West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jan 1900, p. 4

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At the annual meeting of Center Grey Farmers’ Institute held in June. lass Flesharton was chosen as the place for holding one of the regular meetings of the InStiture thic month and Such took place in the Town Hall, here. on Wednesday afternoon and evening last week the deputation consisting of Major Sheppard, of Queensson, and Mr. John Echlin, of Reports from Ladysmith Show a determined elfort ot the Boers to force a surrender oi General Wlme. lne-ead of. harassing the plan at long range as heretofore, the enemy atl- wanced on the town which they pressed hard and caused mucn anxiety. After seventeen htours of hard fighting the intelligence was signalled that the Boers were re- pulsed at all points with great loss The 1035 to General White’s force is not made public but will likely be accu- icerable. General Builer is still; unable to advance to his relief. Hie‘1 army is divided into three divisions, one being at ChieVeley, another at Frere, and a. third at Estcourt, and as long marches were necessary to ~:concentrate the three divisions, neth- :tration could be made in response to General White’s heliegraph message When hard pressed on Saturday. GENERAL wutm’s REPORT. Jan. 8 --2 p. m.â€"~~"An attack was commencvd on mv position, but was chreily against Caesar's camp and Wagon Hill. The enemy was in great I str. ngth and pushed the attack with Sue greatest courage and energy. Some of our entrenchments on Wag 80“ Hill were three times taken by the enemy and retaken by us. The attack continued until 7.50, p. in. One point in our position Was ' occupied by the enem v the whole ding; but at dusk in a Very heavy rain- storm they were turned out of this: position at the point of the bayonet l1 in a most gallant manner by the Des vons, led by U01. Park. The troot‘ts . have had a. very trying time and'. have behayed excellently. They are! eluted at the service they have ran dared the Queen. The enemy Werel: repulsed everywhere with very l heavy loss. greatly exceedim.r thar on my Side which will be reported as soon as the lists are completed. -goo Col. Pilcher’s taoops completely sackvdthe Boer laager. They de- itloyml nothing. but. remow-d chry- flung in waggons, including the recends of the routed comuaudo. vouch .3 almost butficnemly complete £0 «betray the political Staudzng of «ever; adult in a mlle wide distrxct. This umkes it all the more surpris- ing xhnt colonial rebels should have dared to t'b't‘dbhb‘b a camp withu. a stelzun‘ely short distance of General Methuen’s army. Modder River. Jan. 6.â€"News fr ' 111 Belmont shows that true quenlaud and Uanadtau comingeuts have been :30 (‘licrgé‘lic in that neighburhoUd chat a belt arrcss the border of the Orange Flee State has been deserted “by the Boers. KJb‘l-‘lCE-MClnlyre DIUCK, \uver um 0mm; 5 pumwu mu but»: large! amount: of ex_5 n‘onth's \‘iSlt with relatives in T0- “’“ " mallow matnrinl [Vina on our roads ronm ant? Brougham. '”‘ ’57. n 3' f ‘x sand fipHs which could be used. ouc‘ Dr E K. Richardson. of Toronto, i i" a: d l ' gm apt tho hem rpsuhs hr the 9x- Spent Sunday wnh his parents hvre. Sppnditure should he used unaar the», Mr W. P. Cressley spent. Sunday . _ . 'dirumi.)n Of a nracrical ruadmakpr ii" T0”0fl10 Vigit' "‘1‘" l O O I“ . L, . 2“" l“ . . . . . . . 1th m. . . , . DUKHIQL Jdllll 1‘) 11th? 19 )0 _- Comma to h!9$llh]~0t-EXDOP1’ Baron brother. Mr. M. Cairns. who is ill in " é'I‘rac’mwMajnr Sheppard mated that ; the hOSpEtaI. - ~-â€"â€".