“3:415 . HE UNDERSIGNED :WTZLLr Seep for service at Lots 45 and 46._ (Jon. 3, N. D. R.. 3 Pure Bred Chester \Vixfte “mar. Registered Pedigree may be seen on appli- cation. TERHS. $1.0). ‘ JOHN HOPKINS. J 12.. '2')ng It. ‘ 2h. . Ptop’r, W PARK. CUMMISSIONER in H. C J. pn-m ptly attended t0. LOANS and Insurance effected v lay. (Iompï¬nyand Private Fun‘ 35. 5% and 6 Der cent. in 5mm IBEG LEAVE ‘1'0 INFORM MY â€-TCMERS and the public. in general V am prepared to furnish N‘sw Pumps AND REPAIRS. DIG. D CURB. RE-CL‘RB. PRESS-3 “'ELLS. Allnrd ms taken at the 0ch {mar Mru‘owzuz's mm or 3!. Shop at. L szth‘a Foundry. --‘v v! uvuglnug!‘ HiMrrse {imp} 1727 011mm; 0'15 25.7 5} bx Prince Sister of â€(.4 onshin Wax nick 15L. Beauty in uilliu'. I-n t “\71 W ‘JU§\. :. 5‘ U. R.‘ Durham. a pure Lire-d Berkshim I†' 'I‘ixarlt-s." PELIGREEâ€"l-‘arrowul March 2911) '97. ‘32“ng by Francis ltussd. ('cdarvillr. Out. 2nd ommr. Peter Muir. Flt-Shvrlou Station. Ont. †mvnvr. James Atkinson. Durham. Om. Sire Black Prinw-45-19~.(brvd by C, 'I.’Uarbut. Clan“, mom. Outs). dam Jt-'ni:::,;g;°.id~is; (ix-«1 b3.3.‘6. Snell 6': Bro., Sneigrxrié." 2.). by Star Om- {imp} 4771-. bred bVJ. 1’. King 30th Stoke. England ~Cmuu~ttc:â€":276§~; by Lon‘ inï¬ll!» I'ilnn \_h.'u.'_ "“ I _-â€" ~ \ “ terms to suit'bqrrowers. A General Financia! Business Tr: OFFICE-l door Nuflh 055. Scott': Our-an Tickets fur sale. TIR-sjia. )Iortga'res, Leases, Wills and other “'rit- mgs curt-w 1y drawn. Fina Life. Accident. Marinc and Plate Glass IX 81. RAB-CBS plucul at lowest rates, m Good "01» names. Businyss Ditticulties arranged. Creditors settled thb. An; and envy 'iud of legitimate bus: mass aitendvd to and everything kept QT‘PII'"I‘Y \' ‘)lp‘r\' A “‘13 A! WAYS PROMPI‘. \ex er negligent ‘ CHA {GES \i uummng. GOOD FARMS and SplendidHanover Pronerties F OR SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on eummission. Debt: Collected. Old Notes Bought- tn give his custuu-vra a gmod bargain: knowing that. in tho and it paw him as we}! as them, That. in fact. is the reason whv lu- to-day has the best. busineas of the kind in “’cstcz‘n Ontario. Has been at the business for nenrh 20 years and know; thy ms and outs of it. and alwm s studios _'â€"â€"‘-_-.‘ . “‘11.; Smuham ton. a short distam‘c from Owen Sound, and WH ' do peOple g» to him from such great dgatumcs? chausv they make munev by doinn' 50. if flmv didn't thev \vmdcln't go to him. ‘he; _.--.6 “W“ :“T‘lï¬ ï¬fthh‘nï¬nm ‘ “'nnnm“ â€"\‘“--~ u uuu. 1. AH? in}. CEBAPBRMI‘ITBPBSIaLd 'B‘éi‘rnx TERM 3‘ We aas twentlv lent money to borrowers in V “all: ecton. in Durham in Hgï¬'kmd. m- 11' Mildmay. near :VALL IT WHAT YOU LIKE Exen bod} seems to “ant HOBBY and 3-11; IS SURPRISING how many people go for it to Durham. Nov. 14. ’99. MONEY3$ $ $ 3;- Mar. ‘33, 99. 3 mmps. _. 750$. 5593 .098†accae a 3.9%. ~.. r f S? Geri/Fm: .9 .0" Sad: 52.6mm. V‘t’arningâ€"Farmersbeware of your i stock. For about the past two years several thefts have been made. chief-i 1y in stock a short distance north of - //¢ 3 Holsrein.Ti1=e chief suierers 11' ere D-‘ ' Naismith of a bin of fall wheat; J. i 8%1’1‘031) (NT Brooks. a ï¬ne two-year old heifer;' John Brown. a young animal this1 Q V! ILV I 1â€"4“ I Lox\x lo ; q OPENS J AN 211d. ‘_ ' unarmwcnrsnnent is not necessary too toil you that 1112 haw- the best £1†11.111111: ;;:.--11 school. Get our catalogue. 5 Summer ° John Main agood fï¬mb-«i 9%. g7 _ ,1.