Fr†% E. G. R.. Glenel . for the season .of. 18%}: mums $1.“), paya. 1e Jan. lst, 19(1). Parties not returning or dwposing of cows will be “urged fun pace. THOROUGBRED DURHAM Bull ‘ {Lord Henry of Holstein.) with Regis- ï¬red Pedigree. will be kept fur the season 1899 on Lot 35 con. 3. :1. G. R. (Heueig. Ell-(31881.03, payable Jan. Ist, 1990. All pin-ties not returning 9r disposing of cows will be charged full urgtfq. _ rrs orpot ;\;0. five. (5;) in the secbxxlm) ncessxou ot the; Township of Beatinck, 'eat of the Garatraxa Road. For partwa- hx-s enquire of H. PARKER Durham. ‘ Farm for Sale: __ RING LOT NO. 19, CONCESSION; ‘ 19. EGREMONT : 1(1) ACRES: 75. (Heated. well fenced and in a high state 01 ' cultivation. Of the bniance, about 10 acres; is good hardwpgd bush, _tlze rast mixed tim-' kn- 'lu - so gwu nnruwood bush, the rest mixed tim- ' r. The Soil is good clay. The btz‘idiugs are fair. Orchard of good bearing trees. Qhurches and School convenient. Near the thrigring village of Dromore. For further Pa} led Angas 83!! a: Senice ’ OT NO. 13. CON. 5 N. D. R. GLEN- ELG, near Tp. Hail, containing 100 acres ; about 70 acres cleared ; watered by Snugeen river and other running streams; Well fenced ; good log house; ï¬rst class frame barn with stone foundation ; excellent stabling: small orchard ; convenient to church, school and post ofï¬ce. F or further Darticulars apply to 31:28. PATRICK NEI L. t June 2131:. annx A p n THOS. GREE Mar, 19th, 29‘ m NWOO D. PROP. K0". 17th- .98. ti. L N. D. R., Glenelg, 100 acres, 90 clear- ei well fenced and m a, good state of culti- vation. The balance. is good hardwood bush. The soil; is good and pretty free of stone. Good, stone house 26x34; frame barn, 32 x 80, and good stables. Good bea: ing or- chard; well “atered: four miles from Duro ham. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Sec-res fall wheat. A ply on the remises to T1 UMAS DA ’18 ‘-~‘.“.4-â€"_ fhomughbredjuli in: Service; 'WM Edge Hill. Mar. 19,- '59. Debts Collected. 01d Notes Bought. Ocean Tickets for sale. needs, Mortgages, Leases, “'ills and other Writ- ings carefully dm wn. Fire. Life, Accident. Marine and Plate Glass IN- SU :ANCBS placed at lowest rates, in Good 4 ‘omoanies. nemfsttbnded to and everything kept $1R'ICTLY PRIVATE. AL WAYS PROMPT. Never negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. â€" H. H. MILLER -- Ra‘s been at the business for nearly 20 years and knows tho ins: and outs of it. and always studies to give his customers a good bargain. knowing that. in the end it pays him as well as them, That, in fact. is the mam: wh ' he today has the best business of the kin in Western Ontario. GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Preperties FOR SALE or Excumcm. Properties Bought and Sold on commission. Debts Colleen-d. Old Notes Bmurhf- KNOWN AS THE “CORBETS†FARM. 93 acres . East and West .rts of,Lot *\.L°:.“1“9.;. (5) in the secondm) (U! 115' " â€J so,if thm didn t the v" \\ ouldn' t gu mto him. ' v get CHEAPER INTEREST and BETTER TERMS. He has recently lent monoy to borrowers in Walk- ..rtun. in Durham. in Holland. near Mildmay, near Southam ton, a short distance from Owen Sound, and “'11; do people 0 to him fmm such eat distanws? Bmume t 1937 HR“? money. by _o_ing an ;‘ 6‘...- J:.)-“ A‘. A- CALL IT WHAT YOU LIKE Ex ery body seems to want MONEY, and IT IS SURPRISI'N’G how many people go for it to THORO’BREQ £30ng ANGUS D??? V II" ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shoes made for all kinds of diseased or deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Cald er’s Block, Lower Town, Durham FARM FOR SALE. General Blacksmith. '. MORAN, . H. MILLER, THE HANOVER CONVEYANCBR. H.