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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1900, p. 5

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During the conversation alluded tc, my friend apohgizetl for the cor- ruption in the Giit Party. by the emigration from the Uonsetvative Part3, \\ hich added in number but a. subtraction in political purity. I III- plied by quoting the adage: “ Birds of a feather flock tOgI-ther,” anal, While the Grit Party is a. bum for the renegate castaways ot the Conserve tives, the3 “ill be viewed With so- spicion by the public at laIgeâ€"moxe than sUSpicion, for the dozngs of the Part-3', from Pliuce Edna“) Istaud to Vancouver, has fiIleIl the minds of :1! true Reformers â€"all patriotic lov- ers of theIr countryâ€"wilii loathing end diszust. Is this the Party cm- rupting the man, or the man corrupt- ing the Paaty ? The Reform Part3- , up to the year 18523, was as l03al to the Lton II And patriosic to theit Countr3, as were the Conservatite- Tones, but since that period the Grit party has become the. refuwe of rebels, annexa- tionists, and mom! outlaws, that to- flat) the political atmospheIe is a stench in the nostIIls 0. all tIue Reforiners. Look at John ChaI ltoII who betrayed political seciets to [he ' Yankees so the3 coIIld Checkmate our men on the Tarifi question Take the Yukon. Ciow’ s Nest and Dunn mond Couut3 Rallway svx indies. and the entire party. iIIcltIdIng Dr Lsnderkin, Stand self couvIcted be- fore the great tribunal of public opinion, with having sacrificed the financial interests of the UOIIIinIon ; gnd. but for the intervention of the Senate, the calamity would have been greater. or was it. THEY \th. corrupted and defaxued the Party ? There are none so blind as 'those who wall 301‘ 33c. I refcrred my {fiend to the revelations aneuc the misdoiugs of the Gut party in Mazu- toba. durmg the past, eight years. but more capeczally dunug the nut three years. 'l‘heu‘ polmml jugglery on the Separate School QU'Jbtluu was :1 piece of low clncaucry in which the Juurier party took an infamous aha.» e in the odium of that. u‘ausacuon. I now refer mv crusry neighbor to answer. Was It the Party who cor- ;upted Laurier. 'l‘arte am. GrceuWay But. to return to Manitoba: Green- wsy was on the point of being oust- ed on a " want of confidence ” voxe in the Legislature \'~ hen he spluug the Seperate School Que- tion upon the e'ectorate. tie retusel medit- tion or compromise; the BOWell- Tapper Cabinet exhausted every means in then power to achieve an amicable settlement, but Greetnvay remained obduxate. At this time Laurier was proclaiming ftom stump and platform from Outat l0 to Bl itislt Calumbia that no Sepatate Schools Ibould axis: in Manitoba. and by a secret understanding with the hier- archy in Quebec he assured the habitantsthat 11» Would not r- a after humming power until the [Usnullly in Manitoba. had jusnce meted. out to them. To day, and during the past the Separate Sch‘ols in the tural diatricts of Manitoba as they were before the passing of the Act for . heir abolition. Greeuway - serred urier nOt wisely. but too well, for. the Separate School bolume: ang which be aimed for the destruction of the Conservathes in aid of Laurier has given himsoll’_ the final blow which .Em'rou Cnaoanzc : -â€"A cranky gen- tbtnan \\ ho ln‘es naeau' this burgh. and who boasts um he newer gave a, ¢Conservative vote in his life. even in ,mnuictpal contests, maintains the theory that the Pa; tv Wall purify the gun. while I maintain that the man will pollute the Party. He (OutrndS thnt acorrup politicean wdl becuue immaculate upon entering the arena of Grit politics; that the afflatus of saucity hovers over, guides, perme- ates every nook. comm. m'eviCc and cranny of a. Grit caucus or Other assembly Miles-McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on 'Aorms to suit