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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1898, p. 4

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' ARRIS’I‘ER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER, Etc., Etc. Money to. Luau at reasonable rates and on "terms to sun h)rr0\\'er. OFI‘JCE~.\ZcItntyre Block, (Over the Bank) J" The attractions and the speeding events, particularly the Bicycle races were Quite unique. They didn’t have the Calithumpians but the out- fit for the Klondike was a new and amusing feature. OWEN Some, MARKDALE DURHAM. 'O'IjEâ€"A Member of the Firm will be in attendance at the Durham Office (Calder’s Jiluck, entrance Next to Holt’s) “Ann It is; said that over two thousand ‘visitors were on the grounds, and the exhibits were no diagrace to any .show. The papers were represented by the Ed-tors of the Representative and Confederate, of Mount Forest, and the Reyiew and CHRONICLE of Durham, each anxious to due little towards encouraging,r the yoemanry in the devolopmcnt of their business, Mr. James Allan, owing to a recent fracture, of one of his legs, “ didn’t feel as young as he used to be ” and his presence was missed in the out side Show, but in the Hall he jealous- 1y guarded the fruit with a watchful eye, and it seemed he felt a little pond in showing his own prize win- ning collection of apples, a beautiful and choice assortment. The \Vorld’s Fair held atHolstein on Tuesday of last week is regarded as the most successful yet. held by the townshlp of Egremom. The Managexs, contributed to the mag- nificent. Success of which all feel proud. - " ‘Io Secretary Petrie was a busy man, but. bad part of the burden rolled off $133 shouldh's bv the assistance rendered him by the cool headed pedago‘éue, Mr. W. J. Sharpe. ._\V R Boaman, J Fairbairn, J Troupe. 1 Year Geldingâ€"J Troupe, '1‘ Orchard. '2 Year Geldingâ€"J J Spicer, J Dyce. 2 Year Filly--T Bunston, F Rusnell. Span Farm Horsesâ€"J Fairbairn, T Orchard, I Philp, Brood \Iareâ€" J Philp, G Paull.i Spring Colt, or Fillvâ€"J Philp, G: P111111. lYem Geldingâ€"W Main. 2; Year Geldingâ€"W Mai11,Caldwe111 3108.1 yr. Filly- JPl1e1pa.Caldwelll Bros. 2 Year Fi'lyâ€"J Philp, W; Main. Buggy Horseâ€"A Aicken. W1 Brown, A Ross. Hackney Horseâ€" Caldwell Bros., J Dillon. COACH 0R CARRIAGE. BrooJ Mareâ€"A Ross, Caldwelli Bros. Pair Caxriage Horsesâ€"~Cald-i well Bros. W Pindrr H Reid. 1 Year Geldinz~-T Brown, J McArthur 2 Yunr Fillyâ€"T Brown. Spriuchlt Brood Mareâ€"W RBcamzm, J Fair- bairn, J White. Spring Colt or Filly qr l":|ly-â€"A Ross. Lady Driverâ€"A Aitken. J Fairbairn. Most Comical 0mm â€"â€"'l‘ R Tribe, J Mark. CATTLE, THOROBRED, DURHAM. Bull 2 years or overâ€"T Orchard. Bull Calf «T Orchard. Cowâ€"W '1‘ Finder, T. Orchard. Heifer Calfâ€"W Finder. JERSEYS. Bullâ€"{hidwell Bros. Dickson. Bull-â€"T fl Reid. ' - \V J Adams, W Mountain Ex“; GRADE CATTLE. broidery on Silkâ€"W J Adam-,3, W 3 Your Steersâ€"J Brown lst and?Mountain.. Embrpidery on Cottonâ€" Qnrl. ‘2 Year Steers- ~J Stevenson, J i W MOUUW‘“, R Mickleboro. Crochet. Brown. Cowâ€"J Stevenson, H Reid. work ‘ W J Adams, J Adams. Ora. ‘2. Year Heiferâ€"G Snell, J Stevenson. ' mental WOI‘kf-J Stevenson, R Mickie- ] Year Heiferâ€"J Swanston lst and'bofo- Berhn W001 workâ€"W Moun- 2nd. Heifer Calfâ€"'1‘ Orchard. J tam- T Brown. Fancy Knitting-J Brown. Fat Beeve-J Brown, T‘Steveqson, N Main. Fapcy work Tribe. Dairy Cowsâ€"Caldwell Bros. any “Pd-W Caulfield, J Bruce. B Reid. . Collecnon of. Flowers--W Petrie, W Main, ReV. J McMillan. M Gree 1 war, LONG WOOL" Hand Painting, Landscapeâ€"N $29.65;: Ramâ€"PI Swsnston. Ram Lambâ€". . h - . . . J B Smith,J Swmaton- Pair Ewes! 1v“? gag?