Kim 1. 0 F. Court. inc-re. gave on Thur. «vaniag 1ast in the Town Hall. \free to the public. ane nf the mast pleating entertain- meats that has for many moons been given I ICCHU'HZ 1.38“" annual Oyster Ragga!- :xy BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE. Was the:- rmuh of big sniendid heaith. 1nr3nmitah'e wili and tremendous enerszv are nut. found where Stomach. Liver. Kidney: and Rowek are out of order. If you want these qualities and the succass {hev bring, nee Dr King’s New Life Pills. They de- vnlop every power of brain and body. Quiy :23 cents at any Drug Store. 2 vv"‘ ‘ho intvresting and perhaps more sat- ianmory to have hari an Plantion Both parties have their friends and Roth claim the strength of their fwvnrml cenflid-te. In fairnosa to ‘Jr. Calflpr we must say that a great deal of matm‘ial progress has been mm!» during his administration and we hope his surrnossor in office WEI} “kw-n an the3 reï¬cm'd. All things con- shined. i1. wag better for Mr. Calder tn rpsign and hv so keeping: his vf‘I'OmiSQ he \vfll have a better chance «again shonlé things not 9:0 right. but we hope time}? will. and we see no reason \vhv Mr. Laidiaw, who has “Tm‘flhw wr-ro nominafed to the May- ~m~-:’rv. an»! it seemed as if there would b“ a ï¬ght forthe honors. HOW- pver. \fr. Caldpr’s‘withdrawal 'left .é‘no chief magistrucv to Mr. Laidlaw. ‘an thn presmn year’s Council. Messrs éGm'sEinP and Livingston alone re- main The now memhnrs are Messrs TY.Mnc-1:Ivr, Jake Kress and Wm. ï¬mhrio. Two years ago Mr. Caldrr Rana-1m be satisï¬ed with anorher yumâ€: term of ofï¬ce and was returned 413’ armhma'ion. At the 9nd of the TM"- hmvnvm‘. the unï¬nished srate of the grannlithic sidewalk contracr 39.1 m an extension of ofï¬ce till that watmr was disposed of. It would â€D. 313. Mor-dy, the great evangelist. died last Friday at East. Northï¬eld Mass Had he lived till the 5th of February he would be 62 years of :age. TH". Town Council was elected bv .aoclammion. a number of the nomi. nee<l1avincr \vithdraun from the con- #09 Tharp was some hot ï¬ring: at whnnomination to \xhich we mioht vpfnr hm as evervthing is quiet now ‘9 n snrrpction of the contpntion will {‘0 pr) gnarl. Mr. Calder and Mr. Pgeeeatjgz_ theft: annual oysfer At the Nonservative Convention hell in Owen Sound on \Vednesday of ins “Pelt, Mr. Chas. Gordon the -prese12t\\arden of the County of â€Sam 11.15 made the unanimous choice of the party to contest; the North Ritlmg at the next. election. .Mr James McLaughlan was chosen ‘hy the ï¬rst ballot. and entered the 1001â€"11 just as the a1111011ncement was 411210112111 a rattling oood speech he thanked the (111111211t1cn for their 81131101? and confidence but respect.- 1?th 1121 'rinel the honor. AnOther ’oa lot Was then taken and Mr. Gordon -'.v:-11- i. n of the Uount}.1eceivi11rr]:'12 out of the ‘21?) \otes “as de« 1111111111111! Cl)0i(t-‘ (f ti: e Conn-11: ion. The choice was 11 11de unanimous and Mr. G01-i 3011 is in the ï¬eld to win. 1 DUpH AM Dec’r. 28th, 1899. Mo')129},' M Loan at reasondï¬le rates and on terms to smt borrower. OFFICEâ€" McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) 'RRQTL‘EHCE-Old Bank Building, opposite C. McKimwn's Irup’t Shop, Upper