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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Oct 1899, p. 13

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i either there lfut-h Afrixca:~ [alion QUBeD’s ent‘-Li8uL.-: rmFrom Ports: {an we" {r0 on Loyal Aorw 1 ftbâ€"Lic-ut-COI- B 47thâ€"Lie-ut.-Col hon L101: 01' AG km Blanche: Col. A. E. ion Gordon D01. \V‘. H. on lung; -Lieout. â€"Col Bent .-L"0 g battalions are either or en route there:â€" Nonhumberland Fusi- t.-L‘ol. C. G. 0. Money. 1 King’s Liverpool Regi- mL-Col. S. L. Millaa'. I Devonshire, Regiment, . Yule. i Connaught Rangers, E; Brooke. From Ath- R0531 Dublin F usiliers. 91.. A. Mills. From Royal Irish. King’s 0111. .-C01- J. 'W. Hughgs-Hélâ€"léiz Fort George. Royal Irish Fusiliers, J. Reeves. From ROyal In: _. 'eut.-Col. Mullingar éfib and noon its p‘ Horn. Alderahot: King’s Royal Rifle ,.-Col. R. G. Buchan- Kilkenny. urbam Light Infa; :01- A. L. W'mdlaml ryai 2 Sun. 3.10 31 Berkshire Rezi' '..r_ C- Evans-GO“ of b'ove the South .r Redvers Bul- of the Guards’ the Rifle Bri- though \V’lde’ nd Sutherland [tn-C01. J. H. Highlanders ghes-Hallett. Royal Rim M Innlskillin "I" If h fight. In thi. '81. {ht Infar. Woodland. a1 Riflt Enamel-3 Lieu: Fusili. Watch The. Boer “ Comma! take any part in sto: 1199.598. and the V01! sufficiently numerou Vascompumtimwly ea 011 the hill Without V '13 immssible. and firsment that follow “5 alway; attnnded Tum mzrzturs (“£11111 fit? pay of thr‘ “ V01 B the subsistence O alike. could no longer 3091‘s dispersed to 1 the Volunteers won] done the same as a ‘1 My of them had In my could betake th knoture Sir Theophil at to Pretoria. esc ittaclment of. the N: 5:9. and had instruc DEYISE SOME 1' astatr: of affairs uadanger to all : “Stu m: unrest. cre him pupulazions b5 'petty chief. for SI thaliy was in com “:23 powerful nativ 111% annexation o. '35 to ’ z 3‘9 since been cor {nave arisen. Br: “tends far north 1 fight-9 of Gurmnny “wall as of the B In 1348 the term a the Orange Fre mnsvaal were an we Wlm a frmh -‘ a I r9110 DPQIW‘T ,1] MARSHAL 031313 r fifty miles in.- order that the See the Union J ack once more ’he died. This was an affect- :gacie. The old lady was 8 modiment of patriotism, and ho witnessed her genuine en- n. are unlikely ever to forget hu’aiility. Open or veilestlgmp one ingle indication nor 18 It 631': $35 an Act of Parna- e jurisdiction of the h‘ "‘ the whole of the territor- samâ€"é limit. The Home 1' “ Commandos ” declined to 1:1 rt in storming I‘OCkY fast- 1«‘1 the Volunteers were notI 23' numerous to make good 1111:»; that they iemoorar- . T1: mount a hill held by 50 2‘;- :1 :01. as the Maccatees eroti? ly easy, but to remain '11 1' thout u ater or supplies? ssiile. and the inevitable re-i 121111 foiloued in every case, 3'< f1 - led by heavy 1088 "11:1: mum to :1 standstill. 113 he ame insolvent, and 1:. ‘Yolunteers, ” as W811 1 sietnnce of all the forces H 1111 longer be provided. The 11191311 to their homes, and 1:1 - es mould probably have. 51.11161. as a body but that so I‘: 11.1. had no homes to WhiCh: l i>~take themselves. At this; ;;.. Theophilus Shepstone was 1.11. escorted by a small 11.1 of the 311.111 Mounted Po- ’xzd instructions to I15}: SOME REMEDY .: of 115111.115 which constitut- gar 101111 south Africa, OW-= 1 .51 creaied amongst thei 11.111111111‘ by the successes ofi L111 for such Sekukuni ac-1 "as in comparison with the 911111 natixe btates. lnexazion of the Transvaal? :1 arranged as a preliminary Brizish action against Seku-g 'vi1 1d Lhat a majority of the‘ is 5311111111 be found to favour .1he column employed in 0_ gi‘ve effect to this; 1119:; was under the”; 0: Colonel C. K. Pearson, the' but of \atal, and consisted Pm talion 13th Prince Al-g 1gb: Infantry about 750; 1 11 £110 7-pounder guns, andi zen sappers. All sorts of; rumours were bruited about, ; ('0-‘1mn nevertheless reached’ “i hout encountering any- 3'9 formidable than deputa- -h addresses of welcome. 1 the only incident of any in-i is the arrival in the camp nn’n \7- , 9 l t -we 8’3 Nek of T HE TROUBLE FRO I _0y OF 1: Cu VIXENCEMENT. 