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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1900, p. 1

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brave young sons are now on their way to South Africa with, the Strath- cont Horse contingent. Mr. Geo. W. Ledingham. who left. here last inch. is also accompanied by the ptalwart young David Burgeee, of‘ “'ost. Bentinck. David spent thefi past four years in British Columbia,§ and couldn’t. resist the _tempt§,tion‘ when the opportunity genre, to "tgke’ his life in his own hggfls god go fgrth to fight in the guse'oiriight. right- 20 moose and liberty. We v‘rish them both a we return untouched by the rum of the. 900913:- ' i yunu‘tlall rampant.” Union. will be pi'asem. on Tuesday the 27th inst. to addrpss the W C. '1‘. U in the after. noon. and deliver a public lemme at night Furthor particulars will be given no-xt week, but in the mean gime permit us to say that. Miss Mus CHAkLorrz E “160138. turer and organizer for the We phrIStialn 'I‘muperazm» Union. v piasent. on Tuesday the 27th in addrpss the W C. '1‘. U in the noon. and deliver a public icon night Furthnr nartinnlopu -' 5W uurmg the period 01 three years. he has mzssmi or meetings. being pro-swat at meeting for the first forty 5‘ his service. Mn. Tuos Gt'moox has held tbp posizicn at town clerk. in van §ound since Jan. 18th. 1857, b-oiug pppoimvd at the first menting arm: the incorpnraciun of the town. winch than had a population of less thxu 2000 During the period of forty cor. n8 aetraigbt-forwzard and reliable- contributor to these columgg‘. Yet °' Joe ” takes exception to an item in his last budgvt as shown by his lat- ter in this igsue. We hope un- com- batants will duscuSs the matter fail ly. and not get. furious. as the unin- illated oftuz do. Dr.Jamjuon is at present in Toron- to- atteudmg to his duties at. the Local Legislature. and during his ubsence his practice and 06cc will be ”tended to as usual by another med- ical man. Dr. Jamiegon himself *v-uvv -U‘quc .Il Montreal Monday last, is reported to have been the biggest patriotic d:- monstration since the Queen’s Jubi- lee. M33 or Prefortaine.proclaimed a civic half-holiday. and there was a. complpte cessatioh oftmsiuess during the procession, which lasted for nearly two hours. Mn. “'1: Rsmwxo, M. P., has written to the Clerk of the corpora. tion, of Dublin. protesting against .: aproposed address of welcome to mean Victoxia. and expreSsing his intention to resign his seat in the. Council if the address is presented. I , 9 Mn. JAS. A‘l‘cnuxmx advertises in’ this issue all has Farm Stock, with-i out. reserve. 'llnis will be a chance {or purchasers, as he will leave for! the “738: about the first. of April.) See (all list in another column. W: are pleased Lo pubinsh in this issue, a letter from Mr. Ledimham, cf the Strathcona Horse contingent, written from Ottawa expressing his gratitude to the Durhamites for the 'aendoofl given on his depanurc. WE always regarded our Pomona Luca, Wfight c muon- Will close I’ Mn $1193! Uuaham Office until the end of .