it Mrs. Abrahams, of Great 1 M9215. is the guest. of Mrs. Strain this week. Miss Chrzsï¬e, of Owen Scan the guess of Miss Clinton and Mrs. Calling oFMt. Forest ‘ ed over Sunday with Mr D \fn'Pc Miss Bert Crosslcy visited friends at Meaford last, week. Mr. W. E. Southgate and Master Willie of Toronto joined the campers from here as Kimberley on Saturday 1““; Mr. and Mrs. Runstacltler have been holidaying with relatives at Waterloo. - Miss .‘Jildleton of Embro is ing beer College friend, Miss 1 Richardson. axst. Mr. Wm. Sinclair occupied the Methodist pulpit here on Sabbath morning last. Mr. Sinclair is at home on the back line resting until college opens when he enters upon his theolcgical coarse. _â€"-vv WV ‘. exposed to the weather when not: in use. The Flesherton Police Trustees are erecting a small building, or perhaps we should say ï¬re hall, on the Town Hall lot in which is to be kept the village ï¬re engine. Had the council joined hands with the Trustees and put up a larger building so as to have had protection for the road machine and carriage scrapers it would have been a saving to the' township in the end. It is surely penny wise. and pound foolish to al- low those expensive machines to lie and The Methodist Sabbath School pic- flicked on the Beaver Meadow Fri- day afternoon last. Old and young were there and had an enjoyable out- ing. The same evening a garden party under the auspices of the Pres- byterian ChriSLian Endeavor was held in Mr. Albert Stewarts orchard adjoining the village. The weather was superbly ï¬ne for an out door affair and the Flesherton band being ‘ in attendance added much to the‘ pleasure of the evening.â€"Proceeds over $13.00. """""" -"O‘. V~I LLVMJ LLUI§LUlu3 “101 A pleasant family re-union took I day, for which he paid $4 apiece. :place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.’ Your Varney Cormorant is hay Peter Holman in tms Village oning a. happy time since the Dr Tuesday evening 0f 133‘ week. prescribeda bushel of dried apple With the exception, of their second to swell out his ribs that got stave: ‘son, Rev. D. A. Holman, of Bio . - . . , . a 1n. He sang in his sleep one nigh Prairie, Mich. who was unavoxdably and it does seem like a. Special dis absent. the members 0f their family, pensation of Providence to receivi were all present along “’lth “V“ sons- such a quantity of dessert alons zin-law one sister-in-law and ï¬fteen with the mammoth feed of beel grand children as follows: Mr. I which the hard Spring brought him and Mrs. Henry 3011313", Mr. Nevertheless our sincere wish is for and Mrs. Henry Stone, and Mr. him to eat drink and be me r' .and Mrs. John Chard with their. * ’ r 5 and .. , , , , , may hone of the other poets in the .families. all llVan.‘ 1n this townsmpvfmenagerie die of envy over his Mrs. Richard btrain and daughter brilliant productions during his :of Boxssevam, Manitoba, and Ml'S-lhilarity. George Holman, of Grand Rapids, Mrs Mar M ll fT t Mich. of the forth estate, and single. 15.: d i) y f tarce ï¬s’ OW orgn o._ It is twenty-two years since Mrflflsésv ker 8’5 e1, â€3' m. 11‘1‘8 .Holman’s family were all together; ee ‘ and it. has 'had many olive branches Mr. Isaac Sirrs leaves on Tuesday added in that time. It was a most! ff†Dakota... He .has Spent the past enjoyable gathexing but there were :' S x monthsin tlus part and thereby {many regrets that Dagid and hrs'Sfrengthenxng very much his aï¬ec- family and one son-in-Iaw, Mr. R. â€10†for the place, strain, were not present to swell Mr. and Mrs. Willie McMeeken the number. ham: mnnn M . . “Al-1- AL-.- v- \U Sundae with MtD. Mcfav‘zsh O_U.Wm1 flfl. BUHD M. E. PM 81 S. U. “5.1:; Successor to Dr. PARK, see“ faf . [Calvert s ‘ BARRISTER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCE R. Eta, Etc. Money to. Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to sun borrower. OFFICE-McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) "DURILuI, Aug.17th, 1899. NOTEâ€"At Durhamâ€"Mondays. 10 a. m to «4 p. m.. and Court Days. and at I’ricex'i}le .on Mondays, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. (Commercxal (Hotel. ) Successor to Dr. PARK, MILL STREET, -â€" -- DUR ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. scrum-:5 ‘_ .coxvnraxcmzs. Em, Etc. Own: THE CHRONICLE. [UCAS, WRIGHT BATSDN, w. s DAVIDSON, SOUXD, MARKDALE DURHAM. FLESHERTON . of Owen Sound is "‘- .‘J. Richardson U. H. WHICH? C. A. “730". Great Falls. f Mrs. “[211, is home ; visit- Florrie i Mr. visit- DURHAM. I his camera. ’ About forty of our villagers ’lothers assembled at the residen RH. Ham Esq. on Saturday eve for the purpose of paying their nte of reSpecc to himas a citl The occasion was improved by] exiting him with The “Peo Cyclopedia†consisting of sixl volumes, in Russian binding. W. .T. Petrie took charge of arrangements. W. J. Sharp , the address and Mr. T. Brow [the presentation. Mrs no... {also presented with a. beautiful set. ‘0! silver knives and forks ‘ being ablv attended to by Mrs. Wal- :laee. after which short. 3 were delivered by Messrs. Brown, Sharp. Dr. Deupe, Allan and Petrie all of whom spoke in glowing terms of Mr. H. not only as an ofï¬cial but as a citizen. Several patrocic selections were. rendered by Miss J. Donpe Ham also a male quarzette by Mes . Brown, Ham, Thair and Mickleboro’ brought the meeting to a close. Rev. J. W. Ma {or three weeks’ poses visiting iiiucardiue. gwood left. Monday holidgys. He pur- Guelph. spent several days of late Visiting old acquaintences here. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndal and family, of Arthur. were the guesrs of R. Mickieboro’, of River Bank farm. 1215: week. wmcn caused Pete and Miss Neiljlie Grasby to be thrown out. With the exception of slight bruises they escaped unhurt. Master Oliver Chapman, of Shallow Lake, wheeled down to visit his many friends in this part for a while. There IS no need of a Curfew Bell in South Glenelg at present as a. wild on: which makes a terriï¬c noise. of twenty-one to retire at dark. It is hoped some one will put an end to his catship before anyone smothers under the blankets. \Vhile discussing the many at- tractions ofthe Firemen’s Pic~nic on their way home the occupants of Mr. Pete Black’s rig never noticed that the harness had become deranged which caused Pete and Miss Nellie Grasby to be thrown out. With the exception of slight bruises they escaped uuhurt. Alittle boy arrived at the home of Mr. Jus. Hay last Friday just in time for the harvest. Although he may do little more than wake the ether hands in the morning he will be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Willie McMeeken have gone to seek their fortune an Sault- Ste. Marie. They have rela- tives in that para which will make it more homevlike for them. l Your Varney Cormorant is hav- "ng a. happy time since the Dr. prescribeda bushel of dried apples t to swell out his ribs that got staved ,in. He sang in his sleep one night land it does seem like a special dis- pensation of Providence to receive such 3, quantity of dessert along with the mammoth feed of beef which the hard Spring brought him. Nevertheless our sincere wish is for him to eat, drink and be merry and ! may hone of the other poets in the menagerie die of envy over his. brilliant productions during his’ hilarity. l Mr. John Calvert shipped a. car load of lambs. from Holstein, Mon- day, for which he paid $4 apiece. The Lawrence Hall pic-nic this year was the best ever held in that part, which is saying a. great. deal. The Varney side road is now the best in the county since Ben Critten- den and A. Baird completed their job of gravelling Principal Allan and Grand organ- izer-Bradley