West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Mar 1900, p. 4

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_ It may no: be out of {31.306 to Sum- gnarize the poigxw in Mr. Rxohardsonk resolution” 'at the Toronto Conven- tionza-(l) Good roads are of the highest. impomance ~ip the social. Fowxnegcial and indusu'ial dew-10p- m: of g country. ('2) The changed The Mail and Empire on the 19th of .she .uue month. speaking of Good {{Oads Legislation has the followinv item. It sns. ' ‘ '1 he Gatetutueut’ 3 measure for promoting Good Roads aims at divid. 11;; the coat of construc- tion between the municipalities and provinces, the former to pay t“ 0- think and the latter one thitd. The ivork is to be under the super. isioh of County Councils. and i3 to be (0!)- ducted on lines which the Govetu- ment will indicate.” ASa iesuit on this resolution, a YaSt amount of information was cl). tuined from \‘ul‘lOUS municipalities, imd a sul-sequrut math in introduced by Mr. Richardson to memorialize the Levislature . f Ontario for aid in per- manent road Construction “as passed a: a meeting of the York County Council held in their council chamber, 31‘0")!”0. on the 12th and 13:]: of December last. and acting upon Mr. Richardson’s resolution2 Premier Ross was ime viewed in the matter 'with “e belime, encouraging re- salts. ;: Moved by Mr. Richardson. fieconded by Mr. McDonald, that this Council. recognizing the import ance of inauguraupg 8L me better method of constructing. improving and mazma..n.ng the leading public 'roads of tins county, appoint a com~ mince. who shall report at. the next Sess:ou of this council on the advisa- bility ol adOpng some general ccun'y scheme of I'Oad improvement; 'ana they simii also advise as to the best methods of constructing, engin- i’rrmg. oval-seeing. inspecuug. and financing etc. etc.” The matter has been ably and well vdiscusud alipver the country, and volumes have been written and print ed showing what to do, and how to do it. but. up to quite recently the Iquestion took no definite shape. Some time during last year the matter was taken up in our County L'ouucil when the quouing lemm- tion was passed and subsequently act- ed upon. Our roads are not what they ought. to be, and now that the necessity for improvement, both as to methods of expendmure of public money, and per- }nanepcy of consuuction. hate reach- ed almost {over heat, and is occupy. in; the attention of Municipal and County Councils throughout the province it may be an op; ortuno mo- ment. to refer to the question. Theimportance of. and necessity for better roads. will hmdly be ques- tioued, and that best methods up to she pxesent time have not been fol- lowed goes without necesaity for ar- gumeut. The questxon of better toad making in this country is receixing much at- tention at the present time, both from public men and the newspaper press throughout. the province ---\ DWI V IPA :- ll uV" Wt“ J'AIIBII’UIIIQH. "lino rich rough gem, etc. The Briton ma traverse the pole or the zone, And b01193 ' caim his twin; Fol he cglls such a sand domain his_ own That the sun never sets on his {Mg ht. Lent the haughty. stranger :3ch to know Fm: mm mm of its own fireside." "l‘is a rich. rough gem. deny it who can, flu-heart of a true-born Englishman. Thg "23050: Bis home and birth ; AMa fish will your from check to brow While be (0133 of his native earth. "l‘is a glorious charter. deny it who can. :I'lnt's breatlgful _ in the words “ I'm an English- Ita'ixonor is sminless, etc. .There's a heart that leaps with burning glow, The wrong‘d and the weak to defend; And strikes as soon fora. trampled foe A: it down for a soul-bound friend. It nurtnrun a deep and honest love- " It glow. with faith and pride- A1351 yqsrqp gvit-hjhe fondue-as of a. dove «There's a land that bears a. worldknown name, Though 'tis