borrower. in: ccusigued him. fittiugly, to political limbo. Greenway attained to power. and maintained himself therein. by false issue-s and deceit, a»: the following will 8}}Ojs‘o'2 I CAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. COBVL1A\LLR CO}! HISSIONER m H. C J. Collections pr mptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected “ithom dev lay. Company and Prhate F uuds to Loan 5:5, Edam} 6 per cent. in sums and upon r' v o o termâ€"s to suit borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. ONOR GRADUATE 0p TRINITY Colleg 9. Toronto; Member of the Col haze of Pin sicians and Surgeons Ontario: Nanber of the Detroit Medical a: d Library: Association. Six years howital experience Dr. Bard, M. C. P. 85 S. O. Successor to Dr. PARK, WIDEXCBâ€"Old Bank Building. opposite C. man’s Imp't Shop. Upper '1‘ own, DURHAM. HILL STREET, -- -â€" DURHAM. ip-er'aldefi t9 the? {vorld wi_nh_trump_et Apngber of branch railways have ; W. L. MacKENZIE, ’ARRIS'I‘ER. NOTARY, CON- ' VEYAXCER. Etc.. Etc. E. J. FREEL M. 0., C. M. w. s. DAVIDSON, :February 22nd, MBLANGE ' DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Anmher great discovery has been made. and that too by a lady in this cuuntry. “ D.svase fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood the severest. tests but her vital organs Were un- ;"de1miued and death seemed immiâ€" Inent. Fox three11101xrhsshecoughcd m1 ewanth and could not slel‘p. She §fi1111l' y disco'. exed a way to recm 31 v by p111':ch1i.; of us a. bottle of Dr. King‘s New Diqcovery for Consump- tion. and was so much reiieved on taking first dose, that she slept. all night; and with two bottles, has lbeen awoluteh cured Her name is 1M1” L11: her Lutz.’ lhus writes \V. Hammxck Co . of She1by. N. C. S)“ b_\ a” Mugrisss at. 00 c 1113 and $1.00. E1 my boztle gumauteed. iblasc, loud and long. while at the isame time he issued bonus bonds by lOrder-in- Council, unknown to all lsave his Cabinet colleagues, as fol- slous: The prattle of the children round his fatherly knee makes the Bum-s- sun mam sympathise with us in our loneliness. l‘hanks. Mr. Man, {of your kind consideration for this poor bachelor‘s fate. was feared it might. sufl'er somewhat by the typeoux'aphiCaJ error announc- mg it Tuesdav instead of Snaduv, winch We 1)? esmne was the Dmil” uoxk, using 501:: ueuspapen lingo. Mr. Thus. Smith is‘ exchanging Teacher Dixon “(3 are pleased to repout is all u k and 011 dutv awain. \I1.Phiiio McKeclmie,\\l1o tilled his place fer a. fen weiks, made many f1ie11ds duiing his sray The Rev. Ryan’s Service of Prayer for peace and promotion in South Africa was We“ attended although it. In imitation of MacKenzie and Laurier in the Cabinet of 1873-78. who made appointments to office and emered into fimmcial engagements three months after theirdefeut at. the poll; hence Mr. GreeuWay hedecked his cap with a. tail-{cutiler from the plumage of each of his immortal and mortal chiefmins, and by the con- venient Order-iu-Council guaranteed the bonds of the South Easrern R R. to the. tune of $8000 per mile, which runs a discance of 42 miles through the State of Minnesota. Yours truly, ONCE A GRIT. Egremont, Feb)’. 10th, 1900. The Snowflake branch, 17 miles, do.do.do. The G. N. \V. C. from Hamiota to Minotu, 23 milea. $1750 per mile. The C. P R. gets $1750 per mile on the Lao du Bonnet branch, 22 miles. and 20 years exemption from taxation. The \Vaskada branch. Deloraine to VVgskada, 23 miles, 3'750 pen mile. Wald ~ ‘Qul {I been started in Manitoba during the past 2-3 years. t0 all of which Mr. Greenway. publicly, refused bonus aid, a statement which his followers gun-no" “nonmâ€"qnc-0"_m- 8 i i l i “t 300“." You have used aii' sorts of emigh reme- dies but it does not; yield; it is tee dee peg seated. ii: m? ..y weari itself out m time, but? it is me. e iiabie =produee [a gripe: pneumen: a or a seri- 023$ throat aiieetion. Yea need something! that wii! give you? strength and build? up the body. I 0 Q - - O - ONO-ON-I-IlfltCâ€"o"! 