jority in the Upper Chamber. No further Senate reform will then be necessary from a Grit standpoint. Richard Cartwright has expressed :0 six-1y 21111130118 by R11..1'1v:1ys11bs1- die-.5 11111101111-1'1'11 ' :11ges. if the sit 11:1- tion were to 1.1.1, 1 viewed W vi: 11 111111111. 5.11 11101111111 1.1111 :say so. But. if 1115 “011115111 :11e 1313125111: true expres- of his feeli 5:3. .10w 11 the feel now 011 Iearuiu; . 1:11: “ theS 1:0 11 he hcped $1011 to ant-.1111 ' is 110: in sxght the eï¬cu: is no: 313111;: stopned. nor the bmdens of the pe-31Ie licvht-ened bv polxtical retrenchment, and the po- iitical econozm of the party he so 10 1g wishei 13 see in power. A11 inc rerse of 111 91111 11111110115 over the expend 11.11111 of .111 excravag, an: Con-1 senative go :erument owrh: to £1111 some sour e of alarm to a State 51111111 1 of such pr1anauuced views as Sir] I In about four 3 ears, according to the ï¬guring of t?) e Globe, enourrh 02' the present Senate will have “crossed the bar.†' and De replaced 1)) Gxit ap- poi :1: was to gixe the Literals a ma.- taizL " .Mr. a; a: 1115;); a: I Mr. B: : Sir Ric 1132’â€! fads, fancies s, g a tew erheLLLL-ESLL m 013; :0le mg. deuce: havfe Mr LL11 \‘LLLLisnrcl EL "‘le'lt eL than Sir ““1“ Richard now holds t': Le ILL m1 of s ;Lte {. and when :ch present; " mascers’ of ; me Q tmx administm Lion Mon :11: down the E euts,. QSEimL-ltes (1:1: ‘3- 332.0 M DUO Increaseu: Rev :0 sixty LLLE'L ans bv Razlx'ay subsi- Re“- dies and cthLL chaxyes. if! he sit ua-f \Ir a' ;at LIL 9 tion were to in "vie“ ed with LLILLL m ’i \le~ Sir R.cmLL L1 \LiL‘LIl away so. But if' MS 116““; “.l"‘IJ.“ ‘1} V‘HL; V314? .VOQ’A V-‘o an uuuuuu .‘th AA. tion were :01)? "vim Si: RE ï¬chaxd ui in as": u ords i we rust as: of his feelin..s. how} on Iearniu-r that " t 0.. $3011 30 and: u ' XS m For years Sir Richard expressed fehe same views. On the 29th of March, 189-1 he again said, "' Canada had no business, and never had, to Spend thirty-six or thirty-seven imilions a yeau. It is a monstrous thing, properly understood and who]- ly apart from the amount of real tax- :LLiOIl paid by us that an expenditure of thirty-six or thirty-seven million dallars should: be saddled on ï¬ve minions of people in the position of me peepie of Canada†~15 they tainly been a most fearless and out.- .spoken advocate of retrenchment and denounced, time and again, what ap- peared political corruption and polit- ical extravagance in the Tory admin- istration. It would hardly be fair to assume that he was not sincere in his denunciations. For the greater part of the tune since, the Tories whom he left. and whom he hated as :a renegade. have controlled the Trea- siry benches and handled the reins of government. The vast Canadian Paciï¬c Railway and other expensive public works were under construc- tion. and the necessarily increased eXpenditnre led Sir Richard to " view with alarm. †the condition of things as they existeo. then. in: to 5,000,000. Since Sir Richard Cart“. right cross- ed the floor of the House in the early seventies. and threw his influence in with the Liberal party, he has cer- Sir Richard Cartwright viewed with alarm an expenditure of $38 ,-- 000.000, what does he think of :90, 000,000 and Railway subsides amout- " Wait and see us The Dominion Parliament is likely to prorugue this week. ‘ AR RISTER. NOTARY, COX- \'EYAXCER. Etna. Etc. Muney to'Loan at reasonable rates and on 3.821st to suit barruwer. {’k't'ICBâ€"Mclutyre Block, (Over the Bank) NOTEâ€"At Durhamâ€"Mondays, 10 {1. m to 4 p. 121., and Court Days. and at Pncevijle on Mondays, 6 p. m. to S p. m. (Commerual Hotel. ; DURHAM, Aug. 3rd, 1899. Owns Sean, Successor to 'Dr. PARK, MILL STREET. -- -â€" DL'R o I LUCAS THE CHRONICLE. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES COX VEYA SCER’Z Etc, Etc. Money to Loanâ€"Companyamd Private Funds Low mumsâ€"Easy Team». onus-:3: max Seam, Manama: DURHAM. ‘1 w. H. wmcrfl' c. A. um". DAVIDSON, .11 influence.»- have greater than Sir :he lu-lm of state. u: " :nascers †of nexuye But Time says DURHAM. fanch 95. .‘3 To ail who have the evil effect ed Kidneys is the insurance tha‘ (Hume's kidney Liver Pills are l enormous sale and unparalleled the district. Backac'nes and ney‘s are fast becoming a thing where Dr. A. \V. Chase’s 1i Pills are known. One cent a. d a box, at :11! dealers. Mr. Geo. McKee of Owen Soury’i visited last week wzm {us Ipodvgr apgi Sister here and other relauons m this vxcxmty. Mrs. Keefer left Saturlayzo visit friends in Toronto and her son. Editor J. G at. Nor- “111d- Mr. W: Moore spent Sunday with i: ems in hornnguby. . Mr. Geo. Mitchell 15 visiting this with lger father, Postmaster McG Feversnam. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt Mrs. P. l)31f(»e visit with relatives at E ed Saturday lmwood. Mr. W. Moore spent Sunday with his Dar- n'l’e :o‘ \..\----_._ L dayed part oflast week with friends at To- ronto and Magma. Mr. Hurry ()rton of Toronto is now in charge or the shown: parlor here. . Mr. and Mrs: A. 3i..Uib30!l are off for a holiday and Will take m the $311 down the pi. Lawrence to the Thousand: Islands he- tore they return. Mr, Herbert Strain. of Great Falls, Mon- tana. joined his wife}and children here on Saturday for a visit at his old home. Mr. and Mrs. \‘train passed their tin welding day on Monday. May they have many happy returns of their wedding day. Mr. Frank Sullivan of London visited his parents here last week. Mr. W41. Ward of Coventry is spending a few day withï¬oid friends here. Mr. Chas Phillips of Toronto holiduyed with friends here last week. Mrs W Barnhouse and Miss dm ed p: tr: uflast \\ eek \\ 1th ° ric mum and \iagara. The Presbyterian S. School and Christian Endeavor had arranged to pic-nic and Gar- den party on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday last week at Mr. Win. Stewarts. back line, but the rain of that day spoiled both. The children, who always enjoy pie- n'ckiag, were disapp~3inted,butanother date will likely be made. The 4th line Union School pit-nicked the following da. at Eu- geaia and had a good day and a good time. A. united meeting of the churches here wixl be held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening next week for the or- ganization ofa branch of the Lord’s Day Alliance. Rev. A. G. Janven formerly of Darham will be present to deliver an address on the object and work of the Aliiance. . Messrs Chas. Mnnshaw, Chaw‘. Richard-i sun. Fred Sproule Fred Sheppard. Reg. I Ward and John Gibson left Monday for ten { day‘s camp life at Bell's lake . The 16th inst. will be Civic holiday here. Business places will be closed and it is ex- pected that a big crowd will take in the ex- cnr>ion to Lion’s Head. The Flesherton Band is, of course. going and \'ill furnish their share of entertainment for the pleas- ure seekers. The band gave our music. lov- ing citizens a treat on the square un Friday evening last. For his valuable services in hand- ling the “machine†in West Elgin and elsewhere, the Liberal Ex-organ- izer, Preston, has been given the ap- pointment of Inspector of Immigra- tion agencies in Great Britain and E.1r0pe, at a good fat Salary. Dun- can Bole too is the happy appointee toa couple of government sits at the Soo. Virtue may bring its re. ward, but there are other ways of g :ttng there as well. for criminal libei against the World, newspaper for charges made against him in the manipulations of the machine. The worltl immediately knocked the chip OE his shouider and now invites him to proceed with his show. But as the investigation would bring out revelations detri- mental to the party there is not much hOpe of the suit being pressed. The