‘ Tor-o: 'tbe Parliamentary Session 3: Toron- best : to. titer winch time Mr. Batson Wnll } men: I). at their Durham Oflice every Mon- ' turm- dgy as usual. Inn? 9. . regret to announce is passing through . n t re. . J A HLVTER’ offl‘he B”: S o . ,3. very severe spell of sxckness, saxd haspurclmsrd a. ver; handsome pan- 7 ° . . . , . of harm-s from Mr R ht. Ewen of to be amwudlcnls \\ e hope to hem ' » ° " ' ’ of his speedy recovery. Aberdeen. I . O MLord Vuyor of London has “R. J ‘l‘ PARK. after spending 33 directed that the Ir’iah flag be ho,isted couple "f months i“ {New York “"4" ’ovor the Mansion House on St Pat- : cities farther south. return-«l ‘0 WW" . . .. :Mr; 'vt ht? we h efrum' rnck’a Day m recommnou of the .o'd'y "1"" ’ 8 er op ' . . l . ‘ 3: ‘l 3 ’ ' ‘ bravery of the lush troops m bouth [n.e “menu-a1 93,9" S "f U'“ 1e 59"“ ° Afr,“ lchmatedurmg Ins furlmxgh. . I A 810- reduction in drv goods. clothing. boom and shoes, bats and caps during this month at Grant’s‘ sold regardless of cast to clear I: chad Co’s. You can buy a 50c carpet for 40¢ filth! at Grant's while they last. â€"_"“': WANTED -20 cords of 2'2i-nc1 l a I . SAWWAV- St- P3 "‘3" 3 Day. wood. Cash on deliifew. l “T2; BUY yaur wall paper at The Biz, Ofice 8mm. 3 If, .- 'i' W IW*WWW’KW% E BIG stock of ladies whitewgear jusr d . '1‘ 3' ,j . 13 your sub paid ? iopeue ' P “'5 he 1;. More READ Grant’s ad. auxâ€"d profit by i by buying from hum £A1.A ’CE of winter goods w?“ LOCAL NEWS. la}: is a leader in a as two of her '0 now on their with, the Strath. fot‘the- Womo-u’s s ro-commende'l. {agar-able press enuer in? MR. T \l. BRADFORD, of Winn? > of her traveller for Donald Frazer Co on their Montreal, spent. a couple of ( a Strath- visit with his brother-inolaw and Ir. Geo. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Towuer here. are lam Tuesday esening he left to spen by the fe-v days in Winrnou, after which graze. ofrwill return to Durham for anal lent the j short. visit prior to going wezn. ‘ ilumbia, } Bradford doesn't fall in with thei 1pm: ion ' that a. temperature of 60 degrees to "tgke ' low zero in Manimha. isn’ go {grth or them 15 ao-grees here, and ape . right- shudderingly of eo’me _‘ _| ‘ ‘ - 0335' five: 't 952841? years at Lac. auuuuerxngxy of some very cold drives he had in 'tbe West. When he Was almost perished though protected f by a; frieze and a fur overcoat. can a} .! MR Flu-:0 \V. Lsagqx, of PairOnks. buuer at J Indiana, h-uswiug his subscription 5’0“:- Maw}: 5th sn.‘-{ " Am “Ia-ays 'Mn. FRED a: ylezh‘Pd when Tm: Gammon-E arrIW-S- Bed." expect. It is like a letter from h'mw. Can’t Apt'iL, ‘ afl’urd to do without. I! ” H 8-1113 the [allowing about the wea'her. OUR paper am "We had the hvaviest Show storm this “eel; my! last week that! has been known of in we are unavoic} SiXteeu years. it being 22 mclw‘s *- deep on the level.” And again in A”: P“"”"31 speaking of the war he says: --‘1 are vgqueszted think that ail Canadians should be (‘qums by bash proud of her army now Serving in FITS! 0‘ April.â€" Snub Africa, after the rusults of THE India Fa last. week’s banks." Thaaks Mr. re-achedVS‘IS. it Lvesou for your encouraging re- who wish m marl-u i O marks. _' , V _-V --v -- vu Illa \\ "3" to.atrez{d we Humg M-L‘9oi09 Uum from amending the. milliuery open- 'mu‘lee m 10“”“0' '5 expecu-d to ings where she has been cramming ENS”: his bruthvr, Rev. ML lagqnhar- her head full of all sorts of millinery '80", “erg M the ""d 0‘ ”"3 “ eck notions to sun the taS'es in headgear ‘Itlld \nl! hkeb take one of Ju- ser- of her custumers in need of s riu' wees m the Pl'eabyteman UhuncI} Qt; buuuela p 5 I -â€"â€"â€"â€"~ I 1 Mix": Kine,- Miss Culbertson returned last week Mt. Fore~zt’s famous 8 kaserp â€";\lr Samuei Scorr is """al""" We“ 0W." Sunday, the ahead uf ail his competitors in the guest of Mf” Larmrn A' bu!!! 59'“ iqul busingss, having purchased Ou "we“ U" bunday 1" the Mfl'md'“ the 7th of this month six fluecns u'f c.1mrch, he? Solos Were much appre- this 58m? chpviug. Sane!) there c'fve'l and highly spoken or by ”‘03” will now he no objection to yivldiug “a" heard them to fur. Scum 1h.