West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1900, p. 4

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nst health. by us‘iug Dr. A \V. Chase’s {one Fund. The healthful glow on the cheek and the brightness in the (aye toll of the building up prwoss which :3 taking W in the body. Manya hale weak school giri. suflering the evil <26th of an exhumed nerwms L-vs tam. and thin waréry blmd, has been fully- {estofed‘tq 636 fig??? 311d buoyancy q-t ro- Mr. Robb. Britten sold a. fine gen- eral purpose mare go his brother “Van. of Travertson. ' Reeve Dixon and Councillor Adlam were inepectiug b‘ridges on Monday inst. , Mr. Jesse Tomkias is very poorly at present. We hope for his early é‘eco very . ' " Mr. and Mrs. John HOpkins visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Migbton on Sun- {my last. I A Pie and Box Social in school grouse on Friday ,nighc, March 2nd. "Admission ’10c. ‘ “The way of the trans-grecscr is Juan]. and in one instance at least ‘tiré Ontario Medival' A>sicimiou is 'endeavoringto make it harder. A 'few years ago a certain Dr. Shvpnard tauk up his resident-e at Kimberley, having come there from Mono Mills. Onear Orangeviilv. His pramive at 'Kimberi-ty did not prove to be SllffiC-‘ iently remunerative and he removedi a'110 Markdnle where he) indulged in] 38st horses. btc Hp was also inter ‘eSIed in a hotel property in Durham 'Wbich proved a disasn‘ous spec-um ’tion. Fcr a. couple of years little, has been heard of him. but a cmszei ’2)! weeks ago light came as to his re-‘ “cent. doings by nrmounremmxt‘ in the {Poronto papers: that he had been! arrested for malpractice. In coni- papy with a man named Byers from i i l jne'itr Newman-her. he had formed a! partnership and started a cancer! Sanitarium. A recent case which; 'bame under their hands developedé 'heneumonia as a result it is alleged; their treatment and the victim died. Both Sheppard and Byvrs Are now awaiting: their trial for man-slaught-i "er. having: been committed by Magis-i irate Denison.â€"Flesherton Advance. - ’Chas Fawcett. a Dumialk resident. appeared before His Honor Judge ’Creasor on Friday morning charged ‘Witb assaulting with intent. to do grievous bodily harm M r. Morgan. a 'prominent citizen of the same place. ‘and Liberal candidate for South Grey in :he lay provincial election The 'two men became mix d in an alter- "cation‘ our- the e 80ml: and nknc compliments were finally exrimnged 'Mr. Morgan “'35 liberally decorated as a result of the scan an.) swore out a warrant for his 2185 Hunt’s? arrest. ancett was taken info cus- tody, committed for trial hr thn jus- tice of the peace, and brought ton fO'wen Sound. He piendmi unil'y to' the charge and was rsmzusde! until Friday. -Owen-Sound Times. “Mr. George R kahL the weak \mfliaed son of Mr. William Faekiu r{he G. T. R. Station agent Lere. died at. his father’s home early on Sutur day morning a: the age of :26 years "andB months. Deceased was an in- ‘nocent, inofiensive vorizz: mun. sub ject to epileptic fits during the last '32 «years of his life and was a continual source of anxiety to his: patents as 'at times he would wander from home .without giving any notice. Death came asa giezu relief to the sorely 'aflicted young man and his anxious family.