West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Nov 1899, p. 1

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rrist .WE'FS at St em-Wind Ch in 3 Me ve seven: 3 selling: 'aisins application of resent neglect trouble. -‘,. 00- per su II. a trouble ”1’8 4 “V buy a seven S i g ht Foresight. ails fin 9 ‘11 éelica! 326's. 3i Ished befor 0RDON, not So ANE’S 1b S and under“ will DURHAM on vValtham :Ie screw sen jew- .5 prices 13' last SIG? Tm: Presbyterians of Hayfield ax:dC1mlde, presented their retiring pastor, Rev. Wm. Farquharson, with a valuable gold watchâ€"Westmin- As the Lambton Street Bridge has keen on the bend for some time, it would be in order for the Town Fathers to have it straightened up. PREPARATIOSS are being made in haying the gravel bed for a granol- Fthic sideWalk in front of the Metho- iis: Church. The concrete covering will not be put on till Spring. FUR :1 cheap daily, nothing beats the Toronto \Vorld. We have the general Agency and though the price is $3.00., we will give it and The Chronicle for the price of “The World " alone, viz $3.00. GARAFRAX“. Street South is being improved by levelling and gravelling. None of the Aldermen have business places along this part of the street. MR. Hugh Cowan, well known in {his vicinity, has received a call from the congregations of Shakespeare and St. Andrews. Run in advance subscribers to the Chronicle can get. the Mail to the end .35 3900 for 700. Send in your sub- griptions now. Ax entertainment consisting most- r)’of exercises by the children will be given in S. b‘. No. 1 (Bunessan School) on the evening of Dec. 2'2. he are informed the program. will. be mod. and every one intereSIed in Educational affairs in any way is anited to be present. Miss Culbertson had a. large ship- men: of pictures delivered on Tues- 3“, another instalment of house- furnishings. THE Methodist Church grounds we been improved by a terrace, the work of Mr. Samuel Arrowsmith. FOR SALEâ€"A nice heif ‘ ' er new years old: Apply to Mrs. E. Laudg 3 gear the Creamery. er, FREE To LADIES.â€"AU the ladies invested. in higher physical life for their sex are cordially invited to be Present at Calder-’3 hall on Friday, Dec. 15:. at 3 o’clock. when an inns.- Waited health talk will be given by Miss M. E. Johnston, of the Canadian \E'M‘i Company, Toronto. ;2 515.00. \‘ngS from the Cement Works 18 a 'E :de fiat just now, but we hope to my of its revival. ”hum: ought, to be good money in ”3's. :Ls Messrs. Wilson, Brunt and Niger . shipped about 300 Monday, .1? “hick: hex distributed 088? $2000 Won" the farmers. One farmer, VOLUME 32 Tas. \\ atson, Varney. got. over 3‘; 1'10 for his lot. The ruling price ' ~53 ‘0 per. cw t. live weight. V 312'. S. J. Prouse. of Ingersol, who 5M about twenty-five cows auction- edpi’f here two weeks ago ofiers for 3-6 a: the Knapp House to-daY- ‘3aEzrsfxa3‘. the balance 05. his choice “17$“ Herd consisning of twenty-5V0 hmd of young cows from {our to Six Wm oid. This is a rare chance for ‘ '1‘.“ \" Enhast‘rs. Twelve mos. credit. "‘13:” M‘WKRY Auctioneer. .THY. Wa-Hoo Concert and Medicine :9 him? been operating in the Town “3‘31 during the past week to crowd- i.-'3li>es. and the boys have enjoyed V“??? meetings very much. The “n 5"“111 of (£1011 evening contains "1% sens:- and nonsense. but nothing -â€"~-xzs§\-.3 ~.. ”as. been sgmmg upon the “""““3*-‘- Prof. Dougias. the mana- has. we believe. kept. faith with mt. Leo; 1" 1’? falfiling every promise. watch to be given .the most. gym”;- bub." goes toBessie. danghter ““ 1': S. P. Saunders, and Bag. Keily d° {“9 IUCkv winner of the live pig. ., paid for their gr-inting; helm-e :e WOrk was done and this speaks r. 9” a°°°rding to our way of thunk- £1} Th? members of the Co. appear h“- 38d)“ and gentlemen. md we 'l‘he). “e no reason to think. them 1““: else. SHEE GRASS g 9mm)! has a wood famine. Lyy Hm Wife a. fur Coat at J. A. 1w ’s {01 > 200.0 Mens Fur Coats Es'rxc.n’.