- vuviable ”:16 of 'he - "‘ -O~-~ Dmham Wuol ng. 59’s w .21).: mmket a." usual Lu buy any (.11 [01' cash or trade ‘ Amman Carnh al the lag: of \he. “11 "3' season. l‘hursdav the 22nd. ‘ Missss Mum: HUNTER AND ELLA LAIDLAW started om Monday after- ternonn at four o’clock to solicit aid for the India Famine Fund. and by eight. o’dock the same evening ,tlLey had secured OVer forty dollars. The «girls were quit». euthusiasric in the r canvass. and highly delighted with the reault of their missionary efiort â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I ' 0:: Monday mornjnu last a. number 'of new bands Stane'l work at the factory whirl: has now something in !the! néifilnlmrhm-gl of twenty employ- ;eeq. In the course of a few weeks the number will be gradually Increas- ed to fifty or sixty and so on uh the place is fully mymwd when a. out a‘ Ehundreg wm be at work. REV. J an» FARQUHAKSON, of Pi Mound. Manitoba. no\ 0.: his“ to attend the Hume \Iiwiou Uu mince in Tacoma. is expecu-d Visit his bl',uthPl‘ Rex. Mr. lmzquh: son here. at the and of this “e and «ill likeh take one of Mu. Si Mn GEO. MCDOXALD, who was in f;Toronto some time, consulting the .- g best medical practitioners on his axl- l : men: resulting from appendicitis. re- - ' turned Monday night, being advised not to nndergb any further operation ' {or the present. at AUCTION SALE.â€".\ir Wm. Brinon. of L0! 16, Con. l, Glenelg. near Rob my. wii! sell by public auction 0!! Tuesday March 20m, hi8 Farm mock, Implemvnts and Household Furni- ture. Everything musr be sold as the proprietor is going West. Hugh [\tacKay. Auctioneer. Sec Bil-is. MR.‘ JOHN BARKER. recentlv sold his farm, near the town. to Mr. Neil Mc-Kechnie. T56 iand is rxch in marl drposits and u been the bi" ' business gets Starteol as Start it Will, \ve.ba\'_e no doubt, the works will be: placed near this Valuable purchase. a. very severe spell of sickneSS, saxd tic“? :n‘flizplxh9-Nl m .porlluectwn wuh to be appendicitis Wehupc co hear I" :0 1c ma sou. y. ofhis speedyd'ecovcry‘. ,Rev. Mr. Farquharson, attended ' . , :rhe meeting of the ,Presbuery in “R. J T PARK. after s'mmlimr n-D..|..--..â€"---- m ‘ ‘ \Iu THOMAS MILLIGAN. of the 2nd of Beaniuck, near Hlntun Hill, we regret to announce is paSsiNg lthUgh A "I: nave nreu ”situated to my; 5138' that the Murlgage Sale of Farm. lot mmni 66. «'on. 3, W. Ur. it. In the township friend of Bennuck has Dct‘ll withdrawn. i M. F08 SALE~ One and O'J‘ set Iron to Mrs. Juo. Frag“ omce ‘ town and vicinity th 1 W 000 V\ ANTED - Three or {our Mr. Geo. Medals 1 friends m 31 two (30 hulodlt‘d cords of auugn wood wanted at the Dunlmm huuiture bactory. p M”9_A"n”" M‘K“ CAR uf \Vindso at Ireland Co’s. R E ha\_e been is attained 1 SALI-zo One Toronto Mower v.0- set Iron Barrows Apply 8. Juo. FraSer. Vickers P. O. 2 ,’ 4" ' . £16m ruuu, O! W [uniceg’ Id Frazm- Co , of a couple of days in with the idea. to spend a} AND Still they media at which be ’ turbers at the Patric for another-man fforn the coun .