“ laxighgfimingfi'ilggrfi ._.J Smith, J SWanston. Shearlingi‘FChnpman. . 7 ' n 6â€"-2Lt ' n.â€"_-_-L-_ ”A- --J Smith, J Swanston. Shearling Ewen-J BSmith,J Swanston, Ewe“ laughsâ€"J Swunston, J R Smith. [089.8 WRIGHT 8. BATSUN. AYRSHIRES. Bull and Cowâ€"Caldwell Bros. nannmnns. BulLâ€"T H Reid. THE CHRONICLE. C MONDAYS COURT Holstein Show. AG {ICULTURAL HORSES. S DAVIDSON, PRIZE LIST. ROADSTERS c. A. mason. DAYS. I Tub Butter-JP Orchard, J Swan- Eston. Crock Butterâ€"~N Klien, J Hunter. 5-1133 Buttm‘--J Bnuce, A 1Murdoch, \Vm. Main. Crock Butter 310 Ibâ€"-\V Main. Cheese, not. factory g--.) Swanston, w Caulfield. Loaf {Breadmâ€"VV Mountain, W Caulfield. 5Honeyâ€"W Main, H Ham. Maple ’Sugar-wVV J Adams, J Mark. Pie~â€" I J R Dillon, w Caulfield, Buns--â€"W ECaulfield, A Seim. Tartsâ€"\V J E Adams, H Ham. fiOWL. Brahmasâ€"Jae Mark. Barred Ply- mouth Rocks-â€"W T Pinder, R Mickle- born. White Plymouth Rocksâ€"Cald well Bros. White Leghornsâ€"Cald- well Bros. 15$ and 2nd Brown Leg horns-«S T Orchard, Caldwell fires. Hambm‘gsâ€"VVm Mountain, Caldwell Bros. Dorkingsâ€"«Caldwell Bros Cochinsâ€"~Harvey Ham lst and 2nd. \‘v’yandottesâ€"uCaldwell Bros., W Horsburgh. Black Spanish-Cald- well Bros., Alex. Ait-kens. Bantams -â€"W Pottigrew, W Mountain. Coll. of fowlâ€"Caldwlll; Bros. Turkeysâ€"- Jas Swanston, \V Horsburgh. Geese A Murdoch, 3 Allan. Fall Apples, largeâ€"J Allan. H Hissock. Fall Ap- ples, smallâ€"~J R Murdoch, H M Reid. Collection of Applesâ€"Jas Allan A Aitken. Pearsâ€" W Caulfieid, F Rus- nell. Crab Applesâ€"S T Orchard, J R Dillon. Watermelonsmâ€"J Bruce. Tomatoesâ€"«J Bruce, W T Petrie. Citronsâ€"S Seaman, J Mark. GRAIN. Fall Wheatâ€"T Orchard. J Steven- son, J R Smith. Spring Wheatâ€"W Mountain, H Adams. Barleyâ€"~S Seamans, W Caulfielil. Long White Oats-â€"VV Horsburgh, W Uaulfield. Short White Oatsâ€"W T Pinder. Black Oatsâ€"W Caulfield. Peas, smallâ€"S Seamans. :‘Aiâ€"tkén, W "l‘ Pinder. Ducksâ€"Juo Haley, Jno Hunter. FRUIT. Northern Spysâ€"F Rusnell, W Caul field, H Adams.__ \Vint_91’__Apples-â€"â€" Timothy Seedâ€"J Mark. Flax Seedâ€"N Klien. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. C(llection Potatoesâ€"J R Smith, J Mark. Busliel Potatoesâ€"~H Adams, J R Smith, R Main. N Klien. Swede Turnipsâ€"H Hiscock, F Rusnell. Turnips any kindâ€"~W Caulfield, J R Smith. Mangoldsâ€"J Bruce, J Hun- ter. White Uarrots-â€"N Klien. Red Carrotsâ€"J Philip, J Mark Beetsâ€"- N Klein. J Smith. Parsnips--â€"N Klein, J Mark. Seed Onionsâ€"+N Greenly, J R Smith. Potato Onions SHEEP SHORT WOOL. Q Ram-J Fairbairn, W Boaman. Ram Lambâ€"4 J Spicer, W Boa- man. Pair Ewes-W Boaman. Shear- ling Ewesâ€"J J Spicer 13b and 2nd. Ewe Lam bsâ€"-W Boaman lst. and 2nd. JUDGESâ€"Geo. Moore. And. Schenk, H. Brigham, And. Linklacer. Reid. Sow, Yorkshireâ€"T Reid. Boar, Berkshireâ€"F Rusnell. W Boa- man. Sow, Berkshireâ€"--T Tribe. Boar, Tamworthâ€"Caldwell Bros. lst and 2nd. Sow Tamworth-â€"-Caldwell Bros. lst and 2nd. Pair Spring Pigs -Jno McDongull lst and 2nd. JUDGESâ€"C Firth, Geo. Binnie, __J Bruce, N Klein, Cauliflowerâ€"J