Town, DURHAM. fl rnilpgn Toronto: Jember of the Col- “iegn of Physicians and Sm'gemis. Ontario; Member m' the Detroit Medi 'al and Library Associzviun. Six years hospital experience. “ m )0“ 330:0! “'" *. "HIST SIS SOLIC ITORS, XOTARIES «15 r on mum 151:5 â€Etc. Em. MILL STREET, I LUCAS TEE CHRONICLE. ‘Mc'; ey to Loanâ€"C ompany and Private Funds 4.0". flawsâ€"1.18" 'lcrms. ARR-ISTER. NOTARY, CON- vgmxcm. Etc. Etc. ’OFFIGESI wax SOUND. MARKDALE DURHAM. O'NOR GRADUATE 0F TRINITY E. J. FREEL M. 0,, L‘. M. w. s DAVIDSON, .ESJAS. WRIGHT BATSGN, FLESI ERTON . ‘8- At Durhamâ€"Mondays. 10 {L m. to .. and Court Days, and at Pricevflle mngs 6 p. m. :08 p. m. (Commercml 5!! “'P] HMEM S zccessor to Dr. PARK, W. H. WRIGKT ‘2'}. E. P. S. 0.1 DURHAM. C. A. BATSON. 7332‘": uuu._ uweu bound Hi- E: â€c N ha» b'lora Rzphardson. is home from5 $1.03}, ton Codege. 'lorouto. - - 4 ‘ . Thoee abroad Mr Cl . . .. . . - m rle: . home m_ Milwaukee, Mr. 511:3“ Messrs. Charles and George Riéh 11101-0110), M r. W. Ritchie- “â€" __ ‘i9 10 hi4 Sheppard. ardwu, to tn (3"!) !\ "A..:i‘- ...... v‘...u, .uru: parental home. Mr. and Mrs Markdale, with the lattar’: and Mrs. M. Richardson. Mr “'hife. Markdale. at the latf S. Ihmtm), S . Thomas, vi and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bu their son’s. Mr. J. A. Boyd's. Strain. from Owen Sound Miss Flora Richardson. is ho ton College. Toronto. ‘ 'v ‘vh v v 5010‘ mg men' son 12pm“; Mr. G. Slaughter. .Amom: tho=e who spent Christmas with frxends here were Mess ‘ ' when". at home from Duudall' “iss Ida C038. Dumialk, Miss H° .' and Mr Frank Cole, Mar" . . ‘ parental homg. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas ‘ - tar’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Vhife. Markdale. at the latter’s home. Mr. S. Rnntnn, S . Thomas, visited his wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Buyd. of Conn, at their son’s. Mr. J. A. Boyd's. Ed. and Clara StraiXI- frnm nu-nsx L‘ --___ 2 1-. _ ._ Miss Kane Bentham is in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clemens, 0 mg their son 1n~l:uv. Mr- I Mrs. T. .I..S.hep} few weeks V’lalt W1 to Junctian their pa rental ‘ Brighton. A. 'l‘lmmpeon, of 0M tneuds 111 this The Public School, here. closed the year’s wnrk with an At Home in the school on Friday afternoon last. An interesting program was rendered. after which refresh- ments were served to all present. Mr. Alex. Reid’s sclipnl eastnfflio village held their annual closmg entertainment in the sclujml house on Fndav evening 1' * when a pleasing program was rendered to a crowded house. The Ed her, of the Dundalk Herald Cunningham and \Ir. J. 1). Morgan, r, same place, attended the I. O. F. 0 saprrer on Thursday evening last. Mr. Free? Spronle left last week to upon the stud }' of law 1:) Brandon Mu an u an emoyable evening spent oge her. 'Ihe remains of M1.’H.n.e.