Aner using fou: h as any girl at ‘03 Dr. Win12", daughter a illiams’ p e was tron] ins around Rome, 3m ella, Monte Gennaroal a without the Cbristia b they are neareri re imyosing in appex; ose of 'l'uschulnm a! Cross on Monte Td Lens socicty for its pr: lï¬ome; 313 ranto, Reg tta and \L‘ Dunmin crc E mercury azive piety of 3 followed by t me by erecting E or whatever stone i each locaiity, and i1 {raven the inscription. ins, Deus, Homo, Vivi! DdWN MAN Be Ian-cud Peaks In It; 'ery P .81") ‘ n 11 0TB 3 on the summit of Tu the Irish College in ti P the mountain whi. .8 panorama of Tivo '10:" on :3 out of .this idea 1: in the Home branch ional Committee of t nn Homage to Jesus t Lona! mxned 9r, ls NOF CR E FOUNTAIN. Basin. Christian era. 0‘ 11'13 ca. an prime will be cut out ch63; Cimino, . 01 San Gena e; liaranola, n '3. 1hr Liquid II m usmmits at dawn: ; Brt Often uly rly 14 till)"3 1. in the Bf Brasseto, I we, then "'0 “h! 10 Con act" C 01' LOX: : STANDING ERROR COR- RECTED. ir- L: I1 '- 59.1}. one Oi the Children what 111* L .fL‘ renc e between a cat and an E33). other people .111 Acnwuxu Luv" - rterS u ' . .355: Kidney Pills. Whether for the Eformerly im'urable and fatal mala- l5,Bn'gh1t'.~3 Disease and Diabetes, or tit! of the other forms: of Kidney 3 easeâ€"Rheumatism, Heart DiseaSe,L 319‘! L'rlnzn‘y and Bladder 00m? #31,, Female Troubles, Blood DIS- Earsâ€"Dodd's Kidney Pills are eon- bred infallibEe. Dodd’s Kidney Pills 39:» - ' ' em have a wonderful faith 1n 11% Letter Published Brow week Cause of Comment. announced some time ago, the meat or Mr. A. G. Rammy from Ziiues of President and General :er of the Canada Life Assur- znpany took effect on the 3lst ember. The Board of Directors ï¬rst meeting of the year, held 11:13:. on proceeding to fill the of- "l fredden-t elected the Vice- Vie/it, Mr. F. \V. Gates of Ham- to that position. Mr. Gates, 'er, 0:: account of has edyanced tier of form. :~' but just and fitting that he r~z should turn to the man :;-:...g these forty years had lab- xth Mr. Rammy to make the :y the magnificent success it 18 Starting in as an agent of the :y at the age of, :21 years; Mr. once brought to bear on the «s that tireless energy and. in- bie will which have ever been Leristic of the man, and to which ition in the world: of finance is Largely due. Discouragement tigue which would have daunt- s courageous spirit only served ,ncentive to greater effort when was a prospect of securing ,busx- Personal convenience was nct redâ€"it was the welfare of the .}' that “as at stak and as 3 wt his faizhful, energetie‘ serv- :. buines‘s grew and, prospered. 1e weht by the company. recog- the devorion of Mn Cox to its erâ€"So my daughter referred me 2_ AThe Suitorâ€"Yes, Just as w what is in your mind, child, :he pro-Iaasor, yet the old 311- 0 the e£fect that the elephant mm a the, is not altogether An eiephant may not be chub to 1219 the branches, but 2:: as high as the trunk. ' ,rofumor. it may be observed in 3'19 loaded for all kinds of '1 impaired health, felt com- decline the distinction. and George A. Cox was unani- eiei'ted as President of the peeple in Kenmore know “‘--A A. ;er signed by Durham papers- last. week. Mr. of the most expert box- ge country, hls Cheese ,odels of good workman- fned cup in remarkably 19 has the reputauon 0t jrive one-and-a quarter- ha rate of ï¬ve hundred {has 3:35-3:3553 The woman who paints her cheeks rxveo ‘ . of five hundred and the man who dies his whiskers 11:11:: and keep it, up fool only one person. ‘ A bachelor says that widows weep 3 an enthusiast about ' not because of the loss of a husband, Pills. He cannotsa! but because of the lack of one. ch Cases In Kenmore- ills “'0" Known ‘l'acro Corrobxtlon o! Men of mature years have much to xbe thankful for because of the. failure iof the majority of their youthful iplans. Figures may not lie, but when: a girl looks like 160 pounds and only pulls the scales down at 116, there is something wrong somewhere. The opinions of a. child may be of novalue, but they are at least hon- A girl is invariablyin love when she refers to the twilight as the gloaming. The student who takes up medicine finds it far more