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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1899, p. 6

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bestopbl. It is roported that the Do Bears mines are filling with water and that fir. Rhodes estimates the damage at '50,!!!) per day. GENEM The German Reichstag has repealed the law, passed at the last session, prohibiting workman’s associations. The House of Representatives at “'ashington, by a vote 01‘ 302 to 30, adopted the resolution offered by Mr. Taylor. of Ohio. for the appointment of a special committee to investigate the charges against Brigham H. Roberts, the Mormon representative from Utah. Representatives Corliss, gan. has introduced abill 1‘ cable to be built by the U! of Hawaii. the Philippines. China, at a limit of cost of of which $500000 is to be in available. gress. will he $631,081,894, an increasc over the present year of 338 mnnm The. Red Star liner Friasland collid- ed with and sank the British steamer Lassell, a Santos steamer carrying 23,000 sacks of coffee, in New York bay Tuesday. A concerted movement will be made in Chicago and other western cities against the bucket-shop system. The movement to advance wages in cotton mil? cenmw ins : et-ome general :hrough ~11~ the New England btates. (Rev. D. E. Cheney, or} the First Bap- tist (‘humh, at Racine, \\'is., and his wife were sho: and 'Drobahlv fatnli-n house Adm“ ' The report of th British Board of Trudu for the mun-[h of November shows increases of £2,175,000 in im- ports and £4,751,760 in exports. UNITED STATES. River to the mouth of I and Lhence to the for and Eldorado. GRBA '1‘ BRIT Prof. RoberLson, Dominion Commis- sioner of Agriculture, reports that, ar- rangemcms are being rapidly complet- ed for 11123 esmblishment of manual training in Canadian schools, which has been made possi ' le. by the gener- ous gift of Sir \Viiiiam C. McDonald of Montreal. Unison City is to have an electric railway line. A line. is being built through the city, which will cross the Klondzkc Riva and connect Dawson City and Klondike City, it Parliament.- ary baxictionis obtained. 1;. is propos- ed LU cxtuul Lnsline up the Klondike 1“ 20,000 turkeys, 2,000 geese and 4,091) chickvns for the British Christmas markets. Her Ehcdiency the Countess of Mm- to sew three dozen beuugifu-l paint- boxes and paint. books L0 the Ottawa branch 0: the Aberdeen AssociaLion as Ch-l'lblm'db' guts to the‘ boys and girl's of the kox‘thwcst. M1 rnonrnier commander of the mob naval squadron is visiting the ssian Minister of the Navy at Se- Mmsrs. r‘lavelle Bros, of Lindsay have. just finished a consignment of Mr. W. G. Parmelee, Deputy? Min-is- ter of Trade and Commerce, has gone to the West ladies to enquire into trade and sLeamship subsidy matters. He will be gone probably two months. Robert Mackie has completed the first year oi nis ten years' sentence in Kingston l-‘enin:ntiary. It is estim- ated that he will be released in one year more. Thomas Powell, a farmer residing new Ancas‘ter, is dying of blood-pois- ism'ng, the. result ofu knife wound" sus- tained while whittling a stick with a rusty jack-knife. Geo. Nicholson, :1 foreman in the James Smart Mfg. Co.’s foundry at. Brockville, had one of his: legs badly shattered by the eXplC-sion of a tank beside which he was working. {9 were 31:10: and probably fawnâ€"3" lar who entered their Mr. James Ross, the well known Montreal millionairemas been elecaed a director of the Bank of Montreal, to succeed the late