West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1899, p. 14

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, _ Vâ€"auu 6'1“?sz 'LL. Gguéral Gordon), .with Regi» ggédBPgdiizrée, R‘iu bfe km. on Lot 37,- con,‘ \ gassed of 18993 mango. pi) . Jgn. Int. 1900. Pames flmfingordumdm willhe} A. THOROITGBREDDU‘RHAM Bum (Lord Henry 0f Hobteix ~. with R 'is-7 6 ed Pedigree. wiilbeke t L 95, r 1899 on Lot 35, con. 3. ‘. G. R... ‘ . 3 Thus $1.00. payable Jan. 13:, 1900. All ’ ties no: returning 0!; disposing (If cowéj ' :33 be charged full plizjg, A ‘ “ i fiwwiou ot the Tonnshi t of the Umafraxa Road .n‘s enqmre of _ II. PAR} NOWN AS THE “CO ' FARM. 93) acre» East Pf?“ of Lot No. fixe. {5) in :he ucessiou ot the Township of 1-. r n ‘ - _ -W “mug-ch about 10 acres is‘good bardwwd bush, the rest mixed tim~ her. The soil is geod clay. ‘ The buildings are fair. Orchard efi'gvbd‘bearipg trees. Swatches and School eqm'emenf. Kw the tuft-Evin r village of Dr'omore For further getticu rshapply to Pcfled Anguifiifiajfiefifb‘é EING LOT NO. 19, CONCESSION l9. .EGREMONT; INACRES; €leared.‘ well fenced and in a high state of gultivatiou. 0f the balancet about 10 acres H‘ROOd hard\\fu.>d bush, the r331 mixed .tim~ ber.‘ The Sm} IS 200d (:13 v 'mm 1..-“: 75 "o Edge Hill, gm, 19, ’99. \I‘.'“ AKIK "Ouse ; faxing: barh with stone foundation stablmg: small orchard : con“ church. school and pvst office. F4 particulars applyjo _‘â€"w--W Ihomughbredfi Bun far Servine. I ‘ mnm ”A ’A ‘\‘-- V- UWJVQ I OT NO. 13. (SUN. 5 X. D. R. GLEN- ‘ J ELG. new Tp. Hall, containing 100 acresmbmu 70 30305 cleared: watered by Saugeen river and other running streams ; we“ fenced : Quad 102: house; first class frame barn with ”Mm ; ._-_ ‘ .. -â€"'VV‘V“ '1’ j J A} D. R.. Glenelg. 100 aores, 90 clear- ed. Well fenced and m a good state of culti- v;§t§on. The. lgalanceis good hardwood bus-n. The 50:1 15 good and stone’. Good stone house 261:: , 5;! x 50. and good stables. Good bean ins: or ward: well natured: four miles from Durs ham. Will be sold on reasonable terms. 9 acres fall wheat.":»‘§pply on the premises m Feb. 7th. June 215: '0". 17th Bus. Dt‘Q‘d", Mortga mes. Lease ings whammy drawn. l‘irv. I.if¢:,_._\ccidem. Mal U; zct CHEAPEE'IivfiiIfiéfi: H 30- has rwonfly 10m mmmy to anon. in Durham. in Holland. Smxtham mm. 3 311011 distance and “'H ' do people go tn hi: J1 -. »_ " ‘ U Everybod y seems to waxit M OKEY1 tr 1.5 .SURI’RISING how many people gc it to b‘l auu. 5'1 111011;?"'i‘iuvgu'rz. “nuns PROMPT. N e CHA muss MODERATE. OTS 1 Mam-rs v. Mfr, Accident. Marine and Plate Glass SURA NCES placed at lowvst rates, in ( (humanities. titan-m Difficulties arr-annex]. CrecIitors sot wit 1:. A my and every iiud of legitimate l hers innit-1th"! t0 and (\\'prrfl»inn ‘ 11. {Shoes made for all kinâ€"«isâ€" sr deformed feet. A CALL 801 VALL .11: WHAT YOU LIKE Farm for Sale 1.4 ro-rvntly 10m mnnvy to burrowers in “'3”;- , in Durham. in Holland. uuar Mildmay. near mm mm. a short distance from Owen Sound. \‘H ’ do people go tn him from such great ”to-sf Ilo't'nuse they make money by doing thvv uitin’t thuv wuuialn't go to him. '1' «y “AFF2R TNTD‘DPQ'T' a-) ‘D‘Dmmm nsfi‘--- _ ___â€"â€"~. -H. H. MILLER- w-n at thv business for nearly 20 years and ~ rhv ins and outs of it. and always studies r- his customers a good bargain. klmWing . the- «m4! it pays him as well as them, That, i, 1.5 the reason whv lu- tn-day has the has; aim-as of the kmd :21 Western 021mm». Ganeml Blacksmith. {ORSESHOEIXG A SPECIALTY fihoes made for all kinds of diseased T w A-L B HAKOVER COIWBYANGBR. 'arms or Sale Greenbacks ; CASH ! :7 ‘ZCONCESSION. ‘ 00mm Tickets for \IRSJ‘ PATRICK NEIL tt I’OMOAA P. 0 :‘nd_post orchard; office. U com‘ement ‘Fbr fur tf. .â€"1n 1 'wsf. RIT , CHIEerg,‘ . tf .