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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1899, p. 15

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well watered, well fenced, good buildings and in fir: t- rate state of cultivation in the Township of Glenelg. Will sell or e. - mange as part payment on 100 acre farm. For further particulars apply at THIS OFFICE. U Contamiug 100 acres. more or less: in goad state of cnltivatiun ; 80 acres cleared. School on the premiws; Church 1:} miles distant. The farm is well watered ; excellent for suck and grain raising. Apply on the premises to William Banks, or to C. McARTHUR, June 27th tf DURHAM. Debts Collected. Old Notes Bought. Ocean Tickets for sale. Deeds. Mortgan'es, Leases, 'Wills and other Writ- ings carefully drawn. Fire, Life, Accident, Marine and Plate Glass IN- SURAXCBS placed at lowest rates, in Good Companies. Business Difficulties arrancred. Creditors settled with. Any and every iind of legitimate busi ness attended to and everything kept S'I RICTLY PRIVATE. ALWAYS PROMPT. Never negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. Sept 2nd. 1899. lm pd. fl BULL. (General Gordon), with Regis- tered Pedigree. will be kept on Lot 37, con. 2. E. G. R.. Glene . for the season of 1899. TERMS $1.“), paya 16 Jan. lst, 19(1). Parties not mugging or disposing of cows will be aim-god pnce. . THOS. GREENWOOD. Edge 8111, Mar. 19th, 99. if PROP. U ELG, near Tp. Hall. containing 100 acres : about 70 acres cleared; watered by Sangeen river and other running streams ; well fenced ; good log house; first-class frame barn with stone foundation : excellent stabling: small orchard : convenient to church, school and post office. For further particulars apply to - MRS. PATRICK NEIL. June 2lst. tf POMOKA P. O. â€"H. H. MILLERâ€" Has been at the buaiDCSS for nearly 20 years and knows the. ins and outs of it. and always studies to give his customers a good bargain, knowing that. in the end it pays him as well as them, That, in fact. is the reason wh ' he tâ€"o-day has the best business of the kin in Western Ontario. GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Properties FOR SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on commission. Debts Collected. Old Notes Bought. He has recently lent money to borrowers in Walk- crton. in Durham. in Holland. near Mildmny, near Southam mm, a; short distance from Owen Sound, and W11 ' do people go to him from such eat. distancw! Because they make monev by oing so. if thev didn't tbev wouldn’t g}? to him. They get CHEAPER INTEREST and B ITBB TERMS. To Rent. THE FURNITURE SHOP ON GAR- CALL IT \VHAT YOU LIKE. Everybody seems to want MONEY, and IT IS SURPRISISG hqw many people go for 1t to 1 AFRA'XA and Chester Street. inow; occu- pied by hress. Possession given on the lst uf September next. Apply to Mrs. Mat- thews or tu WM. GORSLINE, Aug. 14th 1899. Durham. I1 (Lord Henry of Holstein) with Regis- tered Pedigree. will be kept for the season of 1899 on Lot 35, mm. 3. E. G. R., Gleueig. TERMS $1.“), payable Jan. 131:, 1930. All parties not ret uruing or disposing of cows will be charged full price. WM. RITCHIE, Prop. Edge Hill. Mar. 19, ’99. tf MONEY; $$ $ $; ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shoes made {or all kinds of diseased 0r deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block, Lower Town, Durham T. MORAN, Pulled Angusjull for Service. fhoroughbred Buil for Samoa. OT12.CON.'.IP.OF GLENELG. Farm for Sale. OT N0. 13. (30315 N. D. R. GLEN- General Blacksmith. 'I_‘_HO_ROUGBRED DURHAM Bull THORO’BRED POLLED ANGUS FARM FOR SALE. Far-ms for Sale. ACRES OF GOOD LAND, . H. MILLER, THE HANOVER CONVBYANCER. Breenhacks ; BASH ! H . H. M I LLE R , The Hanover Conveyancer Wine Record! SCHOOL FOR SALE. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr: John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: “ I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was al- most yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides. no ap- getitemgradually growing weaker day by ay. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised ‘ Electric Bit- ters:’ and to my greatjoy and surprise, the first bottle made a decxded improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50cts., guaranteed, at Local Drug Stores. MCDOUGALLâ€"In Durham, on Thursday, Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall. a son. LOBSINGERâ€"At Hampden, of Sept. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. X. Lobsinger, a son. FRITZâ€"At Hampden, Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Fritz. a son. WEPPLERâ€"At Hampden. Sept. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Weppler, twins, 3. son and daughter. NEW POSTMAbTERâ€"We were in- formed Tuesday morning that the oficial appointment to the postmas- tership, rendered vacant through the death of Mr. McKenzie, was received by Mr. James Smith, Secretary treasurer of the Liberial Association here. The appointment will not be asurprise, as most of the citizens felt all along that it would go that way. “’9 have no quarrel with Mr. Smith, but with many others on beth sides of politics, we would like to have seen the office remain in the MacKenzie family. There is nothing yet known to the public as to when the transfer will be made, nor where the new ofiice will be located. Monuments Repaired and Inscriptions Cut on Shortest- No- tice. MC INTYRE BLOCK. Swedish, Scotch Canadian Granite and Marble ka aDOUD LIUUU. .uL. vauvnv â€"'"aâ€" a miraculous escape from death. One piece of timber slipped from under his feet prostrating Mr. Meggitt to the ground, his head lying on the up-turned corner of the stick. A second piece fell on his head which was held between the two timbers so tightly that he was unable to move until the upper piece was lifted 05. It was a narrow escape, but Dr. Bird, who examined the injuries, is confident that in a few days he will be all right again. Wahear that Mr. Archie Little intends building a handsome new residence on the vacant propertv between Inspector Campbell’s and Mayor Calder’s. COMPANY No. 4. Attention ! ! ~â€" The Company Rifle Match will be held at Durham on Wednesday, Sep- tember 20th. at 9;30 sharp. A full attendance is requestei. O. M. SNI- gsa, Captain. No. 4 Company, Hamp- en. “711an working on a load of ship timber at, the StatiOu Monday last about noon. Mr. Robert Meggitt, had MCCALMUN WATSON, CEREALS EIGEST QUALITY Importers of and Dealers in TILLsoxs’ CEREALS are proven “ BEST” by every test that human ingenuity can suggest. Some grocers have taken it upon themselves to try to trade upon TILLSONS’ reputation tor highest quality. Do you know why? THEY WAxT TO‘MAKE THE TILLSOX Co. (Limited) TusoxBURG, Ox‘r. OF Larger Profits. BORN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, DURHAM MESSRS. Bean Co., of the Big 4, upper town have moved this week into their new store in the Calder Block, and invite a. call from all their old customers and all new ones who wish to inSpect their stock. WE have still a few dozen suits of ready-made clothing to sell at cost.â€" H. W. MOCKLER. A man in a neighboring town who was too stingy to subscribe for his home paper sent his boy to a neigh- bor’s to borrow one. As the bOy was going he fell and broke his leg. The man heard his cries and ran out to get him, but he fell, dislocating his knee and tearing the bosom out of his five- dollar pantaloons. His wife ran to his assistance leaving a. two-year-old baby on the floor. The baby crawled out and fell into the well, and when the mothefiwas fishing the child out, the house took fire and was totally destroyed. Moralâ€"It never pays to borrow a paper. IN- our last issue we referred to the danger to which men’s lives at the docks are exposed by reason