Haley. Cabbageâ€"-â€"N Klien, \V J Adams. Pumpkinsâ€"-â€"W Caulfield. Sweet Cornâ€"~J Philip, J Mark. Celeryâ€"J Haley. Sugar Beetâ€"N Klien. Jum ESâ€"J H Stevenson, W Smith, R McGowan. ' Cotton Patch Quiltâ€"WJ Adams, J J Spicer. Woollen Patch Quilt __W J Adams. N Klein. Ornament- a1 Quilt-T Brown, R Mickle-boro. Log Cabin Quiltâ€"J D Roberts, W' Caulfield. Rag Carpet-N Main. Crochet. or knitted coveriet-‘V J Sharp, J R Dillon. Gent’s Shirt. hand madeâ€"\V J Adams. Gent’s Shirt, machine made-J Adams, J Bruce. Pillow Shams-J J Spicer. Alex Aitken. Woollen socksâ€"\V Mountain, J Bruce. Pair Mitts-J D Roberts, F Rusnell. Overalls- W J Adams,J Adams, Table Mat...J Fairbairn, W Canlfield. Rag Mat- W J Admns, J R Dillon. Braiding “' " Flannel, cotton warpâ€"J Bruce. Blankets--F Rusnell. JUDGESâ€"G Sparling, F 0 Clark A \Venger. ’ ‘ J UDGssm-Mrs. G Hunter, 3 A Firth. DAIRY PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. LADIES’ WORK. Binnie, Maggie ‘JVU \ Do gentlemen as a nominating committee: . “10m. Eaetman and Scott, and Messrs. M. Rich- ardson, I). R. Ellis and the See‘y: W. L. Young} Business of a routine character was then trans- acted and the Secretary’s interesting re ort was Sim-'1‘, Which showed of the schools 111 t 16 A830. elation so far as reported there are twenty-fivefâ€" Methodist 12. Presbyterian 7. Baptist 3, and Uni- ted Brethren .3. Total scholars on the mile 2298; teachers 205; amount raised $947.72. Paid for School purposes. $593.73; contributed to missions, $153.24, Prieeville Presbvterian School leading tar b." giving $75.00. Mr. M. RiehardBon was then introdiu-ed and spoke on " Methods of Lesson Studies”, after which Rev. Mr. Ward welcomed the delegates in a short but pithy speech. The afternoon session 'as opened at two o'cloek by devotional exercises led bv Mr. Hmnphreys of l’riceville. The nominating:r eommintee then pre- sented their report. and with sli‘rht amendments the following ”mm-s were eleetm for the ensuing ""“'“”P"“5i‘“mt. Rev. L. \\'. Thom; "Vice-Pres” lev. Mr. \Valker: Secretarv. \V. 1.. Young; Treas A (-loodt'ellow, The newlv'veleeted President took the chair and briefly addressed the Convention Mmford was chosen as the next plaee of meeting} RV"- Hunter, 0f Markdale, took up “ The snee- "mfiful 5““‘133' Sohool Teacher ” and was follow. 0‘1 by R19". Thom on ” The Bible Class” The public schoolchildren marched in a body to the Church and were addressedhy Rev. l’lunkett. of Ki"‘b"l'l".\'- The evening session opened at 7;:i0, dM'otional exercises being conducted by Rev. Matthewson of l’rieeville. Rev. Simpson read a l’al’b‘!‘ 0" " Children and Money ". and Rev. Scott slmlm on “Christian I)oetrine and its Relation to t '0 Sunday SMWM.“ Rev. Defoe, of Alal'kdale, who was to have read a paper on "The Scholar ", but was unavoidably absent. Rev: Thom took ”.â€" The fourth annual convention of the Sabbath County of East Grey School Association of the ~ , was held in this place on Tuesday and “I“ mines- the whole an inter. dag: of last week, and was on , , es ing convention for the delegates and “81‘0“ who braved the storm to be n-esent. er was of the most unfti'mia le kind a . . less kept many at home who had been livmg In anticipation of the inspiration and profit afiorded :15] such meetings. The first session was held in 9 Fresh. rterian Church on Tuesday evening and ‘ conducted