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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Aug 1899, p. 9

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_1d the task ‘ ’ not a Sligh Rut 901506 OVer them, in VIGW in 1 ban to ob: heeless treas tg. began coilecniug from all :11 he was surrounded by i 309 enraged natives; Ho him only a halt-breed mule- : was only by the skin 01 bar; he escaped. He had to is theodolize and make all could on his muletand h. t the Indians who won {stones at him could run el- ht as his mule could galley sad for four miles until be within the walls of a no he began his race for had been able to slip gho never V not get, Upmmn, into its case and max? day Ld uninjured. It was neoco- Lsh his observations and he fith persons who were sup- ve mfluence with the nu- Ead scarcely begun work. .fore the stone throwing made queer wagers in tho resent. One man afflicted mbling spirit was Sir Mark offered to pay any one 3 1y for eadh day Napoleon ed the taker would pay 1!” [IL A clergyman accepted Id made a fine profit. 1' ied three years. _4- d. and work had to be sad. the day. With the aid 01 Df Bolivian soldiers he wan L. to complete the work. her occasion it was neces- rend. sume time on a hilltoy 'ut the triangulation requir- map the expiurer was nak- : country. ['nfortunatoly u monument of a departed l on Lhis hiil. and the m- vusly object to having these tuned by the visits of stru- had no sooner set up hm near the monument than 5 camp one “PM: 0f k” 8d. DOW'ever. l 3 men had 39f pane: in 3mm Ever 323 calcan natives Martin's D o seriously mountain nature of his m. ne BER “'AGERS‘ :ver visited by the native; I get, their prey. In Six inizsn. if he and his men "at home.” that night. it gone hard wub them. for have oeen outnumbend “"7 "'81“ for (hi, var, that the explor- ;d it“ :he camp and obtain sures pight for Scending 1 Possession in tho Ci Vilma we" Scwmg flachines. Wanted. “A PLEMENT WAHHUUMS Tweeds, Flannels, ”’3 Blankets and Yam. Sm Reduced â€"- First Class $12.00 Suits now sold at $10. mm Harding and Spinning Pump-S 01 an nunua. Galvanized and Iron Pip m; Brass, Brass Llned tb)‘ will be open evexy Wednesday :3aturda3. " “REP :IRING p1 omptly and prop- is? ' 7"â€" '3,” t. 011 (‘10! 131:, CLOTH 6ft D'L'a STERS wit} wxcle .Nc. x. a h 45 in. “ids 20¢. 54 in. 30:: 1 embroider’d m- / Full Line at. {,3 agiWfi‘S keepa wresgPrices.C11and see our :95; and \\ omen S Oxfords. 3.5: the thing for hot Weather. 5Shoe Dressing 10 200. a bottle. '03 Granite Pie Plates 10¢. each, . finite “ash Bowls 900. urge Granite Spoon 8c. HIGHEST PRICE in Cash or Goals. Any quantity of W'ool will be taken for Cash or in ex- changeforGoods, of which we sthave a Choice Assortment consiszing of 0x SHORTEST NOTICE. ”resh Groceries as usual. Lemons 20¢. a doz. 55W WILLIAMS and RAY- MON D. a Very Large Stock of the latest improved Cabi- net and Drop Top Stands, at 3:116: Very Lowest Prices. CUTIERS â€" I. inter GGOdSI Pumps from $2 upyvgrd. S. SCOTT, \Es‘ilarge stock of Mo- C1a“:’s famous Model Cook- in" Stoxes. Fancy Parlor 810‘“, Box Stoves. Coal doves. etc.. at prices that .s of ail Kinds. BEAN 6" Co- get to call 3 D P R 0’ ’ "Q ,5 1A.\ OD and Organs. Res. C l‘ers. Straw Cutters, c. R :5 and Drawers 25c. ~(Itpllzxnt. stand pp, 1%. Cuffs L'Oc. a punt. u W. D. CONNOR. H 6ft wide 506. yd. 13 in. wide: 2012., 54 in. 30c. Shades with lace mml cm spring rollers, arge Stock, Best leaper than ever. TOWN Variety, from avy Blue and Black and Col‘d Tartan Dress DURH A M ~~“~Q~mw Our Stock of Granite, Steel Enamel and Tinwa1e is superim to 21113 thing ever 81103311 in D111ham,and at p1 ices to suit any peison ’8 pocket book. 1 Our last consig'ment of Screen Doors and ‘VindOWs has just ar- rived and we have mark- ed them low enough for every person to have one. At the same time we received a large Shipment Of HAMMOCKS, SCYTHES, GRAIN CRADLES, SNATHS, HARVEST MI‘L‘TS. CLOTHES WRINGERS, CARPET SWEEPERS, HORSE POKES, HAY FORKS. PULLEYS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Etc. Hardware ! We have The Machine Oil that suits every per- sonâ€" “ THE HEAVY HAR- the market. Call and Inspect our Stock, then you will be convinced that we carry the goods and have right prices. W. BLACK. H ~‘~ “'8 are having fine harvest weather. A few are cutting barley aml fall wheat is all in the barns. Hayinp: finished last week. Oats, peas and spring: wheat will take a. couple of weeks yet before they are ready for cutting. Spring wheat is a fine sample so far and roots are looking well. We expect soon to hear the hum of the thredhing machine. Bab Fisher and Jim McDougall' will be fitting up their old thresher again this year, and Bob will be in his element on the feed board once more. A number from Toronto took ad vantage of the cheap excursion on Friday last and paid a short visit to their old homes in this vicinit . Among them were Mr. Wm. Mc- Donal , who left here near two years ago. He looks hale and hearty for a man of his age. His daughter, Sarah, accompanied him up. Miss Flora McQuarne is eujo ing a short stay with her parents on the horth line. Miss Christena McIntyre was visiting her father and mother, of Priceville, and re- turned Monday. Mr. Malcolm Sinclair, of Ycovil, came out Sunday to hear a good Gaelic sermon from Rev. Mr. Matheson. All who wish to hear the Gaelic should attend the Fresh 'terian chtwch at 10:36 Sunday morning, an there is nothing that touches the heart of a. H ighâ€" lander likeagood sermon in that ancient language. There was no meeting in the Methodist Church here last Sunday on account of Rev. Mr. Humphreys having quart-eriy meeting at Preton that. day. . Miss M. A. McInnis, of Toronto, is visit- mg the old home at Bunessan. Rev. Mr. Whitefieid preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening in the Disciples’ church Pricevflle. He made a good im- pression \\ hile amongst us and his departure is mt :h reoretted. - Mr. John McLeo'd, Teacher. resigned his school for the purpose of attending college after' tne hohdays. He wxll be greatly missed. especially in the A. 0. U. W. lodge where he has been recorder for the past two years. Somé of‘6’ir sick people are getting better again. - Miss Kate \Ic Arthur paid a. short visit to her home at Prue» 1119, as also did Miss Kate McIntyre. Miss Annie McCracken, pf Aberdeen, vis- ited friends on the North 11116 for a few days this week. Mr. Arch. McCuaig purchased a new Massey-Harris binder from Mr. Calder a few days ago. Archie has over 100 tons of hay this year, and his large new barn which is 50 ft. to the top will be tull when all his crop is in. The Trustees of S. S. No. 10, Glenelg, dug a new wellat the school recently on Mrs. Hooper’s place. Mr. R. J. Donkey 'was the contractor. We hope there will be no law suit in connection therewith. The one that. was dug on the school grounds cost upwards of $70. and will cost a few dollars more to get itfilled in again. PreSbyterian S. S. picnic on Wednesday, this week in Mr. John Mather’s bush. Gaud time expected. McLa'chlan’s new barn on ylze North line is getting pretty well closed In and will be ready for 1.159 in a week or so. -v‘vâ€" â€"'â€" We are sorry to hear of the death of Victor Konold, son of Prof. Kouold, by the collis- ion of two engines. Victor, who was a nice, quiet boy, was promoted only a short time ago as head engineer, and his sudden death is quitea severe blow to, his mother and family. Mrs. Burgess, of Owen Sound. and little girl have been visiting with friends for a week or two. . Miss McLeod, who was visiting friends in Gait for a tew weeks, returned a few weeks has returned and was again at her position as organist in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Arch. McLean and wife, who have been away in Dakota for the last few, months, came back to his father’s place on the town linea few days ago. He is disabled with {neammtism and notable to do work of any '11! . .I-..