lost. It is believed that she fell into the Red Deer River and was carried down the stream, which was a raging torrent at ,{he time of the occurrence. The London City Council unanimous 1y passed Ald. Parnell‘s motion favor- ing compulsory arbitration of disputes between companies holding public franchises and their employes. It au- thorizes a petition "to the Local Legis- lature, for legislation along the lines set forth, and instmcts the City Clerk to write other corporatibns with a View The contract has been let to Thomas Powers of Levis, by the Government [or the extension of the Lorne graving flock at Levis from 445 to 61!) feet, at m estimated cost of $117,000. The dock will then be large enough for boats of aver 580 feet. Brantford’s assessment has been ad- vanced to $7,099,5a8 gas compared with 36,511,965 last year, but the population is 17,314, compared with 18,609. The exemptions amount to $1,177,800. as compared with $1,828,650. The Good Shepherd's Home at New Westminszer, B. 0., one of the largest Catholic institutions on the coast, was destroyed by ï¬re on Wednesday. Eighty children and nuns escaped from the burning building. ed, this being an increase of $24,891.- 94, over the corresponding month last year. A Striking evidence of the scarcity of workingmen is a great placard which has been hung out in front of the Postoffice, Ottawa, by one of the lumber companxes asking for 1,000 Laborers and 300 shantymen. The Hamilton customs returns for last month showed that duties to the amount 9f 3723,2833) had been collect- Commissioner Pratt says that the assessment of Ottawa wxll be affected to the extent of at least $100,000 by the new Provincial law exempting electric plants and Other financial corpora- tions. ' ’ A Grand Trunk surveying party sommencet' this week to lay out the work for i ugroving the grades and louble-lrz‘cking on the Grand Trunk .ine from Hamilton to Niagara Falls. People in villages along the line of the Toronto, Hamilton 82 Buffalo Rail- way want their mail handled over that line instead of by stages from the Grand Trunk Railway stations. Speaking in Montreal, C. S. Phillips. 3 London publisher, said Canadian pulp is better than the Scandinavian product and is worth $2.50 a ton more in England. \Vorkmen have commenced building a branch line from the Kingston and Pembroke Railway main track to Caldweli‘s iron ore mines at Cala- oogie. Customs Inspector, McMichael, as a result of his visit to Dawson, will pro- bably-institute radical changes in the sernce there. He says customs work is done well in Dawson. It may be that Ottawa will lose the seat of the recently<created Papal delegate to Canada, and that Mgr. Falcon;o will be permanently installed ln "Montreal. Canadian Pacific Ry. land sales in: Manitoba in September were 25,550, icres for $85,000. as compared with Sep-' ember, 1898, $1,800 acres for $57,016.. ’l‘he Allan Line steamship Bavarian,§ now at Montreal, has been requisition-f nd by the Imperial Government for the; ionveyance of troops to South Africa.i News reaches Portage la Prairie that l t Galician woman and four children! vere burned to death in a prairie firef tear Dauphin. g Percy Gordon, a boy of 16, While' muting at Qu’Appelle. met with an; tOCi Kent wh ch necessitated the ampu-,’ ation of his right arm. 1 Lord Stranhcona has given $10,000 towards a new building in connection with the Montreal Maternity Hospital. The Canada Atlantic Ry., has bought hree more vessels for its trade be- ween Parry Sound and the Upper Lakes. London Street Railway directors will pcrease the company’s capital stock 35’ $50,000. making it $400,000. Ottawa Valley lumbermen are con- sidering a uniform method of culling lumber, to .stop British complaints. A rumor that. the three Winnipeg breweries and soda water works have D8611 amalgamated is denied. Assessors’ returns give Ottawa 3. pulation of 57,002, an increase of .616 over last year. The Bank of Hamilton wilt increase is capital stock from one and ahalf two million dollars. The Canadian exhibits for the Payis Fair will not be carried by a specm! Government boat. A. G. Ramsay, of Hamilton, presi- dent of the Canada Life, will retire on Dec. 31 next. - Hardware manufacturers in Mont- real are putting prices 'still higher. The Lake of thq Woods Milling Co., will increase its capital stock by $1,- 100,000. Gas in Hamilton has been reduced to 31 a thousand feet net. Beamsville High school has been lestroyed by fire. Thanksgiving Day this year will be Oct. 19. [HE NEWS IN A NUISHHL interesting Items Abm Our Own Country THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Great