West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Nov 1899, p. 6

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nuances that he 1 ‘ Airtca as war correspondent. The British Government has accepted the offer of United States women in England to equip the steamer Mame as a South African hospital ship. ter design‘ed. :6 800d8 by any p1 and deceased’s 11:0; closel y watched. Anozher . l vauyus mumcrpauues are maklng i great efforts to attraCL manufactures; from Montreal. The leather firm of H..’ J. Fisk Co., have made a to the Council of Lachine to facxorxzbere for a bonus of $25,000 and j Ex-Vice-President Lichtenhei the suspended Ville Marie Bank, treal, has been committed for on a charge of having made a and deceptive statement to the ernment of the bank’s affairs. Commercial Agent BenneLt of tigua, Brilish West. Indies, repox potatoes and butter. Potatoes are zng there at 8; per barrel, cookmg ter qt Zflcents. and good table b at. 32 cents per lb. vvvvv bull Port Colborne if the town giv: free sue of twenty acres and bonus of $25,000. pxopose to erect a blast pnrr FAIL”.--- Burglars attacked the night watch- man at Bixel‘s brewery, Brantford, tied him up and robbed him of $10 and then blew up the safe. They gOt no‘ money in the safe, failing to Open the cash department. 7â€"“..- The December Bund, a social organl'ith‘finds I nation of Germans at Ottawa, has tak-I tors hi entoteps to organize a company to beef Herr atom-:11 (Ether to tie 43rd Rifles or the ; sentem (N [W I _ __v..~r-vnsva., LU , , . . . . iinterview General Manager Fitzhugh Vancouver City Council ‘5 investl- relative to labor troxrbles of the Cen- gating the charge that members of its l tral Vermont Ry. police force have been bribed to per- GE‘IER L mit gambling in parts of the city. a A - John N. Fulton, wanted in Montreal; Empel'ol: ‘Wiliiam‘ will exhibit curios for alleged embezzlement of $509006? Liederick the (:reat at the ParlS from the estate of the late Thomas J.‘ Imofiltlon- Coristine, is under arrest at Boston. ‘ s of bubonic plague are Mr. A. C. Tresham, bandmaster of: I10W.undeq" treatment in the isolatlon the Dufferin Rifles at Brantford, will! h”591W“ at Santos, Brazfl. lead the band that accompanies the" ’andals‘ have defaced newly erected Canadian contingent: to the Transvaal. I monuments at Berlin. The noses and1 I . ‘ Q The December Bund, a social organ-l hands of seven of the Emperor-s ances-l . . ‘ V 'l v ‘ ma" :1-‘1‘A matron of Germans at Ottawa. has taku tors ha‘te been do 1 .1 Brantford assessment rolls are bad- 13 mixed up. A special committee of Council will straighten them out. ll oodstock will take a vote of rate- payers on January 1 on the question of municipal control of franchises. Arrangements for the construction of fiftv miles of the Edmonton dis-1 tri ct railway will be completed next month. lndian revenue returns show the total excise receipts for September to have been $880,609.85. Woodstock ratepayers have voted against the by-law to abolish the ward system of electing aldermen. The Kingston Locommive \Vorks have received an order for ten more compound engines for the C. P. R. 11128 Thv Kingston Locomotive \Vorks wi} add $50,030 to their plant and build Treaty payments to Indians are m progress in the Rattleford dlstnct. Hamilton will again vote on a bv- law to spend $150, 000 on pavements. The Manitoba elections will not be held for several months. The harbour at Hamilton is to be improved. periment of Trade and Com- that there is a good market for .‘S and butter. Potatoes are sell- re at 8; per barrel, cooking but- ?LZcents. and good table butter ofl’n n-.. “- Interesting Items About Our Own 53515 mail near Maple Park, 111:; 0h Country, Great Britain, the United O°°tber 13m J. Pierpont Morgan, has, It is said, States, and AllParts 0’ the (“Obe’ bought a controlling interest in the Condensed and Assorted for Easy old New York publishing house of Reading. Harp-er 3: Drawer. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. American bat ration 0f '38: the actor I: at resident "Lipbgenheim, of a] ‘V_ I1 Ville Marie Bank, Mon-f h‘ an committed for trial? rs. 3f having made a false ‘ in statement to the Gov-f 16 bank’s affairs. “8. Agent Bennett of An-fot \VBSE Indies, reports 1.0 I V8 if. of Trnrlo n...) n-_- 1 . I: that bona fide lists of goods in he limits of Can- ree to any one 'thSh the mail 8 free of cus. Mrs. Frances auzhor, died In CANADA. town give! themwa 1‘ Iain 18 Wet. Add a pin ing' tC‘ Sllit. L33 ful boiling Water out: while hot. Quick Sponge Cak: gives the following 15* valuable in an en cupful, of. sugar to t eggs. Stir until dis cupful of flour with spoopfgl braking 129‘ l The Central Government of ”and has prohibited the 1m {of German cattle because of fVaience of foot and mouth (1 {the grazing districts of Germ Though he is financially irassed, the Sultan has orde ’ooasu‘uction of two new wars :1 new Imperial yacht renovation of two yachts. The German Ca stations at Kribi a man Cameroon, “'8 destroyed by ‘the E The missionarhu n. V ‘--.-. ”LUU‘C' Sta“ b’cssing mankind, whicl 5 hoisted into a nichg in the rat at Berlin, fell 100 feet. finjured. Chocolate Icing. n: Chief Conducror Clarke, of the Dr- ‘_ ; den of Railway Conducmrs and P. H. t g' Morrissey of Lhe BrOLherhood 0t Rail- lway Trainmen, are at Montpelier, to *interview General Manager Fitzhugh ' i relative to labor troubles of the Cen- é' tral Vermont Ry. and , Over 310,000 immigrants have \ar- *1. rived at United. States port. during “I the yean ending Juna 30, 1899, an in- crease over the previous year of 82,- 3 I 416. u . Damng powder sit: {$661 3 mto the mixture till 11:91 Add a ping!» of salt and fl: ‘H. B. Christie and W. O. Criek, brokers’ clerks, charged with stealing £10,700 in Buenos Ayres bonds and‘ fleeing to British Columbia, pleaded guilty in London, and were sentenced to three and four years‘ imprisonment nespectively. ' - __ V‘â€" ‘w\‘ -nvLu .UU U LU UU,UW daily and about $333, 000 in' advertis- ing receipts since the beginning of the strike and boycott. The New York Sun has commenced i231 egal battie against. orgamzed fa- bour. The paper admits its olrcula- tion has dropped from 40.000 to 60,600 AA..- wuuus om, pcuuwg 101' rne past a few choice lots 10 and 150 more eight years. was paid The Court of Appeals at Albany, N. . 6 Y., has affirmed the conviction of GOOd butcher cattle 13 much want ‘1» Howard C. Beuham, senienced to be and for the right kind 0f stuff 4 3° 4 eleczrocmed for the murder at his wife 1-40 yer pound is paid; very chozce at Batavia, N.Y. might bring a little more. Medium Over 310,000 immigrants have \ar- , . ‘ , and inferior cattle is weak. rived at United States: nnrt. rim-m" Russia has agreed to arbitrate with the United States the claims resulting from the seizure of sealers in the Behring Sea, pending for the past eight years. J. Pierpon-t Morgan, has, It is said, bought a controlling interest in the old. New York publishing house of Harper 8: BroLner. ecla "3 grate Chicago detectives claihi to be on the grail of _t_he robb_e_rs _Whg held up! the The announcement is made that there is to be a comblnatlon 01 the lagge sheen brass and copper concerns. The capital stock of the New York Central and Hudson River Railway has been increased to $115,000,000. vuv “whit; have been denn) hshed marines has been ordered to Oavite, the naval station near Manila. Lastly. ‘gda‘ 1 set over bet water en perfectly smooth, cupful of granulated [alt of 53. cupful 01 M “an -“ V __.....vul. been arrested and will be 't-martial. Among the ac- ny high naval officials, in- ormer senior port officer, Retitsky. several and stir sn steamer Zurich, from Qondou, has foundered off hast of Norway. The cap- Ved, but the crew is re- a ox extending to the nks of Queen Victoria McKinley for the hos- ed by the French Gov- e Venezuela Court of ‘e 988’: three table 'a and flavoring. v- ; 092e- statue of trial, for if banished to C .