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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Mar 1900, p. 1

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mist. in taking up the collection. one of the gentleman \\ ho usuallx helpml in the work bung absent. The r°elix ed raluay man smued down the aisle with the contribmion bear. and passed it. round like an o'd ham! at the busiuPSs. Ewrything passed off smoothlv until he reached a 20m] brofller. who had nodded himself fast. asleep b n jut as he a as about to paw h m be was an! lenl} over- '\come by the force 3f habit acquire“ k‘fil his railwar dams. Tapping the ;;_8109piug brother with the bag he .. nted-J‘ Ticket please. ” A GOOD Stomr', says London Tit-Bits ;oomes from a little town in the Mid =lands. Among the members of the EKnox church is an old retired railway {guard and ticket collector. Dun-ins: .cho morning service at his church n02. 'xn‘auy Sundays ago the railway man -was called upon by the minister to Os «Interim: McKechnips’ new store The Other eanimz, our me was are rested at the sight of new Slimpcon computing scale, one of the latPSt of that kind oLlabor saving devives now on the market. \X 9 wer e plpawd to note the contrast. in the appearance vw-vv‘ goods made with p‘entv of room for display comparel with the same goods wiwn crowded for Space. Mr. McKechnie tvlls us tlle are- cpening out a. number of new lines, new-r be- 'fore carried by thP firm, and showed 'us a. large assortment uf valiceq. tel- escape»: and satchvls. as well as a “large supply of blind rollers. va goods are arriving every wepk and bySpring the whole S'ore bmh up stairs and down will be literallv packed with all varioties of merchan disc. usxully found’ in a. genie-ml atorea \ r". Tm: Curling Club have arranged or a grand concvrt for the 6th of Etch and hue Suvnred Fax cf Tor- to, Geordie Hamilton of Atwood, (1 Miss Renwick of Bremen», be- “ 'des other talpnt. This will be one inf the beet concerts of the season. Plan of Reserved Seats now open at -MacFarlane’s Drug Strre Secure your seats early and avoid the rush on the evening of the concert. A? the meet 11;: of the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodg in Toronto last. wee-k the sum of $500 was Von-d as a con- tributiou to the Canadian Patrioric Fund. It was also decided to kvep the mpmbers of the ordwr on service in South Africa in good standing, 1:! another column, Mr. Knapp ofiers $50 reward for information leading to the couvicrion of anyone who has been charging him with pympathy to the Boers in tiw preSrnx conflict in South Africa. His letter has a. loyal British ring: about it. NOTICE.â€"AU parties indébtod to me will please call at the (Nephew ofice anu settle their account b3 cash -or note. W. LAwLAW. Fax's song and pragram will be entirelv new at the Curlers’ Concert, on March 6th and the best ever given by him in Durham. Come and have a. hem-v.5 laugh. A DESIRABLE improvement has been made at the- Station by the introduc- tion of electric lights to replace the coal oil lamps. THE Spring Assizws will Open m Owen Sound. \larch 6th, with Cham- cellor Boyd presiding. an hams. bacon and side meat cured by S. Arrowsmnh at. The Big Store. They are Chuice. A SCHOOL Concext at Holstein will be held Friday evening next. Part proceeds in aid of the Patriotic Fund. Admission 10c. Mu. JAMES FAX. the People’s Jimmy. wull be at. the Curler’s Con- cert March 6th. “'00:; WAM‘EQ- 20 Cords cf inch maple {or which cash will paid. Apply at thus ofiice. Punt horsb for sale. 8 ypars old. Good plough horse. quiet. $65 quick sale J. A. Hunter. Lss‘r commenced yesterday, Feb. 28th. Milk has gone up to five