“A â€"â€" Q agrees be . any cold- ad speaks salt jUal 8r3i\ ed ! of Film. his \\ ay Mr. E w V - Oultlu’; unu- rrom the country told us he i woululu’: (3- me to any more entertain- ments in Durham until the young , hoodlums learned to behgve they» solves. It’s too bad i; a fév gf‘the lthouglnless ones are gs‘gj‘xm "0 give : the place a reputation for 'rhwdyismL Let the older ones discountengnce all ‘nrregulanues and the evil will 809w THE Canadian Patnmtic now rerchecl $174,000. Tl McGill University have i by one thousand dollarq, \ AND Still they talk aha ALI. Parties Indebted to M. Kréss a'e a'gquested to Settle theirjac- counts by Cash or None befqre the Firs: of April. 2 OUR paper suppy dzd not r this “eel; until Weanesday we are unavoidably a day 'at‘ Ber-1m April. ~~ --v uuv‘lo, p1 auu flucky Saugveu churches pied Rev. Mr. Parquhm‘sou’s pulpit. here on Sunday evening last, and preached, we understand. a viely ac- Crptable sermon to ,3. good ,cougrega- tiun ’ mu- Rev. Mr Graham. .of the and Rocky Saugveu church pied Rev. Mr. Fal'qulmrsou here on Suudav pvnnin-r 1 Mr. Joseph . H. Scott. of Sound, drove do w u Sunday, an a couple of days visnmg his M r. Samuei Scott, when not c; in the enterxaimueut of Some country c0usins Inspector Campbell left Monday for Mumford, where he will put. in the Wr'ek iuSpvcriug the schools, teaciie's. trustves vtc. Miss Mabel Swallow, who for the Lat year or so has filled a pt‘sa-iou as m hum m 'l'urunto, has secured a. Iimilmr situation in Kingston, and left for the above plaCc on Saturday infill. Rev. Mr. Herbert, of W. and Rev. J. R. Noe‘vo'll. of delivered addresses in him on Tuesday evening. MI'.Jno McDougaU, of and his Lid-Lighter, Miss Mn guesvs of Mr. and Mrs. C. audfamily this w. ek. Miss Ida Dick, of London, arrived Sat may from Toronto to take ,clnarge of Ireland Co’s milliuery drpartmem. Miss Blackburn, of CIevelaud. ar- rived in town 'l‘uvbday night fora - -_ . ’ vzsit with her parents and friends here. “'c-duesday night last. to charge .uf Mr. Morlock’s x: department. Messrs. John and of'Oweu Sound, are days this Week at. th here. Mr. A. ’7. Wolfe. V. S, is again able to be cut after a very trying sickness from imermatreut tever. Messrs. John and Neil McDonald, of'Oweu Sound, are spending: a few days this week at. tho paremai home r1 - ---" r Pahnez-sron on Tuesdav Ml . C. M. 'l‘remeer. of 'Penetamrui- sheim, is the guest of his friend Dr. Hard for a few days Mr. W. Bacon, of Ozillia, gave us :1 Cali whilv here- in connection with Mia“ Lvdiu Swallow. left Thursdm manning («it an extended visit with Megsrs \Iark Wilson and John Runstedlar. of Flesbextcn, were in town Moudav. town and vicinity tbfs week. ' Mr. Geo. Meikle is the gut-st of friends in Bruc‘e‘Co this week. Miss Annie MvK'mvziQ, ‘of Ayton, Spent gaturday and Sanday at her home hexe Mr Robvrt Hay.’ of Dornoch a PHHPI' on Monday. Miss Fltzcm'alcl. .of Walkertonpis visntim: Miss Vol‘let. s in Toronto. A. Hunveg” â€". S, 1118 Big . _. Sin foreign support. 