- H- M I L L E: R The Hanover Conveyancer Breenhacks ; CASH ! 'arms or Sale 12 . RITQHIE. Prop. v-â€" - “A“ Pomom P 0 _ ~ , DAN AN D INSURANCE.A$ENT. J CONVEX-AXCE‘R: . CQAIMLSSEQNERin H.‘C J,‘ Cngeï¬â€˜ons pa nanny amended to. LOANS audflzwurancq affected without de- lay; Commnyand anpte Funds to Loan Ct 5, 5311‘16 08" cent. 31*} Stuns â€HA aaaaa . Tammi}: Mia: maybesecnredby ' our aid. Address, J THE PATENT RECORD ’ 9-143--.. n .- MCIN’TYRE BLOCK Monuments: Repaired and ZMGCMMDN WATSUNS: Importers of and Dealers in Swedish, Scotch 8.: Canadi: Granite and Marble Work Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King’s hl‘Iew Lif fe Pill. Thousands of suf- ferersh ave groved their matchless merit for Sick an Nervous Headaches. The make pure blood and strong nerves an build upyour heulth. Easy to take. Try them. 011in as. anon. Cure guaran- mm a m L--L- ' n v v ‘1'". teéd; - SEEâ€"33y local ï¬rLngisttx. A little boy in a neighboring town was required to write an essay the other day. “The Newsriaper†was the subject and here is the re- sult : “I don’t know how neWSpapers come to be in the world, and don’t think God does, for he hasn’t got nothing to say about them and ‘edi- tor’ is not in the Bible. I think the editor is one of those missing links you hear about, and stayed in the bush till after the flood, then came outand wrote the whole thing up, and has been here ever since. I don’t think he ever dies; 1 never saw adead’un one and never heard of one getting licked. Our paper is a mighty poor ’21:); the editor goes ’thout under-clothes all winter and don’t wear any socks, and paw hasn’t paid his subscription for ï¬ve years.†The School pic-nic in N ormanby on Satur- day. 24th, will be the best of the season. No 9.1an are being spared to have everything u {Medina and music galore. Mr. Zenus Clark has purchased a new traction engine and is oing to use it instead of-his horse power. e will now have an outï¬t second to none in the neighborhood. 'Rev. M r. Kitching will preach his farewell sermon here on Sunday next. There will likely be good attendance as he has won a warm place in the affections of the poeple durin his stay amongst us, and will leave with t 1e heart-felt WlSheS of all for his suc- cess in new ï¬elds of labor. Mr. T. Petty’s new house is nearing com- letion and it is going to look well. Mr. ugh McDonald did the mason work. and Mr. John Molfat, of Durham, has the con- tract for the carpenter work, so Mr. Petty can rely on a ï¬rst class job. Mr. C. Gadd has )e placed his driver with one that he thinks can pdo up Ad. thtle’s Mrs. J. Carson visited Normanby friends a few days Last week. Miss Jennie Gordon is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Eden, for a couple of weeks. Mr. J. McCalmon purehasiad aï¬ne driver from “r. C. Gadd one day last w eek. He don’t have to take an} bOng’s dust now. Mrs. A. Little, sr., was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. McEwen. at Mt. Forest fox 3. week. S H O\V ROOMS Over Scott’s Store L - v vâ€" "--V‘ Inscriptions Cut on Shortest No- tice. THAT THROBING HEADACHE. . L. MacEâ€"{ENZXE Trimming in any Style, Veilings and 'pr-‘ta-ï¬gte Milliaery, OF S. CULBEBTSUH. 9 Funds to Loan sums and ,upon Transacted, ‘2m pd DURHAM DURHAM CHRONICLE, June 22nd, 1899. an w-vv I A sfartlinginehi‘ent, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia. was the subj'ect. is marrated by him as foi'lows : “ I was in a most. dreadful conditinn. Mrskiu was al- :most yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, g'pa-iucontinuallvmmy back aud- siifes, no "appetiteâ€"gradually growing weaker day by dav. Three physicians had given me up. Fortm‘xately, a friend advised tr3° Electric Bitters, ’ and to my great joy and ° ‘ bottle made a demded im- provement. I continued their use for three. weeks, and ‘ .