\-' A young son was born to Mr. .and Mrs. Blakeston on Sunday last. All domg well. Miss Annie Hemstogk and brother, Wal- ter, were visiting friends at Chatswunh during the last week. An Interesting Case. M r. W. G. Plxyall. proprietor Bodega Hotel, 36 Wellington Street East. Toronto. ays :â€"“While living in Chicago I was in a terrible shape with itching and bleeding piles. I tried several of the best physicians and was burnt and tortured in various wa ys by their treatment to no avail, besides :pendingamint of money to no purpose. Since coming to Toronto I learned of Dr. Chases Ointment. I used but one box and have‘not beautroubled With piles in any I shaped! form since.” TOP GLIFF. I Well M r. Editor the news is rather scarce ' around Edge Hill. The farmers have fin- [ished haying and have their fall wheat in ‘~ and are takinga rest before they start the 3 heavy harvest Work. ‘ Mr. George Ritchie is having a grand ; harvest of honey this season, one day last .week he extracted 400 lbs. He expects to '3 take over 1000 lbs. this season. E_x Councxllor. Joseph Firth, is now on- joying the comforts of his new residence. We hope he may long exx'goy it. Dr. Burd has extended his telephome line to the residence of Edwin Hunt. Mr. Wm. Ede purchased a new Deering Binder from gm. Chas. McKinmm last week Will will make things fly now. Misses Mary :1an Maggie Edge gave a party to their little friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. D.Edgee.rejolly good hearted people and love to see. the little folks enjoy themselves. Master Ernestand John Greenwood also ave a. party to their little friends on Satur ay. Miss Alice Mofi‘at )eft for Toronto Igst Saturdav after spendmg a few weeks thh 1191: grand parents and other friends in this vzcmxty. Edge Hill Beef Ring is a mud success. It is expected that there wi I be several more started next spring. Consum tion is preventable Science has pmvcu ' ounu wr r “z" “‘5‘” “I“ r Tu'gmmmes' . that, am also that neglect is suicidal. The worst. LT.-COL. W. M. GARTSHORI‘L ‘â€"- PRES. coldoroough can be cured with Shiloh‘s Cough 1 . . - and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guar- I J' A' NELLEh‘ bBC1{ETARY' autcc for over fifty years. I ~â€" WWW”. . .. ._; To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the form of slaver '. Geor re D. Williams. of Manchester, .Viici. tells 10w such a slave was made free. He says: ”Mv wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improv- ed and able to do her own work.” This su- preme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, Melan- choly, headache. backache, fainting and dizzyspells. This miracle working medi- cine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold bylocal Druggist. STORY OF A SLAVE. EDGE HILL Do You Know CIVIC-‘- HOLIDAY and Firemen’s Pic‘ nic to-day. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitabe will and tremendous enerm} are not found where Stomach, Liver. Kid‘â€" neys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They develop every power of the brain and body. Only 25c at local Drug Stores. 2 The Western Fair, LONDON. 1] Space allotted on receipt of entry. Ex- hibits will be unsurpassed. attractions bet- ter than ever. Hinpod rozne, Chariot Rama, Champion Sword Contests. Ingmar-Ia! flaps; Famous Lady Riders. W'orkl Renowned Gymzzasts and Aerial Artists galore. Fire:â€" works each evening. “The British and Americansin. Samoa.” and_ all ring and '1 platform Attractions. SPECIAL Excursion Trains will leave London each evening after the Fireworks. Grounds will be beautiful! illuminated; Send for Prize Lists and rogmmmes. CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C. J. Collections prumptly attended to. LOANS and Insurancqeffected without de- lay. Company and Prlvgtte Funds to Loan at 5, 5 and 6 pelt ceqt.‘ m sums and upon I CAN AND INSURANCE AGEN'I‘s J term's to suit borrowers. ” A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE-1 door North of S. Scott’s Store. September 71h to Ifith, |839e W. L. MacHENZIE, NTRIEQ CLOSE SEPTEMBER 6'. BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md.

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