‘atnolic missionary and Buambe, Ger- 'est Africa, have been Bulumgro tribesmen. L) L . ' Sir Edmund J. Ambassador, and :he U Eited States which was being in the new cathed- ’ feet. No one was 511 red in it. ’ti” the flea]. It and fIaVOr- Oneâ€"half cup. . SmOOth. Can d" Add one 119913in tea- lost. misappropriating organization, of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, November 9. 1899 ’ ounces of Water until Govergiz‘l-eat l and will be â€" --vu officers and t ngeral of ferman v‘ One-half importation suicide 9 C001; the pre- Christ was 18 m. Cup C ustards~Scald one quart of sweet milk. Beat four eggs, whites and ~yolks together, and add to them . spoon; if it comes out clean the custar is done, and long- er cooking would make it watery. Eat cold; from the cups, with lady fingers or sponge cake as an accompani- men-t. Cream. Puffsâ€"Measure hmlf cwps- of bread flour bowl. Then set the cup 1 uring flour ina tin or ag amid: fill it with! boiling v water into the bowl an ‘Vl _ v 'V -‘VO fl inew, 72 1â€"80. Winter wheat- doing; No. 2 red. 74; 1-20; No. ~730. Corn â€" Barley stead yellow, 391-20; No. 3yellow 1-10; No. 4 yellow, new, 36 1-: com, 88 1-4 to 38 1-20; No. 3 to 38 1-40; Oats-Stronger; No 29 1-4 to 29 1-2c; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 28 to 28 1-4 mixed 27c; No- R 0 m1! 'vvv ‘ Montreal, Oc‘tj 31.â€"Grainâ€"The grain , roarket is quiet .and shows little change 50c to 50 l-2c; and feed barley 48 1-20" buckwheat, 56 1-2c. Buffalo, Oct. 31.â€"Spring wheat â€" Stronger; No. 1 Northern, old, spot. 77! O 0-- riChoice hogs, per cwt. 4121-2 43714-2 sLight hogs, per cwt. . 400 400 Heavy hogs, per cwt. . 400 400 Toronto, Oct. 31,â€"WheaLâ€"Is dull. Red and white are quoted at 680 Lo 66 1-20 west, spring at 60‘ 1-20 10 67c east and goose at 700 on alow freight to New York, and 690 north and west. putoner, Inferior. . . . 225 Stockers, per cwt. . . 22.5 Lambs, per mm. . . . 325 Bucks, per own. 900 Shippers, per cwn. Butcher, choice, dc Butcher, med. to Buwher, inferior. Stockers, per cwt. U"' Following is Lhe quouations g... Quotations for hogs to-day were 43-8c. per 1b. for choice hogs, scahng from 160 to 200 lbs., and 40. per lb. for light and fat Ahogs. Sheep are not wanted, and trade is quiet at from 3 to 3 1-20 W ,pound. Lambs are steady at from 3 1-4 to 3 3-40 per pound; 101 exu‘a choice lambs 40 was paid. Good veal calves are wanted. About 2,500 hogs were received to- day. Prices are unchanged, but the market is weak, and the outlook is for lower prices. ; new spot, Smokers are dull at from 2 1-2 to 3 1-4c per pound. Feeders and export bulls are un- changed. The supplies of shipping cattle were fight, and we had little enquiry; pnces range from $4 to $4.25 per cwt., for , Toronto, Oct. 31,â€"0n1y 28 loads of offerings came into the western cattle yards this morning, and little busi- ness was done. Dullness, poor quality of the cattle, and unchanged prices, were the characteristics of the mar- ket. Prices of Grain. Cattle, Cheese. 1n the Leading Marts. MARKETS OF THE WORLD. . $1.21 14. I set the cup used i In a tin or agate-w: with boiling water. the oowl and ma- SWEET THINGS. L‘Iilkens and halve}. 3110108, (10 . . med. to good. inferior. . .ter until it is melted three minutes. Put in once. and stir brismv yoiks together, and r five tablespoonfuls an of salt, and a lit- Hogs. per cwt. 4121-2 per cwt. . 400 _v“v b ork. Flourâ€"Steady. .â€"F1axseed closed: â€" 29; South-West, $1.29 $1.27 3-4; December, .29; Duluth. to arrive, . 