â€"-â€" -- â€"~â€"â€" " ' ‘ ; The Canadian contingent rs aomgg thv mcrvasp m the last. seVPn years Mr. Chas Pedler. a member of the goot‘i wori; haying succeeded in thhil‘: has hepn from seventv-five thousand. I. O 0 F. here is dangerously ill in fixsc brush with the enem) in driving} to cpvnn and a half miiIion. In g tho hosniral at Prince Albert. Saskat- them from their position and captur-g‘ Spwkinzz nf thn type of hog [hp 3 chewan. Charlie ’00“th it that town int-{(0183 ‘ViIhOUt a WSUMW " he 5 Swab“ “'9'”? bRCk 500 years to the l in Octu‘m-r last and was doing well. Luzniou Times publishes the follow- 3 razur back and then came down to? Mwssrs. W and R Bumham are jug despatch from its correspondent : f th» recent improvements. but, the 3 home from New York Smte visiting' ~ . ”murm- and lummr r .q ° it ‘ r . , - Modder R1ver.Jan. b.â€"â€"i\‘ews fr m! b ”d smt theI heir muther on the back- lme. . - .fAmerimm at“? Britiu} -n t r .. ~ . . . Belmont shows that the quenlauuz ' ‘ arkets b65t° M .John S'”““"’ " V’s‘t‘mg ”’18" . . Th“ nor halitx {s m tiv.s " ' auu Uanadnau cotttngeuts have tween! p q 0 ‘0 e 0f thp Can 9 at ”uelpll- . ”,0 (azzc1'~«'et'c in that lleuzhbt-thOud ‘ adian bacon lumps down thP average, Mrs R N. Handerson and ,Misag :hat a 0:” ‘at'I‘L'SN‘ the border of the; W'N‘P- hm the hpst Cat'adian product. K. Bvllamy returned from Brighton; :4 ' '. ~. ~ _ ,brmgs from 30/ to 50/ more than the I and Toronto reepomjvelv I drama“ hes btate has been deserted; . . .-° 0 - _ _ ' _ - , _ . . Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on f “P?“ “E." that better Y'O‘szS could terms to suit burrower. i had wnh the money EXpeuded, KJb‘i-‘ICE-Mclutyre Block, (Over the Bank) f poinrm] out she large amount of RBSIDBSCEâ€"Old Bank Building. opposite C, JicKinuun‘s Imp't Shop. Upper Town, DURHAM. ARRISTERS SOLICITORS. FOTARIES CONVEYAXCERS. Etc. Etc. Honey to Loanâ€"Company and Private Funds -â€"Low Ratesâ€"Easy Terms. )Al‘uiIS'l‘ER. NOTARY, CON- ) VEYANCER, Em, Etc. FLESBBRT ON . w. s DAVIDSON, of Grand Rapids. Mich. relatives from a distanq the deceased’s widow‘ Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. borough, Dundalk, Mrs. Proton Station, and } Mich. 'esringlv on “ Four reasons why we . till the Soil.” and later in the even. , ing described the Battle of Lundax"s Lane in which he took part. “The battle. ” said the speaker "began a little before dusk and three time! during the night. both armies had to cease firing: from sheer exhaustion and nothing could he heard but the moans of the wounded and dying. When before day the third call to arms was sounded it was found that the Americans had retreated and the: battle was won.” Rev. Jae. Ward. of this place. gave an interesting half hour's address on “ Onr Domin- ion ” Music was furnished during the evening by Mr. W. Barnhonse, Mr T. J. Sheppprd ::nd Miss Joy. The National Anthem brought the [meeting toaclos Mr J I Graham [the energetic Institute Secretary. had on exhibition some very fine. Ivarieties of fruit: Mr. Graham is ‘one of the most successful fruit growers in Northern Ontario. Re. last fall. dishosed ofa car load of apples 210° e which netted him $600. , At the semimnnnal hnsiness :m-et- in;' of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church held last week ofiicers were elected for the current half year as fo‘lows :-â€"Pres.. Miss EHie Stewart ; Vice Pres., Miss E M. Herron; Cor. 390.. Mrs. P Tucker; Rec. Sec.. Miss Herron; Snllivan.-â€"â€"Com~ v..- a short time on roads and gave his oxpvrie-ncn in raising h0g8. In the awning thPrH was a fair sized andi ence. M: . Echiin spokP on «'reampry in connection with cheese factory work but there was little that was either new or instructive in his ad- dress Major Sheppard spoke inter- American. Séme “613m have us be-l DTB. Hove that thv iflpal bacon hog Should 3 TON)“ wm’gh 160 to 900 lbs.. but those very 3 Sig”?- men when acting; as judges at theii‘e‘d '} :Fat Stock Show awarded the prize to ,' BIRCH hogs weighingggo ”)5. Bags tveigh.' Momh ins: 160 to ‘200 lbs. are made into Mr. \Viltszhirp Moon. the sidps neighingito we: 47 to 50 lbs. with backbone and, Rev shanMe-r homo. out Cumberland Cut f mentin is made» from hogs “’wighinu 200 lbs {at EN! with hams off. and brim: thu same} A! t price. Mr w. G. Pickell followed! Artenm and spoke» on the hag: and his price. i C W and the advantage of home mama-[80r 8M facmre. 