80 soon as thi mime Fund has {IOW' , . ‘7 . manifest restraining influence disap ml is Still open (08.11! The Teilef 9f -Klmheriey, the- “813' pears, and if England is then 8131] contribute. A: thejmr,” 0‘ MOW"? the relief Of Lmiy- busv in Sumhi-Africa, it \Vlu he an] .. ~m"h_-i and *the WIND.” 0‘. B‘Uem' 'most impossible to control the balli 3 all following '11 rapid cosedemunds of the war party. Patnmtic» Fund has'succeesion, have taken much of the . . , - . am I s a . i h w rr'e {4,000, The students. war epirit out of the Boers. Even efthgrtitis: outfei~?af?v§ov::\fs em‘PW.‘ it)! have increased it. ‘ President Kruger. so stronglyi ’ ‘ ° mbued . “ . . . , u w r France a u 1 dong", With a rehmeus belief in the right.’ i'ellsarzxpsgalnihg ‘2:er nenie 1:0 - eousness ofthe cause is seeking‘for ‘ ’ 5' talk about the dis- ' ’ . . . ,- .» , ration. It may come at. any intervention to, bring about, peace and We?“ . . . - - h .' ‘ _ . atllotlc Concert. A ofl'ermg and . asking for terms to 'be time. P'Obably “It"!!! three months, counzry told us .he submitted as the basis of set. lemeiit, 'ngdhalmofibggnaiaélw before the end A settlement will likely be 0 t 98" ‘ ""9"“ . m~op L 3 bad i'é fév of ‘ the Thggm’ and “thyme Boers. The WK 3 IRON NERVE- ! , 1 ,. mde endence f ' . Was the result of his splendid haunt), Ip- ’=‘ ‘2“ wing: '0 Five publics 53‘ South A?ric:shies 23%? a; “mm“ “""““d *'°"'°"“‘?'“" ””9“ ”"3 and a bin d . .1 noatbuudlwheie Stinging. Livfr, K1318,” ' ° 0 er sum at t an Bowe are uto r er. m? at} as d'sco'mmnence all the patche ° " 0 0 f 3 W i d “P settlement of 1881 is these qualities and the success thev bring, repelued. NOlhiflg shart "PO Dr. King’s New Life P'us, rhey d9- . . , . . :0! ever' u w r tbramandbod . On! . e! ceigpiete eublmeeigii win ”tintyggaaogt anyyngugs‘t’ore. 5” .. “y! Herb‘erc, 94f Walters Falls LEWIS, piano tuner of mguc Last. to resume Mr. Morlock’s millinery =on returned last week ; the milliuel'y open- : has been cramming 7a.“ sorts of lmllinery the taS'es in headgear Durham, Ont, Thursday, March 15, 1900. . Farr. of Atwood, is in London, returned vON XI... no: reach us “day. hence I 'ate. l. of Mgrxdaie. l‘rinity Chuach Durham in "" "WJ a. of by muse In the Territories and in Manitbba tine wearher was sunny and cnid with .. lgtile mud ,and few storms. At Iaet of \he a gary cattle are still grazing. kid. I In Outfirio the weather throughout . e‘iias been vex. b- k your table and COIderth . . y I0_en. ‘ an 5- usual With Incderate ~ . l “A “In! cllnuv LV.A-m.-- "0' mapngd of spriug iast. 'l'nvercon, J'y, are the McDOUgall Dornoch of has the I On the other hand in ‘ storms were more frequent an seyere. Although the teznperaeure was above the average and in the Marine Provinces February like the preceediug months was uuusmlly mummy and With much rain. On the 27th the temperature fell suddenly causing the formation of ice on the [rivers and harbors for the firet time. Quebec d more . can, , v..- ”mu-upon owing- underl- F: : orders to sail on the 15th inst. organ says um; seVel'al Again expressing my sincerest have been received thanks to all for-your kindness. ipresxdents offering to The London Standard, a ministerial telegramS‘ from'the two! negotia'e on ! n I remain Yours very sincerely, the ha is oi the status quo ante belo a . GEO. W LEDINGHAM. lum, and adds that their p=oposais 1 generally show complete inrapacity’ V - to recozmze the great change in the! I Weather Bulletin. ‘~ gsituation. A further statement. 