†310 one should fail to try ta . D semblance between him am} the late lamented Sir John A. , whose political views he has long cherished and stiil admires. Strange too, all the other members of his famiiy seem to have gone wrong in; politics, he being the only Conserve-a tive. We hope ere long to have the1 whom we have heard of so favorably. 1 He was accompanied by his assistant : Mr. Blair. _ _ v -v r'. VOW?“ am; positive curb ané prevent Bright’s disease, suï¬â€˜ering and death. use Dr. A. \V. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pill, the world’s greatest kidney cure If You have backache ané there are briek dustdeposits found in the urine after it stands 1;), 34 hours you can be sure that the kidneys are derang , To effect a prompt ‘H‘d Whifï¬ euro ané prevent Brim"): [ Timbig prize ï¬ght in New York on Friday last in which champion ‘Fitzsimmons was knocked senseless in the eleventh round by Jas. Jeff- ries who. thereby won the champion- ship, causecf quite a commotion in Sporting circles. It now turns out that Jeflries like many of the yan- kee’s noted men isa Canadian, hav- ing been born in the township of North Norwich, Oxforci, where the; champion tug-ofâ€"war team of thei woridhmls from. Jeff'riesis also a cousin of Mrs. Mark Adams, of ML Forest.â€"Mt. Forest Rep. M. P. P., Geo. Boyd M. P. P.. are invited to take part at the opening of McLauchIan Park and Balmy Beach 0. 8. July lst. 1899. It will be the greatest gathering ever held in Ontario. Don’t fail to attend. SIR Wilfred Laurier, Sir Charles Tapper, Hon. Wm. Paterson, Hon. Geo. E. Foster, A. S. Hardy, Pre- mier, J. P. Whitney M. P. P., Dr. Sproule M. P., Dr. Landerkin M. P.. Dr. Jamieson M. P. P., I. B. Lucas M. P. P., Geo. Boyd M. P. P.. are invited to take part at the_ ogeping .: 1r-‘r -__ -a A clergyman visited agrit home in town heie a few days ago, and see- ing a. little interesting four year old toddler, began to question him in several ways. but failed to get an answer till he inquired after his pol- itics when the little fellow promptly replied “ I’s a Grit.†The minster drewadeep sigh of sympathy and took his departure, but the fond father has beemworshipping the boy ever since. A SCHOOL PICNIC will be held at Boothville on Friday June 30th. A choice program and all sorts of amusements will be furnished for the occasion. Mr. J. A. Graham, the teacher is anxious to make it a success, and gives a cordial invita- tion to all to be presenz. A charge of 10c will be made to those not bringing baskets. THE Nesherton Advance entered its twenteeth year last week, and is a ï¬ne healthy lump of a boy. The Editor says its circulation was never better than at present and from its weekly bill of fare we imagine its digestive organs are in prime condi- tion also. COMMODIOUS electric lighted steam- boats running every hour between Owen Sound. Balmy Beach and Mc- Lauchlan Park July 1312. Come and enjoya sail on the beautiful Owen Sound Bay. Don’t forget to bring your Sunday girl. A FRIENDLY game of lacrosse was played between the Durham and Hanover boys on Friday evening last. The score was three to nothing in favor of Hanover, but our boys say they are perfectly satisfied with the result. yearling, white star on forbead, nose tipped with white; the other is a dark bay two years 01d. White star on forehead andyerry long matted mane and extra long