â€"See Thomas Both. grOW'iDg, flowers blooming. age 1 ~c As soon as the public find out the business man who misrepresents his goods will find that advertising doesn’t pay. \VA‘ITED. â€"A hustling man or firm to represent. a strong non tarifi fire. insurance company in Durham. Ad- dress Chronicle Oflice. THE old building in front of Mr. Smiths Foundry has been pulled down and removed by Dan Campbell, the late purchaser of the premises. ‘ Lucas Wright Bataan. -â€" At Dur- ham Mondays. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Court Days, and at Priceville on Mondays, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. (Com- mercial Hotel.) *â€" The Annual Convention of the ‘Vestern Ontario Cheese and Butter Association will be held in Stratford on the 16th 17th and 18th of. January AA“ MR. CHARTER SMITH is not likely now to remove his foundry business from Durham, as he purposes shortly to fit. up the old moulding shop in the Cochrane Building. 2. The full list appeared in last issue. 12 mos. credit. MR. John Hunt, Travertson, adver- tises his Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture for sale by Auction on Wednesday Dec. 6th. See full particulars in this issue on page 12. AUCTION SALEâ€"Don’t, forget Mr C. Ector’s Sale at Lot 66, Con. 3, E G. R. Glenelg, on Saturday next, Dec. Court Orchard No. 1445') have bills out announcing their Grand Annual Concert. to be held on Friday Dec. 8th. They have some Splendid talent and no doubt a. very choice program will- be renée-red on the occasion. Barrister Davidson is to'take the chair at. 7.30. Admission 25 and ICC. MESSRS. \Vlll Swallow and \V. E. McAlister, two of our famous local Nimrods went. out Thursday after:- noon last, for a rabbit hunt, taking three dogs \xith them. In about thnee limits they get: ten, seven. of which they brought, home with them, the other three being eaten by the dogs. Ix the case of Snell vs Snell tried in the last Division Court, here de- cision was given in flavor of the plantifi, John Snell. Payment was made into court under protest regard-‘ ing the assessment for costs, which in a snbseqnentxargument before Judge Morrison at Owen Sound were con- aiderably reduced. Lucas. Wright and Batson. for defendant. ‘The Winter Meetings of the South Grey Farmers’ Institute will be held at Hanover and, Durham on Jan’y. 1‘3th and 15:11 1900. The delegation will be composed of Mr. Henry Glen- dinning, Manilla, and Mr. Andrew Elliot. Galt. Supplementary Meet- ing: at. Holstein and Ayton Feb. lst and 2nd 1900. Speakers Mr. T. G. Raynor, B. S A.. Rose Hall, and Mr. Last Wednesday evening in the presence of a. number of invited guests. at. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, oi Bentinck, Mr. Samuel Jackson, of Glenelg, and Miss Aggie Clark became one, being united in. the holy bonds of matri- mony by Rev. Mr. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Dornoch. assisted by Rev. Mr. McGregor of the Baptist Church here. “Congratu- lations. TIMOTHY EATON, of the Big Departâ€" mental Sweat Shop, Toronto, is offer- ing $10000 towards the Century Fund if Trinity Methodist Church contri- butes a. like sumt. We may be mistaken. but we believe the Lord would think jus: as mucluof Timothy if he would distribute his philanthro- cases, half starved lady clerks who ate we ' a marine for the munificenb salary of about two dollars a week.. W. 15mm, 8. A.. Burlington. Mr. Geo. Snell, of Yeovil, gave 11: a brief call on Monday. Mr. Geo. Woodland, of Toronto was in town over Sunday. Mr. Joseph Cairns, of Flasherton Station, was in town Monday and gave us a. genial call. Mrs. E. W. Limin Spent a few days last. week yisitingfriends in Mt. Forest. Mr. Chas. Reid, of Markdale, and Mr. Edwin Hunt, of Traversmn, ware in town Monday. Miss Mildred E. Johnston, of