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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1900, p. 2

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The great cities ot the world use up an enormous number of horses every year. and these must constant- ly be resupplied by others from the country or from foreign lands. It: is stated thr t in the suburbs of London alone there are MOOO horses in use, and that 100000 horses must every year be sent intq these suburbs it?) take the place at those worn out. But you should just see. him when the notes of the “Chmrge” ring out! His ears prick up. his eyes dilate. he Likes a firmer hold of his bit, and as he gallops among the foe he will fre- quently utter a piercing scream. A writer has recently stated that the scream is a scream of terror. It is nothing of the sort. A war horse can- not cheer like his rider, neither on he give vent to his excitement by yell- ing. as a savage does in battle. so he . But far all his apparent indifference the seasoned war horse takes a most intelligent interest in the progress of a fight. He is familiar with the ‘var- ious trumpet mlls. and it is with real reluctance that he turns his back on the enemy when the "Retire” is sounded. . This idea is absolute nonsense for, as a matetr of fact, the trained caval~ ry horse behaves with the utmost cool- ne-ss while under fire. Flor shells he has a perfect contempt. When one d'rhps anywhere near him. he just low- ers his head until the thing has ex- plloded. If uninjured, up goes his head with a derisive toss; while even when terribly wounded by a fragment of shell. he remains on his legs until brought down by loss of blood. W’aâ€"r-horses wiil face a Witvh‘efir-‘ing ri- fle. {ire w_it.hout showiqg the slight- st sign of fear. nor will ttiey utter a. sound when hit. I have even seen rid-erless animals stop to nibble egrass when bullets have been flying about like hail. It is astonishing what a numb-est of pepple firmly believe that war-horses go well nigh mm! with terror when in nmilm, remarked a retired cavalry of- fimu‘ tr) P.\V. “ Land hunger ” is alleged to be the disease of the reigning dynasty in Germany. Far sighted men have not hesitated to predict that South Amer- ica will constitute the great prize of the future in the eyes of European government. The Brazilian govern- ment is not without uneasiness at the prospect. The recent additions to the navy of the republic may be intended as a warning to the world that Brazil will not submit to dismemberment without resistance. Germany has nev- e'r disavowed the designs upon South America which European diplomats have atrtibuted to her for ten years past. Such a disavowal would be a di stinct negation of the policy of Emâ€"z perm 'Wil lliawm He could not repudiate all designs to annex portions of South America and remain consistent. HOW’ HORSES BEHAVE IN BATTLE. on the west. Shortly azfter the over- throw of Dom Pedro‘s government B'razii began to fear that she would be swamped by the influx of Germans Immigration from other nati s of the European Continent, was, here- fore encouraged, and thousands of It- alians made their way to Brazil. The designs of Germany upon these colo- nies are very definitely formulated. It wishes to annex the region to the empire and to govern it through an imperial commissioner appointed by it- self. This is the way most German coloniesmre governed. Unfortunately for Germany, the German subjects in Brazil View such a prospect with any- thing but enthusiasm. Brazil is the region in South Amer- ica upon which the Kaiser is said to have his longing eyes. Few people in this coun-rty are aware that an im- mense area in Brazil is now wholly German. An extent of. territory greater than the Fatherland is inhab- ited almost exclusively by subjects of the Kaiser. The prevailing language! is German. The religion, institutions1 and customs of the people are German. ‘ These Germans in Brazil are all more I or less under the tutelage of emigra- tion societies with headquarters in Hamburg. This movement began in 1825. The region embraced within it, is practically the whole of the Brazil-‘ ien Republic