ce'ntsa. quart in Walkerzon. F3281! Naval oranges at. The Big Store. J A. Hunter. NEW piquet and prints at The Big Stem. Vol. 33---No. 1721. The Park Hill Basket Factory is likely to be removed to Owe-u Sound NEW house paints at The Big Store. LOCAL NEWS. Zr! MR. AND Mus James Borr left, Thursday morning last week for their home in the North West. The ed _\‘ot.n)g' maple were married on Feb 20th by the Rev Mr. Mather. of Ehnwood. in the home of the bride’s M- parents, Mr. '1‘. Clarke, 12 con Ben- ’ tinck. and m defervnce to the wishes of the bridegroom’s.mOthm°. Mrs. Butt? of Durant. who has just. re. Mlceive't worthof the sudden, death of re her brother rn Enghmd. The wed sh ' ding was strtctly private. of )9- he .\~1»Hn‘ulisr Chm'cheg in the morning and cumin: I‘nsg‘vecrivo-llv, While Mr. ergnson mnk the work in tha Bap- tist,a.mt Presbyterian Churches. It is to he hope-l that. thpse fraternal in- {ex-changes will have thu tendency of unifx'ing if not uniting. the dfiérenb religious denominations. MR H W. HUNT, who recently re turned. from a vism to the Clifl'ord \Viiiows Stock Farm, at Indianapolis Speaks highly of the treatment he recviv.d in the Hoosier State. On this farm are over fifty fashionably trotting bred horses. Mr. Fletcher, the pruprievor, is a gentleman of re- finement and wealth, and as such he enteruaius Lis visitors whether on busim-Ss‘ or pleasure. Mr. Hunt brough. back from this farm 9. r03 31 bred Wilke< colt purchased there b, “1'. J. A. Hunter. This grand colt should prove a. valuable acquisition to the breeding iiimrpsts of this locality. am showing 3011 jmt now THE lmmeliev man in Coneress is MI°.EI1IIy of Mianenta He rather glories in the distinctinn of uglumsq. especvally as all his other character- isti0‘ are enviable. During th» lasr. Iampaign the enpmies of Mr. Eddy chrfigwd him with being doublefaced He mm the charge in a manner th It disaIIned all CIiIicism . ”:Great lIeaVeIIs ” said .\II. Elix to his audi i iPHCP. "do vou rhink that if I had two faces I would wear the one I. MR. .Iozxx CULBER'P, of Glenelg, whvs-e. Sale of Stock and implements, takes place today, Thursday, Was very persiszexzt tha: we should m- x'unute to his' creduors in Durham, mat. on Saturday next he will be a: the Ktmpp House to Settle up with evvrybody. We do so with the hope that, his promise will materialize, and also with [ha hope that we may have the pleasure of announcing the results .11 our next issue. IN order to give mnuv a. chance to hear Fax who were turned away for want of room from the Sons of Scot- lanfi Coucezt the Curlers have again secured him for the evening of the 6th of Match. and a! so the lamous blotch singer, (an-01 gt: Hamilton, of Atwood, Miss Renwick, of Dromore, and Other talent This concern should draw a cruwdcd house. THE Rev Mr Bosworth. repre- senting the Grande Leigne Mission. Quchec. lectured in the Baptist church here Monday last on the needs of the above InStitute among the French. Mr. Buswm'th, who is a fluent speaker, gave consider- nhle infurmutiuu about the work being done there and was listened to with d. cp immwsx by all present. CASH FOR Woou.â€"Any quantity of; ‘Greeu W Owl bought. for cash. \V.‘ A BAD SMASH- ‘0" MODdaY fine!" :Laiulaw. Call at the Telephone noon last while Drayman Elvidge iOmce, .was putting on a. load of goods for lshipment from the store of Messrs Mus. B. E. GUEST. sister of Mrs N. G. J. McKechuie he left his J. H. Hunter and relict of the late horses standing as he usually does. Ur Ghent, formerly of Pi‘icevillo.;with the end of the sleigh tOWards ,died at her home in Toronto, 44zthe sidewalk Whileinside carrying Trauby AVcnue, ou Feby. 22. out the gnuds. butter or eggs. we think it was. the horses became rest- FOR SALEâ€"Saw and Shingle Mill. 5 less, it is supposed on account of the EPlenty of timber .