1:, however, took alarm, and "59 proclamation, but at the asserted that all white men thin the limits were to be .2 BL‘;ZiSh subjects. Had not mazion of 1842 been cancel- difficulties by which we been confronted could nev- :‘sen. British territory now I north of latitude 25, but a complete section of the minent being solely our re ooliged to recognize the Gcrmttny and of Portugal, oi the Boer Republics. the territories now known mge Free State and the were annexed, in accord. a fresh, political idea, and {ESITLT WAS A WAR, Sir Harry Smith inflicted a :ieat upon the Boer forces aatz, and the annexation submitted to. In 1852, how- ;tlfiticril countenance devel- .t:;o;ner change of ex-- ani against the wish- 213 population, the l'ci‘ State was compelled to independent Republic, whilst Convention, known as the ' Convention, was concluded l‘ransvaal settlers, under ' ;.;.-,o subject to a. few trif- ations, became an indepen- of on of the Orange Free finally cancelled until .l intents and purposes freedom was granted :1 the determination of .‘et‘nment was announc- ,: time until 1877 mat- :uitted to “drift,” and as l.ttle reason for any .tiependence having been e two Boer Republics, of sovereignty could “cell justified, except un- u rdi na ry circumstances re with the express de- liabitants. 1576 drew to its close the Causes Which lave Prawn: Inforunmte State £35 CHAOS. as at war with Sekuâ€" failed to achieve any 1'. All fighting worthy i been done by Volun- ry were irreverently ENGLISHWOMAN, of rrs.”â€"men belonging union, but probably grit-an for the most gradually drifting [Ty the starvation which is imminent to u-E humanity will be due to the scarcity 3:; of wheat, and the failure of the wheat in? cr0p will be due to a lack of assimila- liS' ble nitrogen.” likely that any would to this day have been shown had the Volksraad been cpnvened and self-government con- became disaffected, and in the follow- ing December 1,500, of them, under Kruger and Joubert marched to Pre- toria to demand independence. The garrison at this time consxsted of only about 350 men ot the 13th Light Infantry; but these were veterans, not boys, and the 1,500 malcontents feared to come to blows. A meeting was held, resolutions condemning the annexation were passed, sho:s were fired in the airâ€"but nothing further occurred. The Boers dispersed, and Sir Theophilus issued a proclamation promising condign punishment to any persons who nght dare thus to chal- lenge his authority in the future. From this timo there was peace, until the disaster of Brunkers ’Spruit in- augurated WILL INSURE A 808]] BED? THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. Further disasters followed, and the British Government, convinced that the Boers really desxred independence, proceeded to grant it. It may safely be predECted that had self-government been granted Simultaneously with the annexation, there would have been no BACTERIA WILL NOW BE USED TO AID THE FARMER. Some time ago Berthelot, the cele- brated French chemist, predicted that the time was coming when the chemist in his laboratory would manufacture unlimited quantities of nutritious food for mankind, and the occupation of the man with a hoe would be gone. Dr. H. W. \Viley says of the dreams of M. Bertheiot; Before Lon: He Will lnoculate Ills Fields and Be Certain of Immense (‘ropseâ€" The laundry Is Still In Its infancy, But the Idea Has Been Demonstrating \Vhen it gets so that a farmer can go out and vaccinate his potato field, thereby insuring a good crop, it must be admitted that bacteriology has ad- vanced to an extent that calls for won- der and admiration. Perhaps inocu- late would be a better word to use in this connection, for it is not vaccine matter which the farmer is recom- mended by the scientist to inject into his fields, but a microbe which pro- duces nitrogen for the use of the crops. Such bacteria, produced by what is known as “culture,” by being artifi- cially prepagated, are already on the market, and though the industry is Still in its infancy, the feasibility of producing rich soils by inoculation has been demonstrated. The present crlsis has arisen not so much in consequence of. the franchise question as of the refusal of the Boers to recognize British suzerainty. There is an obvious difference between the exis ence of vassal States having in- ternal independence within our Sphere of influence in South Africa, and the assumption of sovereign power by those States in rivalry with the para- mount power. It is in order to re: move any doubt as to which is to.be the ruling race in South Africa that British forces are now being despatch- "Ibis savant boldly proclaimed that synthetic chemistry had already made such progress as to warrant the ex- pectation