from Rio de Janeiro on the north to the boundary line of the country itself on the south, and from. the Atlantic on the East to Uruguay The Monroe Doctrine is to Le the cause of the war predicted between Uncle Sam and the Kaiser. It seems that the Kaiser and his peOple are two distinct parties in. this business. The German peOple do not seem to be anxious for war with the United States. But the Kaiser feels differ- ently. He dreams, as all the world knows, of a vast colonial empire. He wants to expand. The most available 1' field for this expansion is South. Am-l erica. But if our American cousins: hold to the ‘doctrine laid down by Pres. Monroe they will endeavor to vent the annexation of any ‘south Am-I‘ l erican: territory by the German Em- peror. U. 8., during the late war with Spain. In support of its contention that war between Germany and the United States is inevitabie in the not distant future some pregnant facts are adduced. This weekly'is in more than one sense the organ of Europe's most: responsi- ble classes. It stood smanchly by the Germany, says the London Specta- tor, is preparing for a war with the United States. Such is the warning solemnly uttered by one 01 the most conservative publications in the world. The dire predictor: has ju t been made the subject of what seems an impar- tial study hy this solemn periodical. STILL IN GREAT DEMAND. EDITORIAL NOTES. ”f Via ed a change for the better after Ihad finished the second box. When the four boxes were finished there was a great change for the better, and I then procured another half dozen boxes. Before these were all used I was again enjoying the blessing of good health. There can be no doubt of my cure because months have passed since I discontinued taking-Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and during that time Ihave never felt the slightest symptom of the trouble, and lcheer- fully and strongly urge other wom- en who are suffering to use this wonderful medicine, feeling sure that it will cure them, as it did me.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are especi- fic for all forms of weakness. The blood is vitalized, the nervous sys-‘ tem is re-organized, irregularities are? corrected, strength returns and dis- ease disappears. So remarkable have been the cures performed by these little pills that their fame has spread| to the far ends of civilization. Wherâ€"t ever you go you will find the mosti‘ important article in every drug store ; to be Dr. Wfliiams’ Pink Pills. - ‘ 7â€"â€"_v 1 exyerienced attacks of vertigo, and these seemed to ra time to afiect my memory. The least exertion would leave me almost breathless, and my heart would palpitate violently. I had no desire for food of any kind, and yet I had to force myself to eat to maintain life. I treated with three different doctors and spent much money in this way, but with- out avail, and I was in a condition bordering on despair. lwas urged to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and in December, 1898, I consented to do so. 1 first got four boxes‘and notio- _-_, a--w was.) outta.â€" "What I have suffered is almost be- yond description. My illness has been gradually growmg upon me, and eighteen months ago I found my- self almost helpless. My nerves were shattered, my heart weak and my entire system seemingly broken doxxn. I had norest nigh; or day; the little sleep I (lid get did not refresh me. I was in constant agony, and only a woman can understand what I en- dured as I tried to do my household work. Any sudden noise would frighten me and leave me in a condi- tion bordering on collapse, Al times F or several years Mrs. Thomas Sears, of St. CaLharines, felt her ill- ness gradually buL surely gaining a firmer hold upon her sysmm,_and ul- timately she aimOSL despaired of re- covery. To a reporter who called upon her, Mrs. Sears said:â€" Just a woman’s story. NOL strange because it happens every day; no; romandc or thrirling, bu; Just a story of misery and suffer- mg such as, unfortunately, too many women enuure in Silence. Nervous I'I'Osstrallon â€" Heart Weakneis Agonlzlnz Pains and Misery Such as Wmm-n Alone lindurc Made the Life of