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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1899, p. 8

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mare than 1 per cent. higher than the best prxr-e obtained for any previous loan. The Provinces credit is very good. Canada is the sink maritime power on the globe. Great Britain is first with one-half the tatal shipping ton- nage existing amounting :0 9,760.03; I’nited States, 1,837,729; Germany, 1,- 672,655: Norway, 1,545,822 ; France, 801;- 164; Italy, 730,953: Canada. 693,783. The total number of Canadian vessels is 6,643, of which steamers number 1 - $19. with an 813.460. scheme suggested during his term of offiw in Canada for the beautifying of Quebec. A promen- ade is to be built from Duff ' ter- cup race around the foot of the hill, com- letely around to the Parliament uildings. It is.also proposed to con- uuuge raver, Quebec, are_for sale and some United States ca ' ° gotiating for the purchase from the Industrial Sociuy of the ccunty of Maskincnge. The falls are desired for power purposes. as just floated successfully in London a loan of «9340.000, $1,700,509. at a fraction over‘ 96. This is mosr satisfactory, being] In??? ihnn 1 MP Ann.- L:_L euw: m. Lth' wrecx of that vessel on Big Fish Shoa), west of Halifax har- bor, Monday night. The St. Ursalo Balls, of the Mask- nonge River, Quebec, are_for sale and some United States ca ' ° gotiating for the purchase from the Industrial Society of the ccunty of Maskincnge. The falls are dpsirnd fm» Dr. Nellie Skimmin, a graduate of Queen's and a qualified practitioner, was fined 33) by the Police Magistrate at Hamilton for negleming to register. The postal authorities are investi- gating the disappearance of a letter containing $1,009, sent by \V. P TM- L. McNeil, Paisley, has been elected one of the Vice-Presidents of the Young Pecple's Baptist Union of Am- erica at Richmond. buesews striker lecting .run by the London street car 5 have been summoned for neg- 'to take out licenses. tMenier, to quiet the agi‘ the Anticosii question, has British flag over the public Bay St. Claire. The meluu«._,iestes picipes, or kissing bug, which has been causing trouble in the Southern States, is said to have made its appearance in Hamilton. Quebec farmers are generally jubil- ant over the recent rains, as it will prububly give them fine weather to harvest their hay. Because his leg was broken in three places while working for Richardson Sons, Kingston, Joseph Cummings is suing them for $7,000 damages. muc. A u. 1'. K. sectionman named Love- less was senously wounded by an en- gine at Aullsville, Friday. Pare and Holden sit in their cells at Napunee sullen, gloomy and brooding. Holden says he will not be locked up long. ' Thomas Warde’s skeleton has been found at Kings, Man, in agravel pit. He disappeared five years ago. Henry Weldon Duggan, aged 7, 0t- tawu, was drowned in the Ottawa Riv- er on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Campbell Reaves of Montreal has purchased a controlling interest in the Kingswn locomotive works. General Hutton says that mummy instructors down in Quebec shout-l be able to teach in French. Thomas )V'arde’s skeleton has been I Mrs. Bone, wife of Rev. Thomas Bone of St. Cathariners, died yester- day morning. szon bri July :21 William Sarles of Stirling was kill- ed Friday by falling from a load of hay. The steamer Spartan was got off Thompson’s ISIa-nd on Thursday even- ing. The Montreal City Council has voted to borrow $3,000,000 from the Bank of Montreal. Warden Plant has introduced a num- ber of reforms, in the eastern peniten- tiary. Vancouver Island, B.C., is rapidly developing as amining centre. John Klein, a laborer, was killed! by a freight train at Berlin Friday. The population of Bull is 13,457, an increase of 1,080 in the past year. The Government will build an im- mense elevator at Montreal. Chatham’s tax rate is 23 1-2 mills, and Woodstock’s 20 mills. About $6,000,000 in gold is the Klon- dike output so far. The new htcresting items About Our Own Country. {HE NEWS IN A NUISHHL bridge Will be forxxia‘llyvbpenga or A)‘ Great Britain. the United States. and AH Parts of the Globe, Condensed an! Assorted for Easy Reading. [E VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Iarmers