\ltil in good run-:00Id and in some way b’wkfld “P Him: order. ‘ Good paying business. sudden'é’ again”. the large plate \Yill be sold cheap Intending par-$13“ “:mdow “'h'Ch they smashed chasm“ can get terms by appl, ing to- into smithereens. The glass which ED, SYKtzs. Lady Bank was worth fifty or sixty dollars is in ; __.._.____. surered. 'l‘he misfortune was purely; Dr Jamieson is at present in Toron- accidental and no blame is attachedl to attending to his duties at. the to anyone. arm nde to as usual by another med- ical man. Dr. Jamiesou himself comes home regularly every Friday night. and remains null Monday afternoon. Dr Jamieson is at present in Toron- t0 atxmidiug to his duties at. the Local Legislature. and during his abwucv his practice and ofice will be FOR SALE-Saw and Shingle Mill. Plr-my of timber M13! in gpod run- ning order. ’ Good paying busim-ss. “‘3” be sold cheap Intending pur- chasm-s can get terms by appl, iug to E0. Sums. Lady Bank Mus. B. E. Gunter. skater of Mrs J. H. Hunter and relict of the late Dr Ghent, formerly of Pricevillo. died at her home in Toronto, 44 Trauby AVcnue, on Feby. 22. Dox’r buy your Spring dress until fornia. which went ashore on Ram you see the new goods at The Big Island just outside of Portland. has Store. ,on board as part of her cargo. the ____. .‘filst contingent of furniture- made to Pym-3 linsepd meal. just the thing England by the Durham Pu-niture for ptuck’ 6 lbs. for 256 at. The 15%; Co. It seems unfortunate that the Store' . first shipmentshould meet. with such I ill luck. ' NEW laces and embroideries at. The Big a'tvre. RARE paper and carpet. at. The Big HAVE you paid anvthing for your Store. paper during the pass threa years? If not, isn't it time you’d whack up? xv“... 1..-_‘ _,_J A“‘__A:AAH:AA A‘ in biamo-zl Em; for having: brains that could memorlzn your own profiuc- tions,-â€"-why evm: idiots have been known to have the memorizing facul- ty strongly deveIOped -what we blamed you for was the apparpm lack of brains that hinders you from seeing when you makn a bore of yourself, and even leads you some- times to forget that you ought to be a gontleman when in the public aye anyway; we might add that hinders you from seoing that editors have a more dignified part to play than rIIShinginto Uprsonalities whenever they lmpan to takn opposite views- °" We. wish to put vou right In an o'her matter Bro Irwin We never Cowman, - MEREDITHâ€"In Durham. UH T.xesda\'. Feb. 57th. at the re<idnnce of the' brida's mother. bv the Rev. F; Ryan Rectur of Priuity Chm-ch. H.; V.Cottrell. of ~Yarth Read. 8. 0.. ho - Gertrude Uliva. daughter of 51:8, Thanks Meredith. ' ' " 13 tWHen abusive personalities. and in- dignities on our part, and his pure charitable manifestation of brotherly kindtwss, sanctified by a. desire to ab<tain from personalities and give evidence of true jonrnaéisticdigni'y. “’9. may have «rretl some times in course of our three ye irs’ experience in news paper work, but we hope we are yet guiltless of giving anything so rank as Mr. Ramage’s concluding paragraph. Let. the public judge. Here it, is. and it’s a dandy. right from the pen of the dignified editor who evidently forgets sometimes to prafztise what he preaches:â€" ll Mr. Ramage devoted 9. portion of his valuable space last week for' our benefit, to put us right. on se"em‘. points wherein we erred in over-in diligence in personalities, and a manifeSL lack of editorial dignity. We can tackle almoSt anvthinsz but. to handle a man that. lecrnres us on the