West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jan 1900, p. 14

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..... -uw ALKXDMU. Durham "vii" 5.1;; Black Prince-45w". '. . tout. 0nt.). dam J . (km! by J. 6. bell 4:230” Suelgrove. 0:13.), by ' -. t . ‘QGM’MISSIO-Vfikgu-Fi“WM". 0110c _ x ‘ . C J. - ' prompfly attended temc nuns LOANS and Insurance efiectod without de- hv Compan ’ _ . yand anate Fun igquofi and 6 per cent. in sumsdilfg Loan tarms to suit I». upon ) r 1".th I'- é. Geiera} Fi OFFICE-l d‘ Duh-m. Hamil. u. -flâ€"‘v -V. WI 1M3. Mortgages, Leases, Wills and other Writ- ings carefully drawn. Fire. Life. {\Ct’it'ient, Marine and Plate Glass IN- Businoss Dimcultiea arranged. Creditors settled with. Any and every kind of legitimate busi nus attended to and everything kept- S’l BLCTLY PRIVATE. ALWAYS PROMPT. Ne vet negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Properties FOR SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on commission. -.A n Has been at the business for nearly 20 years apd own the ins and outs of it, and always fill“ in fact. is the reason wh ' be to-day has ‘tfie best: business of the kin in Western Ontario. _- _.. V LITT' U) ‘LUlu a if the did!) L tlm ouldn t go to him. 'ihe BB. mrzifisr and BETTER TERMS Re has recently lent money to borrowers. in “Valk- attou. in Durham. in Holland. near Mildmay. near ~‘buthamnmn. a short distance from Owen Sound. and WH ' do people 0 to him from such "teat distances! Bm-ausu t ey make money by (Tuing m. if the didn't tlm wouldn‘t go tu him. They m CHE PER TNT?! 11.1"!" ....1 barn-nun mn‘--~ ALL IT WHAT YOU LIKE Everybody seems to want MONEY. and 31‘ IS SURPRLSLNG hqtv many people go £0r MoNeVW Deb L t s Couectéd SHOW ROOMS OVER SCOTT’S STORE. ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. “1 . shoes made for all kinds of diseased find: or deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. :3 Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block. 1191‘ u Lower Town, Durham Mt Winery! THEHKNOVEB CON VEYANOER. Genera! Blacksmith nu Lusuraucq effected without 66- )anyand anate Funds :0 Loan 16 per ceqt. in sums and upon arms to sun b-nrowers. Financial Business Tranuctod. 1 door North of S. Scott's Store. M’ Greenhacks ; CASH ! I beg to intimate that I am still in Business, and prepared to supply the public with any- thing in the Millinery Liné. ing Charles.” Ocean Tickets for sale. 12 '. H. MILLER -- S. CULBEflISUN, 0141 Notes Bought. DURHAM. 3rd Sir. The Town cm?“ for 1900 held its first. meeting on Monday night, May- or Landlaw presiding. In his Open- We extend a cordial welcome Mr. John Mcliechuie and his siSl Mrs. Donald McIunes, both of Ma 30233. who are to amend the win months at the parental home. Jc is a jolly good fellow and his ma relatives and friends are pleased the agency for Gleneig from Mr. General Agent for Success Charlie. family the beginning of the Week. 3 Mr. William Ellison has secured We wish \\ illiam success in book business. Mr. Chaz lie McKech? , nie “'i“ also spend his I Durham. Markdale and Px'iceville.f Mr. Nicholas Melosh spent ’Xmasg; with Dornoch friends. 1 was the guesr. of the McKinnev': v the Township of J. A. McEachern, 3 County of Grey 3 the-q time ini LAA Mr. Thomas Baker. 