Were ‘riy believed that ifone‘s t it indicates deceit. iey endorses this belief, has other ideas, and ks of “ married brows." ting eyebrows are great- nd women use artificial the brows into this if at cannot induce to grow, they make up black line with paste. at that the Greeks adâ€" which almost met, and ‘le inhabitants of Rome ved of them, but resort- t the person whose eye- 11 always have good luck. 'at eexactly the reverse. say “the people whose t can never lhope to atâ€" ithoui. help. ‘ [y with me con '3' exhausted. vvorl and 1 aid 1 cuff a. roat. iJove! Is’ Pink Pills cure by pot of the disease. 'I nild up the blood, 1e nerves, thus dris the system. Avoid in: sting that every box enclosed in sf wra; I11} trade mark, Dr.‘ ’ills for Pale PeOple. :refore st quahty 1 Sume the arm \V I for s key lTw Artiï¬cial Means to II 10 {‘0qu Togelhvr. for ft Lune. 1"01‘ metzmes co :8 able to ; ere \V ore they were all used -althy man and free in bout phrees years since .YESROWS peace fe Drought tc two boxes. 00.3 and I go ’8 they were mv heaq r, I ache 5 _ probazblj 1 have 8 replied :uu put 'You've frown 0. grinning n“ H the Stars we recoup: ple for var;0‘ was four :m g - for e( “t?!“ to lily feel 35. DIS time 1a I suffering thus different (1°C- I'Onounced m) 5 SOLatica: bu} nor did the; by the iniem MEET. '- was at this 71k Pills for to my atten- The effect 501 8: X b0xe3 llways been 11 When not attack the ’3, until ï¬n- Lime I have ld trouble, r testify to Williams’ such good ommended all used I free from .‘S I suf. ed to bed, bout and from the >d, and driving (1 imita- box you wrapper Dr. Wil- ut th9 l'ney Col- ,uare ,‘gsoute folly to m {3g her future pat; m away dissatisfh rather than replace me has upped with: may have in some 31ove-stretchers wit â€pacified price. a inorher instances 1: d chalk as well. ready to mend glov mod the instalmen grin the house by young ladies :1 c0] plenty of encourag mtly without cont mase of her salary to promote home-m {or sale in the ( flamers in the sha with oval balls of < for the thumb and ï¬ngersâ€"at either e mg at popular pr'x iashery cases c needles, silks and '01 pairs. But people do for themselves done for them, an ï¬tting on gloves bl taken up. and is st With all defere seemed to me {ha taken at the right mencing a. subject same that women :0 treat properly : By all means a pair of g1: Skin or sewiI try to secure adaptation of to the peculiz has to be put '5, perhaps, LU men will eve gloves big en will probably ting their g? smaller than 1 of the fact t :70 for themselves what they can get lone for them, and so a policy of 5111111: on gloves before purchase was eke-'1 up 11111 is still fitfully, but not 11113 5. :131 1:0111y followed. The plan mull 1.11111; 111111 enough if sweet rea- 10111-1: 1 11335 111 all customers COL'LD Bl: DEPENDED UPON. With all deference, it has always seemed '111 me 1111:1t thlS matter is not 1111181121 ['11 e 1'1'11‘: end. it is like com- 311.310 :1; 1 ~11 ect in the middle to as- 511112 11.11: 111 men gene1ally know how :371‘ea: 1110113115; :1 pa 1‘ of new gloves. By 11111131 :11114 let us exchange readily 1 pair of glows that, either in the skin or sewing is faulty, but let us try :0 secure indulgent and wheedling 11111111311111: of a tender, untried skin to 1'33 pecullariue s of the hand that has 10 be 1111: within it somehow. It é.perl1:111s, too much to hope that wo- 111211 will ever be brought to wear gloves 3 g enough for them. They will prooably always insist upon get- 1111; their gloves one or two sizes smaller 1111111 '1'he3 ought to be, in spite 11 the fact that easyâ€" â€"fitting ugloves will wear t“ we as long and really look 111111111113: 3e1ter than =,when, as a. fam- ous =1c:1de1nici:1n once said, the fingers are made 1111 look ike so many sau- sages. 