Britain. the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed an: Assorted fcr Easy Reading. CANADA. NOVEL HORSE SHOES. In Iceland horses are shod with sheep's horn; in Soudan the horses are shod with socks made of camel’s skin. A German noc long ago invent- ed a horseshoe of paper, prepared by saturating with oil, turpentine and other ingredients. Thin layers of such paper are glued to the hoof till the requisite thickness is attained; and the shoes thus made are durable and impenetrable by moisture. It is estimated that the Indian Gov- ernment must spend 1,500,000 rupees to relieve famine in the central pro- vinces and that the. local chiefs must expend at Ieasr one-third oi this amount in addition. A rior occurred at \Vyngaardnatie, Holland, arising from the strike of the corporation- carters. The police were called out and were recexved with shors from revolvers. The officers were obliged to charge the mob with drawn swords. Several police were wounded and many arrests were made. 1 Mrs. Henrietta Heib, from Bremen, fwhiio on her way to visit her son, g'Michael Kunz, at Chippewa, Ont., fell éfrom a train at Binghamton, N'. Y., Tand was fatally hurt. The British ship Tekoa, from New Zealand to London, foundered off Cape Horn. Five of the crew were picked up. but the fate df the passengers is unknown. M. Mamontoff. the Russian railway king charged with embezzlement. has been allowed bail in the unprecedented sum of two million dollars. M. Tcholo- koff. another prominent railway man, is charged with embezzlement. During a British attack on the forces of Arab Mullah, who has been proâ€" claimed Mahdi by the Mussulmans of the Hinterland, 27 natives were killed. Indian troops are being sent to the scene. It: is said that Germany is about to hand over documents which will lead to the quashing oi the Dreyfus vex- dict. A syndicate in Montevidea. has been discovered. which has been insuring nhe lives of poor people, and murder- ing them to get the policies. The members of a club in Berlin, where large sums of money were won and lost, are on trial. Witnesses in the highest circles have fled the conni- try. As the result of. Emperor ‘William’s advice, the University of Strasburg will receive a Catholic faculty, thus ending a long and bitter controversy. Bubo-nic plague is being successfully. treated by inoculation at Oporto. The Nile is nonwtat the lowest point on record. Charles Lehban, aged 13, touched a lighted match to paper decorations on Carrie Cartwright’s dress at Spring- field, 111. on Tuesday. The girl was burned to death. Her mother was seri- ously burned in trying to save her. Lehban is under arrest. Marza Townsend, an aeronaut, went up in a balloon at a circus in Des Moines, Ia. The balloon was not high enough when the cannon was fired, and the. parachute did not Open. Town- send fell 1,030 feet, striking on his head, and breaking his neck. The Municipal Pawners’ Society opens at Chicago on Nov. 1, and will lend money at 1 1-2- per cent. a month, to the great loss of the high-priced puwnbrokens. Mrs. Margaret Babcock, her daugh- ter, Mrs. Armoe S.- Fay, and the lat- ter's six-year-old child were found dead in their beds asphyxiated by coal gas, at Rochester, N. Y., on Thursday morning. The strike at Cramp’s shipyard, Philadelphia, for a nine-hour day is increasing. Over 900 men are out. At Salt Lake City, Chief Engineer O’Melveney of the Oregon short line was shot and killed by Ethan Mills, formerly Lieut.-Governor of Idaho. Des Moines, Iowa, has had a $500,000 fire. the Masonic temple, the Murphy house and several factories going up. A strike rwhich would affect nearly 3,000 coal miners’ is pending in the Northern Illinois coal fields. John Grouix, aeronaut, fell from his balloon on Tuesday at Chicago and is terribly injured. Add Britain Rudyard Kipling has just become affiliated with the ancient Masonic lodge of Cannongate, Kilwinning. Kil- winning is the earliest known seat of Sclttish Freemasonry. Sir Walter Scott was a member of this lodge, and Robert Burns its poet laureate. UNITED STATES. Key \Vest, Fla., had 24 new cases of yellow fever and one death on Mon- day. ere announced advances in the selling pnces of coal of from 6 to 25 cents per ton. John Dillon, the Irish Nationalism member, has refused to speak at the laying of the foundation stone of a memorial to Parnell. It is rumoured that the owner of one of the big New York dailies is seri- ously considering entering the Lon- don field with a seven-day newspa- Sir Louis Davies is spending a few days with Lord. Strathcona