'oung girl introduced 1 u should await Lbs-ac . who, if kindly d151, hands. y man presented 03“ e is decidedLyï¬lderly, ed. must wait {or be? 1' ant toward shaking ‘ one woman presents man aLcc-mpanying her, !ot friendship. as W911i {or the man to be met handshake. iinarily, however. Wine bsed to shake 113de YHEN IO SHAKE H re are some simple I. 33 to observe in the “:13 hands:â€" ostess should. shake ] eve t â€\Vhé‘ r1 sense .OUS 1280 0" ra rgo a red ral here. was a dog :11 old sergeant “ton’s paws we. rengent 1n bpam, a Tram. Starving htms ’8? Der her own frie 1‘ friend both on arrival at .ner. nar 1y, however. wv-r . sed to shake hands mm H tram-I they are p.e£ented to good even at a a woman for the t \Ve O. x, nf VV' in Mosc N A POLEON’S RETREAT. zne‘s memou's “v' nlnh‘. hold, Daubenlon 0D 01C 's of the Terrible 11-: mars (f Sex-gt. Bonrgogno.‘ retreat of the tench; cow Sergt. Bourgogne 3 dog. who had been w Lt in Spain, at 55311118, tarving himselt. pens“ A nonhuman would "0‘ ymg on the o nht on the st They were all me brandy in HOW award. to reach the H errible crossing is hisu w Prepared to do Of custom Wax-k. rely a terrible sleepi rerunner of death, me. I felt exhaust o carry me furtherJ lalf asleep several '1 been roused each tin], â€0-- Am 0110?ng roadwa )oping to give he!!! snow LI seeme n roused eaon an 1 have been 0V8! was here my 1 men and horses lived. mplor unfortunate Often these Id of the 19!! oring their] organ $ 3. stone flâ€. 'v t‘ W Y9? gain." to be Gigj rules '15 III 11 very 111‘ week 3) SUPPIY 0f fresh arrival of Organ} {‘3 11,9, Much are gomg mid‘n on account of Read y-Mixed Paints . camel ;;-,h;zï¬d {041:1}? for HOUSE, mag-y, W 212011, Imple- 21161'1‘tsâ€, etc. You will save mm}; by painting your rnh.’ {Du “it Mm '._ ï¬n 3:: four Sprï¬ymotors ween U‘ W. BLACK ry 1391‘s: t we have rec egy 3d a 131 go ship Hnrvest Tools \LdCS. Snatns, .o I 3 M- V‘ 1 :15 Hâ€" D11" Best Cï¬urn J. 'H‘ :1. Doors and Windows 113ml v high “8 are 1911 Cheap. Every 531911111 have them. in «the market. 'fOR arson admits 5 Old Stand buying This Hot Our Shirts If you are looking for a nice up-to-date Collar 01' We have also an extensive line of Fine wool and Cashmere Socks in Bl’k, Grey and mixed colors. H. W. Mockler 86 in. Cashmere in Navy Blue and Black 12 1-2c. a. yard. 40 in. Blavk and Col’d all wool Surge at 25¢. a. yard. Tartan Dress Ginghams 7c. and 16:2. ayard. Opaque Window Shades with lace fringe, 37 x 70, mounted on spring rollers, complete, 40c. FLOOR OIL CLOTH 6ft. wide 500. yd. Best table Oil Cloth 45 in. wide 200.. 54 in. 30c. BUGGY DUSTERS with embroider’d Boots and Shoes. â€Weiâ€"always keep a. Full Line at Lowest Prices. Call and see our Men’s and \Vomen’s Oxfords. Just the thing for hot weather. Best Shoe Dressing 10 20c. abottle. 10in. Granite Pie Plates 10c.each. Granite 'Wash Bowls 20c. Large Granite Spoon 8c. Don’t forget to call! Suits Bed need - First Class $12.00 Suits now sold at $10. LOVVBR TOWN: Centre 60c. up. Alex’s Undershilta and Drawers 25:. Men‘s Rubbermo ‘Co'flam, stand up, 10c. “ “ Cufls 20c. a pair. â€(Sâ€"N SHORTESE‘ NOTICE. Fresh Groceries as usual. Lemons 20¢. a. (102. You want- a. Light, 0001 Coat and Vest. We can SUIT you in MA- TERIAL and PRICE. HiGHEST PRICE in Cash or Goods. Any quantity of \Vool will be taken for Cash or in ex- change {or Goods, of which we now have a Choice Assortment consisting of A Are Cheap, Cool and Comfortable. We have them with soft and starched fronts, in the nicest shades and patterns. Tie come and we will Show you all the latest shapes. fweeds, Flannels, Blankets and Yam. BEN! (m D UREA; . Mr. Robt. Mead is filï¬t populating his 230 acre farm. An addltmnal bov and irl were added last week. All are doing we 1. "'Mrs. Thos. Amos, of Puslinch, visited Mr. Wm. Allan's family last week. \lr.1Vm.A11a attend the Pres Misses Mary and Katie Baird, Spendinga happy time amongst friends along our line, left Wednesday tor Winni- peg, going by way of Paisley to visit friends there. We all wish them a pleasant trip. The Rev. Mr. Ryan has commenced to hold Bible readings in Lawrence’s Hall every alternate Friday evening. Frida evening, to-morrow, the next meeting will be held. night back at : Die. The evené A Drivate pitkn . was spent pl boatmg games axfh feast: ng. Mr. Wm. Allan left “'edneï¬day last to attend the Presbytery at Hamilton. Mr. Alex. Pollock left last week to spend the summer in Irelapd amongst friends and visit the scenes of Ins boyhood days. 112-- _ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burrows, of Paisley, paid a visit to friends in this part "while here attending the funeral of the farmer’s mather who died suddenly of heart failure on Friday morning. Arrangements were eommepced last Fri- day night for the holdu}g of a Townshxp Sunday School Com'ermen en the attermon of July 6th at Holstem. Councillor \V. Sharp «let the contract for a new bridgein the new survey the other night He will have three tri s in connec- tion with it 'for which he says ris remuner- ation will be 40c. He had