Mrs. Thus. Sears 3: Burden. BUT IT WILL BRING HOPE TO MANY SILENT SUFFERERS. It might have been a better test «of the relative nutritive Value of these two foods, had no meal been fed: but the object of these experiments was to test the influence of ‘these foods upon the milk flow when fed as they most likely would be in ordinary prac- tice. namely, in conjunction with a meal ration. This seems to be the main practical point at issue, and the question in which practical men are most interested. i in each experiment four cows were Iused. They were selected lrom gthe herd in the dairy department, 'care being taken to select cows as ’ nearly as pesSlole in the same Stage ’0; lac.a.ion. Aftera Week sprepara- tory feeding, during when all the {cows were tea the some ration, the irattons were changed. Two of the I cows were led sixty pounds of sugar [beets per cow per day for two weeks, then they were fed sixty pounds of mangels per cow day for two weeks. The other two cows were led sixty! pounds of mangels per cow per dayi eunng the first two weeks, and then changed to sixty pounds of sugar! beets per cow per day dur-' ing the next two weeks. Thusl each experiment lasted flour we.ks, and each cow was fed two weeks on sugar beezs. ln addituon to the roots, the cows received a meal ration and what clover hay they wou‘d eat, each cow recening Ike quantities of hay and meal. ln the first experi- ment, the meal ration con.~:iste1 of. equal parts by weight of. peas, bar- ley, and oats, and each cow was fed >even pounds of this mixture per day. During the second eXperiment, each cow was fed six pounds of bran and two pounds of pea meal per day. . Only a Woman’s Story Chemical analyses show that sugar ibeats contain a lower percentage of 'nutritive material than mangels. The main diference in nutritive material, however, is in connection with the fat and heat producing substan: es, sugar beets containing more of such} sub- stances than mungels. In order to test the comparative value of these two kinds of roots for milk produc- tion, two experiments, each With dif-1 ferent cows, have been completed, and the results of the two experiments correspond so closely that they are of interest. Mangels v.3. Sugar Beets Production. Comments. In each exyeriment there is a A FEEDING EXPERIMENT AT THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE _ â€"â€"v rvubw food would flavor the eggs sufficient- ly to be noticeable, and if so, how long a time would be required to make the flavor noticeable; and, third, how long 1n Mhrcp, 1899, an experiment was begun to fipd if a. small proportion of chopped omon salad with the poultry ‘--J __---‘I.‘l £1 ...... w -V‘ nips or wbbage, within a few hours before milking. The flesh is also probably tainted, and we have heard reports of fried: chicken flavored with onion from the recent feeding of the The same bulletin says it is perhaps an open question whether the flavor of articles of food ever reappears in the eggs Qtoduced__by hens. The facts will not be denied for milk after a cow has been regaled on a fnesh pasture containing wild onions. Neither will it, if ting Acow is fed tur- - ..__‘â€"~. vvoâ€" en. On what other article of food will people be content to pay the same price for what may vary over 50 per cent in value? 01' what producer or mez‘chan‘oable produce of any olheu: kind will consent to supply all] the way up to fifty-five per cent. more than market value and not think to add to the standard price for addition- al value? In order to collect some d-a-ta on this point, the Nocrth Carolina experiment station made careful weights of the egs from different yards, for the first six months of last year, and found that the heaviest eggs are from ducks. These weigh nearly two and aquarter pounds to the dozen. The light Brah- mm lay the largest hen’s eggs, and these are one and three-quarters pounds per dozen. The lightest eggs are from Leghorn pullets, alittle un- der one and one-eighth pounds per doz- The number of eggs is only a part of what we should know of the egg pro- duction, therefore, in order to be able to judge of the relative merit of breeds, the weight as well as the num- ber of eggs. should be known. Then. if the amount of food consumed, is known. the data is at hand to deter- mine which of the breeds have re- turned the most for food consumed and which one has therefore been the most profitable food producer. People are generally interested to know which breed lays the most eggs, but comparatively few people know or think of the fact that some breed may yield more food value in weight con- tained in fewer eggs, than another breed puts into a considerable larger number. 