___w_ ye... “mu gun the pieces togeth __- u. vv ammoreland; Kisto Pndeau‘: erand stitch, wit . nIocked apart- ; red twist. At the meats in the Holy Scr' ° ’ heavy had never been entered, barn i nine out of ten : loops, which of the world's deliv- i will serve as a handle. T e two sides? erers born in want. {being sewed very tightly, makes en-' I stir your holy ambitions this ’ough spring to keep the box closed’ Christmas with these houghts of the ,‘when not drawn apart by the loops world’s ï¬rst Christmas, to ten 3011 f Demm 111 colors 18 that although the whele Pr â€"-Vuw ll ‘vflat name i Christendom? , i318? Jesus. I had only. two fr . They were his parents. No satinâ€"1' ' he depths , he rose, until to-day he is honorgd thrpughout all Christen- . . lumphant on the 1m- perial lthrone i9 . . . -ALVU parents. No satin-I care attentions, bu cattle, and the co: her of the camel d the mediaeval pain oxen as kneeling Jesus, for there we V] that tune to VVOI‘Shl] of that poverty, he h _ - “0‘. U, ed: under. Tim is t] is so often found am: you can find him on off the moors ' . you might cumin throng all those who, in the the shutters clatter o Christ’s cradle was his cross. On that fix two frienfle the month of Décem- . are no flowers bloom- mg. out of doors, and. when all the bar- pholstered forests. But :1 the month of Decem- re are no flownâ€.-- Li , . and from Open Even to those who have no turkey, nor mince pie, nor even where to lay their headâ€"even to the poor little waits and strays of childhood who have no kind friends to fill their suspended stockâ€" ings with toys and non bons, or who have no stockings to suspend, the day itself comes just the same, and upon the saddest heart and the poor- est, most blighted life, it sheds some- thing of that sweet feeling of peace on earth, good will to all mankind, which it ushered into the world nearly 19T0 years ago, when a lovely baby boy was born away over in Bethlehem, and his beautiful young maiden mother cradled him in a manger. other kings are born; no messengers mounted at the doorway ready to her- ald the advent from cit‘ ' ' ' be lined cradle to receive the infantile a: guest, but a monarch born in the 1103- to. telry called the House of Chim Ham 061‘ The night with diamonded finger . ; the door me wide open to look out; from orchestral batons of light drip- ping the oratorios of the Messiah; on er: lowest doorstep of heaven the min- for strels of God discoursing of glory and gre good will! - QOLVCS, out eXpresszve of the g wet home again, shall yet make es and affection of the donor. 3 nations Keep Christmas. .Her majesty} .13. very limd , , . un . straw- anm am 0 ve always rejmced that Chrxst .g p- g _ wah large ivory hook and s >rn on a December night. Had ,â€" ~ Even Christmas comes but once a year, it is true, but it is a matter for thanks- giving that it comes that once to everybody, high or low, rich or poor, millionaire or tramp, king or beggar. “ â€13 WUIIU’S HIS! 611113111108 3 you can se‘é â€â€0381! the d Iore the infziï¬i no men there at FrOm the depths 1e House of Chim Ham. rith diamonded finger to the place; the door wide open to look out; mber, that he Jis is a Christ it. for people People with i With ther. With red three oval pieces Iustration, eight i To a favorite grandc will sometimes send jewel, with the m be set as the To her yo] stuff. with dress is to b pleases, and majesty. - â€"-v' way 01‘ some unpreten- a Christmas greet- ving handwriting. are on. as simple a scale as tue cards. She does not fav- or expensive presents, but prefers to . O "'3 Slight in them- We 0f the good wish- 88 (bad nffnnt-inn ..c . u . pmnts a rose, lily, Lions deSL‘Jn. with like in her own flm Her actual gifts FOOTBALL satin or and all her friénds a_nd Simphcxty does not alwa the cottage, nor its Oppt‘ palace. .Househ-old W'ords ago gave an interesting Queen Victoria’s nhem'm m" . 