lack of journalistic virtnea, and then concludes with the paragraph at the closeof this item, is more than we can divine. “'9 submit it for the e-iification of our remierq, and trust that. by a comparison with any- thing, or with all, that we have said the? mav be able to dimingnish, be- “CITIZEN” Wmmszâ€"“ You are quite right, Mr. Editor. in speaking out against disturbers at. our public gatherings, but you are ultOgether too mild in your denunciations. At nearly all our secular meetings. and at some of our Church meetings. even" Sunday services, there are lthonghtless ones who give serious rannoyance to all near them, and at times arrest the attention of the speaker. This] think adisgrace and the press would be-j'tstilie'l in hand- lin-z them without gloves.” Citizen may have the right idea. as to the end to he desired but he doesn’t know everythim: yet. about the hest. means of accomplishing: his plll'anH. Boys are bots. some are good, some we mischevious. and some are decidedly bad. The first two classes can he got at, and if their association with 1 the last. class has not thuronghlv de- l moralizetl them, right handling will. develoli them into first class citizens. Those. of course. who are born crocked and who grow up tlmtl way to the size and appearance of! men. have very little chance of everI growing into more than useless para-l sites When once a boy lOSr‘R all sense. of honor and sellresnect. and finds pleasure only in low association nothing short of the stern hand of the law will ever keep him in place. We are sorrv that. such is the case. but Citizen must. not mistake a mis chevions fun loving boy. for a decid edly bad Specimen of Lumanity. l public questions.” THE ALLAN L133 Sreamsnip, Cali. More Preach than Practlce. MARRIED, Durham, Ont, Thursday, March 1, 1900 \chUARRmâ€" In Beutinck on Thursday ‘5 r‘eby. 22:31}, to Mr. and Mrs, Duncan ;_ gfilcQ tame. a d.u1 .htcr. ' , ,I‘T-lu Normauby on Tuesday Feby. ’ "’ . to Mr. and Mgs. John Watt, anon. This, Wednesday morning a re- port comes. to say that General Bul. tar captured Pieters Hill. Tuesday This being: the SH‘ongeSb position between him and Ladysmith. The ;:'elief of White may soon be looked “for. Disnflvetion is reported among the Boers at Mafeking- and Pretoria l‘he authorities at Pretoria ate exer- cised over the leakage of important news from there, and a commission has been appointed to investigate the matter. On Tuesday Commandant Botha telegraphed from Uuleuso than the Boer army had been knocked out, and that it was impussible to“ maintain the defence much longer. He advis- ed President Kruger co suefOr peace. President. ‘t yn also wired Presi- dent Kruger that. the Free State fibers were refusing to continue to fight and he too urged overtures for peace. General Buller is slowly advanc- ing towards Lamsmith, and though now within two miles of White’s out- pOsts, a stung and deteIIIIiIIed Boer aImy lir-s between him and thv besieged British {owes and everv inch of the ground will have to be contested. Commandant Cronje. after a. most plucky x'esnstance, surrende ed to General Kitchener unconditionally, having found that the efiorts of re- lieving forces to reach him were unabie to do so. Sm zâ€"Iiindly permit me to contri- diCI through the columns of your paper certain statements which have been made concerning,' my position and sympathy in the present contest in South Africa. It has been stated that I am in sympathy with the Boers and that I have contributed sums latated to be $200 00 or .5500 00 in isupport of the cause. This I wish mosz. emphatically to deny. Asa. loyal British subject my sympathies are with the British Arms and my one