that in days not far dis- tant the vocation of the geoponist would be gone. According to his phi- losonhy, the areas devoued to agricul- ture would be planted to forests and park: and. the whole world would be made Slr William Crookes, president of the British Association for the Advance- ment oi'Science, in an address before that association, to quote Dr. Wiley again “again raised the ghost of star- vation, which has been periodically flamed before men since the times of Malthus. According to Sir William, A PLEASANT GARDEN , in which men, no longer doomed to earn their bread by the sweat 0: their brow, would roam at will, while the uhemist in his laboratory would supply them with unlimited stores of nutriti- ous food.” SLr William’s argument was briefly as follows: Wheat is the great source of bread \\ heat is the great source of bread of the most advanced and progressive nations of the world. lhe area planted to wheat is now practically as great as it ever can be. The natural fertility of the wheat fields is diminishing raipidly, due to loss of available nitrogen, so that the average product per acre can nor; be greatly increased. . 1n abouL thirty years the increase in the population of the earth will reach a pom: when all the wheat will be eaten, and accual hunger for bread will be established. ”The only way to avoid the world famine for bread is to increase the stores of available nitrogen. VIIâ€"he deposits of natural 'nitrogen are not large enough to supply indefinitely the increasing n_ee<_1_sâ€" gt _ agricultuge. 'ihe actix itx of nitrifying organisms also will not be sufficient to meet the therefore, seems to be the chemical discovery of fixing nitreogen, and to this end the electrical process seems best adapted, and probably the vast energy of the Niagara water power might be devoted to this purpose. Be- tween the dark picture _of a starving world whose only hope he in Niagara Falls, as set forth by Sir “'illiam Crooks, and that fascinating picture portrayed by Berthelot, are the great nitrate beds of Chili, and who shall say how many more yet undiscovered, and more than all this, new and rapid- ly developing knowledge of inocula- tion, which prac:ical chemistry is now getting in working order. For years and years the farmer has inoculated his fields, without know- ing it, when be planted in a gram that c- -,over peas, beans or Other plants of the1 kipd known as legu-Ininous. He knew than by raising such crops and plowing them in the fertility of his field was increased, and now the scientist comes along and tells him why. It seems that these ‘plants are infested with little animals so small as to require a microscope to see them that they are busy night and day put- ting the nitrogen of the .air into such shape that it can be used_ by plant life. Dr. \Viley says of these little workers: “In so tar as is definitely known the leguminosae, that‘is, the family to which clover, peas, beans and similar plants belong. are the only plants capable of sustaining the para- sitic life of the nitrifying baCteria. From time immemorial it had been noi-tced that such plants often had small nodules on their roots‘from the size of a shot to the size of a pea. These were formerly supposed to be evidences of AN ABUNDANT HARVEST. Even Prof. John A. Meyers, who is rather doubtful of the success of 6m- ovulation applied to 121an admits that In order that soils should be inocu- lated with just the bacteria they need to increase their productiveness, it is necessary to have samples of these soils, and thus a new branch of agri- cultural research has been established. Dr. \Viley, who seems to have taken up this study in earnest and to have achieved better results than an-y*of Some ten years ago it was discovered that these nodules were inhabited by bacteria which have the faculty of con- verting free nitrogen into forms suit- able for plant nutrition. Thus, what was supposed to be the effect of a dis- ease is found in fact to be a most use- ful form of bacteria.” One species of this bacteria is known as alinite, and is said to be an efficient germ in transforming free nitrogen into a chemical combination, especi- ally adapted for the nourishment of cereals. Dr. \Viley says that t‘ms alinite has been subjected to exten- sive experiments by foreign chemists, but Dr. \Viley is of the opinion that the practical value of the substance must be left for future eXperimental