“ 3011.:‘1111 innit-1111111110 one mmtn' duff om" Trt‘v nt stndt nts notiï¬ed 11- thn‘t they iiad taken gcul situations. “'1 11111112 11 staff of nine niah ranchers. but the cl max of audacity reached its height last Sabbath night. or early1 Monday morning Dec. 17th or 18th.; 11 hen a party entered the premises of‘ WWW the writer, and took possession: of a t110- -yea1'- -old heifer. The 1 *morning being almostas clear as dav, i T. MORAN, a ‘the snow being.r easily impressed; the‘ :‘dog doing his duty faithfully. the; b ' poor animal bawled twice giving her‘ "General Blacksmith, :‘parting fareweli, but not beino sus1 ORSESHOEING A SPECIAyLTY picious we did not 8111 and did noti‘ f Shoes made for all kinds of diseased discover our loss till about a half; .1; de “med ted A‘LALL SOLICITED' 1 after ï¬ve o’clock. The t1 avLs were 1 1 Mill Streetsâ€"In Rear of Calders Block. 1 those of a man wearing large stogag‘ 1 1’0ҠTown Dm'h'm’ boots. He closed the gate and burn- g ‘ - ~-- â€"â€"â€" â€"--~~â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€" ed north and as the animal was not ‘ W Wm“; used to being led, she 110uld not stay 1‘ on the road. hence, I 11 as sure of i securing the thief, and he will ne1 er have such a narr'011 escape until he is“ caught. “e tracked the footmarks 4 A 1 about two. 111iies 11 hen a sex ere en 1111-: gle hadt' when place, the animal had 1‘ been thiown,buthe1e the track 11',as ‘ lost. I believe the I'Ope not 03 21115154; she escaped, and returned and enter H ed a neighbor’s 3 yard at six 0 “1119: k 11.! m. ha1ing stxutrgied nony for her}: I 1 _ ‘life and gained the victoiy. 3 W. J'. ELLIOTT. Principal I beg to intimate that I am still in Business and plop; med to suppl} ' the public 11ith unv- OA\ A\D {\SLR A\CE AGEXT. I CO: WEEK-ACRE;- 313118510333 m H.L . L..g._ Collections Boar for Sew :16 4’3: a -k ï¬gï¬â€˜ORD, an. in new. wais'ement’is not nocessarv O \ 6° mil vou that we bav» the best human-win! écimol. Get our catalogue. It _-;}.'«i. You/fail-}~.zrticnlzu‘s. In one ‘nnnm'J-taf our Tru‘nf students notiï¬ed 1;.- tha‘t they Had takcn gm :1 situations. We have a staï¬â€™ of nine male teachers. W. 3:.- ELLIOTT. Principal. MAC M H. H. M ILLER, ~mzzmummmm 3 WINTER TERM. i “ King. Charles}? THBHANOVER CONVEYANCBR. Greenbacks ; 63â€". H ! -I am still in Business, and prepared to supply the public with amy- thing‘ in the Millioery Line. â€" H. H. MILLER - - H- M I L. L E The Han-aver anveyancer . I‘x’recHEI‘lZIE GEORGE war-Tow ---u, s. cuwmssu, _,_--. u' tl‘.‘ N b' C. T. Gal-but. Char~ .3 .‘i.’ 15%;» (mm: D}: (A: >, L). bv Star One Limp. I I9, \urth Stain-.1 ngmnd g Lon rmugc (imp. )â€"1696â€" 1‘ Lawn: 01.31") -Comptoni of DH onshiru 130011355. 1.1." b} Hilljtin Javorite. E uce effected without de- I’nvglte Funds to Loan mt. m sums apdeupon Lut bqrrowex’s. . Business Transacted. mums. DIG. DRILL, ‘3 B. 65 PRESS IUR B Old Xotes Bought it!) at the old xtand at Shop at Churtvr DURHAM. m 3H CUS- general :21. t. I DCRHA M‘. 's Store. “ King and i3J;A.lii‘-UNTER Is also a happy 'Xmas (311} {or your AM} QHILD CAN BUY HERE DOZENS OF NECK TIES for I Are grand but, skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu’s Arnica Salve cures them; also Old Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bails. Felons. Gums. Warts. Cuts. Bruises, Burns. Scalds, Chapped Hands, Clnlblaius. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only '25 cts. a box. Cure gua- ranteed. Sold by all Druggists. 