"BAZERâ€"Ia Bentmck on Satur flaw: Jan 39th. Mr. John Frazer. in his 74th year ARMSTRONGâ€"COUTTS~IH Ben:inc‘â€" on 1\yedue‘asday. Jan. 17, by Remnwm, “‘0. I HOLTâ€"In Durham on Sunday, Jan, 215: ; daughter. MORLOUEâ€"ilu Durham on Monday. Jan 22nd. a. son. MARRIED. erton Station to the grist, mill here. Angus and Bob and Jack any they wouldn't mind unloading a. few more cars. Biting his many friends in Priceville and vicinity this week. Mr. Thomas Ginn. “ho is suffering by 3-. (all sustainel by him sometime ago. was what: away by his daughter. Mrs. Gox‘s‘mfl. to her home near Brampton last. week. Mr. Wm. Watson, of Priceviile. spnnt 3:4'1::y or two in Qweri Sound last, wet-i; visiting friends, and amongst. other business passed no- cmnts of his father’s estate of whip}! he was an executor, before his Hon- or J8 (ige Creascr. Several te: hauling: Man A child. aged three months, of Mr. Duncan McDonald’s, of the Gravel Rom-(1 West of Priceville, died last, Sunday. and was buried in the Price- rille Cemetery on Monday afternoon, The parents have the sympathy of the community in their 1033. Mr S. Le<1ie, of Manitoba, is vis- ,r \- An item of interest to your many premiers is contained in the fact that Mr. McGowan has rented the Price- -=.'iiie Saw-mill. Mr. McCrae, of New- iiridge is the party that has taken pygmwzion and is now busily engz god in putting: everything in shape for the pi1r~>o<e of pushing the business for a1! it is worth. He is a friend of Archie‘and Dngald Ferguson, of Pro- "720:1, and comes well recomzniended as a straightforward business man. We how to see him well patrunized. A child. aged three months, of Mr. h--. A _ \o r\ | ‘- ‘ \Var news is very meagre, and though General Buller is advancing towards Ladysmith his progress is slow. The Boers are strongly en- trenched, and the few casualties in the British ranks Show that they exercise greater watchfulness, and .have to some degree ad‘pted Boer tactics in ï¬ghting under cover. The Boer‘prisoners ltoast that it will take the British three months to en-1 ter Ladysmith. The Briti:-h them- selves exx-ect that the lapse of seveml days and a series of battle will be necessary before relieving the town. The report of British losses on Sun- «day gives 6 killed, 78 wounded and 8 missing A report, from Spearmau"s Camp, dated January 213i: tells of a stubborn ï¬ght from dawn to dark in which the British slowly gained ground. It adds that the Dublin Fu-l siliers carried a. very strong position at the point of the bayonet. In the engagement the Captain, C, A. Hens- ley, at Canadian ofï¬cer received in- juries from which he died. -v‘d " l“. Farguhars'on, Elijah Arms trgng to Buruette. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Contts. DIED. An unconï¬rmed report from Pieter- .martzburg, says Lord Duudouald antered Ladvsmith with 1600 men. The Legislative Assembly is to :meet on Feb. 14th. OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) Money to. Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suxt borrower. RESIDENCEâ€"Old Bank Building, opposite C. McKinnon s Imp t- Shop Upper '1‘mv,n DURHAM. :[1 couege Toronto; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario; Member of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. Six years hospital experience. £8. BURD, M. E. P. S. U. Successor to Dr. PARK, MILL STREET, â€" -â€" DURHAM. NOTEâ€"At Durhamâ€"Mondays. 10 a. m to "A p. m.. anï¬-Court Days, and at Priceville . 