hope is for a spee ly and successful termination of the war. As to the Statement that I have. contributed funds to the Boer cause this is a wil- ful and unmitigated falsehood. man- ufaci ured out of whole clOth and one which is calculated to do me much1 inJury oath in social and business circles. I do not propose to allow E th ~se slanderers to make ducks and gdrtkes of my reputation and as this. ‘Canada of ours â€"-the first country on earth-is justly celebrated for tho impartiality, celerity and Justice in the administration of its laws I Will answer these perscns.-be they black or white, rich or poor high or low. pro-Boer or pro.British with a writ for slander so quickly that the grass‘ Will not grow to any perceptahle etc-I l tent under their feet while I am do- im,' it. In proof of my bona fides in the tuatzer I will pay to any person who will furnish me with iiifOi-ination which will lead to a con- viction for slander the sum of $0.00 Now will some of these fellows (I cannot call them gentlemen) who have been so busy with my name for the last month come out into the open. Don’t Shoat (Boer like) from caves Make your statemenISOpenly and manly and give me a fair chance to defend myself. An Open . nemy I can and do respect. but the dirty cur who can only take his revenge through cowardly slander is can teinptlble. “’6 have heard a great. do-al about British fair play and this is just what I nu going to have. Yours truly CONRAD KNAPP. To THE EDITOR DURHAM Cuuomcw. Mr. Burkholdpr, a Presbyterian Student. of _'I‘urouto. who was at North Bend during the summer, was in town, Tuesday. and performed the duties of Best Man for Mr. Cantrell during his marriage. Miss Martha. Qu'wn, of Orchard- ville. visited nith hvr aister. Mrs John Jack. jr, [01 the last. two or three weeks. Mr. Will Harris, of the Drayton Advocate, Spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs. T. A. Harris, and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Bucham, of Toronto. were in atzendance at the marriage of the laner’s niece Miss Meredhh. Misses Ada ‘and Bessie Browne are spending this wpek pleasantiy with friends in Proton Mr. Geo. Johnston. of Flesherton, gave us a call Friday last. Miss Maude Davidson 25 attending the miliinery openings in London this weak CON. ISN'T A BOER. â€"â€"_.â€"‘ ... War News. PERSON AL. BORN. p... 0.. Oâ€"d -â€"_ erly of0Durhmn, Ontario. but now residing in McGregor. Man. Pt'ecis- “15’ at half-past five the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Ment‘llossohn’s March artiStically "Wdert‘d by \liss Grace McFaul. The bride wore a’ pretty and becoming cosmme of white cashmere trimmed “'lbh satin ribbon and silk lace and a “rid“ Veil held in place with orange blossoms The bridesmaids Misses Annie and Minnie Gordon nieces of the bride were attired in white muslin, the former Wearini.r a pale blue 0( liar and belt and the latter, pink fastened with j‘welled pins,7 while Messrs. Fred” Sterling. of 'l'o-' ronto. and Cl‘arles Sterling. ol' Ham- burg. itny supported the groom. The bride was given avs ay by her father while the nuptial knot was securely ytied by Rev. '1‘. Musgrave and after 7congratulations had been extended the cmupztuv. about 60 in number re- paired to the «lining-room where a. most sumptuous weddit ;: dinner was spread to which all present did ample jttSt.ice. Dinner being over games, soc‘al chat. music and dancing were engaged in until long after the day had gone, when the party left wish- ing Mr and Mrs. Matthewsa long, happy and prOSpr-rous married career. 