are generally jubil- the recent rains, as it will give them fine weather to r Queenston-Lewiston suspen- quiet the agitation over ondon House Hotel, , Mantrea], and go: 0 in notes and $50,009 :otia loan of 8800;] is been successfully E the average of the; l, and nearly twice; ed as required. ' stion, has raised the the public square at CANADA . gher than the .V. J., to manufacture and da' whisky, spirits, alcohol, gin and disiillzry products and kw. N. J., to manufaéture and “:hi§_k_y, spirits. alcohol, gin The Distillery Company of America with an author ized capital of 31-)5,_ "030 0 was incorporated at TIQDIBI; \ in ma“ “" “ "“ - . _â€"â€" v.\/ been purchased in Newfoundlan; local capitalists for shipment to F adelphia to be manufactured i steel. mad-3 charges against the man' of N-E’VV York reformatories for which am sure. to result in a: ligation by the State Board of ties. A stroke of lightning restored the ,use of his arm, which had been use~ less for 13 years, to Eli Forbes, a farm-v er living at East Brookfield, Mass. Advices received at San Francisco from Manila report that. about. twen- ty-flve per cent. of the United States volunteers are on the sick list. \Villiam Waldort Astor, now resi- dent in London, is fighting a perscna} assessment of $3,003,000, Levied in New York, on the plea that he is a non-i resident. I General Wheeler has sailed for the 9 Philippines. . The Brooklyn Navy Yard Book No. 2 g has collapsed. - § A steel, iron and tube trust has been giormed at New York. 5 Trade between the U. S. and Bra- {zil is falling off, both in exports and immrts. I I _Mr._§ind Mrs. John D. Davis harm In“ A glue A negro who murdered two white men, was banged. by a mob at Akma, Kansas, but. came to life gfterwards; but he cannot hve. Thousangis of_ tons of iron l Capt. Frederick Watkins, of the Stranded steamer Paris, whose license was suspended for two years, was to have left the sea of his own volition fat the end of the present season. At ‘Southampton he has a quiet home, ' where he intends to rest from his 1a- -bors and enjoy the retrospect of a long and useful career. lhe magnificen sword, enamelled and set With brilliants, with the in- scription, “ England expects every man to do his duty,” and on the reverse,‘ “ Trafalgar,” which was presented by; the City of London to Admiral Lord; Collingwood, who was second in com-; hand at the battle of Trafalgar, was sold at auction in London- for £240. agiuusl Ine BIBEIS’UI‘B. ’l'he syndicate fund for the case of Mrs. Anna Ma who is endeavoring to pro father-in-law, ’1‘. C. Druce rightful Duke of Portland. been raised by privaie 5 now amounts to £10,080. York and Canterbury ArchbishOps §have declared the use of candles and ;incense illegal. f Australasia is to bear eight-eigh- i teemhs of the cost of the Pacific cable :‘and‘ Great Britain and Canada each five-eighbeemhs. The House of Lords passed the sec- and reading of the bill requiring shop- keepers to provide seats {or their as- sistants by a vote of 73’. in favor to 28 opposed. The Marquis of Salisbury Prune Minister, spoke and voted against the measure. for. £1,700, a record price. The high- est previous pri £715. The historical estate of Imbereourt was sold at auction for £15,000. It was a favorite resort of Charles I. Steamboat travel on the Ottawa Riv- er is decidedly cheap at present, in geonsequence of the rate war between EIhe Ottawa River Navigation 00., and tthe smaller companies on the river. A {trip to Thurso and return, a distance {of 60 miles, may be made for 50. The {steamboat Princess Louise, owned bya l'rival concern, charges 25c, for. the re- gturn trip from Ottawa to Thurso. Meanwhile the good people of Ottawa The Dominion Government‘s steamer Minto has been successfully launched from Gourley’s yard London. During a heavy thunderstorm around Welland lightning struck Geo. Anger’s residence at. Sherkston and killed Mr. Anger and rendering Mrs. Anger and Miss Jennie Beam both un- conscious. The lightning ran down the stove pipe through the stove and through the wall into the next room, where Mr. Anger was sleeping. Ener- ing one foot, it ran up to his head and down again. He was killed in- stantly. ! There is considerable anxiety in Hamilton over the. numerous parties of Klondikers who left there a year ago last spring, none of whom had been heard from since last fall till Monday's deepatches were published. These were very meagre as to the Hamiltonians, stating that Daniel Mc- Auliffe had reached Dawson City and that Ed. Harris had been frozen so severely as to lose a leg by amputaâ€" tion, he being at Wind City. >y fire ThhrSdgfi' .rright trust has been formed i, tinue the promenade along the wall, 'or dging St. John, McMahon and other places. ,uuwaw 11.1110 [or carryipg on '3 of Mrs. Anna Maria Druce, endeavurmg t9 prove that her GREAT BRITAIN. 