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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Sep 1899, p. 8

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e district. - books has been placed at Winnipeg, and several Manitoba teachers will leave Shortly for Daws ' CREE? battle Hiswrical Sm QCIGber 21, ' , 477 cases were put up. ; The Canadian Rubber Cu., of Mont- .' real has been agree ' the receipt of a pare which was recgntly Price of milk 0 now bemg 81X Wholesale uric a- .. “Wu; ew,wu worth 01 medxcal applxances was made at Mont‘ real on Tuesday, by the customs of- , but the firm icoll says the new Canadian Pacific Railway hotel, to be erected will be one of the finest _. (1 .work will probably be commenced on, it this. fall. enmvorth Dairy- -' has advanced the price of milk (mo Ann‘ - l. _ The Royal Electric Montreal has forwa. partme'nt of Agricult' light the Canadian h Paris Exhibition. Angus Young lad-mitt cents’ worth of corn i Police Court, and the him “'33 disminuofl n ‘Mr. George Ball, tax das, Who was thrown 0 at the Bertram demo: from ‘h!s injunes- It is said the municipal reforms rem, commended by the special committee in! I I Hamilton will be opposed by the Fin- ance Committee. Assessment Commissioner thrnks the population of Ha Hall milton ’Major Girauard, the Canadian officer, has 1 his command in Egypt. ine StOCK or wheat in store at Fort; An order in Council has been passed Witliam is greatly in excess of last'at Otltawa placing on the free llst year. 'syrup or molasses of cane or beet David Home, of Winnipeg, has been ; testing under 3? degrees by the poolarl- appointed chief grain inspector underlscoP'e for .vuse "1 the manufacture 0f the Inspection Act of last session. compressed fOOd for live SEOCk: when ~ - ' por' d by the manufacturers of Hamilton Will Open Dundurn Park 1m te October 2, “and will invite Sir Oliver'suCh ‘00‘1 f0 .be used. for such manu- Mowat to perform the ceremony. facture only 1n their own factories. Brantford will build a new Isolation :I'we-nty-four tenders have been "9‘ Hospital and make alarge addition to? ceived at the Interior Department for the John, H. Stratford Hospital. “he claims in Dominion Creek in the The private banking firm of \Villiamf Yukon. The claims were classed in .' 1897'b M'o Wl de.‘ - Mowat 6’; .Son, Stratford. has assigned! Y a.) r a sh an r Paw , , cat. The prOperties are in the mar- The firm “films a surplus 0f $45»000- l ket because of a dispute as to their The Quebec. Hamilton and Fort \Vil-i ownership. liam Steamship Company will have two “v; { - - ‘ 3,(;0_l ton steel ships built in England.lx ‘thm a short time Inspector bteele, Ecommanding the Northwest Mounted The by-law to purchase Dundurn Police in the Yukon, will return to 1 Park carried in Hamilton by a LhOUP duty in the Northwest Territories, and sand maJority. lit is probable that Capt. A. B. Perry, '1 Word has been received at Ottawa ' “‘h0 18 HOW on the way to ‘Dawson, Will C that. the telegraph line is now within be the new ccmmander of the police 110' miles of Dawson. contlng‘enf in n.” mobs,“ seizure of ‘b‘a t gleflverl El the Canadian Nurses' nncie+t°n~ A: " h - Eh?) stock of wheat in store at Fort! “12112111: is greatly in excess of lastfa Night classes for technical training will be established in Brantford. A. movement has been started at Montreal to have saloons open .on Sun- day. Hamilton will reform, its tax collec- tlon system. ovum ' Exclusive of the Grand Trunk build- . . . 3 ing at the intersection of McGill and '3 olves are numerous in Hahburton. t William streets, which by a conserva- London boys are stoning the street : Live estimate will cos: not less than cars. ; SSGOJ‘O), .iuliy 83,500,0J0 will be expend- at once. 1' next year, and contracts for more than A lumber famine is reported ini thin have atlready been placed. . Manitoba. : bergt.