(‘arruthers awed 69 years who died at his home near Kimberley on the ‘22nd inst. wexe intex red 1.929 on Sunday aicernoou, Rev. Mr. Thom ofï¬ciating. Rev. L. W. Thom preached the anmver- saw-y sermon t0 the Presbyterian Sabbath School on Sunday :xttes‘xmon last. The schenl gave a Social evening in the church on Christmae evening, when refreshments were served, a short program rendered and an enjoyable evening spent roge'her. At the annual business meeting of the Methodist Sabbath School. held on Friday evening last. oflicers were elected for the ensuing year as follows : Supt. W. H. 8111'â€; Assistant Supt... M. Richardson ; See. Thos. Bulmer; Asst. Sec . Cora Bellamy; Tress... Tho.» Clayton; Librarians. Thos. Clayton, W. A. Armstrong; Teachers. A. Wilson, W. Ritchie. Mrs. A. \‘l ilzon, Mrs. Ios. Clin- ton. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. Geo. Mitcheal. Mrs. W. H. Flesher. Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. S, Rauton. Miss Lou. Arm- strong. Miss Rankin. Miss Z'lla 'l‘rimble, Miss Carrie Rutledge. Miss Meredith. The school is activel .' preparing for their anni- versary on News Year’s evening. -\ .- . v. “awn-5... u: Utuuvule .lllllCUOl’l, anine. Rev. Jos. Ward. B. n of this place l performed the cermony. Gruomsman and bridesmaid were dispensed with. "The brides’ looked nretty in gowns of blue cloth with white trimmings A sumptuous wed- ding supper was served after which varimm amlbements were indulged in till the early hours of morning. The brides received a large array of valuable presents. At the Arteme<ia Municipal Nomination, held here on Friday last, the old council, viz. John McArthur. reeve. and councillors, Alex. Muir, Thos. Hells. J. A. Boyd and Geo. Thompson. otfereu themselves for re- ‘ election and to these were added 0. McTav. a .ish, of this place, who will again oppose r.\lr. McArthur for the reevoship, and Joe. Gibson. Samuel Thompson and Samuel! Sheurdlmw ask for seats at the conncili t-.ble. Wes. Hit-kin and Alex Madill “ere alr-o nominated but 8 l) 'eq? 8 ntly withdrew, At. the :tt'rormlon meeting the Town Hall, was puckrd to the ddtr.‘ a. d All . Jas Love: was Voted to the chair. County Councillor 1 Richardson “as ï¬rst called upon and gavel an inn-realm: address on county matters; after which the old council in turn gave an: account of their steward~hin and the new" cnuditutes critisized and presented their‘ claims for the sullrages of the electors. In the evening a meeting was held in the same place for the nomination of Police trustees for this village. when the following were elected : Dr Christoe, Mark Wilson and Thos. A. 'lS'I:L'l<.elv {r On Wednesdav evening of last week, a pleasant matrimonial event attended by about one hundred invited guests, mnk n‘aceat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 'l‘histlerhwaites. east of the village, When theironly daughters. Ausseq Arabella and Nellie, were united 'in marrizwe respective- ly ‘0 M’- Wm. F:eld, OHM" Place. and Mr. “’30- ï¬at'kiyga. 0f {hengllleVJImction. "‘ com posxtion, which brought the audience to I the highest .miint of enthusiasm and the rapturous encures were responded to, by Mr. Morgan with very humorous numbers. Mr. Morgan is a host in himself and should he again favor a Flesherron audience he will receive a hearty greeting. Organizer, C. C. “hale, also gave a short. humorous address and got even with Mr. Morgan for the liberties taken with his unfortunate, frisky name. which, ‘by the way. :-long with his avoirdnpoisoften gets him into a peek of I trouble before public audiences. The pleasing innovation in the course of the l evening was the 1.)i'e.