study. When alinite is used to inocu- late a field it is mixed with water and the infusion applied to the seeds before they are sown. From 530 to 1000 indi- vidual microbes are said to adhere to each seed. Theoretically considered, it is logical to expect that if with the seed is planted a large number of or- ganisms capable of rendering avail- able for the use of the «germ and the plant which is to grow from. it the nitrogen already contained in the soil and endowed with the power of absorbing more nitrogen from the air the 3oung plants will begin their growth with a vigor and rapidity which will assure 3‘ in the case of plants like clover or beansâ€"in short, the legu'minaeâ€"the soil which would not before bear crOps of these would, after inoculation, pro- duce fair crops. the foreign eXperimenters, says: “For several years the chemical division of the United States Department of Agâ€" riculture has pursued studies of this description. From all parts of the country samples of soils have been se- caured, net Entirely for physical and chemical examination, but also for the purpose of studying the nature of the nitrifying organisms. To this end a new method of precedure had to be in- vented and tested. The problem. of securing samples free from contam- ination with other organisms was one of considerable difficulty. This pro- blem we have endeavored to solve in the manner described below: “Sterilized sampling tubes are pre- pared and covered with rubber caps The tube is made of brass, beveled at one end so astto easily enter the soil. The tube, rubber casps and the rubber balls, which are placed in them to pre- vent the cutting action of the edges of the tube, are subjected to a steriliz- isng temperature for an hour or two on three successive days. Any spores which may have escaped destruction in the first sterilization are permit- ted to develop and are destroyed in the successive sterilizations. The blunt end of the tube is filled with a plug of sterilized cotton, which serves to permit the egress of the air when the sharp end of the tube is forced in- to the soil to secure the sample.” The discovery of these organisms has led to a systematic cultivation of them with a View of supplying them to soils which are deficient in them. These little animals are supplied to the farmer in small bOttles and are prepared for use by stirring them in with a mass of moist rich earth. This causes them to multiply rapidly. \Vhen they have multiplyed sufficiently the earth in which they are is scattered over the field into which it is desired to introduce them. Besides these bacteria, which work to give life to peas. beans, clover, and the like, there are other bacteria laboring in the soil to give nitrogen in a proper form to general crops. and they also have been caught, classified and cultivated. My sweetheart gave me a pair of. silver-backed brushes thag c‘ost $25. D‘L'w wwvâ€"vâ€" 'â€" Were you meéh enough to go and price them? No; but I had! to pawn them. GETTING AT THE FACTS. A DISEASED CONDITION. THEN YOU KAY SEE A MAGNIFI- CENT DISPLAY OF METEORS. THE MIDDLE 0F NUVEMBER is scheduled for November 14, and three years must elapse ree the last meteor in the procession passes out of sight. When the path of the meteors crosses that of the earth the earth passes obliquely through the stream, and is exposed to the downpour of meteors for several hours. 1V6 greeted a few members of. the advance guard last year, we expect to count them by the thousands this year, and look forward to a View of the rear guard in the year 1900. The members of this celestial army are known by the name of the Leonids, since their paths traced backward all radiate from a point in the constel- lation Leo. Their uniform is green and blue, and they march in double quick time, with a speed averaging 26 miles a second. “On the night of November 12-13, 1833, a tempest of falling stars broke over the earth. North America bore the brunt of its pelting. !From the Gulf of Mexico to Halifax, until day- light with some difficulty put an end to the display, the sky,’ was scored in every direction with shining tracks and illuminated with majestic fire balls. At Boston the frequency of meteors was estimated to be about half that of flakes of snow in an average snowstonmu Their numbers, while the first fury ofâ€"their coming lasted, were quite beyond counting, As it happens, we are hastening to meet the Leonids, and