01 enjoyed Christmas ho: the parental home. Mr. Peter McIunes will ba‘ chance 'to try his hand at the n. cipal machine. He will make an councillor. On the 25th of Deat‘mber the wea- ther was somewhat cold and stormy during the day. but towards evening the atmOSphere became more moder- ate, afiording Opportunity to a large crowd to assemble at the home of John McKenzie. A good time has been reported. This occasion. has excelled all farmer events of the. kind. W’ a Miss Mary J Ellison, who had an absess in her head. by going under two operations is regaining her usual health again Master Laughy McKechnie was visiting Bentinck friends la»; week. i Miss Maggie Barkley. of Toronto. .is spending a few weeks with re- iiatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. John Morrison has been on the shelf for a few days with the grippe. Why does J. E. go down south so regularly ? There must be some- thing very interesting there. Mrs. William Barkley is at present! seriously ill. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mr Hector Leitcb is engaged with Mr. Hugh Baird for the winter months. Well, Mr. Editor, we wish you and your many readers a happy and a prosperous new year. 3V Q mpathy of th' and bereavemez 13 community It. Ive-v o- -----ubvllo ul‘ Angeline. about eight. 3 enjoying, the Sport of was in perfect. health. other who died a week a in perfect health. and fond parents think the L__ u was so soon to claim ims. They both went. ’y' did afore time. and in their bright spirits fled bourne from which no ms. The remams Were )wen Sound cemetery. .nd relatives have the .Lâ€"- A ' ‘ ' 003M111“ il‘ WATERSVILLE. nes will have a and at the muni- will make an A 1 . of Orangeville, hospitalitws a: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, January l’Ith, IQOO. and his many Bartley are, a httle baby Mt. 13 water, writing purl - MAPLE $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 .. 10.00 8.00 6-00 ” -‘ pom“ ELM 1000 800 6.00 .. Whether °mkowfl7°rimmhu3.BASSWOOD 1000 3.00 6.00 u . . 8.00 6 00 5,00 .. with Daphne's Nerve Food. them-eat rutomriBLACK ASH 12 00 9'00 6'00 PlhEcut 14ft.12.00 900 6.00 “ , . 7.00 6.00 5.00 ” _ Lo 8 will be clmed “cording b " "N” h a“? h M b? to qualgy and sine, and to be cut. n to science. 11W “-4 -- - notations-M w..- “ -- - for I m Vanna nerves no not rectum!“ "flamed by Dr. Chase's Horn root fam 18 a near relative of ilies in this vicmny , _- .7... uu‘ ll‘ll“ 151165. 'VL'ue a;’x’ Dr. A. W. Chmo’: Uiutmem. Wm: 83% the itrhiug one bnx wiil c cure the Wurst case 0f Mind. itvhi ing or prudnving pifes. You hav torun fur Dr. A. W. Chase’s Ui: guaranteed to cure piles d False modesty causes mam nre 1n sxlgem'e tha greatest h able from 12411112 piles. Que ". ‘ “' v-VV ’Il‘i~jn“‘n LU Wake the Declaration. and Mr. Kress being assessed too low to qnaiify withdrew his rlaim Mr. Krvss hassufficem property but hin building was not Up when the last. assessment was made, the» land only being valued. Auoxhr must be had to fill the vacancy and the peonle should take enoagh inn-rest in mum Audiurs for Mmor and Council; N. \V. Campbell: Auditors forTmsn. Arch. Davidson ; salary $8 each; As. seSsor. \V. B Vuiioâ€"H, salary $45- Caretaker. S Orcharm salmy $30; .ruantOflim-r. 8.. Alina. salary 8.); Collector J. K93 15;, Without Stl'am ;; Coustablu, J Cuzsou. salarg. SL5: Health lusp , I). McDonald. salary $10. than any reasonable pmsnn Can un' derstand. and wv’ll miss um guess should he acquiesee in tlwir demands. An amvndu'wm to {my the accounts in full was carried. after whsch an- Oth- r batch of OM accounts amount - im: to over $300 Was passed by the Finance Coxmu‘it 299-. The following ofl‘lcrars were filled in the Bylaws for 1900: Mr. Mv‘ckler wan not IICHING FILES. : one bux wiil cumpletely aseufbiiud. iu'hing. blevd- gpifes. You have no risk . W. Chase’s Uiuimcm is ‘0 Cd)- pâ€"o ‘0 0.0 In uzses many people to en- ureatest mi. erv imagin \iles. Que app! :catiuu of Umtmeut \\ i_ll soothe and Vuiinn, salm‘v $15 Orchard. salru y 330 8.. Alina. ~alarv 8.) 