-'ezitatiuri of beautifully mounted badges to Mmsrs, F, Hunt, J_ F Vnnlhzsen and linndnmster Tucker. The i ï¬rst two were presented by Messrs. Whale ‘and Freer for having secured the largest number of new memhers. forty in all having received in the past fortnight. M r, Morgan ’ asa brother musician. made the .n'e.~entaâ€" tion to Mr. 'l‘nclier. leader of Flesherton Citizens Band. now also priiclahned the foresters Band. All are members of the Order. The National Anthem brought the program to a clOse when the Foresters and their friends in all 136 repaired to the I. O. F. hall where the oyster supper was Served ard sociability reigned far last the mid- night hour. and ar'd sung. for, in addition to a Very interest- ing address on Foxestry introduced w1th much wit at Organizers Whale’s eXpQIlSe. Mr, Morgan, who is a compOser and music- ian of a high order. mug: two patriotic sollg§.â€"“.Que_ex} Flap: and (‘Olllitl;}:†and m.‘ "l. 0 U. 'V o 1' I‘h‘l" U; \,I Viv.‘ ~vâ€"..--.. R. Who in his opening address gave some intereSting ï¬gures rospec-tiug the growth of the order. The program opened with a selection from the band and was afterward Stlsfflilzed in quartette, duett. H409 â€Nd recitariuus by Mr. Thckel‘. I‘d-“S Rankin. Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. Blackburn. Miss JU)’. Mr, Sheppard, Miss ï¬tzlfl‘cvrrd and Ali-‘5 Gerdrum. an, J. (,2. Morgan. of Barrie. Why is also :1 High Court- “flicer. “11-" pres- ent. and delighted his audience with. lecture; in this lace. The chair was :1th ï¬lled by Mr. J. V. Frost, nwaen_S_mmd, H. V. C: ‘vâ€""“-V. But I?!) “71.0de- ‘idggg . .S.hepp:'xrgi left last ._v u ‘v IV| 0" IlUl‘w‘ Thomas, \isited hls Ir. and Mrs. Boyd. of Con r.J. A. Bovd’s. Ed. and( T0v~en Sound High 8.: u ur. unarles LewiQ to hi4 u‘aukee,‘ Mr 'I‘. pmru Iet‘t last week for z nth her parents, at Town 19 dmr.‘ a: d .m. Jas Love chair. (buntyUoum-Mnr ï¬rstcalled upon and gave nlflwdress on county matters 0‘ o v aflenum last. The 11 ex euing in the churc": dug, when ‘efxeshmena shurf program rendewd in this place and as, of Forest, are visi \r__ I - .-. ‘ Mnnicipal\ ominatinn last the 01d cmlmi‘: veexe. and councillors: [8123, J. A. Row! and as‘t week to enter Brandon, Man. alllu; in Toronto and I‘IIE DURHAM (_:1-i'ROIN'ICLE,'Dec"r. 281:1], 189’9. visiting iatives ‘~. 19 Vlcmi- 'isit- vallmvmol Fancy Dress Ends. Nice Shados~at just half price. The 75c line for 3? $0, and 600 line for 300. DON’T M!SS THE BApaauu 90c Imather Boots at 490 {ram 500 Fancy l elt Slippers for the ’Xmas Stocking at inc pair. 3‘2 00 Felt Boots, Qobuckle, $1 50 pair. \VE ARE READY FOR YOU “ltll a large Stock of useful ’Xmas Gifts that cannot be bougln for less money in the county. Our reputation for square dealing is dyed, sewed and Spun into every recommended yard of goods we sell. The prices will suit and save you money. We have the stock to choose from. We don’t limit you to one pair or one color. We show you a larger range than almost any other two stores ERi‘JES EH BRESS 60058: 4 :5 4 .3 f i 5 ~ ND AI“ WJL“. an ‘strcngézzens, builds up and makes the body strong and heaithy, net may to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attack. if you are man down 04' emaciated you sheuid certainiy take this nourishing food medicine. I : i E I E I 3 § all . C 'v . .uâ€" §.. , a . ‘._ . I. "u '- ' H . a . ‘10 wt 4. "h ‘5' :1 . ~ You have used 353 sorts of cough reme- lldies but it does net-g .lyieid; it is teo deep! 3 iseated. It may weari j g Itseif out in time, but? 5it is more iiabiz {0* 2 i 4‘ 0..