Miss Je8sie Walsh. of Walkerton. was the welcome guesm. for a couple pf weeks lately, of Lev cousins, the Tran: family. Mr. Frank Skene returned to his home in Sydeuham. after spending a few days in this vicinity. Mr. Mack and Miss Kmie Stewart left. on Saturday to visit. friends in Bruce County, flack intends to return in a few days. while his sister will test Bruce hosyixality for ,3 couple of weeks Mrs. W. Lawson. of Durham. Ipentafew days lately visiting her uncle. Mr. D Campbell, and other Iriands in this vicinity. “'0 are Sorry to hear that Mr. William Cranston has been on t' e ,Iick list. but hope suon to hear of his recovery. Mr. John F. Campbell, of Paisley spenta merry week with relatives here, Miss Lizzie Smith, who has been a merry inmate of the family circle for a couple of of weeks, returned to Toronto last Thursday. Mr. John Kelly. of W’ est Bentinck. mov ed into a hanse belonging to Mr. “’. Lister, to be moze comeuieut ;0 his work. Mr, \V. Lindsay. of Dufl’erin Co., accompanied bx his uncle, Mr J Anderson, of Berkley paid a short aisit to the Lindsay and Richie†{amines last \\ eck. Mr. '1‘. McFadden Jr... of Durham, pnd his sister, braved the ï¬erce ele- ments of last Sabbath. and made a pieasant call in these parts. Mr. McFat den will likely return again. Mr. H. Alexander had the misfor- tune to have his hand poisoned last week, which for a time compelled him to cease from work. We are pleased to know the hand is nearly well again. The handsome and pleasant face of Miss Elsie Smith. who has been en- joying home comforts for a month back. can again be seen ornamenting phe window of a dressmaking estab- lishment, in your town Mr. James Black. of Red River, Ljunitoha. and Mr. Hector McDonald. bl Walkerton. who were visiting: friends in Bruce Co , last week, are as present enjoying themselves in this neighburhood. 31:. Geo. l’lannigan, of Shallow Lake. passed through here last week to visit his sister. Mrs. Jos. Truax, of Welbeck. iwawï¬saéaï¬wamwmwmmwi I.“ WOOL 15 AWAY. UP a! 7%; 3;: Large New Stock of Carpets 2:: DORNOCE. The Big Store ! Skirt and Made-up if; wants for those who wish to save time. money and worry by buying 3 Suitable Ready-co-Wear garment. They cost about one-half the price of the Made-tOoOrder kind. Our White Wear Sale is now 00 and is proving a wonderful success, and according to custom the best. goods are selling ï¬rst. Call and see our assortment. It is a very large one ! “WE ARE CATERING IN THIS DEPARTMENT FOR THE POPULAR I“ price-4a.: b63’oud eXpecf-ations. There can be no change in the wool marker before next fall. No downward movement. but the mauul’actured 80063 are 30in}: higher and higher every day. We will be compelled to give the advance and mm»: ask it from you. but we do say positively..that we are giving you a chance of a, lifetime. to buy from us now at old prices; «.3» DEPARTMENT. «as» ; Last Wednesday the AUUUal Con. gregntional Meeting. of the Presby- oterian Church. was held and a very large and intervstced gathering of the members and adherents were present. [After a short. mvoxioual service b5 Hhe pastor. reports of the vax'ious schemes of the church were preSeuto ed by the efï¬cient and much respect. Mr. and 'Mrs. Dan McKinnon. of“ of Queen Hill. Bruce Co . were visi n 1119: Dr. and Mrs. Smith last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B Smith. of; Duluth Minn . who have been holi- daying With the farmer’s parents, left for their home last Friday. Surveyor McNabb. of Owen Sound, 3 was in the vicinity on Wednesday ’ast straightening some t. ngles in the way of fence lines. Mr. Mc- Nabb is a. maSter of his prnfessiou. We congratulate our enterprising neighbor on his commendable enter. prise having: purchaseu fmm Mr. A. S. Hunter. of Durham. 