after a ha hour’s devotional exercise, by Rev. Mr, Thom, of this lace, Dr. Christoe was called to the chair, and a 'ter a few remarks introduced the president, Rev. Mr \Valker 0f Meaford, who gave an instructive paper on " The Relation of the County Convention to Local Asso- ciations and how they may be mu - to each other,” This was followed in an interest. mg manner by Revs. McLaren, of Rocklyn. and Eastman, of Moaford. the former on “ How to se- onre the Attachment- of Scholars to . ' Pf‘hOOI "a and the latter on “ Watching for Souls. lhe morning session on Wednesday began at 9:30 in the Methodist Church. After devotional exer- c;ses, conducted by Rev. Mr Eastman, the Presi- dent took the chair and nominated the following gentlemen as a nominating committee :â€"â€"Rcvs. M Rich- l‘hmn, Eastman and Scott, and Messrs. . srdsm, D. R. Ellis and the Sony: W. L. Young: Bufimws "t a I‘Ulltinc character was then trans- “..th and the Secretary’s interestinv report was lf‘\'1i'\ “vliinll thuvnl‘ nf. flu: 9011001?) $11 the A880. uut u an uuu v UA\I¢t‘lI|y ¢;u\)\ nu. --v ~ - - charge of the Question Drum" and answerrd a. number of questions. M ' and .\ rs She-ppurd and Miss Joy favored the andivnm- with a trio, Miss Christos presided at the organ afternoon and evonin r. The addresses wow characterised by deep t. nought showed careful study. and were ably dismissed by somo who were present. Thanks were. tendered the pimple of Ficslicrton for their hospitality and to all who contributed to the pleasure of the Convention. and the mocting was closed with the Bcnodirtion.. The courte- ons and efficient Secretary. Mr. \V. L. Young‘ is " tho right. mnn in the right place", and the Con- rcntion displayed wisdom in rte-electing him. ()n Wodiwsday at last “'(Wk Mr. W'm. J. Monro, Old Durham Corners. and Miss Mary Semplc were united in wedlock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. “'ard. B. 1)., at the. residence of the bride’s brother, Rom. Scrum-c, Tm-onm line. Mr. J 03. (hr and the bride's niece. Miss Tillie William- son, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. 011 ()«-t. 6th Mr. Thos. Paul, widower, of Osprey. and Miss Maria Fcnwick. Eugc-nia. were nmn'ivd by Rt'V. J. \Vard at. thv residmuw of the bride's brother-in-law, \V, Parsons. of this place. Rev. A. J. Darragh B. A. was married Sept, 20. to Miss Molnarmid, of Sandx'ingham. Tho com. mony was performed at the homo of the bride noarUttawa. After spending tlwir honeymoon with friends in various parts of Ontario, the young couple arrived home here on Friday owning lust. They have tlw host wishes of many friends for a long, happy and useful life. Mrs. \Vartl, beloved wife of Rev. J. “'ard of this place, passed peacefully away on Saturday night last after a lingering i:luess with lung trnuhle, which was borne with the brightest Christian cheerfnlness and patient-e. The. fune‘.