4. Oh the College farmcmtzvl‘figfils have given much larger yields per gore than sugar beets. 3 E.ery1h.ng considered, these ex- perimems indicate that there is very little, if any. difference between mangels and sugar beets as foods for stimulating the flow of milk. It must be remembered, however, that these trials have no bearing upon the rah ixe values 0' the e feeds for main- taining l'fe or producing (at. from sugar beets to mangels made a greater increase, on the whole, than those which were changed from mangels to sugar beets. In "I can highly recommend Dodd’s Kidney Pills as the hest thing for lame back that I ever got. I have only used two boxes and they cured The real Backache, about which no- body who ever experiences it can be miszuken, is not an ache of the Lazk at all. It is the ache of disordered kidneys. The kidneys are situated oppo iie the small of the back. Thus the pain is termed Backache. It is no use treating Bzickache, so called. local- ly. It is the kidneys that demand treatment. That is the reason that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills have such a re- pu‘atio-n for curing Batkuche. Mrs. Katy Lougheed. of Staples, writes: It has long been contended that backache is really kidney ache. But up to within ten years ago, when Dadd’s Kidney Pills were first gisen to the world, the fact. had never been actually proved. But Dodd’s Kidney Pills have turned the theory into a fact. If one has backache one’s kid- neys are out of order, and no amount of medicine which does not act on the Kidneys. will do the slightest good. How many people have been crippled with lame back and given up trying to be cured in despair“! They were not aware that backache is but a symp- tom. not. a disease. Siaples, Feb. 12.â€"'1‘here 13 no doubt; in the minds of the people of this district that the conten- Ition that backache is a symptom of kidney disease, is literally and abso- Iu;ely correct. If not, how is it that Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a kidney medi- cine, cure backache? For there is no dispute about it. that Dodd’s Kidney Pills do cure backache. New cases in this. neighborhood are coming to light every day. Mrs. Katy Lougheed is one of the most recent, but there are scores more. ll". Katy L==n2haed Gives Evidence-No Doubt In the Kinds of the People of Staplesâ€"Rackache Is Really Ind- ncy Ache. The Truth About Backache Proved By Uodd’s Kidney Pills- 2. In each experiment, cows 1 and 2 started on sugar beets and finished on mangels, the cows 3 and 4start- ed on mangels and finished on sugar beets. Therefore in the first trial cow No. 1 decreased in milk flow, and cow No. 2 increased in milk flow after being changed from sugar beets to mangels; and both cows 8 and 4 decreased in mill: flow after being changed from mangels to sugar beets. In- the second trial, however, all the cows gave more milk during the sec- ond two weeks than during the first two, but the cows which were changed slight difference in the totail: mil yield in favor of the mangels, amount- ing to 7.50 lbs. in one case and: 8251ba. in the other, in the mzlk produced by four cows in two weeks. POULTRY E-XPERI MEN TS. PBQUF POSITIVE. News comesâ€"and from Paris â€"that we are supposed to wear our rings outside our gloves. But the fashion is 8. ngar one, and will be adopted by none but extremists. There is some excuse for its existence in France, however, for in France women still persist in wearing tight-fitting glowes, which in America and England are considered the worst form. Miss Bessie McK. Kennedy. of King- ston, N.B., says: “I have used Catar- the best remedy in the world! for that