Fupposed. religious fl Lhey have to all 1mg] pen associated with Lament. 'Iheir origin ind economical one. fc LS alone to be found when '01:: efï¬iciuldom and lives as I do not. recagnlze our laws. What you Wu]. 1 will bear me of this belief is natnra 1a Lion of compulsory mih~ . , and if forced to bear arms 1'5 of Lhe Begonny are liable ditiun which may be describ. iunal enLhusiasm, leading.“ nave always been eater personal lib bwer for the individ kiety. Possiblv hmm of death which these pen. " burial while alive, a son- , it will be remembered, ~terized by one of the peo- Mikado as “a stuffy death," nally they have gone in to: ction by fire. 3 ago. for instance, when the sacrifice of this sect was Ln Church, 1 item it in 1355 1‘21, the Ancic thodox institu those drastin >p€t0ple \\ ho lacked thew 11113145111 or the strengthï¬j rho felt for some reason not worthy of ante achievement, were ch‘wï¬gwg g uni praying while «2 -~ heir relatives, whose ' :1 in an ecstacy of adM nnzuliau Issue of It Travelled. husiusm or 110 felt for e not worth] achievemen stance mt 1851 a. twelve pennym postage stamp was pg!“ )vernment at Ottawswm 0k. The public did ,‘ 1W“ sombre issue with W e issued. One of these ~ ' ' “ to the Hamilton ms sold t6 an old i in the. United States. He" sacrifice of this sect was re, Opie adopted this latter q of getti 11g an eternal releam troubles 011 a single day; it f 1111 lies disappeared from 'L-llage and did themselves 1c huge oven was built, and m 186 1» ho voluntanly d ' ' ged the-mselves. OF A POSTAGE STAMP. have alw 3.1151»: ussia .verrnn ll VBI' i anac ,ll‘l an hUDBSL “'1 U" of what had 31,290 for it nd the Stamp fin toKe an! 1 sue [fed 3 catalogue, I a: fnr was “‘Ol‘th‘w' Unite one» for their 1851 and IQ! friend Hers man} 32» â€and the board h0pe that “I“ ;-1 general meeting 0‘ gird 5'“ 1 may be held within the » mom of the new office. . lhe adoption of the report, “my -S unanimously carried. the is v “11. Mr. A.R.C. Pitman. said If. ."Y grati‘ ' 7 A. R. C. PITMAN, C’halrman. w. J. D’UNDAS, Director. J. H. DAVIDSON, Directocr. SPENCER C. THOMSON, . Manag‘gl‘rï¬nd Aptuary. ' ‘ ‘ m; ’ 1mg: balances-iii. anzmns outstand; Edinb u-réh, u urns are eased. ’0» £023 f t-dniing this greater outgo, ~ '~ ands have largely increased 518’ the year,ar1d new aggregate dflrnni vv Mn - / ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SIï¬ï¬Dï¬RD my nsgunnuct co. en y-zhird annual general of the company was held at h on Tuesday, the 25th April, {-4 n' 11": ___ _ DOt 315' more than $44,500.00. :0: negleCLing the Important gections, the consolidation Of Les outside the United King- Pn steadily, and the com- beginning to real) the frnifn W FIRST SCHEDULE. ’ mug account of The Standard Smrmce Company, for the year Ugh November, 1897, 'to 15th Nov- ,1:98. Prepared in accordance The Life Assurance Dompanies’ 3:3 and 34 Victoria, Cap. 61. n_ot. psi (Man Led. but not due SECOND SCHEDULE. :9 sh 19: of The Standard Life cg Cc 1pany, on 15th Novem- 3 Prepared on the "hams of 3 of 1:395, in accordance with E ‘s urunce Companies’ Act, " ;; 'Eczcriu, Cap. 61. Li3-BILLAIES. (1; ipl: stamp: in hand. . . revenue mt rece: ved for the pur- Lu: ties is also greater than usiy rerorted The sums ' h A. ciaims axe considerably Lhe cox responding amounts 'ious year. but the death 11 well within the expecta- :Lch the sexeral tables of innzng to reap the fruits if careful extension which an working out steadily 1‘3 past. {he company’s expansion 88 amount of workâ€"both id routine â€" new con- .ng upun the members 01 1‘19 head office, the direc- ueezrable to increase the a}: board through the ad- :ner member. 911$ have now alreafly mine period towards an- ition and division of pro- \I‘~L “ ‘ £6 mam C Pitman, Esq†\V. S., in 1he results communicated s purcimsed....; :uricy. with pol- rpayablo by in- '9 included in the corresponding se of collectidzi; a course of col- ASSETS. .Vment assurances year _1_893. 