:menced ta The (esults f the bicycle knick- or a time a possi- Iic sentiment was his innovation and hey are tabooed in are parts of the are worn by the f course. In part8 ' t, gins, gentle. jBAxTox, Brittania St, El good word for Mil- I.rve: Pills with pleasure. me a most excellent bass, nervous debility i! I can heartily recom- vomen for the moat flea they are doing and would shrink the, wear regular ’their occupations. :I climbing. make L and dangerous. where the very OR}? BY ALL. Take one a: night be- fore retiring. 'Twill work while you sleep without a. grip or mess, Sick Headache, oman is unknown. [1 meek and obed- 'oughest labor ‘1?†mswick Street, says: red greatly with ner- :d by heart troubles. 1d Nerve P2113 have 3 now is well and Ind Ladies BUSIN ESS- I so hard for. psia, and make yod 13 hdf‘n hour. at o' town for 62.151410 E’umps 03:3“ Kinds. g McIntyre Block, Durham 9 mgmmommm ‘s‘x’inter Goods! bmewing I‘lachines. SHOW ROOMS, -- UPPER TOWN maybe secured by our yaid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Ud- ~..- To PATENT Good idea: 2111(L h on Magic Store S.T.DBCHARD, CHE-ES. M°KINNON’S N CUTIE? 8- Large Stock, BeSt Mu§es Chea waper than ever. -. 013 48 â€" Large V ariety , from S 00 up. bit '1 H.§?(4 '- .(l) (I. ESâ€"A large stock of Me Mr: sfamous Model Cook- 11: toxes. rancy Parlor 0 ves, Box Stoves, Coal oves, etc., as prices that \‘ill surprise you. L f- L § \h‘ s‘ (T ruler in Music and Mn- 5'1:le Instruments of all kinds. including; : HANDS, ORGA\S. VIO- LINS. Autoharps, I’iccolos, Flutes, (mi-tars, Accordeons, Gramapuones, etc., all of which wiil now ‘st 801d ata Slight zuimuce un cost. “HE 3m; Ox'gmm and Gramphones My) 11“!) 101‘ Concerts or Enter- «311.11. But. as reasonable rates. EBJL CLOTH 6f'tg.“’§f‘e {'9" 5.16- WEE JJ EJJJBEEUJJMS Eggs! Iowa, Durham. 63-1 S. T. ORCHARD. REV WILLIAMS and RAY- MOND, a Very Large Stock of the latest. improved Cabi- net md Drop Top Stands, at lhe Very Lowest. Prices SEE THEM! LOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters, c. IOI mu 5 and Shoes: 33a 11 u â€" n ‘ishr‘g Him. with 20c, 54 in. 30c. L' ' ‘ERS “it-h embroider’d mixed and Iron Pip Brass, Brass Lined «m Cx‘linders. (-31 E3§RN 5: (a. PRO PIANOS and Organs. 5 keg a. Full Line at ices. Call and see our pl Women‘s Oxfords. him: for hot weather. 00911 [.‘IG promptly and prop- M to. TW. 0. BONNER. DURHAM. 11 3.10.. a 3 anu- m! 10c. a yard. low Shades with lace a manned on apfmg timers, v21 Ier in mm $2 upwarï¬. ts anti Drawers‘ï¬a .(funarx stand up, 10:. (‘zxtfs 20¢; a pan: ere in Navv Blue and 3:1 «Min. 1" .uk and (01 d -2 “ml. Tartan Dress mver of every Wednesday That. Troublesome PEST _______j S. E. FIRTH 3330., Painters and Paper Hangers. ING. GRAINING, FRESCO- ING. LETTERING: and PAPER HANGING DONE IN FIRST- CLASS STYLE at Reasonable Rates. ORDERS left at Parker‘s Drug Store promptly attend-ed to. 1m HOUSE AX!) CARRIAGE PAINT- CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C. J. Collections promptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance. effected without de- lay. Companyaud Przvgxte Funds to Loan at 5, 51 :11an per cout. m sums and upon terms to 31111: borrowers. A General Financial-Business Transzwted. OFFICEâ€"ldoor North of S. Scott’s Store. LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. Suits Reducedâ€" First Class $12.00 Suits now sold an $10. LOXVER TOWN. Custom flaming and_§pinning M’FARLANE 00., Druggists Booksellers. l‘â€"â€"â€"r_ ON SHORTESFF NOTICE. Fresh Groceries as usual. Lemons 200. a doz, HIGHEST PRICE in Cash or Goods. Any quantity of Wool will