1 . lsays â€" The rvpiy 1f Her Maj-aly’s , z 1900 F" “'9“ ”'de “:3‘423233? ., [Governnwnt WIU indicate cit-m 1y that , March 4 Max. 14 Min. 5 [the only lines on whzch a Settlem. nt .: g :j 9 I; 8 team be effected, the supr. macy of 40 8 ' . . a 3 .. 7 .. 22 u 14 Great Britain over South Africa,. 3 g ‘ 234 L‘ 2: imust be exniicitly rec0gnizud. 'l‘he' 10 .. 20 .. 11 Itwn republics wili bedisarnied, and' Rainfall during the week 1.2 in ,the control of their mil tar-3 «Hairs .,Snowfnii during the week 16 inches .placed i“ the hm'ds 0‘ ““2 Imperial. i Hours Qf sunshine 18. G'Pfleau\_UC\)VEI‘IJIIIB!IC:_ Equal polstICal I'lgliti I idiremion of the wind westerly and “”11 be granted {C “11 “I” W’Ute i'ace.i i southerly and ' in the may part of subject to these COIIdItiODS, A large the week much drifting. , ’ ‘5 amount of local independence will be The te'mperathie thl'ou'rhout the « conceded when South Africa has set-I . , . . , . n gDomxmon was Severe .0 to 8, excvpu tled down aitei the u an. ; 31.1 Western Ouijafrio. PIOCipitation, i, -“ In pro-Bier circles the opinion is : rain and snow was below thevaveraue still eXpressed that, {ailing mediation ' in British Columbia but above the the RPPUM'W will 5"“ to “'8 BUd-r average m all u”. other Provinces. 'J‘he genenal impreSSion, however. is! [In B C, also the “Gather W313 gener that .the President.» are simply anxfi 'ail): abnormaiiy mild -- the maximum ious. to get the best terms passableil temperature being at 0119:?iner and that an appeal for meditation where it rose to,..50° although at the would b” intended to PM“? the way .game place the Jemp ‘rature fell to {or a Complete surrender. upon winch i2J. .oel0\v Zero \‘0itlli.' a few .iayvs. ter‘nss 0‘11) 1 it"s believe 1 the L'OL'HI'Io' 7.. -i m ‘ snow stormg. °- 10 " '35 Rainfall during the week Snowfall during the week 16 Hours of:~ sunshine 18. dire-etjon of the wind westu southerly and ' in the week much driffir..- H--- v- vuuuu all um. We exnect to have Ottawa next :Mondaj morning. “We entrain all itlw horses and bag-gage on Sunday after the church parade. which takes place in the morning At Montreal! we shall remain a few hours parad-i ing thereuhaving received an invL-j ration from the city: procred‘ing the i same night, Mondav. to Halifax' \\ here we aghall embark almost imme- diately, the transport bving under orders to sail on the 15th inst. And the way in which the Band and the Boys of No. 4 Company came down to see me 01!! I felt. I Was doubly repaid for the trip. even if I had not received the'purse. Idid :nOt. realize the amount. till after I was in the train. I am sure Dur- ham tvill vlways be a bright. Spot in my heart and also in my thoughts, and I hone I may have 'he good for. ' tune, when the catfipaign is ended, to see you all again. .whom I shall always cansider among my bvst friends. and rejoice with you at the esrablishment of righteous British rule over the whole of Sun”. Anzm It was all so unexpected that I was unable to make any suitable replv to the kind addresses that were tender- ed to me.‘ Su'athcona Horse, C Squadron. Troop 4 . aGa-‘TAWA MARCH lOt'h 1900. 'DEAR FRIENDs;-Allow me to send you a. few Words to thank you for the kind way in which you treated me when on m? visit to see the dear folks of Durham and Doruogh. I was very much surprised ind: ed at the warm reception. and more so Men the present Wab made to me of the handsome sum of $50 in clear, ,bl'ight'gold. THE Canadian Order of Foresters had their Annual Banquet- last night at ghe Knapp House where an excel- lent supper and an interesting im- prompgu pragram was fully enjoyeé. 