10 pldigreed herefoni heifers. They are a ï¬ne grmvthv lot and will be the nucleus of a ï¬ne herd. ed treasurer Mr. Gvo. Ledingham all showing very gratifying results A handsome balance as is the rule of Dornoch congregaticn being on hand. ’ Mr. Lcdiughatn was unanimously i TB‘QICCIBd treasurer. 'lhe retiriugi maungrrs were Messrs. G. Lamb. H. i R. Ride“. D. Smith. The ï¬t I. two, mentnotmd were a.;, min appointed but i “1. Smith, much to the- rent‘et of the conwtegutiou tefused he eiectiou D:.: Smith was appointed in his stead and to ï¬ll vacancies from resignation i Messrs. R. Lediuuhatn .tndJ. Swe gar Wete appointei. Messis Jns L~d ’ tttgham and H. R. Riddell wetei appointed chairman and secretary.‘ It was resolwd that. the Committeui procure a site and arrange to build a. year from sutnmet a little over $1800 beinv now in the building fund.‘ Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentiue is motuer’s ten/mite remedy fur crnup, bronchitis. asthma. coughs, colds and sore thmat. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy fm coughs and cold». It. is‘ pleasant. tn the awe, prompt, in action and is an ab‘olute safeguard agniust cox;- sumptiuu and neuemmmia. 25 cents a bot- tle. Family sizeGOceuts. On Friday evemng last. Mr. Con-i key discovered two men trying to; obtain an entrance in the rear of the! woollen mills score. They fle-l on the approach of Mr. Conkey. It is to be hoped that me me net going to have a repetition of the burglaries of a year ago ~Dundalk Hexald. I MOTHER’S FAVORITE. I At the annual meetingof the Flesh-i ertou Public Library held on the 1eseningofthe22ud ult. the foonx- mg ofï¬cers were elected for the ’current y:ear -â€"Pnesideut, \\' H. Thurston; Vice P|e3., A. .\1.Gibson; lSec 'lsens. F. w. Hickling; Libxar 'iun, W. A. Armstrong; Directors '“ Clayton, \1. Richardson. W. J. ieenam'y A M. Gibson w Hender- *son. Rexs. J. Ward L. \K. Thom iand A. J. Darroch; Auditor‘s, Geo. Mitchell and T J. Sheppard. Over :30 books “ere lecmnl) mite! to the Libxary making in all nearly 1200 volumes on tne shelves. The r-ead in r room is well puronized and the 2tablu8 are furnished with a good gsupply of reading mutter. Test the Urine . . . “3'"‘â€" ('1‘ " '. o! t e kidney by an examination of the urine. 1: is not necessary. boatever, to be tn expert tn order to tell if the kidneys are deranged. You an conduct an examination yourself. Allow the urine to stand for twentylour hour: in a glass bottle or vessel. If at the end pf that time it contains a sediment resembling bnckdtm you may be certain that the kidnevs ue sluggish , ,_ -_.I all.-. Qk‘eo or. flflv;!\' Amid!†Tne annual sale of magazines and periodicals took place on Saturday ,feveniug last. when $19.25 were realiz- led. O ‘ The Flednertou buttpr factory un- der the management of Mr Wilson yenjoyed a successful season’s opera- 1 tious last year. The output of but.