--Ayton Advance. A serious runaway accident hap- .pened on the 4m con. of Bentiuck ‘early Monday morning, February 12%}. John Schmitt and his sister were returning home from visiting a. heighbor, when the horse ran away hyd' Miss Schmitt Was thrown on her ”read on the ice rcndeaing her uncon 'scionsand causing concussmn of the ,brain. She is now in a dangerbus ’condition. -â€" Post. Rev. A. W. Touge, 0f Plat: sville, has commenced anion against the township of Bleuinim to iecoxer “damages for injuries susta. and to 21imself and Mrs. Tonga while drix 'mg home from Gal: List. fa“. His conve) auce went omr the side of an unprotected culvert, severeiy injur- ‘iug occupautS.â€"Anhur Enterprise j .Dr. Daniel Ciark. brain spet-iaiist £500.09- , . . 01 Toronto. was In the vxlzage an: I 3 ! 'Friday. having been mailed tu sec .\ r . THE DURHAJfl CHRONCLE come tn :3. H. Breese. \Ve are sorry tu have 3' hand last week enlarged to a. 74:0, :to report. that Dr. Clark boils out $813M“! "0W 5cclumu 12-page.- ‘no hope of Mr. Breese ever (xteéover-f Mgrkdale Standard. 'ing his mental fzch.lt.‘eS.â€"Ui1a.ts~g {worth Banner. I THE DURHAM Cunoxxcm has been ‘ Dmham,Fdnua1v-2, 1900. PALE, WEAK GIRLS ALLAN PARK. THE CHRGNIGLE. Exchano' e Echoes '. Irwin, Editor ana Prop: ietor. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE came to '1 hand'last ween ‘changed in form from £3 five column twelve page to an eight. §page seven column . paper. THE: ‘Cunoxxcma is 'one of the brightest of Grey Coucty we'eklies, and we are pleased to see that brother Irwin’sef- forts are meetin-z with thn success they deserve. May the old CHRONICLE; always keep in the front rank and its. genial editor’s bank acounnt grow cor-1 pulent.-â€"Clinton News-Record. Tm: DUAHAM CHRONICLE came to Maui last week in an enlarged and improved form. Tm: CHRoxmLE has bet-n a. five column yaper, but it will appear in the future in seven column quarto form. . We are pleased to no- tice this evidence ofl prOSperity in Bro. Irwin’s paper. and the citizens of Durham should encourage these improvements by-supporting this up-; to'date paper.-â€"Thornburv Herald. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE has been enlarged frum a five column twelve- page size to a sevencolnmn eight- page paper. Tm: CHRONICLE is the leading: paper in South Grey, and under the able management .of its editor. Mr. W. Irwin. has met 'with 'great. success.-â€"Harrismu Standard. Tm; DURHAM CHRONICLE comes to hand this wwk (Enlarged and other- x‘visé iinproveii Editor Irwin has been publishing a. bright, tiewsy pa- per and the latest. improvemen't‘s will doubtless be rewarded by an incréaS- ed ciiqularion and advvrtisiné pat- ronage.â€"Oweu Sound Times. ' The live npws-paper 'I'HE DURHAM CHRONICLE came to hand last week en. [urged to 7 columns. 8 pages. Like The Canadian it was 5 coimnns. and found it necessary to enlarge. Good things are evidently appreciated in Durham anu Fergus alike.â€"-Fergus Canadian. : l TIIE DURHAM'CHRONICLE which we StaIIPd some 34 \ears ago came to hand last Week II uch enlarged. II; isa well pIiIImd. mum; y shvet and we an:I much p Passed to note that its iI. cI'pnsed businpss warrants the pro- pIimm‘ in enlarging its SIze. Man he 3' ill go on and prosper.-â€"â€"Dunm ille Gazette. THE DURHAM Cnuoxxcw has Keen enangeql by eight columns and is much improved in appoarance and canvenience. Bro. Irwin is fast be coming one of the bust I‘xewsoaper men in the county. and it gives u~ pleasure to note the fact.