West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Dec 1899, p. 12

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.R PAINTS. French artist, 1 petroleum in- and drying oil. lade an imp-1'0"? first ground in l fluid with pet“ 1 suggest - his famous .e that hat 3 r bu! can eithe love me. Pf“ 8d Inaâ€"1‘}, “I youxd reams.1 Bitty-two 1° 9781mm m.“ § Avoid in: din a Wrap-Der Mk. Dr. W11. O WORRY. m. Referred bythe Bureau 3m Depart- 3 between the lawns not in Lition from an be following vorld’s com- Lr in unsatis- 3 "concerned. France and 1 France, the am is out- Mly,duo mm mildly knot com- abroad for no in 18's 8. chases fnm while. from med her 1168 has 1‘8- aat from us . while her from the I 13 million 338 in her he ' United the singio next door trade ac- actory 21?- any other is the 00- ent on the .313, which 11'. the Am- bnay with are com- 3 the bor- 13 British rapid gains .ptnre the :sertion is I'llâ€"grim}! tnd driving Weight trade that elaborate system of age“ a ' o . Suppgving soldlers With ammumtlonl dunnglh" course of afight it would heavy thing 2:, the heavy brass Work. of the case, and LhE- Weight 0f the Wads aha DOW- u..l combine to produce an article Lhough it is of small compass, ‘ r can “:32, . ‘ i5 wf} Welgntâ€"Y° When our soldiers are attacking a Boer cushion their Operations require {'33: each man shall have a large sup- \‘ 13‘ V“; " v - When our soldiers are attacking a? , their operations require that each man shall have a large sup- p; of ammunition. This must all be carried forward as the fight pro- greSS:S. The Boer entrenched upon a hill-zop may have the largest sup- pgy of th ammunition by his side, and he is not weighed down by it. as our soLdiers are when storming the posi- WHAT HE CARRIES. e Durlng a protracted fight the Bri- v cis'u smdier is, in most inStances, corn- ycled to fire away all the ammunition E Mich he is personally able to carry. t An ordinary private carries 100 rounds. C Just before an action, when heavy'l firm“ is eXpeCted, this 100 rounds 1s 1 w E E 0' t: H (D G. C" sq {.11 H H. 0.4 8 0 H} H E H- D‘ O biLILUiUD reserve of- seventy-seven I rouzivls per man. Thus each private I atmuiccs into battle carrying no less 1 than 150 possible dealers of death. ' “ht-never a soldier falls or is wounded he is immediately stripped of its ammunition, and it is at once diari‘uuted among the men who are s:i.l capable of carrying on the fight- Tilt: reserve ammunition for each bat- mfior- is carried in four carts and on tn; backs of two pack mules. When an action appears imminent, a tem- porary reserve, called a “brigade re- Erma," is formed. This consists of two carts taken from each of the four ba‘ {11110113 composing the brigade. Thus s;,e»(r;ai reserve is placed under an of- ficer seleCLed for the occasion- In the event of any of the battalions becom- ing; detached from the brigade, they‘ I‘t‘CLtiVE; their own carts back again. - AMMUNITION PACK. In addition to the above, there is aiways with the regular ammunition column seventy-seven rounds for each man, and a further supply is carried in the “ammunition pack” of fifty-five rounds per man. Accordingly the total ‘ 3A4 -A-_‘v\ Huuu WA “to.“ “I “vvvâ€"â€"~â€"° amount carried in the field for each inhutry soldier works out at 309 “ounds. 7 Vuuum l‘he men who actually bring up the .sariridges to their comrades of the fighting line are selected from each company for their strength and; agil- ity. This duty of bringing up sup- plies of ammunition during the en- gagement is a very arduous one, and ,_2-_11_ ::.4. nfln akin :ufion are yards of «arts to thfa men. in: action, W'lthinn 1.0“) yards. SngING terms. of the shell are then emptied in- to a shallow pool, where they can has]: in the sunshine until the minnows are :YY‘rxn r1- onnfitflh fn b9 turned into alake to a shallow pool, where the in the sunshine until the m strong enough to be turned or river. tance‘. 