dlrzease.” Camrrhozouc is a new svien- (ific treatment that cures Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis and irritable throat. Very pleasant and effecnve to use, contaxns no deleterxous drugs. (‘ainrrhâ€"o-zone is for sale by all reâ€" liable drugglsts. TrlaI outfit sent for 10¢ in stamps by N. C. POLSON 00., Kingston, 0nt.. Proprietors. ' REASON FOR WINT""I FLAVOR. The cause of “winter flavor,” I think is poor ventilation and filth in cow Stables, and is influenced by iceds. Less “winter flavor," when cows are fed good enéilage, and are kepL very clean and [ed r0015 en$luge and healthy food. To pussteurize the cream and use a large percent. start- er will improve il.â€"b‘. W. Culberton. Best Remedy in the World for C-atarrb. Gentlemen,â€"Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister so much good that in grateful apprecia- tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous, so much. so that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite, her heart became very I,weak palpitating so violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. When she commenced taking -Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervous prostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rap-idly mend- ing, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strength so that it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior to taking Dr. Ward’s l’ills she had taken many medicines without any‘ special benefit. Dr. Ward’s Blood and 1 Nerve Pills are certainly the only! medicine that has done any good. Be- I tore taking them she was getting! weaker, ler heart and nerves losingl strength daily. Since she had began! taking them she has daily and con- tinuously gained health and strength, CLARA ELLIOTT, 30 College street, Peterborough, Ont. Potatoes are capable of like im- provement by planting the very best for seed purposes with wide space be- tween hills and when the plants are three or four inches high thin out to one stalk in a hill; this will give. the greatest opportunity to grow to per- femion, and but one stalk in a place gives a larger‘ and better growth to the tubers and consequently finer and more productive seed will be produced in this line. Take corn, and what are the de- mands made in order to improve the Lseed? Does not “nature itself teach” that one stalk growing: in a plaoe will produoe a better growth than if one or two more stalks are grown together with: the one stalk? What then are the imperative demands of natural law. in order to the improvement of seed of this great staple? The rule then to be observed is to grow each stalk by itself, with sulfi- cient distance to insure the most per- fect growth and permit perfect fertil- izaion. Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Restored can be of such a character as 'to yield ill-flavomed eggs. SEED DEVELOPMENT. Improvement of seed for all crops is la great demand. When no greater care: is given to growing seed than is bestowed upon the general crop, no improvement in seed can be had, and fconsequenlly no improvement in the yield and quality of the general crop can be realized. To conform to the natural demands of the several cropsol grains and vege.ables produced on the farm in the production of seed. is to insure great improvement in the seed and a necessary improvement to the yield and quality of the general crop grgvvn lrom such improved seed. The conclusions awe that it is prob- able that no eggs after a week’s ab- stinence are ill-flavored with onions; that flavors can be fed into onions and that to insure fine-flavored eggs it is necessary to restrict runs enough so no considerable amount of the food can the flavor be detected after the onions are left out of food. Iflhrmore doliciou than Japan. Sold 1 I Lad Pacheco. on y n HAVE YOU TASTED BIN GS AND GLOVES A SISTER SAVED. CEYLON GREEN TEA ? During the last two years 41, 375 men have been killed 1n battle. Bantuâ€"3 damn-h Cure is taken internally. and non: du'ectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system; §end for tgqtimonials._ frcg. ‘___-_ A Sold b Draggiaisfiééi " " ‘ Hall's amily Pills are the boar. Swornoo