' ' ‘ "' ‘ I'"J era, we nnderscand have derored much time to the preparation of the entertainment. and we have no doubt it will be good. Admission 15 and 100. All are invited. Good acoum- modstion for horses. ‘ ‘ ‘ Tan teachers and pupils of S. S. No. 3 Glenelg. have arranged fo 3 _ mg. Fehy. 16th. The program is to con- eist of Songs, music. drills. dialogues cud recitation, together with two very 'laughahle farces. “ Brian O’Linn †and “ The Coming Man.†in Irish and Negro character impersonï¬ â€ions respectivelv The teachev ‘ and pupils and some of the ratepay A“ _‘ A- â€" phrfesand J. A. Matheson. Priceville. “he musical part of the program will be furnished bv Flasher-ton Presby-l tot-San choir and special svlections hyi 3t. and Mrs. Sheppard and Mics Joy. of Fiesherron. Admission 25 and 15c. See Bills. A GRANT 'To Gwynâ€"Last week 3r. C. L. “rant, who has held the position of Secretary of the School Board here for a number of years was azreoably surprised on receiving from the County Treasurer a cheque {or 8100 being an equivalent. to a. 8100 grant received a short time agar from the government. for the stand- ‘ gible evidence of the excellent work Principal Allan and his staï¬ have been doing in our School. vvvq VVVX¢fl Sound, \\ a9 ablazp on the evening of Fire Brigade got the ï¬re under con- trol. beforcs much damage was done to the building Estimated loss on goods. through damace done by water. abo'vt $3.000. Early Sundav morning previous 3 ï¬re broke out in the same block (the Hall Black) in a‘ portion occupied bv Hpnderson and‘ Imrie as a nets: 1: rant. The origin 0! the ï¬re in both cases is unknown. but supposed to be from defective stove pipes. W]: are informed that the part to be taken by Miss Large’s schoo: in the Pan-10th: Concert is mat a “drill.†but an emblematic representation do- pecting the character of the different phases of national life in Canada from its discovery to the present time. Those who have got. behind the scenes say it is a magniï¬cent thing. and well worth the whole price charged. Tn: Guild Society in connection with Sc. James Church will hme a debate at their meeting on Wednes- day evening. Subject resolved that Pharaoh was not justiï¬ed in refusing to allow the children of Israel to 19mm Egypt. Alloxosr the Prrsh) terian Minis- tos who contributed m the Century Fund we notice the name of Rev L. \V. Thom. of' Flesherton, whcse don- ation of $60 was reported in Satur- day‘s Mai-i. Tums WAxnso -'I‘o draw iogs. Diuance 8; miles. 32 per tnp. Must use reasonably long banks and bring remnnably good loa-is. Good roal. Apply to N. McIntyre. 2 I An old bachelor says when a. wo- mu) goes gunning for a husband she guns herself with a curling-iron and Q box of smokvless powdet. Tn}; Hand-inoHand Store NOTICEâ€"Parties who have not extended to their accounts are re- quested to call and settle as soon as possible. W. BLACK. Tat Veterans. of 1866 will be pre- sented with their Madals on the night of the Patriotic Concert. Tan next meeting at the County Council will be In Durham. OGILVIE"FLOUR in bags, half-bag and quarter-bags. at. A S. Hunter’s F08 SALEâ€"A horse 7 years old Plan-171103 Syrup at Grant’s â€"Tbe annual soiree c cutâ€"Apply to Mrs. John pr. Vickers P. O. 2 pd. LOCAL NEWS. â€"â€" vvv“ UIIV‘VI‘ lin regard to ‘non-reeident lands on which taxes had not been paid and which according to statutes should have been sold. It was shown in one case of property on which no taxes had been paid since'1894. The economical basis on which the â€schools are run was also referred to :by Mr. Campbell in his address to the council. The report was: adopt- ed and a resolution passed. that the printing committee be author. ized to get one hundrvd copies printed in opens? in pani'pblet form. - Auditors’ report and passing a. By- Law to increase tavern licenses to 3:200 inStead of $170 and authorizing the clerk to issue a. writ for the election of anmher member for the council very little was done. Messrs. Inapector Campbell and Archie Davidson, in presenting their audi- tors’ report. 