' p3 when a boy and cheated all his ' ymates out. of their allevs; be â€tipped a bladelvss 'knife, sight. in). 'n for a four blader, sold that {or ty cents. bo ~ghc u dozen lemons _ d a pound of sugar and made a '_ rvl of lemonade. which he sold "ue ciicus day for eight dollars He tar-ted in business z-ud sol-i haul meat or choice cuts and made a fortune. vane“ he got a thousand dollars in. â€Ã©rzauized a company with 35.000000 .oapiml. mastly water, and sold the Eï¬toclt at par Who-n the’ company bum-21. it was discovered ib’ét he 23:56.89“ out long‘ béfdre. -' When he Bros. Ordnaldville.wil' 8811811 r stock and implements. 3 8:31- 9.12 brood mares. c.- Its and work - s. 32 regis'ered Ayrshires. 1' . rham Bull. 1 Guernsey Bull and: ~ bout 50 Tamworth. Bari-shire and' _"Yorkshire pigs. all 8295 hmh sexes. ' Lunch 10:30. Sale 11 o’clock sharp. A social will be held In the Ham,» den 591100;}..‘1‘uesda3'.271h inst .boxes or pies may be bonght. AII juteIesting pmgram is being prepar- 1 introducing some new features. I ma cmdnalh invited. Doom 0 at 7, cIII-Iain at 8. Admission _ . .Wbich will be refunded to those ; ’ yin: pies or boxes. .Come. his mum: e: red by : crowd he at- Fompted to address in' Winnipeg Hter fleeing from that scene be next longht to try his speech on the“ p80: do just across the Red Elmer, the [itiz-ans of St. Boniface ' But ihe hunch-Cunadxans w re as staunch Iriushvrs as the Winnipeg pe'ople. he will please call at the telephone oï¬ce and Settle their account b} cash or note. W. LAIULAW. id \xould have shelled him :8 rank- y if he had put. in his appearance. [0 got. wind of the bad eggs. and kid not turn up. The crowd which â€ambled to rvceive him diSpersed her singing ‘° God Save the Qqeeg †'Vol. 33--â€"No. 1720. W In: “an a m: llionazre and he left “l era It is very Warm where A {aw nights ago a pro-Boer orator W'Dn FREEL wishes to say that. the â€or: that he does not go out at ught Is not correct. He attends to In: at. all hours. 2 An exchange- thus bids fat-euro)! to legal-ted citizen: He was a man bush. He played marbles for Ax old maéd stood on a steamboat. hence an bur ner had fled, and calm faced a kiSsing bug that circled :0: head. The maidens shrieked Id the matrons swooned. and men I prayed for rain but. the game». old lid. like a. hora stag, ed, and whisp- Pd, “ come again.†Luau, Wright Bataonâ€" Will close heir. Durham ()fticw until ihe end of no Parlnamentarx Sea-Kim) a: To'ono ». ‘ftrr which time Mr. Batson will put tlwir Durham Otï¬cegvery Mon- k! as usual. m Curling Club have arranged :53 grand concert. for the 6th of itch and lune Secured Fax of Tor- h), Geordie Hamilton of Atwood, 1 Miss Reuwick of Dromore, be- ther talent This will be pne the be<t cancerts of the semen. m of Reserved Seats now open at charlane’s Drug Stcre Secure nr seats early and avoid the rush the evening of the concert. .hixn Md 56mm Hammox will give some {tin best Old Scortish Songs at the Irlers’ Concert on March 6th. Do It fail to hear him iesc. bravesn. most old-fashioned. muSt obstinate in a. Briton; all is most suspicims. sly and n in a. Norman: all -that is :wdest. most llOSpitafle. mom tan and most hiszgotted in; 2:. Scot. ix. Stir. and serve' and you have Iis is Max O’Rell's recipe for in: a. BOo-r:- Take all that. is Eight Pages. SINCE the holdmg ol 3. recent cen- cert a; number of respectable- citizws have spoken to us in a gem of own- sorious spirit for not referring to the .uugeutlemanly conduct of some of ithe boys in attendance. Now our .eatperieuce with boys, eSUeciallyv these who seem to have forgotten their self recepem, teaches us that little Can be done unless a. Spilil of lumuliuess be ï¬rm inculva'ed, a‘nd .th:s can never be done iy nagging [or newspaper tauminzs " Wekhave on former occasione rvferred t9 what we regarded as inproper and uhbe- coming conclna at. Lunar: public meet- ;iugs, but attributed the inptfoprie- ties to alnck of thought in the part of the disturbing element. We dc- not believe that the boys here are .t lull more vicious than in may Olllel' 'pluces, hut a. little dlStUl'tutllce will not only mnbarrass the entertainers. hut desu'ny the enjoyment of those who alesu'e to receive the full My» ï¬t .of the