Rev. Mr. Irwin and wife visited at Mr. C. C. James’ over Sunday. A few weddings are on the taxis. Rev. Mr. Matheson will have to attend to a. on W'ednesday. Particulars later on. Mr. J as. McLean, who took up his abode here a. few months ago. left accom nied by his wife and family for Algoma. on Tues ay last. Mr. McLean was a good citizen and we cannot aï¬ord to lose any of them, but they will go. Far away pastures look green. VVe notice that the Priceville reporter in his re- marks in last week’s correspondence complained of the scarcity of news and charged the cause to the “old, slow, jog trot of the town,†etc. We ho e the writer is not measuring the rest of his felYow townsmen by a self made measure, Price- ville competes favorably with any other town or village in the countÂ¥ considering its facilities. It is an easy matter or a. cor. to make remarks that may in'ure the community he represents, and we thin_ such remarks as 00.1“ fellow corres- A numbgn of our young people attended the concert and magic lantern show in \Vatson’s Hall on Thursday evening last and report a. good time. Mr. Donald McMillan, of South Line, Arte-mo- sia, went to Toronto on Monday last as a. delegate frog: the Scot’s Greys Camp of the Sons of Scot~ Ian . Mr. John McLeod, Teecher, got his foot badly torn on a nail while swimming at the mill dam on Saturday last. He will be conï¬ned to the house for some time on account of the accident. Lots of barn raisings this summer. Mr. Chas. McKinnon‘s large barn which was raised last week is getting pretty well covered in by this time. The contractor, John McDonald is a. ush- ing fellow with a good gang of helpers am will soon ï¬nish a barn. Ex-Councillor Donald McMillan is exerting himself at masoning all summer and makes more pay at it than council business. \Vork is some- what harder of course, but Donald is accustomed to work. Miss Bella Graham, who spent a few weeks at Mrs. Neil McDonald’s left for Toronto on the 23rd inst. Patrick Sullivan had one of his horses badly out up b getting fast in a barb wire fence. Vet. \Volfe, om Dur am, is in attendance and pro. nounces the case a bad one. Barb wire is cruelty to animals and should be abandoned. Crops are beginning to look well. No rain of any account for the last ten days. Mrs. â€" , daughter of Mr. Arch. Kennon and family. of Detroit. are visiting their father this week. Watson’s ha 11 was well ï¬lled at the exhibition of Kinetoscope views of the Spanish-American war. The show was 00d and a return would no doubt meet a crow ed house. Mrs. Larique, of Detroit, accompanied by her two children is visiting her mother, Mrs. John McAuxay, here. Her many friends will no doubt make her visit an enjoyable one. Mr. D. Shucks, of Buflalo, N. Y., and Miss J. A. Tucker, of Guelph. have been visiting for the past week at- Mr. George \V’atson’s, They took their departure for Owen Sound on Monday last. Mr. Hugh McDonald of this place is suï¬ering from inflation of the bowels for the last few davs. He is being treated by Dr. Boyle,of PriceviIle, and we hope soon to hear of his recovery. We have had exce tionally ï¬ne weather this ast week or two an crops generally look well. he caterpillar st has stripped the bush in this vicinity but ore ards and shade trees in the vil- izige have been well attended to and seem, so far, to have escaped. On Saturday last the funeral of Mrs. W. Chis- holm, (ne Miss Lottie Robertson). took place to the cemetery here. The funeral was largely at- tended considering the short notice received. She fell a victim to that fell destroyer, consumption. Her mother and sister. who have been attending her for some months, have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction. Mrs. Chisholm was well known here and highly re- spected. Her relatives have the comfort of know- in g that she died in the hope of a blessed resur- cction. Hector McLean wears a. seven b nine smile aocgnnt of the arrival of a young ughter. Mr. Sam Wright, of Markdale, Wheeled over on Sunday and spent the day visiting relatives and friends here. He reports the photo business in Markdale as fair. but says next time he will take the gravel road and not.- the town line which is too rough for wheeling. 1“.“ vv ‘_. .u---.- w..... _ ndent made are injurious to the town. The east we cors. can or should do, if we haven’t a. good word to put in, keep mum. 7A number from here visited the Model Farm on the 2lst inst. and were well pleased. PRICEVILLE. TOP CLIFF. H-O.>~H- DURHAM, JUNE 29th, 1899. . Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Corbett of Sault St. Marie are visitingfriends here at present. One of our bachelor friends to the South of us has decided at last to take unto himself a wife. We ex- tend our congratulations. One of our youths strayed out of the burg on Sunday evemng and 00t lost, but having met a Winsome lass who too ' pity on his lonelmess lu- returned safely early on the Morrow. ' ‘ The sad news of the death of Mr. Malcolm Me - Innes' eldest son, of N. W. Territory. came to friends in this part a few days ago. l‘he young lad was on horseback when b some means the horse stumbled and he fell un erneath. While in the act of rising the horse struck him killing him instantly. Mr. McInnes is a brother to John Mc- Innes and Mrs. Duncan McDonald, Durham Road, Glenelg, The boy was 12 years old and it is a sad and Severe blow to the parents who have the sympathy of friends in this part in their sad bereavement. new wheel. Mr. Donald McKechnie, wife and family visited friends in Owen Sound lately. Mrs. Geo. Fumeaux is Spending a. few days with friends in Hanover. Miss Mary J. MeKechnie left on Tuesday for Manitoba where she will agend the summer months with her sister, Mrs. . McInnes. Mr. George Twamley is putting an addition to his house this summer. Miss Annie \Vilkie, of the Rocky, is visiting friends in the burg this week. The Brodie Bros. are busy framing John Mu Nally's barn. A few from here visited Guelph on '_the let. Miss Ag ‘e Boyce, Toronto, is s ending a. few days With 1er Sister, Mrs. George l‘wamley. Miss Mary McFarlatue, of Durham, is out visit. ing friends at Latona. Miss Jessie Leitch is visiting her sister, Mrs \Vm. Duncan. at Louise. Mrs. Lindsay visited Glenelg friends 12.81: week. Mrs. Watson of Arkell is visiting her parents at present. Mr. Thus. Livingston Mt. Forest spent Sunday with his best, girl. Mr. H. W. Hunt spent Sunday in Flesherton. Rev. Mr. Kitching delivered his farewell sermon here last Sunday to a crowded house. We all feel sorry for Mr. Kicchings departure. Mrs. Alfred Stockford, Toronto, paid a flying visit at “'11:. Baker’s lately. Mr. Wes. Hunt is working with Mr. Wm. Black of Durham. S. H. FIRTH 330., Painters and Paper Hangers. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. ‘his- holm, ofgï¬'denham, ne Lottie Robertson, formerly of Price e. Her funeral took place on Saturday to Priceville cemetery. OUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINT» H ING. GRAINING, FRESCO- ING.LETTERINGandPAPER HANGING DONE IN FIRST- CLASS STYLE at Reasonable Rates. ORDERS left at Parker’s Drug Store promptly attended to. 1m WATERSVILLE. “ ï¬a ‘..-.â€"0- VICKERS. -‘ 0.. *sâ€"v