'pointed out to the coun- cil, that. negligence had been shown ‘THE Durham Patriotic Club will hold a concert in the Town Hall here on Monday evening, the 12th inst. The Club has Spared no pains in get- ting up sgood program. and as the proceeds are to be devoted to assist the widows and orphans of those who have sacriï¬ced their lives in defending the interests of the British Empire in South Africa, it is to be hoped the attendance will be the best ever seen at any entertainment in Durham. Ax Arbitration will he held on Fridav next, at. Hutton’s Hill 8. H . at 4 p. m.. to arbitrate on the en- largement of the school grounds The arbitrators acting in conjunc- tion with Inspector Campbell are Mr. John Aldred. on behalf of the Trustees. and Mr. Wm. Hunt. on be~ halfof Mr David Donnelly the owner of the land. adjoining. ! Mrss LARGE. of S. S. No. 9. with a class of her pupils will be present. at the Pan-ionic Concert, and give an interesting: representation of Cana- dian development. Those who have fnrmerly been delighted with exhibi~ tions given by these children need‘ not be told that a. treat is in store‘ for all who attend. Admission 25c. Reserved seats 35c. I Mr Charles Burpee. formnlyan ‘M. P.. of 'Sunbury. N B..was ap- pointed Senator last wevk at the i early age of 83 years. The Grits ul. lways did objem £9,150 Tory nation {of usmg the Snnate ass. shelf for t worn-um politicians. A Phiiidelphia paper is in trouble There was a. grand wedding: in the city and the reporter in his descrip- tion of the bride said. “ Her dainty feet were encased in fairy boots.†but the compositor set it. up " Her dirty feet were encased in ferry boots.†m1 _ ... _ So many lady teachers got married in Windsor durum the put two years that the school board is think- ing seriously of requiring applicapts to give bonds not to get spliced dur- ing their term of 0506. The girls say thev would perfer signing the matrimoniai bends. 3 Lucas. Wright a: Bataanâ€"At Dur- gham, (Middnugh House), Mondays. $10 a. m. to 4 D. m and {Ynnrr n“. I? you want a marriage License borrow money. buy, sell or rent pro pvrty or insure your property, cm and see A. Davidson. at Division Court Otï¬ce Upper Town, Durham. Charges moderate. 2m pd I PIPER STEWART. of Bunessan. gave , us a cheery call yescerdav. He is 'a (great; admirer of THE Cuxoxxcuc which he has been reading ever since the Elitorship of S. L M. Luke. 311$ REM‘ON. one of Hamilton’s ï¬nest, soloists. will be present at the Patriotic Concert and render some of her choiqe selections. Donn fai: to hear her. FOUNDâ€"In Durham on Feb. let. a sum of money, which the owner may have by applying to Miss heart, Rocky Saugeen. Gm your stationery printed at this oï¬ce. ll A Car load of Ogilvie’s Manitoba Flour just arrived at A. S. Hunter's. SEE Ireland Co’s ad on page 6 DON’T forget the Patriotic Concert . Black's new ad. ree. and‘ p the arguments put it to a vote of the meeting which de- cided in favor of the negative. euce was delighted with two sweet solos by Miss Laura Ball. of Wat-minister, who played her‘ own accompaniments on the guitar. every one enjoyed Miss Balls selections and her v sit here Justiï¬ed in sending a. contingent to South Africa. " Miss Maggie Hunter and \liss Lou Davidson gave each a r was well received. law sang in her usuall style and Mr W. A celled himxelf "Just as the Sun went down.†In addition to the purely local contri- butions the audience was delighted * with two sweet solos by Miss Laura Ball. of Warminster- mlm ..l....