-Mapr Morgans. late athletic Interesting Items All mt Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States, and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted tor Easy Reading. ure of about $30,000 worth of appliances was made at Mont- Tuesday, by the customs of- r undervaluation, but the firm V 3. :1g the claim. iHE NEWS IN A NUISHHL I Socienyw win 71 ‘0 LHC V‘ take p; The countess of IE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. .‘v.' “u“â€" was throivn out of a vehicle tertram demonstratlon. dled * injuries. ' William Cunningham, an rish citizen, has announced; Ppenipg 0f the. Jas forwarded to the " Agriculture an off 'anadian building- at .;+;r\â€" admitted staging five _ It is now midi that S' a . | ’ . « . m T tum ”on may buy the Lakes of Kb be new Canadian.f Thatcher =31, to be erectedfmzéney schemer, ~ 7 - alr~- blo ' er ., has left torresume Live Stock Association of the Do- Egypt. million and director of the Farmers' .‘ommissioner Hall I Ln-Stitute work for the Ont.ario Gov- Llaiion of Hamilton .l ernment, .Wii‘i leave the servnce of the TL rd, the distinguished, ‘Mr. F. W. Hudson, secretary of the in the Hamilton charge against COIJQOtOI, Du n- .,. foi' pd to the Do- an offer to 9f_ London, Stoney Education adapt the k_ system urg- p}e the ship owners. In UNITED STATES, There are 64 cases of ve] at Key West, Fla. -, 00.000; British 661113133: the Klondike £181,000; New £50m The cotton and jute' ? at Dundee has gss 2" “003. Ten mills “raw-a the the hurricane which destroyed the United States squadron. his voluntarily retire the British navy. of me bark Lanarkl rest at Glasgow, chv u and killing a negro Trott. contract has §he Midlaqd ; J. W. Anderson g'Molson’s Bank rol (will remain in jai 1:Novernher. Fiftee :bail is forthcomin Icessary, buL it s: not desirous of re , 7- i- . v ....v ”v; v-vv UL LUU d ' Province in December, and will become chief of a live stock bureau, to be created by the Dominion Govern- "; ment. 3; A proclamation has been issued {bringing into force the act passed at {the last session of the Ontario mLegis- 'rlature erecting Manitoulin together 'lwith the Township of Humboldt 'Grondine Reserve, Township of Ruth- e1 ford, and some other territory on the almainland into a separate .judical dis- lftrict.. ii A statement of the total import busi- lness done at the port of Montreal dur- ing the month of August has been; prepared by the collector of customs.’ é'l‘he total imports for the month am-I ‘ounted to $6,665,472, against $5,784,387 :for the corresponding month of last vnor V _â€"‘-’ VJ. Uvu him out on bail, but case stands. year. \Vit‘hin a short time Inspector Steele, commanding the Northwest Mounted Police in the Yukon, will return to duty in the Northwest Territories, and it is probable that Capt. A. B. Perry, who is now on the way to Dawson, will be the new commander of the police contingent in that district. 5 Sufi-4181” Morgans, late athletic {instructor at the Royal Military Col- lege. and at present orderly to the Governor-General at Ottawa, has signed a five years’ ’contract with the management of the Dominion Club of Chicago, and on Oct. 1 will go to that city to take over the position of superintendent of gymnastics. Charles De Witt, of Victoria Mills, N. B.; is under arrest suspicion of bein ng responsible for the death of his three-year-old stepâ€"child. Neighbors who saw the body reported that it bore black and blue marks and looked .15 if the little one might have died from violence. Late at night a boy called atDr. Bell’s surgery in Kingston, and pro- sented a parcel to the doctor, saying it was sent to him by a lady. When opened it was found to contain the body of a newly-born male ’child. Dr. Beil has 20‘ idea who the lad is. . Anderson, charged with the 8 Bank robbery at W' ad; of Montreal Lanarkshire, is 101' Steel fragâ€"151'; cm! of giving E1 to Pom‘Pete. ommg, spot cash, if ne- it seems the judge is of releasing the accused. for Anderson and his , Of course, like to' see 6 st 31 illustrate the I mining in Brit- figures are: Rho- er South African ‘nl um 1- -' ntreal, chief mate .irey is under ar- ged with shooting seaman named Corporatio_n has 3 0f the seamen many Vessels are in Thomas Lip. 0f Killarney. this 13 HOW THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 21, 1899 £34 0,063. Zealand fever his see the That’s a doleful t ing on that banjo, ; Think so? Yesâ€"what is it: “ The Girl 'W'ho D’-.. a! But They c 31 In the attack It mzu'auders on the Quetta, India, ten ployes were killed badly wounded. Tl all escaped, are be by mounted police. fl The. Swiss Government the Serum Institute at Berne to make and distribute the bubonic pest serum 111 eufficient quantities throughout the , auuon against a possxble outbreak of the minor": The Russian Gov: ed from San Franci bar and lumber for incident to the bu City of Dalny. on t Russia. ed the Italians mining Nimg-Hai District, but entirely unsatisfactory is likely ‘to cause comm Russia has restrained Turkey from momnting several pneumatic dynamite gums. at the Black Sea entrance to the Heavy rafn's have benefited the crops in Central India, though other portions of the country are still suffering frcm drouth, .Queensland has voted on the federa- tzon question, the latest returns show- mg 31,500 for and 27,000 against fed- eration. There is great distress in Bessarabia, Russia, owing to the; failure of the harvest. The plague has been stamped out of Alexandria, 43 out of 88 cases re- sulting fatally. Hon. James B. E-ustis, former Amer- tcan Ambassador to France, died at Newport. . Th3 Patriarch of the' Greek Church;j ‘11 Egypt is dead at the age of’103. I . . l Russm has taken appresswe mea- sures agamst the Jews in Kieff.- Twp regiments of negro troops are to ' be raxsed for service in the Philippmes- I The Peary steamer \Vindward has returned 'to Newfoundland. The Czar and Czarina are visiting COpenhagen. ’ At Pinconning Village, 20 miles noun; of Bay City, Mich, fire destroyed, 3.3? frame buildings, including the MlChl-l gan Central passenger station, Macca- bee Hall. 13 business houses and 25! dwellings. The loss is roughly eSti‘} mated at $75,000. I' A Chicago report says a gigantic plant for the building of locomotives and other rolling stock is to be estab- lished in Switzerland by a company of American and European capitalists. The Cuban” army has been paid off. There is a. balance of $400,000 left from the 33,000,000 appropriated. While digging a well on Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Ten‘n” G. '_ v“- V-“ “W v H. J arnagm and others discovered gold quartz in large quantities. ‘ -_ noJ IHDGULu {than brigands; Locusts have >r sitting on the railway Lmes. : engine wheel touches them crushed, 183"].ng the rail SO the Wheel 0““... 1171 .- _ mse More woucu, leaving the rail so e wheel slips. \Vhen this e train is climbing a steep is serious thunder storm 1 the Mu'ree brewery at ','llten of the native em- (11 ed and several others LP. The marauders, who e being hotly pursued Inl;nl\ oer Ior construction work the building of the new 5'. on the Arctic coast of Government has order- StOPDed by insects Trouble Than SMALL. boulevard; City were the Paris Ex- 3' s to Qhat end In one or two s done. da_ma_g- Many tim- tim, but with his the now torn and ’ihen, after ' ' ed up and down, in ward, carrying his all his contortions, . no dancing are ; but with all . as and straightfor“ s the hero -.