9n Mondays, 6 p. m, to 8 p. m. (Commercial Edotel.) OFFICI‘! a-QWEN 306M), MARKDALE DURHAM. ARRISTERS SOLICITORS. NOTARIES COSVEYANCERS, Etc. Etc. f'floue ‘to Loanâ€"Company and Private Funds v-Low tea-Easy Terms. THE CHRONICLE. ral teams were busily engaged 2 Manitoba Wheat from Flesh- ARRIS'I‘ER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER. Etc., Em. ilUCAS. WRIGHT BATSUN. E. J. FREEL M. 0., B. M. ONOR GRADUATE 0F TRINITY w. s DAVIDSON, BORN. "‘ ‘0. .o-Q )alqsi’ , of the' Gravel f P1 lcevllle. died last as buried in the Price- W. N. WRIGHT C. A. â€780â€. er- The A ccomp‘anist was Mlss Whelp- “a 19):. of ML. boresrv. end It may be an sand, that m the. opunon of those ' well qualiï¬ed to Judge, she showed rare skill in suiting the instrumental In: expression to the vocalâ€"a quality nd perhaps too rare in the average X’s, musical accompanist. 'f‘ Long before the hour for the doors â€â€™(to open a large crowd collected on â€d the steps of the Hall. on the side- n- walk and extending mto the Street m waitnng net .tOo patlently for admls-. 1e exon. W mm at luSL the doors Opened 5' the crowd througed in, in one solnl 1’ compact stream until erery usher had Miss Frank Black, of Durham. also gave an excellent rendering of .. When the Heart is Young†21:14 â€grood-Bve Sweet Day†horh which cailed forth plause. \Iiss Mabel McDonald. dressed in Highland costume. in the Native tartan. and guided by the strains of the impiring bag-pipes. gave two or three excellent exhibitions of the Scotch Dance. To say that she did well would be faint praise indeel. For one so young, she did marvel- lously and in response to a vigorous of un: tinted ap- and " \‘Vlll ye no come back again,†was given with a pathos and sympathy rarely excelled and her sweet and maidenly modesny won the hearts of all. Miss: Renwick has a native talent for Scotch Songs. that is bound to give her a. foremost place es of musical entertain- Come again Jean Lassie. oor toon can enjoy a. bit mair o’ sic guda lilt. was given with sympathy rareu e sweet and maiden‘ .t.e hearcsofall. A -‘- “I.“ IV 'x'e hope to hear him again. Mir 8 Jean Renwick, “ 001' ain was better than ever. Her r. ing of "Jessie the Flower 0’ bluin,†“Bonnie Mary 0’ Ar' and " “rill ya no coma hem}: It is surely time for Durham to prowde a. suxtable Town Hall for the publlc entertainment of its Cltazeus. ; The program was carried through \VlLllUUL a hitch. Evm‘y number Was good and eVery pertormer at his or her beb'L. l’xper McDonald in full kxlt reg-aha was in good I) the opening atrzuus of the pipes put the audaence also in good humor. It was :ruly (la-lightful to note the beaming joy of many a bronzed Scotch face as the familiar strains of the pihroch \xal'ted his thoughts once more to his native hills in the far: away home of his boyhood. Andl the desreudants of these ruggefl pio- neers seemed aleo to feel the thrill of like emotions; Mr Blight sang two Se tch songs, which are dear to the heart of every son and «lanuhter OH OH Scotiaâ€"“ l‘he March of the Cem- eron Men †and “Scot’s wha. Hue" besides other songs. in all of’which he won his way to the heart of the awlnence. Mr. Blight has a well: trained voice and his appearance on “W Stage is cultured and rtï¬uezl. V8 hone tn ltpnr kins (umn:n “w--v- nu“ ma hands full alloLiug tlcket holders :0 tueu‘ seats. In a short, tune every available seat and Space was closely packed till there was not even rataudmg room in the hall. Many ‘cmne from 101,-g distancesmPriceville and beyond, bownvllle. Ayton, Neu- stadx, Hanover and the surrounding townships, far and near, Seuduxg each lts quow. of Sconcluuen or their