- ;ter amounted to 32.984 pounds for luhich was received $6,147 00. Of [this amount $5,203 passed into the patrons’ hands making an average of ;over 15} cents pex pound for their ‘ butter. The industry being new and hue in staxtiug last year the result 0“ may W 5‘“ 5‘81“ eta. ouv u--â€"--- - _ _-__ end inactive. and that they are 15:3»; (12.211; pni~ons in the system which will in time produce terribly fatal complimtions. ' As en invigorator of the kidneys Dr. Cbase'n Kidney-Liver Pill: are of inestimable value. They act directly and naturally, and make the kidneys, liver, and bowel: regular. active. and healthy. Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills positively. pet‘- rnanently. and promptly cure Bright's disease, kidney and liver disorders, backache, lumbago, rheumatism. and all the painful and fatal com- lications of the ï¬ltering organs 0! the body. e sale of this great kidney remedy is enormous throughout this continent and Europe. The merit is proclaimed by scores of thousands ol teful cured ones. One pill a dose, 25 cents a x. at aildealcrs. or Eoumsox, Buns 8: Co.. ascertain: the health The _u_p_-to-da§e phys‘cian It tells the data 0! the Inlaysâ€"Tc Ink. the Kidney: healthy us. Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Lint Pills. . . . FLESHBJRTON . The Big Store ! i A masquerade carnival under the' E BuSpices of the I. 0. F. Band is to be held in the rink here on Friday even in: next, when a good time is ex. pected. The open three mile race on which 8.37 00 purse is oï¬ered by thei Band will doubtless attract a number? of speed)" Matters. In addition ‘to‘ this, numerous valuable prizes are loï¬ered. Ml. T. McCallum, son of Simon McCallum, Esq., Meaford Road. who, on the 10th ult. took unto ltimsed’ a bride in the person of Miss Linley, lOf Osprey, has become a resident- of . this place occuyyinp, Mr. Leb‘ard’s dwelling on Uollingwood Street, so far as-w'e have léarned from man- ager and patrons was swnsfacmry to all concerned. Measles is the taking thing with juveniles here just now. Messrs. ‘. ilson and Blakely elected Police 'l‘r‘ustees on Jauy lat. are not assessed to quahfy for mat ofï¬ce and Dr. Uhristoe, the remaining unatee. has appointed W. H. '1 hurston and Richard Smith to ï¬ll the vacancy. “ e have non learned whether the appointees are willing to assume the onerous duties or not. ' Miss Ida Gjerdrum is ï¬lling the position of book keeper at Armstrong Bros., Rockvale Mill. Mr. Peter IslcRae.‘of Port Arthur. and Miss Burton and Master Jimmie McRae, of Woodbine, are visiting at Mr. W. H. Buut’s. Mr. S. Daunude, of Toronto. was in town for a uav last. week. Rev. '1‘. W . Glover, of Toronto, re- newed old acquaintances and Spent. Thursday night. last. in town. Messrs. Geo. Muchell, John Bell, W. J. Boyd and Dr. Garter spent part. of Saturdav and Sunday with friv ads in Meufurd. Miss Minnie Muushaw returned from visiting in Toronto on Saturday accompanied by h. r cousin. M. . D'tauley Gerow. of Brougham, who will visit for a few weeks here. Miss Bert. Crossley has returned from visiting friends in Tor-Onto Miss Janet. Gibson is visiting friends in Owen Suuud. Mrs. Scullty and little daughter. of Flint. MlCh, are visiting the farmer's mether, Mrs. Mosier. Miss Egan. of Pro'on, is visiting her sister, Mrsa-J Ruiistnduer. Miss Geriie Vanzuut. of Toronto, is the guest of tar uncle. J. P Ouc- weu, V.b.. and Wm). Mr. Geo. Wigkeus returnedSacur~ day from a tiy‘e mouths’ sojourn in Manitoba. and'tépwks well of the Prairie Prov'i‘nqg: ' ' Mr R N. He'nderson left. Monday on a threw weeks’ mapectogal tour for the North of Séomwd Mprtg. cage CO,'1'Oquto. Mrs. H. 