of the darkness. Another source of danger has been brought to our no- tice, to which the men expose them- selves, a danger of which they them- selves are the source. This is the practice of throwing a piece of coal or a stone into the water in the darkness, and calling out “Man over- board.” When young Ccle fell in there were those who thought the Splash was caused in this way, and it is easy to see that the practice might be the cause of loss of. life, and perhaps the loss of the lives of those who have tried to fool their conpan- ___ -- â€"v-â€" vuv-n VVUHGU' ions in this wayâ€"O. S. Advertiser. [The practice complained of is not only dangerous but foolish and no sensible person will indulge in such pranks, but boys will be boys.-â€"Ed.] To-morrow (Friday) is the last day for the payment of the first half of the taxes. The Council has decided that prompt payment must be made. 37, will be added for collection it not paid on the 15th. inst. BY ORDER. Local News. TAX NOTICE. ‘vvvu-uâ€"VJ vuwv S." Advertiser. ' it is fully up to the sten'd'ard in every lamed of 13 not respect. Very severe and accurate Sept. 14th, '899- to at of of vu II CUUUDU efihéwx .this as a The new Principal of the Public; School, Mr. Cla1ke, arrived 1n town of few days ago and so far has made a: {10061 impxession. We trust he Willi find \1e4f01d all that he could desire-- 3 Monitor ‘ As much additional accommoda- tion has been added for poultry, it is eXpected that the exhibit in this class will be very much larger than; in previous years. i THE Snow-MacKay advertising Ag- ency, of Boston, is one of the most ac- tive, progressive and up-to-date con- cerns of its kind. Its rapidily increas- ing business necessitated a removal to larger quarters. Their promp atten- tention to buisness in connection with this paper has, during the past year. been eminently satisfactory, and we are pleased to know that their modern methods are bringing good results. Hanna, B. A., officiated. The bride;- maid was Miss Maggie Gray and the groomsman was George McFarlin, of Superior, Wis. There were only a. few guests and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. McFarlin left for their home in Guelphâ€"Confederate THERE was a ’quiet wedding on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laban Gray, 0. S. R... Egremont, when their daughter, Mary. was married to Albert McFar- lin, of Guelph, formerly of Letter Breen neighborhood. Rev. \V. G. The Hanover Portland Cement Co. of this place put their first kiln of Portland Cement through the mill a week ago yesterday. It sets well and is apparently as good as any made on this continent. None, how- ever, will be put on the market un- til there is an absolute certainty that tâ€"vv'w to contain all the ingredients neces- sarv to produce a first class article and as Mr. Joshua Knechtel under- stands the proper combination and is giving everything his personal atten- tion we feel satisfied that the quality “fill not be surpassed by any domes- trc or imported cement now used in this county.-â€"Post. vv “Iv-v UV VHUOLQII the result. The raw materials used have by .repeefsed _tes‘ts ‘been proved .A AA“A- TIRED of running an independent straddle-the-fence paper, Mr.Glen- inning of the Dundalk Herald has Sold out and is now aching to get a party journal and have a crack at somebody. Messrs. Blacklock and Gibson are the new proprietors of the Herald, so we are informed. The Regina Standard says:â€"â€"“ The out- and-out party paper belongs toa bi“ gone period. There is now no longer a battle for principles betweenthe party organs. They have largely de- generated into simple brushes with which whitewash is applied to the leaders of one party and blackwaah dthere to the leaders of the other, an . is now a rapidly growing sentiment: in favor of the independent Journal. Mr. Thos. Livingston, of Mr. crest, son of Mr. A. Livingston of ‘ ntinck, entered the band of Bene- LiCtS On Wednesday of this week, having married Miss Christine Cor. bett, daughter of Mr. Joseph [Corbetnof the same Township. A large numba of invited guests were Irpresent, to witness the pleasing Eceremony which took place at the ireSideuce of the bride’s parents. We @0381“ our congratulations. a transformation during the past year or so, that at the opening of the “@001 this term the Departmental D.'Dloma and a five dollar cheque were given 10 the section. We are pleased; ‘0 make a note of this and congrat- ..1_ . G ““3 Annual Meeting of the Sour}. int? I‘e‘mhers’ Institute will be hei'j 0c never on Thursday and Friday. tot: 5th and 6th. The {0110\\:i11g “83:03 fippear on the programme Just Mia: \‘I‘ESS‘W on Reading Course. Co 3 a"? Gleave; The American Adnstxtutxon. J. R. MacNichol; The tti "D‘ages 0f Re’ading Good Litera- .re, M158 Emma. B. McCoy; The kingeguhtjons, J. ‘V. Brown. , THE School Building and Grounds "1 S- S. No. 9 have under-gone such VVOAUVG but U111) UIIU ILL UUKA Lil Grey - \V . ° 9 ho to h t ‘s domg likewisePe. ear of 0 he: Delegates Report. of W- U. Mills; The Study cf 1 . Principal Jenkins, (0.5. Co‘legmte Institute); Temperance and Hygiene. ‘V. J. Sharp; Discipline, 188 Ida Irwin; Order, Robt J. 800“; Rapidity and Accuracy in (832301 Bales, F. W. Deutschman; 0. L023, W‘PDOSitiOn, Mr. Brough, (-0.3. C01- lifiate Institute); Literature, Miss gangsta: J. Seott; Seiected, T. H. Primafck. Editor Dundalk Herald; Ken-- §0M8n§gemenm Miss Lydia' W. 5: methmg we should Know, 7 W, L. Dankeston; Sowing Time, ‘ c‘m‘pixml-xon; $elected, InSpector; The P 1 Infimtive, Thos. Allan; regs, "Wits are 3! ‘ol‘- W. Irwin. Arrange-1 m ~ 30 made for five-minute ks on (I) Sohool Etiquette, (2) Force °i 38bit 0. 3 I . - ... by, m (3.-....‘1‘1’3tt8232 __ 3% “S“: MR. W. H. BENTON, will have on exhibition at the Fair here next reek, a sample of Honey Vinegar. a new production worthy of notice. Phis gives us an mstance of where :xtremes meet. Mr. Benton’s honev snot sour as we can testify, but we presume his “honey vinegar” can scarcely be pronounced sweet. OnMonday morning last Mr. Fred '931 was hastily summoned to attend be funeral of his wife’s mother Mrs. ’ondieau, Deseronto. The train hav- ng left here he had to drive over to {anover to make connections. :his as a. downright shame, and stronly advise every girl in town to boycott Tom and get their hair :urled at some other shop. THE poultry house on the Exhibi- ion Grounds is being enlarged to bout three times its former apacity. This will obviate the ne- essity of keeping birds outside in lOt or inclement weather and be an nduoement to fowl fanciers to in- tense their exhibits. PATROXIZE home, is a principle we have always preached but despite or best eflorts. Tom Swallow the ittle shaver in the barber shop next loor, went to Toronto this week to pick out a wife, and has chosen Miss lupernault to whom he was married m Wednesday. We protest against Tag Millinery Department at ' '11, this season, be under 'dlaW'S "1 . . n ement of MISS Maggie f our Durham ladies. M3. Chas. McArthur, has moved pwn town this week. and will hence. rthbe glad to meet his customers at to new store in the McKechnie Block. _________._.__â€"- try Show at Hanover told that Mr. Ben. _-_L--nnA «1“ f‘wn In the poul at week. W? are the Duc rv“-'â€"‘ eek. we are told that Mr. Ben. ,‘ of this town captured all the for Barred Rocks and Leg- énfiualfieeting of the Sour}: vvvvv “uguucvuc, ‘8) l V“-’" (3) Importance of Sym- ._Tea'cher’s Influence on :5) Keeping in, the {pled , Sun lane atM ente Show MI cove: tism tow: a ve from ham and Mon; marl Chi Mo posi Sch sin pra ren BSte' Soci in 1 nigh the I Stat" mad men af tei the f Gall SO m that men of t 3.1ny fro 3001 reg eve CO ou‘ den Ch bu an to CO Em de 601 t0“ I ‘J '1 pm em in; up 811‘

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