at Glen- coe. John Dillon. the Irish Nationalist GREAT BRITAIN. in respect! DURHAM CHRONICLE, Octqber ueâ€"l wish someohe would inven: endless vacations. alve movement of the victim isï¬vt‘ï¬e only sign that life is extipct. Fthetly v 'U ‘- New Method. If importance is to be attached to a recent letter from Paris, the French Government is considering the advis- ability of discontinuing the use of the guillotine for the execution of crim- inals and the adoption in its stead of a method in which needles charged with high-tension currents are shot in- to the brain, causing instant death. According to the accounts given, the that of a diver. Opposite to the temples of the wearer are two holes, through which the needles, duly con- rent employed, pass. As the execu- {Loner tOUChes a huffnn nnA .. L-_ SUBSTITUTE FOR THE GUILLOTINE France Proposes A number of steeplejacks had a tra- Mills, 'Iintwistle, near Manchester. The main building of the mill was re- cently destroyed by fire, the damage amounting to £50,000. \Vh-ile the men were engaged on the fifth storey de- molishing the old walls several tons of stonework fell in, crashing through .~ v-“ v. .5170; Dou LLU 5 n a , in the midst of the sunset, and the phenomenon, which was the subject of much comment, lasted forty minutes before it faded away. sunset, the Sky in the west was a blaze of crimson, gold and purple, and from the very centre there shot up a long straight beam of light. Near the base a thin fleecy cloud crossed it transver- as the upright beam. The effect was Of a flaming sword or inverted cross, in the midst nf fhn mm.“ M“: u- A curious natural phenomenon was witnessed at Dulwi(h the other even- ing. There was an unusually brilliant sunset, the sky in the west was a blaze _v_ â€"â€"-u “.- diffieulty in drunkenness; the Cape boys and Hottentots have come into contact with white men, and it has been found impossible to keep them sober. Consequently, the managers have resolved to send them all back a Prayer.†’i‘hese figures seem to show that the missing link, so far at least as concerns vast. numbers of scholars, has n0t been found between the school and the church. Some of the savages at the Earl’s Court Exhibition have fallen out. an empty animal’s den. The managers of Savage South Africa find another difï¬cmt)‘ in drunkenness; the Cape boys and HOttentOtS have nnmp. int-n The governor of Wandsworth prison. where about 14,000 prisoners are re- ceived every year, states in regard to these that “while it is the exception for any one of them to tell us he has never been to Sunday school, it is nearly al- Waysï¬he case that we find he has never Since leavmg Sunday school attended any place. 9}" worship, and never said A ‘_â€" rine perils to navigation. La_st «Vein. they charted 10,000 square mxles m varlous parts of the world. At a meeting the other day m Lon- don the Earl of Dunmore declared that he had been cured of deafness through Christian Science, which he declared was the “second coming of Christ†to heal the sick and conquer death. Eleven vessels are constantly kept in service by the British Government making charts of the sea and record- ing shoals, rocks and similar subma- 26 and. 28 guineas respectively, and a portrait of Napoleon, in miniature, fetched 2A) guineas. A pair of shoe buckles, with gold bor- ders, and a left hand glove worn by Nelson, have been sold in London for Colonel Brockeshurst, commanding the Royal Horse Guards, has been se- lected to fill the vacancy: on the staff of the Queen's Equerries, caused by éhedtragic death of the Earl of Staf- or . Record of Events Taking Place In the Land of the Boseâ€"Interesting occur rences. The ages of the four generations of the Royal Family in the ‘direct line of succession are :â€"The Queen, 80; Prince of Wales, 57; Duke of York, 34; Prince Edward of .York, 5. IN MERRY DLD ENGLAND. THE DOINGS OF THE ENGLISH PEO- PLE REPORTED BY MAIL. WOULD BE porcance is to be attached to a letter from Paris, the French ment is considering the advis- of discontinuing the use of the thets and are forced uples into the;brain of With them they carry lating curre‘ntsz which I-..L_- -â€" l'sc Electricity by 57 fire, the damage '00. \Vh-ile the men he fifth storey de- walls several tons a, crashing through the wooden floors. were carried down - many. all It is the nervous cow that gives the greatest amount of good milk, says C. W. J ones. One inclined to go to Mt makes an excellent beef cow, but' a relatively poor milker. As the ner- vous cow is apt to be smaller in proporuon. than a large, fat, beef making cow, ,the idea