To:- onto. Inspector of the Canadian Viavi 00., was in town for a few days this week in the interest of the Society. Rev. Mr. Ryan of Tri nitvChureh, exchanged duties with Rev. Mr. Robinson of Walkerton, on Sunday last. Mrs. Ayres and her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, of Listowei, visited the farmer’s son, Mr. W. H. Bean at the Big 4. Mr. and Mrs. Hume and two child- ren, of Kamloops, B. 0., are visiting Mrs. Hume’s uncle, Mr. Samuel Scott. and Other friends in town. Mr. H. is-an employee on the C. P. R. for nearly ten years past. Rev Rural Dean Robinson. of \Valkerton. whom we have knoun from boyhood. ofiiciated at the ex- tended jubilee services in Trinity Church and Egmmont on Sunday last. Mr. Robinson is quite a favorite here and always draws a good congre- gation. The Presbyterian Church Congre- gation at. Hampdou, Tp. of Norm auby will have a tea. meeting and enter- tainment on Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Proceeds in aid of building fund. Admission 2550. and 15c. Wm W’eir, president of the de- funct Banqne Ville Marie, was found guilpy of presenting the government, on June30th last with a wilful-iy false and deceptive S'Jatement. The Jury added a recommendation for mercy. NOTICEâ€"To all ratepayers of ”Ward No. 1. of the township'oi Glenelg, who have net yet paid their taxes I beg to give notice that Saturday, the 9th of December is the last day. On. the date mentioned I will be at the Knapp House for the purpose of receiving them before returning the roll. Tnos MCGnm COLLECTOR. Notice is hereby given that the second and Lasx, instalment of taxes is due and payable on the lst day of December. A Collector will be appointed on Monday evening next and all amounts of taxes not paid to the Treasurer on the above date will be handed over to the Collector and in every case 3% added for collection. This rule will be strictly carried out. - BY ORDER. At the first meetfng in November the Council passed a Bv-Law prohib- iting all cows, cattle or animals of any description from running at large on the streets of Durham and not only will the animal be impounded but the owner of the animal fined for allowing it to run at large. All parties will please accept this as suflicient warning that the Bg-Law will be strictly enforced- BYORDER. TEST THE KIDNEYS CHASE’S It's a simple matter to test the kidneys. You need not consult a doctor. By asking yourself three questions you can determine whether or not your kidneys are deranged. First: “ Haveyou backache. or weak, lime- back P" Second : ‘ ‘ Do you have difficulty in urinating or a too frequent desire to urinate ?" Third: “ Are there deposits like brick dust in. the urine after it has stood for twenty-four, hours ?" In its earlier stages kidney disease is readily cured by a few boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills, a preparation which has made Dr. Chase famous throughout the world for his wonderful cures of W of the kidn __lt' youLhaje kidney disease you can e De; 4. nm- .10}. nos-(m mam: Dr- A “’3 Ki‘dneya-Ei‘wr Pills CHAQF’S insdooc.asc.tb°‘-"“°' ..Bua.. LCD. . Imam. PERSONAL. I. “an my“ {Sum SITUATIONS Toronto.â€"received these calls for 1101 within tgroe days] fé‘om Oct. 30th.}:an- street-‘s wenev. a v. stenograp er; . BL “fillings? Real Bataan. ysung: mum. clerk and stcnoaraplior; J. D. King (30.. lady. stenograp xer: Gowan. Kent. C0,. lady, bookkeeper; King, Darrell Produce (30.. 'oung man, bookkeeping and stenc- grap er. Our students secure such places as soon as they become qualified for them. It wll pay to prepare for them. Correspondence invited. W. H. SHAW. Prla. bmmmm; CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Clearing I More About Hm {I A Number of Odd lines Reduced in Price. Felt Hat‘s. H W'éntzrjacisc’cs. The Busy Store at The Busy Comer. 25 “ Heavy Tweed Pants going at . . . . 