Mr. Hugh McLea- The “Mr Office has ordered from a firm in Belleville twenty-five thou- sand pounds of evaporated vegetabies for the um of the 110015 in South Af- ncu. The Ottawa St. Patrick's Literary and Scientific Society has decided to area It building to cost in the nei gh- borhood of $15,000. Orillia has sold $75,000 thirty-year power scheme debentures to the Cen- tral Loan and Swing Company at a premium. Verdicts of $200 and $175 have been gixen «guns-rt 111‘“ London Street By. in actions for damages and injuries. British Columbia has subscribed over $3,000 for the. relatives of the troops ordered to South Africa, Hamilton talks of appointing a plumbing inspector. London electors are to vote on the proposal to aboiish the ward system of ele-cting uldarmen. The Hamilton Chief of Police wants the force enlarged. interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. IE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Government :tooerLson, Dominion Commis- .' Agriculture, reports that. ar- ms are being rapidly cu-mplet- hr esmblishmem of manual nstag nas repealed at the last session. lamen’s associations. CANADA BRIT A IN 1 01‘ Bonanza Cleek forts of Bonanza "â€"â€" w cost 9f $3,600,000, 0 be Immediately Vi. an xncrease of $38,000,000, Barleyâ€"Quite and steady. Car No. 2, middle freights, sold at. 3 Na. 1, was, quoted at 41 to 42¢. Rye â€" Quiet. Sold at750c west; 51c, east. Oatsâ€"Firm and m fair demand. (4 local business doing, as well as onuva, AVA VHBVO L Peasâ€"Firm. Offerings "rather light Car lots sold at 57-1-20, north an; west, and 58 l-Zc east. Cornâ€"Dull. :No. 2 American yellow, quoted at 410, Toronto; and mixed at. 433 1-23». Canadian corn dull at :19 l-zc, track, Toronto. L 0m, with $2.70 asked. Same, in wood, for local account, 83 per bbl. asked, and $2.90 bid, for singue car lots. Millfecdâ€"Scarce and steady. Bran is quoted at £312 to $12.50. and shorts at 314 to $1450, west. Hogs. Choice h0g3, per cwt. . 400 4571-2 Light hogs, per cwt. . 000 :00 Heavy hogs, per cwt. . 375 46-;- Toronto, Lee. ILLâ€"\Vneai -â€" “’estern markeis were riuher better to-uaywur local prices were unenunged, values here being still above an export basis. Millers are me only buyers. lied and white Ontario is quored to millers at 64. to 66c, according to nearness to the mill. Goose wheat unchanged at 74:, middle freignts, and 09c. north and west. Manitoba steady , No. 1 hard, g.i.t.,r 76c; and Toronto and west, at. 75c; and track, Midland or Owen Sound P‘) [.00 Flourâ€"Very quiet Straight roller, in buyers’ bags, middle freights, @260 laid, with $2.70 asked. Same. in wood Sheep, per own. Lambs, per cwt. Bucks, per cwt. Shippers, per cwt. . . $‘i (30 Butcher, choice do. . . 375 Butcher, med. to good. . 300 Butcher, inferior. 250 brackets, per cwc. . . . 21-25 per pound. Sheep sell at from 3 to 31-40 Per pound. Bucks are unchanged. “15 had no change to-day in the hog markeL. “b Singcls.” scaling from 160 to 200 lbs”, aw Salli 11g at $4.371-) per cm L3 , th 21 bugs 59/11 111%}. , and fat hogs at $‘t pm 0th SLores are non wanted. hum“ ng is Like range of current quotations: Sheep and lambs were steady in price and sold well, with an upward tendency. Good mi kers cute wanted; prices range 110m $22 to $45, and $50 for (31.1.0106. Feeders were scarce, and wanted at from 3 1-4 to 3 3-40 per pound. 