64 poli‘ end of the year' as per secomi dbanks..." ties 'xczea....... :ipal bonds hare. 153] ion {due at. and outst undxng*.. accepte¢’ during ch 4.937 policies $3 170, 313 37 85.934 45 ginning of the 591.074 39 rate of. intei‘est he United d. but 566 .es within ranted... re-assur; t securi- “y and déé tiyns. . . . . . .‘wvember wment the comp: es. in- r3... 3 0' to ,998. 235 67 .669, 340 70 $44,673.68]. 83 .8 42,171,539 14 3 3.449.442 82 . 220.895 81 374.071 73 . 212,359 11 5L3 818 85 97 .333 35 30. 529 94 8 48,653,444 44 3 3.265.856 92 3 48,653,444 44 3 43,749,992 85 815,705.67 {-4.316 53 13,298 11 45, 710 00 9,538 67 $44,678.68]. 83 3mm mm mmm mm mam wm 10,016,102 393.21? 790,250 1.5144313 Q 3, 708. 47 0 55 763,272 73 494 .074 78 9.154.475 89 43,749,392 85 726,935 50 317 00 61.520 16 15,987 30 807.456 45 604,962 52 14.200300 431.682 15 §81.098 77 37992222 80 790 250 55 1.693, 835 54 5, 595 41 183.555 90 119,825,256 $365,884 183,555 ed four triangular plates that fold back upon the rod. The rod is thrust through the hole and by turning the nut at‘ the end the four plates open, fitting together closely against the side of the vessel to form‘ one plate. The force of the water helps to keep it in position, but the rod is secured en the: bile in'side' also. The carpenters can then do their work inside. INGENIOUS FRENCH INVENTION. A Frenchman; has invented a stopper for preventing the influx of water through a hole in the ship’s side and so save the vessel. It consists of an iron rod to the end of which are pivot- l I like to hear a servant girl sing at her work. It shows a good dis- iposition. Not always. I think our ;gir1 sings because she has a grudge . against us. 1 used by mother: tor tnexr cnuuusu tutuâ€... -- _-- _, the child, softens the gums. allays pa. 3. cures wind colic. and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. 25¢. a bot- tle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be our. and at for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. MRS. WINSLOW‘S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mother! for their children teething. It soothe; the chilQ,_ softeps phe gums. allotys pain. ____ -2... l.“- Aunnhmï¬ So you want to marry my daughter? said the old gentleman. W'-VV-\Vell. I wâ€"wouldn’t exactly say that. replied the diffident man, b-bâ€"but she wants to m-marry me. Otherwise we nâ€"n- never would have been engaged. jments, and neglect in consequence to grasp the opportunities that if accepted [would carry them on to victory. In } the some way people are imposed upon f'by mercenary druggists, who, to gain [an additional profit, practise the dis- ihonest method of substitution. Call- jing for Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor, they accept some worthless flesh-eating substitute, only to be ’disappointed or suffer injury. Put- {1131113 Corn Cure is the only reliable i one». Has your sister Lulu become engag- ed very often. during her stay at the seashore this summer? No, the only fellows she has met were three last year. Very few marriages grow out of these summer attachments, said the observing man. No, mostly trial heats, replied the horsey man. It is often( all the little things that constitute the wide difference between success and faiiure. Same men, earn- est. in purpose, capable in many ways, seem unable to discern the import of minor, nevertheless important ele- White disk shuts off the corresponding compartment on the dial. The look- Oglt'ï¬hen puts his ear to the telephone. II the sound becomes more intense and the disk remains in place, it is a sign tnat the vessel is still approaching from that direction. If the sound grows fainter and the disk disappears and then shuts off the north-north- east compartment, say, the direction taken by