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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jan 1900, p. 11

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Eand satisfaction a kidney Weak- 3. A hale old , free from pains aches, can only attained bykeepâ€" the blood pure. ? and Wm EY PILLS , and have been years with pain: I would stoop 'n to straighten could scarcely kinds of medi- eIp me. Being ’3 Kidne Pill! three oses 1 for the better, Sad to see people lvzmced in years LfleringfromBaok- the, Lame Back, ri n a ry Trouble! she very hand icing them from Disorders of tho tom. old resident of follows: r\' h 05?- mt NO! ~\ 3 AND LATHS umamty l as smart as a 1 wood and am, UPPING DONE FACTS Mann :a‘co‘. EM“ OI Age. cold. will nev- onzy the , the side- ticed tho stand. h the d the Oi . . mm Ia 5‘! z‘iacFarlane’s January at During Fancy Goods BASS. \\ Dec. 28712599. MAP 1 Logs will .be claSsed accordmg: ‘3 'ra‘urtimv and same. and to be cut a- “twin as possible, 12 ft. long, allow- thr 89 inches. DURHAM mm 00.. at; r: BLACK ASH 1 FIVE (mt. Lift. 1 ., g Etore. 1mm. 14ft.1'â€".’ 00 9.00 6.00 “ 3.1:. 7.00 6.00 5,00 “ FEB 2500 cut 14ft. “ LUCK $3 to S7 accord’g to leng. ARAC 2') to 7 “ “ Y-I is Imreby given that I will not be re- mi‘nlv for unv debt or debts nontracted 2.. Sim-«m Wilder. alter date of the first 1H‘ nf this notice. an the said Simeon m m»: capable of doing business. WM. WILDER, Varney P. O. t. 1599. 3W m1 \u w Logs Crawfurd’: 00D fizsrham Furniture Co. Limitzd NOTICE. $10. 00 10. 00 10.00 10.00 8 00 1:2. 00 . 1- ’ 00 following prices for ; (telix‘e1:édat J. 5 Mill, Durham. Limited. O U 6.6 «xv s6 ‘b 3‘ 66 66 The Public Examination. of the Allan Park School. was held on Thursday the let. inst. The {ore-.- noolu In“ occ. pied in eXnm hing tho vuziou: clauses of the achuol. The a teudauce was large of old and young As usual the ladies of the section. supplied most liberally the wherewnizué to satisfy the cravings of the annwr man. After dinner Mr Henry firigluun was voted to the chair. and a. lc-ugthy programme was placed an his hands. con~istmg of recixatious, uiulugm-B and songs. by the pupils and others. and apprupri- ate adllre-SSes by Messrs B. B. Walk- er, J. Currie. M Willis and M. Jauklln. At the conclusion the follow ng Liam-‘8 Was read. to wuch Mr McDuuald made a suitable reply. To D. MCDONALD Esq. DEAR TEACHER. â€"-As you are now about totem: us. and to term. "are the relation of teac: yer and puDils, winch has exified fur tnelast three years we could no? alluw the (evade; to pau th‘nout expneaamg to you our regret. at parting. \\ e will ever remember you as an eflicieut and indulgent. teacher. and as the kind friend or the chxldreu under your more. we we“ know that. no teacher however earnest and faithful, can bring hi4 mpils furward if :heydo not do their Dart y ix» dusuy pet-servauce. a. tsunamand a fervent devmion n. their atuuies. Noduubt like ail young fulks we have been too tn' (1 U! play and thought. to!) litt}? 01 our studies sometimes alsu deficient in industr) and application: but. wueu we have been thus to blame you have been al- ways forbeariug and patient. We im‘e: ely hupe. that the lessons in con- duct. and in knowledge, yuu have sought to instii m o-ar minus. may remain with us, and bear fruit in years to Come Wee hope? that in Inning: from mz, you will not forget. the f1 leads \ 0mm and aid that YUJ leave be- hind and that aumug uther friends and Other scene». you will still remember ue. May your futu '9 lot in life be geacutul and hump '. and be c. «cred by the blessings of friemirllip and love. Incuucluniuu, we ask yo: t.) avcept thiq present, as an inadequate token uf our af- fection and esteem. Signed on behalf uf the school. Bram. M. WILLIS. MARY 5. Wish}. To MR.J. H. BROWN. DEAR Sopsxm r3~nnxr.