- ‘ "‘ I Tickets for sale. Leases. “'i113 and Opens Sept. 5th. nvred. Creditors settled .' (Kind of legitimate busi and everything kept m: :CORBETS” and BBI‘TEETBRMS ‘ v ‘ V, P. barb-am. enieut to 'ur further : exceflent other “'rit. diseased LY, and £0 for IX- . _ . sery. imagin- able from xtchwg mles. One applicatxon of~ Dr, A. W. ghasels Ointment will soothe and ease ylxaxtchNIg. one qu {vill complete- . cure the worst case of blmd. Belling, lug or protrudmg‘ piles. You lgave no risk to run for Dr. A. .W . Chase’s Omtment‘ is gun ranted to cure piles. u rcuxucafl'ons n Mr. "\fi'aimimi‘il Hotel on and aft lowest or any aw’s stove- nr at K er Friday, 141!) Just. 1121 tender not necessarily cepted PreSideut. $90!“an PY‘ JOHN KELLY; my be seen at 5’31}: ac - "n‘s - -- * â€".~ wz-uâ€"v â€" An interesting and profitable fea- % cure of the Convention was the dis- posal of the “ Question Box ” by Rev. I Mr. Magwood, of Holste' ,, _ depended upon the “fill of the indi- ‘ ENDERS FOR THE EXCAVA- ° 0 f th D l nbmit exery action to God TI X 01“ FOUNDATION o 9 ur 1am . , . . ‘ ' ' ° c. I‘ . A i . ‘ Lnrnnture Factory Will be recezved up to for app 0‘ a1 Imy thlngs, he sand“ 16. b " gf h" t WEDNESBAY, 19th JULY, 1399. W” em" °r “’1 ° in, that he would ofi'er no ob All information in regard to work required to In othersifi ' Ina}; be obtained from _ any of the Directors had given, cr the Com panv. Also tenders will be received up to noon“ - 9sifb£li3§ £12") tile Convention again at ‘ 4 V; TUESDAY, AUGUST 15$, 1899, on “ Wesley ” For the erection of the building. Offers Ferguson, 0f D ' maybemadâ€"e f (1.. the whole contract or for any part thereof. fill-First Class _ _, -VVVO Hard to work rqqnired any of the Dxrectors Plans Do you use our “Kitchen Queen” Baking Powder ? IOc.a can. Try our 250. Japan own Importing. : “.5 ‘ QGQOQOQGQOQOQGQOQ f this summer? Then add a s? little s and Specifications Are It is atonishing how fist hawi“ improve. lfhenurses. lef the mot..er take the Emu15i0n. sac. and ‘1.”; all druggizts. to _his_milk thrge timgs a d_ay. Quality Are unequalled 800 "’8 EMULSION Is What you want your Groceries to be. balling Piles." MARRIED always Fresh. JOH‘. KELLY Secretary Durham “ â€" ANDâ€" Beqtinek. on .‘ I ‘1 lo lave "V... nu H UQ‘ : tne residence of r and Mrs. R. G. '. Mcpregnr;.\1r. Jennie \\ ebber. IN awed gand §hottestho- may henseen at M_r. Gill assembled when a 9, on “ Wesley ” lffers Ferguson,ofD ' r for that Wesley w .‘ time in educ a. Lgctu rer p g at 23 years of a ' ‘llfiq heel] miraCUIDllQl ‘7 (”5:an 2---; A ation and 1110ra13° , was ge; had On 1' In addition to to above some seleCtions wcfie Choirs, both in 1 sessions.‘ Mrs. been a resident. < short time made Following'this an able 1 iaddzess was delivered on: she Unit ”‘ by Rev. Mr v V LU‘G Y I L," 1‘0 Ferguson, of Durham. It was shown that Wesley was in advance of his time in education and morals; was a Lecturer at 93‘ been miraculousl Stock Companies if you want. to insure in them. and ultimalsely produce fruit to the Glory of God. Mr. John Cooper, of of Mr. Allan, and supplemented his address by much additional thought. Mr. Blakeston, Principal of Price- ville Public School next read a thoughtfully prepared paper on worker in tip-building the cause of Christ and His Kingdom.” Principal Allan was next called on. to lead an “Open Parliament” on the “ Scope and Methods in Conven- tion Work.” Mr. Allan being an active worker, and a wide reader of Endeavor Literature, was able. to. present many hints that cannot fail. to find lodgement in many hearts, and ultimately produce fruit to the Glory of God. Mr. John Cooper, of nan‘nAAM r-“ mg in. imagery, a logical reasonex and. a thoroughi ' enthusiastic Chris.