West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Mar 1900, p. 8

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mmn\m i i i l i t i I .â€" Upon receipt of the news last week that. Ladysmith had been relieved flags were heisted. bunting displayed and few villages in our fair Domin- ion gave ar once a more hearty expression of joy and 105ality than that given here. "Pl-e I O. F. Band turned out and marslinlled by a rid- er on a. gray 'steed led a, lengthy procession of the public school schol- ars and citizens to the Town Hell ; where an impromptu patriotic meet- ,ing'was held. Mr. A. S. VanDusen, ;Division Court Clerk, was called {upon to preside and set the ball .i-olling with a neat opening address. after which speeches varying in 'lenuth but all warmly loyai in tone iwure given ivy Messrs. F. \V. Hick- 1ing. Wm. Henderson, Herbert " D) son. Banker Mitclwli. Dr. Murray. Principai Slaughter. Reeve Mc'I‘ax'ish 'l‘Wp Clerk Bellamy, Councillor Reeve Dickson and Courcillor Adlnm were throng!) the disn'ic! last week ins‘pecring bridges, etc, that. are thought unsafe. Miss Kate Stewart. ncnrned from a fortnight’s visit with friends in Bruce County. Mr. J09 Bell. of Lauriston, spent a. few daxs last week with friends in the nuigebo: hood. Assvswr Brigham, of Allan Park, is On the War pail). Mr. Neil McKinnon, of Queen Hill. Bruce 00.. Spent the lust fortnight with rein ives in the vicinity. {em Mr McNal), of Kilsyth, is to occupy me Prnsbyteriam pulpnt. nexn Sabbath and to lecture the h [lowing evening,. on the Century Fund. A Congregational meeting is to be held Monday evening next. in the Prosl yr, 91 11111 Church for thf‘ election of Eide1s am. ‘other chmch business. Dr. Smith spent a couple of days in 'l‘rn'omo last week assisting in an ()pel‘at on for appendici is on Mr. L). Hastie. of 'iinghurst. Mr. N. McGillivray and Miss Mc- Lellan, of B: nee-County. were gueSIS of {livmls here during the week. Mr. Robm-t Leading-ham Sr.. we re- gret tp sav. is quite ill having receiv- ed a paralytic stroke a few days ago. Mi~s Kale Sharp, teacher. Cf Pea- body spent the latter part. of the weekin the pledSnnL association of frleuds in the vicinity. 21M. 9:. cusses cmm cuss. ”250- is sent direct to the diseased parts b j the Improved blower. ((D\ Heals ma- UICCIa clears the aig _ ,/ passages. Stops droppings in the f, {hr-mt and permanamly cures V Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase _, um 90.- ‘rvfi’m and m DORNOCB. . SHE IRTON . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Wm I Boyd and County Councillor Richard- LN son. Mr. Henderson CIOSed his address with a song of Old Scotia and patrotic songs were sung b3 .W.- Ritchie. T. J . Sheppard and the pub- lic school children, the audience joining heartily in some of the choruses. The National Anthem and three cheers for the Queen brought! Evangelist Brooks, of Chicago. a the meeting to a close,- but before Dowieite lecturer on Divine healing, closing a strong committee was 'was recently rotten-egged out of appointed to get up a Patriotic Con- Chesley and Wiarton for using ahus. cert, which is to be given on the ive references towards local clergv- 14th inst. Though Ladysmith was men, and indulgence in pro-Boer and not relieved as reported, it is as anti-British sentiment. It may seem said by one of the aboye gentleman like rowdyism on the part of the in his speech " going,' to be ” so that citiZens. but if the lect rer used the the Jubilation was only a little in language attributed to him the. eggs advance of the fact. The clergy and were none too rOtten. He left for some others of our leading citizens, Chieauo where it is Said he will soon equally patriotic, were unavoidably I be married to a North Brant girl. uDSent. At the adjourned meeting of the orth Grey CODQGI'VutiVB Association officers were elected as follows:â€" Mayor Middlehro Owen Sound. Pres- ident. Mr. Breeze. Chatswnrth. Vice- President. 'I‘. A. Vickers. Treasurer. James H Rnthorford. Secretary. A; iii. Anderson. corresponding sec’y. Prof. Doherty. of the Ontario Agri- cuitqrgl College. a few days ago made an experiment. chewing a. plat of a quarter of an acre badiy infes‘tej with the musmz-d. This he Sprayed with a two per cent. solution Sail- phute of copper. The result was en tirely satidactory. The mustard \\ as killed and the crop not at ail in jurvd. Being am animal the mustard de~troyed at this time of the year is deatroyad forever It is eStimat-ed that. ten cents worth of this chemical will spray an acre. If the test in.