be taken for Cash or in ex- change for Goods, of which we consisting of can be stopped by a weekly application of Horn Fly Oil. Get Some and try it. Railway and. Ocean Tickets at Lowest Rates. D URHAM. Mr. John McDonald of 'Welbeck who has been in Toronto for several months returned home on Tuesday IaSt. Mr. Robert Wade has ï¬nished his immense hay crop and is preparing no w to erect a. monster barn this fall. ‘ Mr. Ge-o.Green, of Williamsford, Spent Sunday in Dornoch, a. guest of the Dargavel family. Mr. R. L. Corlett, head Clerk of the Park 8: Co. Store, Williamsford, is holiday' 111;; at the parental home. Mr. A. McGillivray of Elderslie, Bruce Co. Spent Sunday very pleas- antly with his cousins the Siewarc family. Bert Skene, son of Rev. Jas. Skene, of Hillsburg, is holidaying with his grand-parents here. Dr. Smith is improving his resi- dence by adding a ï¬ne new verandah Miss Esthe1 Riddell, of Rochester, is visiting her Weibeck friends afte1 an absence of ï¬ve ye111s. Rev. \Ir. Perrin, a Persian. will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit, next Sunday and on Monday evening he will deliver a lecture on the Manners and Customs of his native iand. Mrs Newcastle and her two chil- dren of London, Ont. are Spendinu the summer holidays with the Hewitt- family. H. Jackson’s new barn which will be a handsome as w all as a. commodious SII‘UC'C nre. The Emkie Bros. masons, of Louise, are finishing the foundation of A. Miss Sara McArthur Spent Saturday and Sundav with \Valkerton friends. Mr Castell has the contract of build- ing a woodshed for Latona. School. Miss Allie Grant was recently en- gaged as teacher in the school at Irish Lake to take the place of Miss Weir who resigned on account of illness. Mrs. Routledge, (nee Jane Ander- son) and her three children are visit- ing the Anderson family here and will remain till September. tlon, ta marks. Miss Lizzie, Anderson ‘is home after successfully passing ï¬xsc at the recent, Business Coll ege Ex_a_mina- __- Master Roy Gordon wheeled to Stratford last week. Vvâ€"vv We have just been informed that Miss Collier has taken a lucrative situation in Brandon, Mamâ€"Con- sn'atalat ions sure. Mr. Chas Robson, of vaerston has secured a. good position on the Other side as assistant, in a Business College. “0.00â€"- TICKETS to the ground and supper only 25c. at the Firemen’s pic-mic August 10th. The Pontoxrltrial is set for the third week in September at Cobourg, be- fore Chancellor Sir, John A, Boyd. Four negroes. three for brutally assaulting a thirteen year old girl. and one for murdering his wife were hanged together in the jail yard on the 28th ult at Baltimore, Maryland. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia. was the subject, is narrated by him a5 follows: “I was m a most dreadful condition. My skin was all most yellow, eyes sunken tongue coated. pain continually 111 my bnck and sides, no appetiteâ€"gradually growxng weaker day by day. Three physrcmns had given me n . ‘ortnnately. a friend advised trying! Electric Bitters :’ and to my great ioy and surprise. the ï¬rst bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks.and am now a well man. I know they saved my life. and robbed the grave of another VICtiln;†1V0 one should fail totr thear. Only oOets . guaranteed, at local rug btorea. LIJIIO\ WV vv-â€"‘.. “9 taking 540 out. of a posâ€"éible u '30 BRAVE MEN FALL DORNOGH. W , m“? '. 