0.0 H~~ . Sold a cd} t3:i:;â€"t-};at tipped the. scales at 1480 lbs. Mr. GEORGE W. LEDINGHAM. M Wriyis frngptawa to or .13. Wn. BRADLEY. of Orchard t or Kimberley, the. cap- puje, ‘t-lge relief of Lady- 1 ”the capture of Bluemv all following in rapid have taken much of the War Notes. His Gratitiiiiéw t; E: People of Durham, again. whom I shall ider among my bvst ejoice “ith you at the of righteous British \\ hole of Snutit Afr tea. to lune Ottawa next a February like the hs “as unusuallv much rain. On th~e "nu The same message gives the words! Of a Britieh otfizial who says:~-“ We; fully expect war thh France, and’ we are straining every nerve in- greparatiou. It may come at. any; time. probably within three mogths,, and almost certainly before the eni‘ 'oi the exhibimiuudz' it then guess on to show the threat- ening atttude of France in sending heavy steinforcements l0 Algiers, Madagascgr and 'l'onqnin. and then states, “The ediibition a1 ne holds France in check, but public interest in exhibit 0113 is far less now than 10 1889. and. moreover. there are many; indications that the forthcoming.- ‘show will {all shortwof the last one, in foreign support. So soon as this? manifest restraining influence disap- pears, and if England 18 then still- busv in South3~-Africa, it Will be al~ 'most impossible‘ to control the belli~ cose demands ofthe war party, â€"'v-~rIV.’ u DI'UUlluury place in the-attention o: the British Governm-‘nt. Tue erltu‘e resources of the 'Empite are being utilized in proparaiions to meet a graverdauger nearer home,” 1!: then guest on to show the thumb 'l‘he geneial impreSsnou, however. is that .the President.» are Simply auxf ious. toget the best twrms pOSSible, and than an appeal for meditation would be intended to pave the way {or a Complete surrender. upon WlllCh terms. only , it!» believe I the govern- ment will ounsmnt to negotiate, A Special cable from London to the Mail and Empire says :â€" “ 'lhe military situation in South Africa now occupies a svcomiary n‘onn :n LI..- ,.A_L_ placed 1n the hands of the Imperial .b‘overumeut,_ Equal polztiCuI rights the Baitish, and Britain’s hint world expressing that they have no intention of permitting anything m the shape Of Extrapeau intervention is significeu‘t uf tlu ir determination ' regnydiug the set tlement. -0... :o the? V__ -4 ".0”. Va 1101'- gan. xnspector of Public Schools. Barrie. and sung here January 15th. at the F armera' Insti. tute meeting with grrat furvor by Miss Kin . of Mt. Forest, who kmldy permitted us to pulfiish the words.â€"Ed. It's only a small bit of bunting. vIt'suuly au'qlfi tattered fax. a. \rz-.r._v , __.--..-â€" .u ‘I"'“ AIII 1|” uUXIOl‘, To touch 1t what traitqr ,hzuul dare? Thu-e angers fpr .t-Lw Queen, flag and con ntry. And threes for our Lanada. fair. For we, in this: W9. the Greater. Are true to the core to the flag; May it, flutter victorious forever U’ercity, lake. Transvaal and crag. Our fibrefnthrrs digd fqr in; honor. 'I‘“ on“ __|_ .