but a little spot; 37:33:: that on the blazing sex-ole of fame, And who shall say it in nut I ,0! the deathh-ss ones who shine and live. In Arms. in Art in Song. Tl}; bfiglltmgt ghe yihqle wide world can give 'Tia the star of the earth. etc. There‘s a flag that waves o'er every 308‘. No matter when or where; And trust that flag as anght but the free. ‘ h more than the strongust date. for the lionospirits that tread the deck ' Have carried the palm of the brave: A931 that flag maxinink y‘ith a shot-torn wreck, But. nave? agitate} aislafié :77 v V ' _,- its bunor is etawlesp, deny it who can ; 'l'befiag of a tyuafbfrrg Englishman. ’10 the little laud belong. 'Tm the star of the mirth gdenz it who can. Ibojfihngi home of 8}) Engfis man. Few can estimate the influence of Jamie upon a. nation, and in these timea of war our patriOtic grins of gnusigal literature would have a. soul stirring influence if kept before the public mind. Some pact once said. “ Let. me rite the songs of the 112.. ition and I care not who writes their Jaws.” And is it. not true that pational music gives courage to a despoudent army. and wins battles that would oxiwrwise be lost This? :Wrek we give for the benefit of our Jradrrs that old and once popular. song. by Eliza Cook. sung here with i such vigcr at the Putiotic ('om-ert by' Mr. James Watson, of Noruiauby. We refer to . DURHAM, MARCH 1, 1900.2 ‘Tia : glorious charter, etc. THE CHRONICLE, m: WANT GOOD ROADS. W. twin, THE ENGLISHMAN. PATRIOTISM. Editor and Prop: icxor. A terrible accident occurred in this village Monday afternoon. when Mr. Patrick Burns of the 8th con.. Osprey. receiVed such injuries as may yet re~ sult seriously. Pat had come from the Station with at neighbor alter having sold a load of pigs. subse quent to which he had taken on a load of whiskey too bit: to carry con veniently. While putting the team in Munshew’s Shed he fell under the- hind feet of one of the horses. The animal jumped and Stepped on his hea I, tearing his scalp from the left temple to back of' the ear and up to the top of his head. a dismuce oi about six inches. The animal then pecmne frantic, kicking and jumping. When extriCated Burns was found to have his head out. in a number of places, the sharp shoe cork penetrate ting the skull at. one point. The blood simply pouted from the wounds and the sight‘was a horrible one. Dr. Carter was at. hand and 'after a couple of hours’ work succeeded in sewing up the wounds and fixing the wounded man so that he could be- taken home. ObjeCL Tessions of this nature ate doing more nowadays than all the temperance lectures do. â€"Fies_herton Advance. ' A year ago. Mr. \V. J. Schean president of the Young Men’s Chri» Linn Association. induced a young man to give up the use of tobacco The young fellow kept his resolution and on Monday Mr. Shean receiwd through his siSIer the sum of SIX dollars which he had saved through abandonment of the habit. Mr. Shani: at 911.08 deposited the amount. to the 3 oung mall.’s credit and will invest it to: him. Many anothe: young man would be dollgu‘s ahead at the end of the .\ ear as well a» physically strong ; er if he would follow the example set, and ghe up the use of the need I â€"-â€"Oweu Sound Tim 98. I in raising about $200. While awe.) he visited Cayuga and purchased a lot in Winnipeg, on “hich it is pro- posed to builu the church, from Mr. A. '1‘. Thompson of that town. Mr Knechtel has succeeded in raising in all some $700 for this church fund -â€" $300 of that. amount wa< contributed in Hanover. The church will cost in the neighborhood of $5000.â€"Posc. Reeve Knechtel Was in New Ham- burg and New Dundee this week so- liciting subscriptions for the build~ ing of a German Baptism church in the city of Winnipeg, and succeeded has a pretty sore hand and there is also a flanger of blood paisoniug set- ting in.