1-4; October, 81.24; -4; May, $1.24: 1-43. Cattle. agar e-ware 3Yellow: '39â€"'{0' 35 W. 36 1-20; No, 2 to; No:_3 com, 38 . 2500 4500 200 700 one and One. and putin range of current $4 00 $4 25 360 401) iD meas- P dish Turn 330 375 275 the b swme toiling and PUtting increase the yie _ ....... v1. LUU 1' if they are allowed to do pure water and plenty. of during the period of develc hOg choiera, if it comes a come from an outside sour has arrived prompt measur its ravages should be resor persisted in until the checked. Is D‘- 3 it ”0‘ just as i. be5t breed of 1 best yi_elds of fits of theâ€" _ Li“ 'L’V" 51.161 ents. Too often neglect to study nature of the food that the hens likely to pick up on the place 0: the field is the real cause of the 1 ing Off in the 822' snnnlv its of 1 The price for eggs advances enough in the fall to make their production profitable, if the hens didn’t show a. decided inclination to drOp off. in their laying. .It is this tendency of the hens to fall off in laying that makes the eggs go mp in price, and, not a plot on the part of the hens to stOp laying when eggs are high. But as a. rule fall eggs are more profitable than winter eggs. \Ve have plenty there is no cold weather. to stop their laying. ’What, then, is the reason for their falling off in numbers? It is because they have too much fattening food which they gather from the fields and gardens. We must remember that the fall is the harvesting time, and that nearly every plant has, rip- ened its fruits and seeds. The ground F“ _ Oh thc Farm. 9wwa ' " I l prompt measures to check‘ : should be resorted to and in until fho 4:“--- . such; FALL AND WINTER EGGS.- as Important to have of swine as t of other crops? The .e best! paying crap on ., therefore, most im- a breed that will pro- ] fn _--- ° 3°“ 3 mOper‘Eé- that you have be- about the best crap and +LAL A- POOP and inferio} ESDBCially is this 30 many farmers and Putting forth â€"-" v- 31‘ year, buying latest improved that they may the Yields of in so’ doing, ite one-half, and feed by disease 18 Cabba geâ€"Sh-ould be boiled from 0110 half to one hour in plenty of water; V â€"â€"â€"v" â€"â€" ~â€" °f water; when done press water out. mach smooth, season with butter, 1399' Per and salt. -._‘ SQMShâ€"Cfiwtâ€"in pieces and boil men- t! to forty minutes in small quan'ity Asparagusâ€"Same as peas; 591"? on toast w_1t.h cream gravy. _ I .I ._--I“_ Onionsâ€"Bésvaboiled in two or thre. Waters, addi ng milk the last time String Beansâ€"Should be boiled one hour. Shell Beansâ€"Requxreone half to one hour. Green Cornâ€"Boil twenty or £11 Ft? minutes. Green Peasâ€"Should be boiled in 83 little water as possible , boil twenty minutes. Beetsâ€"Boil from one to two hours: then. put in cold water and skin Off- SPInachâ€"Boll twenty minmee. ParsanSâ€"Boil from twenif to thgrty minutes. TO COOK VEGETABLES. Remember, first, to have them fresh as POSSible. Summer vegetables > Should be cooked on the same. day they are gathered. Second, look them over and wash well, cutting out all decaF' ed or unripe parts. Third, 133' the-”1’ then peeled, in cold waLer for 1501116 tune before using. Fourth, always let water boil before putting them in. and cogtmue to boil until done. TurniMouIa-gg peelgd and bOil' edfifrom fgrty minutes to an bonf- I It is the popular cry now to “be pro- gressive,” ”get out of ruts,” "experi- ment.” ’Well, that is'all well enough if the beginner is sure he can afford to defy the example of men of experi- ence and of intelligence up to the average. Before he rushes into an untried field, let him count well the cost. As a general rule it is safe to say that the line of farming commonly followed in any one county or com- munity is the one that the average beâ€" ginner will succeed better