5 will do this when everything 5 1: else fails. There is no doubt | {about it. it nourishes,' '. strengthens, builds up and § g makes the body strong and | E healthy, not oniy to throw :- 1 off this hard cough, but to I tfortify the system against§ ; further attacks. If you are i run down or emaciated you E : should certainly take this i i nourishing food medicine. ' : SCWT‘S HEMUiS ON 0C. and Fx.oo, ail druggists. SCO 6: BOWNE, Chemiszs. Toronto. CO BNE‘R CONCERN S. £5“? I “3‘33 Wad III-mu- roar-g i The Patriotic Concert, Spoken of a fortnight ago, is to take place in the School on Friday night, March 2nd. The local committee are making ready, putting: the building in order. so that etergone present can have a good View and the performers ample ,room and chance to give some of Etlie excellent drills and other good performances which have received ;excellent preparation by Durham’s ' bes: talent. Come early and secure _a seat. Admission only 15 cents here ' for the same performonce, which de- mands ‘35 cents at other places. -â€".â€".-â€"- The School Concert which every one had been looking forward to for so long came off on Friday night last It was a lovely night and peOple Came from far and near until evely inch of Standing rqom was taken and many could not get in. The pimgram was eacvlient and reflects much credit upon the teacher. Mr CollinSon. Mr. Chas. Mofiat acted airinurinan. Some of the chief features of the evening Were " Brian O’Linn,” a. play in two acts. “ The Lily Drill” by Sixteen girls dressed in white, two dialogues by the scholars entitled “ A Scene at! a Railway Station ” and “ Bob town School.” A duet by two small girls. May Spittel and Clara Greenwood. Messas. Edwards and Graham, two former teachers in the Qichcol, were present and spoke a few words to their old scholars and friends. Mr. Graham drove from Booth‘ville, a. distance of seventeen miles to be present. The orchestra supplied the music. The program closed with’a farce entitled "The coming man” ;and the singing of "God Save the iQneen.” Proceeds $39.60. 9places with Mr. Frank Woods. of . Welbeck, or at least Tom is moving onto the farm vacated by Frank who has purchased Mr. S. T. Orchard’s farm. Welbeck gets a good citizen and no doubt the Corners does also. After he has subscribed’for and read THE CHRONICLE for a while he will be‘ ; aDyWay. 1 Mr. James- Swansron is golng his ' rounds assess’ng again. The bare _ fields enables him to note every im- provement which he would otherwise i probably not hear anything nbouc. We are pleased to hear that. Mrs Chas. Muff-ac. who has been on the sick list, is on the way to recovery. Mr. D. McFayden sold ‘a team of horses last- ween {or the large sum "of $185. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edge and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Edge have been laid up With la grippe for the past. week. We are glad to hear that Miss Maguie Ectox who has been on the sick 1 st, for some time is able to no mound again. Mr R. Haslip lost a. valuable horse last week. This is the second one he has lost within a year. Mr. George Rncbie also lost. a fine horse last week. La grippe is going its rounds again. hnzu'ly everyone is having a touch of it. M 1'. Christopliei Williams has gone to Hamilton to Spend“ few weeks with his son Albeit. Mr .Tas. Shields, who has speutu faituful year in the servins of Mr Jas. Mc\leekin, is Spending a few weeks at. his home near Prnceville, before leaving for Carman, Man. Miss 31. Mack writes home that shchns been spending a few weeks with Rev. 311‘. Elm), Chaplain of prison ‘4' Stoney Mountam He was stationed at. Durham and Lawrence Hall many years ago and wishes o be remembered to the pxouecr settlurs of those places, esmcially