as a result of. the combination of their speed with ours, which is 19 miles a second, that of the Leonids is equivalent: to 40 or .30 miles a second. rhe3 mah e their presence known to us b3 means of. vivid and persistent flashes of light, as the3 dash reek siessiy into the air surrounding our planet and bombard us with their celestial artillery. ‘ihus we are "Belted \V’Lth star dust, with meteor balls." . ttULVDrtEu lflOUb‘AI-Il) MILES WIDE AL the cummg oeiesLLal parade we shall be on Lhe watch [or such delin- quents, sentries will be on guard arm- ed with cameras, wiLh which pictures will be taken or the meteors. The cameras must .be focused and ready for service from midnight until dawn, and it. is hoged Lhui; many captures ma} be made durgng Lhe “wee sma’ hours a5 out the tw a1. VISIBLE 10 ALL) . There will net be the exorbitant de- mand for seats on grand Stands at the celestial parade, for so long as we look in the right direction at the right time the display will be visible for all. Belore midnight the meteors will ap- pear shaming upward from the north- eastern horizon, but later on, as the radiant point approaches midheaven, “the sky,” as an_ 0th lady eXpa‘essed it Battalions oi Leonids are marching in wiuely ententieti raniis, about 1w,- 1.0.) miles across, by a concerted plan along a prescribed tract, nearly two thousand m-.llion miles in span, under orders sealed perhaps forever to hu- man intelligence. At every return there are desertres L‘rom the ranks, worn out by this tremendous journey, tasting over 33 years. 0n the coming occasion there may be some Leonids who enjoyed a brief: glimpse of Planet Earuli as they hastened. 'by. it on their way in 18:3 and 18:15, and at the parade m 18J9 they may decide to become bet- ter aequainted WiLJl our planet. As a consequence the companies and col- umns of the Leonids will be broken and gaps leit by the deserters, but their places are soon taken, and the companies and ooiumns become as com- pact as ever. £01 a few briei seconds the van- quished are sumo-undead by a blaze of ught, umil the) rcach a palm abouL Live miies 0v: lheud, Lhen Lhey fade away crumblmg into dust, their glory having uLterly degm‘ted, per hour throughout; the entire dura- tion of the shower. In this way many valuable observations were secured last; year at. the November display from observers in all parts of the world. ‘ . 1‘pe {nest impqrtamt time for obser- vauom IS from mldnight until dawn, as comparauvely few meteors are ex- peCLed earlier,- In 1853 there was a remarkable dis- play of the Leonids, which has been described as follows: » Meanwhile Lhe a1 1101 01‘ 1111: deserters dinlinisncs sommxmu us they pivunge 11110 Lhe shield on: 11111 11101130ng us 110-111 such wanders; Lhey encoumer numbcrless obstacles in the way, pur- Licies oi air, and a b11111: ensues be- Lwee1. the desertcrs from Lhe ranks 01" meteors and we pultides, 1esulting L111 via-ton for the muer and disastrous defeat 101 we fo1me1. lhe predicted time of maximum of the Leon-ids is November 51, at 18 hours Greenwich mean time, and as the Leon-ids will not visit us again for 331-4 years, no pains should be spared to secure the best possible ob- servations. The most useful obser- vations that can be made by amateurs are Lhos-e which will serve to deter- mine the number of meteors visible i‘fiWS'PeaEilng of Lbe meteéric éhower of 1853, ”will b6 hke a grgac umbrella.’: DISPLAY IN] 1833. bntultwanedareckoningwaaat- tempted, from which it was comput- edonthebaeiaotthatmnchdiminishq edratethat 2.10.000 must havebeel visible during the nine hours the! continued to fall. ” It was on this occasion that the re- markable fact was noced that all the meters seemed to come from the same part of. the sky. Traced backw ard, their paths were found to radiate from a 901m in the constellation Mo. Huan- boldt had drawn attention to thesame fact at the display of Leonids in 1799. but no reasoning was founded on the observation. However, in 1833 the matter claimed the attention of Prof. Twining and Denison Olmstead, who was at that time Professor of Mathe- matics in Yale College. They sug- gested that the “radiant” indicated the existence of swarms of meteors revolv- ing in regular paths around the sun. The suggestion was not accepted at the time, but the discussion was again renewed by Prof. NeWton, in 1864, and he predicted the return of. the meteoric swarm every 331-4 years. intact, he