01111 D. Davis have left automobile trip across C. Bruce, was the 5‘ r two years, was to of his own volition present season. At has a quiet home Foytmnd, which has pnvaie subscription, “11‘ ,‘nA MUTE?!) has THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. July 27, 1899. ore have land by to Phil- trips down into \ 11 away. In au’dizion to several other tech adz'untagcs, 1h: new 100m 13 a 12 saving contrivance, Whereby m facturers 0' . ‘ Tuman, in the ( caused him such u the Grand Duke d1 the occurrence. A manifesto ‘by the Czar says: “Henceforth, and so long as It may not piease God to bless us wnth a.son, our bemved mother. the G ' Michae Al .xandrovitchf' The Spanish Cabinet has a .th-.-. uifer of the Queen-Regent sist. the finances of the co ccepted to asâ€" untry by , from the 000 enjoyed! by the An Imperial ed'i speculation in U revenue, and app tion of malpracti' criasing the count A manifesto “Henccforth, and not piease God to The. Rappel of Paris publishes a re- port that the Czar will visit Paris, Vienna and Berlin in August- to con- fer with the respective Governments regarding the work of the Peace Con- frerence. uermany's eXports to The United States for the quarter ended with June last were $21,000,000, as com- pared with $24,500,000 for the corres- ponding quarter last year. Germany’s exports States for the Guam The (quaratist uprising in the southern provinces of Peru is spread- ing, and the Government has sent 500 infantry and cavalry into the re- bellious di:_..1'ict. Prof, Merighi, an Austrian aeronaut', whim making an ascent in his balloon 03 Sunday-hr Vienna, slashed the silk of the bailoon and threw himself out of the car. He is naw in a precarious condition. The British ship Carli 13 Castle is reported to have foundered off Rockâ€" mgham. western Australia. All hands on board were lost. Dreyfus refuses to seek damages [ram the State for false imprisonmen , but. for forms sake will enter suit for one franc or 20c. The celebrated Hindoo ascetic, Swa- mi Bhaskaranandn, who was visited by the Prince of Wales and all Indian tourist is dead. There will be three months of court mourning for the death of the Czaroâ€" witch, brother of the Czar. . Three Cannonieres of the French ar- tlilery have been arrested on the fron- tier of Italy and taken to an ital'an prison. Gen. Otis. the United States com- mander in the Philippines. has asked for 2,500 horses. It is announced in Rome that the Vatican has decided to establish an apostolic delegateship in Canada. Newfoundland had a deficit of $33,- 000 last year, but there will be a $30,000 surplus this year. Three more cases of bubonic plague are reported at Alexandria. English capital is taking the place of Spanish in Cuba. Almost complete returns to the Bu- reau of Immigration of immigrants ar- riving 1n the. United States, for the fiscal Year ending June 30, show an in- crease of 82,579 over, the; fiscal year fended. June 30,1898. The number of melgrants arriving in 18€9 was 311,878, as against 2:29, 299 for the previous Year. Imn igration in 1898 was the smallest for 10 y.ears ‘ GENERAL. Tasmania favours the Australian federation scheme. 1" Chas. Graham, the ballad; writer, whose songs have been sung, played 3and whistled everywhere, is dead in New York. In spite of the great DOP- ularity of his songs, he: is said to have died) penniless. For most of his work he was poorly paid, One of his great- est successes, “ 'l‘wo Little Girls in Blue,” brought him only $10. R03! Terry is at Jamestown, NLY., HOSpitai in" a serious condition, the re- while being initiated into Jamestown Slllt, it is alleged, of injuries received Tent, Knights of the Maccabees. Terry has placed the matter in the hands of an attorney, and demands financial satisfaction for his injur- ies. l A:. order has been issued) extending the privil es and production of the American f ag to the shipping of Poyto Rico and the Philippines. All ships owned by residents of these islands at the time of the exchange of the rat:- fication of treaties are included in. the order. York, Which threatens to invade the Canadian market. It has $25,000,000 capital. v- - Au‘ ecountry S financial straits WEAVING LOOM. “'Mrh Makes a n “caving. 