913/, wirhout S'tl'ahv Caisson. salar} 3‘25 :h interest in town good man. prvfient to IA}: ICUUJQH Durham, Jau‘ J. South Grey Elefioral Dis tr‘ict Agri- gxlglral Society will be. held in the Town a ‘. Durham. on . . ' ~ 1 for service at, Lut 33, lecewin " tn the Imperial Life Assurance Com- N D. .. R., Bentiuck.’ two :mre bz'eti B Patty. Of Canada. fully paid up, onffimre ROMS' Reuhtered "NIX .IQ‘BPA e . . ‘ . i be seen on applicatimi. FGt‘tzh $1.0). the. g_Llaral)t.eHd 111L011)? plc‘ll: OI! ROBT. BI{IPF(}N Phipt‘it Wthh the 8”)ng premium paid to Dec.28. “2m- Allun Park I the company was exactlv $100,000. _ This. we beiieve. is the largest; life g; insurance policy that has ever been :. placed on one life at one time by any! H company in Canada; and is certainly! HE UNDERSIHNED WILL k . I ‘ '- ou ’ ‘- " D ‘<'\‘ - the largest premium Shut, has ever: for .seruce at but 11. (,4,ute..1.,z _. , ‘ . ;Glenelgz. Centre, two pure bred bimrs, ; been racewed by any Canadian com- i Yorkshire and one Berkshire. 'l‘erm: ; pany, and It sho'ws the confidence: JOHN MCVICAILPL’m‘ma, Mr. Fulford, who ts one of the shre“ - i Dec. 28, 1899. o r . . -m : deer Investors on the cmnment.‘ r must have in the Imperial Life. -â€"-«~â€"â€"â€"-~ There was keen competibiou for this 0 '1 7 : businuhs, but \1 r. Junkiu. the super- For S(‘Ie 0A. to 1.08 It inteudent of the Imperial, who has OT NO 9 \VFS'I‘UFt’?-\RAFR.-\3 been handltng the case for this S‘T. Chuhtininw 3:5 feet. fmntttr“ 3 company, showed greater staying full depth 0f said lot. Gum! d wiring he FO‘W’rS’ and outgeneralled his euer- stud shop with :19an well of wattn.’ 315: KFtiC rivals. Mr. W. D Mills is the first “.1355 Bakers. Own Litely omit v. Agent here . 1 ht‘GbHck. a“ on sand int THE ANNU-\L MEETING OF THE thth Crnv Eh. mm! M: 4 J _~ 4.;4.1UJ1£ flfurS. S. No. 1, N ormanby. Duties cummeuce Feb. 1 190). TH OMAS WALLACE. Sec. The Durban). furniture Ca. $10. 00 $8. 00 $6 00 10. 00 8. 00 600 Axon DAVIDSON Secretary. .- for the election of 2 Is. ed :ccording to be cut as lunx. .:IOW‘ Insurance Tran u..- V'u, ij'. VARNEY ONT. We urn yours for trade .1 of Chester Street in the Town of DU? ham. containing fnur (4) acres mure ur 1996. There is on the said Lot a hrivk dwslhnz' house. containfng 6 mum and a kitchen. also stable and driving shed and hard and soft water. This is a very dodrabie W9" perty and will be sink} reawnany. For terms apply to ARK LOT NUM BER '1‘ W0 NORTH 0f Chester Strap? ;2I fhu 'Pnu'n n; I‘ll” ' 'i Boars for Service V.__ â€"v‘-â€"-'P U 51‘” Containing: 33 feet fz'rw .Mgo and full depth of Mid lot. Gminl drelzing lumen and 81:09 with {mud well of warm. also a first elass Baker's Own lately built wifi fire brick, all on said lot. Apply to J. M; HUNTER. 01' G. L. MCCAUL Durham. NOV. 16th ’99. tf Dec. 6th. House 6; Lot for Sale. 7 mm UAUERSIHNED WILL keep- 1 for service at Lot 17. COIN‘QrSiUD 5, Gleuelg. Centre, two pure bred bnarmom Yorkslure and one Berkshire. 'l‘ermsu JOHN MCVICAR, Pumcma.. hm. 00 mm OT N0. 9. W EST‘ 01“ GA RA PRAXA pt 8T9. C()Ilt:li’li)l" El.‘ #110? cufix'l‘ ..