-â€"Flesher- ton Advance. v 1‘ 'YV enlarged to a seven column quarto. which has WNW] greatly to its appear- ance. It is now in the front rank w7rh :he lwsn country yeekliesrâ€" Clarksburg Reflpcmr. long con tinue'to prosper.â€"â€" Dundalk Herald. Tns: DURHAM Cnnoxrcm came to hand last week mxlaraed and other wise improvvd. and is a Predit to the enterprise of Editor W Irwin Suc- cos: to THE szomcz.E â€"-Hah,rriston Tribune. Tm; DURHAM Cmmxrcns has been changed in form to a. 7 column quarto. It is a vast, improvement on the old form. We hope 'I‘HS CHROXICLE may The live npws Tm: DURHAM Crmoxrcnn is enlarged to a seven column quarto. “7e are pleased to note this evidence of pros- peritv in Bro. Irwin’s business.â€" Ayton Advance. Tn; DURHAM CHRONICLE has mafle a desirable shango in form to a seven column folio Editor Irwin has the be-sr wishes: of. The Newsâ€"Chats- worth News. ' class Iocél ~newsggnper. and should be Snvported by the peoplé- of that por- tion of the country.â€"-.\Ieafurd Mirror. Tma DURHAM CHRONICLE comes to hand this \vpok enlarged and 1m- pro vod. TUE meoxrcm is now a first- Tm: DURHAM CHRONICLE came last week much enlarged and improved. We congratulate our coufrere on this evidence of advancing pl‘OSgCl‘it)’. --Meaford Monitor. 'l‘nrc DURHAM CHRONICLE has been THE DURHAM CHRONICLE has bee: changed to the 7 column quarto $221- It is now the same size as the Re- view and we {wish Brat. Irwin every success.â€"Harristou Review" THE Dcmux CHRONICLE has been enlarged It is now a mo t credit abie looking sheet.â€" Walkerton Tele scape. Tm: DURHAM CHRONICLE has been enlarged. I: is now a. most credit- able locking sheet.--Lisl:0\\‘cl Banner. Tus DURHAM Cnaoxlcw has been enlarged.â€"Charsworrh Banner. Our Excbmzes and Correspondents say the Change is an Improvement. Thanks For Kind Wishes. What Our X’s say about Us Mr. Ben Wood movbd £0 Egremont the fore part of the week. Mr. W. Griersen; of Vickers, spent a day with friends at the end of last week. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Vill Anderson, of Crawford, visited friends here the beginning of the week. Mr. N. McKinnon. from Queen Hill, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. _ -. , ' Jauntn'bi doz. silver Spoons and butter knife ° : Gown RE Miss Nellie and Emma. Staples, hall IS. doz. table napkins and preserve dish- _fi . es; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Graham. large . Bible; Bliss Lena Woife, half doz. BOal table napkins; Mr, J Stewart, pep- ,, . pei"and salt cruet stand; Miss M. HtE UNDI' Stewart. half doz. plates. 'cups and N. ӣ56233: saucers; Miss May and SeiinaTruax. Registerixd i’ed half dogs; dessert plates and fruit czztion- TERM dishes; Mr. Gordon Lindsay. fancy soap dish; Mr Jas. and May Wilson. ot'yS'al fruit dish; Mr. D. McArthur, - - porridge set; Miss Hewizt. fruit dish, Roars fieptpe:1 and sait stands; Miss Maw, l a1 oz. eggcups and soap dish; 3 ‘ ' Miss Harriet Lindsay. flower vase. HE UN DE . for service Ihe guests from a distance were N. D. R., Bent Mr and MI‘S.JRbbl. J. Wade. of St. “lire B‘W'fi- . Marys, and Mr; Stephen Wade, from be seen 0" “99' that vicinity, 'tvliile Williainsford, 1“ Travertson, Edge Hill and Aberdeen ’ Dec. 28- *2‘“ were represented. All join in~ in ex- " tending good wishes and congratula- “"- tions to the happy couple. ‘Boars I. Mr. and“ Mrs. Graham returned _ , from a visit to relatives in Mono. THE Uh DE. Miss KatieStewart is home from a meat}: ”823$: prolonged visit withBruce friends. m Vnrlxenirn and t Dec. 14. 