Liberal ex-organizer, Preston, who took such an active epart in the lecent by -elections, threatens suit Sir James D. Edgar, Speaker of the Inarket and elsewhere. His daughter. MIS- House of Commons, died in Toronto Ld- Embm‘Y- Offlle Queen C“i". came up 5 , - . . with him on Wednesday last. . on Ionda} eveninglast Though in Mr. Geo. Young returned to Petroxt on rather poor health for some time. he Thursdavmorning continued his duties until two weeks Miss Elma Facond of Guelph, is up on a ago. Very high tributes were paidlvisit tograndpa Hunt’s. the deceased gentleman from both Mr. Will. Smith, a clever smithy from “sides of politics, on receiving intelli- near Guelph. arrived on Saturday to want gence of his death. This is the fourth relatives “1 the Vicinity- of what may be called great statesmen 313‘ Tom Wilcox and his sister, Miss Mary. . w . . .. f Mar who have been called away during gmï¬ï¬gggrgg‘hr‘s‘fgftï¬ï¬i...§§?°t° O y .. L o. 0â€" v I o.~ the last mont... nz. Mr. Ites. Mr. Rev. Mr. Gray, of Laurel. is Up ona us- Geoï¬rion, Senator Sandford. and Sir i; to relatives on the and. He is hale in Jus. Edgar. body and bright in intellect though “'9†up Sir Louis Davis, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, is seriously ill. FLESHERTON . recognug a thiugpf mé’ but ». W. Chase’s ludney-Liver n. One cent a. dose, 25: cents 1’11-5 wurance that Dr. A. W. rer Pills are meeting with unparalleled success in :aplzes 351d aghipg kid- "“lf- _.. :31 Interest. this week McGnrr at [HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, Aug. ELs'ie 1101i- par- '1‘me There comes a critical time in the life of every woman when the bud of girlhood is unfolding into the full blown flower of w o m a n h o o d . Mothers at this time should carefully guard their daughters hmlth, for this is a time when many a girl falls victim to insidious dismses which make life a mis . Loss of flesh. headaches, pains in back and side. nervousness. irritability, dull eyes and a pale, sallow complexion. these are the symp. toms that warn you to use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. The blood is impoverished and the nerves require nutrition. Nature must have assistance and there is no better way to help nature than by using Dr. A. \V. Chase’s Nerve Food. It is a food for blood and n '85. and creates ï¬sh. ted blood, solid flesh and new Mm. mm.- O:1ts.......;: Peas ......... Barley ....... THAT THROBIN G HEADACHE. \Vould quickly leave you. if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of suf- terers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thev make pure blood and build up your-health. Easy to take. Try them. UuIyL’J ctr-x. a box. Cure gzxaraxh teed. Soid bylocal Dru" ' ' bngtS. .2 Fa“ Wheat. .. “ mi “tr Wheat years ago. v---" --- ----A\'v .lyc wuuntug (LIIIUIIHDD ua. itllu was ever faithful and earnest in attending and taking part in its services. The fune- °al took place on Thursday afternoon, and the church was ï¬lled with sympathising neighbors and relatives, who listened to one of the most impressive services ever held in Zion, Rev. J. Ferguson taking for his text,-â€" “The ri 'hteons have hope in his death. †Her brot er-in-law, M r. J. Gail. of Oshawa. and her son, Mr. John Kernev, of Toronto, were among thefsorrowizig relatives. The handsome casket was 10L down between the mouldering remains of her husband and her son. Hamilton, who passed away nine iron ru 0 .vn Very suddenly, last Tuesday evening at the sunset hour, did the Grim Reaper thrust in the sharp sickle and garnered a ripened sheaf. Mrs. Mary Kerney was brighter than usual that afternoon, got ready the supper, helped to do the chores and milked the cow. On returning to the house she felt faint, and was assisted in by her son. Dave. who in the fewbrief moments tried all the remedies available to