an assistant along who afforded him so much comfort, that, even though the salary is light to share up, he is seriously thinking of perma- nently securing the party’s services for a life-long period. Mr. C. Chislett visited this neighborhood last week. He taught. in our academv when a mere lad, but now. as a full bearded man. he was not known at ï¬rst sight. Court of Revision for the Township of Sentinel; for the year 1899 was held at Allan Park on Thursday the 25th of May. Members of the Coun- cil all present. Court was constit~ uted by appointing the Reeve as chairman, when the following ap- peals were heard : George Bailey, assessment reduced $100; Henry Miller assessment conï¬rmed; Wm. Willis, assessment on lot 38. Con. 1 S. D. R. reduced $150; Jacob Knech- tel, assmt. reduced $50 ; Scaefe Bros., assessed for lot 48 con. 3, W. G. R.; Thomas Tompkins, assessed for lot 9; of 42 and 43. con. 1, N. D. R. There being no iuther appeals to deal with, Court adjourned and the Council met for general business. As we were saying, a beard makes a wonderful change on some men. It has been noticed that John and Isaac look very long faced since their Bairds were removed and they will. no doubt. now use soft soap more vigorously than ever to induce their return. Minutes of February meeting read and passed. The assessment roll as revised by the Court of Revision was ordered to be received and the As- sessor paid his salary of $80.00. Pe- tition received from W. J. Derby and others asking aid to improve 8. L. 63 and 64, con. 3, W. G. R., referred to Commissioner Brown. Application received from the Knechtel Furni- ture Co. for permission to build an overhead bridge on Victoria St. Han- over, was granted. The application of Henry Ruppenthal and others for exemption from taxes {or 10 years on a chair factory to be built in Elm- wood was granted. Messrs Brown and McDougal, a committee appoinged at last session, on cfeï¬Ã©tiofat Hutton’s Hill, re- ported: That Mr. Hutton would not seil right of way. Mr. James Hillis made application for the improvement of the town line Bentincl: and Normanby at 10:58 and 9. Referred to commissioner Leslie for joint action with Normanby Council. Road Commissioners reported hav- ing expended money on roaCa as fol- lows: Mr. Adlam, $16.00. in road div- vison'No. 1: Mr. Brown $4.50, in R. D. No. ‘2; Mr. Leslie. $6.50 in R. D. No. 3; and Mr. Hastie, $10.50 in R. D. No. 4. The following accounts were passed and ordered to'be paid : Arch, Park, 34.50, ï¬lling washout on S. L. 50, con. 3, S. D. R, ; Alex. Grierson, 400. for clevis broken at Statute Labor; Robert Kennedy, $1.00 for ' broken at Statute Labor; \Vm. Scarfe, $1.50 for removing drift. wood from Stinson’s bridge; Dr. Gun $11.75 {or medical attend- er $25.00 for makino road on con. 14. lots 22 and 23; the Reeve, $2.00 for expenses in Bryden’s suit against Township of Bentinck and Brant. and the “Post†printing ofï¬ce 330 printing ac‘counts. __._L,_J LA gxï¬ï¬ï¬i Mr. Leshe was chase four road 5 the township- council unless commissioner for the dxvision. The treasurer was insnructed to bor-‘ row money suï¬ciem: to pay Hanover CORNER CONCERNS BENTINCK CO UNCIL. 3 appointed to puor- scrapers for use in ordered to give the 3f the intention of >y-law at next meet- -i2inal road allow- commuted statute labor and railway coupons matuiing 1st.Augusb next. The sum of $133 each was appiopri- ated to theé road divisions of the township for the improvement of roads. The commissioners of division No.5, out. of their appmpriation, are re- quired to drain the water from Mr. Deutschman’s and neighboring prem- ises in McMurrich’s survey, Han- over. The village of Elmwood was granted $15.00 for road improve- ments. Mr. Holmes and family were granted aid to amt. of $10. Council adjourned to meet at Der- nock on 7th day of August next. at 10 a. m. LOST-0il Cloth Rug between Du?» ham and Clark’s S. H., Bentinck. Finder will please leave at this ofï¬ce. 15th. 1899. No matter what yourexperi- ence has been with so-mlled eatarrh “ remedies. " your ulti- mate, complete recovery can surely and positively be effected. Don't suffer any longer. Don’t trifle with a distressing and dan- gerous disease when a menu is within your grasp. Thousands of Meters whose condition was “worse than yours have been cured and are now in perfect health. Their enthusiastic and unsolicited testimonies show beyond the shadow of a doubt that A SURE OATARRH GURE. mawu mbvvwâ€" puriï¬er. 20:. for 40 doses. Difhéuei's' Ointment relieves in a (lav ~ mmaandznskindism Cmpflesinztosnights. me. - 4....†www‘“; "‘ LOST~.â€"Between Hayward’s runs; and the Rocky Saugeen P. 0.. ex; the 24th of May, a 7-year old child’s: overcoat. (reefer). The finder \riL please return it and receive reward. Du. FREEL DURHAM. A $5 Bin! These Prices at short, time. LOWER TOWN. will now buy% - 310.2121†Jew elled. Stem- \Vind V. 51341;: or Elgin “latch in a nicaie 25c: ex: case. We have seventce jew- eled ‘Nalthams selling 12.: 3prices never oï¬ered before. A. GORDOE‘Q}i will on DURHAM