11 111111111 be safe to declare that 110101113 110111-111 in a hundred buys glo es large enough for her, and prob- ibly 1101 11110111631 out of the remainder will 19. 1» me enough and careful :nuugh to give the gloves a fair start 1:1 wear. We can fall back on consular report for the calculation that a raw 1km must pass through 219 different than pulmions before it becomes a glove and the 220th is often a strain lke unto the stages of a hearty meal in 11 111121 con 1ric1or. Glove stretchers 311:1 gr111uitous powder afford little In a boa cot and grazui 1191?. unless cnlar mode: Preventing Slave wean no: he done "a? of im would be b3 ferably, ill night be ; Chases, and fared, in 081 Is a discovery, nor can it be considered lnovelm for some years ago an. "1‘13' in the trade list of a leading bx‘ iie? Put the case for gloves plainly. be- 1.0:; Purchn._ ‘z‘s, after this fashion: hunger c1 l’uttzng on Glow-55:4, Semend turn back the gloves to the 341310 21114 powder llghtly; 2, Put the L'~Elâ€";‘ers in their places, not the thuuib, :31 carefuiiy work them on with tne :hzrsz‘ finger and thumb of the other ""3“ 131111 they are quite down; never Dgees seamen the fingers; 3, P388 '9 film?) into its place with care, and “I035 0:1 as the fingers; 4, Turn back ““2 glove and slide it over the hand am “Twit, never pinching the kid. and Work the glove into proper place by Means of the lightest pressure, always f.“ 1111;: the kid to slide between the ,‘“‘=’9'~â€S: 5. ln finishing, care should be faken in fastening the first button." a “ï¬tness and directness this leaves 9°53:ng to be desired. "And with a Drief CWet-um of the manufacture Of gloves, which is full of interest from to last, even though those 219 : ‘Bsses were not enumerated, there ELEM be sent out a dainty little sou- en‘r .Of the department, which could not fall to arrest attention and insure “1 Smell ent advertxsement. V aliï¬w v‘lp. unless they â€"are followed by mus- Lhr mmiemuon, and the best way of 'evenzing split gloves is to {teach OE'e wearers what should or should 3: be. done and; new gloves. The best 93 of imparting this instructlon 0111.1 be by premly printed and, pre- lpably, illustrated leaflets,_ which light be @311 away with all pur- mes. and reprinted, as occasion of- ‘I‘éd. in catalogues or other net-ally Know low to grim???†a Pair of New Gloves. 31d drapel's writing In the Drap- scord. London, says that between ;.ing inclination on the part of Jets to bring back damaged for exchange, and the emdent :33 of wholesale houses to keep ‘ within as narrow limits as the unfortunate retailer likely to have a bad tim€ of it, wizh extended stock and clos- - a of prices. the department me within recent years a ge for the worse, and now I m"‘ 60 n D fore, derEO '1 lchan , 3,8,: the loss that more ex- tring upon'it. Yet it ’{td that a customer has ze 341113- ., .0 expect a good and wear- men she has paid an ade- " 't and it would be 9 mm to run the risk of 10$- .th0 re lace a pair of which 3 1-;p11ex’1 without showing marks an tr‘e'ument. What can be It has been interesting to £01- 12 me‘hods adOpted during re- ,e‘m- by our American cousins 8111:!13 with these difficulties. have in some cases given away stretchers with every pair above :iiied price. and may, probably, 9.: instances have added packets L1}; 3,,- well. .They