6f IOOIyards. It is expected to be of great use in searching for-the Wounded after a battle, and in bndgg building at. night. SU BSTITUTE FOR RUBBER. ACETYLEVE SEARCHLIGHT. ‘ HEN§ HATCH THE EGGS. HIM WITH SHOT. fixt are able SHUEMAKEB’S STORY Tweed Shoemaker Who States He Was Cured of Backache by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Tweed, Nov. 27. There IS a shoemak- er in this town who is one among the thousands who have been cured of Backache by Dodd’ 5 Kidney Pills. The shoemaker’s work sitting bent over the bench or last all day is natuijally: ‘10 Reason to Doubt it. He is But One at a Thousandâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills Al- ways Cure Backache. a strain on the back, but that of itself is never the cause of the real Back- ache. Backache of the genuinely pain- ful and distressing kind is caused by disorder of the kidneys. In fact the ache or pain is situated directly in the kidneys as the sufferer will find if he tries to rub the pain away with lini- ments, as he would were it a mere stiffness of the muscles. Mr. \V. S. Bushy, oft Tweed, thought his case was of the latter kind. He bore with it for years, thinking it in- separable from his work. Finally, how- ever, he found his mistake. He gwriteszâ€" - _ ‘- V DEV“. “I have long been troubled with severe pains in my back, and I always thought that the cause was from my constant work on the; bench. I found out my kidneys were affected and once Iwas certain of that I resorted to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I am happy to say, three boxes left me clear of Back- ache. I can highly recommend them to any person afflicted with that form I of! Kidney Disease.” ’ All men believe in dreamsâ€"while asleep. .A plagiarist is a writer who coueets hxs thoughts. The whir-r-r of the alarm dlock is \ an eye-opener. The luxuries of life are the things we don't really need. He IS a busy man. who does half as much as he Intends to do. Poverty may be a blessing, but only when it clings to our enemies. ! IL 18 said that a model woman earns a Ewing by trying on cloaks. - A physiolan says the ouzbreaks of humanity are always mgr-e or less rash. According to the recent studies of Signor De Sanctis of Turin, children begin to iream before their fourth1 year, but are unable to recall dreams before the age of four or five. This age, he concludes, is that at which a child first becomes distinctly consci- ous of self. Aged people dream less frequently and less vividly than the young. \Vomen’s dreams are more frequent, more vivid and better re- membered than those of men. Crim- inals and delinquents dream much less frequently and much less vividly} than other people. Two-thirds of the most {depraved criminals examined by Signor iDe San-ctis were never conscious of lmentai activity. Be Cured of Catarrh. ' It is quite easy to cure yourself of1 Catarrh or Asthma if you use Catarth ozone, the medicated air treatment for all diseases of the nasal and respira- tory organs caused by germ life. Caâ€"i edy that can be uw'ed without any dan-‘ ger or risk whatever. When inhaled it rapidly volatilizes, and tinds its way to the very seat of the disease, where it kills the microbe life that causes Ca- tarrh and at the same time restores ‘ all irritated membranes to their normal icondition, effecting a permanent cure. you simply breathe; Catarrhozone does the rest. One trial will demon- ,strate its worth. For sale at all drug- igists or by mail, price $1.00. For trial ioutfit send 100 in stamps to N. C. P01. son 8:. Co., 518 Kingston, Ont. # WORSE THAN \VAR. ,___AA of nature 'occurs in Mexico. It is a iver that is not a river. . The bed of it lies in a valley between“- the Rio Grande, and Pecos Rivers. It is not a dead or driedâ€"up ngeam._ It is simply . 'â€"‘ MR8. WINSLOW’S SOOTHIX G SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething. It. soothes the child. softens the gums. allay: pain. cures wind colic. and is the best. remedy for diarrhoea 25¢. a bot- tle. Soldb All druggists throughout. the world. Be our. md 33 for ” Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Ono of the m0? of nature occurs iver that is 110't it lies in a va‘ Grande, and Pea dead or shied-up lost. humerous into it from th' tains. _ Immedia ‘ 1 A: existence THE SCIENCE OF DREAMS; POINTED PARAGRAPHS. x;hich could LOST RIVER. most remarkable freaks “Va-v..