before me and subscribed inm presence, this 6th day of December A. D. 1886. """' : A. W. GLEASON. : BEAL : Aotary Public. STATE OF OHIO, CITY fJ' TOLEDO. \ ,8 LUCAS Covx'n. I ' FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY 8: Co.. doing buqine¢s in the City of Tozedo, County and State aforesaid, and than said firm will gay themm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’B CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. In the Boer lines at Belmont the ground was littered with cartridges. every one of which bore the mark of the leading London makers. The War Office have so far declined the services of lady doctors who have volunteered for South Africa. have put a tax of from thirty to: fit- ty per cent. on the output of Johannes- burg gold mines. TREATIAENT- Send one cent. stamp for circulsr. W. J. URQUHAR'I‘ Agglytjpa‘lfliggmifi. 189 Queen 8:. W.. Toronto. AVENUE HOUSE Blemishesgifi'gffip Complexion 81'. JAM ES’ H0T£L..0vmioea. 'r. n. Depot, two blocks from 0. Wm. Hut-clu- Oommorcid Homo. laden In- Mfi. mundane. The name of Shakespeare can be spelt 4,000 different ways. The poet himself spelt it 22 ways. am; Stwigg. magma. “9.637.133 £63.? Fro“: ‘~.â€".vâ€". “ Pharaoh 100.’ It is difficult to realize that in steaming from Cape Town to Durban the transports have almost as far‘to go as if they were coasting right round England and Scotland. uounun. HOTEL DIRECTORY. W The “ Balmoral,” Free Bus .‘fiai‘: Hotel 0ar3lake,m nun- n _‘ 'Nm-‘l‘-d£, “2‘ 0” The night before Sir Redvers Buller left London for South Africa, he was a visitor at the famous “Beefsteak Room” of the Lyceum Theatre, where he mediated that his absence from England would not extend over a long- er period than twelve months; RELIANCE CIGAR La 70803113: 100' b‘ACTORLMonnrea. Norway has a law dealing with cremation. Accondin-g to the act every person over 15 years of age can be cremated after death if he or she has made a declaration in the pres- ence of two witnesses. _I4‘or those un- der 15 a declaration on the part of the parents is necessary. O’KEEFE’S ‘1‘: 3‘3: Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, the only medicine that cures diseases by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 75c. a box; sample box 25., or sent post-paid on receipt of price by The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life Building, 42 King St. West, Toronto. “My sister had used Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills with remarkable benefit. and I also began to take them. I candidly state that improve- ment began almost immediately. till {to-day I am in better health. and much stronger than I have been for Years. To Dr. Arnold’s English Tox- in- Pills, and to them alone the credit is due.” Ever}? glrl and woman who suffers as Miss Bopkirk did, should use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They wi_ll give new life and health. President Kruger is announced to my health failed. I grew very thin, hnd splitting headache continually, dizzy spells, and extreme weakness. My tongue was thickly furred, harsh and dry, every morning, and I arose tired and aching. I was dull and low- spirited all the time. ‘ ~v-‘h.- _ o _ ' . . ., - . Toronto, Dec- Zakâ€"Miss Rafi“??? Ile Boers requested Ere-gnu kirk, Of 184 Harbord S.t" thlb clgy, 118 Eer’s permission to use Dumaum a young lady who ’5 exeeedlug y lets, but he refused. popular with a very extensxverlrple: of friends, all of whom are regomlng; 1.. can A 001.0 m 0“ I," over her recent escape from a, terrible: Teke Lsxaclvo aroma Gainino Tablet; danger. The stqry Of her_ experience amnion refund the max...) it in fall: to is deeply interesting, told In her own : 25c. 11:. W. Grove’s signature is on one} straightforward way. It! _._..._ Here is her narrauve: In 1896, I t2»? “Sniping” is firing by sharpshm a position m a down-town store. ‘ i, wherever they see an enemy’s hea work was not unusually hard,. but limb. soon found I could nto stand 1t, and! HOW SHE OVERCANEE IT. AND BAF- FLED HER TORMEN TOR. England's Queen intends to add one more to the list. of tea houses on the Balmoral estate. Each of these re. treats is decorated to represent some particular country. For instance. there isFIndia," which is furnished with bamboo and Indian matting, while “China" is decorated with the Celes- tial emblems in beautiful colorings. The new tea house is..to be “America," and will be put up in readiness for next year. Invi om:- uud Btre than. LLOYD W OD. Toronto. 