E!!! “cu-v “;'UUU' I1 BULL. (General Gordon), with Regis- tered Pedigree. \ "ll be kept on Lot 37, can. 2 E. G. R.. Glenéag. for the season of 1899. T811118 $1.“), paya le Jan. lst. 1900. Pa ties! not returning or disposing of cows wil be! ohmed full price. I I1 (Lord Henry 0f Holstein) with Regis- tered Pedigree. will be kept for the season of 1899 on Lot 35, con. 3 E. G. R.. (Henelg. Tums $1.00, payable Jan. lst, 1900. All pu'ties not ret nruing or disposing of cows wiil he charged full mice Jame: Brod 16 fl _ ...-- VALULU .l.‘ U“ School Section No. 4. Glenelg. bold- ing a Serond or Third Class Cartiï¬cate. (male preferred): dunes to commence on Applimtinns. stating salary, recen'ed up to Saturclzw, October 28th. 1899. by the Secrntarv. WM. '1‘. KgRNEY. Sec. --‘~-~"l. IJ‘VVIDUII A‘Uo 0-). Dell duties to’éinnmeuce aï¬er New Years ply personally or by letter t0 AXPPLICA'HONS WILL BE RE- I CEIVED up to Wednesday. Novem- ber lst. 1899. for an . Experienced .Male Teacher for School Sectxon No. 3. Bentmck: duties to cmnmeuce af+er New Years. Ap- DIV net-xmmllv An I“. Inc»... A- Oct. 2nd. - - â€"â€" v‘ 11 Contaming 100 acres. more or less; in guml state of cultivatimlgw acres cleared. School on the premiseS: Church 1g; miles distant. The farm is well watered : excellent fur at wk and grain raising. Apply on the premises to William Banks, or to ., om .. C. McARTH UR, OT 12. CON. 7. '1 P. OF GLENELG. J puntaming 100 acres. more or lace. h. Edge Hill, Mar THOS. GREENWOOD. .19th,99. tf 1" BOP. 'H 1‘39 L.-unb W 'TI' Kerney g Trustees. Farm for Sale.†0T NO. 13. CON. 5 N. D R. GLEN- ELG, ne'er Tp. Hal}. containing 100 Szmgeen river and other running streams; \} ell fenced ; good 10;: heuse; ï¬rstrclass frame barn mth stone funndatlon ; excellent. “ouLlf‘ _- v: t Ocean Tickets for sale. Deeds, )Iortga res, Leases, Wills and other Writ- ings cart-fa ly drawn. Fire, Life, Accident. Marine and Plate. Glass IX- SITRAN(..‘ES placed at lowest rates, in Good (“mnoanies. Business Difï¬culties arranged. Creditors settled with. Any and every kind of legitimate busi ness attended to and everything kept Q" tonVI‘f \' DI) fT‘ t ""V Has been at the business for nearly 20 years and knows tlw ins and outs of it. and always studies 1n give his Custuu‘ers a goal bargain. knowing that in the 0nd it pays him as well as them, That. in fact. is the reason whv he to-day has the best business of the kind in Western Ontario. Akuu' II “'V. ‘e S'IRICTLY mufeï¬Ã©l' ALWAYS PROMPT. Never negligent CHARGES MODERATE. GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Properties FOR SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on cummission. {heroughhredjuu far Serï¬Ã© H» has n «centlv 10m money to borrowers 111 W alk- mum in Duiham in Ho"; ind. near Mildmav. near S.mth.~1m»,ton a short distam-o from Ow en Sound and \\ H do people go to him from such great distant-cs? 39031130 thvv make mom-v bv doing So. if the \ didn t thew “onlcln' t go to him. 'ihe) . AW“ 2' “CI!“ O‘Onï¬hhmm Q ‘“m-‘ â€"â€"---~ 1-37: CHEAPERINTBRBST 22221 33% TTER Raï¬ â€" H. H. MILLERâ€"- Edge Hill. Mar. 19‘ K Everybody seems to want MONEY, and if 15 SURPRISIXG how many people go for it to MONEY; $ $ $ $; June 27th 1 Shoes made for all kinds of diseased m- «afï¬rmed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Mil! Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block, Lower Town, Durham T. MORAN , (ANTED: 3x TEACHER FOR T HORO’ RRE D EOLLE D ANGUS "'Y' I' It. THOROUG BR ED DURHAM Bull (I-..) II "' ‘ (ALL IT \VHAT YOU LIKE H. H. M ILLER, Debts Collected General Blacksmith. [GRESHOEING A SPECIALTY. FARM FOR SALE: Teacher Wanted Teacher Wanted. THE HANOVER CONVBYANCBR. Greenhacks ; CASH ! H. H- M I L. L E: R , The Hanover Conveyancer 'arms for Sale tf . W. VICKERS, Sec’y. Vickers P.O Old Notes Bought. wunnx. eec. Traverston P. O tf DURéAM. n 12mm. All orders taken at the old stand near McGowan's Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith's Foundry. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live†PRICES. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS 'lCMERS and the public 111 gener {1 that I am prepared to furnish \EW PUMPS AND REPAIRS DIG. DRILL, ,UnB. BE CURB, PRESS IURB \VFLLS. All qrthxjgtaken at the old stand “A--.. ‘1 .1“. Mopuments_ Repaired and MCINTYRE BLOCK. i OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. J CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C. J. Collections promptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without de- lay. Company and Privgtte Funds to Loan at 5, 5:}, and 6 per cent.‘ :11 sums and upon 4.-.“..- L- _. 3L "â€"â€"â€" wrv- terms to suit bmroweï¬. A General Financial Business Transacted OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. 2MGBMMUN WATSON; Importers of and Dealers in Swedish, Scotch Canadia Granite and Marble Work OF ALL KIND. Pumps. MCCALMONâ€"FEEâ€"At the residence of the bride’s parents in Normanby on Wed- nesday, Oct. 18th, by Rev. D. Sharp, Mr. Wm. MrCalmon to Miss Martha Fee. DOL’STâ€"HORxâ€"At St. James’ Cathedral. Toronto, Mr. Joseph Doust, Law Stationer, to Miss Annie Horn, of Durham. L.WRENCEâ€"WII.SUNâ€"~\t the residence of the bride' s arents Egremont, (Boothville) on “ednesay,06t.18th,by Rev. Mr. Hume phrevs. Mr Geo. A. Lawrence to Miss Lizzie ~\. \\ ilsou. l Could not express the rapture of .Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she ' found that Dr. King’s New Discovery Ffor Consumption had completely curâ€" :ed her of a hacking cough that for finany yearsluuirnade ï¬le a burden. lAll other remedies and doctcrs could lgive her no help. but she says of this Royal Cureâ€"“it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely, remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe.†So will every one who tries Dr. King’s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50 cents and $1.00 at any Drug Store; every bottle guaran- teed. " am. “ 43 “ 23 Rainfall for the week 0.9 inches; hours of sun shine 35.8; the week opened with warm £13m] southerly winds. but closed with a rapidly temperature, raw winds from the north-west, ana sewn frosts. When you spend your money you are entitled to full value for it~are you sure you always get it when you buy even as common a food product as Corn Meal? Remove the doubt by buy- ing Gold Dust Corn Meal of your grocerâ€"the Corn Meal of highest quality. You skip the useless parts of the corn kernel when you get Gold Dust Corn Meal because there is very little bran in Gold Dust Inscriptions Cut or} Shortest No- tice. October 15th. “ 16th. “ 17th. “ lath. “ 19th. . L. MaCHENZIE, THE TI LLSON Co. (Limited) TzwoxszRG. ONT. 0“ Y0“? Money’s Worth! A THOUSAND TONGUES. For week ending Oct. let. GEORGE WHITMOEE 3' DURHAM Weather Bulletin. MARRIED. msmm b. x. 62 Min. DURHAM DURHAM CHRONICLE, Oct’r. 26th, I 899. 45 \ Neil. of Toronto. Visited his sister. Miss Mary Neil. Mr. \V. J. Bellamy visited at Collingwood, Mr A. M. Gibson at Toronto; Mr. Geo. Richardson at Owen Sound. and Mr. Chas. Richard- son at Woodbridge \ x Mr. M. Richardson went to Owen Sound last week to hear Sir Charles Tapper address the electors of Grey. Mr. W. Barnhouse has been spend- ing a few days with friends in Toronto Mr. 'i'hos. Leitch left last \\ eek to make a short visit with friends in Owen Sound, after which he will visit. for a few months with his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Stephens in (Julliugwood. The teachers in our Pubic School have been reéengaged for 1900. Among the visitors on Thanksgiv- ing Day were Mr. J. Mills of Toronto. at Mr. Jas. Sullivan’s; Mr. H Watt of Markdale, at the Manse; Mr. Arch. Gibson and Mr. J. Mome of Dundalk, at the former’s hnma' Mr. F l The pulpits here were all supplied :by strangers on Sabbath last and i very able and edifying sermons were given by the visitors. Rev. T. Campbell. Dundalk. exchanged pulpits with the Methodist pastor, Rev. J. Ward. Rev. Mr. McKinnon of Port Elgin, exchanged with the Baptist pastor, Rev. A. J. Darrowh, who is assisting him last week and this in special services. Rev. A. J. Jansen of