â€"\Ve the 06c- ers. teacinetsaud friends of Durham Bap- tist Sunday Schnol. have thomghs that in same way we ought to show you our esteem and appreciation of faithful and long ser- vice. ie: the Master‘s Vineyard. And at this time too. when Xmas come: as a. reminder of God’s trauma gift to a. lost worldz we would take this opportunity. a few of us, in gathering at man hume to encourage and help you in this noble. but trying work. of imparting truth as it is in Je:<ns t1) yuung minldfi'. taint eventually may form them into His likenesa, We therefore. teke very great Measure in preueutiug you with this token of nut regard for vuu a-:d your work. trmting that this gift. small as it is, may encourage uu yet mare in your life for our Lord and ins Service. Wxshing you and Vents the Compliments of the season. We beg to sub ~cr1be ounelves. - SIGXED. DEAR TEACHERS. OFFICERS AND BIBLE CLASS SCkiOLLARSâ€"Ithank you ---:.-.A| ”.1qu Vunuu v _________ si-.cea'ely for this unexpected manifestaiiou of your esteem of myself and your apprecia {inn ofmy mm'urthy servisei as Superin- tendeudent uf your Sunday School. While doing so, I have to say that what ever measure of success may result from our labours. my thanks is due to (Br-Id in the first place for H is blessiag on our efforts and rec'Jlldi}' tn you :u‘ teachers and oflicers for your genuine synmathy under th m any trial~ that attend Sabbath Soho-,1 work for yun wi~e cwmcil in per-piexities and your untirim: pntieuce with my many failures and to: you as scholars for your attendance at your claes and ymxr attentio.i to the .~:uriy of God’s word which is the SWUTd of the spirit, \\ isnmg vou the compliments 1f the sea- stm a u! mzuxv returning oponrtunities tu teach and stady the word of life, I again than you for this beautiful present and the spirit of kind 31858 it bet'okeus. Yours tr nly, Joan: H. BROWN. After four years’ faithful service as teacher in S. S. No. 3. Bentinck. Miss Weir bade her pupils farewell 99," having resigned number of the parents and friends assembled to witness an entertain- ment furnished by the children. A pleasing part of the program was an address and presentation made to the Address, Presentation and Reply. Address and Presentation Adéreas and Presentation ALLAN PARK. ADDR BBS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, January I 1th. 1900. ADDRESS REPLY. teacher, expressive of goodwill and afiection. Miss Weir was presented with an album. a. work-box and a photograph frame by the chumen, uud Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Livingston. with whom she boarded, gave her a. beautiful stutionery box as a memento. ADDRESS. To MISS J ULu Wmu, DEAR TEACHER. The time but com In: as to part and WB are very sorry it hu. " Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lust a friend ? There is no union here of hearts, That hath not. here an end." We have been much hexxefitpd by your {our years‘ stay among us. We have al- ways fuumjl you aunous 201' pl." improve- ment and (te \gyyhorry for glvmg you any » »â€"â€"A -1 ‘-.A IUUUDQLJu IVU. vv-J w'-â€"‘ ___ D’ .- extra trouble which we know we have done many times but trust you will forgive us. We take this opportunity of making you this small tresent to show that our hearts are warm towards you and tlnt on leave us with our best wishes for your. uture «a- fare. hoping we will all meet in Heaven. Signed on behalt of the School. Yours afiecaiouately. J 152mm DERBY. NELLIE Lunar. MARY COU'I‘IB. o“-“ ..i .‘ ‘ DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has been made. and that too. by a lady in this country. " Disease fastened its clutcnes upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest. tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and Could nor sleep. Site finally discover- ed a. way to recovmy, by purchasing 0f L19 a bottle Of Dr. Kiln-'38 New Um- covery for Uonsmnptton. mm mm go much relieved on taking first dose. that she slept all night; aw With two bottlcs, has been abs- lutety cured. Her name is Lira. Luthvr Lutz. ’Thus writes \V. U. Haxnnnk (.30.. of Shelby, N. C. Sold by an Uruggists at. 50 cents and $1.00. Every bottle guarantee . UNION Prayer Services are being held in the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist. Churches every nigh: this week. '43? Is Always Crowded 2 : We Pay Cash for Butter and Eggs tinck. Em. A. w. cAASEs GATARRH cm... .250- 20 New Tweed Suits. bonght to 39}; a? $8.00. this week, ear-h 25 Pairs Heavy Wooilen Pants, \lfiaéni y $1.35. now. per pair 20 Pairs Lighter Wooilen Pants. um. wily 31.50. now. per pair Oranges. ram-flat 250.. at per doz-‘n ..... 180. ‘ULuHed Cmn (canned) reg.12§c, at ...... 