relieve the sufferer. A few moments and all was over, heart failure being the cause of It fell like a crushing blow on Dave, who, alone, lived with his mother. His sorrow is deep and intense. The whole community was shocked by the suddenness of the sad event. Deceased, with her husband. and family, came from Oshawa twenty- eight years ago. but. her partner met. a tra- gic end three years after, so she raised her family and leaves a most cmnfortable home behind. She was a faithful member of Zion Church Since‘her‘ coming amongst us. and ‘We heartily congratulate A. W. Pai'k, '1 . Coymsqn and Miss Traynor on the §uc~ cess or thexr pupils at the recent examma- nous. Nearly three score of young hearts assem- bled with us on Friday night. R It, was an ideal night, and the huge bonï¬re that lit up the graceful forms and Winsome faces form- ed a. picture we’ll long remember: Righp merrily they played and sported, ugh-t my; ally they wooed and courted. and gave us an hour’s intellectual treat“ of music, speech and song besides. ~ '- A little over four years ago, Mr. Abel Wright and family came to live among 95- During that time, he has proved himself a. skilfnl mechanic. a clever machinist and an A 1. good neighbor, and his wife is a grand helhmate. They disposed of their effects by sale on Thursday last and left on Monday for Dauphin, Manitoba. They will visit. rel- atives in Owen Sound for a few days ï¬rst. All wish them success. M15595 Mary and Maggie Delanev, with m?" fnend, Miss Kate Sumers, took a pil- gnmage to Ste. Anne de Beaupre, near Quebec, last week. They will be home in a. day or two, Miss Ella M. Cook and her brother. Bert, wheeled to Dromore Saturday, and returned on Sunday. He’s a lively laddie is Mr. Ernie Cook:. ‘9: Toronto, who came up on Saturday to ‘ ‘31 his many relatives here. . Rev. Mr. Gray, of Laurel, is up on a. "1.5' it. to relatives on the and. He is hale in ,bOdY and bright in intellect though well up 1.1 years. Mr. A. Cook returned from his two $110.8 visitto friends at Toronto. V“ Q$03. {‘9‘“ market and elsewhere. Hrs daughter, r I rs. Ed. Embury. of the Queen CltY. came up with him on Wednesday last. . M r. Geo. Young returned to Detroxt on Thursday morning. ' Miss Elma‘Facopd, of Guelph, is up on a Market Report. DITRHAM July _ a vvvvvvv ’uuAIUH. tum are LB 8 5).")? I xix“ warn you to use Dr. A. W. Chase's XL will now I '091 is ugpm’erished and the nerves Jewelled, Stem-‘ tntion. ’ature must ave assistance . 0,. r - is no better way to help nature than or 131-1{1‘7“£tc.h l >r. A. w. Chase’s Nerve Food. It 0359- e we or blood and can ’85. and creates 91m? “YouLAm- JAM --‘:_an c - TRAVERSTOL . ‘09 26 th , 1 10 t0 t0 to to to to 67 A $5 Bill! ALL Amy PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL. (,LRB. RE-CURB, PRESSCURB \K'L‘ Y T D Pumps. LOWER Towx Mar. 3, 99. PEEL, X 3: One D001 East of Post Ofï¬ce. THE SHOE MAN 9 MWW§WNWWW W 5 [5- nl'o... ‘, rt .87 VA..\‘ I), i“- Hu\..../.I\ \\ L W 01m GUARANTEED at let live†PRICES. v v --u, w \‘x'ELLS. All ordvrs ta ken near McGowan's Mill or at Smith‘s Foundry. ’1 3‘ \‘ '71 v .a 7 \x... I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY T(Jlil§1~:Sand the public in gcncml am prepared to furnish as... $4 2% 'IC‘ $4 I4? vym/a mg». S7 mm“ \\7/ n .2? '0... \xr/ WV“ _ [4P '0‘. S4 raw. Sr! m.“ \e/ ’ v4.» $7 w. x. Q7 "4% aâ€? v, $ï¬Â§a¢ ,w "(r erl now buy a. seven Jewelled, Stem-Wind \Valtham or Elgin Watch in anickle screw case. We have seventeen jew- eled Walthams selling at prices never offered before. ‘-r 7/35 N!) 711$ \‘V/ 71» 9V V's Nb ‘1- A «VI; 3 -‘ 711$ V- 31% Yb Mafly ï¬â€™i GEORGE WHITMORE To Clear out the balance of our Shaw and Linen Hats we will sell them at the followmg Big Reductions : (fl- _ 3rd, 1899. 20 u u 160. Moth Camphm 130.3 lb. Jamieson’ 8 Death on Moths 10c 11 Bates’ FlV Papel - - 30 Mexican Oil f01 Flies on Cattle 400 Rat Killer Paste 200. a box. 