1e Freie Presse particulars of yards. It Pieces of d Useiess a lire-a1 after issued m gives a new gen- SWINDLED. De Tanqueâ€"â€"Confound that hobo! He simplyswindled me. Guzzlerâ€"How? Why he asked me f0 ‘ r tne uprice of a drink and when I ga ' Discretlon is valor,” and "N01 gaim’Q be In a quandary when he reali many of them have their "op-1 Here are a few examples: "Marry in hasue and repent sure,” and "Happy is the wooin not long a-doing." "A rolling stone gathers: arm A“ I Although many peeple believe that ipearls means tears, the Rothschilds 1 family refuse. to believe that their fate ’may be ' ' ichild baby six pearls are purchased, each costing $500; upon each birth- day six more pearls are added, so that ; when the young woman makes her de- good and evil omens. His fancy takes the form of numbers, and 17 he ab-; hors: and he carries a bit of coral as a talisman against the perils of flood and field and thunder, and a blood- stone because it means courage and wisdom. Agate, which insures long life, health and prosperity,â€" is the good omen worn ‘ by the German Emnnrnr rmm mm..- PARADOX ICAL PROBLEMQ ‘. l Tpat .“the _ring of The Shah of Persia is never with- out his cube of amber, which he wears around his neck. It is reported to have fallen from heaven, in the time of Mohammed. Among other pro- perties it has also the power of render- ing its wearer invulnerabie. Domi~ tius’ hero used to wear a lock of his wife's hair about his neck, thinking it was beneficial because it was amber- colored. The Princess Louise of Lorne wears a ring set with sparkling get as one of her talismans, which is supposed to have singular efficacy in preserving health. 80 superstitious is the royal lady that sometimes she will not at- tend public functions, as agreed upon, upon the plea that she knows it will be one of her bad days. Quite as much as she {treasures her jet ring does she value and consult the cards ‘whichvare regularly sent to her from Paris. These cards are issued at the; beginning of each year, and give a list of the " days and hours to be avoided" during the coming twelve-months. The ancient theory regarding Jet was that if powdered and mixed with wine. it was a sovereign remedy against toothache. 1t was also :1 mar- velous discoverer of unfaithfulness. That this belief in the stone goes back into the centuries is evidenced by the fact that Pliny tells a story of an 'impecunious lawyer Who hired a sar- donyx with which to defend the cause of a certain fair widow possessed of great wealth, and he succeeded in win- ning both his cause and the widow at one and the same time. The magic power of precious stones is a belie! dating back to the ancients. The gift of eloquence is bestowed by the sardonyx, and Disraeli wore a ring “set with this jewel upon all occasions when he wished to electrify auditors and win new adherents to his cause. Jewels and Superstition v “““““ unou, auu L118 it 10 his sister5‘1nfanta del died within "the month fol-V Le ring then passed to a E the Due de Montnenmnr Deneve that their fate :ed by precious stones. of every girl Roths- pe-arls are purchased, lznn _ g to proverbs will an he realizes how their "opposites.” LlIul parks of the is of pearls and e is no special pro- watching it, as a d-“ it yourself.” lS 'epe-nt at lei- wooing that’s police. giccme covezed with iclic 98 C“ ‘ y when Your mother is Sup“ ‘1‘ 1118 the job. 'u " Just the same chance. fihat them is for the kitchen Papa, asked the bi? “'11" ”is 3111? Passed for the high :chml. “h"! 1' the chance for universal I393 E‘sult of that commission? How the plants manage to SUI? the ordeal is a mystery, but Ibex 39’ anfil appear to thrive “£13. 