den b DuCCt388I â€â€œ1357, .1 0m hm o . Lack 0t ‘ iniotdf, LLIaLBS .cihsn tquh a!“ 18K 0'5; sslonist 11-1 pamon of mo tn 11 {all 131131011355 5 the 8m enJomeds 33,311.11 a 311160 t0 deafli 1088 a 'vvom'ui; athenif nga .YUIE aï¬i «‘1 [Act I nusng nanca .e of )ut mung thouti aka ’1 Want of space last week prevented us giving the lengthy list of presents received by Mrs. Lawrence on the occasion of her marriage. We take the pleasure in giving them now:â€" Miss Ella Wilcox, four piece crystal tea set; Miss Laura Runciman, table cloth; Miss Ida Wilson, table drape; Misses Eva and Maggie Irwin, Flesherton. bed spread ; Miss Ellen Lawrence. easel d°ape; Miss Alice Wilson. fancy brush and comb holder and pin cushion; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Porter, crystal truit set; Sadie McFadden, fancy towel holder; Mattie McFadden, china cheese dish; Gladsy Lawrence, crumb tray and brush; Mr and Mrs. Benton, china fruit set; 'Willie McFadden, china cup and saucer. George Hopkins, half dozen silver tea spoons; May McKin- non, dozen silver tea spoons; Willie Lawrence. fancy china cup and saucer; Frank and Maud Riley, linen table cloth; 'l‘oni \Vilcox, half dozen silver tea spoons; J. and E. Wilson, scissors and vase , Willie Lawrence. china cup and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson. crystal fruit set; Annie Lawrence. pair linen towels; W. Lawrence, Sr- cup and saucer; Mr. and Mr. Alex. “'eir, Sin, Singhanmton, eight day clock ; Mr. Samuel Lawrence, St, parlor eight (lav c'ock; Mrs. 5‘. Lawrence. 310; Mr. Richard l’arslow, arm chair; Jim l’arslmv and Jim \Vilson, writing desk; Mr. and Mrs '1‘. Weir, pair blankets and bed spread; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weir. carv: in: set. and steel: 'l‘hos‘. A. Wilson, halt dozen dozen silver knives and forks and toasting fork; Robert Parslow, >123, cushioned rocking: chair : Samuel Lawrence. Jr., centre table: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Facknie. toilet set; Mrs. Joseph Taylor, table cloth; Sam. Todd and Eva Booth- parlor hanging lamp; Mr. and-Mrs. Bill, lav, parlor lamp; Miss Mclxenme, rocking chair: Katie Lawrence. hand painted cushion; Mr. and Mrs. John Parslow, parlor Lamp: Mr. and Mrs. James llop- kins, bed spread and photo album; Bob i’arslow, half dozen tea spoons; Sara and :3“er Puyter. crystal pitcher; 311', and Mrs: \V. .l. \Vilson, eight (lay clock : 'er. ll. l’arslmv, paper rack; James Mack, Mrs. W. J. \\llSUH, eight (my clOCK : er. ll. i’arslmv, paper rack; James Mack, sugar shell and butter knife; 5am. J. and Dmtliy Lawnence pail lace curtains; Bessie Tavlmi pepper and salt ask-,4): - Man \V ilsun Sidedish: \Iis. \Vm. “ilcnx jzu of fruit; Mrs. James Wilson, gulci bYOACll o The farmers are busy housing the turnip crop at present which is pronounced rather a poor crop. Mr. T. H. Lawrence is beautifying the front of his farm by the addition of a wire fence. Miss Reay we are sorry to say is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Wm. George and three child- ren, of Saul: St. Marie, 'are on an extended visit to her parents. Mr. John Vickers, Hampden, spent Sunday a‘ home. Owing to the Quarterly service at Allan Park next Sunday the service We Withdrawn. Supplement to The Durham chronicle. "'d «‘53, for (n; . l The Fax Cox ert at Dromore, Is: 0 pronounced good, but attendance; 5 rather small. 1 SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R. P. Olivia. of Barcelona, Spain, spends hi9 winters at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest Blood Nerve Remedfxr all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what. his country needs. All America knows that it. cures, liver and kid- ney trouble. purities the bloOd, tones up the stomach. strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and life into every muscle. nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing -- -..LA1\II A'Il‘.’ , ___v, 0! '51†â€1 U [C U uu J. 4.. .. on need it. Evexy bottle guaranteed 01le :30 cents. Sold bv all Druggiï¬s. Lawrence â€"-W ilson. table; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ilet set; Mrs. Joseph 'I‘nylm', Sam. Todd and Eva Booth- ‘inglmnp: Mr. and Mrs. Fin, .amp; Miss McKenzie, mcking tie Lawrence. hand painted Mr. and Mrs. John Parslow, p: Mr. and Mrs. James Hop- :pread and photo album; Bub nlf dozen tea spoons ; Sara and er. crvstal pitcher; Mr, and VICKERS. M .0. r knives and forks and Robert Parsan, Stu, :hair: Samuel Lawrence. ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ; Mrs. Joseph 'I‘nylm', £19.“ last week DURHAM, NOV’R 2nd, 1899". Honor Roll of Durham School for October. Sr V Classâ€"Nellie Moran. Dora Davidson. Jessie Byers, Frank Harris. Brad Jamie son and Wm. Hunter. aeq. Jr V-â€"Lizzie Byers. Jessie Laidlaw and Jessie Robert- son, aeq., Join Bacchus, Wm. Browne. Maud Irwin. Sr IVâ€"Clara Aljoe, Aggie Lawrence. (Geo. Burnett. Mary Sharp and Esdon Wolfe. ae .), Grace Barclay, Vina Kress. Jr IV-- . Moran, Noble Sharp. Olive Sharp. Violet Willis, Arthur Allan. Sr. IIIâ€"Etta Fox, Grace Willis. Annie McKay. Mamie Munro, Mamie Douglas. Jr Illâ€"Rita Irwin. Jean Crawford. Essel Laidlaw, Charlie Mom and Frossard Ben- ton. aeq.. Alister McDonald. Sr Ilâ€"Eddie lnnes. Victoria Park. John Renton. Harry Lavelle, Myrtle McDonald. Jr II--Islay Campbell, Fanny Moran. Eflie Hunter, Marion Gun, Alfred McClocklin and Allan Robertson. aeq. Sr Pt Ilâ€"â€"R0bhie Laid- law and Chas. Crawford. aeq., Lynn (1‘: rant, l’earl Murdock, James McLean. Bree-mice Wilson. Jr A Pt llâ€"Ella Kiunee, Edith Nediger. Jennie Park, 'l‘onnny Holt, Fred Falkingham. Jr IS Jr 11â€" Willie Garld. Charlie Free-l. Foster Saunders. l-lazel Guthrie. Maggie Mitchell. Sr l-Clarence Darling, Anson Lloyd. Brock Grant. Reggie Sharp. Louise 'i‘elfnrd and Grace llunter, aeq. Intermediate â€"- Ernest Everitt. Harper Kress. Jr. Aâ€"Ruby Mills. James Smith. Jr. Bâ€"â€"Edna Park, Elma Holt. ’ Progressive and Successful. The fact that the Central Business ()ul~ lege so well lucated in the Fin-um has found it necessary to materially increase its hitherto spacious accentmmlatmn by adding to its )relnises the lar re llall, formerly occupiet by the A. O. l. \V. and ether secities, and the apartments so lung held by the Owens Society of the Church of Eng land. is quite sufï¬cient eVidence that this progressive sclmul is enjoying a prosperous and successful term, ‘ \ ‘JuVVVI4-_-“â€" vvâ€"___ On the staff are nine regular teachers, while th equipment including ever {0 type- writing machines is up to (late in every particular. The work nf this schuul is prac- tical and thorough. and whybnsiness men leek largely to this Cullege for such clerical assistance as thev require is probably best shown by the numermis applications on the fileat the College ()llice. which during the past three days include the ï¬rms of Jullil Uatto 8: 5011, Bertram Engine 00., Chemi- cal Compound (30., The Milu Bringhznn Cm, and R. S. Williams Son: The Metruwilitaa Life Ins. (30., and The Dominion Express ()0. Balance of ’ 88. A. W. B’dASE’S CATABRH 933?. . .. An ONTARIO .. Everv Thu SCHOOL REPORT. is sent. direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals mn- ulcers clears the air . passages, StOps droppings in the ' throat and permanamly cures Czitarrh and Hay Fever. Blower (me. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Bufl'alo. ixteen pag devovugdy/t he farm, :Ws, garden, da. , poultry, 0% (3g law, literaturc? militar amour, o .. fashxo an tones 99 Free to Subscribers for 1900. The Chronicic ®O%O©®%O%O%O%O%O% QQQQQQQGQQQQQQQQQ ShOD will be open every \Vedrmsday and Sat u raiay. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. â€w. B. Cflï¬ï¬ï¬‚fl. “ii. D, CONNOR To PRTEHT Goad Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. O’WER, TO\VN. amps of all Kinds. G11111111'1ze1 111111 11'011 Pip 1111 .1; Brass, B1 1'1153 Lined 11111 from 01111111013. Tel 1 y 0 u r nei g1 1b ' 0 1. s Pumps fram $2 upward. Balance of 1899 Manufacturer of And Dealer in ~â€" FOR Only 103. To PATENT Good Ideas TN 7 RH A .U