- He leaped into the , twisted and tossed himself about, . a banged h1s assailant down on the E ground, rolled on him and over him,i air 4 ' the rear- 1 writhings ' stealthy, rapid movement gives the 5 “333 £0 L {black fellow an immense advantage 5' awarded 1 lover the rattling enemy. It is that, in.:i Christmas deed, on which his hopes of victory f than thirty 'mainly depends. Let the black by aftributed be {sudden leap grasp the throat of the ; sengers of I l l l unwary rattle and the chances are he I regretted IL will never let go again “until death ‘ fixed the b! that first chance i ers at sixpea be lost and the two meet in fair fight, i main in the after fair warning, the fangs of the ; latter gentl a point of vantage from. which he: can make a sudden swoog upon the noisy foe. On this occasion we did not see A i I 'I -tvi , _ â€"â€"c'-~~u LU uxm. Q'JUJC (11 we Intermission ; big firms in England are also acted . . eakentng on :e for their “tips.” Who has not heard ’ . lhen we perceived that l of the small fee that is awarded to ‘ , ave the luck to take@ den he coiled fare to Maples, the great furniture . , as if to die. dealers? It takes the form of a vouch- zt was from sheer exhaustion s 61‘. for refreshments. The same fzrm eceive his enemy, a. l ”tips” its custumers with a light lunch. _ , we were not sure. We 3 One gentleman went so far as to tell ght 1t was t he former, but blacky pie that the customer could “demands antly thought 0th8IWise. He 1111...i It, bU‘t that. is the (Li new-pr 1h“)! n-rnurc ily are hereditary ani implacable foes, ,The black snake is much smaller than the rattle, but he is a terribly formid- able foe, and, as science is. superior to mere size or strength, he generally comes out of the fray victorious. He gives himself no rest until he gains elBLAGK SNAKE VS. BATTLE 7 “908 ' "V‘m‘u‘g the; Most of our well-known actors are brave:1t tigglakl; magnammous l celebrated for this species of generOS' I g ‘ -Â¥ itY- Sir Henry Irving heads the “55 as lefu Upon i both in talent and good nature. M051 nose’lpeople know tho: the cabman that 8;)”: Ibears him to his theatre ngver €93; e.’ ess than a soverei n. All 11135 . Zraight lines rgfm end to end. us know the swigy of the .cabll) length, Which §allva along-i that was given a shilling by mistolg? ting sun' fzill" with a?" rays for a long distance by our actorvknlg . 1118'. on; It. eX‘. and cabby's comment on the £301., [hilt t t “Bad?“ ’ "If 1.16: took the Jew as well Iliflslfi: g: “WY: But the fad We night he did out," he would spend the" 019 better to do than erky had to see him do it. A very fine “3:32,; SeI‘lt-iment £613: Indulge _8 Of Sm Henry Ir‘vxng's generosn:v I Epicure," After a neat. little $132098}: thanking every one, from (138 big e.” . 00 the lowest, for their assxstance rly . , from the big crowd scene, he presenftedtgvfhe ck Sho‘o' ° ‘ . : Person; from the flyman a o t . ' ’- tad-{311; $218,281?“ hav- Smallest child below,_vyith a 81133:: 5- Victiin and 68.13;): at the, each. ' Surely a magnificent recor gazed: the gentle art of tippi08° S. laid ' haVe assume, 1‘ and to be decent burial brave thong-h COMBAT WITNESSED BY TRAVEL- ERS IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. .t was not untiFIBé stiffen that he let Smoothing 01 3313' surface, v not even an. uu tossed himself about, assailant down on the '. on him and over him, Black. simply stuck. N0- ' dancing around Jut with all p03. StraightforWard- alter the first ’ up the) contest This time it Was ‘1 blackyv still again “until death I; if that first chance '0 meet in fair fighL, ', the fangs of' the b h“ manufacmre. 1’ ut, DOtWi 'i Some of t: weakness, he *" " ein l continuousiyl tip Uh g - I I‘C‘U‘g til, mc_re. thanfsitfitiqg' h 1 me COrpse he let go his VICTIM. )ed on the ‘ t'he Ro-ths afterward g kindness in p, In {.119 Poorest neighborhoods of Lon- ‘don “£9ng the patron’s children 15 a Ir‘?