-mâ€"DCâ€â€œm-D0N-H f I E l 5 l E 1 E .1 E N N a . 'f z produce Ea grippe, fgpneumonia or a sari- 1 0113 throat affection. You need something g :1 1 g: .3 3’ I glthat wul gm 31011;! :1 g i strength and build '_‘ up the body. ‘3' WEE] do this When everything eise fails. There is no doubt .9" about it. :t nourishes, gsércnz‘iézzens. builds an and . A i i E f 86mm ; mmw Seasonable = Shoe Suggesi mns soc. 2 £151.06, :12! drucgists. SCOTT BOW 5E, ( hemis.s, 'loronto. {fl â€490â€"960m“ _0fl-m-1 THE BA RGA IN¢ {â€"m-NPM‘T 3:32: '15? .59.: «av 1».ng 'flé‘ o 90 a o r *0 9.40 .23. a * <1 3» 1“} ‘3 £2 3 s; 515 hq3g “:35 ‘ “43:?“ ',\I_';\ 4".- G, “(a ‘73,â€: “a ‘0': '51" ‘ . .. . . . .Aw . ad I.“ “an ' t ‘cu u‘ I . 1 ‘ .. ,0 , dues the din-3P8, and SUH the war goes on. Durban's Bar)? 1111618th Store is [meanmg mom and mo re known as the pro yer place to buy ‘znn'nc Q h “gag mm 2/ [:3' Ix no (Ya-\‘V/ J‘OI 01",“ ’79) ’IA‘ ’IA\“ ‘7‘“ -.N \’A "b( do. I“ v m- m a:- «a, r â€Laws Q» I; ‘74 «x. 4!}. 'c; u 5.: (N‘- ' If; 9), iv \\ )4? 0"01 flu ‘LWO ab 5.. *4 VT; {$254 I).\\ 0M. _’ID‘OY S? ‘5 WW‘WWQWZ One Door East of Post Ofï¬ce Te r1135 Ordered Work and Repairing our Specialty. “ .‘ Ky pair warm-.nted The only goods that are givincr Every pair made by hand and of the best mate: {21}. Always do Our Best to Give Goo-d Goods at Right Prices. A_QC_l__ Assure Tbem INCLUDING Albumsâ€"Photograph and A _ r . . _ . ’ ‘ umgx'aph. in Be Coluloxd and Plush; Ladies fancy Work BOXN‘,' Tl‘oilet Cases, Ladies’ Manicure Sets. ’ . ' . ‘ Gents Trax e113ng Gases. Cuff Boxes. Collar }3.3:\-05.1i9} Glove Boxes. Shawng Sets, Russian Leather li.~1;...f "“d‘ Wallets Fancy Pipes, Cigar Cases, Wallets “1 ‘ Cases, {Pocket Knives, Boker Razors, Fancy Hair p~ . . _ . ' 111?. A chonce selectxon of Haxr, Cloth, Tooth S . . , and NM >\,. Exqmsxte Pm fumes 11. all the leading 0:" .. L“ or Bulk. MUSICAL GOODSâ€"Violins, , Accordeons, Concertinas, Flutes and Mouth .I' A-_ Ul‘xazxs. 1856. A niceSeIectiou of Bibles. I~Â¥ymnal Presents. Our Pnces are RIGHT. .tJ, A choice selection of Huiâ€"r; Elm, T Exquisite Pm fumes it. all the leading 01' Bulk. MUSICAL GOODSâ€"Violins, V Accordeons, Cancertinas, Flutes and Mouth â€"â€" :A ‘LGT OF TOY BOOKS GA MES-Fort, ‘Crockinole, Parcheesi. Checl Pins. Nations, Lot lleir. Play Trianglps H Never before in the'history IN LONQ BOQTS we ï¬gumags trim Worm We Wish all our frmnds «*4 a. Happy ’Xm as and a, $6», Prosperous New Year, :3. $9» ‘WWW Xmas and Haw Years re W i I i up with the Iark day after gave little rest to those work- ins under her supervisor). But as paint. which never showed signs of soil shone' with new gloss and even the possii'ilz y ,of dust was removed from where no; traces of dust could be found, her (‘5'. s brightened, and a happy thought would go flitting through 1191‘ Lmim ‘ “It will be all over, everything ready; before Reuben comes home." 1 ï¬euben was her prideâ€"the boy why“ ‘utterly regardless of the clean, sand} ed floors, Would Walk bodlly in “Lem ,no other foon dared tread, Leaving 1;}; imprint; in mud to mark Li: Course< the boy for whose future she: inn woven such wopderfui aim-ugh: He mustbe 21 lawyer, :1 gx‘rle 11.9.