pleasing than tak- ing it down. Some men are too proud to be seen carrying anything but a walking stick or a. jag. Probably no person living ever saw a. picture of Cupid that looked as though the little fellow had good com- son sense. Thoma-Tm you think there win ever be such a thing as universal peace? . â€" Brambleâ€"I am sure there will not be. My wife. would never agree to it. Heâ€"Yon have stolen my heart. Sheâ€"That's a nice 1hing to say after you have. been begging me £0: Six weeks to accept it. weifare, gradually increased 1113 term- tory, 11:11:11 It embraced all Ontauo east of Toronto and came to be recognized as the company's most Important branch. In 1892 ms wxse counsel and great experzence in insurance matters won for hxm a place on the Board of Directors of the smce occupied. mnw “MW“..- While the Senator’s keen judgment and wide experience in inve tments have given him acommanding place in financial circles, it is his recognjzed p0sition 1n the insurance world 01 Can- ada which causes not only the Direct- ors of the company but its thousands or policy-holders to turn by) common consent to the man whois best fitted to maintain its prestige and- continue the honorable, concervative policy which has made the Canada. Life As- surance Company almost anationalin- stitution. When in 1861 Mr. Cox. first became connected with the company as its local agent at Peterboro', its busmess in torce amounted to only S3.5£0,(20;). â€To- day, at the close of 'the most success- fui~ year in its history, its business in force stands at over $76,000,000, or twenty-two times greater than in 1861. It will be a matter of congratula- tion to those interested in' the com- pany’s welfare to learn that: Senator Cox will arrange to give a large share 4.1.- “A of his personal attention to the con- dust of its affairs, and that he will have the active assistance and co-op- eration of. his son. Mr. E. “7. Cox; the A<sist1mt General Manager. who has already had sixteen years’ experience in» the company’s service. AN UCYJUST ACCUSATION. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A‘ DEADLOCK. EhU-e Eaï¬ipany, which he has Ied and has. not since returned, and in a short time I have been complete- ‘ly cured of Catarrh. I recommend ‘Catarrhozone as the safest and cheap. ,est cure for Catarrh. One bottle did ithe trick for me.†Catarrh-o-zone is {sold by all druggists. Trial outï¬t sent for ten cents in stamps. N.C. Polson ‘ Co., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors. The authorities in Algeria gave 3:0,- 000 towa d ï¬ghting grasshoppers. In one district 3,200 camels were employ- ed to carry the material: for burning over the places where eggs had been deposited. Shepherd G. Frost, Chatham, N. B., writesz' “For a number of years I have been troubled with (alarm and headache, and have tried many remedies durin'g that time. but with“ out avail. At last I heard of your medicated air treatn" at and procured a Catarrhozone cu“- . \Vithin twen- tyâ€"four hours my headache di-sappea‘r- Every man has been, is, or will be handsome in the eyes of some, wo- We would direct the attention of in- vestors to the advertisement of the Sun Savings and Loan Company, To- ronto. They are offering safe and profitabie i: \e elment for your sur- plus funds. They want agents in all unrepresented districts. , REIIANCE CIGAR La‘l’oscana. 100' â€010m ,Monuea The man who has nothing to do but clip coupons cuts quite a figure. - Take Laxmive Bromo Quiniqe Tamera. A“ dmggin‘a rctund the money if it fails to guru. 25c. n}. W. Grave’s s-guatnro is on each 001. 'A sample room is dangerous when too many samples are taken. In the world‘s great drama the ocean plays the principal role. His satanic majesty is probably the Nick of time we hear so much about. O’KEEFE’S_‘}.’~ 1201' MALT MRS. WINSLUW'S SUUTHING SYRUP bu been used by mozhen fur their ch‘ldren teething. Itsoothes the child. soften: the gums. allay: 1min. cures wind colic. and is Lhe- beat remedy for diarrhea: 25°. 3 bot.