- i” Franco-Prussian War year by infec- r‘nn A/‘A ELECTRIC LIGHT SLOT MACHINE. Those who prefer electricity to gas for lighting purposes are within meas- urable distances of enjoying the same facilities as those offered by gas com- Denies to their customers. The elec- tric light penny-in-the-slot meter is being introduced. Your house will be wired for you, and on dropping in the coin you wiLl receive your due pro-- portion of light, warranted to stop just when you have company, and no charge. Takeâ€" Ilaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A11 dragging refund the money it it fails to cure. 86c. 11:. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. THE QUEEN’S ICE. The stores of ice at Windsor, Osborne and Balmoral castles are very large. At Windsor there is storage room for about 500 tons. There the supply is north terrace, from Frogmore, and from the lake between Frogmore and Virginia Water. Ice is not only lav- ishly used in the Royal kitchen, but also for reducing the temperature of Her Majesty’s apartments in hot wea- lther. Then it is packed in pretty twooden buckets and stood in the fire- | places. “ Pfiaraoh 100. ” Punt. or annoy. Rt“ 05‘" Minotaur. similar rate of consumption a man, weighing 160 pounds, will require a whole fat deer for breakfast, a steer and five sheep for dinner, and for supâ€" per two bullocks, eight sheep and four hogs, and just before retiring nearly four barrels of fresh fish. Ah exclaimed the youth, we have! fallen upon evil times! What is there! left for one who is over forty, now- adays? Well, the old man replied, he can put ‘ in his time after that trying to become as great as he thought he was at I twenty. I Blamishes $331, Gogglexion Do you believe in th the goiden rule? Yes. I always like people- keep it in mind dealing With me- La Tosoana, 1130- the The “ Balmoral, ” Free Bus G .T. R. Station. sri’JAMEfimEL-g Rnilwsy. Fixj movementp-. the value of $55,000 have already been recovered, and the divers report. great stores of silver and jewels, which the ’ rms of a century have washed! out from the hulk of the old wreck. T0 CURE A (301.0 IN ONE DAY We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor ny case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by all’e Catan‘h Cure. F J. CHENEY CO“ Toledo. 0. We. the undersigned. have known F‘. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeere. and believe him ,orfectly honorable in 31.” business transact- ions. and financially able to carry out any obll- anion made by their firm. ’33? s: 'l‘nmx, W hoiesele Drnegists. Toledo. 0. WALDXNG. KINNAN 8t MARvm. W'holeeale Drugglste. Toledo. 0. _ Hall's- Catarrh Cure lF. taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- hcee ot the system. Price, 750. per bottle. Bold by all drugs SBS. Testimonials tree. Hall's Family Bills are the beat. The last laundry I patromzed was 18 worst I’ve struck yet. 'In what way? \Vhy, Isent ’em six collars, and all got back back was the buttonholes MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. A AAAMv Thousands of persons in Germany live literally “on straw,” making it up into blankets, panniers, boxes, knick- nacks, hats, bonnets, etc. Profession- 31 schools have even been founded where the trade is taught in all its varieties. We offer One Hundred Doliars my case of (3301er that cannot {311’s Cabal-Th Cure. '- I AIID\TI‘V b (if luv! 0;?” grad Sign them. LLOYD W OD. Toronto. GE; ERAL AGENT. THE SPIDER'S APPETITE. HOW SOME MEN LIKE IT. NOBLE WORK TO DO- A SLIGHT RETURN. ”" 9 :’ Opposite (2.1m. De (t. MES HOTEL 'two blocks from C.p )P: Flatâ€"class Commercial House. Modern im- sâ€"Ram moderate. European Plan. Room: Lrslake! from $1 a. day up. Opp. Montreal. Geo. Carslake E: Co.. Prob's. "”"W WEEKâ€"g Av ue. HOUSE-'anlily HgteCX gates 88“le M LIVE ON STRAW. How’s This ? circular. W. J. URQUHART 489 Q1: een St. W" Toronto. the observance ot RELIANCE CIGAR FACTORX ,Moncrea! bgr diy. A REVELATION Lead Packages. 