0 ERAL 50m. VICTORIA’S NEW TEA. HOUSE. CREMATION IN NORWAY. SHAKESPEARE’S NAME. YOUNG GIRL’S DANGER. WHAT \VAR MEANS -wâ€"vvâ€"â€"-v .nv F. J. C_HENEY 8: 00.. Toledo. 0. -0 v- I! hm of Gnnby. Qua. ,MoGlllâ€"Coiiâ€"on Avenuc. {gpi}! Hotel nu. 81.50 Er diy. fir.” or MALT 81.55 8 II; Qgthglic Prayer ‘u ICIV" VWFUIJI’ 0. Religious Pictures. Statu'ary, 3nd Church Ornaments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt. atten- tion. 0. 8: J. SADUER 8t 00., Montreal. “ cams“ Ammonia nmnc Bo." Look for “on; in your town, or and “not. M_ontreal, Toronto, OttaLa, Quebec mains! meaning! .- vâ€"v vwâ€" '- snd bladder. 520 k 81 a. bOL‘VVrite for'p-‘nic'ulun. T5; Indian Oahu-h Cure 00., 146 St. J :mos-st... Montreal. 7 -- m sausage caS'ng English Sherp and Am crican Hog Casings-reliablv goods at rig); pLics. DAD DY LAY, in.-- A for sale. Improved end unim raved. One-fifth cash. Intenglins settlerscall end get nefit of fifteen yeans' experience an to dismot. to settle in. A. W.AUSy1‘1N. 21 Toronto Chambers. Toronto. C O C 0AM Dntpmnapx ond other PRGDUCE. to enatire best regults consign :3 The Dawson Commission 00., limited, Cor. West-Market Oolborno St, Toronto, .â€".......-..â€".r..r -â€" H.._..__â€"_._._.-.___ _ , _.. ‘._..__.â€".. - THE DES names mounAfiEâ€"sen arid cheapest n DA“nnA -A‘A Annâ€"s ‘-_LL- 7‘.~ , ' ' w--- uuw vquM'le 0. Rolland. sole wédt {a}; {h} Dominijm. Send 30$. stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street. Montreal pgqpav, 391m, gccs, APPLES, A _, 7‘“ ““771.- Carters COLD CURE 10c. Cures In a jifiy P (‘Anmnfiu .- f1- ..... EPPS’S HARRIS Music Teachers Wanted l __ â€"__â€"-â€"_vâ€" ¢u VOIV L‘ l-.-II- district on the lake shore a. uluable fruit {m m; s splendid chance; satisfactor reasons given for aching. For full articular: address .Dickenson, jun.. berth :11me FARM WANTFD. west of Hamilton. 31%; p; cheap. AAA“.--nl'l"l\l13 --__ -1 invo- 7 - â€" . .- vuv v. Q‘w-IIIUVII. A'A unb uc bllffip r Addrezs CATTLE, care of Wilson Publiohing Co. [‘oronbo. FOR SALEâ€"NEAR FRUITLANDâ€"In the ysagEa Auafponb Inn .LA ‘n|’n LL--- _ ._-I _ , awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Thvir'regular use prevent, infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. An Irish Fusilier. firii‘ing from Pretoria race-course, says the pri ers are not allowed tn rmpivo In“ Carbolic Disinfectant; _ meat. 700th Powdersf‘ SWnrfl-fl Innâ€"-3 ‘ ‘ Ike Boers requested 3m3f\nt Kru- ger’s permission lets. but he refus .o-.‘ to use Dumaum bul- ed. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP used by mother? for their children teething. the child. softens the gums. um. gin. < colic. 3nd in Lho- boat. remedy for diurr cc: ‘ do. Sold b 31! druggists throughout the { m. “d 3: for .. MIL Willfllfi-'l Rnnlk-n- Q. mtreal,1 oronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Esplanade -...- ~__...- “w” â€"- THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. ODD-830W". 8t» Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephonel729. CbYLON IEA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. CHEAP MANITOBA FARMS Our Method ls sure and has lncmblc. Write at oncc. 8¢ F. 0. CALVERT 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. For thoâ€"vary but and your work to tho Angie: Chemical Co. ANGIE R’s PETROLEUM EMULSION WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. Casio â€"re1ia.ble oodiatri ht prica. V PAR . BLACK ELL 0.. pToronto CALVERT’. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR5 '45- -. A MARK!!! nlrransucs. compare .â€" .Iuâ€"J Cormacx a 00., Agents. Montreal. . ,_ ---- .uvuw IL I“ 1““. w CUPQ . Grave's signature is on each box. A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians " " in the treatment of all throat and ’ lung troubles, and -- if results -- count for anythingâ€"almost no limit to the good it can do. _.