have secured a few A. Mr. John Vessie is going to pur- chase a new engine for his threshing outï¬t. i Considerable fall wheat and barley threshing has been done. The latter is an abundant crop exceeding the excellent yield of last year, but the former is not very great in either yield or sample. CORNER CONCERNS. tract of repairs at the School Hans: and is busy getting things into shape Mrs. Rosenberg, of New York, and for the opening of School next Mon- her two children are spending a few day. weeks with her father. Mr. Jas. Rev. Mr. Jansen addressedajoint Vessie. The little folks are enjOy- meeting of the Methodist and Pres- lng immensdy their freedom in the byterian congregations in the Metho- fresh air while she is heartily renew- dist Church Sunday evening on the ing' old acquaintences. Lord’s Day Alliance subject. Mr. J. Considerable fall Wheat and barley l threw out some very practical hints; threshing has been done. The latter WhiCh will, no doubt, tend to arouse is an abundant crop exceeding: the, thopgliion the question. I _ - A. The prosperity of our line will be en far and wide after Professor .lvert’s visit to it last week with HOLSTEIN. . candidates in this neighbor- secured the oaturday evening paying their trib- The “People’s ing 0f six large binding. Mr, charge of the J. Sharp read T. Brown made Mrs. Ham “'39 8- beautiful sen] CitlZen "I and con- I‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, Aug. 17th, 1899. Dres- ness. was obliged recently to go to (the hOSpital where he had his leg Torontoï¬amputated. He is now home again m. Strrs i and is much better for the operation. n___ __ , _ _ _ __ _- wax; mcney-Liver Pins act directly on the kidn m, influence on the kidneys and hver, cure the most complicated d' ' One pill a dose. 25 cents a box at all dale“. or Edmansm Ban: 5; C 7 _ W†m we may. lfweak tired or 311111;: you need 1t. Every bottle-guaran- tch, only 50 cents. Sold by local Drug- gusts. __ v-unvu JAVUI all money trouble, puriï¬es the blood tones the stomach, strengthez .‘ vun. vigor and new life into everymnscle. nerve and organ of the body. If \yeak tired or ailing vou npna ;+ nu---“ - .. SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, S am. spends his winters at Aiken. S. C. V 'eak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest Blood and Nerve Rein- edy, all pains seen left him. He says this grand medicine IS what ' Editor andâ€"Mrs. Ramage ren visited friends here on and Sunday. Tucker has been made chee the visit; from sons James H ronto, and Willie. of Markd also their daughter Mrs. Re Proton Station. time'from adiseased condition of one of her legs. 'We regret that she is not recovering as rapidly as we would Wish. The foot ball teams of Dromore and Swinton Park engaged in a friendly match on Saturday evening (last. The Dromore team {were Vic- : torious by two goals to one. F Mr. and Mrs. John Snell gave a party on Monday evening of last week in honor of their cousins Mr. Parkinson of Sarnia. who had been visiting them for a few days. D. Coleridge jr. is suffering from injuries received while drawing in a load of hay; He fell from the load and fractured some of his ribs. Mr. Lemire, was cured of Kidney Disease in two months by Dr. Chase’s Kidney- Liver Pills. Mr. Alex. Pollock returned Mon- day after a~ two months’ visit to the land of his nativity. “The Emerald lIsIe of the Sea.†He says business and farming Operations are carried on much the same as when he left that land about forty years ago. The trip did him good as his health is improved. He reports encounter- ing ice ï¬elds off the North cost of, Newfoundland causing a delay of1 eight hours on the home trip- l Mr. W. Smith: of New York State, is vism’ng the scenes of his boyhood after an absence of about sixteen years. DURHAM DROMORE. , August 16th, 1899. mgde cheerful b3: Bamage and child- . of Markdale, and ‘- . Rennie, of 40 t.» 45 500 to 6 00 010 to 12 11 to 12 Saturday ., of To- I BEG I.