â€"llanover Post. On \Vednesday Mr Dowling ship- ped two thousand chz-d‘rs to Eaton, of Toronto. and in a day or two will sendashipment of eighty bedroom suites to the Sunpsor. Co The Fac- tory is exceedingly busy now and has been so all winter. On Tuesday they sentularge furniture car full to Winnipeg. Three cars have been crdered for the Northwest and will-be shipped an soon as possible. This speak: well for the furniure maufactured by the Dowling and Leighton firm.â€"Harriston Standard. Con. Disch, fc rmerly of Walkerton, now an employee in Fred Heimbeck- er’s factory. had his left hand badly bitten by a poisoned dog on Sunday afternoon. He had poured a mix- ture of milk and mustard down the animal’s throat. and was about to remove his hand when the cur’s teeth closed On it (with vnergv). He. A fire in a. clothes closet. at the teetory one day recently destroyed the greater part. of Mrs. Burt’s ward- robe besides a valuable cloak belong- mg to Rev. Mr. Burt’s sister at preSeut visiting him. The fire is susposed to have originated from matches with which a little niece of the rector was playingâ€"Mt. ForeSt Rev. conditions in ag1icultt11al and indus- A BOsemont inan,‘11"amed Johnston strial pursuits make intprmed means Fletcher, went to Orange-Ville the _of transportation indespensable to other dav. sold a horse for which he the welfare 0.! the country. (3) Pub- got 335 in cash and 11 note. He '1 l1 11 llic attention has been so largely sold himself to the power of whiskex ldi1ected to public works that roadjand “hen in 11 beniuddled State 11 as , improvement has been neglected. (4) led out of town by a couple of¢100k3 'l‘l1e 02d 83 Stem. though good in the who robbed him of 330. Yen Veril\ :elementaiy Stages of road making is a fool and his money soon parts. â€" ,now inadequate. (5) Common roads \lt. Forest Rep. ‘heinga vital pa1t of the means of , * * .1 :rm sportation, make it imperatite to ’3 .adopt means fcr speedy and economo‘ The Presbyterian congregation at icali1nprove1nents. (6) The present Malcolm has decided on a 111i11iste1 :system does not bring consistent \lztlcolm now joins in “itli \\ est Ben- ; results, etc., etc. tinck and umwfox'l At 11 congtegn Mr. D. McFadgen sold a week-old calf to Mr. James Flewelling, of West Garufraxa. last Thursday for $510. Thiais a big nice, but we understand that Mr. MvFadgen had more than one offer of the same amount.-â€"Fer;;us Canadian, The whole mutter demands a large share of public attention, and we hope the new sysrem will be produc- uve of good results, and that per- mzzneut road improvement. is no“ fairly insight. Newsy Items clipped from our Ex- changes for Chronicle Readers. Exchange Echoes. fortunrs, and home he may ter luck in the future. MR. A. R. BALL is having more Lhan his share of hard luck intvl)‘. A few months ago a fall from u wagon broke his right arm at. the wrisr, and Monday night as he Was :20ng up the hill to work for the firs: time since the accident he M! and broke the same arm in nvarly the Same place~Jerome (Arizona) Rvpmt-er. We regret to hear of Mr, Bali’s mis- THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would‘ quickly leave you. if ymt used Dr. King’s New Life Pills 'l‘huusm'ds uf suf- fererx have moved their IllzlfCMCsS merit for Sick and Nervous Hemzachea They make pure bland and strung nerves and build up your health, Easy to take. Try them. Oulyflf‘cmxts. Muney back if not cured. Sold by all Druggists. d a warded by eat-County Commissioner Geo Binnie to his brother. Mr. Her- bert \V. Jenkins of this piace. and the latter at once recomhzed the deceased as his father. He is now in communication with parties in Eng- land in reference to the estate The coroner’s lat ter announced that (lent h was cansed by the deceased. who was a widower and lived alone. full- ing into the fireplace and being.' unable to release him~eli. He leaves considerable personal estate and it is understood his death opens anoth- er avenue by which his heirs may come into considerable property The heiis are Messxs. Herbert W. Jenkins, Owen Sound; Arihnr H. N. Jenkins. Grand Rapids: and anorher hrntlier Albeit Jenkins, who. when last heard of. was residing in the Northwest. The deCeased died intes- tate and letters of mlministrntion will have to be taken out. The family formerly resided in Keppel near VViarton, but the old gentleman returned to England in 1880.