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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1899, p. 4

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_:.u:qumed themselves admirably in fithe interesting program rendered. Owing to the meagre attendance .at the Presbyterian church on Friday .evening i 8: Rev. Mr. Janseu’s lent we on Holiand was postponed. “The refroslnnwms provided by the Jadiws wvre served and a social hour was spun together by those present. D. D. G. M. Haubury, of Dundaik, paid the Workmen Lodge an official visit. on Monday evening last. This is «250 a growing society in this plugs: _ -v. v w'-\‘ “ VVV..... A" VU|JIUI ‘56“, in: C :Hinsru 00d Street pinchnsed by \V. H. ihurston. In addition to be? :ing (9: at ally locmed this buildii: g is rfxiel lighted. loom} and excellenal) adapted to: a piintmg office. It “in make comznodious and convenient. .“ual‘lere for the Advance and the .edi'or is to b congratulated upon 'his Loken of prOspeii: \ . Mi. \\ m. Dzuis, Toronto line. g'ecmuly losc a cow which broke aimi'ough the covering and fell into :1 Well over 20 feet, deep. Mr. Davis’ ‘eidem daughter is under Dr. Carter's sure. Appendicitis is the trouble. but :2 turn for the better has come. G L t ) a in an, had his horses killed and uu-ie obliged to leave eleven cannon on the field. Reinforcements are being, Sent and it is probable some time will elapse before anv further aggressive movement will be made by the British. The repulses so far hch apparently increased the deter- )ninzttlon of the British who will win a: any cost. The Union Sabbath School at the Stazlon held their annual entertain. me: t on Friday evening last and met with rlwir usual success. The child- lull in commotion with the school "The Transvaal Trouble during the past. week has been of a most alarm- ing character, the British having been {owed to retreat with the loss of many men. General Buller in advancing towards Ladysmith, fell “growing: time’ ’for the Conserva- IiVE‘S in provincial politics. yet there is nothing strange in the matter. The wniighneued peopie of the pre- sem day abhor a policy of deceptien, and will Show their abhorrence throng!) the franchise. '1 wo dz-simble prepurties have changed hands here. The first was the brick dWelling and lot owned by :P. Mundmw on Peter Street. which has been purchased by Dr Carter. 'l‘hc xecond is Mr. R. Pedlnr’s brick block. smre anddwelling combined. :‘I‘he Manitoba elections were scazoely over in 'the West til‘i the Liberal Prince Edward Island Gov- ernment were defeated as the result of a By-election. It seems to be a Anemesia Township fathers had a busy day on Friday last winding up {he year's business. Municipal mat.- Jers are very quiet in this township .so far, but Friday next will reveal ,the aspirants for oflice. EXTRHAM, Dec’r. 218t, 1899. _ Tins is the “ growing time ” with {1181. 0 1“. Court. here. Organizer Wisalv has been in the community in the inturest of the Order the past ten davs and as a result over twenty néw members new have been already ndoleni to Lhis Cour». ARRISTER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER. Etc., Etc. Moxmy to Loan at reasonable rates and on {terms to suit burrower. .Ol-‘l-‘ICIJ-nflchxtyre Block, ('Gver the Bank) CPI-1638! "Owns Sousa, MARKDALE DURHAM. ' NOTEâ€"At Bofimmâ€"Mondays. 10 2}. m. to ~46 p m.. and Cnnrt'Days, and at Pncevxlle - 9n Mondays, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. {Commercxal Hotel.) L. F 5.7-- .- ‘.,t" College Toronto: Member of the Col- fegp of Hawk-inns and Surgeons. Ontario; Member of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. Six years hospital experience. RBZ'IDBNCBâ€"OM Bank Building, opposite C. 51c}: innon‘s Imp't Shop, Upper Town, DURHAM. :BARRISTERS SOLICITORS. NOT ‘ COXVEYANCERS, Etc, Etc. ' Money to [muâ€"Campany and Private -Low lawsâ€"Easy Terms. I LUCAS lUBAS. WRIGHT mason, THE :GHRONIGLE. 0x011 GRADUATE _01-‘ TFINITY E. J. mm, M. D., L‘. Successor to Dr. F LESLIE; HRTON DAVIDSON, u. WMGHT co. DURHAM. A. .