- AVE TO INFO TOM ERS and flw public in am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. CURB. RE-CURB, P; \VI‘3LLSo All flrlePQ fairns‘ ‘1 0 WE! Tova?- ---. “I u‘ zwar MéGowun‘z-x l Smith's Foundry. n“ a ShOIT time «W; , as To Clear out the balance of our Strau- and up Linen Hats we will sell them at the following 3; Big Reductions: m or at 1330le 3 ---- ‘ .~ ~ 99- J. announce to the Farmen and “or . . u , , he breeders of Durham and vzcnnq that $3];le PREP, will travel his 'l‘hm-.,.u£hb2‘?d L'll'fiesdfff at th SSIQURE‘SMIHOD. “Clydesdale 1303'." 35 per “ « e o stan I u .15. . ‘ Shop at Charter l 10 ncement on bllGEO. LAVV'REï¬m‘LbR‘ general thhf “I 0001 Get the Best. D URHAM 3 H “Live and (11's. ’ hat I 0 announce to the meers m: 111' ODI‘A‘OB A: h H! nnr] vvunnh’v ING LETTERm; And 111.3133 HANGING DO\E IV nable CLASS SLYLE a. Reaso Rates. ORDERS left at Parker's DIE? ~ Promptl‘y attended to. ‘ OUSE AND CARRIAGE gm 1: “MG S. H. FIRTH 330., Painters and Paper Hangers. ‘£ April 26. 1899. 99 Boy. ‘eSdale “Clyu 5O 50 4O q ï¬r, ¢ \ w, Vb . to the ‘ ' _ which' . bow of whlte ribâ€" h , ,n-hed together the cards of -- unumeric wedding the bridesmï¬ids â€"9 t0 the bride a. chest of linen as â€VB to th. I w In? new, you. You wad; bngowlcr Intact of “knovnw‘nd Strawberry, which every 1“ positively cure Cramps an P s d .. . Colic quickly. Just _ .8 dose or two and you - have ease. JOHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, has resumed his old business. and is prepar odtoloan any unonnt of money on real ““96 Old mortg on paid 0E on the “Hillel-aligning. ire and Life Insur- vâ€"v wvvv ‘VUVV‘ VVII Ni lowest “lites. Correspondence. Orchardvillo, P. 0.. or a. call solicited Auctioneer for the County of Grey d Valuator, Bailiï¬' of the 2nd Division Dom-£83k! and all other matters promptly Med toâ€"highclt refetence: furnished if required. ‘- AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed UGH MacKAY, Durham, Land Valu- “or and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cubed. Agency prompt! \' acre 1»: the Registry 63100. ARMSTER. Solicitor ehc. Ofï¬ce over g Gordon's new Jeweliery wore. Lower mt. Any amount. of money to loan at. 5 per cent. to farm property. Block. Lower Town. Collection and BARR 18'] ER. Solicitor. etc . McIn23'res Anna! pupmpuggttended to. Searches made ’2?†“Chronicle" is the only .- age Local Newspaper in '“*A-. A... 4 __ n Wad flag of Canada Durham Agency. 1 general Banking business transact- .4. Drafts issued afnd collgctions made a .11 pants. De ta received and in- “mt allowed a current ates. ’AMES BROWN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Durham Ont. 1 ofï¬ce gnd Residence a ghort distance of Knapp's Hotel. Lumbmn at "not. Lower Town. Office ho 2m 2 o'clock» urs from B. JAMIESON. Durham. DB. T. G. HOLT, L. D. s. V8 relieved promptly by '. Fowler’s Ext. of Wild Strawberry. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Medical Directory. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous . rlncipal points in On- †.11 p-mnitoba, United in,†“d mund- ontaflo, ’. P. TELFORD. bENTIST. But now a word of proofto back up these ussertions, an d we have it from Mr. John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont, who writes: “Dr. Fowler's Extract 0f Wild Strawberry is a wonderful cure for Diarrhoea, Cramps Stomach. I was a great ave-it a trial, but now I nd upward; Prompt. every facility afford- livi tt 3 distance. r, Y. Asent Toronto. west of the of the Dur- The clear] rhem holdi: left mYS won how. and told hrs see bes‘x ogn quieJ 1921]?! the 3 {cl W :1 S na reg how Wit! mg I she; rela see ! b to 1 the: of 1‘ 3:“; baa 5t thï¬ tWi ga: “'11 V1. 10' at U! pr