-â€"Owen Sound Times. THE DURHAM Cunomcm in its 1:13? issue contained a. letter from Clms Lambert Rmheru, corcner of N0!- tingham. England, addressed to Al'- thur Henry Newton Jehkius. former- ly editor of Tux-3 Cuuoxlcw. announc- ing the accidental death of George Jenkins. presumably a relative of the editcr. Mr. Jenkins left Durham many Years ago an d is now editing; a newspaper at Grand RapMS. Michi- gan. A copy of the paper was for~ The Presbyterian congregation at Malcolm has decided on a minister. Malcolm now joins in \\ ith \\ est- Ben- tinck and umwfoxrl At a congregno tional meeting at West Bentlnck on Thursday last. It was decide to ex- tend a call to the Rev. Alexander Leslie, of East Oxford. We under stem} that the salary will be $700.-â€"- Telescope, -5.¢.a., H. have be THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Granite Wash Bowls, lazge size 250 J No. 9 Nickle Plated Tea Kettle Table Oil Cloth, 45-in wide Granite Pie Plates, 15-in. 130 Eachâ€" 2 for 250. Floor Oil Cloth, 6-H. wide Floor Oil Cloth, 4-ft. 6-in. wide â€" 400 Yard. Floor Oil Cloth. 45 in‘ wide NEW PUMPS Axn REPAIRS; DIG. DRILL. (3mm. RIBâ€"CURB. PRESS 'URB “WELLS. Allard-rs taken at the 01d stand nimr Mcfinwun‘s Mill or at 8110p at Charter Smith‘s Foundry. ALL \VORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let. live” PRICES. Egg 4, having regard val)" tn the (°laims of which they shall then have nutice and that. the said administratrix will xmt be liable for the said assets: ur any part thereof tn any person or persons of wl'nso claius‘ notice shall not haw been received by them at the time of such distribution. And further take nutico *imt after such 111011'i1111ed d are the said admim “"1111 i\ “ii: mug-end 111 1ii.~11ib:1te the avers 111 the do, cumed 111111111111!_1ep:11ties entitled themto .L‘ pursuant to “ The Ravi~ed Statute< of Ontnrm I'M)? ” Chapter 1.39 that all creditan :unl nthers having: claims against. the estate hf the sand Elimbcth Mc(3l:ttchc_\'0r Eliza- heth Klt-(Iltm'hey who «liml m: (‘n' “hunt. the 8th dny ul’ January. 1599 are required on Mr bet'm'c the I23th. day of March. 1990. to send by pnst. prepaid or deliver to Elgiu Myers. Esquite. ()rnngm'ille. the solicitor fur the :uhniuhtmtrix of the estatent the said deceawd their chri~tian and surnames, :ultlt'P.-4.~0-~ and (le-(rriptious. the t'alhnwtic :- lars uf tht-ir claims the statementuf their act-Hunts and the nature ofthe security, if any. held by them. In the Matter of the Estate of Eiiza- bath McClatChey, sometimes called Iii: ‘iutchey, late of the Town ship of Egremont in the ‘ County of Grey, deceased. KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Excopt Hum-e Who use Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed mu] Turpentine. It 1009mm the tightnew in the chest. smm the cungh‘ al- lnys tho inflnnmtinn. heulc the sorenew and Drompth‘ cums all snrts of cnnghn and (mlds I'N‘N’Vhifi‘. (~t'«'mp,a.-1hmn and sore throat his found in nine-tenths «3f the homes of tini< country. 