with at the start. If he would depart from that let it be done by degrees. The begin- . ner may have the advantage of agood training under the tutelage of a suc- cessful farmer, and have facts and ideals that are not in harmony With those that control the farm life about him. If such let him follow the best in his judgment. In that way he helps to develop his own powers and by their g‘I‘OWth he must advance. and in time be a leader instead of an imi- tator or follower. i l LUMBER. SHINGLES AND LATHS alway on hand. N., G. S: J. MCKECHNIE. GRISTING AND .. UHUPPING DUNE beautifullv jliustfr'atiea. I ‘3‘” AA: -â€"A“ vv. Intlvfll' WU! Anyone sending a sketch and description nay quickly ascertain. free. whether an (mammal; probably patentable. Communicatiom strict! confidential. Oldest agency forsecungg pzteg‘. in America. We have a Washiig on 02c . Patents taken through Mann 0. 200617. special notice in the 301mm mama“, ' hnnn*‘fllw‘- :‘=--_A_-A ‘ a cuuxuuuv Illustrated 53:: cucumionj n3 sc‘entlflc Journal. weé ’- "‘1'! 5 £41031! months. Spacing tcorgéfizz: ad 00K 05 PATENTS sen: frag. Addreu on shortest: notice and satisfaction guaranteed _ â€" ~ - â€" v v ' y 361 Broadway. New York. COUNT THE COST. DOW ”PF.” 6‘ --¢0-_ 3w prepared to do all kinds of custom work. tch and description nay whether an {praaudntj 'ommuntcauqixs 3mm ‘_.- LAKE SfiPERIOR AND RAINFALI OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, 2 resumed his old business, and is p: GEL. odtoloan any amount of money 0:: I'm estate Old mortgages paid 03' an :L mostliberalterms. Fire and Life Ins“; mcelefi‘ectedin the best Stock Companic 3t lowest rates. Correspondence ‘ Orchardville, P. 0., or a call solicited UGH MachAY, Durham, Land i star and Licensed Auc ioneer for" County of Grey. Sales promptly at :‘ .2» § to and notes cashed. AMES CARSON, Durham, Li. er; Auctioneer for the 00111111 01‘; Lund Valuebor, Beilifi" ot the 2nd. 1-;1 \ Court Sales and all other matuers pron. mended toâ€"highest references £11 11. 5.: 1f requu‘ed. The “Chronicle" is the on}.“ l2â€"Page Local Newspaper In Western mum-i0. 0n the first indica- it non of Diarrhoea or < Dyscnteryafewdoses { ' ofDR.F0WLER’s EXT. ~7‘ OF WILD STRAW- BERRY will promptly ' Check the advance of 7" these dangerous dis~ _ eases. :”‘ ARR 18'] ER. Solicitor, etc . Bic-In: T“- < Block, Lower Town. Collection Agency pvpmptly attended to. Sewem» 11.3 a “the Reelery Office. Gordon's new jewellery b‘ore. 14M? wn. Any amount of money to loan at. 5 per «my on farm property. flABRISTER. Solicitor, etc. f‘fic: 0“. ‘o offioezâ€"Firot door east of the Bar. mm Pharmacy,‘ Calder's Block. Residence.â€"-F1rst door west b1 Put Office. Durham. gLower Town. t2 o'clock.â€" d Residence a. short. dimer. p Hotel, I..2.1. .1 Office hours fir..- 0d customers living tt. J. KELLY; Agent. Wits.0f ‘1 and Upuvards. L)r0""'.n uttentlon and every faci ' a dISTEDCe nking business trauma afts Issued apd oollgctions mud? nts. Deposms received and in llowed at current rates, 7’ Standard Bank of cafiaga 'AMES BROWN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses,Durham Ont. la. JAMIESON DR. T. G. HOLT, L. D. s. in use and has no equal {or the cure of bowel complaints 0f Young or old. There are many dangerous imitation: 0’? the market, so it would be “”33 to See that the full name, Pr. Fowler's Ext. of H 7.21 Head 0 nice; Medical Directory . ’. LEFROY McCAUL. Legal Dzreczory. 5 In all principal points in ()3 _ Quebec. Mamto‘ua, Unized States and England. Miscellaneous . you forgotten somethinrz. l the waiter, who expected ely’. 381113661 tile feeder. You wlaltgng so long that I’ve . P. TELFORD. DENTIST. N, Durham. is on every boulc ;, Igromo. Manager. $2,000,001 1,000.01): . 600.00 and the I no: i W MI \ 3 Th

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