‘Tso N O NOTARIES Funds Miss M. Sullivan, Teacher. spent. Satur- dav and Sunday last at her home mm Dornoch. She “as slightly indispu<9d with a cold on lem mg but hope Srhe wiil be better on her return. Mr. Duncan Johnstpn, of Paris vicinity. is at present among Ins ”lends here. He is the owner of a :30 acre lot on the 4th con. .~0 he may remain and cut wood and logs on it this “mm It, We recently lost our thinking cap or covering ot‘om' wits or unper story as you like to call it. A f.'i v d had taken it in this- take for, his own, h -.t it is attain in our possession so the bin-him: young man who so completelymissed the fox with the old Queen Ann blunderbus mi<sed the reward offered for the finding of the can also. No doubt those ions: after 9 o’clock tramp: with the sweet singer of S. '1‘. put him off the other track. Mr. Wm; Anderson :1an sons have treated .thgnpspl 6:2 _10 a nevy Sptnght EvaggzOn 3 _ Lubking hm pv, hem- tv and c mteuted are Alex. and Jnh ie Flack since their xetum from doun h c.mntr\.. Mr. Jas. Anderson, formerly of this vicin itv, but who has for sometime been employ ed on the T. ll. and B. Railway together with his wife and family moved up and will re~éde near Markdale, as Mr. A. has; secured steady employment at Mr. Orr Minuis Mills. Mr. D. Gillies, of the Gillies 8: Anders‘ou Kinetoscope Show Comte. uv. perfurmed in our Tn. Hal! on the evening of the 28th ult. tna fair and apprecia'vre audience. The moving pictures or View» we ‘0 bnth amus- ing and instructive eqpocially the “ Lone Fisherman” and "The Morning: Bath ” caused. everyone present to shake with {alighten Music was furnished by Arrow- smith and Black between acts. they also played for an hour or so while the young people danced afier t_h_e show_\_va§4 ever. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. 11: has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a. well and healthy woman.” Sold by all (5mg- gists. 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. ' We hear that Mr. Thnmas' Neil has leased his 50 acre farm on the 5th con. to Mr Rnbt. Waits. Mr. Waits hails fmm near R?ch~ mond “P! but was‘ employed during: the summer with Mr. John Cam obell near Price- ville and is mid to be a model farm hand. A Jury of Women whnliave tested the merits of Dr. A. W'. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills return the ver- dict that for backache and kidney disorders there is no preparation in any way equal to this great discovery of Dr. A. W. Chase. America‘s greatest. physician. This great kidney cure is sold bv all dealers at 25 cents abnx. and has proved mos}. effectual as a remedy tor the many ills to which woman is subject. Thankful Words written by Mrs. Ada E Hart, of Groton, S. D. “ Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and final- ly terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour. determined if I could not stay With my friends on earth; I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis- ed to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and colds Hubert Ward is home from Albert. College, Bellcville for Christmas holidays. The entertainment held in S. S. N0. 10 Glenelg and Egremont. on Friday evening: the Hub inst, was quite a success. The evening turned out fine affording opportun- ity to :1 large crowd to be present on the occasion. The following gentlemen were present from adi<taucez W. L Dixon who so ably filled the chair on former oceasinns as he did on the evening: in uestinn. 1265'. .ir. Matheson and 'l‘hos. ReFudden gave exvellent speeches. A string hand consist- ing of four young men namely: Peter Mc- Artlnur. of Priceville. who presided at the organ, Doug’ald and Dan Ferguson at the vinlen and Fred Ruuceman at. the piccolo and last but not least. M r. W. Ramage. of Droumre, enlivened the audience with beautiful singing at intervals during: the evening. In uddit-ieu to the parts rendered by outsidersa lengthy rngram consisting of mugs. recitatinm. (liaiogues and club- swinging was furnished bv the sclfiml and reflected great credit ml teacher and child' xeu. Proceeds about. $1200. Mr. H. Richardson who lives in Michigan, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson after an absence of ten years. ‘ l V.