25 cents :1 b..:ttlo. Family (30 cents Mar. 23, 99. Certainly not. An individual trus- tee, as trustee has no authority whomever. No act or prOcN-dinu of a rural school corporation which is not adepted at a lvgal mpeting. and of which n minute. is made in writing and signed by at least two of the trustvos is vvlid or binding on any person ufl'ecwd thereby. (‘2) Trustee Egremont asks :--“ Has one trustee 3.0w0r to prohibit the holding of public meetings in a school honsr», where the other trus- tees and lathaVCX‘S of the :ection are fuvoraLle '9” It is the duty of the Board of Trustees to appoint, a Secretary- 'l‘reasnrer, who may be one of themselves, and to alluw him Such coznprnsmion for his services as may be approved at the annual meeting of the ratepayers and duly entered in the minutes. In the case mentionted. if a suit- ahle person cannot be obtained at re munex‘ation fixed by resolution of annual meeting, a Special meeting of :ne ratepayers should be Cnlltd to consider xlne advisalilny of increasing the allowance. Trustees cannon re- innnemte the Secretary, unless Suncduned by the ratepayers. (1) Trustee Egremont tasks:-“Ha ve School Trustees power to empluy Sec JPN-as , and fix Compensation for services, or is it the duty of rate- payers at» annual meetiug'fl "Pro- (riding salary fixed at annual meet.- iug is not. deemed sufficient and no one can 16 found to perform the dutips required what course is to be pursued ‘9” ELGIN MYERS. Solicitor fur the said :ulmiui‘tratrix. :1th this 20th dn'yof February, 1900. 1 TCMERS and the jmblic in general that I am prepared to furnish umps. fiatice to Creditors. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- ’ H? BEARI? EVERYBODY IS COUGHING 52 4, Calder’s Block, -- DURHAM. -â€"- Trustees and Teachers. GEORGE WHITMORE, ANSWER. ANS‘VER. $1.35 Each. 200 50c Yard. 320 Yam DURHAM L’ Exerxbodx' seems to “am “(HEY and (1‘ IS SURPRI SING how many pcmplc go fun It to 3’ Snow ROOMS eOvmu Sun'r'r's n'mmc. (MONEY; $ $ 6% $§ G0 "I MAPLE $9.00 $37 00 $5.00" - BIRCH 900 700 5.00““ sow ELM 9.00 7.00 500 .. BASSWOOD 900 7.00 .3 00 ‘ BEECH, 700 500 400 w BLACK ASH 1100 800 a 00 ~ PINE cut14f1.11.(10 8.00 :3 00 " CEDAR 6.00 5.00 4.00 “ SPRUUE 7.00 ‘ HEMLOCK $4 to $6 accord’g to Ieng TAMARAC $4 to $6 ” " Logs WI” 136* CIRSSed accord: m; to (mainly and size. and (01,9, (M13 much as possible, 12 ft. long, allow- ing three inches. r I _ ' -vvvvwvv-V-vwm-m i S‘Iudgms Admitted Any Time 811nm "Vida fur all kind: ...' diwnsul :r defl’n'med feet. A CALL ()LI{JI"'- ‘1) Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of (_ alum-’3 RIM-k, Lower Town, Durham I]. H. MILLER, TED HANOVER CONVEYANCEI}. ALL I'l‘ WHAT YOU LIKE ..C.‘:.En.Em < conmmmmmE .fiwmeuomm 2.35ch n .MOQAN, I beg to in’imme that I am stiH in [311in Css and prqmred m w; .pl) the public with :my- thing in the MiHiDer Greenhacks ; CASH ! me. . W. ORA WPORD DURHA .\l. Vi ‘ W I" 2 as. (1%? V s \‘ 9% \V (l 2» A «W «3‘ 7/31? 323$ .. 49,. «m» nnnnn "SI. g PEEL g! Qa ‘T011},‘1(a}:(r Izr.c1:. ' ~1101?3I.1\' .â€"-... -..__ \;‘%> V '1 NM\3~ «”3“. K «(351% WWé? w, w- w, w, 4“ o.â€" _ «C- -‘p Jab-“watch? ’M‘ ’11? “In" ’1]? ’1‘? \"ft. 713t- s32 ‘10? CD .1 C: (:3 “52. (I) H- p) 3 a. Seedsman ! , 54;. 14 \\'f; ’0‘ 3% «o S19. Repairing 6: Custom Wcrk Promptiy ttmled to. Th? 39%{0214 gnocgvgzd 0w? 0'? Prises ! Z Evely Day 2. Bargain Bay fcr E’ext Thirty Bays. Mvn‘s I’vh limch-r' ”2 .00 102' _ -â€"‘ \u n 5 Grain [\ip In US. ‘x'J.2) for Men >2 (Main Kip 1.0ng 14-03:. 1‘ I11} ( \Vuru-‘xR F ‘11 “limu-rx 5C6 1hr \\ (Hm n s 10}! (v: :iu-2S . H fur -- \\ 01mm 5 Spats, cxn‘a quality 90c for DAMSH wmn: SEED OATS. Fine Emund Bil Cake. Car of [and Plastei. Parker’s Drug Store. Big Bargains if)! -u-fihw _ .3-- 5...: Horse and Cattle Spice-«7 lb. Packages, 250. fail Wiz'icr Gcods at Cast. Impart’ of Field "and Garden Seeds at a; S‘ESEMBUM D'x (‘1' AN 111 It W TABLE LINEN g Pull} out To]: Suck Bleachexl Table Linen, 66in wide. 11' qualifiv. (:00 for pe r The Shoe \' 2t 1' C March Ist, 1900. . ............ 50c 4:.-inch wide. pvr . ........... 40c :axw ‘1) .50 .6 wt:

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