- tle. Sold by :1; dmggisu throughout. the world. Be 0m and u-k {or " Mm. Winslow's Soochxnz Syrup. The miss-guided youth does every- thing his sweetheart tells him to \do. Send one can: 1.1m†for cin ular Ansiyticd Chunjift 45 9Q 04 Biemishegs‘,g.g:’§n Compiexion The man who is bent on joining the army has to stand straight. by ion! nppiioniiomg as thoy cannot reach nu dmonsed portion of the car. There in only one way m cure deafne‘s. and that in by constitu- tional rcmedie... Deafness in united by an in flamed condiiion of tha mucous lining of tho rlunrncbizm Tuba. ‘0 hen this tube in inflam- ed yon have a rnmhimg «mud or imocrfoCI heating. and when it :s entireiy closed denfnvu is the ramâ€. and union the inflammntion can b0t~kon mt! and this tab» restored to its 50: mal condiiion. hearing will be den-buoyed for ever: nine vne- out a! ten are cam-mi by (‘n t-u-rb. which in nothin; but. an inflamed nondiv Sun of the mucous nurï¬u‘os. We win gsvs One Hundred Dollars for any case of iians‘nosa ic-xnsad by catnrrh) that can not be cured by Ba )'5 Cabarrh Cure. Send to: cilcuinrs. {'00. F. J. Cï¬EN KY 3 CO. Toledo. 0. A corkscrew is sometimes used 1 opening a conversation. Some men ride a exercise. “ Pharaeh 199. MONTREAL 3875‘. D'BEOTOR'. The “ 8a§moral,â€_ M 91%?3: GMT 3. Station}: @100: real ‘_ , __, _.____., Hotel carslakg 81'. J-AMES’ HOTEL“ 83?;231315‘351’6??? If you are; in do It. Sold by N'rilé‘gfas.«. 75c. HnU'n Family Pin6 a“ the boat. 1m 1 mute! snd Sâ€"tréngthent LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. T0 (‘I'RB A COLD IN ONE DAY investors Should Examine. Can Catarrh Be Cured '2 Deafness Cannon be Cured T‘REATMENT- FOR OVER FXFTY YBAR5 mm. W.J.URQUHART 459 Queen St; W.. Toronto. doubt about it, don't a! from 81 is thy 11$. Opp. Gm. CsrsiakokC 0. rep I. :†rung. of Grub). Q“. .â€"â€"â€"o---â€"â€"â€" ,McGillâ€"Collezo Avenue. Family Hotel rate: 81.50 hobby merely for \V P C [007 EurowniPlan. 110ng Oint- how you may live in easy circumstances, earning big money honestly and honorably the rest of your lives without leaving home. The ï¬rst applicant from each town or country district will get this unparalleled chance. Capital not neces- sary, for start. For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp. bu n distinct unto: of if: m which nukes every one thnt has once tried it. want it spin. That every citizen of Canada IRE could read this advertisement. -â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"- Fortune knocks at every man’s door at some time. Now it is knocking at yours. permtnenuy cum Ctum'h ut nose. I- I thron stomach and bladder 500 fl. 3 box. Write for pmiaulsn. '1‘ ha ladmn Ostu'rh Can 00.. 146 St. Jun“. Hanna». POULTRY, BUTTER, secs, APPLES, :nd other PRODUQE. to «may bostfuuluponug‘n t9 -â€" -vâ€"vâ€" v' w_v‘.- w The_ DEWSPQ Qdmiï¬ï¬gibi '90“; Limited, Books, Rosaries, Dru- cathonc Prayer olfixea, Scapulars. -ligscm Haunt. Sutuuy. and Church Ornune'om. 4110.00.31 Wo‘ ks. Mail orders receive prOmp: amen tion. 0. I J. SADUEB £1. 00., Montreal. cor. Host-Market colbomo 8L. 'Toront'o. . 0 LB BUR! 10¢. Cumin . â€ï¬‚y. 1‘. Ho Garters 000mm: 8 00.. Agents. Montrul. O. Rollvguâ€"d'. 061â€"0 agent {or the Dominion. Srlid 30:. "any for caution“; 373 St.. Paul Street. Manual TR! DES MOINES lNOUBATORâ€"Bofl and cheapo“ n p.\“-na uJ- mum-n. fnr the Dnminlnn- Srnd 30L w“-iILIjAI 87.. TORONTO. _-.â€"._.. --, New Important sausage cas'ngsâ€"‘anlhh Sheer. mesa HoFCuiuewrelhblo -"‘ h' At‘" Mill.~ â€I". Halo. Barriuwramtc" removed to Wesley Bld 1.. Rich- Inond it. W.. Groom. Viola-ale only. L091 01803an Telephono Uâ€. â€"_‘-‘-_A Dyeing! . (â€94.91.93 ‘ â€""v--v â€" Mogggegl', TorééiEâ€"Ot'tawa, Quebec 000 ACRES 0000 FARMING LAMBSâ€"ARENAO ’ 10500. Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title par- fecc. 011 Michigan Central. Derrek. a. Mackinac and Loon Lake Railroads. at. pricus musing from $2 to 35 .r acre. These Lands me Close to Enterprising New owns. Churches. Schools. em, and will be sold on 0:! reaauuable zerms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE. .5. gent. West Bay City, Mich. 0r J.W. CURL‘IS. Whitaemore. Mich. Bugs. Rats sud Mice. 801d by all umfluu sham. MLL'a 604611“. mm :a: Dmggista. or 381 QUeen W. Toronto. E meoigl stock. guaranteeing Etrgo dividends; also tn in- stalment stools pa) a.b.e in monthly inatalmcucs, druwiu caah uividend . hut yenriy. Ptrties vaulting safe a. . prodwble investment. ehould correspond mm the Sun b‘ nn 5 and L mu Cumpany. 