3 3-415, to 41-40 per pound, and picked lots from 43.8 to 43-40 per pound, for what. were practically Chrisnmas cat- tle. Medium to good stuff sold from 3 to 3 1-20 per pound, and inferior from 25-8 to 3c per pound. Stockers were steady at from 21-2 to 3c per pound, with 31-4:c paid for extra choice stockers. Shipping cattle was not in particâ€" ular demand for export, but much of it was sold locally for the Christmas trade; prices ranged from 4 to 4 3-40 per pound, with ten to twenty cents per cwt. more for a few extra choice selections. Butcher cattle sold well, the cold snap having done much to encourage buying, Loads of good stuff sold from Toron'n, Dec. 12.â€"\Ve hold alight run and a brisk trade at the western cattle yards this morning; about 40 carloads came in. Prices were firm- ’ M. Osiris, of Paris, has given the Institute of France, a sum to provide !a triennial prize of $20,000 for the most remarkable work of discovery of sgeneral interest, especially in surgery jam! meditine, the prize being open to tall countries. ' Twenty-five American fishing ves- sels have sailed from the Bay of Islands. Newfoundland, for Boston and (.iloucester with herring cargoes, This represean the biggesr fishery on record in that quarter. Herring are Still abundant, but the. fishermenr are waiting for cold weather, the ship- ments so far having been packed in salt, Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese. e. in the Leading Marts. MARKETS OF THE WGRLD. 'The Governor of the Province of Shang-Tung, China, has been! dismis- sed in consequence of his inability to deal wiLh the anti-missionary troubles which have been rife through- out that province, The American forces in the Philip- pines have abandoned the pursuit of Aguinaldo, who, it is believed, has slipped back to Cavite Province, where the Filipinos have resumed the aggressive. There were 843,933 births registered in France, during 1898, a decrease of 15,174. The deaths for ¢he same period numbered 810,073. an increase of 59,- 054. as compared with 1897. Maximo Gomez is reported to be stirring up the Cubans to fight the United States, which is reducing the number of its troops in the island. “Gil-Hull, L‘v " v’-â€"'-‘v Reports from Costa Rica indicate that yellow fever has broken out in the interior of, the country, for the first time on record. A German trader has been murdered and devoured by cannibals on the Is- land of St. Andrew to the north of German, New Guinea. a are worth from 31-2 to 40 Milkers and CaIVcs. Sheep and Lambs. Cattle r lots 0; 3%; an- 50 00 10 £10 .‘F‘p 4 37 1-2 £500 .Uulud). Dec. )2.â€"â€"Wheat-â€"No. 1 hard, cash, 651-23.; No. lNorthern, cash 64 2-20; December, 641-20; May, 681-20; July, 691-2c; No. 2 Northern, 62c; No. 3 sprmg, 58 1-2c. aneapous, Dec. 12. -'v'heat-â€"-In ctore.â€"â€"No. 1 Northern, December, 63 :o Galâ€"Sc; May, 6634c; July, 681-80. 011 trackâ€"No. 1 Northern, 641-9 ; No. 1 hand, 65 I-zic: No. 1 Northern. 6:2. 1-" . 12.â€"Spring Wheat- Duii; 3.3.). lNoz'Lhern, spot, 74 3-80; No. 2 Nuthern, 717-8c. W' ' Strougiy held; No. 2 red, 73c; No. 1 white, 700. Cornâ€"~Fairiy steady; No. 2. yellow, 01d, 36 1-2c; bid; No. 3 yellow, 361-40; No. 2 corn. 35c; N 0. 3 com, 34 '-2c. Oatsâ€"(Firm; fair demand; No. 2 white, 283â€"4c; No. 3white, 280; N0. 4 .vhite, 271-20: No. 2mixed, 261-20; No. 3 mlxed, 260. Ryeâ€"Dull; No. 2, in .- tore, 58 to 590. Flourâ€"Steady. ; Chicago, Dec. 12.â€"IFlaxseedâ€"Closedp «North-West and South-“7cm 4 December, $1.41; May, $1.38. Du- 'AI‘.