Mr, and Mrs R Aljoe. Sr., With whom he was particularly well acqumnted, Mrs. J. McClacken is spendinga few necks with her daughter, Mrs. R. Adams near Holstein. A meeting: was held in the School House on Friday night in the interest of the HolSIein Bindertwiuc Factory. The only objection anyone had against subscribing stock was the system of voting according to the number of shares held, fearing some, man might have more money than good honest principles in managing the afiairs in the interests of all, but we understand some of the mosr, moneyed men in the affair are xx illing to limit their v0ting power consider- ably in the matter and make every thing satisfactory so that it is likely to succeed. Some of our citizens, who have al- ways delighted in being among the immmxse gatherings at Edke HI“. took in the concert at, that place on Fridav night. also. ou'were much impressed by the crowd. \iesdnmes Brandon and Ruddy. of Belgxave and Blyt‘x, have been spending the past. “eek with their stter. Mrs. Jas. Tucker, and other friends around here. They are both well known having resided here a few years, more than a decade ago, and are receiving hearty welcome Mrs McMillan, who has been visit- ing the Hay family for the past few momhs. returned to her home in Boston a week ago. The goesips report a wedding in the neighborhood verv soon and a change of that kind will be all right, as things have been very quiet. of late. Messrs. AEex. Allan and Sam Chap- man both had successful wagd bees last week and at the former place a party at night. EDGE HILL. O‘..o.â€". THE DURHAM ‘CHRONICLE. Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomzu-hand Liveraro out uf order. All such shuuld know that. Dr. King’s New Life Pilh, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy. gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bndily habit that insures pex'fvct health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any Drug Store, Dr.’ Agnew’ s Catarrhal Powderl has proved itself a. wonderful What more appropriate name could be applied to that most insidieus and universal of diseases === Catarrh === which affects nine hundred in every thousand of our peepie. It makes life worth liv- ingâ€"it helpsjn a hurry and it cures permanent- lyâ€"relief in 10 to 60 minutes. There is ~to be a. meeting of farmers in the School this Tuesday evening for the purpose of talking up a. bind- er twine factory {or Holstein. The idea is to have it owned and run by farmers. We ’ believe the thing ought. to. be a. success. It is difficult- for farmers to “ark lane: tagether through anything of that. kind. We notice that Mr. G. Binnie is the pro- visional president. - So-called cures come and go and ban“; a week passes but some new claimant as a. cure for catauh pne- sents itself. only to fail in its mis sion, add another disappointmqnt to Miss S. .‘x‘IcKiimnn has Spent. a coup- le of weeks visiting friends here. The Rev Mr Far quhzrson pxpach- ed in the Baptism chmch lasts unday. There was a laxge congregation [O hem" him. ~ “’eary of experimenting with sakes. suppositoriee and ointmex-ts and dreading a surgical operatiun. scores and hundreds have tm ned to Dr. A. W. Chase’s Ointment and fnuml in it an abmlute cure fur piies. The first am‘lication brings relief from tho, terrib!e itching. and it is very seldom that more thaucme box is required to etfect a permanent cure. ' Messrs .Eden and Carson are e: .- “awed out at A\ ton taking out timbm for a large but u for C Fonbws. The Ayton people know when they ge' good contractors Miss Hazel McGregor made a brief visa, to McComb’s. Quinren Pettigrew has been to Germany and purchased a few good horses. Quinteu knows a gaod thing.