desceuuuuts, There were many lush, German, EllgllSll and Nativeï¬annd- lam too all expectaun, all eager for the treat in stureâ€"Lhough many had on aceuuun of the smallness of the Mall to stand. all through the lOilgl evening. I Dr. Jamieso'n, M. P. P , occupied the chair. and in his usual easy and facetinus' manner discharged the duties devolving upon that post of honor in a manner entirely creditable to himself and satisfactory to the audience. Owing to a severe accident Mr Hamilton. who was so favorabiy re- cenved here a few week~ ago as a talented Scotch singer, was prevent- ed from being preSent. The commit- tee at once sent to Toronto and secured the services of Mr. Arthur Blight, one of The Queen City’s foremOSL vocaISSts, to take Mr. Hamilton’s place. Lust Friday evening’s concert will be long remembered as the second grand Annual Concert of the Sons of VSCOtlandâ€"Ben Nevis. Camp No. 45-â€" the Camp of which Bro. Morton is the honored Chieftain. ‘I‘he Chieftain and his staï¬ of willing assistants de- serve the highest commendation of all lovers of Song and Story for their efforIS'to provide a. really ï¬rSt class Rally. Neither money nor effort was spared. and the result was an entertainment worthy of Massey Hull, Toronto. A NIGHT WITH THE SGOTCHMEN. â€"A Good Program was Givenâ€" And all Were Delighted. Immense Crowd Fills the Hall aHent rendering of earn is Youno†and y. 'eet Dav" both of forth umtinted ap~ ed by the Strains of gpipos. gave two or exhibitions of the '10 sav that: she did faint praiqe indeel. Her rvn'ier- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, January 25th, ain Jean†0’ Dun- Arnryle ’7 L Mreet Nurth, in the Town of Durham. “0"t3iniml‘8 acres. AH cleared and in good "m‘e "1 Cultivation, 3 acres of Hand bear “*3 0"Chard. mud hemicv- will ha mm [\‘A Jan. J.) Melligan Property one acre or good land in desirable residenoe, will terms. Apply to on George Street, good location, a be sold on easy GhO. an. 17, 3900, vu- vw-uu' - -‘U..'“v. ,__ 9 111., maxes the statement. that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family “physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and ‘that no medicine could cure her. Her Druggists suggeSted Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and her delight found herself beneï¬tted from ï¬rst dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles. found her-: self sound and well: now does her own housework. and is as well as she ever was. Sold by all Druggists, large bottles 50 cents and $1 00: It should be said that all the per- formers Without exceptlon were heartily encored and all heartily responded. Two duets by Fax and Miss Ren- wick by Spacial request were very effective. And last but not least was Faxâ€"- James Fax- the people’s Jimmy! Fax. the inimitable comic singer of Canada! Fax, whose name is an as- ]snrance of a crowded house and a [good natured audience! And Fax was never better than toonight. His name occurs {our times on the pro- gram. but these are not half his Performance "Sight Seeing in t 8i ,City.†“Sandy A"cClu.~ky.†"'l‘hat] Rooster†or ‘ Delaneys C: i ken†and’ †Slattery ’3 Light Dragoons †besides some half dozen encores will not soon be forgotten here. It is useless 3 to attempt to describe the charm of. Fax’s rendition. He must be seen; and heard to be appreciated and those ‘ who hear him once will not miss} hz-aring him again. ‘ I ARK LOTS N ED. 1‘ encore she gave a sweet little recita- tion, which added to her poyularity. ‘**“ 0.. .“ REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainï¬eld, ,., waxes the statement. that MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to W CALDER, Durham. 1900. If .hRESS ()1 to ED tf 3, GEORGE . Kngss. be Sold 0:: 701 further Durham 399-. (786‘ 39' .2" ° 4N .z. 4:. Aâ€. .9. 7:; <1“ 74F uâ€" v. §§vu5v ‘I‘ul amongst: cattlemen a9 Powder if given i I f r. Standard Bank of Eanaï¬a N0 â€WHITE FLO\\' 1‘) :1 S. An. abSOlutely white 001..» «20:33 no: â€Om; to exist in any flower. {he 1'10: may be shown by placing some firm:- are suppowd to’be of the puxey unite like the lily, the white (23.1111319ng or the wood anemone on a loaf of (11:11 white paper. It will he "mm! :hnt the white ls r131 y wash :d with yel- kw, blue or orange, accouling to what flower is taken. POSTPRAVDI IL REFLE CTIOX S 1,53}: tiii‘W’ ‘ '3 A general Banking business transact- .d. Drafts issued and collections made on 3“ points. [kposï¬‚ï¬ received and 1n- m-mt allowed at. current rates. Interest allowed on Savings Bank de- posits of $1 and upwards. Prompt attention and every [acuity afford- ed customers living at a diszance. J. KELLY. Agent. â€"â€" Office and Residence a short distam-p gas: of Knapps Hotel, Lambzun Street, Lower Town. Office hours [rum [2 to 2 o'clock; Offioez-Fu‘st door we: of the Dur- ham Pharmacy. Calder's Birx k. Residence.â€"b‘irst door “(:51 of the Post. 011106. Durham. town. "A55; amount, of money to loan aL an (arm property. BARR18" 1' R. 501i<it 1‘. Pic". 3;: ID'FT‘P“ bl ,ck. Lower Town, (cf-Lug: i011 .‘Uw‘l Agency mumps.) attended La. bum-u. n wade Lune xtesisu-y omce. UGH MachAY, Durham, Land Vang- amr and Licensed AuCLioneer for the County of Grey. Sales prompnly act-ended to and notes cashed. AM ES CARSON, Durham, Licensed D :3 uctioneer for the County of Grey [And Valuabor, Bailiff o: the 2nd Division Court. Sales and all other matters prumptiy “bended mâ€"higheab refexencee furnished OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVJ'LLE, has resumed his old business, and is prepm Ddto loan any amount of money or: reai Istate Old mortgages paid 05 on the nostliberal terms. Fire and Lire luau:- moaneffecnedin the best Sued; «Jumpamca ‘3 lowest. rates. Correspondence to Orchardville, P. 0., or a call aolxcned xi required. The “Chronicle? is due only [24' Ange L064: \en'a‘pas‘t‘r m Westmn umario. Mm. Alonzo H. Thurber, F: ecptmt, N.‘ “ya: “I had a. severe attack of Grig “d a. bad cough, with gnu: difï¬culty breathing. After taking two hub-rs Dr. Wood’a quway Pine Syrup 1 was cu ï¬lotely cured.†“Work while vou sleet) «E a grip or gripe, curing; Headache, Dy spe psi' Constipation, a 1d ma. {6 feel better 1n the morning. C" 'I‘ R. J AMIESON. Durham. ’AMES BROWN, Issuer 01 Marriage Lioensea,Durham Ont. DR.T. G. HOLT, L. D. ABRISTFR. Solicitor. etc. Ofï¬ce ova:- ‘ Gordon’s new jewellery e'urc. Lower GURES CUUGHS R30 (ES-LBS. [lead (mice, Toronto. G. P. REID. Manager. Durham Agency. SAVINGS BAN K. DB Wooo's é: N9 w 'irst Cannibalâ€"There wasn‘t mucn til. milk of human kindness 21: mm ï¬late missionary. wand Canniba‘ â€"I should say pgt ! Medical Direcwry. G. LEFROY MCCAUL. I In all principal points in On. Quebec, Manitoba, UniLed States and England. IJBgal Dzreczm-y nu ‘pu. ....... as if I had eaten a dairyi J. P. TELFORD. Miscellaneou < . DENTIST. PENE SYRUR none, on a leaf of clear It will be fouwj :hat realiy washed with yel- 32.000000 1,001,000 600,000 5 per cent. DICK. and mut nool lady to a took cha lad: doo. her see ple. truc ha {u :1 teré herl ito the Stri Ile‘ Nef faci fro ide< she sel‘ at of \V l to m: J8 It r1