'l‘he bride was the recinient of a large number of cost 1}) and useful presents. i Those who attended from a distance' were: George Matthews,of Durham. Mr. and M rs Hahkiik and Miss Jen- nie. of Birth. Mr. and Mrs George Halikirk. of Hensnll. Chas. Hammitt. 'l'hos Burnett and Melvin Scott. Of ‘ieaforth. Mr. and Mrs. David Laid- lasv. of Bazof, Mam. Mr. William Habkirk. Durgannon and Qiss A. Brown, of Gain, The newly Wedded couple will leave shortly on “their hemeymoon trip to Durham after which they will take up house keep- ing in “r. Matthew’s pretty residence in MacGreuor. Man. The Sun joins with their numerous friends in throwing the slipper of good luck and happiness af‘er them. Last Tuesday morning. Feb 6, 1900. ‘4. J Qxinlivan. of Cascade. B. “as unite d in mauiage to Miss Hanna Sullivan, of Priceville. Ont.. On Wednesday afternoon a pretty and pleasing event occurred at the home of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Ha‘vkirk. of the Gravel ROad. when their youngest daughter._ Miss Mary. was united m the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr, James Matthews. form- Tun CHRONICLE joins in wishing Mr. and M rs Come“ along. happy, pros- perous and useful life. 0n the evening train Mr. and Mrs. Co‘trell, started for their home at North Bend carrying with them the best wishes of the whole community. A loaded table of pretty presents as well as a. piano from the groom Speak volum s for the esteem in which the bride Was held by her many friends and well wishers. Being free to say what. we please we omit the stereotyped form of describing the beatUty of the bride. the beautiful attire of herself and her bridesmaid, and lastly we omit to give the list of presents .with the names of the givers. The brigde. groom and all enjoyed themSelves fully After a brief player by the officiat- ing clergunnn. the usual comrmtu- latious were extended, and b\ the time these exercises were own a. Very toothsome, and bounteous repast was served to all presenc. Rev Mr. Rum. of Trinity Church \\ iIlI solemuity befitI mg the oc casiuu, pPlfOlde the mIIIIiage ceIemouy the inde being: given away by her biother. Mr. HnII'y \lrledith. The new! questions were proposed and answeied aerI-which :he happy couple in the pIeseIIce of the com- pay were proclaimed mam and wife. 0n 'I‘uesuuy last. between twelve and one o’clock about thirty invited gue-ts assmnbled ' at the residence of Mrs Meredith. to witness the mar riage of-her (laughter, Miss Gertrude Oliva, to Mr. H. V. Coxtrell, of North Bend. B C. A few minutts before one o'clock Miss Amie, the youngest- sister of the bride, played the wedding march “liereupon the grown in com- pany with his best man, .\lr. Burk- holder, of Toronto. entered the draw- inurooin to wait the arrival of the bride who shortly followed assisted by her sister, Miss Flori-l. who grace- fully performed the duties of brides- maid. ' Lucas, Wright Batson - W i u closv their Durham Officv until the and of the Parliamenmrv Session at Torono to. after which time Mr. Batson will be at their Durham Office every Mou- day as usual. From the Cascade Record. Quinlivan-Sullivan. AT HYMEN’ S ALTAR. Matth ews-Habkirk. From the Scafurth Sun. Cottrell-Meredith. ‘ There are about 90 acre: ('ieared. There ' are a com] stone Huase and Kitchen. Framu Woodshed, Barn with ht;_l:e stabiea under- neath. erected rm thi< lamit i~' sirna e about , two miles from the Town of Durham. | C j The Veg-dare W1" pruduce only such ab- szracys, ‘mle deeds and evidences of title as j: are ‘.m their possessxon. § Terms or Saie:-Tea er cent. of purchase money to be paid in cas x at time uf sale and ‘ the balance wifhiu rune mouth thereafter ; or g 01:0 halfuf the parrhase mmxav ma 3' remain ‘ ouanm'm'age for five years with interest at. five per cent per