Though it is the wish of the family the newSpaper obituary .notices be modest and void of anything having the appearance of flattery, we must not be thought to violate their wish if we say that in the ofï¬cial discharge of his duties we never found a. more obliging man than Mr. McKenzie, and‘for this reason, if for no other, we regret his departure and extend oar sympathy to the sorrowing and bereaved family. he was specially desirous the funeral should be quiet and that no society, as such, should follow his remains to the grave, a wish that was fully honored as no fraternal emblem was seen, though the deceased was con- nected with four different fraternal organizations. At two o’clock Sunday afternoon a short burial service was conducted at the house by Rev. Mr. Morin, of Toronto, after which a long funeral cortege followed the remains to their last reSting-place in the Dar-ham Cemetery On the 22nd of September 1864, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Boulden, niece-of the late Mrs. George Jack. son; The result of the union was three children, Laura. and Edith at- home, and Archie in Buï¬alo, N. Y.. 3110f whom remain to mourn the loss of a. kind husband and indulgent father. Mr. McKenzie never cared for Show and in order that. his burial ceremony might be in keeping with the un- assumingly quiet character of his life, Knowing some time ago that the end vas not far off he made prepara- tion for the sad event, leaving writ- ten instructions to be observed in connection with his burial. Amongst Other things he selected his own pall bearers ccnsisting of P05:- masters McLean, Coppinger and Smith, of Walkerton, Hanover and Mount Forest, respectively. The Others chosen were Inspector Camp- bell and Messrs. J. W. Crawford and Robert Bull. These latter gentlemen “ere representative members of the diï¬erent societies to which he be- longed, but Mr. Bull’s removal to the North-west necessitated achange and Principal Allan was chosen as a subStitute. About forty years ago Mr. McKen- zie came to this town from Perth in his native County of Lanark. Ont., and thirty-one years ago last Monday week he was appointed post- master of what was then known as “ Bentinck †post ofï¬ce, but shortly afterwards changed to it’s present name, and held the position up the tune of his death. \Ve regret this week to chronicle the death of Mr. Archibald McKenzie. which took place about ï¬ve o’clock on Friday morning last. Few men were better known in the vicinity, his thirtyoone year’s experience as postmaster having brought him into business relationship with all classes in the community. His long service as secretary- reasurer of the South Grey Agricultural Society had- an al- ditional tendency to widen his large circle of acquaintances, and, through his geniality and the unpretentious nature of his disposition, he became one of the best known men in the South Riding of Grey. Five in One Day Carried off by the Grim Reaper. VEYANCER. Em, Etc. . {ouoy to. Lana at reasonable rates and on teruh' to smt b-u‘rower. OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) BARRISTER. NOTARY, cox- DH. BURL], M. E. P. S. U. 4 p. m and Court Days, and '3}. ricevifle .9 pa Mondays, 6 p. m. to ï¬nal.) szs SOL-'59: .anmsmrs. SOLICITORS. Norms ~_coxvm'.x.\'cms, Em, Etc. Money to Loanâ€"Company and Privat' ‘--LOI' Ratesâ€"2153' Terms. ’OSTMASTER MCKENZIE PASSES PEACE- FULLY AWAY AFTER A LIXGERIXG ILLNESS. â€"â€" WALTER WEBBER Dnowx- ED WHILE TRYING TO RESCUE HIS BRORHER.