tarl, A syitable reward will be given for Informa- tron leading to their recovery, \V. H. GREEN, Dundalk. THE Thermometer stood at 61 Thursday morning last week, but dropped to 42 on Friday mormng. The Battle ofï¬ï¬e Boyne will be celebrated in Owen Sound July 12th. Lostâ€"Two Mare Coles? o’ï¬e_bay_, CASH for Eggs at. A. S. Hunter’s. “ HAVE you paid your sub ? Robbed the Grava. afielphia. was the subjzegtvui: 1m a§ fo’rlows : “ I was it; £1 condition. Mvskiu was a]- yes sunk ,' tongue coated, n in --â€"- ‘ Local News. A Good Test. Our Farmers’ Grey Bruce Fire Insurance Company leads all others. Insure in it, save money and go With the crowd We have Just Four . ‘Wagons left out of our Car Load. Give us a can and get some idea, of What we are doing. Just arrived last week, and give the very best Twine for the money in the mar- ket. Call and see our “ Plymouth Gold Medal †and you will say there is no other" twine to equal it. Frost 83 Wood Binders, Mowers and Rakes always on hand. Root Soufflers. l lichaughlan Buggies. } Brock ville Bu ggies. a local 'Diuigéism.‘ I Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, ut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. the best in the world, will kill the pain and prompt] heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sures: lcers, Boils, Felons,.Corns, all skin eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25ct-s. a box. Cure guaranteed. “Sold by IAnn‘ nun-“fl: L- The Orangemen of Artemesia will celebrate the 12th at. Flesherton Sta- tion. Farmers ! Hundreds are killed in war, but thousands are kllled by consumption. There would be no deaths at all caused by this terrible disease if people could be made to understand that Shiloh's Cough and Consumptive Cure is a sun: remedy if taken in the early stageS. 25 eta-3., 50 cte. and $1.00 a bottle. Drufdrzle-ts will refund the money if a cure is not eï¬'ect . The Independent Order of Forest- ers, to the number of about ï¬fty, at- tended the Methodist Church in a body on Sunday morning last, and listened to what a number present, not Methodists, pronounced an able apprOpriate address. The text was taken from Isa. 41 ; 6. “They helped every one his neighbor and every one said to his brother, he of good courage.†After a Theological expo- sition of the theme, Mr. Ferguson in his application referred to fraternal organizations, which he regarded as auxiliaries to the church in building L up the cause of Christ and deveIOping ‘1 'a spirit of benevolence, sympathy 1 and brotherly love, all potent factors in the work of the church. The For- resters had contributed near $7,000,- 000 to the widows and orphans of their deceased brethren; they know no distinctions of creed, politics or nationality; and as members of a powerful fraternal organization they form a powerful and united brother- hood. The sermon was practical and appreciated. One car load of Plymouth BINBEH TWINE We have also other Good Stock Companies if you want to insure in them. .- ‘ n ) NT and the Cold of Winter makes the use of D1: Trifles. Breakfast Foois almost impermive for some nauome Roll-ed Oats are nourishing but they beat the blood-*5 0 . .f'l‘t people can eat them and gala strength from than rip through the year. Molina Rolled Wheat A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER by the pouna: ‘5 a rid}, delicate, nourishing: substitute for Rolled 0843. For mvalids and those of ’weak dizestion it 50â€â€œ an “33‘“ PUVI‘DOSQ for the breakfast porridge in hot weather 11‘ DOES IVQT BEAT THE BLOOD. Your grocer selis M B“ fktn “A--__ J JOHN LIVINGSTON. Foresters at Chmh Cochrane’s Old Stand. THE TILLSOX Co. (Lxmmn). Tilsonbnrg; 9ntario. Prime Machine Oil, 30 and 400. a gal. Our Bug Finis}! Paris Green. Berger’s _-- ". -uuuuls Luc Dim Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills will stop backache and headache in short order by re. moving the cause. and will positively prevent Bright's Disease. One pill a dose. 25¢. a box. lute cure for kidney: disease, and Solon kidneys are not entirery wasted away con Whyâ€"65:17:}:- P “NI.