- tian worker. as a greatsuc; ‘ . , excee in = ~nbt all m... M--- . ‘g‘fige, and President Ramage next delivered his address which was frequently referrea to, as abounding in nuggets of religious thought by the speakers who followed. After disposing of the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Re- pOYtS, Rev. Mr. Canning, of Walker- ton, Editor of the “Endeavor Her-' 'al‘d,” delivered an admirable address on “ Our Society,” and confined his remarks chiefly to ways and means of carrying on successfully, and up- building Christian Endeavor Work. Mr. Conning is an able and impres- sive speaker, free in the use of language, apt in illustration, abound- ing in. imagerv- Q. lnn'innl roomnnn“ Shortly after two o’clock the meet- ing was again called to order and after the opening exercises Rev. Mr. Ferguson. of the Methodist: ht]! ch delivered a very cordial Ad- dress of Welcome. The morning session began shortiy after 10:30 and in addition to the 8032 service of the united choirs. a consecration meeting by Rev. Mr. IGraham and an address on “The 'value of Enthusiasm ” by Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Cedarville, completed the morning session, which, as well as the remaining sessions, was ably presided over byMr. Ramage, the President of the Union. lChristian Endeav-or held its Fifth Annual Convention in the Presby- terian Church, here, on Thursday last, The day being exceedingly fine a large number of Christian Workers found their way to town and a very pleasant and profitable Convention’; full of zeal and religious inSpiration ‘ was carried on chreugb the éav. } the will of the indi- xit every action to God Many things, he said, 1;: for him to indulge uld ofl'er no objections guided by the test he latheson, of Priceville Church, gave a very [dress on “ St. Paul as ' ” Though there were ‘5, known bv that name .vers to all questions pon his own feelings. to right: or wrong the will of the indi- PLO WSâ€"Sin ale double. McLaughlan Buggies. Brockvilie Buggies. Ive us a 021‘: . We have plenty left yet, though it is going fast. Everybody should try Ply- mouth Binder Twine this vem. :r Farmers ! Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mt.. lately rad a wonderful de- liverance from a frightful death. In tell- ing of it he sa 3: I was taken with Ty- Khoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. 1y lungs became hardened. “I was so ,weak Icouldn’t even sit up in bed. Noth- ‘ing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, whenl heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery. One Bottle gave great re- lief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can’t say too much in it’s praise.” This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and lining: Trouble. Regular SlZG 50cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at {focal Drug Stores. Every bottle guaran- fan Andi those who have ex- ' amined and compared the Thursday afternoon in the jail, as the result of weakness aggravated by afall. , The shrunken wasted figure cf the old woman had become famil- iar to police court visitors, as she appeared at intervals of every few ' months to be committed to the home which the wisdom of the county councillors decree sufficient for un-’ 'fartnnates of her class. She has been committed altogether fourteen times, the last occasion being on April 18th, when she was sent up for three months. During the last few years she has hardly been able to totter about and had to be carried up the police court and jail stairs at every fresh committment.