have been to mend gloves, and have advo- :‘r. i.SL.tilm8Dt of a glove-mend- :iie house by giving one of {the ladies :1 complete outfit and > of encouragement, but appar- withfzui contemplating any in- of her Salary. They have tried wIOLe home-mending by keeping {19. in the department {glove- :5 in the shape of small sticks mi balls of different sizesâ€"one ,e thumo and the other for the 5â€"21. either end, and by provid- : pagiuhz‘ prices dainty haber- ry Cases containing special w sfiks and buttons for glove re- rm, Bu: people are not likely to Into Worl _It the TRADE LITERATURE. ggeSLion is not put forwarq. d may owe every mama 1.iv- .‘3 miner is the one who dlga me earth 5 pockets and gets Ontario Town Which Considers Itself Fortunate in Having- Dodd‘s Kidney Pills on Hand. Since Dudd’s Kidney Pills Were intro- duced Little ls Heard of the om Complaintâ€"Baekacheâ€"M r. Geo. Burgess Bxplnlns 1113 Case. Peoples at all times. 'They say that Backache is really Emmy ache, and. +k.n4- 1‘.-J_‘n ‘7. s it is a- well-known fact in all counâ€" ; tries that Dodd's Kidney Pills are as specific not only for Backache, butf tor all forms. of Kidney Disease - Bright’s Disease. Diabetes. Rheuma- tlsm. Heart Disease, Bladder and: Ur- Inary Complaints, Women’s Disorders and Blood Impurities. The people of Lucknow are none the Jessofortunate, however, in having 3 medicine that will cure! these diseases. even though cures are not confined to their own town. Dodd’s Kidney Pills comprise the only medicine that will cure them, and there was a time when 1 the more severe of the maladies were * incurable. | i Mr. George Burgress, ot Lucknow, .says: "I have been sick for about five months. I had aterrible Back- ache all the time, and my kidneys were very bad as the doctor said. I was iadVised to use ‘Dodd’s Kidney Pills. iI got one box and found reiief almost gimmediateiy. I used three boxes a1- *together and am recovered complete- 1y. I can do my work better now than ever in my life before.†7â€" â€"-v “a J “AWLâ€: GKLIC’ an“ Ehat Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it be people of Lucknqw: may be right. \Vhile the traditional white satin continues to be a greatly favored ma- terial for bridal gowns, it is this season rivalled by other rich textiles. The decided tendency towards the use of every sort of soft, clinging fabric is very noticeable among the newest models for wedding toilets. Peau de soie, crepe de chine, mousseline bril- liante over faiile, liberty gauze .c-ver satin royal, and, lastly, lace ot the most elegant description. are all em- ployed. and in making up the fabric the princesse style is notably favored. Entire lace waists. or lace gu-impes and sleeves. are seen upon some models and on others there are lace over- skirts, arranged above clinging trained skirts of peau; de soie or‘ lustrous rep- ped silk with a draped flownce to match placed around the bottom of the skirt. Have You catarrh 2’ If you are {troubled with Catarrh and want to be cured, use Catarrhoâ€" zone, which is a guaranteed cure for this distressing disease. There is no mystery about Catarrhozone, though its effect is magical; Ointments and snuffs cannot reach the diseased parts and have thus proved useless, but Cat- arrhozone‘ is carried by the air you breathe directly to the diseased parts, where it volatilizes, killing the germ life and healing the sore spots. It cures by inhalation. No danger, no risk, sold by all druggists or by mail, price $1.00. For trial outfit send 10c, in stamps to N. C. Polson Co., ‘Box 518 Kingston, Ont, DIDN’T WORK MUCH. De Smokerâ€"Do you, know, my dear, an eminent scientist has discovered that tobacco arrests the development of bacteria? M’ifeâ€"Does it. really? You wouldn’t want your little wife to be eaten up by those horrid bacteria, would you. my dear? VVhere’s your other pipe? 1’1] become a smoker myself. LUCKY LUCKNOW. ensures s youthful complexion. bottle. or ‘80“ card for circuiar ( Addrul J. UBQUEABT. 