5c. Fme Lemons, reg. 25c, at per «lawn. ..19c. 6 Runs Union Jack Soap for. ”250. CLOTHES PINS. 10 American Canadian Coal 0:35. dozen Everything: in CROCKERY Everyth: m: in HARDWARE and PAINTS Special Inducements in Boot and Shoe department. Meet Me Big Store At the The Big Store, a gem dine! to the diseased parts by the. Improved Blower. Heal: be nicer: dear: it: a}: passages. mops drown: in an. throat and mung cute. Catarrhand ay Fever. Blown MARRIED. [Ways Crowde Said one of our patrons yesterday. Fifty yvars of Solid Successâ€"and last. year bigger than any of the mlwrs. That’s " Progress.” but still we forge ahead. Each year shall find a better store here. and bigger Stock. It’s the 20th century’s Latvst. Newt-st. Right Pricpd. Good Things we’re showing. Your money back if not Satisfactoryâ€"remember that, and also thus BARGAINS to buafit about in Sanford’s New Suits for Monâ€"as good as taslur-mane -- you couldn't tell the dnflermmeâ€"there’s a saving in price though. of about. $8.00. ThPSx-e suim ordered before Chriszmas failed to arrive. The makers write us DON'T RETURN Tum: on account of delay. Sell them and charge the loss if any to than It’s not our fault as here goes: At the residepce 9f $fi§§%fi%§%§%§%fififi%§: 'I he Big Store i SUGQR CURE!) HQMS lav-â€" â€"â€" UPPER TU W N -â€"â€"â€"-- mmmm waanun‘ms Winter GOOdS I Sewing Machines. SEE Miss Mabel McDonald who will appear in 9116 Highiand Fling and Other Scottish Dances at the Sons of Scotland Cnucmt Jan 19. Bscksche is in reality kidney ache. The kidneys become clogged. and {alter in their work of filtering the blood. Backeche i8 nature‘s warning that the kidneys em on strike. and that the blood is going through the system laden with foul poisons. which will cause Bright‘s disease. dropsy, diabetes, rheumatism or other equally painful and fatal complication Prudence tells ev one snh’ering with backache to set their dneys right. The experience of tens of thousands of peeple tells them that to accomplish this there is no means so successful as the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pillsâ€"the world's greatest kidney cure. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills cure permanent! by making the kidneys health . active an vigorous. Th ere par y vegetable. so} naturally undelinctly on the I .t...‘,. -m--_2-.__ V'a'vâ€"â€"â€"â€" _, _ kidneys. 'nnd no midafully denim As a prompt and {tin can to: kidn disease. liver comp sin: and all tho com cations of these filtering organ. they us no- approachod by my tamed] "CW Ono ”don; ascnboxudl dud-n abfimflmtmrm n CH 8. M°KINNON’S Weak, Lame, Aching Backs. tho Result d Sluggish. lnactivo Kidneys. Bachehe is in reality‘ kidqe! gchq. The CUTTERS Large Stock. Bes: Makes, Cheaper man ever. ROSES -â€" Large Variety. from $4 00 up. ROOT Pulpers‘ Straw Cutters. c NEW WILLIAMS and RAY‘ MON D. a Very Large Stock of the latest improved Cabi- net and Drop Top Stands. at The Very Lowest Prices. SEE THE“ I BELL PIANOS and Organs. STOVES--A large Stock of Mc- Clary’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal Stoves. etc” at prices that. will surprise. you. BACKACflE DURHAM. ONT. THE VEST HALF LOT EIGHT. CONCEfi aion ILreo, Egromout. in for sale at a ' greatly below its value. For particulars app 3* to J. P. TELFORD, Bnnusflrn. Jan. 2. 1900. *tf Durban Jan. 2. 1900. John Baird's farm for Sale. m - to do business ‘ in [900 by turning Over a new leaf. When you can get everything from a Needle to tn Anchor in the Hardware line. Sewing Machine Needles in abundance. $10,000 must be taken in through Sales and Collections this month in order to continue the business and give you the bargains we have been in the habit of giving you. All ac- counts are ready and great bar- gains will be offered to you in No Fatmet Shouid bewirh- out one of our Snow SHOVELS. An- other cal-load of Coal Oil jusn to hand. Bring along your Demi- p johns _and_ :3 gal. Cans and get ihem filled. X-CUT SAWS, AXES SNOW SHOVELS, SKATES, prs. LANTERNS, cow CHAINS. ROBES, RUGS, HORSE BL ANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS. CIRClI {,GLES BASKETS, WHIPS, ET.C Come to .. the Store W. Black A Vmage in Itself I WE HAVE STARTED 5:35“; 4

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