§E; :0 wave, spot, and Decemr, price; coarse grains r steady; No. 1 hard was quoter‘ {0-day at Fort \Vihiztm; No. 2 11 low No. 3: No. 2 oat; 1-20; :mti No. 3:11; 300, toba gens, 67o, barle rye. 32w, buckwheat, n. inmfy 506. Montreal, Dec. 12,â€"Special. â€" There was little change in the grain market 10-day; there was a good demand ,for Manitoba wheat, and quotations Show- ed_ an advance of 3-4c, on yesterday’s Oatmealâ€"Rolléd on! Toronto, 83.35; and in bbl. port trade. White oats, 260, north’ and west; :56 l-Zc, middle freights; and 27c, east. These prices were paid freely toâ€"day. Buckwheatâ€"Duh. Car lost. cast, 50c; and west, at 49c. o :mnouncc thatkthe doors of the Hos- pital are thravm wide Open to receive any sick or railing child under 14 ysars n age who could he benefit-ed by its "mi ..m~ surrounmz-zga or discomfort whmw some of these little livss have been slowly ebbing away until Ward 0! uhe Hospital’s mercies has brought a promise of health to tbs child and the pleasures of hope to the parents. \Ve take pfeasum in telling our read- are of {his norm, institution, for who #:nowa bu.T :;o:..:« of the little ones with- in this di'ttrici may even now have need nf its s. Vim-ms! 'i‘ne trustees desire us 33} flay. sin Picture the improvement that must («flow to a crippled child pizecualy suffering from smile. and spinal disease, Py'mg perky-up: in a dark earner on a hard bed, and attended lovingly but imm‘mittcntly by a harddvorkigg mower. Picture the improvement 33' that chiFd's progpzv'ts of recovery whoa inken into the bright :gtmomhere of a hospital ward, where it Wm be care- fu 13' and tenderly nursed and when «wry care of modern surgim} and medif'a? science win be given it. ~21. u-‘nuld make one's heart ache to 2m 1hr surroundizzga of discomfort 1 lie results have been eminently? satietactory. Not only is it 005313313 to gat these appiianoes qujclfly anti oormcUy made for each patient, but Um expense has been greatly reduasd, a’fid endless savings will be effected. Many of the thug puLients come from bomfi wbgzre every dollar is need- ed for every day Mods, and where the parents could not possibly afford to sag-ply the brac s, suppox'm and ortho- p;'.__«c.?ic w‘parqgusJei. alone secure the attenéanoe of the eminnnt surgeons who dyadiaate their services limp-11.411. to the i --- o~”~ Q...- -...â€"A .. w-- 'irustees have this year added a very important department to the Hospi- mi. A building adjoining the large i-ioapital on Col‘ege street was pur- :-'1;‘..ao.: ‘, and in it ware placed 'Iihe mach- inery and material needed for the making of ail kinds of appiianoes need- ed Ln different causes of surgery. An expert workman has been seaumd £40m New York to superintend the making of them appiizmces to the exact me‘easâ€" urcmants and designs submitted by the surgeons agtmding each case. The bétter to prawn {he hppliances‘ needed in curing the doforxditfea of gnuny litgle pgtgients, the Hospital fio ecipenao is spared In any Eingie case when there 13 the least hogs of such expenditure proving beneficial. nu. _ v “ good that it has done. fn 23 years the Hospital has nursed and treated 313,091) pain-stricken children, which is trial 9. great recurd. Last year over 5... ’ children were treated In the inâ€" :300‘: and outdoor departments. The fame of the Hoapital has travelled far indeed, for Up, little patients are brought to its doors from ail parts of the! Province. Some max-veileus cages have been effected by its skilful Phy- sicians, while many a little crippled chjid has recovered the use of daform~ ed limbs unaer the care of its surgeons. With another years work added to the twenty- -tmo years of its existence, the Hawital for Sick Children, 'Ior- 0mg, has sent out its reportnof the A Charitable Institution Caring for Sick and Crip- pled Children from All Parts of the Province of Ontario. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. $30,000 EN DE .1: a“ 10-day at 65 1-4, ztfluat, Earn: L 0. 2 hard, 21 1-20,: be-l 3â€"; No. 2 oats are held at 30 No. 3at 300, in store; Mani-- . G70. barley, No. 1 47 1-20: Graze}; of Six Patimrs now in the Hay-:z'tlz’.-(lr‘rom a. plmzograph.) 00 1-20; Did; No. 3 yellow, corn. 35c; No. 3 com, 34 irm; fair demand; No. 2 No. 3white, 280; No. 4 No. 2mixed, 261-2c; No. . Ryeâ€"D1111; No. 2, in i0. Flourâ€"Steady. fair demand; No. 2 , 3whit_e, _280; No. 4! , no enquiry, nom- a, in bags, track, wood, $345 per How and he is by no means apologetic about it. He advances his argument, backed up by physiological facts, in 'An English Physician Says the Back Should Be “'9,“ Arched. At this stage in the development of cycling, after the bump-backed “scorcher’” has been the target of censure and ridicule for years, it is astonishing to find a physician of prominence who will advocate the doubled over position as the one not only most advantageous for the ap- plication of power, but ,also best from a hygienic point of view. This is, how- ever, just what Dr. R. Campbell does, and he is by no means nnmlnamitin TO RIDE A BICYCLE WITH EASE 'Ehme is still {sit a mstgag e of. 25030 and a “ham; ovexdrauft of $5,€((‘2 01 :2; tom] dam of $893,333.11? 521:. friends of the 30mm! am just a .1111! -, maze 13113111 this 3393,9513'14hxi- '(tebtedness wilt be lifted d Umso En; pital for Sick Ckildrén wflaln swing int: tâ€"hs twentieth century free from deb‘ ‘ T310 Trustees are making a agema} 1 i --‘ - ansâ€"- -â€"â€"â€"-â€"n~- Christmas 11p 61 £01 money to dis- 'ohazge this ht. They know the» 'havs the 1131261; sangathy of evez. i one for a mother charity, 11m stands éerect wi.L arms ouzstraiévbd rendv {to g t'hel into its . tha ski: ‘ 1,136 11,1115 little crflt’urea ho are on 111.10 he‘alifi. the first gum; need . M :1. faix staff: on lilo’s journey. ! { They will be pleased to- {and a repor: ;01‘ any reQ-uz‘r red particulars to any rsader of this 9396!. All they 1.1.3}! 18 91 dollar from eac kind heartâ€"or 111626 if yhu feel y‘m. can 3 are it. A onatioa of. $104.) will support : cot_ 3:23 1211. fie: 91:51 {by 039 year. Through the columns; of” {he Toronz: Evening Tehgram each deflation wil be acknowledged, a». wa'i’. as in th- Annmu Report. J. Rec-s Robertson Chairman of the Hoauital Trust, Torr»: to, to whom dosatfoas may be sent will also send written acknowledgmezzi of any gonutipns as soon as received. And 31 '13 an appraciabla gift. 50 many 110.1712"; will follow years “E who gives quioki) 5111183 mug.” .. A‘ amnion a: $2,990 vé'in'ai‘ld’ow cot for a}! time. ‘ skill. And its services are free to lit i1- [childrcn whme arents chmot after-i the small he charged. None are re- fused adzgiszion. For thia Hospitalu-‘az: founded :21 1875 by great-hearted men and woman. why saw the need of 1.21:- speuial car-e necegsary [or nick, destitug-e and hi ndbss child-mu, little 01153.3 who, ‘throuag misfortune, discasg and gov. ‘ any could not, help themselves; 3.1391121; today its fame him spread, and mi; of the Hospital patient“. 05" a 1:023; ' stately hangs aywcll 21$ ’3sz E gl‘weli- ings. ".