3rd. 189?). \Iiss )I. Sullivan. of Dornmt‘n t1 achm‘ in St. John 1-1 80110111 here will 11:11-18} kmm 11131.11 ademv when she returns, as the Eh idge “109., of “1111‘ tmm. wnt about .1 Wm‘k painting the interior. Thecei ing is pea green 11 11111: the walls are a. flesh coior. During the thunder storm on Tuesday morning of last week Mr. Rmald McDonald had one of his txm cows killed by lightning. His mother had just, come in from milking when the flash came, *jljing the cow qx_1_itc near the house and shaking The young ladies who have returned to their respective homes in our neighlmrlmml of late are: Misses Annie. Morrison and Maggie Vogan. of 'l‘o~ runto, Miss Sadie Black from (‘xuelph‘ and Miss Kate McKinnnu from Orangvvillo. Miss Marri- son will likely rcnmin home for some time as her elder sistox; Miss Eilic, is very ill. ()nthe‘lï¬thult., Messrs. Jaa. Staphm. Reeve, and .T. A. McMillan. Cmmuisxiunm' tm: Ward Nu. Km :1? (1 fan Wheat are warty well secured in this vicinitv. The n uathcl 11:15 bm-n an uncertain that. all avziilabla- h unis “an: needed on dry (1: 13's, but the indications are that wo 11111 hzuc better Wt 111101' soon. 2, let the coutm'ct. of erecting a new bridge over the Saugeeu Tin-r m-m' Mr. A. Bhu-k‘s, can. 2 and 3, N. D. R“ for the man of $430. 311'. Alex. Mu,- Milhul was the lowest bidder. The Tp. ofï¬cials worked hard to get the cuntmct price down to near what they thnught should be paid for it as people an- now wry busy and are not anxious for WUI‘k 0f that nature unless Wril paid fur it. Just here a little expimm'zlon might be necessary in just-icv to our uflicinls. The. umtmct was previ- ously let, but the ï¬rst contractor was making scarcely any headway tm 'ards having it complet- ed this summer so the iob was rclut. thing; up generally. Yes there. 8 somebodx waiting for aomobodv‘s return f1 om Dornoch. Kemp 1m 5(‘1111 he 11f .Iohnie and Vour banjo 1n tune for the Holiday 8 xx 111 soon be m or. The Scotchtmrn bridge gang. aftor completing the bridge over thr- Smi'geon near )Iclgwd's and Keylzmd s in a satisfactory manner. gave a. party at. the residence of Mr. Alex. Murchison who kindly let! thmn use his house for the occasinn. The affair was well mtmnized and the nmsicians kept busv until well nigh the peep 0’ day. Pin- nacle Iiil‘l Corners and Irish Lake sent their can. tlingent- and Balsam Valley was fairly represented. On a recent Sunday Mr. John Darling. wife mad family. and Miss Horn, of Durhum, visited at the hospitable home nf Mr. J. McVicnr. Mastvr Jas. Darling rmnaimed some time and enjoyed life on the farm. Since then Miss Horn was out for a. day or two picking berries. Yo. scribe shingled his stable anew while Mr. Angus Murrismx re-shinuhul part. of his house and intends completing it afLur haying, It will the: Stand quite a "rucqxwt." Mr. ,Iiohael McAuliï¬' and his: Ellen. of bunuanb); Wcre visitors Gmth's on Sumlny last. POMON A. sister. Mist: at ' Mr. Mc° The purple two cent postal stain!) has now ceased to be issued, and will be replaced by a. red one as prescribed by the Universal Pos‘tal Union. Three cent. stamps or cards may be used for purposes of postage, orexchangel at any post, ofï¬ce at. their full face value. \Villo'ften cause a horrible Burn, Seam, Cut or Bruise. Buckleu’s Arnica Salve. the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptlyheulit. Cures OLl Sores. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boila, Felons, Burns, all skin eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by local Druggrlsts. '2 Macfarlane 8:. Coâ€. CIVIC HOLIDAY, Aug. 10th. CHEMISTS AND OPTICUM‘JS, Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper enses. Present neglect means future trouble. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER DURHAM.