°‘3gnized institution. The publican SW88 packets of sweets once a week to every little boy or girl who deals regularly at their palaces. Even the half-dresses are bitten with the de- )”Ceurer of their hard earned wages, gIV' ”1’8 to their stu-bee-chinned customers on Sundays a toy for the babies at heme. This is severe at three-pence an_ 9335’ Shave. CURIOUS LITTLE PRESENTS. For instance, the Salters' Company a}- ways present every visitor at their banquet with: a pair of miniature salt SPOOHS; While the Blacksmiths. find their friends quite a substantial bas- ke}. of_ fancy fruit and confectionery. ($01116 of the great city companies Imp." uhein guests for their trouble in Slttlng throughout their sumptuous feasts by presenting them with gunk: gentleman went so far as to tell I _me that the customer could “demand" fit, but that is the danger that grows ! out of the tipping system. What is re- ;‘peived in time Without :1 “Thank mu-" _ l A THREE-PENNY BIT e i' and a card decorated with a light g floral design, which weaves its way ar- :ftisticallg' around some type giving ' i weiglhty am. healthy advice to the. ' I doubtless grateful receiver. The late 2'! proprietor of one of our biggest: :_ dailies never allowed a boy to bring .. a message to his private room without Ila-warding him a half-a-crown. Hobbs, , I of Liberator fame, was famous for his l tips, and five shillings perhaps repre- § sents the lowest up he ever gave, and g' (the now young men of Croydon grate- [fiully remember him for his generos- ‘lty, and can never believe in their ; hearts that! he was ever guilty of .the ffrautis imputed to him. Some of. the gbig firms in England are alqn nmod Egan-gs xmguteq to him. ‘Somé of Itfifié Ag 1rms m hngland are also neted (f)? Itheir “tips.” Who has not heard Lhe_smftu ‘fee that is awarded to an 1‘)... . , _ vv ALC UBaI- ‘very wealthy noble- iate vicintiy of the ers at Sixpence. A man in the immed , or child .. “"4 boy that finds his w E 11883 to Lord Ro awarded two shil. Christmas his lord than thirty-three so tributed between the sengers of the local 1 regretted member of fixed the honomrfnr lLomdon Globe. (I‘h Well known for Lhe this direction. I ha‘ in due autumn of the "bus" driver and cor ed; in. the way of :1 “ of pheasants by [he the Rothschilds. Queer Records of the British T upon hi faction were st ture as some ki: thought him Ope WHERE EV LRY A V9. prospero us banker, :UUI‘aLeG mm a light hich weaves its way ar- {(1 some type giving healthy advice to the i 1115 Way 011 urg Rosebery’s J Shillings, Wh lc'rdshi p gem Fee. sovereigns t :en the light-foo 100611 POSt office _. â€"\.$U of the family always I!“ 1' " 1m 101‘ uWire” bear. Very wealthy DOble- '19 Sent no 1w (r us: while A late Remweéa New GOOdS {3:3 :3": ; B E .3! 7;? (13‘ A"; A"; \V N ’4? ’IA‘ ’15? i :7}: “(1â€"0”... ..- NI; Our Fall Stock i Our importation of Curtlery English Guns, Shot Shelia Black and Smokeless Pow der, Shot, Wadding, etc. i now in. Through a little cute “'01“ we managed to secure at other shipment of Call at once and secure 3'0 Knives and Forks at Bargain. Our stock of Whips is 501m thing extra. W. BLMK §pecial Lines now Complete and we (311$ supply goods at the Des Figures in j Axes, Saws, 1 Lanterns, 1 Chains, g Rope, ‘ ‘Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc. Snyder Rifles. ; Come and get one with 2 rounds of Ammunition be fore they are. all sold. Just Received and opcne up this Week. Call and See us, Ready-made Clothin Flannellettes, Cotton Prints and Suitings, As well as a. Full Stock of AT LOWEST LIVING RATE 'arm Produce and WOO Taken in Exchange. S. SCOTT, Groceries, BEAN 5: co 5c. COTTO is extra val

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