11'. John Boland spoke foriJOS B] I :a little richt-r. M. Richardron. of] Mr. Lcu Karstpdt, Mr. and Mrs. Ethis place, followed with a short ad- ,Jeckh-r and Mrs. J Thaler, of Elm- EdrPSS on Good Roads in which he; wood. visited over New Year’s with showed from the amount of moneyer. and Mrs. F. DafOP. extended and statute labor perform- Mr. Harry Stewm‘t returned last ed in this county that the best re. wepk from 'I‘avistock. “here he spent. suit had nor berm obtained. Major. the summer butter-making. Slapppard was then introduced and; Mvssrs. John and Bert- Osborne. bpforp entering on his Subject said$andtheir sister, Miss Allie, of Not- he fully agreed with the previowsftawa, are visiting their sister, Mrs speaker that. better ro'fi‘ds could he) W J. BPHnmy. had with the money eXpeuded. He} Miss Minnie Munshaw is on a. “A:--..\.1 A--L -L- ' 5 0f the Society. Ward conducted THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, January 11th, 1900. of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. Al‘hough that was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone to- day the one. g cat remedy for ail affections of the throat and lungs. I I § 5 i I z i ' ! § i l i TI” bad taste and odorhavc been I I taken away. the oil itsaf has been i g I i v;.# i Mr. John Sruu'art. is visiting ”13,! gtives at Guelph. . Mrs R N. Henderson and Miss; !Toromo, accompanied by the latter’.~ lqiarnr in law M"- \1 H T'" z.. - - . xss.a)e _,son,u.s- iited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ' Blackburn. and OthPr friends here on t; Monday and Tuesday. I Mr. Carlton Ballamy left last week 3"0 “D9911 the wintPr in Pan-v Rmma 1.0 spend the “'iIItPI' in Parry Sound; Rev L. W. Thom attended the meaning of Oraugeville Presbytery at Erin on 'I‘uvsday. At the inaugural meet-in: of the Artemesia Council on Monday, Mr C “7 Bpllamy \\ as appoiumd insea- sor and Messrs. R. N. Henderson and .103 Blackburn. auditors. Mwssrs. “7 and R Buntham are home from New York S'ate visiting their muther on the back- line. in Toronto v1 sitingllis 1.0. 0,1“. br.other \lr . M. Cairns. who is ill in the hOSpital. My. Chas Pedler ampmber of the I. O O F. how is danuoroasl‘ ill in the hospital at Fri Huge Albert. Se'skaf- chewan. Charlie loca twjl it that town in OctubPr last and was doing well. "“3 $100. all drug! BOWNE, Chemists! “vv-v This question was ans- wered when we first made Yet when persons have i consumption they loathe all l fatty foods, yet fat is neces- f sary for their recovery and i they cannot take plain cod- ' liver oil. The plain oil dis- turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite. The dis- 3 agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen- * durable. What is to be done ? z Miss Minnie Munshaw is on a. month’s \‘iszt with relatives in To- Mvssrs. Juhn and Bert. Osborne. andrheir sister, Miss Allie, of Not- tawa, are visiting their sister, Mrs W .I. Bpllnmy. Eiéifiéiwififii Ask your physician this ques- 1 tion, “What Is the one great remcd for consum tion?” I lie wil answer, “ (1- liver ' oil. " Nine out often will 3 answer the same way. I Mr. Bert Arifistmng. late principal of the Kimberley school was warmly presenfed by his pupils with an ad- dress accompanied by an album and a pair of gauntlets as a token of their appreciation of his labors in their behalf. Rev. W. Buchanan, preached the. anniversar} sex-”trons to the School on the Sunday previous. The Methodist Sabbath Schcol an- niversary on New Year’s evemng was as usual 3 success. l The rink in the drill slsed under 'the management of the I O. F. band (pens this week. The thaw on Sun-{ d“? threatened the ice but. Jack Frost . came to the rescue and the glassy bed is all 0. k. “‘ith a good SUPP'S' of music the boys intend giving: lovers of the ringing steel 8. good} time this Winter. l series of Special services in the Bap tist Church last week. gfifiii'fi and $1.00. all dfuggisjs.