'u'ccompanwd .- him back to the ci 3. , a l wâ€"vâ€"w v-v'vâ€"w â€"' v-7- ‘_-_"" Mr. Bert Armstrong returned Saturday from Kimberie: , where he has been fox sey'ezal wegks assisting Evangelist Go; in Speciql meetings. DURHAM CflB_ONICLE._ The newly elected Council of the Town-' ship of Uleuelgx met pursuant to statute, Members pa eseut, Jas. Staple» Esq" Reeve. ; George E. Arruwsmith, beil McCuunel. Joseph Firth and Peter Mcluuis. Erqu, Uuuuculurs. Each member made and but»; M-ribed to the Declaration at Qualiï¬cation and JfUtï¬ce and took their seats. the reeve in the chair. Minutes of la§t meetiqg teat} ‘ and adopted. Communications read as ful- lowszâ€"From S. J. Parker relative to lots sold for taxes. From John Ross Robertson relative to Hospital tor sick oliildren. Fr; :11 A. bell and John .ucUougal a; luication for the oï¬ice of asacswr. From 1 15. Lucas relative tJ lots 36. cons. 2 and 3, N. l). R. From the Municipal W orld and account for Municipal Stationery. Arrowsmithâ€"McUannelâ€"-That the Reeve and Commissioners for Ward 1 be a commit.- tee to examine as to the suflicieucy of the '1’rea§ux'e1â€s b‘ureties and repent. at next meetmg.-- Carried. Edwin W. Hunt and R. J. Edwards were appuimed Auditors. Ueurge Furueux and Dr. Uuu to the Local Board of Health and Alex. Bell, Aaaessur, sud By laws were pass- ed conï¬rming meae appointments. McCauuel~Firth~ [but \A illiam Aljoe be pmd two dollars for wood for M rs. Uillun delivered since but meeting of Commit. and , We report of we Reeve and Ulerk relative ' to. low 36. con. 2 and 3, m. D. R... be adopted 390 that they be paid $2 each for their ser- , wees. - Carried. . Arrowamith~Melanieâ€"That the account of the Municipal W urld for election Nation. eryaud pull books amounting :0 87.28 be paud.- Canned . . .Arrowgmimj- McInnis-That the Commisâ€" sxotgers tut Ward 1 be instructed I.» put up uuuces and :98“ the timber on aideroad be! tween lots 5 and 6. eons. 5 and 6. -- Unrned. . McCauuelâ€"Mcluuis-'1‘_hat the_Muuicipal ; Elecuup exwuaes amuuuuug to $09 be mad. -Uarrxed. ‘ Mclnnis-zâ€"McCannelâ€"That A. F. Black be paid $51M 5 cord: of green wood and $1 for a cord u! dry Wood for r1all.â€"Ua§rrned. McUamxelâ€"Arrowsmithâ€" That the Raeve be and he is hereby iuawucted to get. negal minor: to closing up the uleucrum bridge. also ï¬nd out. if we can be compelled 10 pm a byidge on alderoaa and that we meet at we nvur on 20m inatvand decide on we place tu build We bridge.â€"Ua_rried. . Pittâ€"[E :Schat‘x'uelâ€"That . Mrs. Eelanor Gum and, Mrs Mgrgaret leluu be exempt from piytug laud. taxes for 1899.-Uarr1ed. Mplï¬uis~Arrowsmithâ€"-Tl}at William Black} be paid 30 cents for pan for 11w;- Uarrxed. McUa-mel- Firthâ€"T31“ the Qierk eskthe three local pepers fur tenders tor prmuug fur lBQJ,-~Uarned. MoCanuelâ€"Firthâ€"That members of Coup- ctl represent the several wards as cuxgmrs- sauuers as follows, viz. :- Ward 1, Juaeph Firth ; Ward 2. Neil McUanuel; Ward 3. George Arrusvemitn; Ward 4. Peter exclu- uw.-Uarrted. The Council adjourned to February 12th, at 108. m. ' J. 8. BLACK, Clerk. Lxsrowui. is agitating for a. Furni- ture Factory and has over 310,000 mi: subscribeq. _ GLENEISG COUNCIL. Here we are again, Mr. Chronicle.‘ The thï¬â€œ? 0‘ “He left the roads in Ask yourself why we have not. been poor condition for travel. More snow more regular. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowler, of Southern Manizoba. are here at. pres- ent on a visit to friends. They Speak well of their home in the Wesr. It. is ab'mt ï¬fteen years since Mr.and Mrs Bowler with their family moved out. there. Mr. D Graham has sold his farm and is going to move out to Manitoba in a couple of weeks. Mr. Thos. Kells “'48 up in Owen Sound amending the Good Roads Convention. - Mr. D. Arrowsmith, of Glenelg. husa gang of men working in this neighborhood making square timber. Mr. Alf Dunlap had the misfortune while cutting WOLd lasc week to give one of his feet a. bad cash. He is limping around in a. very careful manner. Each mail day our Post Ofï¬ce is besieged with a large number of anxious persons enquiring after the latest news from South Africa HE UN DERSIG N E D 0F FERS for gale Athe_follqwing, valuable ffnrgn .lfor sale the following valuable Farm properties. (I) Part but No .56. Con. 19. in the lowmhip of Normauby. contaming c2 acre-a. all cleared. well fenced. vs ell water gull concrete dwelling. good [name bank burn and Sfiablfl'f. ï¬nebearing orglzald.“ "('21 Ibis'i'i'zihd' 49(0th 3.75%; I). R. Ben- tinck. containing 721} acres, about 50 acres of trend hard wand bush. never faihng spring. caenred land in gnod state of cultiva â€on. 2 miles tr~ m Allan Park. For further particulars apply to THOMAS DERBY, HAMPDEN P. 0. I and :5 mm 1mm side 0f South Street in the town of Durham. ecmminiug 23:5 acres more or 10‘s. This is a very denrabie pm- perty. wei! fenced. m gold mnditim.. and will be Suld at :1 bargain. For further Um- Iicdars apply to HUGH MACKAY or to W. L.MACKENZIE, DURHAM D Melligan' ï¬rbperty on George Street. §one acre of good land .1" good locanon. a desirable residence, wxll be sold on easy terms. Apply to ' ED. MILLIGAN. Palmerston. I or to W CALDER. Durham. 1 Jan- I7. 120). If LARGE 8 ROUMED HOUSE. with seven acres of land in the Vil- lage of Priceville. suirahie tor a retired farmer. Also a shop and dwelling in the cmxtre of the village. Will be renteJ on reasonable terms to suitable-patties. Apply to R. L. MORTIMER, Free Press Otiice. Shelburne. or to C. C. JAMES. Priceville, Unt. Feb. 1'; 1900. 3w 2 John Baitd’s Farm for Sale. THE WEST HALF LOT EIGHT. CONCESo I sion three. Egremout, is for sale at a rice . greatly below its value. For particulars app y to ’ J. P. TELFORD. Bmxsmn. Jan. 2. 1900. 'tf Durham â€"â€" â€"v __ I Street North, in the Town of Dal-hair. con‘aiuiug8 acres. All cleared and in goal state of cultivation. 3 acres of good bear. ins: orchard. good locality, will be sold on easy term.» if bought soon. For further particulars apply to ARK LOTS NO. 2 3, GEORGE Street North, iu‘the :l‘owu‘nf Din-hair; Jan. 22. 1900. Gm. knnss or to En. Kmass. Jan. 17 1900. 1f Durham Jan. 17, 11). Jan. 9th, 1900. tr. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL for service at Lots 45 and 46. N. D. R.. a Page Bred Uhqsterï¬-Vhit‘ HE UNDERSIGNED WILL keep for service at Lot 23. Concession 4, N. D R.. Beutiuck. two pure bred Berk- shire. Boar-s. Registered pedigreew may be seen on apphcatwn. Terms $1.0). ROBT. BRI’I‘I‘ON. Proprietor. M- a. *2m Allan Park ‘uH V“-'-â€"â€"â€"- for service at Lots 45 and 46. Con. 3, N. D. R... a Pure Bred Chester White Boar. Registered Pedigree may be seen on appli- cation. 'I‘ERMS.$I.00. JOHN HOPKINS‘ JR.. Dec. 14. 2m. Prop’a, ALLAN PARK. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL ke tqr sgrvice at Lot 17.. Co‘ngession (ï¬enéï¬g. 6556;). “timâ€" bare “.bred boars oné Yorkshn'e and one Berkshxre._ Terms 31. JOHN MCVICAR, Pomoniu Datum-1899 2m. ..-.-. U. . Dated Jan. 5th, 100). 1 m. ARK LOTS [\UMBER 1‘2. 13. 14 OT 22, CON. 11. BENTII {CK I Price 81. 000 if sold before 1st March. T. BROWN. Durham. n. 22. 1900. lm Farms for Sale ! For Sale. RICK HOUSE AND ‘LO'P-LTHE vEDIGREED DURHAM BULL, COLOR RED. 17 months old. 7 Boars for SerVIce. Bears for Service. Boar for Service. Bull For Sale. VAN DELEUR. Farm for To Rent. ISAAC WILKINSON. Varney, For Sale. 9’ ED WILL keep Salem ErEz" CHAS. MGKINNON’S SACKEI‘T’S CORNERS. would be welcomed. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs Lane‘ as they are the happy possessor of a bouncing baby boy. Mr. G. Whitter has unfortunately cut his foot. George doesn’t. mind the foot being cut but laments the dam- age done to his boot. Thicker and {aSter and more of it. Two parties and a. bee this werk. No doubt Mr. Angus McDougall’s party will be the chm of the semen. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. A. Eaauest is ill. Unde: the skilful care of Dr. Sue ath we u'usv. she may soou be better. Messrs. G.Sackett and J. Smith are $1.11 engaged whh their swamp work. Dau says they wont make their board. Dan is a mover. and nine o’clock aiwms ï¬nds him up whether it. is daylight or not. \Ve regret to learn that Alex. Mc- Phail, of South Line, is ill at present. Now is the time to subscribe for Tun Cunoxlcua. Saw=logs Wanted \Vill M \PLE $10.00 $6 00 $6.00. " BIRCH 10.00 8.00 6.00 " SOP'I‘ ELM 10.00 8 00 6.00 “ BASSWOOD 10.00 3.00 6.00 " BEECH 8 00 6.00 5.00 " BLACK ASH 12.00 9 00 6.00 “ PINE out 14ft. 12.00 9.00 6.00 “ CEDAR 7.00 6.00 5.00 “ SPRUCE 8. 00 cut 14ft. “ HEHLOCK $5 to $7 accoxd’g to lung. TAMARAC 5 to 7 “ Logs will be classad according to qual 15' and size. and to be cut as: much as pnse‘me. 1‘2 ft. long. allow- ing three inches. * 1 To PATENT Good Mm msy be secured by our Aid. Addreu, DUB-HAM FURNITURE 00., Dec. 28, 1899. Limited. t-â€"-- UPPDR ’10W N -â€"-â€"-â€" NMPLEMENT WNNEWNMS Winter Goods! The Durham Furniture Co. CUTTERSâ€"Large Stock, BeSt Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROBES~Large Variety, from $4 00 up. ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters. c. NEW WILLIAMS and RAY- MOND. a Very Large Stock of the latesn improved Cabi- net and Drop 'l‘Op Stands. at The Very Lowesn Prices. SEE THEM ! BELL PIANOS and Organs. STOVES~A large stock of Me. Clury’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancv Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal Stoves. etc... at prices that will surprise you. Limited pay the following prices for Saw Logs delivernd at. J. W. Crawford’s Mill, Durham. -oâ€". 0.. .â€"-n - .â€"A-- 00000000 99999999 February 1 st, Flaxseed . . -. MacFARLANE 62 Co H.W.Mockler The TWQQdSs Wors‘l’eds, Whipcords S€'33‘s Pratt’s Poultry Food. Dr. Hess’ Panacea. Dr. Hess’ Louse Killer. Poultry Powder. ’ Crushed Oyster Shell. The latest Effects in If you wan; a. new suit come and insrecr our stock and you will be more than satisï¬ed. Linseed Meal and Fini Ground Oil Cake in 10 1b. Sacks at the lowes prices. x j ï¬1st 10: of our spring- suitings have arrived, being a ve1y Hobby sec lection of ...... We selected these Suit- inns thh great care f1 om one of the largest stocks of Nobby Tweeds in Canada. Drugglsts and Booksellers. - PANTING