- when he sees in. Mr. Humphrys will hold forth in the church next Sunday. Every body come to hear him. \There was prayer meeting at Mr V ..J Young’s last week. The Rev. Mr. Farquhalson conducted in. We see no zeaSon why there could not; be prayer meeting: every week'in this section. There is an excellent open- ing, and some one is failing in his duty. BttneRSzm was well represented at. the famous Edge Hill concert last Friday ewning. some counle of dtfz' en people attending While great traise can be given the Edge Hill people for the suc'ccsS of their con- cert, so far as prOgramme. crowd and receipts go. yet there wan a signal failure it. the way of handling! tie remarkahly. large attendance Edge Hill people might take a. lesson from Bunessan in that t'estiect. Messrs. A. and J. Brown, from Bentiuck. are visiting Beacon friends in the neighborhood. Mr. Archie Little and his sister from Teeswater, were the guests of their cousin, M r. Adam Little. Mr. Roht. Petty has ”3de farms with his father. Bob is going to live on the old homestead and Jim is go- ing to move unto Bob’s farm, George is going to take a trip to the West. Mr. R. B. Irvine has purchased a few horses, He intends taking a mixed car load of s‘ock, cattle and horses. in Pettigrew will accom- pany him. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark were visit- ing the latter’s parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCalmon were visiting the parental homes last week. THE APPETI‘I’E OF A GOAT. DREADING AN OPERATION. BUNESSAN. VARN EY . ... -‘-â€"â€"-â€"-â€" %’Tousilitis. That. it has proved i "work thousands of times, egg-t, Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder has been for many years before the pub- lic as the surest. safest. most. harm- less, quickest and most permanent treatment for Catarrh, Hay Fever, Cold in the Head. Sore Throat. Influ- _en,_,z.g, Catarrhul Deafness. Headache she long list of disappointments in the line of permanent cures’for this most universal and discressing dis- ease. Mr J. H Adams. of Hanover. pre- Semted a cheque for $20 00 last. week to the Ladies’ Aid Sucierv of that town. the contribution being a dona- tion to the buihling fund. from Mr. Joseph McCravken. of Coming. Ar- kansas. An accompanying letter showed the contribution was made out of respect to his mother who is an honored mem‘erof the Society. The ladies were pleasantly surprised. The Berlin School Bond votud $50 to the Red Cross. but the chairman on the advice of his solicitor refused to Sign the cheque as it is illegal for School Bcag'tls to vote money for other tlngn School purposes. Clm-ksburgz had {car last week of being flooded out. owing: to an ice gorge in the Beaver. Two or three times previously they have had close calls, and are always watchful dur- ing spring freshets. The V’iarton Echo building: nar- rcwly escaped destruction from fire last week. By means of the fire ap- pliances kept on the prmuises the flames weve extinguished without. the assistance of 1he fire brigade. A S" otch Concwt at Shallow Lake netted about. $40 for the Patniocic fund. To sufi'er the mast excruciating pains, to lose the us: of lxm‘m, a .d I J have Ihu juims swodcn and dxsfigured is the lot of the vicum of rheumatiam. The Listowel subscriptions to the Patriotic fund now amounts to over $500. ‘Gorrie is erecting a $3000 school Fordmicn another at $2 H500 The former is a two stoley building, the lattel one store}. The Hanover Post. secured the contract for the. Beminck printing. while the Glenely work goes to the the Markdale Standard. They’re not very fun jobs, and consequently we’ll not envy them. Chesley by private subscription and a ecucert. has raised about. $175 for the Patriotic fund. Moaford Cent 9. deputatlon to Ot- taWu 1o appl) fax a. glam to impxove theix haxbor. The W alkerton Telescope. publishes a partial list of subscription to the Patrimic fund, which shows $2390.10 paid in. The full returns will likely SWeH the fund considerably. The, Twanging Pains . . .of Rheumazism Uric acid in the Mood is the cause