entertainment, and mob-w .it will leave a decidely bad imp. . s sion on outsiders who may happe. to be present in sizing up the moral- ity of the tuwn. We hope that the ‘mutter wtll need '90 further notice. ' Dr Jamieaon is at present. in Toron~ Ito auendmg to his duties at. Uw :Loca! Legislature. and during his absence his practice and omen will b? a'trnded to as usual by another med- ical mail. Dr. Jamiesou himseif icOmea home regulanly evely indas Znight and remains um.l Moudax ,afternoon. LOT No. 2. con. 2. E G. R... Egre- mom, the estate of the late ElianeLh McUlauzbey. was sold at. Arthur, 'Pgesday, at the Midduugh Housw. by chtioueer Carson. n11. Pctoer Black was the punchaser. to whose bid the hammer fell at $370 This seems a low price fox 3 :30 acre farm. half charm} and half a. fairly good dW'cll- iug. FOR SALEâ€"Saw and Shingle Mill. Plenty of timber Mill in good run- jning urdpr. Good paying business. Will be sold cheap Intending pur- .chas»rs can get. terms by appl) ing 10 {ED, Sums. Lady Bank. I THE Rev. Mr. Bosworth. of the gGrande Leigne \lission. QIII‘bï¬-c. wil! 'Speak in the interexts of that Socier pin the Baptist Uhdch, Durham, on §\iouday mm: the 26Ih Feby. ., at 8 5.111. Cellectiou at close. IN order to give manv a. chance '0 hear Fax who were turned away for want of room from the Sons of Som- laud Concert. the- Cur lets have again secured him [or the eteniug of the 6th of Match. and also the tamous Scorch singer, George Hamilton, of Atwood, Miss Renwick, of Dromore, ayd other talent This concert. should draw a crowded house. A GEXERAL pulpit exchange among our min sum of the town has beén arranged for Sabbath next as foilows : Presbyterian Church a. m.. Mr Mc- Gragor, p. m., Mr. Ferguson. MPH)- odiét " urch a. m., Mn Farquharson, p. m, . . McGregnr. Bap- is: Chuvch a. m., . r. Fcrgusou, p. m , dr. Far- quharson. Mn. ANGUS McLeoo, of Farewo-ll, Michigan, knows a good thing when he sees it. In remitting: he says:â€" “luclosed ï¬nd one dollar for sub scription, as we cannot. get along without THE CHROXICLE. We wish you succes~, and much admire the paper in its xww garb.†Thanks for kind reference. 2 Editor Mitcbéll, Banker Adams, Mr. W. Barrlvman and Mr. Puehlman iaccompanied by their wives 8pm". ’Friday evening la-t week with Mr. .and Mrs. J. Carson. AUC'I'IOX SALEâ€"Mr. A. Leslie. of lot 15. con. 17. ngmont. having rented his {arm will hold an unre- setwd am!» of farm Stork. implements gm" on Tuesday March 6th, on his premiSo's near Drmnore. Twelve munths’ credit or 5°/° OE for cash on sums over $5. D. McPhail. Age- tioueer. Owen Sound girls have formed a hockey club and had thvir ï¬rSL chase after the "puck†with the Orangeviile girls Wednesday of last week. winning by? to 0 What’s the matter with Durham organizing §.Club? Fax‘s song and pragram will be entirelv new at the Cnrlers’ Concert. on March 61h and the bean ever given by him in Durham. Come and have a hearty laugh. A dpspatch from Modder River dined Fcby. l9, saws the Canadians in company with the highlanders are taking an amine part. in Robvrts’ Ads’auce in the pursuit. of General Cmuje. The rep' rt further says:â€" " Our men (the Canadians) re stand- ing: the. £2,“qu and the intense heat w th gl'val piuck. aul that. all are eager for a battle in which they can prove (hair mettle.†‘ Au unconï¬rmed report is just to hand which Says that Ladysmnh has been reLeved. General Bullet is making his foul'ih auempt and the duh-art-niu: eEect on the Boers on hearing; of me relief of Kimberly and “fee 'shbsequent withdrawal of many of the busiugers. places the an uunnuemeut, though unconï¬rmed, within the. ra‘uue uf a s'rong p-qba. hi“ 3', trim-.4. is also at) mxcouï¬rmo-d repnrt that “Making has becu reliev. ml. Startling announcements will \JJH be nude. ADLAMâ€"At Allan Park, Feb . 