‘y’hxt chafifiy has so great 7. claim on ”he sympathies of men, wc~ men and children? all the pati-aatai wlm can He m'ovefl ara taken to spam} this vfafm summer months. The Lakesidefiohm (m: a gift of a Torunio mailman t9 the Hospi- tal. It is 1(7de on the soth-wost comer of T.,z'011to Island, Md {he situa- tion is a breezy and Mania-giving one. This great 'oi'gqrity ia suggested by the voluntgry cont fbutioas of thee people of Ontario. '1', offiixury ex- pewiié'lre lust. yen wag ovvu‘ $335391}. Yat. thanks to the generofity of the public, this expense was met. and 953%} was {mid 011' the. manage. which had been retarding and ban 3.331132 the Work fora. yours. In close affiliation uiih the H03 ihts. ’ is The Lakeaifle Home for Little dram the gonvfioacent branch, .vhe'z The Hospital is 0343 of the 13.:ng institutwns of its kind in ‘22 world. f5 it them is accommodation f0 20’) c-hildren. T43> 33y than; are me: than 100 patients in 1h: cotsâ€"babie : boys and girls. 21, 1899. TROUBLE IN THE JUNGLE First Apeâ€"\Vhai made. you so : at that innocent monkey? “It vuuu LuLJK’WI.I-v wv--â€"‘ Second Aveâ€"He told Erie to be man! "In Iml‘tiCUI‘H‘, as Leonard fi‘lllms shown, there is :1 tendencv for the blood to gravitate to the splenehifir area when the, erect posture is assum- 8d,. and I cannot" but 111ml; {hm the fatlgue of standing and mixing 1.: , . 2' IS 131.391? due to this tendency. Qomally counteracted by the («:11er- ball of the splzinchnic arteries. bythe pressure Of the firmly (-nntrm-Ivci rib- dommal muscles on the splanrhnic 1V83ns, and by the neguiiv intmtu :acm Pressure. and in cycling 3? IS ;much reduced, and for at least three reasons: 1. The mean distance be! ween the head and feet is diminished. and here we have an additonal reason wily the body and head should incline VIP” forward; 2, the splanchnic veins are compressed by the, rhythmic “MW.” of the thighs on the abdomen, :ind1iizs compression is increased by the ff)!”- Ward attitude; 3, the aspiratory 5m inn Of the thorax is increased. owing 10 the increase in mean size, this occur- ing in all active exercises. That the forward attitude tends to contract :he chest is an altogether fallacious no- . “ b. There is something incongruous In 1111 animal, built on the l(’)!lglillilillfll plan standing and progressing (mane end of its long axis. Yet this is what man is, and what he does, :1 IUl i: places him :11 a two-fold disadvantage: first. in the mailer of }_)-:‘::gression, ii leaves him with but two legs to walk with. and the muscles of these two. US 31' ready observed, have to expend a great deal of their energy in balancing the body, which, from its upright P05“ tion is more difficult to balance [ban in the case of the quadrupeds'; second. the height, of 'the blood column is in- creased, the influence of gram." :n the circulation being corresmndingly increased. “ \Vhat do I mean by the proper sit- ting posture! If a permn sits: so as to ride at ease, he should hum-h me back somewhat, since this. im‘vlves much less expenditure of muscle en- ergy than the bn‘a upright pzmition. This is one reason why the havk should be W811 arched in cycling. considerahle expendituxe of muscle and energy, both by 1hc leg and .1u11k musdes; vhiie in culing 1101 unlv are the leg muscles \\ hullx fxw from the work of suyport and 11:21:“: nee but the trunk muscles are laraeh reliev- ed from the 131191 {uncriun if the PROPER SITTING POS TURE be assumed. “ “"hat do 1 mean 111’ the EH'OUOI' 51t- “ I only used three bottles and new I am well, and can eat meat, which I dared not touch before without being in great distress. I always recommend B. B. B. as .1 , being the best rem6 dy for: .. ' . “I suffered with dyspepsia