the other vessel can be deter- mined. If the apparatus can work at a distance of five miles, it ought to make collisions in logs or at night in-‘; excusable, and as the sound of waves! breaking on the rocks is transmittedl just as easily, it: should give warning at least of danger from land near at 3hand. { Italian Invention That Will Obviate Coi- iisions and Ozher Marine Disasters. complete success, according to the Legs. Navale, arm Spears. The general receiver consists ottwo greatly flattened cones. separated ‘by a broad ring. The outer edge of the ring has eighteen receivers oonnectrngs wit. ' SEA TELEPHONE WITHOUT SPENCER 0‘ Montreal: Invi gorates and Stre n gthens. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. flw Mm FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Failure and Success. t_he very Standing still an Italian, has 7 satisfactory the company. 811 standing, re 0‘ the saf. WIRES . \ouâ€" 0â€"- Quad-1‘1 cufmdégl An Eflervescing Phosphate. excellent cleanser for liver, kidney and stomach, takes the place of coal tar pre sn- cions 111 case of hemiache. its effect is immediate. 80 d by all druggists. in 10c. 25c. 50c'and $1.00 packages. hum BIN Drug 00.. 27} Wellingtonostgï¬. TOWN" ' Booxs naeano: m- Cathclw Prayer clflxaa’, scapulérs, Religious Pictures. Sm: nary. and Church Omumenï¬ Elucational Works. Mail ordfl's receive pz_-r_~xnpt sttcn- A--- cor. West- ï¬arket Oolborno St, 'Toronto 0.3 M you best prices for your Apples. Butter. ï¬g Puma}. 3nd echo: ptodnoo. if you ship a to than. The Dawson Qommissioq__§9.,_ Limited, A-.. u.--4 -_ _-A n A-IL--- _ __-°â€"- r" I 5" ' 9 Trade Ma'rks registered, Copyrights,I Caveats procured. Wnte formformation. EGERTON. R. CASE, Regészprqd Solicitor of Patents, Notar} Public, Temple uxldmz. Toronto, Ont. _ _ -_- u-‘ amu¢LLbn an" "4"" ' 5" line of Household novelties: the best sellers on the market to-dgxy. Address THE U. S. ï¬PECIALTY 00.. 69 Adelmde St. 15., Toronto. WI?! T§ WANTED Stammerers -. «v. - Iv' vv 0:. Arno“. Berlin who will convince you he can cure you Qatari-h; Indian Oatarrh Cure. Carboiic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for supesior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecSi. ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. ONION SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs. Mum lice. Bold‘yb d1 Waeruoan. Tomato. ONE NIGHT; LAW . w, _-_ V. _--- -3 .v vâ€"VA£U.IJ ULUGU‘J “Patneas us the result, and umess the mflammabign can be taken out and this tuba restored to its or- mal condition, hearing will be deem-03 ad or- ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca- tnrrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condi- ‘ion of the mucous surfaces. \Vc wiil give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catm'rh) *hat can not be cured by Ha‘l’s Cacarrh Cure. Send to: l'r’JlI‘nnn (nan W “ Balmoral, †_“‘â€"~»-â€" .m- - _’ Hotel Garslake by local applications, as the can dlseased portion of the ear. yrneï¬ï¬sflmg (2:: way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- uonal remedies. Dea mess: is caused by‘an in- ï¬â€˜amed eondirion of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube get-s inflam- ed you have a rumblixtgrcund or imoerfecn .. hearing, and when it is entirely closed ovatneas ii‘ fhnvcanlt- nnA “rinmn ‘1‘- - â€"â€"Very well; William, just; to Mr. Smith 8 hi 11 for furthe Lawyer add $10 I advice- Railway. First-class Commerc' movementsâ€"Rates moderate two 0100 ml House. Avanua“floosi 932R. Station. Montreal. 