“ cutes an easy and vffecxive me:th for the ecndicatiou of wilJ mustard Prof Doherty has cmminly mcomp llshe‘l great. things for the farming community. -â€"Ex. The ice harvest has been brisk here the past ten days. Muushaw’s lake and um mill puud have been yielJiug a. bountiful supply of the congealed article. Mrs. C. W. Rutledge and Mrs. Tuck, Markdale, Sgent a (lav-lash ueek “ith Mus. Geo \rmstiong. a' Rockvale Mill and 100 ad in on Tim Cummcw SCI ibe heie. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Ashdown en- tertained a large number of their friends-«about 80 gurSLs,â€"an thew lwme at Ceylon, on Thursday even~ iug last. Various games and amuse- ments were indulged in. and Mr. Allan Parks, viuluuat of more than local reputation, accompanied by hi niece. entertained in a highly pleas- ing manner. Mr Charles Umpe who, that day, Celebrated his 80d: birthday, sang for the pleasure of the compa:.y, some of Ins Emu-aid Isle songs mule frequently sung in his early davs. Mrs. Nobie. of Oxbow, N. W. T. and her daughter, Mrs. Robimon.‘ of Dumlalk. are via-Icing Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Cullen, west back line. and Other friends in this vidiuity. Mrs. Webb and daughter, Miss Webb, of Owen Sound. are visiting the farmer’s sister, Mrs. A. S. Van- Dusen, here. GEORSIE HAMIL'rox will give some of his bPSI Old Scmtish Songs at the Curlers’ Concert on March 6th. Do not. fail to hear him. The Storm and severe cold inter- fered with the attenlance at. the clxuxcl.es cu Sunday. Mr. M. Richardson is in Toronto this wee-k attending a. meeting of Lhe Good Roads Speciai committee. who are waiting upon the Ontario Govern- ment relative to me Scheme. Mr. Henry Piper, who recently had his jaw bone badly fractured by a kick from his horse. is recovering nicely, and Mr. Noble Lawrence, whom we reported very ill last \\ eek, i: on the mend. Mr. George Best. is this week under the doctors care. '1‘ 6 special services in the Metho- disa church are Still in progress, and growing in interest. Wild mustard is easily the king of all noxious weeds and how to desn'oy it has long been a. vexed question. The myswry has at. last been solved. Market Report. To Kill Wild Mustard. .. The Pics and Box Social he“! in the Hanover School house. last Week bro’r. in nearly fifty-five dollars. The 1164 erary prom-am was a rare treat. Charles Fawcett. of Dunda-lk. who recemJy assanhed Mr. J D. Morgan. pleaded guilty before Judge Creasor and was sentenced to one month in the common jail. - Last week the Paterson House, Owen Sound narrowly escaped fire: whic-h originated in one of the heat- ing pipes setting: fire to the wood- work. Timply disvovr-ry and prompt action saved the building from sen- ons damage. David Taylor. a one legged man of: Meaford. is under arrest on an alley: ' ed charge of horse stealing. About the firm of the present. year it seems he hired a horse from a livery-man. at. Elmvale. and norhing more “as definitvlv known of his whereabouts until about two weeks ago the omfit. which had been described to the con- stable there. was seen to stop at the Mansion Hoxme. in Sheiburue The horse and rig were taken poscession of. but Taylor. who was not arrested a? the time. Skinwd (mt. Further developments p‘OVed David Taylor of Ali-afoul. to be the man. and a week ago Saturday he was arrPSWd and taken to Elmvule to SEaud his memiuary trial. \Villoftencausea horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Buckleu’s Arnica Snlxe. the be.“ in the world, will kill the [min and prnmptlv heal it. Curt:N O'd Saree. Fewr Sores. Ulcers, Bails. Felons. Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Vila wire on earth. Only 2.") cats. :1 box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Druggists. 