- -_ ---. unbuuuu thh our own royal Maple is crowned. (mom's:â€" It's only a small bit of hunting. It‘s onlv an old tattered rugâ€" Yet the Rose. the Thistle. the Shamrock Have conquered ,the world with that flag It’s only a small bit of hunting, It's only on old tattered mg. Yet Victoria's unnumbered millions All happily dwell neuth that do : Hall neon, noble Empress. true \ omanl Ens winced in the hearts of a world, I On r Liberty. Premium. Triumphantly wait. on .tha: din"; ' The cross of St- Gem-3a and St. Futrick, With St. Andrew’s is lm'in 1y bound; The Red White and Blue of o d England With our own rox'nl Maul“ in I‘M-um» I Cuoavs. 4», Liv r,“xiéue.ys 'der. f you‘ wait; success thev bring. 3 P‘Hs. 'l‘hey'de- in and body. Ugly I no"! G UCI' ”03,08?” The'Busy Store at nvapachyJ J‘he Busy Corner. :8 in Hm! fig 3?: Boats and Shoes: “écogshgm 3E Our Women’s Butf Rolls. sizes 3 Our Girl’s Buff Ba We always recommend and when: there is a 3' price than ever. Fur t1. that Will withstand ihc u “,9 'a'l'e‘ ’. ' (I W I Boots and Shoes. W imirgngh heaps of . . ()4: section these days and makmg staunch friends among careful buyers. ‘For the next 30 days we propose to increase the good-will eXlStan‘ bv Giving se : '- . . ~“ .. as asonable Ofl’e ‘ u‘ . )3 Laéjes’ Split PaL, 31,00 fin. 55c. [mos - 20 Lamas" Split Husk ies. 75c fnr 55¢. . 10 Ladies’ Bun Bl].~kitl:'. we fur 65 100 L 4183" Garret Slippen 3.. 35¢ thr‘ZOc, 1? Ladies‘ Indian Kid Oxfords. s: a) f .r 850 20 Men’s Bosmn Calf Bah. $1 35 for $1 05 . l5 Buys" Split Bats. s! (I) f”,- 6"". ’5 Visgos’ Snub 12-1.. at. p -- Bung aluig \‘uiu "Butter _,_ pay the hiOhest market 1 dozen Lemons fur 150.. 6 onnds Rice for 25¢. 6 , ths'Ta inca for ‘7' 3; pound: Cleaned Raisins 41' 25c. 3:. pounds Clpagoed 0.."an for 25:: ‘ ‘ WWW“ Figs f"? in: 415 pounds 25c'l'ea for s: 00. . 6 box Sardines- tur 25¢. '2 box best. Red Salmon f”, 25c 4 bottle Pickles for 25c. 4 pounds Icing Sugar f...- 256. 18.3 E. T. Corsets, made in short and long waists. of fine quality sateen, ex- tra heavy boned, neatly finished with lace and ribbon, fawn and grey, in all sizes, fit as well as any $1.00 corset. SneciaJ Price, 490. See our W’indow. M Gentlemen, it. u ill pay 30!: IO C111 and me our Readv- Made denmgl . S. F. MORLOCK Genuine. Glove C standard screw. solid throughout will offer some chmce values for the next 30 davs. Read them caxetullv, theI1eome and see I'm youlselves and ~ ’ be convinced. Glove Grain Bals it might. be Groceries ! 31:09.8. new tip, McKay vum'antevd our Solid, Sensibla 29$ 3 to 7. at. 90c. 11f Bals, .4288 I! fail. at 65c. Out Boys’ uraiu Bah. rizes 11 M2. at. - Our Child’s Grain Bals. worth your while to see J. HUNTER,\ -THE- 1y. We bought nearly thrée tunes the amount we nsua’fiy do, so that we can foer van a better vat‘ietv than égtei‘ 3' change they are a, iittle lower it; Hose who( want good sensible shoes |\ ----‘- 15 Missos’ Split Rals. 65c fnr 50c wet of Our Hand Made Graig: Blutqhor Our Om: Bland Buff. Ba! or Cougresm standard screw good Value at WE will do an exception- ally fine trade in Roots and Shoes this - spring. Every merchant with good sense who had the capital bought largely on account of the expected rise in price. They were not deceived, as prices have advanced sharp- ]... ur- 1 - -.;$ 1.00 Per Year wounwz'l ’ {3.00.1 andâ€"soligi for spring “car, $1 50 and ............ $2.25. -“I U! H WU. :kage Cora Starch -_-~ v-v VIIV‘¢9 spling we recommend; “-0â€"”..- ‘ Du rba m. Ont. Bals. JESS 6 to ’10, 31:50:: {Or “’0 «We

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