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60c. A; \VISE PRISONER. Now tell me, said the visitor to the penitentiary, if you had your life to live over, don’t you think you would choose a different road? - w--v- v-v â€" v '1 _ You bet I Wauld, answered the pris- oner, I’d take to the road through the woods, and they's never catch me. curbellc Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment. Tooth Powdere. etc" have been «waded 100 module and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent inteou. on: 61533803. Ask your denier to obtelu . supply. List- mullsd tree on application. Send one cent stamp for circular. \ . Analytical Chemist. 489 Q can St. ' WET-6. cALvsm 00., 'ANOHICTIR. -_ - ENGLAND. Blemishes £23351, Complexion permanently cum 1-Cmanh of nose. I thrmt. Itomtoh . 33-- tn- 5 an. a ham Write {or nanioultfl. Th. â€" â€" v â€" - --_, _ . and bkddor. 500 a 81 a box. Wrim {or pbrtioultn, India: Cum-h Cut. 00.. 146 St. Janna-It, Mantra TORONTO cutting School otters spgcisl advantages m :11 desirous of acquiring s thorough knongngo 1.9! I to all desirous of «hiring ¢ thorough knowledge 0! Cutting and Fittinl Gentleman's Garments. Write for bmiodlm. 3nd other PRdDUCE. to cumin beat. roiults consign to The Dawson Oommsssion 80., Limited, cor. West-Market 8s Oolbomo 8L. Tomato. POULTRY, BUTTER. EGGS, APPLES, Wlfllnmlen to "and. nlary or commission; cxmfi. once unnmssuy; Wfipo LUK E ‘3 .308: C 0.. Roofing“. .‘w..â€"--V-. -“----. WANTEDâ€"8:150:10}: ; T'Arborino " protects {mitt fire“ from .u peat-j $30.00 was; QRBORXN I..g(_)_.3_§igg_§rul. .. __... .â€" Tfll DES MOINBS lNOUBATOR-Bost and cheapest O. Rollmd. solo a «m for the Dominion. Send 30$. ntnmr. for catalogue. 73 St. Paul Street. Montreal O. Rollmd. sole stamp for enulotuo- Catholic Prayer Carters GOLD CURE 100. Lures in a jifly. I Common: 8: C0,. Agents. Montregl. tion. Sausage casingsâ€"1,71 Moan HOB Casing-reliable gnod “an BY ‘nlf\u;:1 Drugiiah, or 381 Queen W. Toronto Leliz'xous Pictures, Statuary :ducational W0“_ks. Mal 0' -*holonlo only. Lont DI WILLIAM 81's; 'sunoe Toxopnon TORONTO. R 0 0 F i H n and Sheet Metachrks. ROOFING SLATE. in Black. Rod or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supp!) Pubfic 3nd High Schools Torontu). Roofing Bolt. Pitch. 0011 Tu. etc. ROOFING TILE (Bee New (my Build. Inn. Toronto, done by out-firm). Metal Ceilings. Cor- nicesmbo. Estimates furnished for work complete or £0! materials shipped to any part. of the country. Phone 196! a. Outfit“: sous. Adolaldo amdmor Munoz-onto v- av. wovuvcâ€"Jvâ€" vâ€"--â€" Toronto, 0 ftéwa, Quebec. 06ml Colco Health Drink. Pure.lÂ¥holesomo, Nourish in . 1501b., or 2 lbs. for 250. Roxoo is equnl to 400 00‘“ For Sale b all Grocers, or send 10c for Hb. pnchfl \o the 30103 MPG. 00., 154 neen IL. Toronto. Agent. wanted in ovcry_l__ icy. 63MB“ SENSE KQLLS Roadhca. Bed ! Bugs, Rats and Mice. ”Sold by all Boss's “flair Grow maneutlv cures 31 Out. Dandruff glouy find beautifyim To: Portland. Me" to Liverpool, colllng at flamax Westbound. Largo and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambmman. mm of z-Fint'Csbin. " upwsrdlz Second .W . “3950. Domlnlon Line Miea land for Nov Mono; Mention this up". ILL instantly relieyg a fiqkain: cough A-nnXA- n-‘p “ idifiéu'im‘smcm nvamshco: Br. Dr. 8 8min md Hot. 3nd Cold Water up“, U01 Pipes Kitchcn Boilers, etc. For purticuhn apply to HIGA BOItER GOVEBIHG 00., Look for ionâ€"{in iour toivn, or send direct. Jr. Braw’s compound Syrup of Licoriceâ€"a: - ggists for itâ€"sent by mail on receipt of 250. Bryson Medical Dispensary, Montreal}: Cheapest and Best Gearing In the World. For thfiery boat «and your wax-lat.” the {Em TOBBANCE a co. 1. 0L Q-Aun" , ___Now importation: finest Io caSingS English Sheep and Am- Casiu sâ€"reliuble goods at right. priot. PAR . BLACK WELL 1. 