1s a novelt ‘ whzcl} will find favo: v31: use It is so easily made oout from stiff cardboard pleces, as shown in ‘the il- n;n}\“ :“‘ - heâ€? and.a_1mighty ‘ remembers her St-mas. Those \ 2 before the deat Sflk and WORK Bo 3; and bind the_70 Wide satin rib- e 8 together and O; her majesty†for- large consxgnments V THE DURHAM†CHRONICLE, December 14, 1899. and grand- QId ser- )me tips, £8118. 30f. fine :11 L that the Work reCLpient nu va _Â¥ViH be _. f“ Lu we present sySLem ‘ abinet of officers Lc var, IS refern work of co-ord" ' ' ' those departm ' _ _- -..., â€when or the army in 'ItS L06; ,V ULLJLwUCIOns and ordnance WhICh they. were originally 9111.0.“ng ‘ " ‘ . They acquire ., and the accountant general, as the , if called back to the colors 0 representative of the financial secre-g Except in the case of Ireland the bx? “ reports on promo- 'Eltirectitin lff the argy 18 exerciszd E . » ' - . ' rou t e eneral o icers comman - Fb nuns-and appolntments of OfflCEJ‘S Ofing dime“? Great Britain and Ire- - supertor rank and on all prOposals for A land are partitioned into fourteen estimates. These duties are the Chief; military districts. For the infantry functions of the board. gthere are 102. sub or regimental (lis- ' I NI: ‘ . , ‘ W 1 ,tricts. each under the command of 3. THE COMMANDER-lN-CHILB {line Colonel, There are also twelve I of the army exercises general com- jgubdiisllricts [tor the artillery and two ° . - . 0r 1 ‘9, ', mand, is the pnnctpal adViser of the! Entlisetngzgf 13; fgngï¬ggi army is A FIRST 01 Secretary of State and is charged with ' v l the plans of mobilizati carrying wih it in the fensive and offensi on and for de- . time of war the ' . a. ve Operations. As- bounties. Twelve years Is the term . . of service, with re " ‘ commander-in-chief : . ' 2. Medlcal est , ' , (yen Slr Eve- pay, etc ' , adjutant general, Limit 3 blula, etc Sir R Harrison, IDSPeCLOI‘ gener-I Yeomanly, :3 fortifications; Lleut. Gen. Su‘ 5 VolunteeI‘S, I {9 Stewart White, QuartermasLer 6. Transportatic a] of ordnance, office vacapt; mounts. . Gen. Edwar Arthur Gore, 1n- 7, Provisions, fo )r general of remounts ; Maj. Gen. 8. Clothing esta as Kelly-Kenny, iDSPBCl-OI‘ 8281.181“ eLc. . . - auxihary forces and QCI‘UIUDS‘: 9. VVarlike 3.! }en. Henry Fane Grant, lnSPeCtO 1 stores , 11 of cavalry, Surgeon Genera {'10 Works bulldu ameson, dlrector general of 11 departmcnt; C01 - new“, b' en. b‘ir Charles Ardagh tary intelligence; Gen. ’ood, adjutant genera; .r R. Harrison, inspectc fortifications; Lieut. Stewart Whim nun-"- respectively, of These are the and , training, I0 -ug“. . and second 01) commissioï¬ed ;’ gloomy and dill L officers, 17,100 j December and lers, trumpeters’ 5- are bad and the , a total 5 pear more cond anks. 1 mo: Jant ucive j only In this country, 11 to Lhe regular . ers, 1t 18 found that reserve or aux-2" mad during May, J’u‘ yeoxnanry cav- 'jdurlng any .ophevr p131 nd the army re- and that of invasion theiform 0f . I " regular armv ileh-f Alih:_~ " referred the duties of the -' J r-â€" 5. Volunteers, .1311; utermaster 6. Trans-portatzon Lce vacapt; mounts. Gore, 1n- 7. Provisions . ; Maj. Gen. 8- Clothing establ cwr gener- . . Etc. 0 0 ° ' recruxung, 9 Warllke and t, InSPeCtOI‘: stores . :n General! ’ chaplain in W111- discipline: QUarLer- supplies and the Fof effectxve , 1 Pay 0f :11 m) 2 Medical 95 pay, etc I 3 ililla, etc 6 TranSp‘OrLati ( mounts. 