489« \VHY HE ‘WAS VVAKEFUL. Didn’t sleep a wink last night, said the dyspeptic. OverworkB N o. I heard one of these songs about slumber sweetly. sweet dreams be thine, and the confounded tune kept running through my head all night. . _ RELIANCE CIGAR la Toscana‘ 160' FACTORX ,Mont-rea} { I'f I were to tegin philosopel', 1 would at the beginning. His opinion was I by the fact that 1 then teething- CLINGING BRIDAL GO‘NNS. CALLA LiLV CREAM REASO‘I FOR HIS VIEW’S. (Al/WM I one of these songs sweetly. sweet dreams the confounded tune through my head all probably influenced the baby was just life again, said the not want to begin .,3 Understand, now, said the old man. sternly, that if you call here in the future my orders are that my daugh- ter and you are not to see each other. Your orders, sir, said Jack Nurvy promptly, will be strictly obeyed. I'll turn out the gas first thing. Take Laxative Bromo Quigino Tablets. All dnggiats refund the money 1! it: fails to cure. 25c. 11:. W. Grave’s Signature is on each box. Mayâ€"His head contains such valu- able ideas that they have to be proâ€" tected by locks. Idaâ€"But they are not metal. Mayâ€"Oh, yes, they are silver locks. MRS. WINBLOW‘B BOOTHING SYRUP has been and by mother: for their childm teaching. It. soothes tho child. softens the gums. may: in. cures wind colic. and In the best. remedy for diarr out. 256. ; bgt- It appears that electricity is to be used in killing whales. A dynamo is to be placed on. a whaling ship. A big reel of insulated wire will becarried in a boat when a Whale is sighted. One end of the wire is connected (with the dynamo, and at the other end"will Idaâ€"I wonder why old Thinkmaq, th‘efnvegfzor! wqars suqh long hair, ' v “D.“ w- w wâ€" v 03110. “(1.1: the Fast remvéély for dill-:80»: 250. 3 hot.- a. Sold by 811.11'9881329 tPrOPIBon! ï¬lm-30M 3' â€".I “a“ .- ‘I-u _-° â€" v «In ad J‘ tor “ Mn. Winslow-Booming Syrup. be a hard rubber stick attached to a piece of. metal twenty-four inches long and one inch in diameter, sharpened at the end to penetrate tthe flesh of the whale. When near the big fish the harpooner will throw the brab. When it strikes the whale a connection will be formed with the dynamo, the whale will get the shock of ten thousand volts and will be dead in a second. i It matters little if you are ignorant, for you will mee‘s; people daily who know it all. “ Pharaoh 100. sunâ€"v-v -'___ Mr. Dolan, grimlyâ€"Oh 1 OS guess th' walkin’ dilegate’s behoind in his rint Mrs. Dolan. as her husband returns at an unusual houlâ€"An’ yez bees on anither stroike, eh? Phat’s th’ cause this toime? ag’i'n. Visitorâ€"Well, Johnnie, what do you think of your little baby sister? . Johnnieâ€"I can’t tell you, Mr. White. Mamma always whips me if I use bad language. - Q’KEEFE’S ’fé'§¥.‘81~ MALT The readers of this nper will be pleased to learn Lhat there is at east. one dreadfd disease that acienoe has been nble to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catnrrh Cure in the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cone- titutional disease, requires a conszitutional treatment. Hall’s Cntarrh Cure is Lek ninter. nally. acting directly upon the bzood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby des- troying the foundation of the diseaue. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assibting nature in doing its work. The proprietom have so much faith in its curative powers. that they offer cne Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoniala. Address. 1": J. CflEN EY 8t. 00.. Toledo, 0. MONTRIM HBTEL DIRSOTORY. “ Ellfopean Plan Rooms HoteI carslake, "on, 31 a M, up Opp G ..T R. Station, Montreal. Gro. Carslakea Co.. Prop a. .._.-â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"--- _.-.....~ Miss Slimdietâ€"Here’s an advertise- ment of a literary man who wants board. Does he say he’s a literary man to show he’s a person of refineâ€" ment and culture? ‘1. A, _,l__ A_ 4L-L “ENE Hausaâ€"9 Luvuy 5! Mrs. SlimdiéEâ€"No; it’s to show that he can’t pay much. . W P C 998 â€".â€"â€"-- ..â€"â€"-- -- ---_.‘v 81'. JAMES’ Hora. 9:505:53 25339; Railway. First-clan Commercial Home. Modern im- provements-Rates moderate Catholic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powder... etc., have been awarded 100 medals and dlplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent. infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer .to obtain 3 supply. Lists mailed free on apphestion. Sold by drngls s 750. Hull's Famxl y Pills are the best \V'HALING BY ELECTRICITY. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Imi; crates and Strengthens. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. TURN OUT THE GAS. "r. c. CALVERT 00., MANCHESTER. - . ENGLAND. , A_< NEEDED THE MONEY. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS F ETTERED SPEECH. $100 Reward, $100. SAVING SPACE. NO KEYS. prw g A“ 5". Iwwâ€"v â€". ____-__ , var Rubber 010m 00. Hound. harden: I: u guaranteed Water- :33; Ask £93 @593th other. Bos- " - _L_--I «Bum pun" uuklntooll I '17- L‘â€" , I! Payne. of Gnnby, Que. '0 Cigar lawmaker. Milli. um. I: Halos, ,ivIâ€"ciGll - College Avenue. Family Hotel uses 31.50 per day. - ,.A 7â€" ___--..-â€"-â€" ‘ To make sure that when you wish to color any article. viz. : Dresses. Suits. Fe..thera. Carpet at any- thing that requires dyeing. that you get the best dye in the market. known as HOME DYnS. name 08 m the latest and sitively the best that can be produced. as they wizl dye Cotton. Silk. Wool or Mixed . wi equally u see results. without the necessity of a preparatimx bath to make them take the dye, as HOME D ‘ are known as the ONE DIP DYES. and a trial package will convince you that theiwiil do a‘l we claim forth Do not be put off with something just as go d. because ggu know what failure you re had in the t. th ask for HOME DYES and insist on getting them. To had of your druggist. or mailed direct ee 0! 100 package, or3 for 25 cents; Have you the! them? If not. get a package and be convinced. I call to mind the songs that Ma “’33 wont to sing, to me in youth; But what it was that came from Pa I’ve clean forgot; and that’s the : truth. I’ve pondered o’er the matter long, With many. a mental stunt; But I cannot recall asongâ€" The best that comes isadeep grunt. GOLD CURE 100. Cures in a jiffy. P. M:- Garters Cormack 8: 00., Agents. Montreal. LU . ELL A Ceylon Ica $2.00 ,_'____,______" 1 0 WILLIAIâ€" 81.. TORON‘W. _ ~_ fun on: mamas INOUBATDRâ€"Bost and chasm: 3 A Dn“n‘ A on‘n nun-Ant l.‘-‘knhnm:-n-â€" 0-“; 9-. ' O. Rolland. 6010 as cut for the Dominion. 83:16. 