}! one whose name Sb-‘c >h<mhi H m~s ' a: see in the public prints. '1‘} i- .-- . :11 ed to her the very Leigh (2: um: i in Reuben was coming; lilrlu- â€"â€".-. -: graduate â€"- to syenq “Li; 1141;: Li vacation, and the?!) mil; 1‘ 2'14. polis to earn fame. Was '1' Lay v. .v‘ 1.. u: theiloors,1he wads. 1h. .:31 n ‘ :.: 4‘9 ‘_' ‘ .l‘!" -‘ give evidence of 1L~ciz~ Infi- Trudging along a: occasionaliy Speaking couragement to Lilo. 1’; er Grey was nearing i bled look rested on n flerent from the brigh erally found there, :11 his éyes wandered Sic figure perched on 1*. side. One could see oul; ed, worn little face great rown eyes p ed to take in every the roacside, eve trees, as some my: vision accordeu “You mustn’t. mama, :1 Gray seemsa lithe pm she ï¬rst. sees you. It’s time, and she don’t. ma). ers botherin’ her; bu; .~ out you won’t be m 1 when she sees the roses your cheeks she’ll be your Only Only don’t worry me: u a a wee bit £1ustered.†“Oh, I’m sorry you bro she won’t like it!†answcx -for child she seemed, 52 though seventeen summer ed over her head. - I“ “Therese, the: I tel: you; an you, and feels find how kind the farmer. s‘: branoe of. < ut He had gone, hr gm: morning to the. doctm : town, to t 1‘: his old fr} ors his may had w,on Reuben was coming I) and after givi ng him a the doctor haul added: “I was thinking oi 3 you, as you enzex‘b tle girl here who is of pure coumry air ing in the way of plenty of mi‘k, and day in the ï¬elds. you, Gray; iL will In deam coming do she’s getting along she’s getting along ' “It’s houseâ€"claim farmer, and a war in that short, saw “We can’t let tell you Gray. country air, for music of the bi!“ Gray won 1 turn Gray won’t turn her 0111 So it was decided. Gray’s "\Vhoa 3" rang u loud than usuai, as he old horse at his own c quick houscxï¬ie's ears it brought her speedily bid him welcome and boots were fit to Iron floors. The tracking: mud must be left for floors. The tracking: 0: mud must be left for 14‘ Poor Mrs. Gray! 33:» ‘ tired, though she would knowledged it. Her fee for all the day they be weight. "‘What have you got Gray?†questioned she, ' gnd sharp. “Company. ‘ It'll house-cleaning!†“A child. I declare 1‘ say, Seth Grayâ€"you ID and take care of he?! Then. as the farmer 'en 1«3r down the girl in his strong! a continued: She turned away, forgetting! indignation. even her floors. 1 “Never you mind.†said xhe : 88. he noticed two greaL tears flung ip the large brown ey trembhng, ready to fall, on 1 lashes, While the delicate mom cred. "It’s just her way. S mean it. Come now, dearâ€"-â€"†“You'd better show her 1111 room," interrupted the shril‘! ‘ sin. as they entered. ! ’ - hen. as her husband return Em his errand, his wife’s wrm “ " fl..-â€" CC a time trying to house- the period called spring- I'I‘Y QDIEI‘E the glr down :20 100 hbe iLh then to the M it any We (eiling lute 08 C" 1 l H WVeIl, a“ P' another \V at ay