Hamilton, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit, his subject in the morning being “Fast Asleep †Jonah 1, 5; and in the evening, °° Wide Awake†Acts 16, 30. Mr. Jansen delivers d his lecture on Hol- Thanksgiving Day was, of course. aholiday here and many were the ways the day was spent by our citizens At 11 a.m., a union thanksgiviiigtservice was held in the Methodist Church, the sermon being preached by Rev. L. \V. Thom. who chose for his text Deut 6, 10-22. and dealt with it under the following divisions: our heritage. our appro- priation, our danger and our thanksgiving. Afair sized audience greeted the Burtonâ€"Thompson, elocutionists; under the auSpices of the Band in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. D. Mc'l‘avishintroduced the entertain- ers. who in turn rendered a lengthy program. Mr. Burton’s attempts were mostly "humorous and in one or two numbers was fairly success- fl], but Miss Thompson was the favorite with the audience. She looked pretty“ in Greek coswme and her posings were very good. In the Gipsy Flower Girl she also appeared to £000 advantage. A little music would have given spice to the program. Neil FLESBERTON . A layge Stock of Fresh Banned Bonds. M. Gibson at, Richardson at . Chas. Richard- FOR clubbing rates with Mail and Empire, World. Family Herald and all other leading papers enquire at this ofï¬ce. “ Keepinng cows for Proï¬t â€is the title of a little book received at this ofï¬ce. It is exceedingly neat in its general get-up and as every page contains some valuable hints for Dairymeu it would be well for all our readers to avail themselves of the privelege of getting a copy. which will be furnished free to all who apply. to the De Laval Separat- or Go. 74 Courtlandt St. New York. In writing mention The Chronicle. Mr. WI Richie salesman in M. Richardson Co’s has returned to his position after a short illness at home in Orangeville. Mr. Percy Hamilton and Miss Caswell, of Meaford, visited over Sunday with the farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton. Mrs. T. Aikenhead, of Toronto. is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W. Armstrong. Mr. Geo. Bellamy, of Kinmount, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy. Mr. John Gibson, of The Herald andalli, Sundayed at home. Rev. L. W; Thom is attending the Provincial Sabbath School Associa- tion convention at Gait this week. Mr. J. White, of Toronto. is visit ing at Mr. Richard Smith’s. 93. A. w. anss's cmnau cums 250- is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. D Heals me ulcers. clears the air passages, stops droppin s in the ' throat and permanant y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co- Toronto and Buï¬'alo. Everything Yau Heed I {g '. MOCKLER. g; “U“ WHUD$W Ilu v It was 353 food for blood and nerves 1111'. 'Dr. A. W. Chase's N erve Food was prepared- Its remarkable success in caring all (115955 arising from thin blood and xmpovenshcd nerves is proof that Dr. Chase's theory of feed: ing the nerves and blood is the proper 03¢. stimulants only urge on the tired and worn 0“ nervous system until there comes a (.‘Omplï¬â€˜e collapse. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food M63“ brain and nerve cells, and makes ed pure and rich. It restores to the exhaLSl nerves the vigor of perfect health. 50¢- a 118’? box, at alldalers, or Edmanson, Bates 0-. Toronto. > THE Sheldon House. Owen Sound. narrowlyescaped destruction by ï¬re last. week. The curtains were blom by the wind into a gas fl-une and suddenly ignited. Discovered in time, the condagration was averted with comparatively little damage. To all who have felt the evil effects of de- ranged kidneys is the assurance that Dr.A. W. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills are meeting with enormous sale and unparalleled suc- cess in this district. Backaclxes and aching kidneys are fast becoming: a thing of the past where Dr. A. W. Chase‘s Kidney- Liver Pills are known. One cent a dose. 95 cents a box, at all dealers. Nervous deprasion, nervous Mdâ€: nervous dyspepsia, loss of sleep and mal f0f°9v lack of energy. are symptoms of wait. WW blood and exhausted nerves. _ A“ In his study of diseases of the am. Dr- A. W. Chase found that in nearly every £956 the cause of trouble was improper DOPUSh‘ ment. About one-ï¬fth of all the blood in the human body is found in the brain. and W this blood is rich and pure the nerves (2030‘ obtain proper nourishment, and become “'0“ out and exhausted. ‘ , L DISCOVERED A NEW TREATMENT Of Local Interest HERVWS DISEASES RLY Services in the I\1etho-‘ 1h QUARTE disc Church, Sunday next, Nov, 5th. 1 Love Feast at 10 a. m., Sermon at 11. g \ Sacrament. of the Lord’s Supper i ’ I] immediately after the sermon. Quar- s W 1y Service at Zion at 2.30 p. m. same i In day. -â€"--â€"â€"""' Au 1 SALEâ€"Mr. George Lawrence. of Lots NO. 1 and ‘2 S. D. R.Gleue1;.;. 05ers for sale by Public Auction all his farm Stock and Implements with- Sale on Saturday nuX: Nov. 4. at 1 p. m. Hugh Macliug Auctioneer. See Large Posters. rs at Peel’s. Nor SHARPâ€"In our report of a trial before Judge Morrison, last week in the case of “Sharp vs. Sharp†xw go; the names mixed. It should - ,__- khan u gun†\‘Q‘ $11811,†\Vt‘, gas the names mixed. It s‘ have been “ Snell vs. Snell.†give this eXplanation by way of egg and hope that, no one has su wrong because of our mistake. THE Methodists, of Durham. wiii; hold their Church Anniversary on; Sunday Nov. 12th. The Rev. 1‘. L Wilkinson, of Hanover, wi’ii {are-ac}. at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Collectiem will be take up on behalf of the Mii- lion dollar fund. The pastor fully‘ expects that the Durham Circuit will I constribute between ï¬ve and six} hundred dollers towards this fund. ' AGrzEs Hovsox wife of Mr San-1:11 a. 1‘ ,1 .. 1 Dickson, reeve of Bentinrk; 111m her home on \Iondax of las v :9! Deceased was a natixe of (5111153113 Seotvland. came to this counu) 111-0: {guy-ï¬ve years ago, and was 111111111 to Mr. Dickson over forty yeazs 1-1,: Besides her husband, three Sons: :11 ï¬ve daughters remain [0 111111111 ' loss of an aï¬ectionate “ï¬fe a! mother. \ 1 l OWING to the limited circulation of Local papers. and the great cost. oil getting up the matter for the ï¬rst OOpy, they cannot be furnished <0 Cheaply as large city weeklles. Which run daily editions also and Save matter for the weekly eiiitima7 THE CHRONICLE to the end of nexq year, only one dollar. or a trial :rig for the balance of 1899 for only tun cent-s. i Thanks. OUR report of the Grit Conventioq is necessarily brief, but an 9502': Em" been made to give a general idea 0 What each Speaker said. The L< and most exhaustive address m; made by Mr. Campbell, but his fa: are to eulogize Tarte leaves a 52- blank. Mr. O’Connor’s effort to be little the election frauds i Waterloo, though received by som didn’t go down with all the Gm and his reference to the Opimou two indges being in Opposition the bulk of the peOple is far fetchel DAN. GREENWOOD. of Race crackm’ good snow DURING the thunder Storm am' noon 011 Sunday, Oct. 151l1,llgllfâ€i! Struck the large barn on the near Arnott owned by David Stni and occupied by E. Dennet. [:1 Short. time the building Was in data and tOtally’ destroyed tOgether wi the largest crop that has ever be harvesced from the place. part ; which had been threshed the d PrEVious. A mower and several 0 6’ implements were destroyed. i I: p t A :z!‘ tl'u‘eshing machine, the property RiChard Green and James Edmunl Was in the barn and was consmn There was no insurance on the c and this most. unfortunate occureq has Placed Mr. Dennet in bad circa. st9.11668. The neighbors who hit: regard Mr. D , have voluntee liberaJ assistance and are solicit aidlrom all who are disposed to h a man worthy of assiStance,â€"»Ch worth Banner. Mr. Elijah DennelI ‘ brother of Mr. Henry Dennet2 Varney, and formerly lived in N Ruby. issue we have mailed a. subscription accounts to trust a ready reSponse Effica. Every reader has been supplied with Star Publishing ‘g or a number of o of the seat of the l Ly of apol~ s suffered and tov af