2m. McDonald, parloz table; Mr H. and Maggie Riddell, fancy table cloth; Mr. T. and Annabella Blair. {army whisk holder; Mr. D. and Kate Cor- leLt, lelnonade set; Mr. .las. Hay; fancy Lump; Mr. J. A. Hunter. carv- nng set; Mrs. J. Kress. paper 0338. filling-pin and butter presses; Miss Bella Htlghcs. fancy teapot; Mr. W, Picken. half a 002. silver desert-’ Spoons; Miss Cuff, white bed spread; Mr R. L: Coxlent, half doz. tabla napkins; Mr. W. Collinson. pair linen towels; Mr. A. Jackson, chin. teaset; Mr. w. and A. Middleton,l doz. silver spoons and humor Imno .. ,hâ€" vv -v-vv- tu-vu' er; MISS Aggie E\\€‘U, fancy Cake plate; Mr. leliam \"essie, fancy .Iamp; Mr. Thos. Vessie, silver pickie I °. ‘er tea3poons ' ’ Mr. John Vessie, cdmforler; Miss Jennie Vessie, damask table Spiead ;' Mr. and Mrs. R Edge, fancy table spread; Mrs. .103. Lindsay, pair of pillous; Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander“ rocking chair; Mr, M and bax'ah Stewart,~ lemonade set; Mr. Mack and Dan McDonald and Miss: Clara! \1 'l'\ .r..\. n u'uc, ath‘l' crue Stand; Mr Dan \Vade, ha'f a (102. chairs and comb 021%; Mr G00. and Dolm- da Essen, {and} lLCking chair; Mr. liobt.Ewenjr..ca1vnwaet Mr.Jazs Ewen, halfa doz silxex teaspoons; \Jiss Rosxe Exxeu, glass “ ater pitch- 8’; MISS Aggria Run" r.” .. 1-“ .u. u. mcnmuou, groomsman, carving set; Mis: Lilly Wade. brides- maid, dinner met; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wade sr., bedruom set and s:deboard; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wade jr., pair of lace curtains and bread knife; Mr. W.J. \\ ade, extension tabla; Mr Sephm: Wade, Siiver cx'ue' Stand; ‘1'» r\.. .\ \l.’ -1 I I . . -' A very happy and pleasant event took place on ihe 14th inst, at the residence of Mr. Robert Wade, of Bentinck, when his eldest daughter Miss Maggie A.. was united in marri- age to Mr. John D. Ewen, of Regina, N. W. T. Rev. M. Graham perform- ed the marriage service as the happy . couple Stood under an immense gar. land of evergreens and artificial roses. The short and impressive words and vows were spoken which linked the lines of the Strong andI stalwart groom and happy bride as one, Miss Lilly Wade very nicely perfdrmed the duties of bridesn'mid, while a similar duty was performed the groom by Mr. M. G. McKinnon. a. schoolxnnte and life long friend, 0! the groom. The bride was tastily dressed in white muslin trimmed with lace and ribbon, and wore a Wreath of pink carnations and rOse- birds. The maid of honor looked handsome in e. costume of blue cush- lmere withilace’ trimmings. After [the ceremony a splendid repasr was 'disposed 01 by over 70 guesw. after which a. happy eyening was Spent in 2 various ways. Crokinole and numc-r- ' , ous parlor games weie indulged in by those'of a sedate turn of mind while those of a more lively disposi- tion kept time in treading the away dance only stopping for inlermission when another exce'lent I'szlSi, was sand. The popularity of the bride and groom was fully exemplified by the numerous, costly and useful pres. ents. We give the list:â€" From groom to bride, a fur coat; 2 Mr. M. G. McKinnon, groomsman, c. carving set; .\-lis: Lilly Wade. brides-I 1“ maid, dinner set; Air. and Mrs. R. \V'dde 5"” bedroom 89.! Mini QIrioluxo-ul- . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE came to hand. last week enlarged and imprqv- fed. The enlargement was very mu'ch requn'ed. Always a good loual paper ., it is now doubiy so.