‘ ml was largely attended on Mon'lav when her re- mains were interred in l-‘lesherum C meterv. Rev. Mr Brown. chairman at the Owen Sound Histrict ottieiating in the services. Mrs. Ward was an ex- em ilary Christian woman, keenly intellectual, am esteemed by all. She was fairly three years ofageaml leaves four children, two sons and two daughters, wh) along with her hus- band haw the :55 mpathy of the continuity in their and bereavement. Dr. Christan preached in the Hethodist Church last Sunday morning. On account of Mrs. Ward's death the evening 31‘ ten was withdrawn. En, lish. Deccamnl was twenty eight years of agu am loavvs a husband and four young children to mourn her departure Mrs J 01111 Armstrong died from consumption on Sunday last at the home of her mother, Mrs. John English. Deccasml was twenty (ugh! years of agu On Monday fast Mr. and Mrs. John Clinton at- tended the tum-ml of their nephew, Percy Smith. ago 15. son of J ohn Smith who lives near Rhubar- ley. The dwmsml was working at the throahin machine. and stopping from the mow on the for: board, slippvd into the cylindenwhich out off 1) t1 lt‘g-‘L one at the know. and the other at the thigh. He ted about two hours after the accident. Mr. R. J. Spruuln. while driving from OHprOy Fair. accompaniml byMins J 0y was driven into and upstet bv another rig. Mr Sproule escaped unhurt but Kiss J 0 was stunned and considera- bly. bruised, The buggy was damaged. Mrs Defoe ”and dwelling narrowly omutped dam' age by the upsetting and explosion of a coal oil lamp, on Sunday night. last. On Wednesday evening last a pleasant evening was spent. at the residence of Mr and Mrs George Stewaat, being the 40th anniversary of their wedding ay. 11‘le Flasherton Band played at the Ospreyj‘all 811'. Vu'}ss Ida Rutledge left last week for Honthair, H1: Andrew Sharp left Monday for Clearwater, Mamtoha. Mr and Mrs Lindsay and Mr and Mrs R Whit ton visited over Sumla . With t1 f r , at Shelbumc. 5 ‘6 0 me? 8 Parents As the late cor. is either dead bile-eons, or overjoyed with the new baby we make bold to send in a few items and enquire after the scribe’s welfare. They say it’s a little girl he has to walk the floor with at nights The popular John H. Collett is not to be seen around the Park, as he left recently for British Columbia. His many friends wish him every success. Miss Graft ing“ friends in She leaves 3. yo her loss as we who will never loving care. puthy'of the cc Mr. H. Kennedy recently for Dakota P0“ good times. , MP. Wm. Willi- Mr. Wm. Willis hu rented the 00110 n plug and will work it for all i: is worth. . “‘NVV. V‘ Allouuao leavesâ€"a. youzg husband to mourn A-- QM ", uwuus man mm every Grafton. of Weston, is visit- FLESHERTON - never experience a mother’s .re. They have the sym- the community in their sad _- _v“." as well 9.3 gm infant. child ‘Aâ€"â€"- ‘where they re DR. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE, BLOWER; included, 25c. acts magically and cnees * quickly. ()ne applicuiiun nllays pains, ‘, clears the passage, reduces inflammation . and gives comfort. Cures cold in the head, Hay Fever, Rose Fever, Catarrhal Deaf- ness and all head and throat afllictiuns which if not taken in time will lead to (Thrunic Cazarrh and later consumption. It is sure, pure and harmless, easily applied. _ _,_,,,_...,_ 1 ”ma...” Will be at Macfzulane’s D1119; S1010 on Wednesday, Oct. 19. One day only DURHAM, Sept. 7th Fall Wheat ................... “privy Wheat ................ Oats .......................... Peas ........................... Barley ........................ Butter ....................... 12 to 13 Eggs per doz ................. 10 to 11 Apples. . . . per bag ........... 50 to 50 Potatoes. . . .per bag ........... 50 to 60 Flour per cwt ............... 2(1) to 2 on Oatmeal per sack ............ 2 (X) to 2 ‘25 Chop per cwt ................ l 00 to 1 10 Dressed Hogs per cwt. .. ....... 5 75 to 5 80 Hides....per lb 6 to 7 Sheepskins ............ . 30 to m Turkeys per lb ....... .. .. ..... 9 tn 10 Geese per lb ................. 5 to 6 Ducks per pair ............... 40 to 50 Chickens per pair ....... . ...... ‘20 to 30 Wool ........... . .. ......... . 15 to 15 “Just as Good as Scott’s "and we sell it‘mueh cheaper,” is a statement sometimes made by the (1:6 ist when Scott’s Emulsion is ea or. This shows that the druggists themselves regard Scott's Emulsion An Exquisit Toilet Lution for Chupped Hands. 1’ ‘ L(’lԤl!L3.OSS l$ of the Skin, Redness, Sunburn, Irritation, 6.17.. dc. 3‘50 f for use after shawng. {3 .._- _.-__â€".â€"._b *_ _ is H PARKER, a = Chemist fs‘ Druggist, COMING! Call early and avail yourselfof his valuable services, as this is a rare Opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Diffi- cult cascs accu rately fitted. ALI. WORK GUARANTEED. H I never call at prlvute house!- Graduate New York, Phiirddphia, and Toronto ' Optioal LoiICgcs. Castor Oil ‘Cr‘eam . Dr. Budd’s White Pine Expectorant Dr. Budd’s Tonic and Alterative Pins Dr. Budd’s Kidney Pills. WITCH HHZEL CREAM- 0 o T. P. smTH, sctmmc m spzcmusr Market Report. 9:75.933: :3" Na. w.- ~ (4%" "3n“ '4. .‘ 64$?” .149. rm} 4» an» a. w .M p 4' A Pleasant and Reliable Remedy for COUghs 256. and 500. a Bottle. The Great Blood Builder, Purifier, Nerve Tonic an - d 1‘ rr lstor. Only 200. per Large Box, We“ For Infants Chlldren. A Perfectly Palatablc Prel'al‘ation A Mosr Valuable Remedy for all Kidney Comyhmns «sin munm'm“ "‘ ODE?" .~.G! COMING! DURX-{FJJL FALL MILLINERY. Call and inspect. the very large New Stock. As we are under no (expense for hired help our customers get the benefit. _ >5. c L'ummsox, U the Underwigned. Lut 70, can. 3, 110:. land, on or about Sept. 2911:, a Suw Hg about six or seven mum!» uld. white in color. The owner may ham: same by proving property aud paying Pxpemes. UWLN McGANN. Shop over S. Scott‘s More. 8:10? over Oct. 3rd. 2.; 4M] S AGAIN PREPARED T0 FER NISH the Ladim uf Durham and View ity with the LATEST STYLES IN \Ve have some Beautiful Figured Lustre just to hand at ‘25, 30. 40 and 50c. 21 yard. and a good Selge at 230. a mud. All wool Veiom HENRI ETTAS at We. incaidi- nai. 21 can and black. AME TO THE PREMISES OF In the words of Artimus Ward : “Are equalled by few and mailed by none.” “'03 start them at 40. up to 110.. but the 11c. one is a DAISY. Our Ladies’ Qh. - Has RODIOVed hi5 b ()I)f OVCI‘ ‘ . ’ rug: Store W119 , ' fill all 0" 0w, uu‘ ”‘5 ‘ son, is the time t0 3"" Correctly Cut an fished. \IISS CELIE E R TSON ESTRAY PIG. tdies’ J :zckets are FITTLRS. Q9 COlds Uunwch P. 0. 'U“'er TOW“. h the summer especiallyl (b bowels be kept free, 501 poisonous material shall re: the system to ferment and .4 infect the whole bod} remedy has yet been found a 3.8.3. for curing Constil even the most chronic and hm cases yield to its influe; “I moot any too much in! m Blood .Bitteri, as thefl Cousnml Sole up?" TOWn 'â€" â€"rr--\w' t_" Punting Mill Cm “in” tnd Builders MOWen‘ m at toad and mm I. W tr. subject. I M of Disrrhuea, \ .3 and discomforting M A bottle 0f D1 0‘ Wild Strawberry in ”a“ of utoty. On t at dumps. ColiC. Di FOUNDRYMAN PROPERTY tot Wild Stra Home 1’0 '5 Reapers. Cross-C u t ”4 Flat W; '5 Jewd

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