17. to Mr. and Mrs. David Adlam, a aughtet. E Rev, Mr Ferguson “3.: at Atuood over Sundav to punch to and lane“ acquaintances \xitli some of his old ifl'It-Hlds and parishioners. Cable deepatches Say that General Cxonje’:} army is lquei'essly sur- rounded and that Lord Methueu" forces have nachud Kunherley unopi posed. These reports. IIOWGVH‘, up to the time Of writing have not been conï¬rmed. from the War Ofme. but. the admission made by the sv-cresary that the government had extreuwly satirfactory news. but nothing had been received for puhiicgtion. up :9 midnight. Monday, is Causing great 'auxiezy as to what the intelligwnce will be. (I Dr. Wolfe has been conï¬ned to his bed for the past" two weeks from an axlmvm. which has proved to be inter- mittaur. fever We am pleased to lwar he is duiug: well now. and hope he will be around again «0011. Rev. Mr Garner. of ï¬guoycr. oc- cupied th. Methodist puipit here on Sunday last. Though apparently over-eighty years of age. and sixty years in the ministry the Rev gentle- man has a. lot 0.." snap in him. and ge's qu re emhusiuStic as he warms up to his suijct. The \Var New< dttting t'ne pagf week has. on the whole, th'n tum-e Satisfactory than it, has been since the beginning of the operation The: t'elwf. of Kitnbet'lcv bv a flanking movement of getteml Frmmh, and re port of Ct'Ottje’s defeat. was hailed with enthusiasm delight throughoun the British world. but, the jubilant szrit. ov‘er thpse SUCCPSSPS was fol- lowed by a Sad British io~'s in which the Canadian boys took part, nine. teen of whom are reported killed and sixty-one wounded. Air 185. A Russel. of Fort Wil- liam. Spent from Friday till Tuesday with friends in Durham and \‘icinir-g . Mr Russel is engaged in the Harness husinwss and was on a trip east. to purchase a. Stock of Itather. Mr. and “1's. R. J \Vadv, of Kirk- ton, amended HIP man-Sega of the farmer’s SISHH' at \Velbwck last xx eek and before returning gavp us a. call end paid up to the end of 1900. Rev. Mr. Farquharson occupied the pulpit; of the Glenelg Centre. Baptist. church Smxday aftco noon last in the absence of their pastor. the Rev. Mr. McGregor. Miss Welsh. of Mt. Hope, after Spending a. Week or so wnth Dr. and Mrs Wolfe, left for home on Tues- da‘) mulniug. Mrs. and \Iiss Poole. of Mn. Hope, left. for Meaford on Friday mornmg laSt after spending seven week: wiLh Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Mr David Sugcitt, of Orangeville, was in town '1‘:wsduy. in connection with the sale of Lot. 2, Con. 2, Egre- mout. Rev. Mr. McGreoor preached to large congregations in the. First Bap- tist church, Brantfurd, laSL Sunday morning and evening. Mt. Forest Rep.â€" Miss Carson and Miss Culbertson. of Durham, visited their 'uncle’s. MeSsrs. H. and J. Wright, the past. week. _ Durym, Ont., Thursday, February 22, 1900. War News. BUAiN â€"v v_--. - “VJ 0 to September the weather at. that season being considered more favor- able for a good"at:eudancé Excel leut' 30308 were renclqâ€"red during the evening by Mr. H Frost. of 0mm Sound. and Mr. W. Rischie, Miss Joy .vliss Lou Al‘msrroug and Miss Z.qu 'l‘rimble, of this place. "God be with you till we meet again.†was heartily sum! by all. Miss Christoe presided a'. she organ throughout. Owen Sound delegation. led bv Mr. Harold Frmt, whoafterwards tame the meeting over to the care of the pastor of the Church. Rev. J. Ward. 'l‘he Question Drawer was taken charge of by Rev. Mr. Ferguson who dealt with the questions submitted in a practical and ititetesting man- ner. Reports from the afternoon rallies were received in which Were rmbodietl some information and practical suggeStions fut League workers. Rev. W. Buchanan. of Ala kdaie, spoke on League work and gave not only an eloquent but thoughtful and instructive address which was liSYened to with nimhated interest throughout. Dr.b‘tepheim came by the owning train liu' as It was almost 10 o’clock When he aniv- ed it was too late for much of an ad- dress. He. however. Spoke briefly on the Forward Movement in VVlllt‘ll he is a moving Spirit and the audi- ence enjoyed his instructive amt spiritual address. .