2 AN exchange says: This is a new wav of gvtiing rid of micp. It is based on the intense aversion chh rats and mice have to the ordnr of mint. All one has to do is m lightly Sprinkle with the extract of mint and place where the traces are found of mice. No mouse will ever visit a place impregnated with the scent of mint. Jan. ‘7, 1900. And Can Only be Cured by Persistent Treat- ment with Dr. Chase's Ointment. The extreme suffering produced by the frightful itching and burning of eczema usually leads the afflicted one to seek a. cure, and thus fortunately prevents the disease from becoming chronic and deeply rooxed in the syst. ‘m. ‘ RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE Melligan Property on George Street. one acre of gmd land in good Immtion. a dewiu'able re-ideuoe. will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN. Palmersto". or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. W. 1900. If At whatever stage this wretched disease may be, Dr. Chase's Ointment is a prompt. relief for the suffering and positively an! permanently cures. It has efi'ected more Cures of itching skin diseases than any rtm'sdy in Europe or America. It is the Standard preparation for itching skin dis- eases. and is recognized as such by the must skiiiul 1 hysicians. Dr. Chzsc’s Ointment is invaluab‘e in every huma as an abso'zute cure for eczema. salt rhcum, baby eczema. scald head, old people’s rash. chafing, sore feet. pimples, Iaukhexds. and every form of itching skin disease and skin eruption. 60 cents a box, 31 all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates 86 1230.. Toronto. . 15 A. GORDON Lower Town. Swedish, Scotch Canadian Granite and Marble Work 4 Inmcriptious Cut on Shortest Notice. Mclmygm BLOCK, -â€" DURHAM, OF ALL KIND. .Vlonuments Repaired and ECZEMA BECOMES CHRONIC A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Importer of and DcaXcr in McCalmon, District Dots. For Sale. Watchmaker and Jeweller, 0.0 -â€" DURHAM. -â€"-- UPPER TOWN â€"-â€"-â€"- iMPLEMENT wnnmnnms Winter Gsodsl ‘ Sewing Machines CHAS. McKINNON’S Another Shipment Hardware ! CUTTERS~Large Stock. Best Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROBEQ â€"Large Variety, from $4 00 up. ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters, c. Don t’ Forget BELL PIANOS and Organs. been better stovkerl than it is at. prpsont. Call and see for yourself. IF YOU are desirious of hav- ing Hm. best kept. Horse. call and secure a Curry Cc-mh, :1 Brush 'and package of Her- NEW WILLIAMS and RAY- MON 1). a Very Large Stack of the latest improxed Cabi- net and Drop Top Stands. at The Very Lowesn Prices. SEE THEM ! ' of XCut-Saws and Axes arrived this week. Do not work with the uld toois whvn ynu can get new cues so vheav A few more swings of Bells and Fancy Lumps going at cut prices. STOVES-â€"A lat-we. stock of Mc-i Glen)" 3 famous Model Cook-- ing Stoves. raum Paxlori ' Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal; Stoves. etc.. at prices that, will surprise you. , American and Canadian Coal Gil always in stock. NEVER .ageum '- ~- .1112: we have the beSt WHIP for «he momay you will be abiea to find any place. ‘ Just to hand an im- mense assortment of Ciaus’ Razors Scissors second to none! ! ! ! ! ! Spring Paper 1 A: Int 5, can. 9 known as the Glencrcss bridge on 'l‘uegday. March 6'11. at 2 o’dock p: m. fur the purpwe of letting the contract uf building a new bridge. :00 feet 10m: and 22 feet. high. A130 a fill at smuezmd gravel 150 feet lung the same height as the bridge. Contracts rill be let sepatare or bath to- gether. Hans and >revificatiun can be seen at the ve>ideuce of the Imdereighed. Con- tractors required to give builds for full nmmmtuf cumract in both vases for com- pletion of work JVMES q'I‘APLIES. Reeve. Edge Hill Feby. 21 11m. 2 HE UNDERQIGNED WILL BE At Int 5. Cull. 9 known as the Glencrcss Saw=logs Wanted Remember \l \PLE $10.00 38 00 ~6.00 “ BIRCH 10.00 8.00 6 (.70 Ԥ SOFT EL.“ 10.00 8 00 6.00 “ BASbWVUUD 10.00 8.00 6.00 “ BEECH 8 00 6.00 5.00 “ BLACK ASH 12.00 9 00 6.00 “ PINE (tut 14ft. 123 00 9.00 6.00 “ CEUA R 7.00 6.00 5 00 “ SPRUCE 8.00 out 14ft. “ H EMLOCK $5 to $7 accord'g lo leng’. TAMARAC 5 m 7 .. .. Mac? iRLANE M10 DURHAM FURNITURE 00.: Dec. ‘28. 1899. Limited. Will Notice to Centractors. ---..'-â€"a-â€"'-â€"_'â€"â€" w -â€"‘- Ail"? o‘- W‘I‘WV'.“'Z~‘L§W. The Burham Furnitme Co. We have same beautiful designs at pricesthat will astonish you, and we want you in see ’em. March lst, Druggists and Booksell rs. pay the following prices fox" Saw Logs delivered at J. W. Cruwfurd’s Mill, Durham. ’ we keep a complete stock of Window Shades! ! ! ! ! Limited s s ( 6‘ “‘i mmmmmm 6630.00.00...“ mmmmmm 896

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