511 dEStortlonS are, of course, of no 5‘ Vlcefi" horticulture, but they 1:931? granfy the never-toâ€"be assuaged 11% which some P80p1e have for novelty Another Japanese trick wnth’fi: is to elongate the roots, an‘ 119' tWist them into fantasxizz shape: Urthe Signs, 80 tha{ they shn“: abUV9_ ground, only the ends bemg b“ the soil. :r. in this country, there have been W casional small consignments 0f 93” and maples of this find, which “3" been brought. 11p eagerly. .Some were as small as from 1’01”“) 31x inches, but grew sligh”? 3m" Wards. They have 311’ {hr appearance 10f old trees, and do no: look as if. the? had been forced or cut in any “"9" Die rage for the tiny is character”: tlc of the peoyle of chmsanihemuw land. In every branch 0f 3“ Ehe more microscopical the work‘Of ‘he arust the more it is appreciated. Th?” 18 more of art than nature in mm Iiliputian trees now in London- One wonders but hardly admirer}. ,Y-m" BY What means the Japanese gaf‘ deners managed to stunt the SW“ ‘Of the trees in this way is not known. 101' Eng 31811 11‘1rserym9n have not 50" ceeded in discmerin-g the secret WhiCh “36 Wily littie Orientals guard 50 safely: The miniature trees on exhi- bition now are not the first to be seen Some Curiosities In Botany ‘0" 1| Landon. At an exhibition of Japanese art now being held in London there may 'be seen some of Lbe moat remarkable trees in the world as regards size. A?- though perfect in every way With trunk and branches of orthodox pro- P'Ortions, and leaves of correct shape and color, many of the specimens are not more than a foot in height. But now a word of . proof to back upthcse ‘, assertions, and M _ ‘ 33% have it from Mnjohn ‘ “:1 H awke, Coldwatcr, --‘=‘“"’ Ont., who writes: “Dr. F owler’s Extract of Wild Strawberryis a wonderful curefor Diarrhma, Cramps and pains in the stomach. I was a great sufferer until I gave it a trial, but now} have perfect comfort." u ‘ '1""’"'J ’ “"V' You dont want an untried something that MAYhe} you. You want Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of \ 'ild Strawberry, which ever] one knows will positively cure Cramps and Colic quickiy. Just a dose or two andyou \ d have ease. Cramps or doubled up want a remedy you are reliefand give it quickly ‘7- 9 Always relieved promptly by Dr. Fowler’s Ext. of Wild Strawberry. Cramps and E0 __‘-.“v u \ “After 25 years' of : disease Iam nm ' healt and will be pleased to have said, should anv: S; ""3 23 a“ Guel nt. , says: “ D - : Pills gr; grand. Ihave n W" W Laxaâ€"Livep Pills JAPANESE FREAK TREES you _are SLIM 1 are seized with an attach! doubled up with ‘Colic, you 1 are sure will give'you lickly, too. am untried something You Want Dr. Fowler! -1115 are the mm £43m Plan“ my rang after' 3.3111003 1f they MSW Dressing 10 20¢. a bottle. 10m, Granite Pie Plates 10¢. each. Granite Wash Bowls 20c. Large Granite Spoon 8c. Don’t. forget to call! hoes: MM. wnn BU‘ $110? will be open even \\ cuncsu u and Saturday Ail REPAIRING plompth and p c; - 911V attended to. £1.13. CONNOR. 'nmp rmwv- DY RH \U LOWER TOWN. -â€"â€" UPPER TOWN --â€"â€"~ IMPLEMENT WABHUUMS n VVVVV Sflving Machines. SHOW ROOMS, -- UPPER TOWN To mm seam; may be secured by our aid. Adurcss, Dealer in Music and Mn- sical Instruments of all kinds, including: : PIANOS, ORGAXS. \‘IO- LIXS, Autoharps. Piccolos. Flutes, Guitars, Accordeons, Gramaphones, etc., all of which will now be sold at a slight advance on cost. Pianos. Organ s and (xrmmpimne< RENTED for Concerts ur f uter- taimnents at reasonable rates. FULL PROGRAMME TALEXT CHAS. M°KINNON’S CUTTERâ€"Large Stock. 1305: $4.00 up. V 3001‘ Pulpers, Straw Cutters, 56c. Makes, Cheaper than ever. ,ROBES -â€"Large Variety, from NE W WILLI AMS and R 11 MONO a Very Laxge N05 ‘n of the latest .mpxm ed C Ibi- net. and Dro 9 Top Stands It The Very Lowest, Prices. SEE THEM! 'â€"-â€"- ~Fâ€" .â€" summed for Concerts 1m S‘mf notice. 5. T. ORCHARD. BELL PIANOS and Organs. inter Goods! STOVESâ€"A large stock of MC Clary’ s famous \iodel Cook- ins: ”Stoves. rancy Paxlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal Stoves etc. . at pxices that Will surprise 3 on. Manufacturer of And Dealer in - S. T. ORCHARD. BEAN (o. lclntyre Block, Durham- Bl“- “' "" ' 25“., 5:111, Tartan im 11m, 3, 5“ w Shades wjth lace 1‘ A- m.“ dc 2m.\ :“ it" 301'. every “'ednesday N317} Blue and in MR and ‘ nix! wide 50c. yd. spring rollcrx

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