trains some headway that may be cut and hauled during the winter. Of course the. winter's fuel is prepared. and housed, but the sup- ply for anOther year is to be chop- ped down so that when wanted it will be properly seasoned. There are some ditches to be dug, some drain pipes to be laid, some ploughing to be done during the next thirty days; there are boulders to dig out of the meadow and some brush to uproot; 7 may be there are some fences and cul- verts to build; let all these things be Lattended to before the frost gets into the ground and the snow begins to fly. See to it that in the spring all the farm buildings, the fences, the fields, look better and are better than ever before. The farm should increase in productiveness and at- tractiveness every year. When one drives by he should be impelled to say, “A gentleman, and no hayseed, lives there." We see such farms in every parish in the province, and the time is coming when we shall see no others. It is not by working day and night, by making a slave of himself that the farmer becomes “comfortable," but by doing his work just when it should be done and just as it ought to be done. The farmer who does this banishes dis- content from his household and pov- erty from his door. His wife is proud to be a farmer's wife and his sons ‘and daughters regard with pity the city laborer, and with scorn, the measur-l ers of tape and molasses. We reiter- : ate, there is considerable work to. be done on the farm during the next few weeks. Let it be done and. done thoroughly and no ghosts will haunt the winter fire side, and in the spring there will be no plough to dig out of asnow drift, no shovel or crowbar to hunt for in a ditch, nothing to divert the farmer from the proper employ- ments of the season. During the next few weeks there is a good deal of work of a miscellan- eous character to be done on the farm. They were Wise, our forefathers, who originated the homely saying that “a stitch in time saves nine,†and this of all seasons, is the time when many of those stitches should be taken by the farmer. It 13 stated by good author- ity that fifty per cent. of the agricul- tural implements used in Canadaâ€" wagons, sleds, mowmg machines, ploughs, etc.â€"-are destroyed by eXpOS- ure to the elements-that the farmers lose millions of dollars annually by their neglect to house those imple- ments when not in use. A little thoughtfulness, a few hours’ work now and then, and especially in the fall, would reduce this loss by at least nine- ? ty per cent. Let every farmer gather ’together all the tools for which he will have no further use until next» spring and store them away under} cover, just wnere he can place his hand upon them when wanted. If there, is a leak in. the roof.- of the barn, a; board in the covering hanging by; a nail, a window broken, a. door or} gate with a dislocated hinge, a de-l fective plank in the floor of the stable, any uncertainty about the water supply, see that the needed repairs are made at once; nothing can be gained by delay, and it may be the occasion of much loss. The piggery should he seen 10 and the' poultry house, and 1t sheep are kept, comfortable quarters should be provrd- ed for them in the basemenu oi the! barn, if the barn has a basement; if; not, a warm shed should be provided, n0t an open shed, but one Wlth a .win- dow and a door that can be closed! every night. All kinds of rubbish should be gathered up, not only about the house and barns, but in the fence corners and open fields, and burned, and an estimate of the number of fence rails that will be required-in the spring should be made, so that they If your head begins to swell, Cultivate! Harrow, crush it, pound it well, Cultivate! , Cultivate a humble heart, Give “Big I†a meaner part, Let the germ of culture start Cultivate! If it rains and lays the dust, Cultivate! If it pours and forms a crust, Cultivate! Saves the mmsture hygrosscopiu Helps the microbes microscopic, Talk to neighbors on this topic, Cultivate! Tom the soil begins to bake, Cultivate! Stir it up for culture’s sake, Cultivatel Tillage hinders ’vaporation, Tillage works weed ’radication. Tillage helps food 'laboration, Cultivate! SEASON‘ABLE SUGGESTIONS. N ERVES AND FOOD. 3 food in proportion tbl he: (1U LT [VATE THE SOIL. 19, 1899 v requires Thzs is an out unaer abuse a normal condition she can tame a great amount of food and convert it. directly into milk. This food should be given with {.19 best 999' sible caution, so that it mll notvm' lure the health of the animal. (11" all to the cow that she wzll eat 0.11 clean is a good rule to go by, tut ‘f her appetite declines there is some‘ thing wrong with her $895310†that needs instant attention. .