803. lump to: catalogue 8313 St. Pun Screen, Montreal. WANTED-â€" Men to travel. salary or commission; expori- cnceunnecesgpq, Write LUKE BROS. (30.. Mona-cal. $5.00 person, gentleman or ledy, to represent to. lxable ï¬rm; position permanent; 3600 per year and expenses ; experience unnecessary. M. A. O'KEEFE, Dist. Manager, Montreal, Que_.__ _,_, A_. ,__â€"_.â€"._â€"â€" WANTED â€"8slosmen ; "Arborinc " protects ï¬ndsâ€"trim}: from ull pests; $30.00 yeck, ARBQggN 590., My}; “fl “5....â€"â€"r-_‘.. Q.â€- .. .-~-.. _, HARRES vâ€"vwâ€"v â€"‘- -v-I- v'uu. - W The;__ne.wyegon_iazawsyon '99.:umaea. 93:32:27, um um, aces, APPLES, 92d othfr l’RODUgE. to epsuxje bestgemitsponsign to Moan Hog Cassia s’r'iliablev oods'kt ugh; F366;." “- PAREQ BLACngELL 00-. Toronto. pamancntly cum Catarrh of nose. I- H tine“. stomach and bladder. 5% .2 81- a. box. Write for particulars, Tho Indian O‘tsrrh Cure Oo..146 8t. Jmesâ€"st., Rona-ml. New importation: flue“ Sausuaga caSIngIS’ Engliah Sheep and Am- ‘00 Business or Visiting Cards, printed in latest style, on beat bristol cmrds and handsome aluminum case with name ong'uved, post-paid for 756. Agents wanted. American Import ()0 . Strutford, Canada. speaks for itself. A trial is the \most convincing argument in its favor. LeadPackages.... â€â€2530,“th "0850" SENSE KILLS Roaches. Bed 0 Bug. Ram and nice. Sold by all Drum or 881 Qnoen W. Toronto. ot the biood causes untold misery. In its wake follow Indigestion,__Dys_pfép- z-zia, Stomach TlOLbieS, Liver 'Frdubfes, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh, Constipa- tion and Complications of various kinds. In you havea remedy which can supply all the elements that make RICH. RED BLOOD, and create new nerve tissue. There is no guesswork about the result they produce, they have been thoroughly tested and in all cases have gwen satisfaction. ‘ IR. WARB’S 31.699 and NERVE , PéLLS Or LW. CURTIS. mm: mmmmn 5.3m Prices 50 cents per box, five boxes 82.00, all druggists, on sent by mail by addressing Sam Williams 8: 00.. Toronto, Ont. ‘rla O O . Personally conducted California Excursions Via MESSGURI PACIFIC R’Y and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS. LOW EST RATES. For full information‘ and reservation of aloepinz cl baths. address H. C. Towxswxn. 61’. a; T.A.. St. Louis. Mo. 3. D. Axmsrnoxo. T. P.A..7 W. Fort-st, Detroit. Mich Baum. mex, D. P. A... 111 Adams-It" Chicago. In Wholesale only. when; Distance Telephone 1720. -â€"â€"--â€"A Oor. West-Market Oolborno 8t., 'Torom'o, They infuse new life into worn- out, run-town constitutions, and enable you to sleep sound- ly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. One trial will con- vinoe you. V“ "V‘" "‘ “" ’V V "“" â€u“ H" nuuwxuc titululuumb VII JIM gnu vv a"... vvw_v__ _ .._..-______- name (ng'twed D 9:. .p-ï¬d for 75c Agent: wanced. I†we Railroad d!“ â€â€œ81“ nnging from 32 t6 1 mo†1111mm“ 00' 8†“ford C‘n‘da m.1‘huoLnoao to Enterptiainz Ra Oh: when, Schools. on. and will boaold on no THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. ‘ mffllggtï¬jgm mammals“. In .9“ A- __--_- ‘I. -L SONGS MY FATHER SUNG. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. PER DiY SURE â€"â€"- RELIABLE GO TO .alifomiaé THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF IMPORTi’aï¬T ‘5'3 mamas: Buy-a Scrap. LEAD, COPPER. BRASS. Edp'ply' He’éy'kusm TEACHER in Canada Whaley, Bays: To send {ul- our complete SHiET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECML RATE OF DISCOUNT. We Ann-n. WI, 168 Yongo St, TOROM’O. ONT. TORONTO HOME DYE CO., TORONTO. HEW “WISE!