2‘. .Legt 1 Should this meet the eye of the c1'1-lp1it. I hope the narrow escape will be a warning and produce repentance or should this meet-the eye of any of your readers who saw this man and give me such information as will lead to his apprehension and convic- tion I will give himt1venty-fl1e dol- lars for such information. I feel 1' would not be doing my duty were I not to give full publicity to this marauding adventure. : Thankingyou. Mr. Editor, for oc-! cup; 3119; so much of )our valuable space I xemain, 3.13331) T9 S'P_ATE CLEARLY. ___â€"â€"-‘ just. what .is what in a nun her, but we do say pcsiti that-we think we-cansuig _\'« and if we don’t, give you right article bring it back. give as onetlmnce. When buymbuv the best goods from the beSt house. We c. that ï¬gure leaders. fearlesslyâ€"as everything is re- turnable, and your money back if you want it. No such offer was ever offered you before in Durham. LENS 0F NECK TIES for Ladies in the newest, styles. Varieties are enormous There is no more suitable gift for your lad-y friend than one of our 500 or 7:30 Laue Ties. T239. Big Store. VOLCANIC ERUPTION S . You, Need a New Neck Tie 325 Reward. 'UCC. best g H nen you sods and Yours No. D. ALLAN. TEE IiI‘IRHAï¬I CHRONICLE, Dec’lf. 28th, 5 ID a Uta-Spa- 5‘5 positive!) 0321.5ng you... give 3'00 the Yau Forget :luim Just . Bfadley is in the ï¬eld as this ygar and will recoive ‘â€" Last MondayMr. J ed atHolsneiu,,to Uatl {our head of {at can buen Stall {ed for 0v -> -o ‘0. â€4â€"“ NO RI HT TO UGLINESS. Jae woumu who is lovely in face, form and temper Will always have friends but one Who would be attrac- tive must. keep, her health. If she IS weak, chkly mid run down. she le be nervous and irritable. it she has caustipatiou or kidney trouble, her impure blood wsil cause punples, bunches, 5km eruptions and u. wretch; ed complexiun. bletric Bitters is the beat medicine in the man to reg; uiaCc Stomach, “Va: and kxdueys aud‘ topmify the blood. It. gives strong uerVes, bright. eyes, suxooch-,, velvety skin. rich compiexiuu. 19 will make a good looking, charming woman ,of a. run-down invaixd... Only 50 cents at. any Drug Store, Spares any painsdin having things up i to date. A gooaly number of theé parents and outsiders were present.‘ and went home well pleased and; came to the conclusion that Mr. Red-t ford was the right person in the right. place. The entertainment in Mr. Redford’s School last week was quite a. success. There was a ï¬rst class prOgram and eat-ables to Spare. Mr. Redford never Mr. Clark, our thresher and mill man was so rushed wnh work he had to ppton a newnhzmd for a few e‘tays 1118!, week. Mr. J. W. b’lyth has purchased the back ï¬fty of the south hundred of the Woodland farm and Mr. Bogle has purchased the front ï¬fty of sums farm and the other ï¬fty north of T. Allan’s. \\ e wish them success. The arbitration on the School Question last. Week was in favor of from line having a. union school. So there is to be two Schools between the Town. Line and Buchan’s Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Quimin Pettigrew and Mr. and Mrs. R. Pettigrew were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Little Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carson last. week. Will Clark is renewing old ac- quaintances in East. ngemont this last fcm' da3 S. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCalmom, Jr. of Dornoch, were visiting ac the parental home on Christmas. Miss Lizzie Fee Christmas holidays homa. Fancy xxx CORNER ï¬Oï¬CEBNS. S?