Era! n to xiet‘ _s theï¬ star 3 ventenc 81110018 Li beta}. friend: .ti‘ nre‘ Ce. "IQ On week days we are busy. on Sunday we go to church. but when the stage bell rings on mail nights you ought to see the of men and boys around the ofï¬ce door, waiting to get the latest reports of the war. Mr. Thomas Brigham has the con- tract of cutting 200 cords of 4 ft wood for Mr. Caswell. Tom is not one of those fellows who are afraid of work. ‘ Mr. W. McCalmon, the marble man. of Durham, was through this way lately on business. A number of invited guests gather- ed at the home of Mr. James Alexander one evening Iasu week and had a pleasant time. While Mr. A. Adlam was plough ing on Monday he turned up a living gal‘ttl‘snake about 2 feet long and which. he said, was not down 0) over a in. in the soil. Mr. D. McDougal is on the War path again and everyone is delighted over the decrease in taxes. The measles are going their rounds and some families are under the doctor’s care. Mr. John Blown, the councillor, has gone oï¬' on a deer- hunting tour. He will be sure to bring back one, if not two deer. One of our farmers says that he is going to stop showing his horses and is going to buy a donkey to run the roads. We understand that the farmers are going to call a meeting for the purpose of forming a ring to patron- ize the blacksmith who would not be so daring as to put his hand into their pocket. They say they will leave the grass growing: in front of some of their shop doors and they can pound at it for exercise. Mr. Henry Brigl-am has purchased the Fensom property for the sum of $3000. Mr. Brigham knows when he gets a good thing. The sneak thieves have been at work again. We are informed that they broke. into the store here lately and helped themselves to some underwear. Mr. Edward Hopkins has wound up his season’s threshing and is highly pleased with the patronage he got and all are well pleased with his got a1 work. Mr. Thomas Francis h: fortune to lose two head 01 his straw stack upsetting 1 them. tractor'. Supplement [9 The Durham Chronicle. > lose two head of cattle b‘y stack upsetting and killing ALLAN PARK The Chronicle The Central Business College of Toronto is enjoying unusual prosperi- ty this term and While it is constant- ly sending out capable young men and women into business positions, it has been found necessary to enlarge its premises and increase its equip- ment to accommodate the steadily increasing attendance which last week brought in representatives from Thessalon, Listowel, Delhi, Islington Georgetown, Brampton, Guelph, Sundridge, NewcaStle, F‘enelon Falls, and St. Johns, Nfld. This is truly aj representative Business School. | â€"r:wvv--v"v ‘VVI ylnl My .VUIIILIGII) , UUIIGIU, #‘o 1., angi_ by the Amencan News Company at any of xts branches. Price 10 cents. bear on the news of the day. The map is printed on satin-surfaced linen aper with an artistic title page in colors. Ft is such a coll‘ectionï¬s‘every newspaper x:e_ade_r neegis to have in his pocket or on his desk for instant reference when he reads his daily Daper. For sale b ' the publishers. the ggattlnexys-Nprtlxrup - ompguxy, “Buffalo, N. “-â€"v It has such maps as one might expect to ï¬nd in the 'most expensive atlases. The details are worked out from ofï¬cial sources not available to the general public and the whole is carefully indexed, enabling one to ï¬nd the smallest places in a moment. In- teresting statistical information, including dates of all important occurrence in the Philippines, are given in the margin and the reverse side of the folder contains no less than sixteen general map_s_ that also detai 8 o e to . of armies. One .Will 100 Sn ‘ maps of last year for such places a laagte, Glencoe. Colenso. Belmont. e South Africa and for Aliaga, Talavera. Magalang, Mabalacat and Lingayen 1n the Philippines. Yet these and similar little oints in two distant quarters of the world nave beeome news centers. The need of the hour is met by a folded map sheet which the Matthews-Northrup Company of Buffalo has published for the Buffalo Express and for general distribution. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pfillisl. Every pill is a sugar-coated glohuIe o " . on. A. w. CHASES CATARRH nuns. â€-250 Central Business College. Balance of 1899 is senodirect to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals me ulceu. clears the air 3 passages, sxops droppin s in the throat and permanam y cures ’ Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower (we. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine 00.. Toronto and Bufl’alc 0% 6.. H Only 10c. SHOW ROOMS, -- UPPER TOWN. Sewing Machines. IMPLEMENT WAHHUUMS LOWER TOWN, â€" - DURHAM. Winter Gsods I Our CHAS. M°KINNON’S Farm Produce and W001 Taken in Excï¬ange. STOVES-â€"A large stock of Mc~ Clary’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves, etc., at prices that will surprise you. BELL PIANOS and Organs. NEW WILLIAMS and RAYâ€" MOND, a. Very Large Stock of the latest improved Cabi- net and Drop Top Stands, at The Very Lowest Prices. AT LOW $4.00 up. ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters. c CUTTERSâ€"Large Stock, Best Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROB_E_S_-_â€"-Large Variety, from * S. SCOTT, SEE THEM ! UPPER TO WN 5a.? is extra value. COTTON