“ â€"â€"vâ€"â€" Major Schoof foruierly of the mounted polio», Bechuanaland, South Africa, delivered an interesting Mis- sionary address to a. large congrega- tion in the Methodist church Sabbath evening last. Mr. Schoof lectures this (Moudag'fiieveningand to marrow evening in the same place on South Africa, when. doubtless, he will have large audiences. Mrs. (Rev.) Darroch accompanied by her siSter Miss McDermid, reâ€" turned last week from visiting at her home in Olengarry Countv. mysteries uf the ancient. Craft. The I. O O. F. Lodge is a society of nearly a quarter of a century’s standing in this place and has too a su bstantial membership. Mr. C. C. Whale, of Toronto, and Mr. W. Griffiths, of Barrie, paid Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. (it A. M a iratezn d visit at the regular month- ly m'eetxng Friday eVeniug last. An initiation and degree work Was in- cluded in the labors oi the evening. At the door-o! this lodge, too, candio dates are of their own free will and accord almost consmntly seeking admission and those thought worthy A NARROW ESCAPE. (Intended for last week.) TOP CLIFF. POMONA. WE ARE READY FOR YOU uith a large stock of nsetul ’Xmas Gifts that cannot be bought for less money in the county. Our reputation for square dealing. is dyed, sewed and spun into every recommended yard of goods we sell. The prices will suit and save 3ou money. We have the Stock to choose from. We don’t limit you (0 one pair or one color. We show you a. larger range than almost any other two stores. 90c Leather Boots at 49c: phir. 50c Fancy Felt- Slippvrs for the of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as we". The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whoie body he- comes weil fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It’s this nourishing, sustain- ing and strengthening power of SCOTT’S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. DON’T mss THE ’Xmaé Stockingâ€"at. 250pai;. $2 00 Felt. Boots, ‘2-buckle, $1 50 pair. 1'2 Suit Ends. all-wool. Fancy. Dress Ends, Nice Shadesâ€"at. just half price. The 750 line for 3130, and 600 line for 300. Then why don’t we all have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot- hold in a strong throat and lungs. It’s when these are weak that the germs master. . The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger Comes when the blood is poor and the body 15 thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day. ”Take Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops ? Did not succeed very well, did you? It’s just as useless "to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can’t do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con- stantly taking them into our lungs. i, A- . WI Cflll’l Scmf§ Emmsmn BRMS - IN DRESS 80008 2 Seasonable - - Shoe Suggestions COR Q ET 3: Wishes its many pa- trons a Very Merry Xmas sec. and $1.00, a}! druggists. SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists, Toronto. 7!: i D 3 We carry all sizes‘from Child’s up to size 30 in Ladies. BARGAIN. $10? 8. xwwfla. K‘lfivfiégwg wgawg‘gmu Sf! ’45 \VI/ 73 Q?!» ’(fi‘ 3 5/; Ordered Work and Repairing our Specialty. pair warranted. The only goods that are giving satisfaction Every pair made by hand and of the best material. H. PARKER, been so Completeâ€"Comprising all the Leading and my date Goods AT RIGHT PRICES. 010- INCLUDING Albums--Photograp“h and A ntogmph, in LEM“) Celuloid and Plush ; Ladies’ Fancy Work Boxes, A L” Toilet Cases, Ladies’ Manicure Sets, Gents’ Toile Genrs’ Travelling Cases. Cufi Boxes, Collar Boxes. lie Rovp Glove Boxes. Shaving Sets, Russian Leather Hdk’i and 610‘s Wallets Fancy Pipes, Cigar Cases, \l’allets, PurseS Car: Cases, Pocket Knives, Boker Razors, Fancy Hair Pine: ‘L A choice selection of Hair, Cloth, Tooth and Nail Brushing Exquisite Pei mines in all the leading Odors in Fancy 13mm or Bulk. MUSICAL GOODSâ€"Violins, Violin 150‘”, Accordeons, COiicertmas, Flutes and Mouth Organs. 5‘ n 3-. ‘l- Lmnes’ t (JaScS, Strings th rub...