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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Oct 1899, p. 1

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ountcracts the C 0 women by fee: new nerve flmd. QT “'88 ach iwu lo Hfl EM. DC the dqbl‘ met” Mic new store. in course of con- 51’1‘Cti011 by X G. J. McKechnie will be a large esrablishment.when The original intention ‘ e a dwelling up stairs but 310 idea has been abandoned and ""111 113:5 are being fitted up for mercantile purposes. An ordinary 13‘ "ta! would think it. would require a; . 3 amount of stock to fill it: II t ’4 Scarcely believe this to be true out 7‘12 a new stoled m every conceiv- im‘e corner Will require a large ‘In‘Jaro ‘ ‘1 c . 1" ‘ ' n un .‘ . S t‘ a V .. a d Miss Thompson were ted and received encore3: While her posing in Greek bostume Was hardlv up to former performels here. 31}. Burton’s impersonatzon was wide and varied but. in “The . . 0 Irish Courtship ” he appeared t best advantage. Well execu remarke A.0.U. W 111E Hall on Concert Mom 'fmvzzLLr-ms who have been coming to Durham during the past decade are more than pleased with the material progress the town has made during the past two years, a progress once Startel that is likely to continue for years to come. The new side- walks constructed last year stood out in such contrast that. the old buildings actually looked shabby. ml the improvements are sure to go on. ‘x’e might suggest- many things yet. but feeling confident that the peeple themselves see their necessity we refrain from saying a. word m J38. Carson Auctioneer. air IX 01‘. st wee U} 'eat bar VOLUME EUSNI‘L'RY FL’JDâ€"To raise a. mi!- , ~> in the Methodist Church {mail is a laudable object. and ' ~.. With a more hearty response ,‘WS eXpected by its promoter, 9:35- Looking at the matter from “main standpoint it should be I than gratifying to each and .~' worshippa r to enter his church 9 }\L:r'â€":' ' SALE -.'\. Egremc V the late n V Buchwheat Flour. 8 lbs for 250., J G \OLIBUS tf. mexscn'xxa service will be held Trinity Church Thursday at 21.111 andatAllan’s School House 39, m. X11313 invited. Der THANKSGIVING DAy, ’Cl‘dl I10“ ll. H. MILLER. the Hanover gevancm‘. will hold a Monster tion Sale of ‘25 {mm and village ertis Kixclmex’ 5 Hotel, Han- '01) Olt 28rh.\V1ite him for of Sal; Poster. There will be uesaay W 3, T. Orchard of Egremont s hundred acre farm for $2600 Frank \Vood, of Bentinck. E :HSCUICS t1 >f Owen Sm as omitted 5 week it and name was Mrs. Al LOCAL NEWS. every quarter show “'ith a. gannvnn an; v ngm; report of Artemesia Fair 1 special second prize of 15 flee-mite to be given by Mr. Owen Sound, for 51b roll of 5 omitted. “’9 have plea.- week in supplying the mtl announcing that 42119 5 Airs. Alex Muir. n a genuine spirit of Rev. Mr. Ferguson attention to the ques- on Sunday morning evening his platform she question was 9. ‘! I) US \X' l 10 a. m. to '4 p. m-, 's. and at Pricevihe on .m. to 8 p. m. (Com- ’Phos. Hill Lot 4 Con. will offer all stock etc Hill, by Public Auction Oct. 24th. 'See bills. it to LEG BROKENâ€"While threshing at , Mr. Limin’s on Thursday of last week, *Mr. David Smith met with a serious accident by which he had his leg broken in two places. The machine was stopped and Mr. Smith “7115 do- ing; some fixing while .the hancls in the mow were taking a. drink of water, In handing the pail down Mr. Wm. Noble slipped head first from the mow toftbe fioorwardistance of about fourteen feet. striking Mr. Smith insome way, that neither can explain, with the result that the latter‘fsleg was broken and his face badlycut. Dr. Jamieson was sent [or and attended the injured mani who is doing well, though it will be some weeks before he will be able to be about. ' a I The Dry Goods Review for October contains a. cut of the Glasgow House Regina. and portraits of adozen of managers and clerks. ConSpicuous amongst them we notice the familiar face of Mr. R. W. Meredith, a prominent member of the stafi, well and familarly known in this vicinity. From the same magazine we learn that Mr. Williaims the prOprietor is not only a general merchant but has a large interest in the lumber busi- ness. He has grown up with the town; has held the ,position of Mayor; was president of the Board of Trade and is an influentiaL‘man in the town generally THE Statiscical Year Book for 1898. issued by the Department of Agri- culture has just been received at this office. In addition to full statistics it contains a great amount of useful and valuable information on Canad- ian history and a number of pages on the Constitution and Gox ernment. A very important feature is the chapter of dates and principal events in Canadian History from 1497 up to the present time given in chronologi- cal order. To the teacher it would form a very valuable school adjunct. ON Monday lass about. midday the occupants of .