‘Jre. Baker ex- tended an invitation from Owe Sound which was accepted and in the County Town the Leaguers will next assemble. Upon resolution the date of meeting was changed from Feby. to SHD'ember the weathar 9. .L... . “' """"n" ““9. The news of the relief of Kimberlex was warmly greeted and joyfully The " Rall) †hour having come the delegates separaied to diHerenc apartments in the Church where matters pertaining to each rally Wt‘l‘eiliSCUSSPd. Mr J. R McIntyre led me Christian Endeavor section Miss Hovkius the Literary. Mrs. .ThurSIon the Missionary and Mrs, Armstrong the Social Dr. Ste-plums was on the pz'Ogram for the afternOo u but missed the morning train in To- ronto which was a. source of great disappointment to the Convention. The eyrying meeting we»; opened wit! devotional exercises by the n _ Btard the Owen Sound district unite with Mt. Foresn anJ Wiarton dis- tracts in sending and supporting Dr. Stephens as a. missionary in China. Mr. Jamieson. foreman of the saw- mill here. is busily engaged in run- im: out his Stock of legs. He is paying my prices for good timbvr. Miss Gertie Isaac, of the Oxchmd- ville academy was the guesn of Hol- Stein f:-' [80518 “during last week. MissE. “Rawn of S S. No. 9. â€no royal road to learning.†spent Saturday and Sunday in our burgh Geo. Mickh-boro'. of St. Thomas, was at the parental home lately for a short time. Mr and Mrs. W. Amos. of Mt. Forest. spent a short time recently at the home of Mr. S. T. Orchard Asleigh load of the youths and beauties, of our hamlet, drove to Mt. Foresc Monday evening to ac- tend the “ Patriotic Concert,†hold Mr. W. Cochrane, of Manitoba. was: the guest of W. Main during Friday of lasr weak. ' The ice haw-M; ism: now. Messrs. Thair and Camus-on has secured their Stock for cremnery purposes and now the farmers am basily avenged \Iess's. Smith and Mickle-horo’ are doing 'he cutting. The ice though not so heavy as in former years is a very {air quality. Mr. Wm. Main lost a valuable horse last. week. Infl‘imation of the lungs and boas els u as the cause. A few of our residents have. dur- ing the the past. week. been laid up with the grippe. No serious compli- cations haw. yet, occurred. By. W. Wallace has said out his stock of dry-goods. groceries etc., to Mr. R Hoffman. of N rvul. Mr, W. purpose-s removing: }is family to Moon-ï¬eld ahour. the ï¬rsr. of March. A social under the auspices of the Presbyterian S. Scnooi, was hvld on the ewmiug of the 15th inst. A 200d pmgramme was rendered. Proceeds $13. The. anniversary services, of the MethOdlSt church here, were conduct- ed on the 11th and 12th met, Rev. G. W. Hanna, of Mt. Forest. preach- ed Sabbath morning and evening, and on Mondnv evening delivered a. lecuu'e on " Our Chrisrian P: ivzleges and ReSponsibzlities in Canada.†The thank offering amounted to about $32. Geo. W, Broun. Esq M. L. A.. of Regina, who has been visitinw his father here. left last week to visit fIiends in Norwich. Patrick Burns, of Ospl'ev, met. with an accident here on Monday which may prove fatal, Mr. Bums Came out .60 town with a. neighbor, Mr. Murphy, who drove into one of the sheds to blanket his hoxses and “lule attending to one Burns made. attempt to cover the orher and fell under the horse which frightened and trampled him badly on the bead before rescued. Dr.Carterdressed his wound, a bald scalp wound, bled freely, but could not at once deter- mine the full extent of the inJury It is possible that there is a fracture of the skull Mr. Burns was take-n: home in a semi conscious conditjt 1).: {Spread in this place. On Sabbath Igreatful thanks went up from the pulpits for this victory in behalf of .liberty and truth. Rev. .1. Little, of Chafsworth, is assisriug Rev. Mr. Thom in Special meetings at Proton S.ation this week. Mrs. A. M. Gibson is-spending this: week with friends, Rev. and Mrs. Buchanan, in Dundalk. i Miss Rosma Smith is visiting friends at Erin. Mr. and Mrs. John Rnnstadtler re- ceixed word on Sunday of the death of the lmtl’BrS sister-innlaw Mrs. Thus. Egan, in Hamilton. Dating the pas: year .‘118. Runsmitler has met. with much bereavement [has be- ing: the fourth death in connection with her family. She has the warm sympathy of many friends here. Mr. W. ThompSnn, Post-master, Dobbington, is visiting his brother- in-law Mr W. Barnlwuse, here, and reiauws at Portlaw. Mr. John Clinton who has been visiting his paroenls here for some time returned to Winnipeg laSt week. Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart, of Orono, are visuing the latter’s pazeuts, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carr. Mr. Felsced of the suburbs, nursed a cr0p of measles the 9331. week or two, but is about. again. Mrs. Bellamy, Sun. mather of our Township Clerk Bellamy, ol this place, celebrmed her euglny-ï¬n-st birthday of Friday 13.3: and recr-ived the congratulations of her children and grandchildren who are pleased to see her in the enjayment of all her faculties and fair measure of good health. ‘ Mm Wesley Bu km, of the West back flliue, is ill with inflammation of One lungs. A baptnsum! service was held in the Baptist. Ulnmch LU Sabbath last when two candidaus “ere baptised by the paste; in the baptistry HOLSTEIN . I In hundreds of tesrs in the United Status and many other countries. in no instance has the " ALPH '. †DE :LAVAL failed to dcmonsu‘ne its superiority to other Cream Separ- .ators in thorouflmess of separation, {actual capacitv, necessm-v p0 zer, Egreatex churnabllity of cream. and in all other essential repeats See {them at. our shuw rooms. And further take notice that. after such mentinned date the said admiuntratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- cea:ed amuug the parties entitle-d thermo having: regard only tn the claiuh‘ 0: which theyshall then have uutice stud that. the said administratrix will not be liahle fur the said assets ur any part thereut' tn any person or pemms of Mame chins untiee Silu“ nut. haw been received by them at the time of such distribution. ELG IN MYERS, Solicitor for the mid admini tratrix. Dated this 20th ,day of February, 1900. pursuant. to “ The Revised Statutes of Ontario 1997 †Chapter 139 that all creditors and others having: claime against the estate of the said Elizabeth McUlntcheym Eliza- beth McClmchey who died on or about the 8th day of January. 1899 are required on ur befure the 32th day of March. 1990. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Elgiu Myers. Esquite. ()rangerille. the solicitor fur the :uiminh'tratrix of the e~rate M the said deceased their christian and surnames, addresses and de-cripticus. the fall panic :- lars of their claims the statement. of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any. held by them. ' ATthe next session of parliammn the Schom'oerg and Aurora limlxxay wili apply fora. chatter which will enable them to emeud the “LP west- Ward to a poim at or new Shellmrne. hud 'heuce through the townships of Melaumhou Proton, Artemesia or Egrmno‘nt. and Glenelg to the {own of Durham and eastward as far as Oshawa. In the Matter of the Estzte of Eliza- beth McClatchey, sometimes called McClutchey, late of the Town ship of Egremont in the County of Grey, deceased. in the Opera. House thvre Mrs '1‘. Keith is absent from home at present attending to hvr daughter. Mrs. Wm. lelitcilell, of Alleufurd. who 18 seriously 111. Doubling Up! Highest Award and Gold Medal Receivgd at World’s Fair, 'O'I‘ICE IS _IIEREBY GIVEN Notice to Creditors. MM ..._.â€" a. ---_. Chicago, 18937. 11:1[Ll INERYI I4? ,‘9‘, .34 ’4? Nb 2v $7 [/5 ' an“ ‘9 7w J LIVINGSTON. Agent better value than any other house. Our sales during the past twelve months have more than doubled any previmzs years. We take this as evidence that are prices must be right. We carry only honest, reliable goods which are trade winners â€"No trash, Our “cash and one-price†system is conceded to be lower than long credit houses. We do not claim to do all the drj. ' goods Made 11: Dmham but “6 du claim to give ~~~~~ 9238mm! Business College}: "’ ’a’: -â€"TORONTO. -â€"â€" A: $1 Yonnv s.- Gormrd Sts. V4 ’41 $3 W. I1. SHAW, -â€" PRINCIPAL. {4 $4-- Rs a, < $1.00 Per Year. ~ I ‘ 1 I t 1 .“ l. 'l l I ‘ 4 g â€Nu/£4.93? Sm s. $333 ukwï¬mvdamw The Busy Store at The Busy Corner. as low as Suit Made to Order Or we can sell you still lower lines, in fact while these lines last we can nge you a Brim; odd linps left over by a. wholesale ï¬rm. We can quote you Gem’s Su?ts made l01rier. best trimmings, tine- ly :anlured, Write for Particulars! . You May Enter at Any Time! No Vacations! A Conme in our College will be one of rise must enjuya‘ule vxpt-ri- euros of younlifr; and tln' jm- 1mrtax:t and valuablv lmnwlmlge gained will ï¬t yuu fur lucrative employment and gin: yuu the means of vujuying the best things of ï¬le. ‘ at $Il worth MA. at I3 worth l6. Gent’s : : Suitings! J. 81 J. HUNIEH, received this week a special line of. . A Read y-Made. Emu W. San us M