- UH» '. 2181;, 1899. And Assure Tbem Good Goods at Right Priceg: Always do Our Best to Give GAMESâ€"Fort,iCrockino‘Ia. I‘archeesi. Checkers, Dominos Mthm‘s i‘op O Pins. Nations, Lot Heir. Play Triangles. the new game, beats they, on] A nice Selection of Bi 1 H 31‘ n: r .. , . v . . . P .. t' O I” b e‘PIS‘ nTils am} has: Dunks “Idinblf‘ Io;- rmen .5. ur 1109!: am . (xli . hex er Llldchuid, Never before in the history of our store has IN LONG BOOTS we surpass the world. See our Men's $72.30 Kip Long Boots. This line is a surprise to all who am: them. We Wish all our friends $30 a Happy ’Xmas and a £44 Prosperous New Year, 7% Xmas and New Years NOVELTIES -â€" A LO'I' OF TQY BOOKS, CHEAP PEEL, Sawdues the E1031'S,m1d still the Will :33]. A CHRISTMAS-TREE FEAT UP 1:3. Dancing Christmas faxries ahx ax q on 1181106 the CIR-Kit 311’ s delighL in (h. Christmas tree, and once mdde ( in 1;. used year after year. Buy um ;: cox used year after year. Buy up a do“ on 01' mflre 0f five and Lenâ€"cent doiisj and to add to the variety have 231110115 the number some Japanese and «oz-l ored dolls. Dress these 10 reprcsmzj fairies in bright hues of Siriiilg‘it? gauze, fariatam or tissue-Imper, and liberally sprinkle their hair and guz‘J ments with diamond-dust. gowds-r Each doll should be provided with - dainty pair of fairy wings made fro: Spangled tissue-paper and faslencd r the body by means of concealed \VLI‘t 5 These wires should be coiled 10 Uhlui motion in the wings, and nothing im’. ter can be used than Lhe fine" spit?! 00518 that come out Of worn-om. wire stitched brooms. The least motin will set this spiral to quivering. Pans ing the wings to move as if in flight In like manner use the spiral “ire 1 attach the dolls in hovering ;_.()Siiinn over and around the tree. The rifec is magical; every footis‘iep causes 3": enough to start the «30113 dancing“ ran circling above and around the tree. :a if the invisible fairies of the air 11:. 'come down to join the Christmas gie HOME DYEINGr. i These dyes are mneh cheaper that; the package dyes, and are (nu-9110 ‘ for carpet rags. Use. only carting ware, .tin, brass or camper. Use noxfl ing but soft water. All goods ShOllU: be clean and put; imo the dye we! Dry in the shade. These dll‘ecLiuns :xri all for cotton. Scarlet: For 1 lb of goods tak cream of tamer 1â€"2 02., cuchined ha! oz, muriate of 1111 21-2 oz. [301 m1 dye, put in the goods and stir fm tel Dr fifteen minutes, aftex which ‘nni 1 1-2 hours. Wash in Clear watex. Blue. For 2 lbs of goods, take 1 of Prussian blue and half oz of oxal acid. Pulverize together and dissulv in hot .vater suff cent to coxer 1h goods, which are to be worked in 1H dye until the desiied shade the: wrung and thoroughly rinsed in am: water. Yellow: For 61bs. of goods. use 02 of bi-chromate of potash. 3 oz sugar of lead. Dissolvc, separate in v ough water to cover xhe goods. 11:1 them both hot, and ,dip first in or then the other, un:i1 the desired shad Rinse well in clear water. Orangeâ€"Dip yellow rags in str lime water; or color the yellow 1 red. " vuv Dove and slate colors are made ti boiling in an iron vessel :1 Ieucupfl of black tea with a teaspoonful of ('0 paras and sufficient wmor. Dilmwhl until the desired shade is rmchq There is no satisfncrury way of (:q oring cotton black. I Chicken Omeletâ€"Beat 1hr yolks three eggs until thick; mid Haw-‘21:; teaspoonful of salt. a few grnin< Fewer and three inhleiwfnunfuis' h water. Fold in the. whites nf 13.2- it: beaten eggs until. stiff and (1.}: liq v an omelet pan, grease um um :1] sides, using in all one tens; mnfu: butter. Turn it in the 11‘1ix1urf'.s; 1'9} evenly, and cook slowly (m mm "3": range until sliglnly i'n‘tnx'nvd :zzmij neath. Put in 1119 mwn :1: run: [rate to finish cooking. When i1 firm take from the “\‘PD. 31:14, :1 Blip out on a hot platter. Pour :n‘ou It a thin white sauce made by me lng one tablespoonfu! of 11121022 Q ““20 it one tablespoonful 0f {:01}? I}; 71(l-’ .‘90!!! on gradually one and u... alps of milk. Season with 3217‘ :1 .J FOR YOUR SCRAP BOOK

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