-A non) -- DURHAM. -- Sells Cheap! . H. BEAN:- G. LE I’ROY McCA UL. a fidppV and P1 ospel out New Year. Wishing all of our Customers Barrister etc., Durha- .o .L- n tf .EC” K‘exsmn 4 {mm b ed Berk. Cafder's. BlacL Volume 3 O. ks; Scale. W .14: .2“... Io E C 1' e e D e l‘ S a Pee S O 111 ‘0 o . C ARTHUR ELIGEU‘. Toronto. ,inger, le appear at tho» Scozland Cancer: to-zuoi'x‘o God‘ahd lie-41' him WANTED. "" B162) 3‘. u 11 t“:l n1 3 [0 logs on 10's 37 and 38 con. 3, ) Ru‘GleHEIK- and Y0 (lCliVPf 5.3” mill in Durham.â€"~N. MchTy,m_ MISS JEAN REX\"ICK Of Dron a young Queen of Sunfish Sn- eugaged for the Sons of .5.th Concert Jan. 19. FOR SALE; «Two {30¢ Bred Short horn bulls. heifer two yams 01.1. ate. \V. A Livingstc THE Prosbvfie )‘i Entertainment w night'- in the Taw gram was saw-i an; huge audience A TEA MEETING wil Crawford, Mmimdisa Thursday evading. nounce a good program 50 attend. r WE ('1th 33}; yo and Die” im' you before you due IL 0! Scmland COIHCO: I ing. CHARTER 831m: is again realiv Btféud to ‘he wants of the p111 havin' {nun} up the mouiding 10: of ’he Cld Uocinané Ioundr v. u} he wiii do business until sai When the rest of the building will put in shape. A LETTER Showing the nocpssity {or the establishmvnt of a HOuse of Rings in this Counh'. hused part}; in a {coal incix? 9m has b9?!) wuzivmi bqt as it came in hand too lne {3: this issue me 110M it over till next week . “ GREAT So, rt. where did you dm from.” was the substance of remark made in concert when Malcoim (5r: ham and Ed. Kress met in our Offla Tupsday morning: They last rm each other in Bzandon a few we‘ll a.go'aud appawndy, withuut 63):va ing to. thev met here as we 31w indicated. In a mhmte or 3‘80 t‘m settled d’OWH to mik‘, but the burd’ (tithe-h conve-rSa‘tion was about xi Pmiria province of which but!) ho golden opinions. They will mm: in a few weeks. SONS of Scotland Concertâ€"Jan IX an interview with Mr Richardson. cf lleshorton. 01 8. (la) last we mgr'etted mm!) to that his: loss in he late Dung?“ was much grew? (Jr than is galla- supposed, and Sarah \my rt»: on the qnesfion he. lune 1:0 (30'; $9613. it, Very heaviiy. M 1‘. Riv son 'is a man who never 9:1}‘3 concerning, his own IlliSfOX‘quzv it max '0» a.mo9t 9.: {e to 39.9914 enlyhis 11109! inlimate flit}: fiver be abie rm (1133.: mom hi; extent of 1.1:9lrzs9. In! :is c E. acts a..so he kcJ Jpsa quiet. u never lettinghis ri 1 What his left} ham]. dowfb. Opening up business :gziizl. sincerely u: :.9L h) mw mcc: better fortun v vex: tiz.;:, flaw is the 1. we to renew» tions. Manv £11\:11.g_;w"' ~11" andanumberof new 11 anus, have 1‘ added to our {:sz. Some. mix) 3: 1013?: been in 211111.115 haw: p.113. freqnmnly “e leccixe :1 k: 1w: 1', with remittamte {mm a di< r1 ‘Thias week we have 31%;).qu 111 1?; 5% Mr. John L. McKenzie. o? r. Geph‘e, fmghis sub. for MM). every one would do likeMse Would be put in a position 10 proVé our plant and «We 0111* 1H» “miâ€"‘11 better ser vice, but handic..; 4â€" p 33‘ we sometimes are for wax]? 01 money i' is impossible for us to do Q well as we would wish. Naw hmd reader if you are in arrears. {fir-e 0M case into conoideration.. 8376 us a; helping hand and \vv'li; hide the profits by giving you a? fitter paper. “76 don’t want to? We up money: every dollar WC‘ .8‘fiS spent for the benefit of our LOCAL N EWS. and the support ofour l ix‘ .itmate {xiv to (113;: {10m 1 loss. lubis ch keepsa quiet :his right. ban a hand dooth. naiuess again. st. he mav mc :retted much U the late Dmlda ter than is gen though very r: . we have no dc tzwi‘y. Mr. R who never says own misfortur 10 I] )‘lllOI'l‘J RV ( hPa 83 me OHS ll CUt \V \V l hi

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