'mulars, rice. ' F. J. CHENEY 00., Toledo. §91§.bz.0mggé52s. 750- _ Take away your filthy luc the hero. I anticipated that said the villian, smiling sap under his black flowing 1: All these bills have been sterilized. â€"-â€" woa‘ Hall’s Family 9131?; 5’12"; the best. 1 can not 31113 the old songs That linger in my throat, Because. alas, it happens. I' can not sing a note. la Toscana, 100. RELIANCE CIGAR AOCT 0R1 Montreal “ Pharaoh 1001 er? La‘wyerâ€"‘W'ell, hayeiyou’ at .1-J 1 ‘ Tiepass Teddyâ€"Wake F. 0. CALVERT 80., MANCHESTER, - - ENGLAND. Deafness Cannot be Cured MONTREAL HOTEL DIREGTORY. WWW “ Balmoral, †Free Bus mm ,, ' never burdens is guaranteed Water- proof. Ask for it,tske no other. Bea» ‘w. “ BEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh g vet Rubber Clothing 00.. Montreal. CALVERT’S THE OLD SONGS. AGEN’ES FOR Prooured in all countries. Sold by all {eliable Dmgï¬iié _ uowmg mustache. have been carefully Barriétéiiétcu remo'vo-d to Wesley Bld ., Rich- mond St. W.. oronto. there a} gum; Mills a. Halo. _MciGll-College Avenue. Family Hotel rate. 81.50 ’ per day. :Lpatea that remark. smiling sardonically 19“ at tï¬e p191}; fn't'. :_?"hat of him? ' -e Eurekaâ€"{Plâ€"énjlloon ‘ 3 ' I! Pace. 0! Gnnby. Que" L52 1(5) flaw-unmet. filthy luore I said W P C 987 ‘ Corn Cure. Ask your drunk torit. Price We ,Oppoéite G.T.R. Depot‘ $3713, blocks jgom C. P’ : lIrzsigniï¬cant 1ft- mOI‘e important the road. What up. Harry ; de aspocmxy mono who have tolled to be cure elu- thrs, wr to to Moderh' izâ€"n- Designs last de- the best Am. Plan. $1.50 up. advice. Room: Opp. Wire only 2) cents lb. to introduce the Diamond Grip Fence in new localities» Don't have to twist wipe aroundeach other. like o_ woven fences. :3 cross mm. are inpped 33¢! protec from weather. Can never sup or reek. ive time 2.: strong, and lasts ten times as long as any woven fence made. Can use Plain, Coiled . grins. Twist or Barb Wire. one“ Wire Peace in on ever invented. Write quic' w CANADA men 00.. London. on Fame machine Free Rates of passage zâ€"Fint Cabin$60 Cabin, S35 , Steam“. 822. 50 md ‘2850 For further information naply wlocal agents. or DAVID TORRANCI t 00., Genenl Agents. 17 St. Sacrament. 8t... Montretl â€OW-d: Sooond Montreal 0nd Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. GLOBE OPTICAL 00., Dominion Line 000 ACRES 0000 FARMING LANDS â€"ARFN AC. 5 Iosco. Ogemaw and Crawford ( ountles. Title p-er feet. On Mich1gux1 Centml, Detroit (L Mackinac and Loon Lake Railimds at prices ranging from 82 to $5 er acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprismg New owns. Ch111ohes, Schools, etc†and will besold on mos! reasonable terms. Applyto h..â€" _ 92 ADElAIDE w., 'ronomro. DAN. THE NIMMO HARRISON .aaslN::3-§'T%%o CO L L EG E, Cor. Yonge and College Sts.. Toronto. CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION A SPECIALTY. Awell equipped, widely patronized School. High record for good results. Indmdual instruction. Prospectus mailed to your address free. R. D. NIMMO and J AS. HARRISON, Principals. Amllated to Queen's University. Session begins 00- tober 4th. Four years for degrees (B. 80.. E. M.) inéfl Mezallurgy end Mining Engineering. (2) Analyti Chemistry and Assaying. and (3) Mineralogy and Geology. Three years for dxplomas. Shorter special Courses. Graduates have so far secured employment immedio etely. For calendar awlyï¬o GOODWIN Director TORONTO SHOW CASE 00., OF JULY. This C ompany. after paying the 4 per cent. monthly coupons maturing August lat, have remaini a surplus of 28 per cent. A to: deducting expenses. and t 6 amount carried to the reserve fund there remains to the credit of the investors a. surplus over dividend of 16 4-5 percent. Any amount from 850 upwards received for investment. @8001: free, giving full particulars. The Dominion Investment Company of Toronto, Cufnda. Permanent Chambers. 18 Toronto St. snow CASES. WALL GASES It. is not necessary to have thous- Wheat and: to make money in grain and StOCKB. Ten to one hundred dollars carefully invested on margin will AND not you came proï¬t as' one to ï¬ve Stacks thousand dollars will if you put- chnse outright. Write for pamphlet. explainivg fully, F. 0. ANDER8ON 00., Stock and Investment Broken, 20 Vlotorla St, Toronto. 