7 Provisions, f0 8L0. . 9' ‘Varlike I , i x t r r , a1 13 _ _-..w.“, calUU; Major Gen- ! 91‘31, £15330; Colonel, £1000; Lieutenant ; Major, £291.; Captain, ieutenantl £118; Ensign, £103 Chargéé: . . . . . 733,10 Provisions, for' Clothing establishhén'té, ' 8L0. . . . . ,. . . 1,295,60I \Varlike stores. . . . . V . 2,373,900 Works, buildings and re- pairs. . . . . 1,175,645 Military educatwn, pay. etc. . . 182,300 Mislcel‘lancous services. . . . . .£22,359,599 the estimates for or- aggregated £2,922.080. that year 2 factories _ "J _.uu LuLUAï¬ueS DIS OVV ‘w'hen called on for serv iis paid 7d a day. :drills eight days I'jectfor duty in ca , reictzon. ice, each man The yeoman cavalry a year and is sub- ses of riot or insur- soldiers in reserve may it whenever called out f Office Exes. Twelve years i rvice, wiLh re-enixstme 8 years, which enthl to a life pension. command England’c ‘ v- . a day in ition of being liable consid- expenditures 5 at the rate egtimated m "a June and J F Portion of t . salaries and , pay, eto. ’__I’)ay9 etc. services. the branbe of the and re- THE MILI TIA reserve. three years in the ranks ' army soldiers are per- Lnto the reserve, where Y‘In‘v‘“ ‘ :11 many 0th- “ Monsoon †Tea is packcd under the snpcn'ffiw 8' DBOpIe 8'0 Ofthe Tea. growers. and is advertiscd and sold b3; med .d July than as a saxia‘pleof the bsst qualities of Indian and (,cylft’ Teas. 'or that reason they sce that none but 23¢ , "cry fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. ’ m or That is why " Monsoon.’ :hc perfect Tea. 631‘- a 0 PTBVa- 5' 'd at the same price as inferior tea. Ht ;8 put up in sealed caddies 084113., 1 1b. as} 5 3:23 . and sold 1:: three f1; mum at 40c" sec. and 60? {ME OF WAR. into 3' “wow Steam Engines, Horse Powers, 61,800|Separators, Mowers, Reapers. 245950 Circular and Crow-Cut Saws __ ’“ Gummed, Filed and Set. £13,441,405 I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for good shingles ’ £1,938,280 GHARTEB SMITH: ’ Opinion 1,802,535] DURHAM FOUNDRYMAN £7,426,4OOIFurnace Kettles, Power Staw Cut. ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle éggéog Machinery, Band Saws, Emery 75:01}, Machlnes, hand or power; Cresting, 614,700 Farmers’ Kettles, Columns, Church Seat Ends, Bed Fasteners, Fencing, 333,333 Pump-Makers’. Suppiies, Slcohool ’ ’ Desks, Fannmg Mill Casnlnzs, 1,295,600 Light Castings and Buiiders’ Sup- plies, Sole Plates and Points for 2’373’900 the dlfl'erent ploughs in use. Casting 1,175,645 repairs for Flour and Saw Mills. 10:) 0M -- WE REPA'R" active service 3Â¥Eourg grocer does not keep it, tell himto wit] EL HAYI‘EP CO. ., I! and z; FrentS: m: " $355 5% FINEST Tea 5 £45“ g In TH: Womo - mom THE: TEA pum- TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE Pum'rv. mobglizéd c o . 0 ’8; be charged if 1102 s subscription is paid address label. No 3 are paid, except at ti RFECT TEA authors Oak ‘W ri 0 Brush 8" Hair aw. His favorite Standard 1*: Henty’s- A PAIR OY fl .._ .5. .. “9.. ft: B. '. 01 { 86116 1. S or Emu}: Catholic mg well ‘ (,0 n P. OT Or a 11 IS 01 ‘d. men 11 Please an in": hint! 10. '0‘ ' l 3 () \‘y‘ \V I} a. m a. V 0H] TU andav Jf will “I ,1 and dllsfl tend Dav; mm; Ind 1 Mr .‘il \I H 'rl H1