'es will only last Ladies’ Sailors, were 50 to Boys’ Straws :akon at the 01d stand or at Shop at Charter Men’s Straws that were $1.00 for ‘OIIM MY (TS in gmcml that I and Get the Best. 6‘ 3‘ s.’ DURHAM “Live and D 1’ RH A If. W , S a 4%. .P? a .2». A (lo W _..R _ {0“ 7/1 6‘ Lx‘" 66 H .l. announce to the Farmqnï¬ breeders nfDnrlxam and “101? willtravel his 'l‘horouShbmF Stallion. "Clydoulale 1503'." nouncemeut on 13315;“ T m. T537: April ’26. 1899. ‘Women’: Calf Bals. reir-S‘Qï¬i for $2.00 Men’s kip Bals. 1e". 2:25 1.75 “ I’lm hel s 102‘ 2. 25 1.75 “ Bals and Blufixcrs better, mg. «52. 50 2.0) Men' S Fiem-h kip Bah. and Bluclieis,1eg.$300 2.50 Boys’ 8: Misses I):n.<1‘eg.$1.25f0r800 “Clyï¬esda Cheaper than ever. Stock before buying. the Iates: goods and up-to- date prices. Waist Sashes. \VaiSt and Neck Buckles are the latest. You are always Sure of seeing the latest :11 Jewellery eyerything in: Lille here. , ~ ydeaiale BOY" UNDERSIGN . we. 50 50 20 GEO. L: O V‘.‘ H (b (I) #5 H a (D (‘b I :35... :\‘ £9. 9‘ PI. A‘k $‘!’. $182 93%. 91". SI": :3". S‘ï¬e. 5‘32 31*“! ‘52 Va é, â€â€™ ‘\“ \\~ (I m.‘ l “ “. 3‘" N n“. ° don. bat. “(in :Gfllmn. 505 Adelaide St... Lon '03" <1mightâ€, now :3 years 01d. he? .haa O. “hey; “110° infancy, and her beauty. 2.1% 50;“ “ence has always been poor. r we ° D033?» Kidney Pills have term-woe; "1%.,“ tom 0f kidney trouble, and remomc 0 we“ ect health, I am truly thankful :3: . bencï¬g they have conferred upon the 1EEels “3:; we feel, but 9““ 1 l . o .3 13.- blood dupinm PPEEry.Smfle SVQUS the Sunlight of heaven .1: Woke-flu face, There is no ms ng it The bright eye, the un tel! 0f thbtl‘ow, the sunny smile,\:l 3' VI ic . 'tw \ has not felt . h duellg “/ . Next the ch The “Chronicle" 18 the only Huge Local Newspurer in yestern ontario, ’ABR 15'] LR. Solicitor, Block. Lower To wn. zency promptly attended to the Registry Ofï¬ce. ABRISTKR. Solicitor, ct Gordon's new jewellery wn. Any amount of money to 103 farm property. ___â€"_ UGH MMBKAY, Durham, Land Valu- storand Licensed Auctioneer for Lhe .unty of Grey. Sales promptly attended sud notes cashed. 'AMES BROWN, Issuer ot Marriage Licensea,Durham Ont. resumed his old business, and is prepar toloan any nmount of money on real it“ Old mortgages paid 06 on the utlibetaltorms. Fire and Life Insur- oueï¬â€™ectedin the best Stock Companies lowest robes. Correspondence Lo chardvillo, P. 0.. or u call solicited can QUEEN, ORCHVARDV!LLE, has "AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey nd Valuator, Bailiff ot the 2nd Division art. Sales and all other matters promptly '0!!de {goâ€"highest refexences furnished all princippl points in Onâ€" Mamtoba, United we: m ue "0’ d England. M V Legal Dzrcctory. Lambton THE CHEERFUL FACE edical Directory. LEFROY McCAUL. "“118 In it we feel. but Tau}- ’°58» and its cherry smile semis 'd dalming through the V810? 'y 505’. There is a. world 0!. magic in the plain, cheerfgi We would not exchange 1' the 90'11688 beauty that ever 316 fairest form on earth. Miscellaneous . ! IIBD “w. v..- nacy,_ Calder's' Block. a.â€"â€"-E‘1rst door west c i, Durham. “998m"! of Kidney Ills are “3mg generation heaithy and allow it to settle on the kid- neya. They don't realize the signiï¬cance of†backacheâ€" thmk it will soon pass awaYâ€" but it doesn't. Urinary Trou- bles come, then Diabetes, Bri t'a Disease and shattered hes. th. The natural exuberance of YOUth often leads to reckless- “888. Young people don't take care of themselves, get Ora-ligated, catch cold, and '. TELFORD. Durham. HOLT. Solicitor, etc. McIntyrea ' Town. Collection and standedbo. Searches made Toronto. to loan at. 5 per cent. etc. Ofllce. over 3y 3*Ore, Dower of the ATT mm H on thx‘ son w board 311 he f Ive onq Danzo \‘V in \V my on \VOU )‘d )l (.5 led! WI My