-.H..-. is firing by sharpshooter-s ey see an enemy’s head or Buy-58:31:33», LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. Barriétorsxicnremdvâ€"ea to Wesley Bld 3., Rich- mond St. W.. ' oronto. yum. Mill. 8: Hale; \V l’ (1 non 809.5... Rang-legging. Ship]. ham. mixed :5 my address on mom a a cent: :0 cover W. with other: and you will st one. not! The flavor of Ludella ha mac it 8 you “in like it. taming, goapdlirg. 'Catu'rh of nose. I thrmt. stomach 158 You. in. TORONTO. OM. complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SFSCIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. W0 an Oqulpp ed to "é’IchEE'f: c1332 Wham. 20m T3 and for out pgrmsngntly cum Ls cured thousandsâ€"some pronounced Booklet and Proof on request. Address Tablets. An fgili to_ 91176. It. soothe: 63m wind world; if. Windsor, Ont, canada the High Glass Water Tube Staci Boilers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR Deselzumve unmoux“ {Toronto Electric Lick: 00.. halted. {The T Eswn Co. Limited. 0 The Muu-y- Euri- Co.. Limited. b 1Tb. Gum Perch. Rubber t ”milk? The Wilson Publish! Mn: 00.. “Him MMmmhmnmg 0A3. I. “It", Humor. The Canadian Heine Safety H'uadxcds of othm'who’ haw used this clorâ€"et tespify to the above. For catalogue and price.- wnte to The Odorless Crematory GI 00., Hamilton, Ont. Gentlemm.â€"“l have much :‘sleasuro in momma (ng your Odor-less Crematory Clo-H. w} w h I urchu from you. It does its work” we land 1:- pcdecj; odorq When in use or burning out. No rm: m can afivrdto without it. u itis indispensable Lo health. and it is 71' 3 sense of duty I certify to its great usefulnew. ~Y tug!” DR; D. ’8. 1 H()M_I’S(_)..'\ ‘3 Mineral Extract it; vvn u reventcrowe from picking up corn when plume: find 14 acres of corn In: yeer on my l35-ecre tum had the seed all oolore and bed not one guilt deem by crown. I elso cleim l: use good u e heevy con manure for making corn grow rich. feeling eo longed wich it that. I have taken the ngency fa Farmers who with to buy only 3 smell box should I in their order: not later then Feb. 15:. Smm‘ color-:20 bushels, Price 82.50: lerxe box colon-560 bud rice $5.00' will be soul for $4.50 if Ordered by Feb] gm out: with order". l\o order: uken unen- I! let. in order to get. them all packed and shipped be April let directly at. G.T.R. end C.P.B. tor shin Every b0x of Extract guaranteed to give em money refunded. _ Farmers Intending to Corn Note This. ooo acne: coon namuc LANDSâ€"AREN: g Iooco. Ogemtw and anford Counties. ‘l‘iuop foot. 0n Michigan Central. Detroit. Mackinuc I Loon Luke Rain-oath. at prices musing from 8230 rm. These Lnndn are Close to Enterpnsin; K4 Esme. Churches. Schools. etc... and will be sold on 1 atoms. Apply to ‘ lpeeinl stock. nsrsnteeing lsrge dividends; slso s- sulment stock pnysbze in monthly instalments. draw! cub dividend“ half yearly. Pmies wsn ' ate a a onuble investment. should correspond wit the ‘.-.vin.;s sud Lusn Compwy. Toronto; money! _ tsvorsble terms; menu wanted in mop: trim; Into us. Money loaned on (“cable terms museum dmricu; write us. Wt! m. “summing urge dividends; tho. mlmont mock mytbxe in monthly insulmenu. d: cub dividend . hslf yearly. Ponies wanting an! arofluble investment should correspond with LA A__â€"A Aâ€"r' Dominion Line 375:: Portland. Me.. to Livcrpool. VII flanks. Large and fast Steamers Vancouvc Dominion, Cambroman. m of my oFint Cabin 850 um: M cam. :35; Stamp. mse sad is: 50. For tug-char intoruauion 3pm to loos! “can. a DAVID TOWCB t 00.. Canon! A1000. - 11 8‘. Weak Hound COINS! SEISS KILLS Roaches. Bed Bugs. Run 3nd Mice. Sold by w Drnggllu. or 381 Queen W. Toronto. Michigan Land for Sal NEURALGIA. CCIATICA. "UICULA: INFLAMMATORY. GOUT. LUHIAO RHEUMATIC PARALY‘lfl 58TH“: Sun Savings'wéiZI-a‘i‘éiawé'aJ If: lAâ€"XA‘-~_‘ _ t WE ARE OFFERING WE ARE OFFERING T0 INVESTORS pctice the differenqe. Lou! new 1: t favorite. Try It. 25, 30, 40, 50, ‘l “DREW KAUFMAN, Fergus P.0‘ L PIERCE. Agent. West Bu City. m 0: J .W. 0118' 18. Whi‘tbomoro. Mich. BOILER Odorless Closet. ”III 4. HM“. “fit. I" T0 INVESTORS Cure Toront: colonjing 700m 3 .303“

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