of rheumati m. If the k1dncx s are actzve they remove tnc uric acid. That is their Special w.ork If, on the other hmd, the kinnqs are deranged. there is sure to be uric acid 111 the blood and rhcumatic pains through the bUdy. No amount of liniment will ever cure rheumatism. It snmetxmes relieves, but (:‘u're can only be bruught about by setting the kidneys right. The most efiecdve lud- ney remedy known to man is Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Piils. They cure rheumai~m Ermanently by making the kidneys aetive their work of removing the uric actd from the blood. ' Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills positively cure backache lumnago rheumatism and all disorders of the kidneys and liver. 0 e ill a dose. 25¢. a b -x, at ail dcalers, or ,_ dmanson, Bates Co.. Toronto. â€" x4. Mr. Robt. Shannon. a pioneer of Artemvsia, died at. his Home in Me- lancrhon, from heart failure on the 7th inst. Are Caused by Uric Acid Being szt in the Blood by Diseased Kidneys; . . . . . District Dots Apart from the Splendid evidence of the curative powers of Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder received from people of all ranks and (-tudéticns of men. from the laborer in the street to the judge on the bench. The most eminent nose and throat spec- ialists concede it the greatest cure. give it tiieir/ unqualified eudorsation and show their practical faith in it bs' using it in their daily praCLice. west. north and south, over the continent. is all« wed by the thous- ands of unsolicited testimonials that. have been received by those who have suffered from the Catarrh M2.- lady in all its forms. and for periods of sufl'ering. whether the limit; of a few days of Influenza or Gold in the Head to the cure of stub- born and deep-seated Catarrhof the Head or_Nose, covering the almost increditable period of fifty years. l 9' Snow Rooms OVER wants STORE. __ _w my g a o a kwéfiég w!‘ Dr. Agneiv‘s Cutanbal Powder I beg); to intimate that ? I am stili in Busiaess. .~ and prepared to supply j the public with any: thing in the Millinery : me. S. BSLBERTSQH. DURHAM. 1 Dr. Agnew’s Ointment eâ€"XVhen the skin seems faith on fine from itchin" skin diseases, one application wiii give 'quick and permanent. cum. 3i! l‘Dx. Ag: e“ 's Lixex Pills cure Live; ' :20 cent-8 for 40 dos“. “109.: right to the seat of the trouble. “It amacks the disease. rmnoves the icmme, cleanses and heals the parts, 'quickly and pvrmanently. The ‘treaunent is simple. the applications are easily made, perfec'ly painless, and in ten to sixry minutes after ap- iplying, relief follows. It’s so wand.- Jerfully seat-'chiug. and yet so soot}.- ging. comfort comes like magic. _-- .-...., Dr. Agneu’s Cure for the Bear; stops nalpitation, smorhetiug. short: ness of breath. pains about, the heart, gives relief in 30 mmuxes, Mrs M. Greenwood, of 904 Adelaide street west, Toronto. Says. in sulmtantiation of the claims of Dr. Agnew’s Catar: lnal Ponder. ° "1 am so well plvae, ed with Dr, Agnew’s Ca- tal'rhal Ponder and the good results derived from it, that I hardly know how to eXpress myself. For years I was a great sufferer [rum Catan'h in the Head and 'l‘hroac, I tried many remedies \xitllont g:,ettin;_r relief until. I began using D1. Agnew’ s Catarrhal Ponder. Ab lew applications gave me great comfort and relief, I con- tinued using it. and now every veStage of the trouble l-as gone and. words fail me to express the grati- tude I feel at being freed from this loathsome diseace.” Shop will be open every Wednesday and Szuuxfiay. Ail RTP \1RI\(J prompth and prop- 91h artcudgd to. kw. D. cows. E? r ‘ -‘ ' ’ H.311)» (sf ail his‘aés. W. B. GMNQR Gah'anized and Iron Pip-â€" ing; Brass. Brass Lined ‘ 11d Iron Cylinders. Pumpsfmm $2 upwar . Jarrw “3' Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"

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