32% Pmï¬ts for the Month Get Agency! Make Honay H Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought. Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by un- expected sparksâ€"Johnson. The only perfect system for keep- ing names and addresses. 83 Sample tray ounflt ........ ' Limited 182 god 124 Buy Sn, TORONTO. Factor): Newmarket. The authorities. of Lille, France, have concluded some exhaustive tests of the efficacy of ozone for purifying water. They find thls method applicable on a large scale, and superior to any hitherto used. All pathogenic or saph- rophytic microbes inhabiting the wa~ ters experimented upon were destroy- ed. After treatment the water is weakened in organic matter. less lia- ble to pollution .and more palatable. LU BY’ . I. .. ï¬n I . iii“ .. .. o. t? h \ .‘3 u _* no..¢lâ€".q..¢;. Michigan Land far Sale. With 100 Rods, License Prue. Ofï¬ce and Bank Fixtures, Modern Store Fronts. Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write I-uu LUIUUA 06 Ill! WI Solâ€"d bjï¬all dâ€"ru‘gï¬s. 50¢. a bottle. 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. Bests Glasses.“ 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction. 50HO0L 0F MINING, KINGSTON. M SHORT, BUT STRONG, is this argumentâ€"- PIE}, Kent. West Bay Cit Mich. Or .1 WC CU ‘IS. Whittemore. -ich. Bowl and Saloon men cannot afford to be without the Automatic Faucet. Attach- ment. as it. pays for itself in one week draw- ing beer. N o drip, no waste. You only need one hand to draw beer with the Automatic but. in case of rush you can hold glasseein each hand. as the Automatic is aiwsye ready. The Automatic draws the ï¬nest glaasof beer and is used tor any trade. as it puts the kind of bead on the beer that you want. Price $1.50 Dre-paidâ€" 9 none ' refunded if not satisfac- tory. amflwn MfgCo.,Toronto ‘VATER AND OZONE. _ Your choice of a Violin. ' Gulur or Autoharp for selling only 3 dozen Gold . Topped Lever Collar But.- tons at 10 cents each. or a Mandolin or Banjo for sell- - ing 4 dozen. No money re- 5’ quired. Just write us and " we will send the buttons ‘ postpaid. Sell them. return .~ the money and the instru- “ choose will be promptly for- expresa, all charges paid. Lever Button 00., Dept. 1, Toronto. w act as 33 cuts. Get. one of the Extensions tone-unsafind Eéu'wm. 35¢; wearing n werek. hav 0 no trouble to convince others of its value. his Ex tension is by far the boat of its nature ever placed on tho sin-tot, gnd 02111911 the wearer. to walk upright. to walk with ease and comfort. to w any ordznm‘atol 81306. and 3 W88 them the same appearance as their more fortunate iendn. W! cu'culars fr ee to all. Ask for terms to agents. Addrem am; 170 BAY STREET, - - - TORONTO. CANADA. GEYLON TEA HAS THE FLAVOR AND QUALITY, Lead Packages. . . . . , , .25, 30, 4o, CARD INDEX .uâ€"uuu nun-I‘vuvn VIIVE VII" Are annqu a tgo secure the address of very lune man and womw in Owed: whose m ness commits 111 one limb being shorter than the other. end are on'crinx good paying 0 Dlohmm co every lame person who will take thetronblo to write for circular: end 0% to act as 33 ems. Get. one of the Extensionsforyoursar and you will. after wearing Gives new life to an Knit. It makes it grow and rutorea the so or. ROYAL MA“. STEAMSHIPS 1515 IV“ mum: EXTENSIQN subâ€"i. '66:; Luann-A 6L“ - .11-- _ i 5 Address: w. H. SHAW, Prlnclzszl. 3 “maï¬a W. B. Principal. é GENIRM M33 com é “l. k, 3. 6d.. 6a.; 51b 14'; Scncédér33§évtr23.""'K1£3'bu Bamsï¬enlentJBi its, in tin. 3I. 6d. and GI. treats forCInadI: 11(11anan Limlmd.Torontl IuBar Go #22:â€; -. en ry " Street, London. W., also in Paris. 14 Rue de Cutiglion, and Lt all Grocers, Chemists. and Storqa gvgrywherghin “as; 91 RR R. Inn 1‘. a-..‘ -.