'l'orunw; mOucy waned on (Mutable. tcrma; zooms wanted in unrepresented din. Lricca ; wnte us. ' ‘ .1 r. ‘ MAEL : ."“'"' â€"‘ . ;~ - smotervals ever $1006, each one worse ï¬ï¬maï¬ieï¬ i‘ne 3TE‘MS‘W’8 than its predecessor. Had headache, Portland.Mc.. to lecrpool,vla Halifax. spam in the small of the back, urine :dark, scanty and scalding. Began†? using Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin 3 Pills a short time ago. and am already Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. .. :â€"F'c b'.0 da:8¢ood- . - - Cï¬?:;§§?§;ï¬ï¬m ggsggg‘gï¬m' ' 3 wonderfuxly .meroved. Feel confl- k‘or turmermtormuion applywlocaluenu. or : dent they wfll cure me, and I shall DAVID TOBRANCE 00.. Gencnl Anna. ; give them the chance and report. I 17 St. Sacrament. 8t. Monti-ed. *havc not felt so “fell for years as I W _ “‘11: ° Ibg ' 1"“, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 3‘79 ““009 e an 118133. {033713, 8 F n n n , n 477 Yonga St., Toronto. -u -â€" Michigan Land for aaic. GRATEFULâ€"COM FORTING. “B? lTISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.†Logoï¬or 'sgen'c’ in your turn. or send direct. W£ ARE OFFERENG For Lhï¬ery best lend your work}: :13! BREAKFA STâ€"SUPPER. UNLIKE ANY OTHER Cain swrclumo oaa u. mm. prmu. PAR BLACK ELL l 00.. Toronto. T0 INVESTORS w n 0310] m nondï¬gW. await“ Esplanade, “M Toronto __._.___._... _- AL- -.l- - _, EASTERN DISTRIBUTING 00., BellavIlle, Ontario. _New Qmpormrlom ï¬ne» English Sheep and Anr Odn pt. {ugh} prim. P MUSIC CATALOGUE and SFYCIAL RUE 0F DISCOUNT. We are oqulpped to supply every MUSIC TEACHER“! Canaan Whaley. Royce . W» 158 Yong. 3L. TORONTO. ONT. To send for our A most efï¬cient substitute for cod-Jive;- oil, pleas-aht to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of ail throat and lung troubles, and -- if results count f or anythingâ€"almost no limit to the good it can do. Séaifale bottle mailed ti) any address on receipt of 30 cents to cover postage. C EV LON T E A Lead packages 1 us. I. Milt", hunger. The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER lllgh Glass Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVB CATALOGUE. Relerence3{ Bears Important News to His Fel- low Citizens. Toronto, Jan. 5.â€"â€"Here is a letter we hope every one of our readers.wi.u perusezâ€"“I am 39 years old. Have been troubled for four years with what I thought was Rheumatismâ€" stiffness in the muscles of my legs. later in the arms. Soon the stiffness changed to soreness. Went to Hot Springs, and came back a little better. \Vas a moderate driinker, but quit us- ing liquor altogether, and carefully regulated my diet. One day I got wet and then the trouble was worse than: ever. Had to lay oft for three weeks. Have had similar attacks at intervals ever since, each one worse than its predecessor. Had headache, pain in the small of the back, urine dark, scanty and scalding. Began using Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills a short time ago. and am already wonderfully improved. Feel confi- dent they will cure me, and I shall Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. the onlv medicino on earth that. cures disease by kil‘ing the gems that «use; it. are so!d_by a1} drgggxgts, at 75¢. a. box; sample _ _-AA:“‘ A. nâ€"t‘- k.- m- cause ID. aux: nusu u, -u u. .- ._ size ‘54:. or sent post- ud‘ini‘keki'i'ov 'r' ' _ . c ,. Arnoid bhomrca! 00.. Bimited. Cangda 4!ng augivdg: 42 King Street West, Tomato. - - ‘ WANTED in your town. RkPRhSEH i AT‘VE Luge income â€"- Pleasant positionâ€"Pay pronn)t_ Like positions making 3‘0 per week. “'riu: quick for particulafs and furnish refer- ences. 50: x'IcKianon 13mmâ€: To'nnto. 4 Opp. Shorboumo 8L, A TORSNTO MERCHANT JOHN J. nun. Supt. and Tm. Toronto Electric Light. 00.. Limited. The T Eaton Co.. Limited. The. Muse, Hum Cu. Limited. The Guns: Perch: Rubber M“. 0.. The Wilma Pubhshlng 00.. Limitati- 25. 30, 40, so 6oc. Toronto SUPPL A Asbestos 0006., P pa covermg, Lubricating uh, ‘5, OLD- WM. SUTTON COMPOUND 00. Engineers: L mined. TORONTO.