â€"Ax OLD RESIDENT or EGREMONI‘ mes mom GANGRENE. Successor to Dr. MILL STREET, -â€" â€"- DURHAM, Sept. 7th, 1899. DEATH’S HARVEST. was, WRIGHT smog THE CHRONICLE. ARCIIIBALD M’KENZIE. w, H. WRIGHY MARKDALE 6: Dtrmmx. DAVlDSON, OFFWC‘Sl DURHAM. A. BATSON . -â€"â€"tw‘ V Public School,'and Mr. Jo} of Flesherton, bow this their commitments. From Lhaé Mr. Blacklock was teacher and Mr. Gibson, 2: ours, we cannot. fail to interest on the success venture and hope they ul- honor to the Fourth eszate The Chesley Free Prees changed hands and. the new proprletors, Mr. Blackiock, late principal of .Dundalk .V .- r____-_-...J-..,-., UL uo a. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking ï¬rst dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes \V. C. Hamnick «'5': Co., of Shelby, N.C., Trial bottles free at Drug Stores, Regular size Fifty cts. and One Dollar. Every bottle guaranteed. Another great discovery has been made. and that too, by a lady in this country. " Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her dad organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she‘coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She ï¬nally discovered away to recovery, by purchasing of us a bOttle Of Dr. KiflE’S N8“? r)i\‘nnvnswv 8,... MRS. JANE TURNBULL . For particulars of the death of this lady see Vickers correspondence. The township of Egremont lost last Friday morning one of its old pioneers in the person of Catharine .‘schellan, relict of the late Joseph Moore. Deceased was a native of the Co. Tyrone, Ireland, where she was born Sept. 16th, 1818. Shortly after her marriage she emigrated to this country. about 58 years ago, settling in Montreal for about a year and afterwards Spending seventeen or eighteen years in Trafalgar. About forty years ago, with her husband and family she ï¬rst came to Egremont and settled on the farm on which she died. After the death of her husband, which occurred about six years ago, she lived, in excellent health, with her son near Dromore, until about two months ago, when she was afflicted in one of her feet which turned to gangrene and terminated in death. Six sons and one daughter remain to mourn her departure. The sons are Thomas, now in the North-west, George and John in Durham, the former now holding a position at the Council table, and. Joseph, William and Robt. in Egremont, near Dromore. Ellen, married to Mr. Wm. Lawrence, of Egremont, is the only daughter. The remans were interred Saturday last at Ebenezer Cemetery, Glenelg. be- side those of her husband. Mrs. Moore was much respecned, and her death is mourned by her large circlei of friends, whom we join in giving' expression to our sympathy. SAD DROWXIXG ACCIDENT.â€"On Fri- day evening last, after leaving Hutton Hill School, four or ï¬ve boys went down to bathe just below the bridge wlnch crosses the Saugeen on the farm of Mr. Hopkins 3. short [distance west of the town, near the brickyard. At this point the river is narrow, the water deep and the bottom uneven. There are several ideep holes, caused by the swirling 30E the water as it passes the abut- iments. A son of Mr. Robert 'Webber’s getting be; 0nd his depth was in danger of drowning, when an older brother, Walter, a boy about sixteen, jumped in to save him. The Stories told by the boys are so con- flicting that we are unable to say whether he was able to render any help or nOt. One Story is that he reached the younger brother and pushed him towards the abutments, by which he was enabled to get out of the water. \Valter then who was: but a very indiï¬'erent swimmer lost; control of himself and in the presence of the other lads sank in about ten feet of water and nor. over ten feet from the shore. Great sympathy is felt for the parents in the loss of a son who so heroically sacriï¬ced his life. A little after noon on Friday last the intellegence Spread rapidly through the town that John ‘A right, Jr., wno had been ailing some time from lung trouble, had been called to his long home. For the past two or three years he has not been well