___._ Duflaru _ m, v-v-Q ----- svuv'. â€l'ww’" hdigution Consumption. Diabetes. Bronchitis. (and! mza. Ooug 3 Asthma. Oacsrrh, Phlegm, Diarrhoq Venous Debility, Sleepleunesa. Despondoncy. 50 Years’ -- v'" '1 ‘i' Arabian Fooï¬ which Saves lovelids and Children. and also Roan m tessfull I eats whose Ailmems and Debmty have P.- ‘jsted lot or treatments. It digests when ell m ood is rejected, saves 50 time its cost In medicine g Du Barry’s HEALTH RESTORED 3‘3333113ï¬â€˜ Dost: disordered Stomach. .Imxgrx.‘ Nerves. Liver. Bh Bladder. Kidneys. Brain and oath by THIS OIL is adapted to all conditions of weight, speed, steam pressure PEERLESS ll $1 and atmospheric Chan ’68. Best no“ ' Farmers‘uso.1§euhu sell it. M '- â€mm _._' EEg gem glasgoRï¬l 5AML From Liverpool. From Montreal 24 Aug........ ....BAVARIAN.... .. 780m. 31 Aug...........CALIFORNIAN .........14 Sept. 7SeWOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOI‘AINUI-O DOOOOOCOOOggSem l4SeptOOOOOCOOOI(IOOPAR'SIANOO 0.0.0.... - 21 Sept“... ..... .BAVARIAN ...... ......5 ' The new Twin Screw S. S. Bavarian, 10,000 tonl. soil from Liverpofl Aug. 24. and from Montretl Sept. Cabin Passazeâ€" $50.00 and upwards. Second Cabinâ€"335.00. Return $66.50. Steerage~Liverpool London. Glasgow. Londondenj or Queensbown, $23.5 . For tickets and all information apply to local acentq ALLAN LINE 198 ACRES SITUATE 3 Waterloo 00.. Wilmot Tp.. Ont.; {mile north 0 New Dundee and 5 miles south of Potersburg, n G.T.R. : the land slopes gently towards .aouth and en in a rich clay loam, in a good state of vulnivation; the are 2 acres of orchard and garden. about 28 acres ood hardwood hush, cedar and Spruce hedge aroun guildings, and 200 maple trees bordering on farm; 1‘ and soft water at house; barn supplied with r! water by hydraulic ram; power wheel on born; 35 50 acres of wheat. 45 meadow. balance spring crop) form can be bought with or without crop. For terms. aggresEISR§§L CR ESSMAN. New Dundee. Ont. HARRIS FARM FOR SALE. This excellent school is now cloning [to ban- ner year and making special prepantion {or the In" Term, which opens on Sept. 8th next. Dnringthe past 20 days Thirty-elght young men and women have been recommended for situations 1n many of our best .‘maincss houses. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc. Eyery town can have a band. want-v“ All-U mum né'vb': '1. co., ." ?B?'3nto, Can __â€"__ Inform scion will be cheer ' so . in ted in £0.12: at to “you! H. BOURLIER, 77 Yonge 8t., Toronto, or H. a A. ALLAN, Montreal. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Lowest. prices ever quoted. Fine cataiogue 500 illur trations. mailed free. Write us for any‘fxin; in Music or “93ch Instruments. LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. Neale only. Long Distance Telephone 11â€. mum: 81., TORONTO. “PEERLESS†Machine IS OILis adaptedto 5.’ ' .. conditions of weight xi: . - -A "L.---_ ......... BOSINE88 EDUCATION, SHORTHAND, ’ "PEWRITING or TELEGRAPIIY. 0f Toronto. Youos and 05mm!) omens. I; stick pin. DOMINION SUPI 9 King saw "Hamilton. Ont. FREE to every boy and girl who sends math. full name and address of ï¬ve boy: glrls(over 14 years old: and their own eddru we wi.l award a ban some bic cle waist 30 We require all who one awn-d the waist to distribute 25 pkgs. of our Lemonade Pow e! and collect 5c per pkg. Each pack 6 contain enough for ten glasses. Return he money to us by express. money order or postal n03 and we will give you in addition to waist set elegant bracelet. In order to induce rompb mess. to all who make returns inside twe re d.†from receipt gfgogglgsye will further size utovd- 3m receipt of goods w 1 will furtherii 7 stick pin. DOMINION SUPPIAFi £360? 11:..-0. \r 71 -, EVERY THURSDAY I‘nvamblp 8m Annual Cut-65' io'ffl'Coï¬i 2‘3“: Fl‘tulsmv--J.>I‘vai anamsblo Success. 100* énnugl Cures of Comma 4o, 50 8: 609. TORONTO,CANADA, 8T. LAWRENCE Revalenta nourz, MONTREAL 'ro LIVERPOOL. 109,“