“ the Laï¬s‘twfllpdeltfly in JApaMQSQ Sag' Derby, Knot, Pufl', Flowing Ends, Bow. EHLK NECK WEAR Christmas Gift is more appreciated by careful dressers than a delicate bit of N eckwear, Dress Shirt, or even an artistic pair of SUSpendem. Practical people choose such gifts for their gentlemen friends. Call and inspect 0111. Christmas stock of ï¬ne )5 x X as to conviucc the Bribisher that we can as good bcef here in y can at. ’ome. y.M1.J. Shaxpdchvez‘: to Cattle Ixmg. Blown, fat cattle which have for over a year and is spending the at the parental Dress Suspenders. in Fines Ldioyu 'Iuvxily in . JGPGHQSQ 5†’13 £723; .r- . ' * ,3 ‘ Also tasty heck Scmfs, Dress Shu‘t Procec tms. present for a young man as one of 0m Neckt ties c u ‘m 6 EL? box mth Chmstmas Greetings. We hme {LL30 um 1:541 u" ‘ ... :‘1‘JL11i11’ ;'\ â€"â€" Latést Coloringan lJ ST" Containing 33 feet frontage fall depth of said lot. (30ml dwelling l and snap with good well of watel. a ï¬rst class Baker’s Oven lately built ï¬re brick, all on said lot. A l'to J. uatm'ma OrG.L.McCl\UliP) Dw qu. 16th? ‘99. :1 ___ MVP .I. for service at. Lot 225. Concession 4,. N. U. R., Beutinck. two pure bred Berk- shire Buzu's. Registered pedigrees may be. saou on application. 'l‘erms $1.00 . {£013.13 Burn-ox. Proprietor. Dec. 28. ‘. “Zia, ALE-an Park HE ANNUAL MEETING of the Town of Durham Horticultural Society for receiving and passing Lhe Auditor-5’ Retort-t. election of Oiï¬cers and genenal Business, will be held in the Public Reading Rocqzyon Wedâ€" nesday, January 10th. 1900, at the H 1mm of «.30 o’clock p. m. WM. Gowarxm, Sedy. Durham, Dec 28th, 1899. “Jr. Avg-Baird had‘-awood cutting bee last week while the weather was suitable for gathering up the small timber that has to be made use of now-wdays. Durham H. Soc. Notice. years and both Revs. Humphries-md Matheson assisted in the last sad rites. Mrs. Samuel Lawrence spent a week in Proton at the bedside of her brother-in-léw, Mr. John Porter who died on the 12th instâ€. after seven- weeks’ illness. The remains were laid to rest in theï¬kthodist Churche cemetery close by. ‘ The deceased has. been a Staunch Methodist. for some , The ladies of S. S. No. 9, Glenelg, ‘cailed last Wednesday on the Trench- er and her scholars with well ï¬lled baskets of Chrisnnas cake, nuts and candies and a maryefternoon was» Spent. Although. taken much by ; surprise Miss Large can always give ; a. good prOgram by her scholars and ; while in this merry mood they sang; in their best Style a few of their iat-; est selections. As Miss Large taughcf in our school for a few years the; Corner people are ever pleased tog hear of her success. I Mr. JuS. Vessie is enjoying: a. fort- ’ night’s visit from his eldess (laughter ; Jane, oflGalt. ‘ the support of all who know him. The patronage and eSteem he enjoy- ed in a Flesherton mill for a few years and the success he is having now in country life should convince anyone that he knows how to manage aï¬airs, and when he gets a little ex perience in operating the municipal machine he will make anA 1' conn- Cillon. For Sale opt-,0 Ben 53-. 10:1; N9. 9.u\_VAEST OF GA RAFRAXA HE UNDERSIQNED EK'ILLkeep Roars far Service. 33 feet froqtage and Good dwelling house _well _of watel. alsu a [899. t with â€LowerToun, _ DURHA“ V W/. :15“me Eyes Tested .L for service at Imt 17, (J‘mmewig; G1enelg, Centre. two Wire bred bums, Yorkshire and one barkshim. 'i‘erm: JOHN MC‘VICAB, Pumona; 9683 28, 1899. 23:! HE UNDERSIG 101' service at I- 18£M3 ><m8£)- 1899 sent that will be My: my member‘ed wili 0sz and s: Gordon’s large and com line of â€"-... .