“ tho Timely Use of 03:“! h, . O difï¬cult or too frequent. .when ther . . . . C and posns 1n the urine after standmg for c- there is no time to ‘osc in ' hem}, ° procunn Chasg's Kidpqy-Liver Pills. g D" THE Cnnow a dollar. mu: till 1900‘ M’FARLANE GO. 33% very good satis- faction last year. It not Only kills the bugs but §t1‘€ng‘tl1ells the vines. It 13 more easily applied and saves the labor of carry-~ 1112‘ water, 20 cts. 0 lb. TRY IT! SURELY QUALITY CO UM‘S FOR SOMETHING. 'I‘hi is ackowledged by 2!! S to be the Finest Paris Green in the market. The Amer- ican and Canadian makes are no doubt; good, but none of them have stood the test as Berger’s has. It costs us more mm? but we are offering it at the same price as the inferior grades. $1 per 100 Iba Ll flan Grant' 3 12ic. yard. (3 oflice will be opened 81 thn’s R held on '1 MB. ARTHUR MCCLOCKLIN ofï¬cate “best man at the Beatenâ€"McLea this at Priceville yesterday. Pos'rMAst MACKENZIE havin secured an invalid’s perambulatiu chair is able to be down street o< casionally. THE Schools closed in town Tue: day to give place to the Entranc and Leaving Examinations. The r1 7:31 schools wiil remain open till . marrow, Friday evening. ing was a gitâ€"rand success. The eve wasï¬ne and the attendance fair good, Proceeds $24.00 net. W AS a tangible recognition of t? valuable service rendered at, £1 burning of their factory, the M Kechnie Bros. have donated tweu dollars to che Fire Brig’ade. T boys appreciate it. addition to their barn on the lids farm, North of the town on Mend evening last. Quite a number fr town were present and evex‘yzhi; passed oï¬ satisfactorily. ‘ AT 3. meeting of the Dur} am 1‘1: iture Co. held Moudav evening. I J. Kelly was appointed Secrctz Treasurer, instead WMr LaiJ-I: who resigned preferring to hmc ‘ work done by some one out-slic- the Directorate. PmK THE Fire Inspector was in 0‘ Monday and satisfactorilv 211 51:51 the claim for damages to the '1) 1i ing. in the recent ï¬re in the Mable. nie factory. Preparations axe be made for rebuilding. The CI :ti for damages to machinery wiil arranged in a day or so. MT. FOREST will celebrate D01: ion Day, on Saturday, July 15:. i regular old time manner. Fireme Exhibition, and a Tug of \\"ar in forenoon, various games and spa a lacrosse match, sensational c swinging and trapeze acts in afternoon. To wind up with a gr concert in the evening. EVERY one interested in the 1 motion of Christianity or the 5110 0f Christian Endeavor work is Spectfnlly urged to be present at meeting to be held here on Thurs JUIY 6th. The Executive is me? extensive preparations. A. gomi grï¬mme has been prepared, an Profitable meeting is assured. WE ‘10 not like to use our 1 pencil on labels and will defer d1 80 for a few weeks longer to give afChance- Of course we need mc like other Peeple, and in the m tune trust to hear from 9. man Who are still two years and owe: mTears. Remittances from on will also be gratefully received. 1 Annual Picnic in aid as 3‘ QChurclz, Arthur, wil t ’Th‘arsjciéy . J 111 y 6th . J. J. Hunter raiseé machm e 011 at has invested in ’5 ad. Bind< , the best in tl‘ red sateens a: in the Methoj a Tuesday eve! £55. The eve|