00.. Toronto. BALDNESS CURED. “ Illlr Grower " positively and per- lv cures Baldness. flair Falling TO “IN USERSâ€"A NIGESSITY To OLD ONESâ€" Toronto. loaned, and union. m b Buys Scrap, D LEAD.CUPPER,BRA$S. Long Distance Tolephon. 179. _---A--- “fl «0.. and TODdBro the hair soft. Ltifut. Testimonitls from leading Toron- l'rioo 81.00 per bottle Books, Rosaries, Orn- 'fayer cil'ixos, Scapulars. Statuary. and Church Ornaments. . Mn] orders receive prompt. atten- J. SADLIEB 00., Montreal. PIPE AND BOILER 335 Rona-sullen Ave" Torggto. wd Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage ’8. Kitchen Boilers. cw. ROSE CO., \V 113 Yongo at” Toronto. LNCE 00,. Gonna] Anna, - . . - _ was: Munch: 8:. Montreal._ : High Class flater Tube steam to Weslo mend at. %VBI%;U.,N‘°. Rich- MIND. MI". 5 Halo. Be.rrisL9rs,ebc.. remoyod CEYLON Tea holds its friends like a magnet '53. EIEQUHART. To send for our comp let SHEET MUSIC CA ALOGA E and SFECIALRA E OF DtSCOUNT. W. are _equlppe_6 to .‘l DIR v - r" Ed'ppl every MUSIC TEAC ERinCanada Whaley. Royce 158 Yong. 81.. TORONTO. ONT. W" Toronto. _-_.â€"- fiwering e MAIL STEAMSHIPS conning at Halifax 1003 n. Stronzut. ] “file in d1 1cm Manufacturers Coming to Torqnto WILL FINDâ€"VERY DESIRABLE FLATS, Steam ligated, Steam Power, Elevator and all conveniences. TRUTH BUILDING, 7 3 Adelaide St. “’82“, TORONTO. 0W H0553 “UUU THIIIVI uuuuuuuuu - _, 9 Iosco. Ogemew end Crawford Countiee. Title pert foot. On Michigan Central. Detroit. Mackinac a _ Loon Luke Railroeds, at prices maxing from 82 to r acre. These Lends are Close to Enterprising New owns, Churches. Schools. 300., end will be sold on as! reuoneble terms. Apply to . B. M. PIERCE. Ai‘ont, West Bey City. Mich. Or J .W. CUB’ IQ Whitnemore. Mich. GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. FRED. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. CANA‘ifl E’Efi mooaronxmm 1855. The eldest and Largest Canadian Hort gage Corporation. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Road Officeâ€"Toronto St, Toronto. Branch Officesâ€"Wlnnlpox, Mam, Vancouver, 8.. MONEY LEI-WT on security of real astute non-tun. Government 3nd Municipal Bonds, etc. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowod. DEBBNTURES ISSUED for 1. 2. 3. 4 or (”can with interest coupons attached. NORTHEY STEAM PUMPâ€"6 x4, 7 inch stroke. in good working order, capao ity about zoo horse power. Price $7 5. FEED WATER HEATER-65 horse power, in good order. Price $25. â€"-AA NDIGESTION is very insidious. The appetite becomes poor, capri- cious, or is altogether lost. Pain, accompanied by nausea and flatu- lence follows the taking of food ; nutrition being arrested, the blood becomes impoverished, and then appear various nervous afl'ections, such as headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, hysteria, and the collection of distressing symptoms to which the name 0 “nervous debility ” and “ heart trouble has been applied. The liver is speedily affected, and then we have constipation, foul tongue, offensive breath, depression of spirits and sallow skin. THE DUKE l8 SIMPLIOITY ”SELF: Price 50 Cents per box. or Sam. Willi: Dr. ’ ' Ward si'fififi'm Pills JA!. 8. ANNETT, Manager. For further p‘rticulars :pply to J. HERBERT MASON. Esplanade. Reiemnaefi Boilers, for Ail Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR .DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 05p. Sherbourne st, It, Lumen and Futon: State in the war] lengths. Price. compete with Boots. 88.! Order from IVEY. - 110 m St, Toronto. (All of Toronto TRU'X‘vng‘jâ€"g A’dclaide West, Toronto. mum at Cami: meted to! dollm duly. Latest. improved Cooker. 3M “tor gauge, ell oomputments in” chewable. Decided «1va 07¢ an other motor manuhctured A 0MAT_IQ8T§§M CQROKE‘B (I). Agents- MEN OR WOMEN 295 College Street. TO'OIto. Managing Director. Toronto. 3r bdx, five boxes 82.00. All dmzzisu. Williams 00., Toronto. Ont. JOHN J. mm. Supt. and Tron 'i'fié EEEA'PEréh. Rather a: we. a. The Wilson ruMuhmg 00., human when boilers may be mum TUBULAR 3:35. SKATES “it... Toronto

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