for years and tI'IEd everything I heard of, but got no reuefuntil I took Burdock B1ond Bitters. For twenty years now Burdock Blood Bitters .1215 been peninmently curing severe cases of d\ spepsia anc. indigestion that othe1 remedxes were powerless to reach. What dyspeptics need is not arti- ficial digestants but something that will put their stomach right so it will manufacture its own digestive ferments. Mr. James G. Keirstead, Collina, King's Co., N.B., says : __â€" ‘-|.. perfect remedy known for the cum of Con. stipation, Dyspepsia Biliousncss and Sick Headache. They work Without a gripe or pain, do not sickcn or weaken or leave any bad after effects. -r“-,.I\(tl have said, should anyone Wis} u 1 Lnougnt 1 would try the roved the best experiment I (2' {had only taken two boxes w“ ‘2' left my back entirely. Three be H __--....._ 'sqo Guelph, Ont, says? 31130;": f Pills are grand. I have not bees; ill. taking them, which . . was over 21 yea' last Winter, and can giVe them my wa; praise; for they restored me to health 25 years of suffering. Twenty-five ago I sprained my back severe-Iv, ané since my kidneys have been in a Vet" state. The doctors told me that rd kidney especially was in a very bad dition. A terrible burning pain was al present, and I suffered terribly from bago and pain in the small 0? my 1 together with other painful and distre symptoms, common in kidney Comply I could not sleep, and Sufi-cred much salt rheum. MEN’S KIDNEY PILLS THE 0 Here is the proofz.~ 9 a.‘ Laxaâ€"L wep Pi 1 Is restored me to Bring. Twenty-five :1y back severelv. and m an in a Very bad me that my left a. very bad con. itakin ‘6 “)8 most cure of Con- aim in them 'Om kidne‘ lufn. HA QUEEN, woacamuv mg, :1; resumed his old business, and is pro -pé. amt of money 0:: .E loan_any amo “:1 A“ rm 1.; 'UGH MachAY, Durham, Land ‘ mrand Licensed Aum'mncer fo htyof Grey. Sales pro .1196)! awe “notes cashed. Aw Pharmacy 9 idence.â€"â€" b'i BR BPIS'J ER Solicitt r, on 31001:. Lower Town. Cc qpnomptly attended to. S: paegiscry Omoe WW vâ€"-v-â€" _ Auctioneer for 'the Count dValu‘amor, Bailifi' of Lhe :32 53814:: and all other matter nded toâ€"highest refer ences The “Chronicle? is an Page Loczu. haw-ma; UW' tea ”d S“ . %Yhelp’you. YOU-“want Dr. FO\\'1L‘-r's OfW‘ld Stram7berr)., “,hich CV91“; ”kilo . _ . ‘ . W3 W111 posmvely cure Lramps a ma 1 ' \: Colic quickly. . . a. dose or two and 3. g‘ _. have ease. 010m any amount; of money 0:: 430 Old mortgages paid OK on Itliberalterms. Fire and Liic I; uefl'ectedin the best Stock Comp: lowest rates. (Jorrespondewce Vesta-n Ontario. mired. .wh” you are seized with an attack of “mi” 01' doubled up with Colic, you 33?; mmgdyyoufire sure will give you Y and give It quickly, too. . °‘ dont want an untried something «amps and is n LES CARSON, "pa' D arrhoca. Lr:;1“.tԤ we: “kg-{fie StOXTXZCh. I Was a Li Mg“, n 1 he gave it a trial, but : on ; Per feet comer t u Legal Dweam‘y 7338 relieved promptly 3:3: DP. Fowler’s Ext. of Wild Strawberry. Nine, P. 00 9 bENTisT. BROWN, Issuer of 3,Durham Oat. Miscellaneous ' Solicitor. 31¢- .9 new jewellery ' .. '. TELFOR: Durham. Agency. to loan at 5 D0 Durham, License 1e County of Grc 0f the 2nd DiVisic Coliec: ion Searcnu-t is the only misual‘93' RES off on ITO an lea. PRACTICE The principal? dranoe to agriq’ fit- and progyei and sympathy‘ theory and the ‘ the farm. As: yo between the t9' bs‘”w science a n appre< are New 01' OD, S UTTOUD can GQI for 0.! 'd of 1e

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