\ery frequently this cause is so Simple that one overlooks It. In a â€e" vous cow, a sudden fright. undue field or excitement or running in a t the nerves anything that will upse may cause the flow of 'k ‘0 $109 tum‘porarily and Upset men so that the full hulk will not be given 1'0 . 5' . :s_ to guard against suc t as cidents that the dairyman h- exercise his supervision .' 13Ԡonty. His cows are 11 . milking machines that 985Ԡgive #uniica . The nervous anxmal's mechamsm 15 more easily deranged than that of the heavy, beef making animal- A‘ Plow horse can stand more abuse than the high strung race horse- Lihny dairymen do no: appreciate thts. thoroughly either in their feedxng or caring for good m11k COWS». As the Whole value of The ainiumal’s products depends very closely upon the condii h digestion a study should constantly of the cow’s health- In - o .\ IPA a error of a most pronounced order. It is nervous energy that absorbs and uses up food, and it requires more “to feed such a nature than it does one of a phlegmat’ticc diSLUSI" tion. If anything the Opposite to What is true in general practice should be observed. More rzch and highly concentrated food should be given to the smaller milker than I0 the large beef maker. The good milker, if her digestion is good, can Change more of her food into milk than anather animal can convert into beef or fat. A good deal of this food that is given to the milker is converted directly into milk and 18 thus more profitable than when fed to the beef cattle. These conquerors of Kidney Ills are making the rising generation healthy and strong. Mrs. G. Gricman, 505 Adelaide 5‘... London. Ont. says: “My daughter. now :3 years old, has had weak kidneys since infancy, and her health as a conse uence has always been poor. Tw boxes 0 Doan’s Kidney Pills have remove every sym tom of kidney trouble. and restored her to per ect health. I am truly thankful :or £110 great beneï¬t they have conferred upon A, DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS. Youthful Recklessness. w .. unov \ahJVGGC Dy . . 7 - - 8 use of B. 8.8., although it had baï¬led the doctors for a long time. I am ï¬rmly con- vinced that Burdock Blood Bitters saved my life." m..- n-.- “etc“.uxug me gave me u to d' ‘ By the advxce of some of mypfriencl: ) who knew of the virtues of Bur Bitters, I was induced to try itfiithIl?d now happy to say that after using part 3; the ï¬rst bottle I felt so much better I w able to get up. I am thankful to state th: Iam com letel cured ' neon n? R g D y'I‘LLA--~Sf!tLhIe dlï¬Ã©assby the The natural exuberance ol’ youth often leads to reckless. ness. Young people don’t take care of themselves, get over-heated, catch cold, and allow it to settle on the kid- neys. They don't realize the signiï¬cance of' backache- think it will soon pass away- but it doesn't. Urinary Trou- bles come, then Diabetes, Bright’s Disease and shattered health. A young life has been sacriï¬ced. Any help for it ? Yes! anxmal's mechanls ' m exhaustion of T be Qreamery 2w; LI‘MPS vshich are t1e 11m ,. Signs, (1nd 0111 (i 11' -. 3 if). Lanterns (salami; 1w celled. Just to hand a Large *5 ment of _ We lead in Whips. HM? Blanks’rs, Circina‘les. L; Rubbers, Rugs. Etc. OUR COAL OIL is the best 1325.: reï¬ned in Canada. Another shipment ware, Granite ware just to 1131' We have a very 1’ 111th of “hen 3:0“ want a stood warm Pair ‘ or bhoes cnaje and see us, “a he?!) a full lme of Sterling: By“ Made Boots and Shiites, S 3 .3 Cu ‘a‘ 2n DE Funning f0} ‘ 111.15 5,: and §0u “iii 110w 1a,...j a chum. Call 021; « see our stock of amen-2, _ (j k t QUEEN â€" {1 And FAVGBITE n 1 which we are still 5. at the 01d purges. “Wu.“ W 0'. u) I 1 9 a 1. Axss and X- cuts (“3‘58 which 8.18 second to n: Ready-made Clothiaï¬ Flannenettes, Cotter} Prints and Suitings, â€I“ "' 3403157 Glass Table Setts 43c. 3,“.13. 530n1y Giass Berry Bowls 100, egg-h Nappnes to match 300. a date. K ° manly in}. cut glass Ben-y â€(AVIS ï¬g. ,0 bapp‘res to match 400. adoz. ' 4 Salt and Peprer Dusters 59. each. 10 in. Granite Pie Plates 10c. each. Large size white Granite “'23.: 31 B. M)“ 25¢. each. V " Granite V‘s’atm' Pails 50¢. each. AT LO\VEST LIVING RATES We have aLamp until 3.011300 our them cheap. 3le Produce an d W001 Taken in Exchange... As well as a Full Stock of. S. SCGTT, , wool Shawls. reversibic or the cold weather at $1,353 Grocer-neg, 5955‘ (‘v’ \ DURHAM. â€"â€"- i118 0f Sil'x and '1 a value. .“P. 111 i1 021 [m4 always H me 1D- UI 1!