-.1 L _. and music. and the seconda hody conteSted debate on the question “ Resolved that Canada was not justiï¬ed in sendang a. contingent to South Africa " The ï¬rst of a series of monthly literary meetings in connection with the Christian Endeavor Societv was held in the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening lust. Special Pmlms. Sessons and Pray- 1 era are appointed for this solemn service with the special object of an‘ united acknowledgement of' the power and wisdom of Aim guty God, and of seeking 'hat He in His marcya ï¬nd goodness 'will bring tLe present; ‘and unhappy war, to a right andf luring 'peace, and over-rule- all. things in this world of sin and sor~7 row to the enlargement of His bless-I will be along the lines indicated byl s the house of Bishops. All are cord-i ially‘invited present anxiety of_ War in Sum}; AfriCa will be conducted in Trinity Church on Tuesday next. both mom- iug and evening. and at Egremont. as at 3 o’clock p. m. R. J Shields. 00. 51; Dr. W, Al- lan, Dcp. C. .\1 Wm. Ritchia Co. Tress ; J. G. Wilson. Co. Sec: ; W. A. Anderson, Co. Treus ; W Stephen- son. D. of U; Jas. Eden, Co Lect. Miss Bella Renton. of Burlington. is the guest of her uncle. Mr. Lionel Robaon. She intends to spend about a mouth visiting friends in Durham and Glenelg. Mr. J. Banks, of North Bay, visit- ed his daughters. Mrs. E. W. Limin. Mrs. C. McKinnon, Mrs. Staples and other friends. Mr and Miss Ball, who have visit- ed Mr. and ‘dra. Campbell. left this morning for Benton where they will vxsit other friends before returning to their home at Warminster. Mr. James Matthews. and his new bride. of Mcb'reg'or, Manitoba. are visiting his mother, and family in Glenelg. Special Sérvice in Trinity Church. Rev. Mr. Herbert, of Walter’s Falls. spent Monday night in town as he was going through to London. Miss Maggie Campbell. of Hanover. is visiting Mr. and Mia. Neil Nc- Kechnie. Miss Margaret Lamb, of Mt Sinai Hospital New York. is visiting her cousin, Miss McKechnie. Miss Eila Robertson and Miss May Saunders visited Mt. Foxest friends on Sunday. Miss Frankie Hughes is visiting at. Dr. Marshnil’s in Owen Sound. Insrwctor Campbell and his nephew Mr. Ballspent Wednesday in Han- over. Miss Jack, of Traverston, is visit- ing friends in Lawn. Miss Maude Winâ€"ism is visiting friends in Markdaie this week. Miss McCreary spent last week in Holstein. Service of Supplicarion in the 0- L- Annual Meeting. PERSON AL . I'Iisrht andf He always took a deep interest in ~ruh- all ‘ Cl . nurch work. and shortly after com- and sat-7 ing to Toronto he was appointed Hi8 bless-: trustee and class leader of the Sher- bourne street Methodist church. and 1e sermon continued an active member until he icated byidied He was also a member of are cord.iPl‘i:lcu Arthur Masonic Lodge, No. [333, Fleaherton. i ulu uuoyant air of college life, some “'“wd up at the last hour to eujo; the dinner which lhï¬ _nually for earn 6 eight years has inlwundantly just i661 its ~â€existence. During last week they gathered from many places. There were there Wilkie from Indore Gould fro rom places mere ‘ His funeral took place from his late residence, 2:20 Carleton street, yesrerday, to the Union station. thence by C. P. R. to Flesherton, where his body will ï¬nally be’inter- . ,qules otï¬ci- ated e: the house service. and Messrs. Emeison Coatsv orrh. jr , R. 5W. Donn, H. H. Fndger. Inspector. derson. Mr. Samuel Henderson. and; 5.1. E. arislord, barriSter, as well 88' ‘ several friends. There were a large; number of floral ofl'erings placed up- on the cofï¬n. Among those who attended-the funeral in 'l‘oronzo were Senator Geo. A. 002:. E. 3. Order. M l P.. John DonOgh. Buflalo, Rev. Dr.; Dewar, Rev. Dr. Blackstock. ReV. V. ' R Avieon. Dr. E. K. Richardson,‘ Dr. J. E. Taylor. Dr w. H. Fox. $1.: E. Ames B. Brown. James Oliver," and John Hillock.-â€"Mnil. ' Mr. James Watson Henderson. in- apector of the North of Scotland Can. adian Mortgage Company, who died in this city on Tuesday last. after a year’s illness, was a man well known in Toronto and throughout Ontario He was born 30th September. 1854, ' in the township of Vang-hen. County ,of York, and removed with his par- ents to the township of Artemesiu. After prOeuring a Public School cer~ tiï¬cate. he taught school for a number of years, Then he carried; on a real eatrte. insurance. and Ican; business at Flesherton, Out... as well as being clerk of the municipality. About. 