__- L ’L {aï¬ t’x We W2 11 0:" Chis? ers, one and all, Merry Christmas. *Sï¬erling' Silw..Nove1tiï¬. -â€"Si1verware, Flatware. ~Ladies’ and Gent's Watche - Jewellery, -Spect::' sies and (32033 3. wishing to give a pre- x zen WILL keep complete 11820111- I09~Si0u 5 l-uars, one “161111331. XVi/‘a. . .n re- Mr Edward Burnett was taken ill very, suddenly on Tuesday. Dr. Bard was called in to attend him. TWENTY-TWO oeww zero x “WU. Mr Edward Burnett. Was taken ill very suddenly on Tuesday. Dr. “ J :M A. A.’AI‘IJ 1‘;"l ' THE 310th Forest- candidates for punicupal honors agreed not to do my personal canvassing. Good idea. THERE being no special attractim or election excitement in Jurhzun. 9n New Years Day, everything seemâ€" “. almost. as Quiet as on Sunday. ~MESSR8 James Mack and Aiex Bell were lively contributors to the Bun- oasau School entertainment, though their names did not appear in the re- port. THE annual meeting of the South Grey Conservative Associatnun wxll be held. in Durham on Saturday, Jaw. 13th, 1900. for the daemon of otï¬c- or; and other important business. Lucas Wright Bataanâ€"At Dur- ham Mona-a) a, 10 a m. to 4 p 111., and Court. Days. and at Pricevxlm on Mondays, 6 p. w. (.0 b“ p. m. (Com- mercial Howl.) KB. and Mrs. J. L. Browne attend- .d the eclebrauou of the Lweuuctu anniversary 0: Mr. W. T. Browne’s wedding in dolszexu, on Monday lust, NEW YnARS DAY broughn into ex Ed isteucc a new post- «silica m Ulellclg ‘3 near l‘xavcxscou. Tue new umgc 15’: named " Watduy" and wxll bane ax: xii-weekly man serene the same as \P i Travexsnou. It you want a murnage incense, borrow money, buy. sell or rent pro- petty or Insure gout propcrLy, Cali .md see A. Uahdsou, ac waswu Court Ofï¬ce, Upper Town Durham. Charges moderate. 2 m pd. THE Farmers’ Institute meeting will be held at Hanover, Saturday. Jany.‘ 13 and m qu‘xlaux, Mummy, f â€â€œ5. Jan’y 15th. Good program (or noon and eveumg. Dec 15:118. . THE holiday seascn is now over 11.11111 we are pieaScd Do an that. 0111 inn-'1 iness men have geuczallx done 11‘- rushing trade notwuhsiaudiu; 1111‘ fact. that; up. to {3111151111115 we had 111) sleigning. â€L111: con1'1‘111011 of 1: times may be beuer 11111151111131 b) 111 general purchasmg p011 er 111.311 1) ' any OtheL ataudard, WE have some accounts on our bOOkS that must be Settled at. 01104. if sen 'cd out. of court. \Lmy of them are nearly thec yeaxs ’ old and Still thre’s no move. A nuxubex of Imall amounts count up Lune in t. ï¬ggregate. VX ithout fuxtucx :1 i0 “6 ‘3‘! those of ion" SLaudm" indent e i- fleas to call audb squad up at once- THE Hon. Mr. Mulnck. P. M. G“: t91¢"gl'tlp'l‘usd Mr. J. A.H1.1nt~r. raj followszâ€" ‘ Is your brothex F» J51 200d horseman well {unlined to j3: ni Montreal Mounted Infantu L 41 -; ‘diï¬n Contingent for 8011111 Aiiic 1. ' â€1' Hunter telephoned to Mr il’iOk k1 in reply and learned {10m him Xhat 50 would do his utm05t to ('tt Fwd- Q5 and have him go with the Second‘ contingent. \lr. Pied Raine. 21: many of our readers know is now it ï¬fties in India. Should he be trans {9172(1 to Africa to join the Canadian “agent the aï¬airs in South 35m will be more interesting than 1 MW to all Durhamites- :JOhn \Villiams, \V. KL; 'i‘injrzrms Ifoble. D. 53.; “7 A. Axx(.h+1‘.\a:;. Cifap; John Staples, R. 5.: Wm. gljichie, F. 3.; Jas. Staples. Thaw; Geo. Moore. 1). of C.;‘ tom. of Man- Peter McInnis, John Barker, Wm. Quthrie. At. the close of Lhe clen- hon the reâ€"appointed Muster treated the brethren present to a sum puzous 038m: supper, which all enjoyed, and â€predated. 0. L. No. (Blâ€"Ofï¬cers {or 190 TWO below zero Friday. New Year. want a marriage License, Browue attend- at Lur- put us: ’ till Ins fur 0th tr HUI Mr Sta ch: for Illa de D1