â€"O. S. Times. "-.W vagag V QCLL, ‘1 only a fivéflâ€"poâ€"und Bail, ~to know what it is like for next. Say that we Sell THE CHEAPEST and BEST TWINE for the money. Plymouih Binder Twine JOHN LIVIEGSTUN. His Life Was Saved Cochrane’s Old Stami. Molina Rolled. Wheat. THE TILLSON Co (LIM'J‘ED) Tilsonbnrg, Ontario. -J..n. . Scientists tell you that you must cool‘ your blood be¢ fore you can quench your thirst. And, too they say most Cereal Foods... stimulate the energies in hot. weather BUT THEY HEAT THE, BLOOD! Vheat is the one exceptionâ€"Jt at it does not add fuel to the BEAT the blood. BcSt grocers M’FARLANE CO. ii . 0111' Fly Papers 3 are the best we can pro- ? cure. per 100 lbs. I. Berger’s Pure English Paris Green 200. :1 1b. IT’S T00 l 11115 iuue pest lS prov. ing a. most annoying one. It keeps the Com from thriving as well a: they should, and lessens the supply of milk. One application once a week of our Horn-fly Preven- tive Will absolutely keep them off. TRY IT! If you get it at McFarlane's. IT'S GOOD. This little pest It’s not expensive. ‘3 You paid "£812 3' ' ’ Where the had music- andi $8108..me to t e 01‘Chard t0 plfiy Mes 6 ‘ ‘e‘tee ' and Z “SBfuL and. show “:61 . min .which the can coupe "9 held 3' g ._ ~ _ 1 ,some of them Gemini-ti V‘MGueth Where the bride formerly ma-_Â¥r‘-and Mrs. Browne left Tan Céuncil’s threat to put that By-Law into 0p eration doesn’t seem ”scare the cows worth a, cent. Arameeting of the Cricket Ciub held last week for the:purpose of re- organizing for the present. year the following were elected ofiicers :â€" .fion. Pres.. Dr. Freel: Pres“ Dr. ‘Junieson,M. P. P; Vice Pres“ Con. _.Knapp; Sec'yTneas,, Jas G. Park Committee of Management, J. P. "l‘eiford, W. L. MacKenzie. J. A Hunter, Jno. S. Robertson, 'L‘ G. Carson, N. McInty re. “F03 Payiculars regarding barn .. . accldent near Markdale, see ,Flesherton correspondence. ng now, the directors having salted out the ground last wee}; GIVE as 9. Restâ€" The Review man last week made this cheering au- nouneement “next week we will give our readers a- rest.” We hOpe they’ll mandate the Editor’s kind con. Sid-eratlon. “ REV. Mr. McBobbie, who spent. a iconp'le of weeks here recently, re- ceived a. call from the congregations of Ramble and Sarawak. The Salary isthOO, with a. free manse and four weeks holidays. mums Mitchell, of the canton News Record wants to know if the Doctors are away on their vacation ”they haven’t had 8. burial there for about. six weeks. THE Plans of the new Furniture Factory are now open for inSpection to builders. The front and end elevation will be 125 feet long by 100 mde 3 scoreys high, and a fine look- ing structure according to the plans. ABOUT ten or twelve townspeOpIe, who were delinquent in paying their dog tax,were up before Mayor Calder, Monday, when all cases were satis- factory disposed of. The Mayor. we understand, was as lenient as possible and let them OH on paying the tax, with an additional cost of fifty cents, 81.50 in all. OxSunday morning last Mr. J. P. Hunter was lucky enough to discover 8. swarm of bees clinging to a branch in _the corner of Mrs. Jackson’s orch- ard. It was Sunday morning as we said before. and Jim had conscien- tious scruples about doing anything of a worldly nature. Fearing, ho w- ever, that some one else might be ttjmpted he resolved after due con- sideration to box up the little work- ers and take them to his own home Where they now work industriously gathering up the sweets of nature for ‘vavv v- uuvu-v -V- Mr. Hun‘t'er;s ige'n'efic. We have an [Idea we should get a little mug of the ho“? When it comes. vstuwmma . 1 . “tired , was also becommg _x m a dre 't dotted Muslin, . 88 of .whx g . ' To the soft Strains 9.: the “79:13:“... n-_-1_ _ 1, __ J 1.-- LOCAL NEWS. Effinesgiax July 12th a pleas- mere a sumptuous repast; 3d for about 70 guests. 12 breakfast bring over .‘a-ssembled some in the

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