and his death was not altogether unexyected. The trouble was an abscess on one of his lungs which Ilaid him quite low on two or three previous occasions. The poor boy felt for some time that he was not long for this world and submitted with calm resignation to the inevit- able. The deceased was only 21 years of age and a general favorite among the boys. He was a memberl of the Fire Brigade and the Baud,| both of which expressed their! sympathy in the form of beautiful wreaths. The funeral took place Sunday morning to the Durham Cemetery, an impressiye sermon being preached in the Methodist Church by Rev. Mr. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wright have the sympathy of the community in their said' bereavement. ' DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN" MRS. CATHARINE MOORE. Vy’ALTER “’EBBER . JOHN WRIGHT. JR. Mr. Jphn Gibson What ï¬'ottlcl one give to be free of this terrible disease? And yet there is a cureâ€"a positive cureâ€"which does not cost much andis not painful or difficult to apply. Dr. A. W. Chase’s Ointment is. so far as is lmown, the only absolute cure for blind. itch- ing. bleeding and protruding piles. It gives relief at the ï¬rst application and affords a per- fect cure in the most aggravated cases. Mr Iean- Dr“ h ‘ _ , ------ «+55: avaLcu Mr. Isaac F oster, Erieview, O was troubled with itching piles and could not sleep at night. I x and tried everything. Final]; Chase's Ointment advertised 1 found it good. After a. second found relief. and one large b Have never been 1mm..-“ -:_-- Comes. from Dr. D. B, Cargile, of YVashim LT. lie writes: “Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which has (mused her great suffering for veers. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face. and the best doctors could give her no help: but her cure is complete and her health is excellent.†This shows what thousands have proved,â€" that Electric Bitters is the best blood puriï¬er known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter. salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, he! s digestion, builds up the strength. Gully Figy cents. Sold by Druggists. Guaran- tee . ..--_ new»; cvcrytmng. Finally seeing Dr. Chase's} Ointment advertised I tried it and B l“ ‘Vheatu :Dl'ing Wheat. The general negotiations with the United States appear to have been practically abandoned. Nothing is said of another meeting ef the com- mission. It: will be remembered that when the commissioners separ- ated they were to meet at Quebec in August. August has some and gone and no one knows whether the com- mission will ever meet any more. Besides the intense , . agon caused the itchxng. burmng segsations o); piles. their); are other symptomswhxcb . . ’ _ _ produce restlessnss and at txmea excrucxatmg pains known only to the yet there is a cureâ€"9. positive cureâ€"which . not nninf’n] m- man-.9085 no} cost muCh andxs Misses Florrie and Jossie Richardson visited their cousin, Mrs. I. B. Lucas. at Markdale part of last week. Mr. W. Moore spent Sunday with hie parents in East Normanby. Mr. :Rob Thompson has returned from W'oodstock and taken his old position with hzu'uess-n'xaker Moore here, . Mn. Jas. F. Sproule, of Winnipeg, is pay- mg lugbrother. Mr. R. J. Sproule, a short visit tlus week. Mr. \V. Ritchie, salesman in M. Richard- son (30’s., left Monday for a few days of holidays at. Toronto and his parental home at Orangeville. He was accompanied by his sister, Miss Gertrude. who was the guest of Miss Christeua Richardson over Sunday. ls Quickly Ended when Br. A. W. Ghase’s Ointment is applied Mastel Hubert \Vard left on \Ionday attend Albelt College, Believille. Miss Christena Richardson. of Markdale, is spending a few days at her parental home here on her return from an