â€"Archur Euler I prise. We notice with pleasure the im- prowmems recently made in'l‘ma DURaAa szoxmu-z. The pgper has been enlarged from 40 columns to 56 'c.o£umns, thus doing away with sup- plements that are BXpensive to the publisher and almosr useless to the advertiser. Mr. Irwin deserves the approyal of his patrons in making ~uch a change in his paper. THE CHRONICLE will pass muster with cred- it “hen compared with any of the ‘xeeklies of the county of Grey.â€" b‘helburne Free Press. I alf doz. plates. 'cups and iss May and SeiiuaTruax. dessert plates and fruit . Gordon Lindsay. fancy Mr Jas. and May Wilson. DORNOCH. l tm‘ service at Lot 17. Concession 5, Glenglg. Centre, two pure bred boars. one Yorkshire and one Berkshire. Terms 8!. Dec. '28. 1899‘ l for service at Lot 2:}, Concessinn 4. N. I). R., Bentinck. two.pm°e bted Berk- shire Boar's. Registered pedigrew may be seen on application. Terms $1.00. ROBT. BRITTON, Proprietor. Dec. 28. *2m Allan Park HE UNDERSIGNED WILL keep for service at Lot 23:. Concessinn 4. 1 for service at Lots 45 and 46. Con. 3, N. D. R., .1 Pure Bred Chester White Boar. Registered Pedigree may be seen on appli- cation. 'l‘ERMSELOO. l.) Melligan I’ruperty on (,z‘eorge Street. one awe of gnud land in good Lueatmn, a desirable reqdeuoe, will be sold on easy terms. Apply :0 ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to \V CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17, 1900. if - Jan. 22, 1900 HE UN DERSIgN ED XVILL_ keep G: 0. harass or to ED. KRES§ Jan. 171900. If {)nr Boars for Service. 1 Street North. in the Town of Durhau‘. cunmiuings acres. All cleared and in good state uf cultivation. 3 acres 0f gnud bear- ing: orchard. 200d lncality, will be sold an easy ienm if bought soon. For further particulars apply to Bears for Service. or - _-_v.----u AJVUUU, [1 with seven acres of land in the Vil- lugre of l'rireville, suitable for a. retired farmer. Aim :1 shop and dwelling in the centre n? the village. \Viil be rented on reasonable terms to suitable panies. ALL WORK G UARAM‘EED at "Live and let live” PRICES. NEW Pours AND REP PAIRS. DIG. DRILL, Cum. Rn; CURB. PREb ‘S URI} “'II EDIGREED DURHAM BULL, COLOR RED. 17 months old. Lower .Town, mpg HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE OT 22?, CON. 11. BENTINCK Price $1,000 if sold before 1st March T. BROWN, Durham. ‘ an QI.M Boar for Service. A. GORDON E UNDERSIQNED WILL Keep Applyto R. L. Mourmmk. Free Press Otfice.:~jhelbu1ne toC. C. “MES, Pxiceville Out. Fcb.1 1‘00. 5.» Mar. 23, 99. y Debts Collected. Old Notes Bought. Ocean Tickets for sale. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills and other “’rit- iugs caretully drawn. . Fire, Life, Accident, Marine and Plate Glass IN- SURANCl-JS placed at lowest rates, 111 Good "onwaniea. Business Difficulties ammwed. Creditors settled with. Any and every 'iml of legitinmte lmai in.» attended to and everything kept 5'1 liIU' ‘LY PRIVATE. ALWAYS PROMPT. Never negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. ARK LQTS \O.:. 93 3, GEORGE GOOD FARMS and Qplendid Hanovel Proper ties F01: SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on commission. Debts Colkctul Old Notes Bought. on. A. w. CHASES GATABBH cums. "250 u". u. :llv‘v “nu" U~VU\~V uvuxuu l. g." u; uuu. Lllfly get ChBAPBK 11V TBRBS‘I and Bfil‘TER TLRMS. --‘_l,-l. H.’ MILLERâ€" Uas been at, the business for nearly 20 years and knows the ins and (mtg; 01 it, and always studies ('0 give his custmrers a good bargain, knowing that. in the and it ; ays him‘as veil as them, Thu t, in fact. is the rgztson xyhvjue to-da-y has the best business or the kuuf 111 Western Ontario. He has recently lent money to borrowers in W'alk- erton, in Durham. in Holland. near Mildmar. near Sufltham ton. a short distance from Owen Sound, and WE ' do people. rm to him from such great dis‘tances.’ Because t 0y make moncv by doing :50. i1 they didn‘t thov wouldn‘t go to rim. They mu nun .xnov'rmmrs‘oaon. , 3 ~r.~.~. Lmnh m”-.. . â€" "----\' u “51 “TELLS. ”A?! m-d'srsitaken at the ’old stand nom- .Vchnwan‘s Mill or at Shop at Charter QIY\;f‘|‘u L‘l\1l‘\‘] ..-- Smith :5 Foundx‘v. U Even body seems :0 “ant MONEY. and ['1‘ Is SURPRISING ho“ many} people go for it to BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish M9NEV;$$-$$; amps. Bail For Sale. L436»: 8 ROOKIED HOUSE JOHN \ICVICAR, Pomona M 2m - I) U Iii-1A M. H. H. M I LLER, ALL 11‘ WHAT YOU LIKE Farm for ISAAC WILKINSON. Val-1163" THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved blower. Heals me ulcers Clears the at: “neonn.\- nan-s” J_ Greeiibacks ; CASH ! JOHN HOPKINS, JR., PrOpM, ALLAN PARK. To Rent. GEORGE 'WHITMORE. . H - NI I L. L E R , . The Hanover Conveyancer Watchmaker and Jeweller, â€"-â€" â€"â€" DURHAM. 1m Sale. DURHAM Unfrham ‘ CHAS. McKINNON’S Sewing Machines. Winter Goods I iA’lPLEMENT WAREHBUMS _-_-, u“. ,1 Shoes made for all kinds nf diseased n“ deformed feet. A CALL SOLICII‘ED. No. 9 Nickle 139 Each ~ 2 for 250. Granite Wash Bowls, large size â€" Granite Pie Plates, 15-h] Mill Stree tâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block. Lowgr Town, I)urh:: Floor Oil Cloth, 4-H. G-in. widu 400 Yar . STOVESâ€"Alarge stock of Mc- Clary’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancv Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal StoVes. etc.. at prices that will surprise you. BELL PIANOS and Organs Floor Oil Cloth, 6,-ft. wide NEW WILLIAMS and BAY- MON D: a. Very Large Sroék Floor Oil Cloth. 45 in ROOT Pugpers, Straw Cutters. c CUTTERS~Large Stock. BeSt Makes, Cheaper than ever. RQBES â€"-La.rge Variety, from I AA Logs will he classgd according to quality and Size. and to be. cut as much as possible, 12 ft. long, allow- ing three inches. '1th6 Oil Cloth, 45-h) wide General Blacksmith. FOBSESHQEING A SPECIAL-TY gMAPLE $9.00 $7 00 i . BIRCH 9 00 7 00 fiOF'P ELM 9.00 7.CO ' BASS-WOOD 9 00 7.00 BEECH, 7 00 5.00 BLACK ASH ll 00 8 00 PINE cut 14ft. 11.00 8.00 CEDAR 6 00 5.00 SPRUCE ”7.00 HEMLOCK $4 to S"; accord’g TAMARAC $4 to $3 ” QMORAN, _ â€"-â€"â€"-w"m ! Studefiiâ€"Au‘mmed Any Time _! g ((1/4 , z; ' VIV‘ of the lateSL {Improved Cabi- net and Drop 'l‘on Stands. at The Very Lowest. Prices. SEE THEM! $4 00 up. UPPER TQ WN â€" DURHAM. Plated Ten Ke: $13 110 â€"â€" 0 Each. . BEAN. J. W. ORA WFORD $9.00 57 00 0500' 900 700 5.00 9.00 7.00 500 900 7.00 5300 700 5.00 400 1100 800 500 11.00 8.00 500 000 5.00 4.00 wide 250 Each. 200 Yard. 32c Yard. Caidsr’s Bios-k, to leng. :am 0‘ . \9) 0 4x \ gags! \\ %\ 4.‘ 2’» SIQS” S 'm‘ ’1 Mar VJ \ 0 ES Sfl k... L \ mad I: \ $70-o-- ’1] Parker’s Horse and Cattle Spice~--7 ib. Packages, 25c n3! lmpsrt of Field and Garden Seeds 3 l gains ! February stock - takjng, but We are oow_lgusy Balgaéns I ?§’= Store. k" I .0 9‘

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