announced the nexx; display for 1866, and the prediction was fulfilled and repeated in 1867, the swarm: requir- ing nearly three years to pass agiv- en point. . Let the display of Leonids in 1866 Eu. rope seemed the main target of the celestial projectiles. and observers were numerous and forearmed. "Dense crowds of meteors, equal in luster lo the brighest stars, and some rival- ing Venus at her best, darted from east to west across the sky with enor- mous apparent velocities and with a certain determination of aim. as if let fly with: a purpose and at some de- finite object. Nearly all left behind them trains of emerald green or clear blue light, which occasionally lasted many minutes before they shriveled and curled up out of sight. The maximum rush occurred a little after 1 o’clock on the morning of November 14, when attempts to count them were overpowered by their frequency. But during a previous interval of seven minutes and five seconds four obser- vers reckoned, 514, and during an hour 1.120. Before daylight the earth had fairly cut her way through the star bearing stratum and the ethereal rockets’ had ceased to fly.” W _Yeast.-N5; I guess the white horse have all died. 'Perhaps, it’s the girls who haw dyed. He.â€"â€"Miss Clara, I have a questiox to ask you; although of ancient origir it is ever new, andâ€"1â€" _ _ A A . -VSâ€"f18:;-0h. ne'ver mind making it. was at a minstrel show last week. Crimmnbeakâ€"You never hear am one speak of the white horse and th redâ€"headed giljl now. { _ _ I Renewed interest was now felt in meteors, and a suggestion made by Prof. Kirkwood in 1861 was verified: “May not our periodic meteors be the debris of ancient but now disintegrat- ed comets whose matter has become distributed round their orbits ?" The. suggestion was confirmed by Schiaparelli, of Milan, who a few weeks after the Leonid shower advanc- ed the remarkable statement that the August meteors were moving in the same path as Tuttle’s oomet of 1862. Shortly after Oppolzer published his oribt of Temple’s comet of 186’“, and at the same time Leverrier published his orbit of the Leonid meteors, and they were found to be the same. 'In 197;! a relationship was traced between the A-ndromedes, a display of. meteors occurring on November 27, and .Biela’z defunct comet, and the inference was that the meteors were pursuing the same path as the oomet. ' THE MOST COSTLY DRESS. Of course it comes from Parisâ€"the home of strangely extravagant ideas. A young lady of noble family is deter- mined to get up a costume far more gorgeous than any ever before worn by woman. She is now having {the de- signs made according to her notions. She was acquainted with the theory that added brilliancy is given {to jewels by the sheen of a healthy skin, having often noticed the fact that 'diamonds and pearls flash most brightly on shinâ€" ing necks and shoulders. She has therefore given orders for an entire costume to be made of Inothing but precious stones and precious metals. The pearls, diamonds and rubies an to be so set that they will be in im- mediate contact with .the wearer’s skin. The lower part of the costume will be almost solid, the gold and sil- ver being beaten very thin so as to be extremely pliable and light. The ,arms, hands, neck and shoulders are rto be almost covered with loops of pearls, stars of diamonds and rings ’of all kinds. The breast will shine with stars and crescents of rubies, emeralds and diamonds. The rest of the body will 'be covered with pliable bands of woven gold, on which jewels Will glisten like dew- drops. Mamy of the brilliants will 'he purchased in the rough, and cut into the shapes which best accord {with the places in which they are to he set. That the costume when finished will cost a large fortune goes .‘without say - Lng. 'a‘heir claim to membership in the solar system is now fully established, and other meteor systems show a similar relation to the paths of other comets. "Prof. Alexander Herschel finds four or five meteor swarms, which have a “comet annexed.” as it were. In the case of the Leonids and Andromedes the meteor swarm fol- lows the comet, while some authorities are of the o-pémion that the comet it- self is in the densest part of the swarm. The longer the comet has been in the system the more widely scattered will be its particles. WHERE SHE HEARD IT. DISPLAY IN 1866.: NOT DEAD.

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