enjoyable holi- day with friends in New York and Brookâ€" lyn and with her brother, Dr; E. K. Rich- ardson, in Toronto. Miss Laura Buckley of Brighton, is vis- itino' he1 cousin, M13. R. N. Henderson, 9113. M1. EdwinLeitch. of \Iamtowaning. paid his father, Mr. T1103. Leitch, a short xizsit last. week. Mrs. Mnlgichgrdson luft last week for a month’s vxslt thh her son, Dr. Rlchardson, m Toronto. Miss Norton, of Holland Centre, visited 31sz Gertie Bulmer part of last week. and. Mrs. J. Bradley and Miss Eva. Bradley, ot prangeville, were the guests of Mrs. W. H. l‘lmrston for a couple of days. . Rev. A. J. and Mrs. ban-och are holiday- 11:12:11: the former’s parental home near ' ara. ‘ Principal Slaughter occupied Mr. Dar- roch’s pulpit in the Baptist church here on Sabbath last. ’ats- o o o Through an oversight in not giving the pubixc suflicient notice Labor Day (Monday) was not observed as a public hohday here. __ vâ€" â€"â€"'v_ vâ€"vc v w â€"----' v ~ ~ Mr. Richardson’s dwelling house on. Col lingwood street, occupied by ;\Ix*._Hanrulton3 is being verv much improved _w1th a 119“ coat of metal siding in imitatgou of stone work. Mechanics are busy thls week PM“ ting a new roof on the hardware depart- ment of Mr. M. Richardson’s brick blockx Mrs. J. W. Tait, fourth daughter of M r. ine, died at Christopher Johnson. Toronto L her home 121 ‘ aucnuver last week. Her re- mains were brought here for interment and he Fleshertou laid alongside her mother in t. Cemetery on Monday afternoon last. De- ceased qu twenty-eight Years of age and was married only a little over a year ago. The married and single men of this lace Iayed their second match of basebal o.n Vednesdav afternoon last week. In thls match the benedicts who won before were turneé under with a score of 41 to 34. A -' Market Report. uffering cauï¬sféd by Piï¬es DURHAM, Sep’t 6th, 1899. GLORIOUS N E’W‘S ostcr, EFi‘évicWLCSnE: 883$: " with itching piles for tWO sz -1- ‘ FLESBERT ON . H 009 0â€"1 0.04 7- 5) I__was half crazed p 5 t0 :1 40 to 50 13 CL. 15 40 to to to to to to to Jewelled, stemwvfiad \Valtham or Elgin \Vatch in a nickle screw case. \Ve have seventeen jew- eled Walthams selling at prices never offered before." These Prices will only last a short time. ‘ . . A. GORDON. T A‘"““ m__w , A $5 Bill! NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB, BIS-CURB, PRESSCURB \VELLS. All orders taken at the 01d stand near McGowan’s Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith’s Foundry. ALL WORK GUARANTEED rat “Live and let live†PRICES. “$3 \N 63> 63‘» â€33% m M 43% ¢ % ‘W Pumps. '3‘ imperfectly ï¬tt v These can be prevented by wearing PEEL’S ï¬n LOWER TOWN Mar. 23, 99. 3‘ F 14? 4 a ï¬r. we“ z. e v A, A?!» pqâ€"Q I QM. thoâ€"o v? 2 ['n 'Q '4â€. oKJ/fl ’ o . l“ \\ I . o A, . We»? «7. Sr! d? 71 nag...» A?! [4? '1)‘ A71 I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the. public in general that I am prepared to furnish 711‘? 41$ $24». “a? A?!) 711$ 3"!) 33$ \ 9.1% VI '51."!- Pure Spices~Whole and G1 01.1111 V5138?“ 30, 40, 50 and 800. p61 gallon. Windsor Salt $1.00 [381 bbl. Our Saltis stored in warehouse. H. PARKER, 0‘) (.t 11mm w, 4» ’0‘ ’4? «W; 'u-ï¬ â€™m‘ 4.5 5W; 91/; 735 ou.\.\ 5c. .0? u. 00'. Sn. Aha. King’s make, reg. $2. 25 for $. Women’ s dong. bals. 2.25 “ extra “ 2.00 \Vomen’s Dongola Oxfords. J. D. King’s make, reg. $1.75, for $1.25 Do. do. 1.50 1.00 Women’s Chocolate do. 1.15 80 Women’s Dong.but’n 1.40 _ _ 1 00 Come Early School 01%“ng 1‘ u“ M of 8C110011‘ , and all School 1equ1sites. Moodx s Ink £0316 ‘ ‘c ‘09 Bottle 30. 2 Smibblels f01 50. 400 pag es C One Door East of Post Office. quf â€34:me 03% gas. a 8a! will now buy a seven GEORGE WEITMORE To Clear out the balance of our Styaw 23nd Linen Hats we will sell them at the follomng Big Reductions: ï¬r; Sheep Dip, Fish Oil, Carbolic Acid Horn Fly Mixtureâ€"the best in th PAINTS and OILS. M I}. PARBIER. Ladies’ Boys’ Straws Men’s Straws that were 81. 