‘ir. Parker’s Drag Store were Startled by a heavy crash against the plate glass window, Examination showed the noise to be caused by a young partridge which flew against the glass and struck it with such violence as to break its neck. These birds some times find their way into the centre of the city, Mr. W. E. McAlister having shot one on the walls of the Middaugh House while in course of erection. TEAM? out the “ fossils ” and a town will prOSper. Sentiment should not stand in the way of general progress, however much we may feel diSposed to sympathise with a poor lamentable whiner when taxes will increase three-quarters {of a. cent over a. public improvement. Our sympathy is deep but we can’t advo- cate a stand still policy. THE present prospects are bright for the Furniture Company, as an e‘fiort is being made by an English Firm to negotiate for the purchase of the whole output of the factory as soon as it can be got in operation. We are informed that the deal will be closed in a few days. WHEN that neighbor of yours comes to borrow The Chronicle, tell him he can get. one of his own for 150 for the balance of the year, or to the end of 1900 for $1.00. The Old Woodland store, up town is now being fitted up for a Manse for the Presbyterian Minister. Consid- erable improvement. will be made both inside and out. IT is reported that Marshall Cheese-factory man at Booth left suddenly last week, lea mourners behind. INSPECTOR CAMPBELL’S residence has been much improved by the newly-added tnmmings and paint. READ what. Peel says about Hot Doug the Shoe hnu ts. system of burglar alarms Hotel is advert Auction. mad for 181‘ clothing from The Big Store. at Boothville, week, leaving shown above. have man Ramfall for the week 0. 4; direction of Wind: 27";7 October 8th. 9th. ” 10th. c“ ‘llt-b. . “ 12th. .-“ 13th. “ 14th. general Max. 60 ‘5 54 .“ 72 . 6s 65 65 ()8 66 76 ‘5 M Min. 34 44 Co 43 . 6‘ w ‘4 55 6‘ 55 “o 58 hours of sunshine southerly, bj'uacnng and with much haze, but little rain as THE Canadian contingent of one thoussnd strong, will, it is thought, be under way for South Africa. ‘by the 24th of this month. Col. Otter will be in command and besides there are to be eight captains, twenty-four subalterns and a number of’regimega- tal surgeons. OWENG to the late rains the Furni- ture Factory has no: progressed as rapidly as it otherwise would. The brick work of the first scory is, how- ever completed, and with a good gang of hands the next will soon run up. \ The Big Store has two ads in this issue. Read them. Mr. Con Knapp has been attending the hOSpital in Guelph for treatment of blood poisoning in one of ‘his hands resulting from an injury received a couple of weeks ago. It was thought he would lose one or more of the fingers. but we are pleased that amputation is deemed unnecessary. He is improving rapidly and will be home in a few days. Dr. Jas. Kelly, of Omaha, Neb. who has Spent a. week or two in Toronto, is now on a visit with hisi brother. John Kelly, and numerous other friends in town, who will all be glad to again see one of Durham’s “ old boys.” Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Collyer. of Guelph, and their son Bert E. Coll- yer, of the Dawson “Sunday Glenear” were guests of Mrs. C’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eva for a. few days since last issue. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sparling return-g ed Monday after a few days absence; atteacfi'ng' the funeral of Mr. “S’s mother near St. Mary’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gun, Mr. R. MacFarlane Jr. and Miss MacFarlane returned this week from a trip to Winnipeg. We are sorry to hear that Mrs Ed. Lauder, near the creamery, has been very poorly of late. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr, Robt. McMullen Mrs. J. Mc- Mullen. Mrs. Ross and Miss Dill, Mt. Foresr, visited Mrs. J. H Hunter. Mr. Jas. Colville, Jr., who has been on a tour in the Western States' returned to town this week. Mr. Geo. Klempp, of the Hocel, ‘was in town last '. and paid us a welcome visit. Mr. C. W. R gave 118 a. 4 Thursday last. Messrs. John McArthur and M. J. Reilly, of Priceville, Spent Thursday afternoon iast in town. Mr. Jas. Beutty, of the Middaugh House, was away a. few days this waek to Brussels. See McArthur's ad. cm page 4. Mr. J. S. Black, Glenelg’s popular Township Clerk, was in town on Monday. Mr. Jas. Wilson, of Louise, Spent a. few minutes in our office last Thursday. Miss E. Leeson, of Varney, Spent a few days with friends in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Batson of Markdale 3 registered at the Middaugh House Monday. Mr. Elwin. Central Prison Toronto is visiting friends in Mr. Lou. Gunn, of spent a, few days wit} town. Mr. Geo. Lamb in town Monday. Mr. John Wright visited Guelph friends last week. Miss Cochrane, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Park. Mr. M. Richardson, of Flesherton, gave us a call last week. Mr. I. B. Lucas, M P.P. town on business last week. Mr. Andrew Schenk. of Ayton, Spent a half day in town last; week. , of Glascott, was , was in Fpr week ending Oct. 14th. Weather Bulletin. . Robb, South Egremont, a call while in town PERSONAL ventral Erison guard, .cing friends in town. Gunn, of Rosemont, days with friends in TKJII’ERATURE. Mn x. 60 Min. app. of the Holstein town 1ast_ Thulsday Cash Store. SMITH, the Eye Specia-iiist, will be an Knapp’s, Wednesday nexn. See ad. WE have no particulars of the wedding that took place yesterday, Wednesdav, in Normanby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fee. whose eldest daughter was united to Mr. Wm. McCalmon, of Dornoch, son of our Marble man here. Partic ulars will likely come to hand next the way was repaired to, and here a literary and musical treat were enjoyed until nearly eleven o’clock. The choir was in fine form and gave some excellent music to intersperse the addresses which were numerous, pointed and pithy. Rev. Mr. Morin, (Presbyterian) now of Durham, Rev. Mr. Humphrey's (Methodist) of Priceville, Rev. Mr. Campbell (Pres) of Dromore, Dr. Jamieson, Editor Ramage and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Sharp,'were the speakers of the evening and each and all did well. The order was excellent and the duties of Ye Editor, who was asked to occupy the chair, were very light. Proceeds $42.00. Réadv Made Coats for little girls at The Big Store. Ladies" Cloth Suitjngs. Varney tea-meeting is no ordinary event and this was noexception to the rule. In addition to the ordinary culinary preparations for which the skill of the Varney “Women folks” is noted far and wide, the tables were loaded with fowl of all kinds, fixed up in the most: toothsome fashion to tempt the appetite of the most fastidious, and it is hardly utterance.” ’ every day, but just now, While we re Busy New Goods are openlng outT we make the Store interesting with constant surprises â€"-asking you to pay less and less for the very Goods you’re needing. With reference to __..¢_â€":=.-’"\ ek. Congraiulations. Guaranteed all pure W001, rich Venetian finis‘h.., shrunken in shades of Brown Fawn, Myrtle, Navy. Grey and Black. The correct material for Ladies’ Tailor Made Su1ts, from :54 mm Wide, going at 750. and $1.00 per yard, ‘ g. r, monLogg. Var-nay Church Anniversary Fancy Silk and W001 raised stripes, rich colorings, many choice-shades to select from at 500. to $1.25 per yard. ‘â€" Our interest in the business is to do better than other stores. Our trade has grown until the stock These styles are entirely .difienent from the com- mon, humdrum sorts, and the prices tell better than anything else THAT WE MEAN no no BUSINESS WITH YOU. meral interest nday evening. is no ordinary Yonge Gerrérd Sts., Toronte. IKE REGULAR TEACHERS. NO PRES- IDENTS or Figure Heads. Forty Typeâ€" writing Machines. Enlarged premises. Every .. facility for good results. Be‘H‘VI' {ham EQer CENTRAL BUSINESS cuumzé ENTER ANY TIME. Write for Circulars. are the advantages ofiered 'by the $1 'wl; . SHAW, Principe).

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