20 ywars ago he was appoint. ed inspector of the North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Company, which has its head ofï¬ce at Aberdeen. Scotland, of which Messrs. Osler, and Hammond are the managers for Canada, and he retained his position until his death. Messis. N., G. J. Mcrechnie are i now in their new store. having moved 1‘ \hw greater portion of their goods on Mondav last An ordinary observer 3 Wuuld be inclined to think that the , stock in the old store would scarcely be noticed in the new one, yet strange asit may Seem there is little enough room for a proper diSplay. The new building is a ï¬ne commo- dious Structure. well ï¬tted uith all tor nearly all the most modern con Fveniences, including three lines of 'cash carriers The building is 100 ft 'long by about 24 feet wide. two [storeys high with a cellar of the full farea Shelving and counters are .provided both up-stairs and down. ’and the light from a full plate from and Luxfer prisms, toceiher with large n inflows in the rear will give place a bright and cheery appearance ;and enable customers to see what i they are getting. ' The ï¬rst purchaser-in the new store was Mrs Robert Aljoe, Sr , a niece of the late Mis. Stanton, who was the ï¬rst purchaser in the old store over twenty-ï¬ve years ago. Mrs. Stanton’s purchase is still a vivid picture in the mind of Mr. Mc- Kechnie, who delights to tell of c the way the buyer spit on the ‘ coin in order that good luck and c prosperity might follow the ï¬rm ,i thieugh life. A .g a...“ ._â€" Messrs, Calder, Holt, Hunter. Whelan, Hamilton, 'l'elford, Lauder, Curry and McCulloch, of the Durham Cuiling Club. are at the BonSpiel in Owen Sound this week. The luteSt available information by wire reports our boys to have beaten Wiarton and Southampton Chesley beat, Durham and just as we go to press Walker- ton and Durham are engaged in a game. 1 Knox 0011980 Conference. J. W. Henderson Dead. Thursday, February 8, 1900‘ At The Bonspiel. Irauce. and 'oan 0"» 00L. as well he municipality. he was appoint. Nether with ar will give 5’ arpearauce to see what The Minutes of the County Coun- oil have been crowded out as well a lot of other impoatam matter It is evident that. a. further untaggempnc will 990;: be timed: I In the Maritime Provmces the weather was very unsettled in the mouth 0! January. changes of tem- perature being frequent, rains ulter- uatiug with falls of snow, so that in the intergr there was good sleigh- . . 1 mg. Mule along the coast the ferry‘ boats continued plying from port to port. In Ontario the weather was very changeableâ€"cloud and 'sunshine, frost and snow alternating with thaws and mine. Good sleighing prevailed generally in Ontario and Quebrc, and in both Provinces the temperature only fell below zero to-‘ wards the end of the month. i In Manitoba and the Territories the temperature was abnormally high also, and the approach of cold weather was not reported until well on towards the end of the month. l‘he genial Chinook winds from the Paciï¬c Coast prevailed with oc- casional showers of rain, so the:‘ pasture continued good and the]i stock roamed on the prairie and in good condition. l l In the month of January the tem- perature was above the average. All over the Dominion, generally. exceptionally mild. In British Uol- umbia the weather Was very ï¬ne, vegetation very forward, with Snow Drops and other hardy spring flow~ ers in bloomâ€"roses in full bloom, even having been gathered in favor» able localities. The storm centre on the Atlantic Coasc referred to last. week moved inland and north-ween, with heavy gales, and ran on the corner, but. snow throughout Quebec and On tario. A simnlar storm centre 18 _- vv". ail general directionâ€"of the wind‘ erly and weaterly, blowing gale generally. Sunshine 1 week. 10 houm. With all the delight in visiting old scenes. there is no shutting out a As you go through over you and you are ready ‘0 admit that you are like a " pelican of the wilderness, an oul of the desert. or like a Sparrow alone upon the house- top.