‘ lnmuc I‘L .3:- ‘tâ€" I; \1 9’0 *‘ ‘ .S’. â€"‘ x 5 I; A» w w. w, “b A?! w. Ww%«ds%fidvfi 22%”934 ’m SUITS that were 35. 50 and $6. 00 now $4. 50 4 . 1 (1 et - SUITS that were 84. 50 and 85.00.1101' 53. 60. come :3; v 33‘;ng .4 Parker’s Dru g Now This Has Been Our Misfortune! £6 EOPLE MAKE MISTAKES IN buying. They buy too much or not enough and frequently not. the right thing. ____--., we nave a GIRL’S OVERSHOES at low prices. THIS TIME we bought far too many Youth’s Suits of Clothes in Size 33 Long Pants, and to get rid of them we cut, prices away down. How we do it: THE SHOE MAN. Store! 3 and Rubbers we have a flea tended to take her by burprlbp i now that the eventful moment had :: like that of B at the ends was not. absolutely ugly, a sublime ; dacity, and pockets not particuim well lined, and I had just distingui: “Don’t be a goose, during." » been my reply. " \Vhat do peupie 31' on live on? All the wums. of 1 wgrld, more or less, are Helium“ crust of bread and a gl'xss uf \w three times a day, and now :me‘. 1': asuit of clothesâ€"we must he. Mull deed. if we can’t manage 10 mm“; ”(Iva-no “ But, Dick. if he’s troublesome can I say to him?" appealed pm tle frighgene-gl Nettie. ---‘ AC §A“r v.v “ Telf him I’ve gone out of Iowr shall be back in a few days.” 5 confidently. ' _ ‘â€"‘ n-un 0' “VIII-luv.â€" V-J v " 30!]- But valiantly as I spoke. ml tal sensations by no means correspond- ed with this bold mm. I was begin- ning dimly to realize what a very unâ€" wise step I had taken and also per- suaded poor Nettie to take. And I was secretly making up my mind that if Nettie‘s mother refusrd to receive us, I would ship myself off to sea as second mate or third gmrsur. or something of that sort. send my advanced wages to my poor little w'xf» and commence the world over again in this irregular; faehion. ‘ _.--.-‘.‘9“r ‘lIi :- But when 1W my motper-Zin-la last week. "You’ve’ come, have salutation. ‘ “ Well, yes,“ I ac cOme.3, . ' ‘ “(What on earth dammed 5m She. ' In my mind I cast about u _ say, and settled on the firs: oxcuse tint came into my “ The train was delayed town," said I. O I“ " Well come in, nnw Ihm here,” said she, “ and get w arm}1 ‘an1 cold weather for 'hh 1| rear isn't 1t W . . -. " Yes " said I thh an (1559 9 nod A; J .‘ "Lat me see," smid my muthu la“? 3.8 she took a steaming pin? :« ham and eggs out of the. oven and 3d a shining coffeeâ€"vat from 1110 < how old are you 7". "One-and-twenty,’ said I. “DO you think," said she. 14‘!) feeling of her chin, “ that yuu are ‘30 tako care of the Mac»? Thur feat deal to do. you know. on :1 1‘3 this. Do you think you're t the work 2" .- .3 , S “ Of course I with!“ daring what on e. w meant. . 1a“You are marrxed. she. f .01" yes." said 1, SW31“ 30 ,fee and winking my 9.‘ I m married.” u“- . -Vuv “Ban your wife make her" orally useful about the 913"? a). b demanded the 01d 13(33'; , T ." Certainly she. can.” said ““18 vaguely to see my wzlj the_ mists of perplexity that mime obscured my brain. “"3 UUSCUJU U] V v --... r Mar “1‘3on old is she 9" asked 3L3. tin. if I had been '01. r‘ mothqr-in-lavg and a gltlss of v ay, and now and sâ€"we must be poo ’t manage to (run ,-1aw nk,” said she. pens-we :hin, “ that you are a} )f the place 1’ Thm'e‘s lo, you know, on a {11 you think you're up I admitted made 01“ ”‘ now we mig swa [Iowi 58‘ i, I suppos about W but first conveme r my head. you. 50,“ said I my “1‘ f town ends of of B 11"5 said I. “'nn' mother-in- bold, if you w assemmg ng the very h I. begin- through had here- W E Pk ime [f g0!)- ’ sharp- I did not busmess I dently en it for gral in questi: ruptly. And “i ed: “Anj “Comefi er-in-L‘m you are ‘ undersmi “ Well“ \Vhich a clerk “'8 re no \V W hat tion new \V 1nd \V 1n \V

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