vs. r‘er- gnson. The plaintiffs are cattle buy- ers and the defendent is a farmer in Proton who sold the former six hogs receiving one dollar on the sale and afterwards returning the dollar and delivering the hogs to another buyer. Judgment was given plaintifl's for the proï¬ts they would have made on the hogs $7.85 and cosrs. Lemon for plaintifl, McKay for def. McCallum vs. Morrison. ,The‘ parties live in Osprey and were 30' in}; to Church. the plaintiff on his wheel and the defendant in democrat wagon, The former attempted to pass on the left side when he'was crowded by the latter into the ditch damaging his wheel for which he claimed ï¬fteen dollars for repairing and was given judgment for $10 and costs in all about $30.00. McCallum offered to settle for 35) but Morrison would only give $2.50. Wright for plaintiff, McKay for, def. McClean vs. Bannerman. The former lived at Euphrusia the latter at Sydenham. This was a case of assult and the plaintiff wanted 360 for the punishment be received. He was allowed $15 and cosfs. McKay for plaiutig Lucas Wright for def Several cases more were disposed of which were not of public interest. No. 4 Co. shot at the Butts here on Saturday last under the supervision of Quarter Master McCallum, Owen Sound. The men standing at 200 yards and kneeling: in the Extra Series match. Following is the score . Ex. Sgt. Ramage, Lt. Snider, Corp. McCaul, McNab, McFadden, Davis, \Vhitmore, Falkingham, Bourne, McDonald, H. Williams, Firth. G. Williams, H. Dean, Gordon. Andxews, Capt.Ga1b1a1th H [I Hvâ€"t \J .pcoc H p... H - ‘ ummpwmmwmamm Born on the 23rd of . September to Mr. and Mrs. E. Brodie, a daughter.g Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Ellis, of Eu- phrasia, visited friends here last week. Miss Frances Richardson, of Scar- boro, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. E. Brodie a short time ago. Miss Gllray attended the East Grey Fall Exhibition in Flesherton and was a judge on ladies’ work. Mr. J. M. Dayis is adding to his residence by the erection of a. f1a1ne kitchen. Mr. Kell’s apple packers were in this neighborhood last; week pack- ing apples. Threshing is‘ about compEeted around here. Grain has turned out pretty well. A Harvest Home Festival was held here in the Church last Tuesday evening. A Splendid fowl supper was served by the ladies of the con- gregation. The mental part. of the programme consisted of speeches and vocal and instrumental music. Pro- ceeds $33. Mr. Angus Cameron sold his fine farm last week to \lr. Neil McArthur of Klondike fame and wealth for $3000. We understand that Ml. McAl‘thUI is makino'a present of it II twalUl LUII’ “’10 e..., v. has Spent most of the summer with her sister, Mrs. T‘. G. Lauder. of Durham, is Spending this week with the Edward’s family, TRAVERSTON . Batt. Rifle Match. VANDELEUR ' Uampbtll visited No. 5 1is report is highly com- He and the Trustees inav Kennedy’s Mathematics. w‘ 0.. , of Walkerton, who 11 all-1 gave jl‘dg' a. J. W. Frost 17‘ 9 8 11 17 . Fer- 35') 1‘2 10 ll 31% $25330 Aâ€, «‘21; 41% «I at; w w v ° ~ . .- 5 ~ \ ISO/:‘I2$"b’:'é .334. “I \‘V, «3'5. 775* 4‘57! ‘7135’45 43? \ ’ M? W 435 '7“. 43V '2‘? 'm‘ 7445')“; 53.5 '17,: 3“: ,1“ ~- of the G. T. R. Excursion and is over in Detroit visiting relatives for a few weeks. Messrs. \Vill Kerney, Joe MuNaHy and John Love are doing some fast threshing on the 6th tlu se days. Mr. James and Miss Mack. of Egre-l mont. and Miss Collier. of Durham. ‘ visited some of their Zionite friends on Sunday last. The cheerful, jolly . Miss Mack will remain a week or so‘l to keep the neighborhood in good , humor, and none can make a batter jOb 0f it. THE Walkertou Telescope reports the arresc at Owen Sound of Dr. Gim- by, an apparently prosperous medical practitioner of Chesley, who was supposed to be escaping with some $1500 of borrowed money. A Cow Kicked the Lantern Over, Set Chicago aï¬re and everybody talked about it. Peeple are now talking of the wonderful cures made by Sloan’s Indian Tonic. It cures by building up the tissues, strengthen- ing nerves and muscles, then billions- ness and constipation disappear. Two hundred pleasant-to-take doses $1.00. All druggists. DURHAM, Sept. 7th Fall Wheat ................... Qprivy Wheat ................ Oats .......................... Peas ........................... Barley ........................ Hay .......................... Butter ....................... Eggs per doz ................ . Apples....perbag ...... Potatoes. . . .per bag ......... . Flour per cwt ............... Oatmeal per sack ............ E Chop per cwt ................ Dressed Hogs per cwt. . . ....... Hides. . ..per lb .......... aneepskins.... . Turkeys per lb ....... . . ....... Geese per lb ................. Ducks per pair ............... Chickens per pair ....... . ...... Wool ........... Pure Spices Gem Jars. 333$9~3§3339Wi stages, ‘Whole. Ground and Pure Vinegars.†Mixed Quart Crown Gems at 650. a doz, Half Gallon “ soc l. AMERICAN CANADIAN GOA L . >1 L. Complete StOCK Of High and Public School Books and School Wants at Right l’mes. gamma 6 ï¬ï¬'éï¬g’f early H PARKER, Druggistf‘ : DllRHAM of Cod-liver oil with Hypo- phosphitcs of Lima and Soda. in these cases results in a positive cure to a large num- ber. In advanced cases, how- ev": What a cure is impoui. 51¢: this well-known remedy should be relied upon to 9’0- has life surprisingly. Market Report. Try Our White Wine Vinegar, Pm f * English Malt Vinegar. 0 ' Canadian Malt Vinegar. XXX White Wine and Cider Vince ................ 12 to H ................ . 10 to 11 r bag ..... 50 to 50 er bag ......... . 50 to Go rt ............... 2 (X) to 2 00 aLk ............ 2 (I) to 2 2') ................ 1 (I) to l 10 ooooooooooooo m See Our 200 page Scribbler, 2 {01. 56 . 200 $0200 200 t02'25 lCDtollO ....575 t058) 35 tn 40 65 to w_ U “6..., uvaa U. â€ICUP 3THIR'1‘Y-SIZ‘.'l-‘..\' Ill-HI). lllf‘luding â€â€œ5 and, an almost constan C(m's, llml'm‘~ :ml {mug Bulls. ' . In February last 1 TERMS 01“ SAL]; :» 'l‘m: 11:n1:tl1~':"‘3ditun “- Dunk Kidney Pills an: approved juim lmtw‘. w <li~c~am altlxerate much beneï¬t from them than of6 p0 cunt. pm ammn. fur mm. their use until I had take: (V'atalugues will lw I‘mul)’ alum the ink w in ad was completely Sept Lunch at llJC‘ (.k-mral 11mm 113. m. M rempved every vestige 01 Wednesday, Bomber l2th,l838 flram’s Ad. Our Flannelettes Durham, Sept. 13111,:18. We have some Beautiful Figmcd Lustre just to hand at 2.5, 30. 40 and 500. a yard. and a good Serge at 25C, :1. yard. All wool Velour HENRI- ETTAS at 50c. in cardi- nal, green and black. In the words of Animus Ward : “Are equalled by few and excelled by none.†We start them at 40. up to 110., but the 110. one is a DAISY. Our Ladies CREDIT SALE At One o’clock p. m., sham A nd Remember tdics' Jackets are F 11 TLRS. DURHAM H. PARKER. 01 0N may, Bind Saws, Emery inn. [and or power ; Cresting II' Kettles, Columns, Church M Bed Fasteners, Fencing. PW’ Supplies, School I. Flaming Mill Castings. ‘Mng: and Builder-5’ Sup 8‘. Plate: and Points fox h‘valoughl in use. C‘wstin “than and Saw Mills. nun-mun- â€momma of! mn's Kidney Pills The Remedx h. “It Rein, 33 Wellinmon S! h“, “’6, “ For ten years I hm "ulna: kidney and back [rm “greatly from dizziness. no u. want eyesight, loss of slccl “and nervousness, and en | 3 to get restful sleep; so tha I sick woman I am now I well again.†“may Pills are the best rcmed v im UH hr Bright‘s Disease. INIMEII’S.‘ I. We. Gravel. Sediment m the .d all whey sud Blsdder Diseases. 1%“. or out by mail on receipt ‘ m. box “was for $1.15. I. H110... to. Ont. av sick wox I' well again." I“. Kidney Pills are t I“ for Bright‘s I 1. “cache. GraveL .04 all Kidney and imam agent ' I. been a x or I. my Pin Co. ' use OF MANY A WOMAN Kfltflm, Power St'uv C u t- 3 Air “rams, Shingle p troubled with BC! Rashes, Ulcers, Sort mic or Malignant Sk me want: a perfect cu: ‘muable W - many Ole‘ible '. “0.0m more lots. ‘6'. 49.8 ‘l‘ownqhip of "0 “WI; Town plot. 33. to many of I have used it with go A. l. MUSTAR W'slood Bittc ï¬e I took made a co â€d proved so v« that have reco I! .0“ wide â€ï¬‚icked In BK BLOOD mm, FOUNDR Who an think 0" some olmpie 9.1:; to {menu ' \‘(m in cum. Manor- mprsu one: ed by frien avail. It S in all, I Powers re