ammm. Further partienlars and conditions will I): made known at the :ime nf sale and van be had in the meantime from the under- 8igued at the City 0f(ix;el12h. Dated chi: 22ml day of Frbruary 1900. KENNETH \IACLErfx} X eudon":~ b‘uhcxtnr. at two o‘clock in theafternnon. Lot Number Sixty-six in the Tim-d Cmcession west. of the Garafraxa Rum] in the vanship uf Pentinck, (lnnntyuf (Frey. containing One Hundred acres mare or less. ~-- ‘ ‘ 1 Sale contained in a certain Mortgage "bid: will be mducpd at the time of bale. there Win be o hare“ for sale at Public Auc- tionbr Janna.c Cnrsuu. auctiuneex‘. (subiect to :\ recerve bid) at. the \IIDDAUGH HOUSE. in the Tovx OF DURHAM. on URSUANT TO THE POWER OF _ Sale contained in :1 certain Mormmm ;y_ 50' THE Blyth Standard says:â€"-“ We " regret that. Mr. Ireland has decided E“ W. H. SHAW. to remove from B‘3'lh,f01'diii~ingliis é :.: :,, :., .. lemdeuce here he proved himself an * ' ' " “" excellent citizen an'l Onsimws man (1“M' and we would very much like to have ’ 69' n him and his family remain amungsr us Mr. Ireland has a host of friei ds here ‘who all wish him uu- f’ 7"» . limited prosperity in his new home. 3’ \T a. 77mm burg, supported the bride and gt'OOm. The bride arrived here from her Ontario home lass Tuesday. Mr Quinlivan holds the position of fut-e. ou the water power works lwre. The happy couple will make their home for the m‘esmr at the Cosmopt litan hotel. The Record cordially pt'ofiet's the hand of congratulation, and wishes for Mr. and Mrs Quinlivan a long life of happiness. Friday, the 30th day of March 1900. the ceremony being pert Gneenwood. B C. by the R. Palmer. Ml‘. Plliiip Rehh Burg. supported the bride 21 Doubling Up! Of Farm, Township of Bentinck. MORTGAGE SALE. fig 4A A» ’0- “a? ‘12 0’ viv V ii: MILLINERYI N _ ’11s I 4", / \ ’23 A"; 7335 t w,‘ ‘ ‘32"? L ‘4’: ~ 9/5? 5 \‘5’4 ’1‘? «‘5’4 \‘V’ 713$ as AW «4n and DHSiIH’A‘S man very much like to have d his. familv xemnin Mr. IIPIaHd has a host “e do not claim to do all the d1'3' goods 11'1'11tle 11: 0111-111 '.1111 but we do claim to give bette1 value than 11113 other house. 0111' sales dm 1119, the past txxelx e months have more than doubled 11113 p1e1 10115 391113. We take this as evidence that me [)1 1ces must be 110111 We c111 131 only honest 1eliable goods “hich 1118 trade winne1s â€"No trash ()111' "cash and one- -'p1ice” S3stem is conceded to be lower than long C1ed1t houses. ' 'll\‘ ‘ The balance 7% ant es . Of our ladies’ 5:32 _ Mant_lesmuat gig. t_he Rev. Fa t 1191' Performed at ! N71? 5?? The balance of our Ladavs’ and Hi ses’ Felt- Hats. in Walking and Tailor Bars, good its- scrtmem of colors, regular 750, 850 and $1; clearing at 25c and 35c and Mi U: (I: ~~§~~ (.1. m m w m . {a ’ Or we can sell you still lower 0 lines. in fact while these lines A las: we can nge you a $1.00 Per Year. G GGEGG‘ GGGGGG'G G G ' G L 30111.31- "0nd esthi te rtmin Hm W'ecez'ved this week a special line of. . Gent’s : : Suitings ! “‘WM‘ 1â€"“ § Central Business College Suit Made to Order The Busy Store at The Busy Corner. Being: odd lines left- over by a wholesale firm. We can quote you Gem’s Suits made to (her, best trimmings, flue- ly tailored, of Toronto. where 12 regular Teachers are employed. and over 300 students in attendanceâ€"This is a big school and a upular school to which Business firms ml: for skilled help. " * * Elevan young people. went direct from College to situ- ations during one week. ending Feb. 1611:. Emma Ax? Tum. at $ll worth $IA. at l3 worth l6. being done this term in the J. J. HUfiTEH, A Ready-Made. So 'VACATIOSS. Warn: FOR Pnospzcrcs. PRINCIPAL.

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