“ Victoria. lithogmphed in colors euxtable or tram size 18x24 inches. Mailed free, in tube. on reocipto 15 cents in silver. BENSON ART COMPANY. ‘ 43 Scott. Street. Toronto. Beau: ful lifelike portrait ofï¬ Her 813?“:ng TilRBNTO Cutting 30h“! 0!:ch spocisl advantage! to all desirous of acquiring a. thorough knowledge 01 Cuttinx and Fitting Gentleman's Garments. Write M particulars. F ‘1 ° "' ' ' " “ Roomy; SLATE in Black $99.? Frees: SM“; awmisogaps (1%. 82m: Montreal, TorOnto, Ottawa, Quebec. Cereal Coflee Health Drink. Pure-AVholesome. Nourh i . 15c lb.. or 2 lbs. for 25¢. Rosco is equal to 40¢ 0081 For Sale by all Grocers. or send 100 for {-lb. put: \0 the ROKCO MFG. 00.. 154 Q can If... Toronto. Agents wanted in every local Ly. abould possess a. copy of “ The Catholic Student's Mono 1131 of Instruction and Prayers." far all seasons of L110 Ecclesiastical Year. Compised by a religious, under tho immediaw Luperviaion of the Reverend H. Rouxol I": 8. Professor of Moral Theolozy. Grand Seminary on real, Canada. It contains Liturgical Prayers. 1min; ences, Devotions, and Pious Exercises for ewry sion. and for 3“ seasons of the Ecclesiastical Your. 718 pages, 4 full pagei lustratmzzs, flexible cloth. round ‘comers. Price 75c. fubliqï¬eï¬_13y_ ‘ â€â‚¬393! Waning! RQQFIHG 63.6375 apnea. 00., coo nousâ€"noon ammo LANDSâ€"ARENAO 10. 030mm: sud Onwford Counties. Title (0‘ __ _ Michiganpongnlfl Damon .8 Mackinac an - _-- ‘-â€"---- ‘um M ‘A ï¬omfloioo 5.3319 mm," Portland. Me.. to Liverpool, calling at Halifax Westbound. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,‘ Dominion, Cambroman. notes of passage :- - First Cabin, $50 upwsrds: Seconl Csbln. $35: Steer-age, $22.50 and 32350. For further information apply (olocol-agenu. or . DAVID TOBRAN CE 5: 00.. General Agents. 17 St. Sacrament St. Montreal. ROSE’S “ Hair Grower" positively and per- manently cures Baidness. Hair Falling Out, Dandruff, etc.. and renders the hair soft. glossy and beautiful. Testimonizls from leading Tomb to gentlemen. Price $1.00 per bottle 81:â€! Flag starts, 31,0â€; «keep cram Grinders. " ' ' Iron and wood Pumpc. m um... Bmimno can... Send for New analogue. Mention this papa. Iraflï¬grï¬ The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mora gage Corporation. CANAEM [WIRES $.NEN’I‘ MONEY LENT on security 3f real estate mortgage. Government and Municipal Bonds. etc. Paid-up Capital, - - 2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Head Officeâ€"Toronto 8t., Toronto. Branch Wiccaâ€"Winnipeg, Mam, Vancouver. 3.! P â€Hugo! - v â€"-- -1 __ with interest coupons atiached. JAB. I. mum, Manager. Joan J. nun. Capt. The Qanadian Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade, Galvanized Steel Windmiits and Towers. “,8. antennae: {ï¬ï¬ High Glass Water Tube Stem Dollars, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. can son oascmpnva cATALOGUI. ANADIAN ONTBNGENT Egéhtiâ€"wanted in éver'y locality. EVERY SATHGLIC YD'JNG MAN ‘f agmsu memcm mm: Ho.- Michigan Land for Salg. Look for agent in your mg") or send direct. Loan and Savings Company. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTU RES 1318!].qu for 1, 2. 3, 4 or Snug For further particulars apply to J. HERBERT MASON, 93 Yongo Street, Toronto. Solid Gold. ".3285 Best Gold Fill 1.50 5 yrsGold Fill 1.00 Best» Glasses... 100 For theâ€":ery best send your work to the BALEHESS CUEEI. "C130. "1'. u .’ VIU†“I IS. Whittemon. Mich. (5'. J. anemia a; 00., 1669 None Dame Sh. Montreal. 225 Ronccuauea Ave" Toronto. INCORPORATED 1 Managing Director. Toronto. ROSE CO., and Sheet Metal Works. 113 Yongo St. Toronto. Souvenir Toronto .I’