00 for 750. u H 75 50 u u 50 50 H H ()5 20 1 st. «at the Be and G it SC t‘ Sailors, were 50 to DURHAM} DURHAM. Bruggist Eta, BER 6‘ H ‘0' t‘ 4 Y 7‘ 2 AGE P ’ OUSD AM) CARI FREQCO’ ING GR XINING. IN G LE'l TERIN HAN GIN G DON E CLASS S’IYLE at Rem“ Rates. ORDERS left at Parker’s D promptl: attended to. rug Store In: S. H. FIRTH 61 330.: Stallion, “Clydesdale BUB’.’ nouncement on â€â€œ5120. LAWREKC'E' S?» HE UNDERSIGNED BE announce to the inxnx01$.2;; breeders of I)urlx__;{._m and! ‘Vie‘ijll. 1, . L. GRANT. April 26, i899. ’9’ “Cl 7 5 dese’iale B 05'. 60 40 3O 90 4O 4O 30 ,s‘. ’m‘ ’I .d“ I} JCOO' :4. J â€(NJ â€I! $71 «3.. '21? SI. 'm‘ rev v.1. .G (l he . Pmompherâ€"Here, sir. are 1119 your son ordered of me. “Roi : regarding one.â€"-The pic- . 8 - . . h‘has :ï¬alnly very lxke him. Ara-i 30. °. 3 7011'? The Photographer .. “5.13: ‘Fath‘uâ€"That is stiil 1“ senses do mouSIY- The}? fa Al] on ta 15‘1‘3; 7': A th‘L DUFCOCK DIOOQ Y '1 0' w d .. 1V». A f-‘u “I only used three bottles an "0 Well, ad which I d before Without be' - great distress. I a I' can eat meat, ared not touch .Mr. James G-.wâ€"I-{â€"eirstead, Collisa. Kings Co., N.B., says : .“1 sugmd With dyspepsia for years: arm} med everything I heard of, but goter tcil‘e'funtu I t901': Burdock Blood 134:; 7:. What ay‘spegtics need ï¬dal digestants but som will put their stomach will manufacture its 0W ferments. tt lowest. rates. Correspondence Orchardville, P. 0., or a call sohci‘. ed OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDV} LL 15, I':::\ resumed his old business, and is 1;: gig; odtoloan any amount of money 0:: 2m. estate Old mortgages paid or} or, mostliberalterms. Fire «and Life {may mceeeï¬â€˜ectedin the best Stock Cnn‘maxï¬w- U V Auctioneer for the County 0: (4: Land Valuabor, Bailiff at the 2nd Dix $2 « Court Sales and all other matters 3r 1 4:1} stï¬ended toâ€"higheat- references in: - 41 if reqaired. UGH MacLAY, Durham, Land “1;. ‘ star and Licensed Auctiuzueu :'-.'_,»: 1; County of Grey. Sales promptly amend. to and notes cashed. ARR 15'] LR, Solicitrr, etc . 33-h; 3: Block, Lower Town. Coilcciiozz .1. Agency promptly attended to. Scara,:m-~ 2:.†at. the tie-ciscry omoe. ‘I‘Evvn. “3;; amount of money to loan at 3 per a»; on farm property. Officeâ€"First door east of the Dr: um Pharmacya Calder's Blovk. Besidence.-â€"F1rst door W621 1 '1‘ Post Ofï¬ce. Durham. â€tel-est allowed on Savings Bank 5,,“ â€he of $1 and upwards. tramp. tention and every faciiiny mm“- ed customers living at a diszance. J. KELLY. Agent. 'Offioe and Residence a short distancp east of Knapps H0181,L(:31i_\;; street, Lower Town. Office hours IICL“ o'clock» In all principal points in On- wndel . T . Quebec. Mamtoba, Lmted :' “ms-mes and England. 3 general .Banklng business transam- .3. Drafts issued 831d colleption: made, on 3,11 points. Daposuzs received and in- hmst allowed at current; rates. 2 Pâ€"' ““5 v-l‘J-‘J ' l5 ‘ II‘J VII I: ‘ 4230 Luca: hewspagw‘ r m Yistern antario, 'l_'_he “Qhronicle†is the only simian: Bank; of Eanada AMES CARSON, Durham, I. 'AMES BROWN, Issuer at Martin; Licenses,Durham Ont. R. J AMIESON, Durham. Durham Agency. ARRISTER. Solicitor. eLc. (mm; ox . Gordon’s new Jewellery yore. Luv. DR. T. G. HOLT, L. D. 9. "â€1 senses do not slumber simm- Ely. They fall into insensibility. Vtépa'nother. First the eyelids ()2)â€" sight, and the sense of 1:15.19 is. an?!» 1038 susceï¬tibility. 51m. 31- n-.. “4‘ 0y Speptlcs need :5 nc t a. 1 digeStants but somethi; or sAVIN GS BART K. G. LEFROY MCCAUL, Medical Directory Legal Dzrecto'rz; J. P. TELFORD. Miscellaneous . DENTIST. SLEEP. :, - Igronto. ense '1 {