1 003 25 “ Extra. Heavy “ “ . .. .. 1 9'3; Another large stock of Boys’ Suits just to hand which are eweptimmlfmihe; We Carry Sterling Bms.’ Hand Made. Seamlabs Shoes. THEY ARE WEARERS. It. will pa y you to see our Men‘s and Womeu'é FUR COATS before purchasing elsewhere. Cask Store. in the Business Field are constantlv opening to those who are qualified {0 fill them. The Ladies’ Untrimmed Felt Hats, Black and Colors. in walking Styles, Turbans, Sailors, dress shapes selling at 50c. to $1.00 “reduced from much higher prices. Ladies’ Jackets Who came in for one of Our at the reduced price, said that she liked our advertisements . beâ€"- cause she found that they told the truth. . .We still have a few Mantles to sell at a, low figure. “‘v“‘ Were this an exclusive clothing store it could not: provide more liberally or more carefully the Cloth-i mg Needs of Men and Clrldren. Better styles, . B‘etter qualities, or better assortments than we have in Clothing ' would be hard to find. Our Stock represents the best that _ money, skill and experience can provide. But why dwell on its 'T many excellent and unequalled features when it is the privilege . of every reader to make personal investigation. '1?th all we ask. As an inducement for doing so we quote a few of aha-many . Values: 15 Men’s odd Overcoats, were 35 to $10, going at $2 50‘ 9 Boy’s u 4 8 i. 2: 50) 13 Men’s Heavy all wool Ulsters going at . . 9‘00“ 18 1*}- 10 15 25" ‘25» 15 )0 18 S; F. MORLOCIS J. J. HUNTER; 8t H 8‘ lb t5 it 8‘ Blue Serge Suits going at . Tweed Suits going at All Wool Tweed Suits going at Black all wool Venetian \Vorsted, boun edge Suits at all wool Worsted Striped Pants going at. msm sm Overcoats, were 35 to $10, going at $2 50 4 8. “9.150) 06 H nthing. CO] ““‘~“-~‘W' rm» 2 88 l‘ Hz Sells (jeep! that an Application will be made at‘ the next ensuing Session uf the “ Legisla- tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario ”” for an Act. confirming and legalizing By-law- Number 364- of “The Municipal Comma-- tion of the Town of" Durham ” (Intituled a: By-law to aid and assist Bg 4 Calder's 7 Block. Application to Parliament. OTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN. that an Application will be made at‘ CALDER ’3 Elam. DURHAH . Limited, in building and operating a Furniture Factory in the Town of Durham) granting: aid to the said Company by lending tn the‘ said Company the sum of $10,000 and pro-- yiding for the issue of Debentures of the said Municipality t0 the said amount as. rovided for and set out in said By-law Yumber 3:31 ; and also to ratify and confirm: a. certain Agreement entered into betwemn the said “ The Municipal Corporaticm of the Town of Durham” and the said Durham. Furniture Company dated the l-i’th. day of.“ June A.D. 1899. Come and see us in- our New Store. We want your trade. W. H. BEAN” GLeFROY McCAULL, .. Solicitor for the Appms} Dated at Durham this 22nd. day of No vember A.D. 1899.-â€"â€"6 Pure Linen Towels 250. to 50¢. 3 pr. The Durham _F_1u:nipure Company, American White Grodnet Quilts ham}; some Marseilles paterns with fancy: centre designs only 81.63 Fancy Bed Comforters 60x72 in..â€" St 25‘ 52 in. half bleach Tab’le Linen ‘5». yd. {is} ‘i'iif'iiilf ’Biéz'x'ctl 35151â€"31361" 3831: design 50c. yd. ‘6 6Q Chocolét'e Dbngola Kid Sli pepr‘; - - $1.15 “ Black Dongola Slippers hand made - $1.35 Wamen’s German Felt Sole Slippers ' - 60¢. All other kn‘ds of Boots and Shoes at‘ Big ' 4 prit es \\ Mich are the lmxest. Ixegular 250.1)uttle Shoe Dressing. .. u 15c so u 1%: \{eu’s Fancy Em Slippers r.. '_‘_ Em Slippers pat trimmed? 81. 00M Exceptional Value in Ladies" Black and Colored Mantlea,‘ being the remaining sizes from 3 certain lines otherwise sold out, now offered at Special Figures. 35 ' 7 Block, â€"â€" DURHAM. -- 56 bound? H NO 1708? IOO NJO \L V

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