†Yet so the generations come and go and others take up the bur- dens as we are called to lay them down. [n the midst cf the Theo! cussions two very pleasant were agent in literary 811 one of which we had a L Rev. Armstrong Black ‘ Tempest.†and on the other by Prof. Hutton on “Sow the more ï¬rmly on account of the very storms bv which it is assailed w a." mu (mend who has not been at you will see many ch anges in the aspect of things since you left. “ Im- “The changes a. this: to day they discuss ditï¬culti To-day ever.» thing scientiï¬c criticism. nOt stand the test !8 set aside. That the in the wiuu forty years ago and perhaps 21 speak out. and es which we felt all along. but did not ve being ruthlessly re is danger lest owing process good wheat- go With the chaï¬ few will_deny, yet i'. r“a Inna- hasâ€" A- Snowfall fér the “ Slat: “braâ€! 3-; J sugary 38th. “nu..." auu Luelr xrlenas. most came, by the fascinating interest that in these days is taken in Theological studies. Recent exploration in Palestine has so changed people’s ideas of the loca tion of places that a map more than ten years old would be little more than a curiosity In the realm of Bible knowledge the changes have , been no less rapid. Things a genera Iation ago thought to be esential to the very existence of Christianity are pulled about as if env’rely devoid of soundness. If some Rip Van make him open his eyes in wonder., To an old friend who has not been at a college gathering for twenty veam 1' - '1 , - ‘ Alumni and their friends. an by the fascinating interest these days is taken in Th studies. For week ending February 3rd. Weather Bulletin, ight in visiting old no shutting out 3 AS you go through ï¬nd the places 3011 H 10 .‘ "5' I. 21 .. 6 week. 25 i'nches ; or all amount to V speak our. and Whicf: we felt all venture to utter." rwmruux. sadly, “lam not for the better." 0’ forty years ago : it is assailed. Theological dis- Min. 15 r a etiï¬ for the . south- 10 15 Blankets V'wd U.“ V 5'? we had to buy Spring Goods earlier %% order to obtain goods at old ï¬gures avg which are already coming to hand, ( and as we ï¬nd our store too much 31% crowded we have decided to have a $36 Genuine Clearing Sale of all Winter aw; goods such as. Snow Rooms .Ovnn SCOTT’S STORE. b‘mce the withdrawal of General Warren’s forces from Spion Kop and the report of the casualties in con- nection therewith, verv little neWs of any kind has been allowed to ï¬lter through the War otï¬ce or pass the press censorship. The report that papers is little better than a. guess or the sensational fabrication of a newspaper correspondent The fol l lowing des'patches for which we Cnn’ not vouch may not be amiss .'-- unconï¬rmed. It was announced zit the War Oï¬ice last night that no news of his having re~crosswl the pon a change of tactics. The new scheme is to cousin in dam- ming the Kiip River some miles be- low. in order that they may flood the town and thus drive the soldiers and s from their bomb proof them to the shell} Owing to the Same the Goo Wini’er Dry ‘79 Had “S V‘- -.-\v N: the saldiérs and their bomb proof them to the shell ~~~~~ steady advance in Dry Goods ï¬NNUFKL" OF ALL $1.00 Pew Y 4L 9 n~ a1â€. I h an Write for Particulars! You May Enter at Central Business nge s â€"~TORONTO. â€" owcl, uuu gum'auu-wl not to turrode. r Stay Byâ€"I'nbroakable hips, _ is a leader at 50c paxr. V-vv“ 11' in former seasons i‘ one of the most enjoyable experi. ences of your life; and the im- portant and valuable. imuulm‘zge [ruined will ï¬t you fur lucmï¬vc employment. and give \‘(m 1110 means of enjoying the bcst things. of life. pvrvd spring rilï¬mn Yongc Gerrard Sm Is unex- (‘GHed in their 6192. ance of Stvle, com- for: of ï¬t, superiority of material and work- manship I ' js stayod .V . F 74